Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - Nov 11/12 Episode Recap

Off To See The Wizard

Trey & Lexi are the first team to head out from Istanbul at 12:35pm - they get the clue to fly to Moscow, Russia.  Once they land in Moscow, they have to make their way to the sculpture park to find their next clue.  Trey & Lexi are talking about how the race is bringing them closer together and she brings up wanting a ring on her finger... (awkward) he just says "easy." (Cool your jets.)
-Ryan and Abbie are the next team out at 12:56pm - Ryan is feeling like the twins are latching on the Trey & Lexi to help U-turn Ryan & Abbie (because it is all about him after all.)
-1:03pm -James & Abba are happy to see they get money for this leg of the Race - James will take that thank you.  Abba's knees are still not 100% but they still think they're better than people are giving them credit for.

-Trey & Lexi get to the airport and can't find the ticket counter for the Russian airline, they ask a couple then decide to eat instead. (Popeye's, Red beans & Rice... in case you care :))

-1:44pm - Twins are heading out.  They are used to getting by on their personalities and don't put in the effort to succeed - they have to change it up (at least they're smart enough to know charm only gets you so far.)

-Ryan & Abbie get to the airport and look for a computer right away to look up flights.  They find a flight to Frankfurt with a one hour layover before connecting to Russia - gets them in at 3:40am.  They think this will get them in faster than other flights.

-1:55pm - Chippendales are heading out, always happy these two.

-Long hair gets to the airport and they book a flight to Amsterdam connecting them to Russia arriving at 2am.  This will be a score.

-2:07pm - Josh & Brent are the last team out - they are in last place still, but they are still there.

-The twins arrive at the airport and run into Trey & Lexi - they ask what flight their on and of course they're not yet (Ken & Barbie are pretty) - the Twins take them in hand and head to book a flight through Munich to arrive in Russia at 4am.  They are all happy with that, hopefully they will be away from all the freaks, just the 4 of them.

-Chippendales get to the airport and book the same flights as Long Hair - should get them to Russia at 2am.

-Ryan & Abbie snub Trey & Lexi in the airport and Lexi is offended, she knows they are competitive but that was just rude.  Lexi gets the hint that the game has now changed for them.
-Walking away and Ryan is talking badly about them, "Did they wait for those chicks [the Twins]?  Learn to get from point A to point B on your own."
-But Abbie & Twins are gossiping about Abbie too - they call her crazy eyes - then they show a clip of Abbie doing the crazy eyes (ahahaha - okay, that was kinda funny.)

-Josh & Brent get to the airport and hit a travel agency - they flip a coin and book the same flights as Abbie & Ryan, through Frankfurt with the one hour connection time.  Their other offering is through Athens but that will get them into Russia at 5am.  (Wow, there are lots of options for them to get from Turkey to Russia.)

-The flights all start taking off and the flight to Frankfurt is Delayed... bom bom bom... they get to Frankfurt with 3 minutes to make the connection - wild run through the airport but they missed it.  And Crazy Eyes sees there are no flights out until the next morning.

-Meanwhile, it's 2am in Russia and the Chippendales and Rockers arrive.  It's the meeting of the James' (since 3 of them are named James).  Chippendales are stoked to be with the Rockers, they usually just see hair in the distance.
-They get to the sculpture park and the gates are closed - it doesn't open until 9:30am. 

-Back in Frankfurt, Abbie & Ryan and the Goat Farmers try to find another flight but the earliest they are offered will get them in after 3pm the next day.  Ryan, "This isn't fun anymore." 

-The Twins and Trey & Lexi land in Moscow (must be after 4am) and they head for the sculpture park.  They are complaining that it's cold and dreary and dark... this is Russia.
-At the sculpture park the four teams meet up and are speculating on where Abbie & Ryan and the Goat Farmers are - They are all hopeful that they did miss their flight.

-They show Abbie & Ryan & the Goat Farmers boarding their flight out of Frankfurt - Ryan says in their minds now they just have the one team to beat (obviously) Abbie is defeatist, "We have two teams in front of us that want us out, how do you catch up with those people?" (The Race has ways of getting everyone clumped back together - have faith, at least you're not alone.)

-Back at the sculpture park, the gates are opening and they run inside to the "see the wizard" - not really, they just find the clue box and the clue tells them to make their way to the Mosthfjbsky Most and get the next clue from Ivan the Terrible's guards (more guys in costumes, Fun!)
-The Rockers jump in a cab.  The other three teams get directions from a local who tells them it's about 25 minutes by foot.  They take off in a pack. (Hmm, did the clue say to make their way on foot?)
-Abba & James get to the Most and are the first to get the clue to the DETOUR - Synchronize or Alphabetize.
-In Alphabetize - they have to go to the State Library which houses 24 million books all indexed in card catalogues.  They must choose a librarian, get a list of books, choose 4 books, find the card in the catalogue telling them where the books is (in Cyrillic) and find the books on the shelves.  Once they have collected all 4 books, Olga, the Head Librarian, will hand them their next clue (this one looks hard.)
-In Synchronize - they have to go synchronized swimming with the next generation of Russia's gold winning team. (Oh boy, library it is.)  Teams must learn and perform a choreographed routine to music.  Once the coach is satisfied they are in-sync, she'll hand over the next clue.
-Abba doesn't know about swimming with his legs, they decide to do the library.
-The other three teams get to the guards and (please have the Chippendales get in the water - speedos - thank you...) Yes!  The Chippendales and the Twins are going to do the swimming.  Trey & Lexi opt for the library.

-The Chippendales jump in a dodgy car that the guy says is a taxi... and they are never heard from again... No, but it did look sketchy.
-And no one will stop for the Twins at all.  They know it's because they are brown.  They seem to be good sports about it though, "in Indonesia we had VIP treatment everywhere", now, no cab for you.

-James & Abba get to the library - they choose a librarian and get their list - and quickly realize they could be in there for days - they have no idea what is alphabetical in their alphabet... it's like trying to find the right sequence of gibberish... oof.

-The Chippendales get to the pool and stuff happened... they were in bathing suits... (haha, I kid.)  They did have to put on floral bathing caps and they came out with their bow ties on.  They choose a girl to teach them and they figure outside the pool, this will be easy - once they get in the water it's another story... hold on, what now?  All the girls laugh at their  attempts - but they're sports and they are trying their best to learn the routine.
-The Twins finally get a cab but they say they are an hour behind now and they contemplate using their Express Pass - they only have two legs left to use it but if they use it for the Detour they still have to do the Roadblock and what if that's really hard and they still end up behind. (That's the conundrum of the Express Pass.)

-Back at the pool - the Chippendales look hilarious in the line with the swimmers but god-love-em they are trying their hearts out... out of sync that is... back to the drawing board.

-Back at the library, the Rockers are not having any luck figuring out the alphabetizing - no closer to finding a book than they were when they started it seems.
-Trey & Lexi arrive and the Rockers tell them to run for their lives.  They find half of one word... Lexi says if they can't find anything soon they'll just leave (I don't think the swimming is any easier.)

-Warsaw, Poland - we check in with Abbie & Ryan and Josh & Brent - they figure they are 9 hours behind the other teams at this point - Ryan says there is no point even racing these guys (oh sure, that's what you say, but there will be racing when they hit Moscow, I have no doubt.)

-Trey & Lexi find a book!  Or at least the card for a book.  The Rockers decide to chuck it and go swimming.

-The Twins get to the pool and the girl showing them what to do doesn't speak any English.  They think they are screwed. (God forbid they stop talking for 2 seconds and just watch what she's doing... sheesh.)

-Trey & Lexi find all the books in the card catalogue, now they have to try and find the actual books in the maze of shelves.  The librarian takes them to the right floor and they find the first book (I think these two are smarter than they let on.)

-The twins meanwhile are trying to synchronize swim and it's not going so smoothly.  They decide they are going to use their Express Pass but then Jaymes tells them not to waste it, they know they are the front 4 teams.  "What if Abbie & Ryan are here?"
"They're not here." And he talks them into staying to doing the swimming.

-Trey & Lexi successfully get all 4 of their books checked out and they get the next clue to make their way to the "Trees of Love" to find their next clue.
-Jaymes & James finally pass the synchronized swimming and get their clue to go to the Trees of Love.
-Trey & Lexi arrive at the trees and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - "Who's ready to unlock the future?"
-They have to find the tree with the Race ribbon and then find the key that will unlock all 10 of it's locks (the ring of keys is huge!) Once they unlock the ribbon, they'll find their next clue in the ribbon - it's a ruble bill with a picture of the Pit Stop on it.
-Trey is going to do this one.  Lexi is just pointing out all the weddings going on around them (must be a tradition to put a lock on the tree, they all have names and dates on them) - Trey tells her not to get any ideas.

-The Rockers taxi took them to the wrong place so they still aren't at the pool.

-In the Warsaw airport the final four make a pact to run this leg together  (yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.) They finally board their flight to Moscow.

-The Chippendales get to the Trees of Love and Lexi tells them it's hard.  James dives in.  Trey has finally gotten one and then two locks undone.

-The Twins meanwhile have finally passed the swimming and get the clue to head to the Trees of Love.

-The Rockers have arrived at the pool and it's not as fun seeing those two in bathing suits (the coach is already afraid.)

-Trey has figured out the secret to the tree, each lock has keys on it to the next lock... he's flying through them now.  He gets the ribbon free, pulls it apart and gets the ruble out - now they have to figure out they need to go to the building on the bill.  The Bolshoi Theatre.  They hop in a cab.

-The Twins get to the trees of love and start on the locks.

-The Rockers in the pool - goes about as well as you'd imagine.  Rough day in the ol' pool today.

-The Chippendales get all the locks undone and find out the building on the bill is the Bolshoi - off they go.
-The Twins are tired and cold an bickering at the Trees of Love "You are the worst partner ever." (What? No twinsy love when there's no audience?)

Finally landing in Moscow - Ryan & Abbie and the Goat Farmers hop in cabs to head to the sculpture place.  They get the clue to find Ivan the Terrible's guards.

-The Rockers must have done the swimming 20 times - Abba's knees were giving out - they just had to get it done.  And they got the pity pass.  James, "Girls, we are going to the Tree of Love, who's going to join us?" (Oh yeah, spoken like a rock-star.)

-Last two teams get the clue to the DETOUR and they want to do the library but it closes at 4pm - so they are stuck doing the swimming.

-They Twins finally finish the Roadblock and the sniping is over - they say they fight like a married couple and make up like little kids, it's the perfect relationship. Uh, yeah.

At the pool Ryan & Abbie and the Goat Farmers are suited up for the swimming - Abbie is a dancer so she had no fears of learning the choreography and Ryan perked up in the cold water.  The Goat Farmers on the other hand... were fearing any kind of choreographed challenge and Josh isn't a swimmer so this is their nightmare task.

James & Abba get to the Tree of Love and they ask the cab driver to wait.  They get up to the bridge, realize the challenge is going to take a while and go to release the cab driver and get their stuff - but he's gone... they just lost all their stuff (Oh COME ON!)
-They go back and start on the challenge - hoping maybe he was made to circle around... They get through the locks and get the bill so they decide to go check in and see what can be done - Abba doesn't have his passport though, so that could be a problem.

-Back at the pool - Ryan & Abbie do pretty well - lack of food, lack of sleep, it all faded when the adrenaline kicked in - they get a pass and get the clue to the Tree of Love but they committed to staying to wait for the boys (really?  Now you're being noble?  I don't get it, these two are still in it - they could be the first team to win $2 million.)
-Problem is, Brent can't swim so they're screwed.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Trey & Lexi - they won a trip to Maui (ohhhh, so jealous.) Phil asks how in love they are - she says 1000%.  Trey has his eye on they prize, he realizes how strong a team they are and wants the Million.
2) The Chippendales - Yeah!
3) The Twins - they are not happy, even with 3rd place they feel like they did really crappy - but they still have the Express Pass and hope they can use it to push them into first next leg.
4) James & Abba - however - They can't stay in the Race without a passport.  Phil tells them they need to produce Abba's passport in order for him to check them in.  So they're screwed.


Next week: The Rockers are searching for Abba's passport.  One of the Chippendales has an ankle injury while dressed as a cossack (love the costumes) and Ryan has to take a test of some kind (I don't see any Beekman boys.)

So, we're all still in it for now.

Have a great week everyone,


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