Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Nov 28/12 Episode Recap

I was freaking out a little - doing Christmas shopping - relying on the PVR and it tells me the recording was interrupted... crap, how much did I miss?  Turns out, only the title of the episode.  I can live with that.

They reminded us of how Abi got pummelled at Tribal Council and Pete went home.

Next morning: Dangrayne - Day 28

They're all sitting around and Mike asked Abi how she feels and she totally condescends to him - "You guys were totally brutal to me. It was not cute. Do you understand that?" (Seriously? Do you not understand they are not your subjects to order around? Obviously not.) Denise is just laughing, she can't fathom Abi's negative, clueless, bitterness.

-Denise talking to the camera says Mike, Lisa, herself and Malcolm have their solid four and, withstanding some miracle where Abi wins immunity - it will be Abi going home next. 2nd play would be to take out Jonathan.

Tree Mail - Malcolm and Abi go to check the mailbox and they see letters inside for each of them which, for some reason, sets Abi off and she's crying. Malcolm, being the nice guy that he is, tells her he felt like giving her a hug last night. He tells her he's sorry for the things that were said about her (Resist the tears Malcolm, resist!)
-He knows she's completely un-self-aware and his heart goes out to her a little bit.

OH, the named envelopes are full of money - It's the Food Auction!

-Abi said she's got to get her head on straight and focus on getting ahead today - she's a fighter, she's a Survivor. (Did someone write that for her?)


They each have $500, the bidding will be in $20 increments - they cannot share food or money. The auction will end without warning.
-Pancakes, bacon, orange juice - Denise spent all her money on breaky.
-Cheese, crackers, wine - Mike Skupin pays $500 for it and he's not a drinker... huh?
-Iced coffee & Donuts - $200 to Malcolm.
-Mystery item - Penner $100 - he gets it - fried chicken, fries... yum.

Abi says she knows she's going home soon so she'll be eating - she's just going to keep her money.

-2nd Mystery item - $200 to Carter - Fully loaded baked potato or he can trade it for the tribe and get sacsk of rice & beans. He takes the trade and gains lots of good will with the tribe.
-3rd mystery item - $320 to Lisa - gigantic hero/sub sandwich
-Next item - Advantage in the game - $500 to Abi - She says there is no compassion for her there, she has to have compassion for herself. (They all just shrug, yup, that's exactly right.)
-Next item - Carter $200 - Veal shanks for the entire tribe (this poor guy, does he get nothing for himself?) they have 60 seconds to tear into those shanks and you get to see how hungry they all must be (not sexy.)

Dangrayne - Day 28

They are all happy coming back to camp except Abi (as usual). She's sitting back all snotty and Jonathan engages her (sort of) she tells him she would like to hear him apologize to her (I said pardon?) He seems genuinely confused - He just tells her when she is that blunt and honest, it is off-putting. She could have been friendlier. He asks her if she has anything to say to them and she says, "No, I just wanted to hear what you had to say." (I honestly do not understand her - she thinks they should be begging her forgiveness...huh?)

-Lisa tells the camera sometimes it's really hard not to laugh at some of the things she says. Don't throw your pearls before swine - not that Abi is a pig but if they don't value your words, just stop talking to her.

-Jonathan tells the camera, the more bitter, the more toxic, the more obnoxious Abi is, the better for him. (Method to his madness, he is a smart player - get her talking, further digging her own grave - smart.)

-Abi thinks they are trying to curry favour with her because of the advantage she bought today. She goes off by herself to read it: "Move directly to the final round in this challenge. You have a one in three chance to win immunity." She is going to try and get them all sucking up to her because of the mystery advantage.

Dangrayne - Day 29

-Abi has decided it's time for her to lie - she's going to create a fictional 4th hidden immunity idol. She's been planting seeds, pretending to hide something and then working Malcolm (because he's the other young guy, that's her MO.) She tells him she doesn't think she's going to be going home next. Oh really?

-Malcolm tells the camera that Abi is like a girlfriend that won't take the hint and leave after you've broken up with them.

-She tells him she has a hidden immunity idol and they are going to have to make some decisions at tribal. (The best part of her little seduction-esque move with Malcolm is when he says, You have it already? And she goes, "What do you think I've been doing all day?" - She's been sneaking around, putting on a big show - and NO ONE was paying any attention to her. HAHAHA - awesome.)


They will be attached at their waists to a rope that is threaded through a hitching rail - first 5 people through the rails and across the line moves on to 2nd round - where, still attached to the rope, they have to make their way through a forest of crossed bamboo poles - first 2 move on to the final round - they must navigate a multi-level obstacle course - first person through, wins Immunity and a 1 in 6 chance at the million. As a twist, at the beginning of each round, Jeff will ask a question - if they get it wrong, 5% of their body weight will be added for them to carry through the course. One more twist is Abi's note - She knows Jeff has to remain impartial but she takes the chance he won't call her liar liar pants on fire when she says there are two parts to the note and she's only going to share the first part (still pretending the note gave her a clue to a hidden idol) and she reads about her going directly to the final round. Then she rips it up in little pieces saying she doesn't want anyone to know what the second part was (Jeff goes along with it.)

First question - the Philippines is made up of how many islands? Over 5000. Wow. All the guys got it right, Denise and Lisa did not and they have weight added.
-Off they go - Denise is on fire and Jonathan is all wet. But the extra weight slows Lisa down so she is the only one not moving on.

They didn't show the 2nd question but Denise got it wrong again so she has 10% of her body weight now, Carter and Skupin are also carrying 5% of extra weight - Jonathan & Malcolm are the only one's clean.
-Off they go - Jonathan is the first through - and Carter is 2nd going on to the final with Abi.

Final round - Carter got the question wrong again so he's got 10% of his body weight to haul, Jonathan is clean and Abi is stupid (oh, did I type that out loud? Ha ha.) The eliminated players are sure Abi can't climb but I'm sure they are a little anxious that she could win.
-Off they go - and they have to untie a bunch of knots to get through this course... Oh crap - Abi is fresh and small - she's leading - everyone is cheering for Carter - he's their only hope... but it's ABI that wins immunity.
Denise, "I want to throw up."

Abi cannot be voted out tonight - she's going to be unbearable.

Dangrayne - Day 30

Back at camp Malcolm lays it out, "Hell hath frozen over and Abi won immunity." Malcolm says he had to pretend to be upset but her winning immunity gives him an excuse to take out a real threat in this game - Penner.

-Malcolm is talking to Skupin, Denise and Lisa and confirming that they are all in for Penner. Lisa starts in on her litany that this game is just too big for her, blah, blah. She says she has a real heart connection with Jonathan and Carter and she's going to have to hurt someone she cares about.
-Skupin tells her, it's okay because they made a pact and they just have to stick to it.

-Lisa goes and talks to Jonathan - she tells him, "do you remember when I came to you and you wouldn't commit?"  She made another deal and they're telling her to vote him out tonight.
-Jonathan: "Are you kidding me? Because I didn't make empty promises?" He's a little blindsided bu,t I guess, appreciates the heads up - she tells him to go do that thing he does... time for some silver-tongued magic... (avoid Malcolm.)

-Jonathan says Lisa got played but he realizes he got caught playing both ends against the middle and because he did not choose a side, it cost him. Well played Malcolm & Denise.

-So what does he do? - he goes and talks to Carter and Abi and says, "well, we're going to vote for Denise." Abi is all in, of course.  Then he goes and tries to work on Skupin - he lays it out - they are voting for Denise and he'd like Skupin to go with them. He says Skupin is the proverbial swing vote, he knows Lisa will stick with her word, so he's hanging by a thread and Skupin's his only hope.

-Skupin is trying to weigh which side is his best shot to win the game - he says he strongly believes he could beat Penner in the final 3. (Really? I think he could talk rings around you, and being well-spoken can make all the difference when pleading your case to the jury... of course he faces the same thing with Malcolm so whatchagonnado?)


Where did Abi get the dress? She's all gussied up for Tribal.

Abi, was that your plan going into the auction? Wait for an advantage?
-Absolutely, best $500 she's ever spent.
Denise, last tribal was particularly brutal for Abi, what is it about this environment that makes you change how you behave?
-I think what was viewed as 'brutal' was just a group of people who's tolerance had reached its maximum.
-Abi chuffs, "Yeah."
Penner, what was the vibe back at camp after the challenge?
-It got crazy in a way we hadn't anticipated. My sense was Abi was the next to go but it seems like lines were drawn. Malcolm and Denise gave their words to Lisa and Skupin like that is the end all and be all, when (and now he's talking to Lisa & Mike) you've said I am the one you trust the most out here and I have shown nothing but trust and loyalty to you...
-Malcolm pipes up - But you didn't trust her enough to make the alliance. (Exactly.)
-Jonathan says, right, he didn't trust her enough because she voted for him twice. But given a day or two to think about it, we have had a lot of fun out here playing this game together so I am appealing to you to be my genuine allies. Give yourselves a real shot at the million dollars, which I honestly don't think you have if you align with these two. (That had Malcolm shaking his head... probably because it's true.) Jonathan continued to plead, "I'm looking you in the eyes, please don't vote me out."
Malcolm, that had you shaking your head, because he's making the argument that goes against you and Denise.
-Absolutely, I don't want to get into an argument with Penner and I don't want to brow-beat Lisa, but we did have a bond, it's not like he's the only one in your heart. I hope we're are in your heart too, and I trust you here in our eleventh hour.
(Now Abi's rolling her eyes - just keep your mouth shut lady, they could turn on you again.)
Lisa, this must be very difficult on you.
-Whatever I do is going to hurt people I care about.
-Jonathan - If you vote me out tonight, you will be giving a million dollars to one of these two people. (Malcolm whispers to him, "Thanks, buddy." (Somehow I don't think he was really thanking him - more like Shut it!)
So Penner's argument is it not only helps me, it helps you.
-Yes, I honestly believe you cannot win with them. (I agree, I'd give it to Malcolm or Denise over Lisa or Mike any day.)
-Lisa - That is absolutely part of my consideration.
-Penner - Fair enough, thank you.
Lisa, can you compare this situation to anything else that has happened in your life? (Is he still digging for Fact of Life stories?)
-She pauses...(oh)... Yes, but it's too personal to talk about (d'oh.)
And how difficult was that situation?
-(Way to go Probst - he made Lisa cry. That new talk show is turning him into the next Barbara Walters, I swear.) She chokes out, "Huge."
How difficult is this for you Skupin?
-Jeff I cannot look at any of these people and say I don't want to be great friends with them after but I want to play to win too. I believe there is some validity to what Penner's said. (That got a huge grin from Penner - I can't help but like this guy.)
-Malcolm and Denise are really not liking him at all right now.

Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Denise - I hope you go home tonight, look who's judging now.
Penner votes Denise - and announces it over his shoulder - to comedic effect.
Skupin stands there contemplating for a while...

Tallying the votes:
No hidden immunity idol is played... Jonathan announced who they were voting for so Malcolm holds on to it again.

Denise 1, 2
Penner 1, 2
Denise 3
Penner 3
Last vote: PENNER - ohhhh! That disappoints me. Abi tries for a hug as he's leaving - nope (she's so transparent). He says, "Guys, keep your sunny side up - and Suck Eggs!" Ha ha - as he whistles out of sight. The showman to the end.

And with Jonathan's torch being snuffed - Annemette J, Andria S and Shelly P are eliminated from the pool.

Next week: Will be a crying episode as the loved ones come from home - Lisa loses her sh*t when her son(?) shows up and Malcolm's little brother could cost him if he doesn't stop running his mouth (Ah?)

Penner's last thoughts: His strategy once again has failed - he's disappointed in himself that he didn't get farther. He's spent the last 6 years of his life with Survivor, one of the lucky few that has played 3 times. It's been fun and extremely painful.

Have a great weekend everyone - Saturday is December already (arghh!)



Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Amazing Race 21 - Nov 25/12 Episode Recap

Fishy Kisses

Last week the Chippendales came in first for the first time and James & Abba were eliminated because Abba lost his passport and could not retrieve it before the end of the leg.

This leg - James & Jaymes were the first team to head out from Moscow at 7:32 pm - the clue tells them to make their way to the capital of this country and they have a miniature flag.  The boys hit a hotel and look up the flag on an iPad - it is Holland/the Netherlands.
-Blond Jaymes is hoping to win the Race to help his Dad pay bills and fight cancer without having to work 60hr weeks.

-Trey & Lexi are the next team to head out at 7:49pm - the bell boy at the hotel tells them it's the flag of France - Whoo! They are going to Paris! (Uh oh.)  But as soon as they get to the airport they run into the Chippendales and they set them straight - Lucky for them they are friends.

-The Twins are heading out at 9:15pm, they think the flag is France as well but they go to the hotel and check the Internet and someone there also tells them it's the Netherlands. "We are bloody fools."

-At the airport the 2 teams are asking about flights and they're told there are no flights out tonight, the earliest flight to Amsterdam leaves the next day at 10:45am, arriving at 12:35pm but there are only 3 seats available.  The next flight out is on another airlines and it gets them in at 1pm - Chippendales are taking the first flight and Trey & Lexi are going to take the 2nd.

-The Twins get to the airport and whatever desk they went to tells them they can get a flight to Rome and a connector to Amsterdam to get them in at 11:30am the next day - but she won't let them do that because they would only have 1hr to make the 2nd flight.  The twins are not taking 'no' for an answer - They tell her if they miss the flight it's their problem... and she finally relents and sells them the tickets.

Ryan & Abbie are the next team out at 5:28am (wow, that's 8 hrs behind the last team.) France? Abbie says, "Ce nes pas France." (oi, pretentious much?) the Netherlands it is. 
-They are just hoping there isn't a U-Turn on the other side of this because they know the Twins and Trey & Lexi will U-Turn them.  Though they think it should be okay because they still have 4 hours on the Beekman Boys.

-The 3 teams at the airport, Chippendales, Twins and Texas are talking strategy about the a double U-turn.  The Twins, of course, tell them all what to do - first team U-Turns Abbie & Ryan and the 2nd team U-turns the first team that already passed so they effectively burn the 2nd U-Turn and protect everyone else.  And she tells the Chippendales not to be so nice, "Brown James, you're in charge." (Haha, that's how I differentiate them too - hair colour).  Blond Jaymes just doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelings (Phew! Get over it.)  Jaymes is completely uncomfortable with U-Turning Abbie & Ryan, why lose a friend if you don't have to? (These guys really are so nice.)

-Speaking of..., Abbie & Ryan get to the airport and hit the Internet - they find a flight to Frankfurt (which she's not excited about because that's the same city they had problems connecting before) but they decide to book 2 different connecting flights out of Frankfurt so hopefully they'll be golden.  If all goes well they should get to Amsterdam by 12:45pm.

-Finally the Beekman Boys are heading out at 8:11am - and big brain Brent knows it's Holland.  They are more than willing to be taken to the final three by a stronger team that thinks they can beat them (This isn't Survivor, you have to make it there before other teams...)

And the other teams start taking off - the Twins via Rome ETA 11:30am.  The Chippendales direct flight, due to arrive at 12:15pm.  Trey & Lexi via Larnica arriving at 1:05pm.  Abbie & Ryan have booked two flights through Frankfurt due at 12:45pm and 2:05pm.
-The Beekman Boys just book tickets through Oslo set to arrive inAmsterdam at 4:05pm - they know they are probably quite far behind the other teams but at least they are on their way.

-The Twins are the first team to arrive in Amsterdam and they haven't seen any other teams - "This is awesome-balls."  They get to the train station and get the clue for a Fast Forward - they must make their way to the Van Gogh cafe - they jump into a pedal-cab and are off.

-2nd flight arrives with the Chippendales - they head to Central station.

-The Twins get to the Cafe which was right there - and board the bus "Floating Dutchman" - (Hey, I went on one of those in Boston, they called it a Duck Boat.)

-Abbie & Ryan arrive in Frankfurt and are running for their connection - they have missed check in for the first flight though, and they won't let them on.  Fine, "Thanks for nothing." (Ryan's being the ugly American this leg) and they go to buy tickets for the 2nd flight.  They hate Frankfurt, Frankfurters, Frankenstein... they board the second flight and there are mechanical problems - they are stuck on the tarmac.  (Yeah, they probably should have avoided Frankfurt, it's like their Kryptonite city.)  Then they hear the plane cannot be repaired and they will have to switch planes.  They both have poopy diapers, "I'm over it.  We're done."

-The Twins have the easiest Fast Forward ever so far, riding a bus ... then it goes into the water, they can't believe it - Oh My GOD!  It's fun.  Then we find out what they really have to do - they have 7 minutes to eat 5 herring each - before the bus gets back to shore (Gross, herring in a bed of onions - gah!) If they don't succeed in eating the fish in the allotted time, the bus will return to the cafe and they will have to wait 10minutes before they can do it again.  They are giving it a good go but there is lots of gagging and it's a lot of fish.

-The Chippendales get to central station and get the clue to either go to a donut boat or... they decide to try for the Fast Forward too (NO!)

-The Twins, talking the whole time, still succeed in eating the fish in the time allotted and they get the clue for the Pit Stop.  The waiter tries to shake their hands - nope, dirty - gets fishy kisses instead (gross.)  They have to make their way to the house of Rembrandt's Mistress, the Pit Stop.  They feel good, but feel gross at the same time - and fishy.

The Chippendales get to the Van Gogh Cafe and the bus just as the Twins are getting back and they let them know they "Killed that bitch" - well, at least they didn't waste more time trying for a FF that was already won.  They take the Route Info and head out.

-Abbie & Ryan are deplaning and replaning in Frankfurt, still with poopy pants.

-Trey & Lexi land in Amsterdam at 1:33pm, they have no idea what order they are in but they don't think they're last.

-The Chippendales get a marked boat and go down the canal, Amsterdam is a pretty city.  They have to go to Poffertjesboot - it's another boat on the canal - where they get a plate of pofferjes? Looks like donut holes and they get the clue to the DETOUR: Back in Time or Organ to Grind.
In Back in Time - they must recreate Rembrandt's masterpiece Night Watch with a group of live extras, exactly how Rembrandt painted it.  They'll have to dress in costume (Costumes!), then arrange the extras with their props exactly how they appear in the painting. Once Rembrandt is satisfied, he'll hand over the next clue.
-In Organ to Grind - they have to find one of three large street organs located at three different bridges, then while one person grinds the organ, the other one must collect tips - once they have earned 30 Euro, the organ grinder will hand them their next clue.
*Caution U-Turn ahead* - Blond Jaymes says if they get to the U-Turn they are going to run on by... (uh oh.)
-The Chippendales decide they are going to do the Organ Grinding - Blond Jaymes is working the crowd (well, crowd is a bit of a stretch, there aren't that many people around - 30 Euros could take a while.)

-Trey & Lexi get their pofferjes and the clue to the Detour, they're going to organ grind as well and when they see there is going to be a U-Turn, Lexi says she'll be so mad if the Chippendales don't U-Turn Abbie & Ryan.
-The Chippendales find the donations slowing down and they have to step it up - off come the shirts and on go the cuff & collar (that's what I'm talking about) and then all the guys start coming over giving them money (huh, so it's that kind of town.)  Then a lady with her grandkids come up and Bam! 10 euro - they are done.
-They get the clue to head to the Museum Geelvinck and search the gardens for the next clue.  Off they go leaving the big tipper waiting for her lap dance (haha.)

-4th plane arrives in Amsterdam with Ryan & Abbie and the Beekman Boys arrive right behind them. They run into each other in the airport and it's like old home week - Josh says it's odd how we're not competitive with each other (Well, they don't see you as a threat.)  Ryan even says about the Beekmen Boys, "They seem resigned that they have gone as far as they can go" (so he thinks of them as their cushion to remain in the Race.)

-The Chippendales get to the museum and they find the U-Turn... they have talked about it long and hard and it seemed like a good plan when they thought Sri Lanka or Texas were going to get there first - Jaymes doesn't want to lose friends - he feels awful - but in the end he sticks to the plan and U-Turns Abbie & Ryan.  He needs the money for his Dad who has the cancer - Sorry.  "They're going to Hate Us."
-They get the next clue to take a bus to Ransdorp and look for the next cluebox in a marked field.

-Ryan & Abbie and the Beekman's get to the central station and get the clue to find the pofferjesboot.

-Trey & Lexi get to the organ grinder and she's the perky cheerleader who's good at bugging people for money (remember selling sherbet?)

-The Chippendales find the marked field and it's a Switchback/Roadblock - they are going to do the Ditch Vaulting, a classic horrible task from seasons past.
-Once they have successfully vaulted the ditch, they have to pick up their next clue printed on a pair of wooden shoes.  And then, vault back again. 
Brown James is going to vault the ditch... Oh boy, here we go.  He does it with no problem, though he does land on his butt :).

-Lexi is so loud and annoying she gets 30 Euros out of people (and I'm starting to understand why she gets along so well with the Twins.)  They get the clue to the U-Turn and head for the museum.

-Abbie & Ryan are so thankful for the Beekman Boys, they have lightened their spirits knowing they are with another team (that they believe they will beat.)  They get their food and the Detour clue - which tells them there is a U-Turn so they figure they will have to do both tasks and they think they will be able to U-Turn the Beekmans because the other three teams won't U-Turn each other...
-Abbie & Ryan and the Beekman's are going to do the Painting recreation (Costumes!)

-At the Museum Trey & Lexi see that James & Jaymes stuck to the plan and they are excited - they U-Turn the Chippendales - burning the last spot. (And I don't feel bad for Ryan & Abbie, I just don't like them - they would have totally thrown the Beekman's under the bus... now it's them, so sad.)  Trey & Lexi are so happy just thinking about the looks an Ryan & Abbie's faces when they see they're U-Turned.

-Abbie & Ryan and Josh & Brent get to the Painting re-enactment task.  They pick up their costumes and suit up (nice moustache Abbie. Ha ha)  They have to run back and forth from referencing the painting to where they are set up - This task looks kinda fun actually.

-Trey & Lexi are ditch vaulting - well Trey is - and he makes it with no problem.  They head for the Pit Stop.

-At the picture re-enactment - Ryan & Abbie are the first team done - but Josh & Brent are done right behind them.  They all head for the museum.
-At the U-Turn, Abbie & Ryan see that they have been U-Turned but Abbie doesn't get it... Trey & Lexi U-Turned Jaymes & James... "We're done!" (I hope so, I'm tired of them.)
-Abbie & Ryan expected it from the Twins or Trey & Lexi but not the Chippendales (whatever).  They dejectedly head out to do the organ grinding (and now it's raining so there are no people on the streets to give them tips, ouch.)

-Josh meanwhile wants to discuss what they need to do to be true to themselves.  Brent says what do you want to do, go watch them [Abbie & Ryan] do the other task?  Or help them do it.  Brent is the realist, "someone's going to have to step on the mat first, do you think they will let us?"  No, they are here to play the game. (Exactly, aren't you there to win too?)
-The Beekman boys jump in a cab and Josh is still torn - Brent says they are going to prove people wrong and win. (Um, aren't they supposed to take a bus?)

-Abbie meanwhile is dancing and trying to find people to give her tips, she ends up dancing quite a bit with one woman who says she's going to give her the money to complete their task.  They both hug that woman so much - Abbie, you have to let her go now... There are tears.

-The Beekman boys get to the field and it's Josh's turn to do the Roadblock - as he's running through the field to the ditch he falls and twists his ankle (oh no, this does not bode well for his ditch vaulting abilities.)  Josh is sure he's going to get wet... but he makes it, both times (by the skin of his teeth and strongly rooted grass the second time.)

-Ryan & Abbie are back at the U-Turn getting the clue to head to the field (oh, they are allowed to take a taxi now, I guess the buses stopped running already.)  They are resigned to their fate and blaming the Chippendales for stabbing them in the back (Whatever.)

-Ryan & Abbie are now at the ditch vaulting and he's attempting to jump the ditch but he's having trouble - he keeps landing in the water and having to try again - I think it's just been such a long day and they are depressed and tired. She whines down the litany of what they have had to endure - not being allowed to check in for a flight they were there in time for, having the 2nd plane breakdown, then the topper, their friends U-turning them (yeah, it sucks, but these things happen on the Amazing Race.)

Here's How They Finished
1) Natalie & Nadiya - they won $5000 each.  That will be earmarked for clothes they want.
2) James & Jaymes - Phil says they finally played the game today - Jaymes says he just hopes they didn't lose a friend (and the church bell rings - ooh, sign from God?) Jaymes gets choked up saying the money is more important and he has to keep his word to his parents [that he's coming home with the million $]
3) Trey & Lexi - Whoo!
4) Josh & Brent - Phil says they don't look exactly happy to be team #4 - they really hated leaving Abbie & Ryan behind - Phil, "Would you rather I eliminate you and let them continue?" NO! (Exactly)  Brent says they believe whoever was meant to win the Race will win, and we're still in it and still running to the end.  They promise.
5) Abbie & Ryan - **ELIMINATED** - whiny baby has nothing to say - Chippendales cost them $2million dollars - they didn't accomplish what they wanted to accomplish - it just feels wrong. (You know, most people say I had a great time with my partner, this was an amazing experience but not Ryan, oh no, how can he brag that he's the best when they lost? I just say b-bye, don't let the wooden shoes hit you in the butt on your way out.)

And with Abbie & Ryan leaving, also eliminated from the pool are: Sue & Hannelore, Andria S, Karen S, Roxanne S and Ozzy R.

Next week: Josh's ankle causes him problems trying to play tennis in Spain and Trey & Lexi are in a bull costume doing some bull fighting when she injures her finger.  More costumes and more tears.

Have a great week everyone,

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Nov 21/12 Recap

Whiners Are Wieners

Last tribal council Abi showed how stupid she really is but Lisa still voted with Tandang, Mike made the switch and they voted out Artis, leaving Abi and Pete that much weaker.

Dangrayne - Night 25
Abi feels bad for Artis, Pete says that's what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel (No, that's what happens when you treat your wheels like crap and expect them to stay in line.)  Abi tells the camera she doesn't know what happened, she thought they had agreed to stay Tandang strong (yeah, no one else has a brain, they should take your abuse and let you get further too. Dummy.)
-Michael is feeling good about the big move he made by flipping on Tandang.  He knows, though, that one big move doesn't win you the game, he's got to take control and try to keep himself on top.
-Denise is telling Jonathan & Skupin that she is planning on the three of them to the end (oh, so that's her strategy, she'll play the 'returning player' card to discount them and get herself the money.)
-Michael says they should get it to the six of them (taking out Pete & Abi) and then they just duke it out. (We'll see how that goes.)

Dangrayne - Day 26
Abi is talking to Lisa trying to find out where they stand.  Lisa tells her she has stayed loyal to their alliance - She tells the camera she's never been good at breakups and often stays in relationships way longer than she should just to avoid hurting someone - But to Abi she says she feels like she somehow lost their trust and now she doesn't know how she can stay in an alliance when they don't trust her.
-Abi says she was thrown when Lisa said the other tribe was more gracious to her than she was - Well they were - but they were just trying to butter you up. Why would you want to be at the bottom of an alliance if you could be at the top of an alliance (when was she ever at the top of your alliance? Come on!)
-Lisa tells her at this point she'd rather be sixth and feel good about the people she's with than higher [with you horrible people.]
-Abi, "Alright, I'm not going to try any harder if that's how you feel.
You're clearly already aligned with them so good luck."
-Lisa is feeling really good about taking control of her game and she feels like she's taking control of her life as well. (Good for you, Blair Warner.)

They will be divided into two teams again.  Each team will be in control of three drums (one in each circle).  On Jeff's go they will try to flip their drum face up while the other team tries to flip it back.  First team to have all 3 of their drums face up at the same time will get a point - first team to 3 points wins Reward of: Spa Day at a separate island, bath, massage, mani-pedi - and FOOD, shrimp, beef, calamari  and cocktails.
Red: Carter, Abi, Malcolm and Pete (strong youngin's)
Yellow: Skupin, Penner, Lisa and Denise (versus the old guard.)
Carter vs Penner - Oh... so it's a pair at a time, running from circle to circle - Carter is that much faster and he gets all his up first. Red leads 1-0
Malcolm vs Skupin: Malcolm forgets to flip the yellow over at one station and that gives Skupin and Yellow a point to tie it up.
Abi vs Lisa - Abi seems to not understand the game and she helps Lisa by flipping one of hers over for her - Yellow now up 2-1 (yeah, she's SMRT)
Pete vs Denise - Pete is just that much faster though and he ties it back up 2-2
Skupin vs Malcolm - rematch and Skupin messed up flipping over the Red one and giving Malcolm the point and the Red team wins Reward.

REWARD: They all agree to just enjoy it and not talk any strategy which turned out to be easy as they were pampered and gorged themselves.  Malcolm's thought is that he doesn't want to be in the final with any of the people there.  Pete agrees because he just needs to recharge - he's smart and he's fit so he just needs to regroup and he'll stay in it. (Sure.)

-When they get back to camp, Abi just goes on and on about how amazing the Reward was, how great she felt, how much she ate... on and on.
-Michael tells the camera usually people are pretty gratuitous when they come back from reward but not Abi, oh no, she flaunted it and she wouldn't stop.
-They tried to ask Carter what he liked but she cut him off and kept going on about being a peasant there at camp and then, poof Cinderella.
-Pete and Malcolm both look fed up with her, Malcolm can't believe she has the social skills of a Mack Truck.
-Denise, Lisa, Michael and Jonathan talking say she has no social skills and she overhears something and confronts them, "What was that?  I heard my name?"  No. "Oh, I must be deaf."  She goes on about how she's done cooking, she's been doing it for 26 days and she's leaving soon so she's done.
-Jonathan says they'll keep feeding her until she goes, "Okay, great, thanks" she says sarcastically while laying back with her head on a pillow someone else won for her... (I'm sure they would all like to smother her with it right now.)
-Jonathan says she has an idol so she's not going anywhere for at least 5 days does she not want to eat?  Oh, she wants to eat she just doesn't want to cook.  Denise says to the camera, "Unbelievable.  She may not be able to say anything to her, she'll let her keep pissing everyone off - but when she writes her name down to vote her out, "Whiners are wieners, it's time to go home."

Dangrayne - Day 27
-The next day when they're cooking beans for breakfast Abi wants to know what they're doing but she makes sure they know AGAIN that she's out of the kitchen - (then get out and shut up!)

-Malcolm is talking to Skupin and it's Malcolm's hope to come up with a plan for final 4 today - he doesn't want to wait until they get rid of Abi & Pete.  He wants to have it in place so they can coast from here.
-Malcolm's thought is he and Denise and Skupin and Lisa - Mike's not sure, he'll have to see where Lisa stands.  So he goes and talks to Lisa and they know they need to decide if they will go with Malcolm and Denise or Penner and Carter.  Lisa says she trusts Penner more and that seems to be good enough for Michael, "Okay, we have to talk to Penner."
- They go talk to Penner and Lisa tells him she wants to go to the end with those two (Penner & Skupin) - Penner says he appreciates that, but he feels it's too early for him to commit to anything beyond taking out Pete and Abi. (Oh, don't blow it... I would be really happy to see the older people out-last this season.)
-Jonathan doesn't want to get people all squirrely putting the pressure on at this point and if he gets blindsided for it, more power to them.
-Lisa is disappointed, she thinks he missed an opportunity.

-Pete's looking around, "where is everyone?"  There is Penner and Carter... what he can't see is Malcolm swearing on his family to Skupin, Lisa and Denise that they will be he final 4 (never swear on your family, haven't you watched this show?)  They all shake on it and Michael tells the camera he's not completely comfortable with this deal, he felt he had no choice.  He feels that Malcolm is a gamer and he's playing the game the hardest.  Michael is really going to try to win this immunity challenge.

-They have to maneuver a buoy through a tangled rope - first 5 to finish will move on to the next round - where they will race over a balance beam also maneuvering a buoy along the beam - first 3 to finish move on - where they have to maneuver the buoy through obstacles in the water - first person to the end wins Immunity.

-Pete knows for him, it all comes down to this challenge.

Off they go and the first 5 to move on are: Malcolm, Penner, Denise, Skupin and Carter!  (That's awesome - Pete is screwed.)
2nd round: The three to move on are Skupin, Carter and Denise
Final Round: They have to jump in and out of a boat... this is tough... it comes down to the guys and CARTER wins Immunity.

Dangrayne - Day 27
Back at camp Abi knows it's an alliance of three, herself, Pete and the hidden immunity idol.

-The other 6 are talking and Penner lays it out simple, they split their votes 3 for Abi, 3 for Pete - if she doesn't play the idol they vote for her on the re vote - if she does play it Pete goes home - there is no reason to keep either of them around any longer.

-Abi and Pete are trying to figure out what moves they can make - they know Malcolm has power and they should try to take him out.  They are going to pitch the Malcolm idea to Skupin, because Pete feels he's ditzy, and Lisa. 
-Next we see Abi talking to Lisa and telling her the plan, Lisa agrees it sounds like a good plan and if she was still in an alliance with them she'd do it but she's now given her word that she'd vote with the others.
Abi, (whining) "But you started the game with us." (Too late baby cakes.)
Pete then goes to Carter and pitches the Malcolm idea but Carter isn't biting, he's in a pretty good spot (and what has he been eating?  His lips are black, gross, he looks like Pig Pen.)
Abi is then trying with Jonathan, he tells her that he doesn't trust any of them but they do trust him because he has not betrayed them once and he's not about to start now.
Finally Pete gets around to Skupin and he pitches it perfectly, Abi will play her idol, and they will all vote for Malcolm, taking both hidden idols out and Malcolm because Malcolm is running this game right now.  Skupin agrees that Malcolm has the power and he's considering it (don't flip flop again... this guy seems so wishy-washy to me.)
-Mike isn't sure he can beat Malcolm at the end so he's not saying no to Pete...
-Jonathan tells Lisa, Skupin and Malcolm about his talk with Abi and her cockamamie plan to take Malcolm out.  Malcolm's not happy to hear his name come up again but he's not surprised, he knows they are scrambling at this point.  He at least has a heads up and he's going to be watching to try and figure out if he needs to play his idol or he could be toast.

Abi smiles and says, "Hi baby." to Artis (gag.)
Jeff jumps on that right away, "Malcolm, you see Abi smile at Artis is that an early attempt at jury management?"
-It could be but at this point I'm just trying to stay in the game, not worried about jury management.
Are you worried it could be you tonight?
-Of course, my name always seems to get kicked around.  I refuse to say it would be a strategic move to get rid of me but I know what is going on.
(Skupin looks to Pete, looking for reassurance?  I don't know, I don't think Skupin is smart enough to win this game.)
Skupin - when someone has an idol and you know it, how do you navigate that?
-You always think of it, it's a factor when you're deciding who you vote with, for, against - it's Survivor and every tribal council you have a choice who you vote for and no one really knows for sure - it's going to get a little crazy.
(Okay, that little speech made everyone nervous.)
Pete, what's it like to go from top dog, Tandang, never lost, to beat up?
-It's not a good feeling - I'm slated for execution tonight but I've been trying all day, if just one person comes over we can take out Malcolm, he's got an idol - so, we'll see. (Mike totally looks like he's turning - dang it!)
Abi - any regrets about how you handled last tribal council?
-Absolutely, I'm very regretful but I never betrayed Lisa, I just had doubts.
Do you think any of this could be cultural Abi?
-Absolutely, English is not my first language and my attitude could be perceived as... not the most... gentle. (interesting choice of words.)  That gets a laugh out of Denise and Skupin and RC... everyone finds it hilarious.
-Denise says she's spent a lot of time with people who's English is not their first language and they are helpful and kind and these are just not things that are a part of who Abi is.
Abi, is this the first time you have been in a situation where a group of people wonder what's wrong with you? (Ouch, don't sugar coat it Probst.)
-Absolutely (yes, she says Absolutely every time) she says she's very loved back home by her friends.  They are Americans and they love my passion and my feistiness.
Do you feel isolated or are you handling it okay?
-I'm very emotional right now - I brought Lisa into an alliance and because I doubted her she can't forgive me.
-Lisa, acting like a battered spouse, asks if she can address that - Abi gives her permission - "I 100% forgave you but I just need to find people who will trust me."
-I understand that.
I'm getting the feeling you don't feel understood by anyone. 
-No, and I'm holding back my tears of feeling alone (there were no tears there folks, she's not a good actress - and no one is buying it.)
Denise she has no numbers, she's all alone, take her to the end, easy win.
-Easy win if that's the kind of game you want to play.  We see that season after season where people carry the dead weight, they take the unlikable person...
Abi cuts her off, "Wow, I never thought I was the unlikeable person" (well you are)
Denise, I'm talking about in seasons past...
Abi, you didn't know that you were seen as unlikable? I'm starting to believe very much that it's cultural, because you didn't grasp that people laughing at you, in our culture, is a sign that you're full of it. (Oh, Jeff succeeded in bringing on the tears this time - way to go Probst, are you trying to help her out?  Stop it.)
-Denise continues that she doesn't want to take someone to the end just to win by default, it's like taking someone who's never played poker to a poker game just to steal their money.
-Abi declares that's enough.
-Denise tries to explain how they felt about her gloating after the reward and declaring herself on strike with the cooking but Abi cuts her off every time she starts to talk and shows her horrible attitude, and total disrespect for anyone else. (This is why everyone dislikes you.)
Denise says she's done and Abi shoots right back of course you're a psychologist you know what you're doing, trying to turn everyone against me... (Uh, yeah.)
Jeff asks her how she feels now - WHO CARES!

It's time to vote:
Abi votes for Malcolm - I hope you go home tonight. (She's crying to Pete back at her seat - that was brutal by them - he tells her she'll be okay.)

Tallying the votes:
Who is playing their idol?  Abi stands up and plays hers... Malcolm holds on to his (oooh, I hope that doesn't backfire.)
Abi - 1, 2, 3 Does not count
Pete - 1
Malcolm - 1
Pete - 2
Malcolm - 2
And the last vote was for PETE!  (Phew)  Now Abi is all alone and Jeff's broken her down... and she's still trying to suck up to the jury, waving bye to them - (they're not buying your brand of crazy either lady.)
Pool eliminations: Sue & Hannelore, Carol-Anne D and Lois L leave the pool with Pete going home.

Next week: New alliances may be pulling apart as we see Penner tell Lisa to cut the crap when she's again whining about not being good at this game.  And Abi, the worst villain, gets a taste of her own medicine, and by the tears I'm guessing she doesn't like it. (It's so wrong to be enjoying her breaking down I know, but I kinda am.)

Pete's final thoughts: He felt bad for Abi.  Malcolm has a lot of power right now but they didn't seem to want to do anything about it.  He's not happy to be leaving but he feels good that he did what he could.

Have a great weekend everyone,


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - Nov 18/12 Episode Recap

We Was Robbed

Continuation... last week we left the hapless Beekmen Boys floundering (literally) in the pool and we saw the Rockers lose all their stuff including Abba's passport which they must try to retrieve or be kicked off the Race.

Moscow, Russia: James & Abba head into a hotel (I think) to use the phone to call the police as a first step in trying to get the passport back before the other teams arrive at the Pit Stop.

Still at the pool, the Goat farmers/Beekman Boys are told the pool is closing so they have one last shot at the routine.  Abbie & Ryan stick to their word and are still waiting for them.  Brent and Josh cannot complete the synchronized swimming - the coach gives them their clue and tells them they have a 4hr penalty.

James & Abba are dealing with the cops, they've reported the stolen backpacks and are staying positive that they will be retrieved.

Ryan & Abbie and Brent & Josh have moved on to the Roadblock of the Trees of Love.  Abbie is struggling with the locks but Josh figured out the pattern, the keys attached to the locks open the next lock, and he's moving through it quickly.  Once Josh gets the clue he goes over and helps Abbie finish - at this point they are all beyond exhausted, it's been a very long day.

James & Abba have now contacted the US embassy to see if they can get a new passport issued... they have exhausted everything they can do and are resigned to their fate.  They head back to the Pit Stop.

Here's how it played out:
-Abbie & Ryan are team #4
-Josh & Brent are team #5 - their penalty will be assessed at the beginning of the next leg. (Huh?)
-James & Abba are officially the last team to arrive but Phil tells them this is a non-elimination leg and they can continue in the Race until it becomes mandatory for Abba to produce a passport - if he still hasn't retrieved it at that point they will be eliminated... and they will have to do a Speed Bump. They are still in it!  (Come on my long-haired friends, bring it home for mama.)

Next day: Trey & Lexi are the first team to start out the next leg - the clue tells them to head to the Agriculture Academy, specific building, large chemistry auditorium, where they'll find their next clue.
-They hop in a dodgy looking cab because "He knows, he knows" and he drops them off in what looks like a perfect place to be beaten and robbed... they know they are not at the right place, flag down a more reputable looking cab and try again. (Moral of the Moscow legs - don't trust the cab drivers in Moscow.)  Their next cab driver is drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette, wearing a pink shirt and Don Cherry jacket... they are definitely taking in the flavour of the city with this guy (Second hand smoke, yum!)

Chippendales are the next to head out - they flag down another unmarked cab... I'm afraid for them all now.

Trey & Lexi are taken to another wrong location but the driver waited, why not take them to more wrong places...

Jaymes & James get to the right place no problem but the auditorium doesn't open until 8am (they haven't told us what time anyone started out so I don't know how long the wait is.)  They get their cab driver to hang out with them so hopefully it's not too long.

Trey & Lexi's cab driver takes them to a hotel where the guy at the front desk translates for them and they finally make it to the right place at the academy and catch up to the Chippendales.  I don't think they had to wait long before it was 8am and they are allowed into the auditorium - they see the Speed Bump for James & Abba. 
James & Jaymes have no idea what happened, they were out in front with the Rockers last leg so they know something must have gone horribly wrong.

ROADBLOCK - Who's in the Zone?
Teams will be shown Russia's 9 different time zones and a local Moscow time.  They must correctly calculate the time of day in 5 different Russian cities to get their next clue.
-Blond Jaymes and Lexi are going to do the Roadblock.  The map comes up with the time zones and then rather quickly the time zones change to cities... they get only get one when the map goes black... (Ohhhh, I thought it sounded too easy, there is a speed component and I think they switch the cities every time they show the map so they have to get the 5 as they flash up, next time it's different cities.  Yikes.)
-They both are having the nightmare flashback of being back in school and showing up for a test they didn't study for... Round #6, 7, 8...

The Twins are now heading out - they have to use the Express Pass today, this is the last leg where it's still an option for them.  Their cabdriver is also smoking in the cab with all the windows rolled up (fun, cough, cough.)

Jaymes & Lexi work together on test #10... but they still fail... Lexi finally figures out that they have given then Moscow time at +4 so if the next time zone is +6, it's actually only 2 hours ahead... Jaymes is so glad he's with the smartest person on the race right now... (oh yeah, she blushed.)
Finally - test #12 they get it right and they get the clue to the DETOUR: Movers or Shakers.
In Movers - they have to learn and perform a Russian soldier dance (Dressing up in uniform - love it) even Phil calls it a punishing routine - forward kicks from a crouched position - I'd be toast!
In Shakers - they have to go to an elegant party and identify the number of look-alike Russian leaders (so 2 Lenin's, 4 Stalin's... they will have a list but Americans aren't going to know what any of those people looked like - I've named the only two I'd recognize :)).
Trey & Lexi and the Chippendales are all going to do the dancing.  Jaymes & James collect their cab driver who is having a coffee and a waffle, he's trying to get them to have some coffee with him - they're trying to make him realize they're in a race.

-Trey & Lexi don't have a cab so the Chippendales have their driver pull over and they make sure to flag down a cab and have them follow - they feel they owe them for the help with the time zone test and they're paying it forward (I'm really liking the Chippendales, they seem like genuinely nice guys.)  Trey & Lexi agree.

-The twins are still in the cab trying to find the Agricultural academy - their cab driver says he knows, he's been a cab driver for thirty seven years... McDonalds?  "NO, no McDonalds!"

-Trey & Lexi and Jaymes & James get to the dancing task and they get suited up in the soldier uniforms (we get to see Trey's chest this time, not bad.) And we learn that dark-haired James sprained his ankle in Shanghai and it's been getting progressively worse - he's struggling with the dancing. They decide not to waste anymore time learning it, they're just going to give it a shot (as James is in excruciating pain.)  They get a fail.
-Trey & Lexi then give it a shot and they didn't keep up with the music - they fail too.

-They Twins get to the Roadblock - they are surprised to see it was a non-elimination leg again and as soon as they read what they had to do for the Roadblock they said, in unison, "Hell No."  They use the Express Pass.  And are heading out to do the dancing.

-At the dancing, Chippendales get a pass on their second attempt and get the clue to the Pit Stop - Sokolniki Park.  They're having a medic take a look at James' ankle and they just yank the boot off, making the poor guy cry. (Did you miss the part about his ankle hurting?  Really?)
-They head out on the street to hail a cab and the Chippendales get one, ask him to call another one for Trey & Lexi but they've run off... oh well, can't keep helping them if they take off.  Chippendales are excited they could be looking at their first first place.

-The Twins pull up and Lexi wants to take their cab but they've asked him to wait for them.  Another cab pulls up right behind so they hope they can still catch up to the boys.

-The Twins start learning the dance and Natalie rips her pants right up the back, then a couple more kicks and it's all the way around - she has to go put on another pair... Men's pants are not cut for girls with curves, I'm just sayin'.

-James & Abba say they are still fighting and scratching and clawing, from their hotel room...
-Josh & Brent are waiting out their penalty on the steps outside.
-Ryan & Abbie are the next team to head out - Ryan says he went to an agriculture school in the States so, "What, what" he thinks he's got this.
In the cab Abbie is building him up more, "If it has to do with math or science, he's our guy today.  You know everything." (Setting him up for a fall I think.)

-The Twins pass the dancing - it's not nearly as gruelling if you don't have an ankle injury.  They get the clue to the Pit Stop.

-Ryan thinks he's in the Zone for the Roadblock - when he sees the time zone data he thinks they'll be in and out in 2 minutes.  He puts the times down, he's looking around, "Done. Nailed.  I got it."  He takes the test down and turns it in and... "It's not correct." No way!  He doesn't believe it, "I was right."  (I've got to admit, this task taking this guy down a peg or two did give me pleasure.)  Test #8, 9, 10... he's so frustrated... then I do start to feel a little bad for him, but just a little.

-Josh & Brent head out and have James & Abba right behind them.  The Beekman Boys head for the academy and James & Abba borrow a cell phone from a guy on the street and call the Embassy to see if there is any possibility of getting an emergency passport.  Then they head to the police station.

-Back at the school Ryan is stumped.  He doesn't understand why they put a +4 in the same zone as Moscow, another city in the same zone should be the same time (yes, so +4 =0, +5 = 1... this is going to get ugly.) Ryan has a little meltdown - he's yelling at the test guy, "the data is corrupt." 
"Moscow is +4 in it's own time zone... what... OHHHHHH, I'm soooo Stupid!" The light goes on and Ryan finally gets the test right - they get the clue to the Detour and they decide to dance.

-At the Moscow police station James & Abba are trying to find out if his passport has been turned in but they insist on a report being filed... in Russian.  They are lucky enough to find a guy walking by that speaks enough English to help them.

-Brent & Josh get to the Academy and Brent is going to be in the Zone.  Brent prides himself on always being a good student and he proves it by getting it right away - if Moscow is +4 then the next time zone at +6 is 2 hours ahead - (look at the brain on Brent!)  They decide to do the Shakers. (Really?)

-Still no Passport for Abba - they move on to complete the leg since it's not over until it's over.

-Abbie is a dance instructor so she takes Ryan in hand and they complete the dancing first shot and get the clue to the Pit Stop.

-Brent & Josh still hadn't seen James & Abba so they know they are ahead of them and they decide to have some fun at the cocktail party - they are quickly identifying the Russian historical figures, Josh has a dance with Catherine the Great, Brent has a sword fight with Peter the Great... they get the counts right and get the clue to the Pit Stop.

-James & Abba get to the Academy and have to do the Speed Bump - they don't bother showing us anything more with them - except getting a ride with a guy dressed as a priest - Now I'm curious what that was about.  Oh well.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Jaymes & James (Chippendales) - they won a trip to Costa Rica.
2) Trey & Lexi - still happy
3) Nadiya & Natalie (Twins) - good job, they're happy with 3 today.
4) Abbie & Ryan - they hopefully can get back up to the top on the next leg.
5) Josh & Brent - Today was fab-u-lous.  They must be doing something right.
6) James & Abba - They still do not have a passport for Abba and they are the last team to arrive - ELIMINATED.  It was an amazing experience and they had a great time running it together but it's a little bitter today, "We was robbed."

And with James & Abba leaving tonight my hopes of ever winning the pool are done for another season - as well as Cara L, Pat T, Lindsay J and Ivor B

Next week: Abbie & Ryan experience Deja Vu... as they miss a connecting flight by not checkin in.  And the Chippendales contemplate an epic move - to U-turn or not to U-turn.

Have a great week everyone, obviously I'm back at work but I'll try to enjoy it too ;)


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Nov 14/12 Episode Recap

Little Miss Perfect

Last week Lisa made a huge move, throwing Malcolm under the bus in an effort to keep Mike because Jonathan had won individual immunity.  It kinda blew up in her face and Jeff Kent ended up going home - but everyone now knows that Malcolm and Abi are holding hidden immunity idols.

Dangrayne - Night 22
The tribe returns from Tribal Council and Michael is happy with how things went.  Lisa made her move to keep him in it and whether Pete or Jeff went, they are the most outspoken about voting out returning players, so it was a win-win for him.
-Abi, being Abi, sneeringly thanks Mike for voting for her.  He didn't vote for her - Jonathan says he did.  No body told him about any plan B, he was pissed so Abi got the vote.
-Jonathan and Carter work out who voted for whom and Jonathan realizes his throw away vote for Abi screwed things up - Pete might have gone if the votes had been tied.  Jonathan has to shrug it off - he's a dead man walking anyway, whatchagunnado?
-Lisa feels awful and Malcolm gives her a pass - You were playing the game, I was playing the game - no biggie.  And... she's crying again.  She thanks him for being so full of grace and understanding.  To the camera she is again doubting herself - this is not how she is, "this game is bigger than me." (Oh come on!  You were finally playing the game, own it woman!)

Dangrayne - Day 23
-Jonathan knows that he's done if the 5 original Tandang vote together so he's gauging the cracks between the straight up parent players, Lisa & Skupin and what he calls the bully players, Abi, Pete & Artis.  He approaches Lisa and bolsters her flagging spirits then breaks her down... man, he reaches her core, telling her he understands how her childhood of acting and performing has programmed her to be a people pleaser and how devastating it is for her when people don't like what
she does.  She has a moment of revelation, Jonathan has hit it on the head - she realizes he's just trying to keep himself in the game but she still appreciates his understanding of her.

They will divided into two teams again - on Jeff's go, one person from each team will crawl through muddy water under a crawl, then go up an a-frame and slide down the other side into a pit full of more muddy water - in that pit they must find a bag of balls, then crawl through a sandbox of rice and drop the bag on the table... then the next person can go.  Once they have collected all 4 bags, they have to shoot the balls into their basket.  First team to get all 12 balls in the basket win the reward - they will take much needed school supplies to children of a local village, and the village will make them a feast (they all thought the school supplies was cool, but he mentioned food and OHHH, now they're all in.)
Yellow: Skupin, Artis, Lisa & Pete
Red: Penner, Malcolm, Carter & Denise
Since it was a schoolyard pick and there are 9 people - Abi wasn't picked and is sitting out yet another challenge - and she's upset no one likes her (seriously? Do you see how you treat people?)
Off they go - Skupin vs Penner - Skupin finds his bag fast - Jonathan takes the time to find all the bags and lines them up for his team.  Yellow has the 2nd person out faster but Penner's strategy works wonders and they get all their bags and people through way faster.  Red starts shooting the balls in the basket and has 8 of 12 before Yellow even starts - Yellow goes great guns and Red has trouble getting the last ball in the darn basket but - RED wins the Reward!
-Jonathan, Carter, Malcolm and Denise head out for the village.
-Cute kids, old guys with no teeth - they had a great time in the little village.  Jonathan clowned around with a pinata type game.  Malcolm taught kids in Micronesia for a year so he was in his element with the children (that guy is so nice, I'd give him a million dollars.) It made Malcolm reconsider what he's been doing with his life for the last year.
-They have plates full of food and talk some strategy - they know their play is to turn Skupin, who has been mistreated by his tribe, and gently coax Lisa along.  They realize that Mike & Lisa don't want to be seen as traitors but in Denise's opinion there is more merit in leaving that situation than putting up with it out of some sense of loyalty. 

Dangrayne - Day 23
Pete realizes they need to retain a majority and he finds it ironic that the player he wanted out first or 2nd (Skupin) he is now forced to work with. He knows he has to keep Mike and Lisa close and happy... too bad he can't put a muzzle on Abi. 
-Abi is going off about how they need to get Jonathan out this time and then she attacks Lisa - "Hopefully you're not going to be double-agent again Lisa.  You weren't supposed to bring information to them..." She cuts Lisa off, "I understand everything you're going to say - I think you are just gullible, naive..." (What? Oh, I wish she would smack her... huh, I wonder if there has ever been a fist fight on Survivor that they didn't show us...)
Artis can't believe Abi - she's a loose cannon - she thinks she knows so much about the game and people - she needs to stop talking before she screws everything up. 
-Abi is still belittling Lisa and dictating orders to her - You have to be a fighter now, we have to vote 5 strong against Jonathan or they will vote Pete or I... (Please get rid of her already.)
-Lisa tells us she was hoping the tribe could have a come-together talk this afternoon but then Abi was so horrible to her, she's wondering if it doesn't make more sense to go with the other tribe (Yes!)  She's conflicted now.

They have to balance an oversize paddle on a stand - they will roll a ball down the paddle and attempt to land it in one of the six spots - first person to get 6 balls balanced in the spots on the paddle will win immunity.
-Off they go and there is quite the learning curve - no one is getting it... until Skupin sticks one.  Pete gets one - Skupin gets 2... Pete gets 2... these two are going back and forth... no one else is really in it.
SKUPIN, wins Immunity!
Everyone pretends to be happy about it.  Tandang because they figure it's going to be Jonathan going home tonight then they can just relax from then on.

Dangrayne - Day 25
Back at camp after Immunity, Jonathan knows his days are numbered unless he can get something going.
-Abi wishes she could vote off Mike, she says he's very annoying (excuse me? Hello pot, it's the kettle calling.) Then they show Abi trying to open a coconut by bashing it against a tree right where Mike and Malcolm are sitting and it's goes flying off her machete and hits Mike in the head (holy crap!  She's a menace.)  She is still talking about Jonathan being charming and her wishing Mike could go.
-Abi is telling Pete she's still worried about Skupin and Lisa but he shushes her... maybe she will listen.
-Denise is talking to Malcolm and Carter and they figure Abi or Pete could be too dicey since she has the idol and could give it to Pete, so they decide to vote Artis tonight.  She knows the plan hinges very much on Lisa & Skupin... and they have Jonathan working on that.
-Jonathan is working on Lisa again - he says he's a storyteller (oh sweet jebus, this is what you call finessing someone, and she has his number - but anyway) What is the story of Survivor this season?  What does the audience want to see happen?  (Abi, fall into a bottomless pit?)  He tells Lisa that people will see her being loyal, and that's a good thing, but people will not be happy that she is helping the three bad guys get farther in the game. (That is so true!)
-Lisa like Jonathan so much, she's learned so much from him out here - but her head is spinning.  She wants to be loyal but is that just the old Lisa? 
-Next Jonathan is talking to Skupin and it's more straightforward to him - "You're the fulcrum vote, let's lock it down.  It's Artis."
-Skupin wants to play the game with Lisa so he's got to talk to her and find out where her head is at.  They are torn between being loyal and staying with Tandang or making a bold move and flipping.  Mike doesn't understand being loyal to a tribe that has no loyalty to them - it's who they can get farther with... Lisa's still not sure what they should do.

Lisa, was there much fall out from last tribal council?
-There was lots of fall out internally within her - but when she got back to camp she was welcomed with such grace.  Everybody said it was a game, you tried to make a big move - didn't work out well - but you were playing the game.
Abi, you weren't happy at all, did you show grace to Lisa as well?
-She looks only at Lisa, "Did I show you grace as well?" (NO! She's either trying to intimidate her or she doesn't know what showing grace means.)
-Lisa says she actually experienced more grace from the people she was against than from the alliance she was trying to save.
What's that indicative of?
-Maturity. (Oh, Abi did not like that.) There are more Survivor fans on the other side that understood what she was trying to do.
Abi, the look on your face is so tense, it's like venom is about to come out (that's how she always looks Jeff... she's not a nice girl.)
-I was paying attention to what she had to say (trying to intimidate her). It's interesting. (Denise shakes her head and rolls her eyes - yeah, no one is buying your brand of BS lady.) Saying the other alliance is more protective of her than we are, I don't think so.
Artis, are you surprised that it's still Tandang vs Kalabaw?
-No, Tandang had one of the most powerful tribes in Survivor history.  It is playing out how it's supposed to play out.
-Denise - that's one way to look at it, but big moves are always made in this game and who knows when things can shift.  So to think things are just going to continue going smoothly is a big risk to take.
-Artis says he's not saying he feels 100% safe, he knows he could be blindsided at any moment just like anybody else. (Uh, yeah, I don't think he really thinks that he will be though.)
-Jonathan without immunity tonight says a number of players could be fulcrum votes tonight, it's a matter of if they did enough to tip the balance - I guess we'll find out.
-Skupin has never had immunity before and it feels amazing.  He never gave up hope of playing the game again, originally he came out for the money but then the game got bigger than the money.  Being a lover of the game, he loved Lisa's move not just for him for the whole Tandang tribe.
-Lisa says she's realized her life is bigger than this game but the game is bigger than her.
What does that mean? (Yeah?)
-Is this just a game, can I cut out my heart to play it?  No, I can't.  This is such a life altering experience for me already, I don't know if I can learn it all in 39 days.  I do know this 39 days is going to change more than probably 39 of my 49 years. (She's 49?  She looks great.)
-Penner does appreciate people playing the game - and he hopes the numbers have shifted and he can stay in it. (Oh, didn't sound promising there for Penner.)
-Denise honestly doesn't think that Tandang believes the numbers will shift but hopefully they do and things are turned upside down tonight.
-Abi says Tandang has considered that they don't have the numbers.
Who don't you think you have?
-I'm not sure about Lisa at this point.
Pete can't believe she's so stupid... are you listening? Jonathan says, "Incredible."  Lisa just deflates, What else can she do?  Abi is just dumb.
-Lisa says actions speak louder than words and her actions have never been anything but loyal to Tandang.  Maybe she has to hear these words and see these actions and make a decision.
Jonathan is nodding YES!
RC and Jeff on the jury also can't believe Abi... or can they?
Once again we go into the vote with uncertainty...

Time to vote:
Pete votes for Penner - says it's not because he's a returning player, it's because he's really good at the game and he respects that.
Denise votes Artis - says she has no doubt that selfish Abi would never give him the idol.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.
Artis - 1
Penner - 1
Artis - 2
Penner - 2
Penner - 3
Penner - 4
Artis - 3
Artis - 4
One vote left... ARTIS!  HAhahahahahahahahaha - Abi is fuming and shocked - I LOVE IT!  But, oh, they are going to be feeling the wrath of the Brazilian witch next week.
So, with Artis leaving tonight, Karen S, Gillian H and Kim K. are out of the pool (you can thank Abi :)).

Next week: Breaking up with Abi is hard to do... and Lisa has never been good with break ups. (Oh come on!  Time to channel some Blair Warner, just rip off that bandaid.)

Artis: Well played Penner - he managed to pull off the improbable.  He has no ill-will to anyone in the game, it is just a game.  He could not have been happier... oh, he could have been happier if he'd won, of course.

Have a great week everyone,


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - Nov 11/12 Episode Recap

Off To See The Wizard

Trey & Lexi are the first team to head out from Istanbul at 12:35pm - they get the clue to fly to Moscow, Russia.  Once they land in Moscow, they have to make their way to the sculpture park to find their next clue.  Trey & Lexi are talking about how the race is bringing them closer together and she brings up wanting a ring on her finger... (awkward) he just says "easy." (Cool your jets.)
-Ryan and Abbie are the next team out at 12:56pm - Ryan is feeling like the twins are latching on the Trey & Lexi to help U-turn Ryan & Abbie (because it is all about him after all.)
-1:03pm -James & Abba are happy to see they get money for this leg of the Race - James will take that thank you.  Abba's knees are still not 100% but they still think they're better than people are giving them credit for.

-Trey & Lexi get to the airport and can't find the ticket counter for the Russian airline, they ask a couple then decide to eat instead. (Popeye's, Red beans & Rice... in case you care :))

-1:44pm - Twins are heading out.  They are used to getting by on their personalities and don't put in the effort to succeed - they have to change it up (at least they're smart enough to know charm only gets you so far.)

-Ryan & Abbie get to the airport and look for a computer right away to look up flights.  They find a flight to Frankfurt with a one hour layover before connecting to Russia - gets them in at 3:40am.  They think this will get them in faster than other flights.

-1:55pm - Chippendales are heading out, always happy these two.

-Long hair gets to the airport and they book a flight to Amsterdam connecting them to Russia arriving at 2am.  This will be a score.

-2:07pm - Josh & Brent are the last team out - they are in last place still, but they are still there.

-The twins arrive at the airport and run into Trey & Lexi - they ask what flight their on and of course they're not yet (Ken & Barbie are pretty) - the Twins take them in hand and head to book a flight through Munich to arrive in Russia at 4am.  They are all happy with that, hopefully they will be away from all the freaks, just the 4 of them.

-Chippendales get to the airport and book the same flights as Long Hair - should get them to Russia at 2am.

-Ryan & Abbie snub Trey & Lexi in the airport and Lexi is offended, she knows they are competitive but that was just rude.  Lexi gets the hint that the game has now changed for them.
-Walking away and Ryan is talking badly about them, "Did they wait for those chicks [the Twins]?  Learn to get from point A to point B on your own."
-But Abbie & Twins are gossiping about Abbie too - they call her crazy eyes - then they show a clip of Abbie doing the crazy eyes (ahahaha - okay, that was kinda funny.)

-Josh & Brent get to the airport and hit a travel agency - they flip a coin and book the same flights as Abbie & Ryan, through Frankfurt with the one hour connection time.  Their other offering is through Athens but that will get them into Russia at 5am.  (Wow, there are lots of options for them to get from Turkey to Russia.)

-The flights all start taking off and the flight to Frankfurt is Delayed... bom bom bom... they get to Frankfurt with 3 minutes to make the connection - wild run through the airport but they missed it.  And Crazy Eyes sees there are no flights out until the next morning.

-Meanwhile, it's 2am in Russia and the Chippendales and Rockers arrive.  It's the meeting of the James' (since 3 of them are named James).  Chippendales are stoked to be with the Rockers, they usually just see hair in the distance.
-They get to the sculpture park and the gates are closed - it doesn't open until 9:30am. 

-Back in Frankfurt, Abbie & Ryan and the Goat Farmers try to find another flight but the earliest they are offered will get them in after 3pm the next day.  Ryan, "This isn't fun anymore." 

-The Twins and Trey & Lexi land in Moscow (must be after 4am) and they head for the sculpture park.  They are complaining that it's cold and dreary and dark... this is Russia.
-At the sculpture park the four teams meet up and are speculating on where Abbie & Ryan and the Goat Farmers are - They are all hopeful that they did miss their flight.

-They show Abbie & Ryan & the Goat Farmers boarding their flight out of Frankfurt - Ryan says in their minds now they just have the one team to beat (obviously) Abbie is defeatist, "We have two teams in front of us that want us out, how do you catch up with those people?" (The Race has ways of getting everyone clumped back together - have faith, at least you're not alone.)

-Back at the sculpture park, the gates are opening and they run inside to the "see the wizard" - not really, they just find the clue box and the clue tells them to make their way to the Mosthfjbsky Most and get the next clue from Ivan the Terrible's guards (more guys in costumes, Fun!)
-The Rockers jump in a cab.  The other three teams get directions from a local who tells them it's about 25 minutes by foot.  They take off in a pack. (Hmm, did the clue say to make their way on foot?)
-Abba & James get to the Most and are the first to get the clue to the DETOUR - Synchronize or Alphabetize.
-In Alphabetize - they have to go to the State Library which houses 24 million books all indexed in card catalogues.  They must choose a librarian, get a list of books, choose 4 books, find the card in the catalogue telling them where the books is (in Cyrillic) and find the books on the shelves.  Once they have collected all 4 books, Olga, the Head Librarian, will hand them their next clue (this one looks hard.)
-In Synchronize - they have to go synchronized swimming with the next generation of Russia's gold winning team. (Oh boy, library it is.)  Teams must learn and perform a choreographed routine to music.  Once the coach is satisfied they are in-sync, she'll hand over the next clue.
-Abba doesn't know about swimming with his legs, they decide to do the library.
-The other three teams get to the guards and (please have the Chippendales get in the water - speedos - thank you...) Yes!  The Chippendales and the Twins are going to do the swimming.  Trey & Lexi opt for the library.

-The Chippendales jump in a dodgy car that the guy says is a taxi... and they are never heard from again... No, but it did look sketchy.
-And no one will stop for the Twins at all.  They know it's because they are brown.  They seem to be good sports about it though, "in Indonesia we had VIP treatment everywhere", now, no cab for you.

-James & Abba get to the library - they choose a librarian and get their list - and quickly realize they could be in there for days - they have no idea what is alphabetical in their alphabet... it's like trying to find the right sequence of gibberish... oof.

-The Chippendales get to the pool and stuff happened... they were in bathing suits... (haha, I kid.)  They did have to put on floral bathing caps and they came out with their bow ties on.  They choose a girl to teach them and they figure outside the pool, this will be easy - once they get in the water it's another story... hold on, what now?  All the girls laugh at their  attempts - but they're sports and they are trying their best to learn the routine.
-The Twins finally get a cab but they say they are an hour behind now and they contemplate using their Express Pass - they only have two legs left to use it but if they use it for the Detour they still have to do the Roadblock and what if that's really hard and they still end up behind. (That's the conundrum of the Express Pass.)

-Back at the pool - the Chippendales look hilarious in the line with the swimmers but god-love-em they are trying their hearts out... out of sync that is... back to the drawing board.

-Back at the library, the Rockers are not having any luck figuring out the alphabetizing - no closer to finding a book than they were when they started it seems.
-Trey & Lexi arrive and the Rockers tell them to run for their lives.  They find half of one word... Lexi says if they can't find anything soon they'll just leave (I don't think the swimming is any easier.)

-Warsaw, Poland - we check in with Abbie & Ryan and Josh & Brent - they figure they are 9 hours behind the other teams at this point - Ryan says there is no point even racing these guys (oh sure, that's what you say, but there will be racing when they hit Moscow, I have no doubt.)

-Trey & Lexi find a book!  Or at least the card for a book.  The Rockers decide to chuck it and go swimming.

-The Twins get to the pool and the girl showing them what to do doesn't speak any English.  They think they are screwed. (God forbid they stop talking for 2 seconds and just watch what she's doing... sheesh.)

-Trey & Lexi find all the books in the card catalogue, now they have to try and find the actual books in the maze of shelves.  The librarian takes them to the right floor and they find the first book (I think these two are smarter than they let on.)

-The twins meanwhile are trying to synchronize swim and it's not going so smoothly.  They decide they are going to use their Express Pass but then Jaymes tells them not to waste it, they know they are the front 4 teams.  "What if Abbie & Ryan are here?"
"They're not here." And he talks them into staying to doing the swimming.

-Trey & Lexi successfully get all 4 of their books checked out and they get the next clue to make their way to the "Trees of Love" to find their next clue.
-Jaymes & James finally pass the synchronized swimming and get their clue to go to the Trees of Love.
-Trey & Lexi arrive at the trees and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - "Who's ready to unlock the future?"
-They have to find the tree with the Race ribbon and then find the key that will unlock all 10 of it's locks (the ring of keys is huge!) Once they unlock the ribbon, they'll find their next clue in the ribbon - it's a ruble bill with a picture of the Pit Stop on it.
-Trey is going to do this one.  Lexi is just pointing out all the weddings going on around them (must be a tradition to put a lock on the tree, they all have names and dates on them) - Trey tells her not to get any ideas.

-The Rockers taxi took them to the wrong place so they still aren't at the pool.

-In the Warsaw airport the final four make a pact to run this leg together  (yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.) They finally board their flight to Moscow.

-The Chippendales get to the Trees of Love and Lexi tells them it's hard.  James dives in.  Trey has finally gotten one and then two locks undone.

-The Twins meanwhile have finally passed the swimming and get the clue to head to the Trees of Love.

-The Rockers have arrived at the pool and it's not as fun seeing those two in bathing suits (the coach is already afraid.)

-Trey has figured out the secret to the tree, each lock has keys on it to the next lock... he's flying through them now.  He gets the ribbon free, pulls it apart and gets the ruble out - now they have to figure out they need to go to the building on the bill.  The Bolshoi Theatre.  They hop in a cab.

-The Twins get to the trees of love and start on the locks.

-The Rockers in the pool - goes about as well as you'd imagine.  Rough day in the ol' pool today.

-The Chippendales get all the locks undone and find out the building on the bill is the Bolshoi - off they go.
-The Twins are tired and cold an bickering at the Trees of Love "You are the worst partner ever." (What? No twinsy love when there's no audience?)

Finally landing in Moscow - Ryan & Abbie and the Goat Farmers hop in cabs to head to the sculpture place.  They get the clue to find Ivan the Terrible's guards.

-The Rockers must have done the swimming 20 times - Abba's knees were giving out - they just had to get it done.  And they got the pity pass.  James, "Girls, we are going to the Tree of Love, who's going to join us?" (Oh yeah, spoken like a rock-star.)

-Last two teams get the clue to the DETOUR and they want to do the library but it closes at 4pm - so they are stuck doing the swimming.

-They Twins finally finish the Roadblock and the sniping is over - they say they fight like a married couple and make up like little kids, it's the perfect relationship. Uh, yeah.

At the pool Ryan & Abbie and the Goat Farmers are suited up for the swimming - Abbie is a dancer so she had no fears of learning the choreography and Ryan perked up in the cold water.  The Goat Farmers on the other hand... were fearing any kind of choreographed challenge and Josh isn't a swimmer so this is their nightmare task.

James & Abba get to the Tree of Love and they ask the cab driver to wait.  They get up to the bridge, realize the challenge is going to take a while and go to release the cab driver and get their stuff - but he's gone... they just lost all their stuff (Oh COME ON!)
-They go back and start on the challenge - hoping maybe he was made to circle around... They get through the locks and get the bill so they decide to go check in and see what can be done - Abba doesn't have his passport though, so that could be a problem.

-Back at the pool - Ryan & Abbie do pretty well - lack of food, lack of sleep, it all faded when the adrenaline kicked in - they get a pass and get the clue to the Tree of Love but they committed to staying to wait for the boys (really?  Now you're being noble?  I don't get it, these two are still in it - they could be the first team to win $2 million.)
-Problem is, Brent can't swim so they're screwed.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Trey & Lexi - they won a trip to Maui (ohhhh, so jealous.) Phil asks how in love they are - she says 1000%.  Trey has his eye on they prize, he realizes how strong a team they are and wants the Million.
2) The Chippendales - Yeah!
3) The Twins - they are not happy, even with 3rd place they feel like they did really crappy - but they still have the Express Pass and hope they can use it to push them into first next leg.
4) James & Abba - however - They can't stay in the Race without a passport.  Phil tells them they need to produce Abba's passport in order for him to check them in.  So they're screwed.


Next week: The Rockers are searching for Abba's passport.  One of the Chippendales has an ankle injury while dressed as a cossack (love the costumes) and Ryan has to take a test of some kind (I don't see any Beekman boys.)

So, we're all still in it for now.

Have a great week everyone,
