The Sprint of Our Life (Indonesia)
Quick reminder - last week Ernie & Cindy came in first winning the Express Pass and Bill & Cathi came in last but were spared Elimination - only to find out that two teams will be eliminated tonight.
Ernie & Cindy are the first to depart at 9:28pm, they get the clue to head out from Taipei to Yogyakarta, Indonesia and they learn this will be a double elimination leg. Cindy: Oh no (master of the understatement, this one) not worried they'll be eliminated but realizing there are a lot of new twists and turns in the game this time out.
Jeremy & Sandy are the next out and they're not excited about the double knock out - we'll have to beat two teams, not just one.
Justin & Jennifer are just focused on getting to the airport and borrowing the cab drivers phone so they can try and book tickets. Sibling rivalry will be the greatest obstacle for these two.
Ethan & Jenna - were fine with coming in 4th place, if they had come in first they would have had a bigger target on them (like you were going to be first... get over yourself.)
Marcus & Amani - In DOH nesia...
Laurence & Zac - Zac's trying to give some insight on the double elimination when Dad just holds up a banana - Banana. (Haha, what?)
Andy & Tommy - my snowboarders - Yeah, Indo! Let's catch some waves dude. Don't dude me dude.
Ernie & Cindy get to the airport and find out the earliest flight to Indonesia is 8:45am - the next day. Yay, a night in the airport.
Ron & Bill - double-elimination, what? That's not right. Now we have to be better than two teams. (It's funny how many of them have the mind set that you just don't have to be last at this point.) They also say they're not out to change anyone's opinions on gay couples, they have a 13 year relationship, they are truly in love and best friends and they're just people running the race.
Kaylani & Lisa - Lisa unfolds a huge map in the back seat of the cab and punches Kaylani in the head - much to the delight of their Buddha-looking cab driver - (Aw, make him giggle again, that was cute.)
Liz & Marie - the barbie-looking twins - not excited about a double elimination- especially since they came in next to last. (They headed to the airport at 11:37pm.)
Couples in the airport are kind of freezing out Ethan & Jenna - Sandy and Justin seem to have a thing about them already having won a million dollars and they all think with their Survivor experience they'll be tough to beat. Ernie says Jenna seems nice but she's kinda got that Medusa-eye-thing going on where you can't really trust her so much.
-They are also speculating if anyone went home last leg, with there being a double elimination (so I guess they don't see everyone after they check in.) Big question, "Where's Ma & Pa?"
-3:57AM - Cathi & Bill finally head out for the airport - a good 4 1/2 hours after the last team to head out. When they get to the airport all the other teams seem happy to see them, everyone thinks of them as Ma & Pa and they get a round of applause (aww.)
Everyone gets on the same flight to Indonesia - so they're all even when they hit the ground running.
-Once they land in Jakarta they have to take the train to Yogyakarta - so everyone is in line to buy train tickets and the siblings start fighting - Justin suggests maybe they borrow a phone and try to find another mode of transportation to get them there sooner - she is hostile and tells him to go ahead - and it's on... bicker, bicker, BICKER... right in front of the other teams. (Ah, yeah, family - gotta love it.) Every team is watching and noting the discord.
-So, they are all on the same train too (and there are people on the roof of the train - crazy!) When they get to Yogyakarta the next morning they will race by taxi to Goa Jomblang cave -a vertical cave on the outskirts of the city. There they'll get their next clue.
-7:30am they are all in their cabs being driven on the wrong side of the road (to North America anyway) and like bats out of hell - everyone is a little anxious about the traffic and seeming lack of rules of the road.
-Bill & Cathi are the first team to the cave and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Spelunking!
One team member will lower themselves 160ft into the cave then search for a Japanese mask and an indigenous dagger - once they collect the artifacts, they will scale a towering bamboo ladder and deliver the items to the guy from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that could pull your heart out... well, it's not actually him but that's who the priestly guy reminds me of - he'll give them their next clue.
-Bill & Cathi find their Speed Bump on the way - they have to unravel a snarled knot of rope - once they have it loosened enough to stretch the rope over to a specific tree with a carabiner on it, they can proceed. (Let's hope they're better with rope than finding signs.)
-The rest of the teams start to arrive just as Bill & Cathi complete the Speed Bump - Ernie & Cindy were surprised to see them already there - Cindy is going in the cave. The twins are there and Marcus & Amani - have no idea what spelunking is - he says he'll do it, and hopes he doesn't have to go up high (haha.)
-Cindy is the first in, she's enjoying it. Marie is doing it for the twins, she's pretty nervous. Pa (Bill) and Marcus are going in - lowering themselves through the jungle trees to the cave entrance - it does look pretty amazing.
-The rest of the teams start arriving. Jeremy, Tommy, Justin, Ethan, Kaylani, Zac & Bill/Ron (? - I don't know who's who on the gay couple team.)
-Inside the cave it's dark and muddy and they are all just following each other - they come upon a guy with a gong which freaks the girls out when he strikes it... the masks are all displayed on sticks, seems pretty easy.
-Outside, the rest of the teams are making their way down. Ethan feels like a monkey jumping through the trees. They are all blown away with how lush and cool this cave is.
-The first 4 teams have come to the towering bamboo ladder and they all start out together but Cindy has shorter legs and falls behind - Pa has strong upper body and pulls ahead - He is the first to get the clue to the DETOUR: Shake Your Money Maker or Be a Ticket Taker.
In Shake Your Money Maker: the team will take a taxi to a congested city centre - there one person must learn a traditional dance while the other accompanies them on a traditional drum kit. They must make tips (30,000 rupiah) to complete the task.
In Be A Ticket Taker: they have to make their way to a popular Mall and work as motorcycle parking attendants. Once they have parked enough bikes/given out enough tickets to make 15,000 rupiah, they must hand over their ticket books to complete the tasks.
-Then they must travel to an orphanage and donate their Detour earnings to receive their next clue... oh, wait - They must also notice the sign that says: in addition to the Detour earnings they MUST give all the money in their possession to help the orphans in order to receive the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Ma & Pa (Bill & Cathi) decide they will be Ticket Takers and head out... oh but their taxi is stuck, everyone else is jammed in behind them.
-The twins are going to entertain - shaking their money maker, and Ernie & Cindy - ticket takers... The twins make it out first.
-Back in the cave, they are staggered but some are coming up the ladder and some are just getting the masks - currently Zac, Kaylani and Bill (oh, the older looking guy is Bill - good to note) are the back of the pack.
-Liz & Marie get to the busy intersection, suit up and start to learn the dance/drum. Her guide has to pull her out of the street when the light changes - yeah - it's scary on the roads there.
-Ma & Pa and Ernie & Cindy get to the mall and they are competing for motorcycles to park - wow, the sheer volume of people/cars/motorcycles, almost overwhelming.
-Back at the cave it seems pretty evenly split between the Ticket taking and Money making - seems like most of the men want to park bikes and the girls just want to DANCE! Though Ron & Bill are hoping they can make up time by shaking their money makers.
-At the parking lot, Cindy & Ernie were at the beginning of the parking lot and Ma & Pa were more towards the middle so everyone was hitting Cindy & Ernie first and they finished - meanwhile the snowboarders and fighting siblings have shown up to park bikes too and seem to be near Ma & Pa (bug off, get your own parking area!)
-Meanwhile, Sandy and Marcus are now shaking their money makers - she's saying it's for charity and he says he doesn't want the type that jingles, he wants the type that folds. (Nice attitude.)
-Liz & Marie finally reach the 30K and back at the parking Ma & Pa finally reach 15K. In the cab the twins are emotional about going to an orphanage -"They don't have parents, and stuff." They can relate having lost their dad recently (okay, I'm mean.)
-Ethan & Jenna arrive to shake it and he's goofing around trying to kiss her with the masks and she shuts him down - "Get Busy!" (Hahaha.)
-Cindy & Ernie get to the orphanage and give the little girls all crowded around the table their Detour earnings (they did not read the sign) - they get an emblem for the Sultan's Kraton Palace - the Pit Stop. The last two teams to arrive WILL be eliminated.
-Ernie & Cindy have to ask locals what the emblem means and are told it's Kraton. Off they go.
-Ma & Pa and the twins donate their earnings at the orphanage but no one reads the sign (sigh.)
-The snowboarders and siblings finish the parking task just as Zac & Dad get there.
-Marcus & Sandy make their 30K rupiah and head off as the showgirls and Ron/Bill get there.
-Back at the orphanage, the snowboarders are high 5-ing everyone - but not reading the sign (arrghh!) - Oh wait, just as they turn to leave, Andy starts reading the sign (YES!) and they are the first team to give all the money they have :)
Pit Stop: Ernie & Cindy are the first team to arrive, however, because they did not give all their money at the orphanage, they have to go back and do so before they can be checked in... and Cindy has a meltdown - she said it herself - growing up in a competitive Asian environment, there is nothing short of success. (You couldn't really have expected to be first every leg, could you?)
-Back at the orphanage the snowboarders have finally given all their money and say they're glad they saved up, more for the orphans (oh, these are nice guys.) They ask someone on the street where they need to go and walk or cab - when they realize they have no money - walk it is.
-Ethan & Jenna reach the 30K at the money maker and leave the Detour clue behind (oh no) - they realize in the cab though that they don't have it and go back.
-Zac & dad finish parking the motorcycles and head for the orphanage - the showgirls too are on the way there.
-At the orphanage - the fighting siblings, Justin & Jennifer, don't see the sign.
-Jeremy & Sandy both look at the sign but don't spend the time to actually read it.
-Marcus & Amani also totally miss the sign.
-Liz & Marie get to Phil and he tells them they have to go back to the orphanage - OMG!
-Zac & Dad read the sign right away and give all their money.
-Lisa & Kaylani also read the sign and give it all.
-Ma & Pa are the third team to Phil but they did not give all their money at the orphanage - back they go.
-Ethan & Jenna go back to the dancers and he is barking for his clothes - he grabs the clue and takes off (rude much?) she at least thanks them. In he cab Ethan & Jenna are politely fighting, now she knows she is the keeper of the clues.
-Ernie & Cindy make it back to the orphanage (as she's using her asthma inhaler to run - that doesn't bode well) and donate the rest of their money.
-Ron/Bill finally make the 30K shaking it.
-Jeremy & Sandy are turned back to the orphanage by Phil.
-Justin & Jennifer are fighting because she won't run to the Pit Stop - then they get there and have to go back (ha!)
-Amani & Marcus - get to Phil and he sends them back to the orphanage.
-Liz & Marie get back to the orphanage and hand over the rest of their money.
-Ethan & Jenna - in the cab he is saying how it's so cool they got to raise money for an orphanage - that's what he's all about - but they don't read the sign... (that's mistake #2 for you guys this leg.)
-Jeremy & Sandy pass Ma & Pa heading back to the orphanage - they are all paid up and heading back.
-Phil tells Ethan & Jenna they are SOL and have to head back to the orphanage.
-Bill/Ron get to the orphanage and don't read the sign.
-Amani & Marcus have handed over everything and Ethan & Jenna get back - they think they can out run Amani...
-Bill/Ron are told they have to head back to the orphanage since they didn't give all their money...
Here's how they finally finished:
1) Tommy & Andy - fourth team to the mat but, because they saw the sign and gave up all their cash - they are officially the first team and win a trip to Ireland. (nice.)
2) Zac & Laurence - actually arrived 8th, which they were happy with, so when Phil told them they were officially 2nd they were ecstatic.
3) Kaylani & Lisa - Phil tells them they are the 10th team to arrive and this is a double elimination leg... pause... they both start crying... however, since you gave up all your money - you are officially team # 3. Kaylani says she hates him for doing that (I would have hit him.)
4) Ernie & Cindy - very sweaty and not so smiley this time- but they'll take #4.
5) Liz & Marie - I have to say, these two are always really smiley - they are happy with 5th.
6) Jeremy & Sandy - relieved with 6th
7) Bill & Cathi (Ma & Pa) - Phil congratulates them on their great recovery today and Cathi vows by the next leg they'll learn to read. (Ha, I like these two.)
8) Justin & Jennifer - The Race is harder than he thought it'd be. He didn't go out there to pick on his sister - she rolls her eyes then starts crying - I feel terrible, I can't run - he just looks at her -(come on buddy, a little sympathy here?)
9) Amani & Marcus - they are still in the Race.
10) Ethan & Jenna - they were the first team ELIMINATED from the race... Bummer! They have a good attitude about it though. It's a blessing just to be there and doing this together. So that means: Cheryl J, Bryon L, Katie L and Pat T all get their money back.
11) Bill & Ron - last team to arrive - ELIMINATED from the race. It was fun, exhilarating, amazing... it's only a chapter in their story and they're sorry it was cut short but it was truly an incredible time. (Wow, I thought these two would go all the way... I really suck at predicting these things.)
Next week: Ernie & Cindy breakdown (he loses a pedal off his bike), Bill & Cindi slip up (ow, they show her fall down 4 or 5 times) and an ancient temple has them all running in circles - they have to count something - A LOT of something.
Have a great week everyone,
Quick reminder - last week Ernie & Cindy came in first winning the Express Pass and Bill & Cathi came in last but were spared Elimination - only to find out that two teams will be eliminated tonight.
Ernie & Cindy are the first to depart at 9:28pm, they get the clue to head out from Taipei to Yogyakarta, Indonesia and they learn this will be a double elimination leg. Cindy: Oh no (master of the understatement, this one) not worried they'll be eliminated but realizing there are a lot of new twists and turns in the game this time out.
Jeremy & Sandy are the next out and they're not excited about the double knock out - we'll have to beat two teams, not just one.
Justin & Jennifer are just focused on getting to the airport and borrowing the cab drivers phone so they can try and book tickets. Sibling rivalry will be the greatest obstacle for these two.
Ethan & Jenna - were fine with coming in 4th place, if they had come in first they would have had a bigger target on them (like you were going to be first... get over yourself.)
Marcus & Amani - In DOH nesia...
Laurence & Zac - Zac's trying to give some insight on the double elimination when Dad just holds up a banana - Banana. (Haha, what?)
Andy & Tommy - my snowboarders - Yeah, Indo! Let's catch some waves dude. Don't dude me dude.
Ernie & Cindy get to the airport and find out the earliest flight to Indonesia is 8:45am - the next day. Yay, a night in the airport.
Ron & Bill - double-elimination, what? That's not right. Now we have to be better than two teams. (It's funny how many of them have the mind set that you just don't have to be last at this point.) They also say they're not out to change anyone's opinions on gay couples, they have a 13 year relationship, they are truly in love and best friends and they're just people running the race.
Kaylani & Lisa - Lisa unfolds a huge map in the back seat of the cab and punches Kaylani in the head - much to the delight of their Buddha-looking cab driver - (Aw, make him giggle again, that was cute.)
Liz & Marie - the barbie-looking twins - not excited about a double elimination- especially since they came in next to last. (They headed to the airport at 11:37pm.)
Couples in the airport are kind of freezing out Ethan & Jenna - Sandy and Justin seem to have a thing about them already having won a million dollars and they all think with their Survivor experience they'll be tough to beat. Ernie says Jenna seems nice but she's kinda got that Medusa-eye-thing going on where you can't really trust her so much.
-They are also speculating if anyone went home last leg, with there being a double elimination (so I guess they don't see everyone after they check in.) Big question, "Where's Ma & Pa?"
-3:57AM - Cathi & Bill finally head out for the airport - a good 4 1/2 hours after the last team to head out. When they get to the airport all the other teams seem happy to see them, everyone thinks of them as Ma & Pa and they get a round of applause (aww.)
Everyone gets on the same flight to Indonesia - so they're all even when they hit the ground running.
-Once they land in Jakarta they have to take the train to Yogyakarta - so everyone is in line to buy train tickets and the siblings start fighting - Justin suggests maybe they borrow a phone and try to find another mode of transportation to get them there sooner - she is hostile and tells him to go ahead - and it's on... bicker, bicker, BICKER... right in front of the other teams. (Ah, yeah, family - gotta love it.) Every team is watching and noting the discord.
-So, they are all on the same train too (and there are people on the roof of the train - crazy!) When they get to Yogyakarta the next morning they will race by taxi to Goa Jomblang cave -a vertical cave on the outskirts of the city. There they'll get their next clue.
-7:30am they are all in their cabs being driven on the wrong side of the road (to North America anyway) and like bats out of hell - everyone is a little anxious about the traffic and seeming lack of rules of the road.
-Bill & Cathi are the first team to the cave and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Spelunking!
One team member will lower themselves 160ft into the cave then search for a Japanese mask and an indigenous dagger - once they collect the artifacts, they will scale a towering bamboo ladder and deliver the items to the guy from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that could pull your heart out... well, it's not actually him but that's who the priestly guy reminds me of - he'll give them their next clue.
-Bill & Cathi find their Speed Bump on the way - they have to unravel a snarled knot of rope - once they have it loosened enough to stretch the rope over to a specific tree with a carabiner on it, they can proceed. (Let's hope they're better with rope than finding signs.)
-The rest of the teams start to arrive just as Bill & Cathi complete the Speed Bump - Ernie & Cindy were surprised to see them already there - Cindy is going in the cave. The twins are there and Marcus & Amani - have no idea what spelunking is - he says he'll do it, and hopes he doesn't have to go up high (haha.)
-Cindy is the first in, she's enjoying it. Marie is doing it for the twins, she's pretty nervous. Pa (Bill) and Marcus are going in - lowering themselves through the jungle trees to the cave entrance - it does look pretty amazing.
-The rest of the teams start arriving. Jeremy, Tommy, Justin, Ethan, Kaylani, Zac & Bill/Ron (? - I don't know who's who on the gay couple team.)
-Inside the cave it's dark and muddy and they are all just following each other - they come upon a guy with a gong which freaks the girls out when he strikes it... the masks are all displayed on sticks, seems pretty easy.
-Outside, the rest of the teams are making their way down. Ethan feels like a monkey jumping through the trees. They are all blown away with how lush and cool this cave is.
-The first 4 teams have come to the towering bamboo ladder and they all start out together but Cindy has shorter legs and falls behind - Pa has strong upper body and pulls ahead - He is the first to get the clue to the DETOUR: Shake Your Money Maker or Be a Ticket Taker.
In Shake Your Money Maker: the team will take a taxi to a congested city centre - there one person must learn a traditional dance while the other accompanies them on a traditional drum kit. They must make tips (30,000 rupiah) to complete the task.
In Be A Ticket Taker: they have to make their way to a popular Mall and work as motorcycle parking attendants. Once they have parked enough bikes/given out enough tickets to make 15,000 rupiah, they must hand over their ticket books to complete the tasks.
-Then they must travel to an orphanage and donate their Detour earnings to receive their next clue... oh, wait - They must also notice the sign that says: in addition to the Detour earnings they MUST give all the money in their possession to help the orphans in order to receive the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Ma & Pa (Bill & Cathi) decide they will be Ticket Takers and head out... oh but their taxi is stuck, everyone else is jammed in behind them.
-The twins are going to entertain - shaking their money maker, and Ernie & Cindy - ticket takers... The twins make it out first.
-Back in the cave, they are staggered but some are coming up the ladder and some are just getting the masks - currently Zac, Kaylani and Bill (oh, the older looking guy is Bill - good to note) are the back of the pack.
-Liz & Marie get to the busy intersection, suit up and start to learn the dance/drum. Her guide has to pull her out of the street when the light changes - yeah - it's scary on the roads there.
-Ma & Pa and Ernie & Cindy get to the mall and they are competing for motorcycles to park - wow, the sheer volume of people/cars/motorcycles, almost overwhelming.
-Back at the cave it seems pretty evenly split between the Ticket taking and Money making - seems like most of the men want to park bikes and the girls just want to DANCE! Though Ron & Bill are hoping they can make up time by shaking their money makers.
-At the parking lot, Cindy & Ernie were at the beginning of the parking lot and Ma & Pa were more towards the middle so everyone was hitting Cindy & Ernie first and they finished - meanwhile the snowboarders and fighting siblings have shown up to park bikes too and seem to be near Ma & Pa (bug off, get your own parking area!)
-Meanwhile, Sandy and Marcus are now shaking their money makers - she's saying it's for charity and he says he doesn't want the type that jingles, he wants the type that folds. (Nice attitude.)
-Liz & Marie finally reach the 30K and back at the parking Ma & Pa finally reach 15K. In the cab the twins are emotional about going to an orphanage -"They don't have parents, and stuff." They can relate having lost their dad recently (okay, I'm mean.)
-Ethan & Jenna arrive to shake it and he's goofing around trying to kiss her with the masks and she shuts him down - "Get Busy!" (Hahaha.)
-Cindy & Ernie get to the orphanage and give the little girls all crowded around the table their Detour earnings (they did not read the sign) - they get an emblem for the Sultan's Kraton Palace - the Pit Stop. The last two teams to arrive WILL be eliminated.
-Ernie & Cindy have to ask locals what the emblem means and are told it's Kraton. Off they go.
-Ma & Pa and the twins donate their earnings at the orphanage but no one reads the sign (sigh.)
-The snowboarders and siblings finish the parking task just as Zac & Dad get there.
-Marcus & Sandy make their 30K rupiah and head off as the showgirls and Ron/Bill get there.
-Back at the orphanage, the snowboarders are high 5-ing everyone - but not reading the sign (arrghh!) - Oh wait, just as they turn to leave, Andy starts reading the sign (YES!) and they are the first team to give all the money they have :)
Pit Stop: Ernie & Cindy are the first team to arrive, however, because they did not give all their money at the orphanage, they have to go back and do so before they can be checked in... and Cindy has a meltdown - she said it herself - growing up in a competitive Asian environment, there is nothing short of success. (You couldn't really have expected to be first every leg, could you?)
-Back at the orphanage the snowboarders have finally given all their money and say they're glad they saved up, more for the orphans (oh, these are nice guys.) They ask someone on the street where they need to go and walk or cab - when they realize they have no money - walk it is.
-Ethan & Jenna reach the 30K at the money maker and leave the Detour clue behind (oh no) - they realize in the cab though that they don't have it and go back.
-Zac & dad finish parking the motorcycles and head for the orphanage - the showgirls too are on the way there.
-At the orphanage - the fighting siblings, Justin & Jennifer, don't see the sign.
-Jeremy & Sandy both look at the sign but don't spend the time to actually read it.
-Marcus & Amani also totally miss the sign.
-Liz & Marie get to Phil and he tells them they have to go back to the orphanage - OMG!
-Zac & Dad read the sign right away and give all their money.
-Lisa & Kaylani also read the sign and give it all.
-Ma & Pa are the third team to Phil but they did not give all their money at the orphanage - back they go.
-Ethan & Jenna go back to the dancers and he is barking for his clothes - he grabs the clue and takes off (rude much?) she at least thanks them. In he cab Ethan & Jenna are politely fighting, now she knows she is the keeper of the clues.
-Ernie & Cindy make it back to the orphanage (as she's using her asthma inhaler to run - that doesn't bode well) and donate the rest of their money.
-Ron/Bill finally make the 30K shaking it.
-Jeremy & Sandy are turned back to the orphanage by Phil.
-Justin & Jennifer are fighting because she won't run to the Pit Stop - then they get there and have to go back (ha!)
-Amani & Marcus - get to Phil and he sends them back to the orphanage.
-Liz & Marie get back to the orphanage and hand over the rest of their money.
-Ethan & Jenna - in the cab he is saying how it's so cool they got to raise money for an orphanage - that's what he's all about - but they don't read the sign... (that's mistake #2 for you guys this leg.)
-Jeremy & Sandy pass Ma & Pa heading back to the orphanage - they are all paid up and heading back.
-Phil tells Ethan & Jenna they are SOL and have to head back to the orphanage.
-Bill/Ron get to the orphanage and don't read the sign.
-Amani & Marcus have handed over everything and Ethan & Jenna get back - they think they can out run Amani...
-Bill/Ron are told they have to head back to the orphanage since they didn't give all their money...
Here's how they finally finished:
1) Tommy & Andy - fourth team to the mat but, because they saw the sign and gave up all their cash - they are officially the first team and win a trip to Ireland. (nice.)
2) Zac & Laurence - actually arrived 8th, which they were happy with, so when Phil told them they were officially 2nd they were ecstatic.
3) Kaylani & Lisa - Phil tells them they are the 10th team to arrive and this is a double elimination leg... pause... they both start crying... however, since you gave up all your money - you are officially team # 3. Kaylani says she hates him for doing that (I would have hit him.)
4) Ernie & Cindy - very sweaty and not so smiley this time- but they'll take #4.
5) Liz & Marie - I have to say, these two are always really smiley - they are happy with 5th.
6) Jeremy & Sandy - relieved with 6th
7) Bill & Cathi (Ma & Pa) - Phil congratulates them on their great recovery today and Cathi vows by the next leg they'll learn to read. (Ha, I like these two.)
8) Justin & Jennifer - The Race is harder than he thought it'd be. He didn't go out there to pick on his sister - she rolls her eyes then starts crying - I feel terrible, I can't run - he just looks at her -(come on buddy, a little sympathy here?)
9) Amani & Marcus - they are still in the Race.
10) Ethan & Jenna - they were the first team ELIMINATED from the race... Bummer! They have a good attitude about it though. It's a blessing just to be there and doing this together. So that means: Cheryl J, Bryon L, Katie L and Pat T all get their money back.
11) Bill & Ron - last team to arrive - ELIMINATED from the race. It was fun, exhilarating, amazing... it's only a chapter in their story and they're sorry it was cut short but it was truly an incredible time. (Wow, I thought these two would go all the way... I really suck at predicting these things.)
Next week: Ernie & Cindy breakdown (he loses a pedal off his bike), Bill & Cindi slip up (ow, they show her fall down 4 or 5 times) and an ancient temple has them all running in circles - they have to count something - A LOT of something.
Have a great week everyone,
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