Free Agent
The episode opened at...
Savaii - Night 14
-Returning from Tribal council after blindsiding Elyse (and Ozzy) and Ozzy's pissed off - feels like he had a good thing with Keith & Whitney and they went behind his back and betrayed him (kinda... they didn't actually vote for Elyse - but they didn't warn them either.) He gives a speech saying he's done playing the alliance way, he's now what's called a free agent. (He shouldn't try to talk smart, doesn't really work for him.) I'm playing for myself and you play for yourselves.
-Keith - so that's how you want it now - you against us?
-Whitney - I don't know why you're taking it so personal, it wasn't against you (oh honey, it so was.)
-Ozzy - of course it was against me, if you don't tell me about it...
-Dawn (the voice of reason) - Oh stop being a baby. You're with-holding and you know it.
-Ozzy - Yeah, I have the idol. How bout that? (oh, you're stupid) And you're forgetting the other part of this game - it's called Redemption.
-Keith - You want to go there, just let us know man. (Yeah, b-bye.)
Savaii - Day 15
-Ozzy(is out fishing) and still saying it doesn't make sense to him that they felt they needed to get rid of Elyse and keep him in the dark. "I'm a big part of this tribe" - he wiggles the fish on the spear (ug, me bring food), "And if they want to keep winning challenges they need to trust me." (Dude, you can't just expect them to trust you when all you do is fish or sit around camp with your Survivor girlfriend - you gotta be working it - keeping everyone happy... no one said it would be easy.)
-The rest of the tribe is sitting around the fire saying how disappointed they are in Ozzy's attitude - he should be apologizing today - what a child - he needs to man up and get over it.
-Jim is ecstatic with how things are going - his plan has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, not only is Ozzy no longer seen as the leader - he went and threw a Hissy Fit (perfect! That is exactly what it was.) He could not have made any worse moves than he did. (They show Ozzy off by himself, still pouting.)
-Keith still deluding himself that they didn't set out to blindside Ozzy or he would be out (whatever.)
-Cochran for once is being quiet. He sees Ozzy's temper tantrum as a huge advantage to him and (hopefully) is going to keep his mouth shut. Until he says, "In all seriousness, he's behaving like a stupid b*tch." (Ha.)
Upolu - Day 15
-Coach is still feeling on top of the world. They still have lots of food having won reward and he has the hidden immunity idol. Only Sophie and Albert know about it and he struggles with that because he likes to have all the cards on the table but Brandon has proven to be a loose cannon and (for once) he's being cautious.
-Brandon has decided he's going to go looking for the clue / hidden immunity idol (oh, too late Lil Hantz) and he proves to be a bloodhound like his uncle - and finds the clue to the idol. Right away he goes and shows Coach & Albert, they all read the clue and neither of them lets on they already have the idol. Coach wonders if with-holding information is lying - it's a grey area... (No, I think it's lying.) They split up to search... well let Brandon go search.
-Coach is playing it up, "I'm having flash backs right now." Brandon is determined and looking everywhere and he moves just like Russell (shutter, it's creepy.)
-Albert says to Coach that they can't tell him now, he's so emotional and if he knew we let him search like this and didn't tell him - game over. Albert says, "He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed" but eventually it's gonna dawn on him that someone probably has it.
-Brandon, "You don't think someone already has it?"
-Coach - "I don't think so." Watching Brandon's walk and dogged pursuit of the idol is so reminiscent of Russell it scares Coach.
-Ozzy & Keith and Sophie & the Marlboro Man (Rick - I never remember his name cause he doesn't speak and they rarely show him) are the witnesses.
-Christine & Elyse enter the arena and Rick doffs his hat (aw, I like the rancher man).
-Jeff asks Elyse how she feels having her former tribe mates there to watch. She says it's bittersweet - she would hope they were wishing her well but they were also the ones that thought it was your time to go.
-Jeff pulls a Barbra Walters on Christine and makes her cry - just by pointing out that she's spent more time on Redemption Island than actually in the game. (You broke the B*tchy One, way to go Probst.) She said it's just really hard - she appears strong but Redemption Island can break you.
Duel - Survivor Shuffle Board.
-They each have 4 pucks on the board and must knock the other person's pucks off the board before they can get yours. Last person with a puck still on the board wins - the loser is gone for good!
-Off they go - Rick actually speaks, "Go Christine, you can do it." and she scratches her nose with her middle finger at him... Oh great, he'll never talk again now. Sophie & Rick definitely catch the message though.
-Christine is the first to knock out one of Elyse's pucks and they go back and forth - Christine is up at one point when Elyse knocks out one of her own but they end up tied -and with one puck each left - Christine wins another Duel and sends ELYSE packing.
-So with the vapid pretty girl gone - "I'm really proud of myself", blah, blah, blah - that also knocks Steve H, Lee G and Maddy D out of the pools.
-Rick actually does a spot with the camera - says Christine has fire in her eyes, if she comes back she'll be ready to kill us. (Though she does leave sniffling - off by herself again.)
Upolu - Day 15
-Sophie & Rick tell everyone how bitter Christine is- "She flipped us off"- she has no alligence with the tribe and would be the worst person to come back from Redemption Island.
-Edna is continuing her campaign to cozy up to Coach ever since Brandon told her she wasn't really in their alliance. Coach is eating it up - he feels she is the only one out there that would lay down her Survivor life for him (I don't know if she'd go that far - she's using you to save her Survivor life.) But it is working, in so far as he will definitely vote out Mikayla before her.
-Edna says she's ready to follow him into battle, even if it gets ugly (oooh, ugly I like.)
Savaii - Day 15
-Ozzy's finally figured out he made a mistake with the temper tantrum. He approaches Keith first and says he's willing to look past it... (mighty big of you) and Keith is in - we can still go to the end together. Ozzy, "Probably shouldn't have told everyone about the idol." And they laugh (so stupid.)
-Then Ozzy continues in his contrition tour - apologizes to Dawn, Jim & Cochran - tells them he'd rather be with them than by himself - that's why I told you guys about the idol. (Sure it is.)
-Jim is buying it though, "he has nowhere to go but with us" - he says he wants Ozzy on his side - he wins challenges and after the merge is a bigger target than him... (hmm - did Ozzy out smart him?)
-They will race to assemble a wheelbarrow then push it through a series of obstacles, stopping along the way to collect two loads of coconuts - they will dump the coconuts in a trough and the remaining tribe members with disassemble the wheelbarrow and use the pieces to build a sling shot - they will then shoot the coconuts at targets - first tribe to knock down all their targets wins immunity - Reward: get to go to sliding rocks, natural waterslide and picnic lunch - and another hidden clue at camp.
Upolu sits out Edna - again.
-Off they go - Brandon, Sophie & Rick/Marlboro man for Upolu and Ozzy, Cochran & Dawn for Savaii. They get the wheelbarrows together at the same time but Savaii apparently can't drive the thing and Upolu gets out to an early lead. Ozzy & Dawn cannot drive the wheelbarrow - it's weird. Upolu dumps their nuts and the next three Coach, Albert & Michayla start on the slingshot.
-Upolu (Albert) gets first target knocked down before Savaii even has the coconuts dumped.
-Ozzy & Dawn continue to have trouble to the end but they finally move on to the slingshot portion and Jim, Keith and Whitney start shooting.
-Mikayla hasn't hit the target yet and Coach says to Albert, "No more Mikayla, just you and me." Then he says to Mikayla, "Do you want to take a break." To which she says, "NO, I'm not tired." (Coach is an a-hole - micromanaging the challenge - really?) She is trying to use one hand and misses again - again he's trying to push her to sit out (she's a competitive athlete, you're just making it worse.) She says, "Coach, I got it."
-Savaii is catching up - they tie at two - then they tie at three and Upolu/Mikayla still not getting any - Coach getting madder - Savaii runs away with it - they get on a roll and knock them all down - boom, boom, boom. SAVAII - Wins Immunity, Reward and a useless clue. (Dawn's screaming was really annoying - I'm just saying. "Whoo - Yes!" Shut it lady.)
-And it looks like curtains for Mikayla. Coach says it's her fault they lost - he gave her direction and she didn't take it (to sit out, really?) "If I'm to coach this team, I need people, in the heat of battle, to listen to me." (You're not there to coach the team, but actually giving her pointers on how to aim would have helped more than trying to pull her from the game - and reviewing the tape - HE DIDN'T HIT ANY TARGETS EITHER! Like they say, those who can do, those who can't, COACH.)
-They are one big happy again. Whoo - Yea! (she's killing me.) Ozzy says the Reward really did bring them back together - and he definitely wants someone from this tribe to win (hopefully him.) Then there is rock sliding. Cochran says the sweater vest is a barrier between him and nature so he stripped it off and slid down the rock - They were all doing the water slides to a constant chorus of "Whoo - Whoo!" (Dawn, shut up!)
Upolu - Day 16
-We win together, we lose together they say but Coach isn't feeling that way - he says it's either Edna or Mikayla and she proved uncoachable in the challenge so Mikayla's going home tonight.
-Albert goes to Mikayla and says he's going to go to war for her - Brandon and Coach will want her out but he can get Coach to listen to him. (ORLY?)
-Mikayla doesn't get it - we have to be all about strength and you are putting my name up against a woman that is half my size and double my age - you have to be kidding me.
-She tells the camera that she really does trust in ALLAN and I hope he trusts in me (Hahaha - his name is ALBERT - yeah, they're really tight.)
-Albert talks to Rick and Sophie first - he says Edna has zero challenge value, that's why we sat her - they don't need her. To Albert it's a no-brainer. Plus Edna is a smart tactical player who knows she's 6th which could make her act out desperately at the merge. Rick agrees Edna is the smart vote tonight and Sophie is on board - they just have to convince Coach & Brandon.
-So, they approach Brandon first and he says he regrets trying to get Mikayla out early in the game, he's come to respect her - and he doesn't trust Edna, he thinks she's trying to play them - but he wants to be a radical for God and he's going to stick by his word that Edna is their sixth and hope they respect that. (Shaking my head - what?)
-Sophie had the same reaction I did. Mikayla is no longer the whore and he wants Edna out but he's still going to vote Mikayla - He's nuts. He's absolutely nuts. (Amen sister.)
-Albert says you can't talk strategy to Brandon, more than 5 minutes he's clutching his head and ready to cry. He and Sophie head to Coach and Albert lays it out - Keeping Edna at this stage is a mistake - the next challenge is make it or break it and they need the strength.
-Coach argues that they lost the challenge because Mikayla wouldn't listen to him and at the merge if he tells Edna to follow Ozzy and wipe his butt when he poops, she'd do it.
-Albert argues that he thinks she's playing them with the loyalty thing but there's no changing Coach's mind.
-Coach now starts his campaigning - if he has anything to say about it, Edna is not going home tonight. He goes and tells Rick that Edna is loyal and he wants Mikayla out tonight.
-Albert tells Rick he & Sophie will not agree with Coach & Brandon on this point so it leaves Rick as the deciding vote - he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. "This sucks."
Coach, big loss today - you could have taken the numbers advantage but you blew it (nice) - What happened?
-Didn't compete as a team today. Lots happening, everyone yelling, neither Mikayla or I were hitting anything and I said, Let's just let Albert do it. (No you didn't.)
-Mikayla - I was hot and at no point did he say 'let Albert do it' - neither of us just stopped. (Exactly.)
Edna, your tribe sat you again - what message does that send you?
-No one wants to be the scrawniest or last picked - but that's just the way it is with me. (Oh, poor little tiger lady - I'm not buying it.)
Brandon, is there much talk of the merge and being up or down in numbers?
-Absolutely - we have to be up in numbers going to the merge - this next challenge is absolutely detrimental to how this game turns out (I don't think that's the word but we get the gist.)
So, do you keep the members that will help you get to the merge or keep the player who will be loyal after the merge.
-You've got to get there, but you want to get there with people who will be loyal (Edna's got a little pleased with herself smirk on her face) Numbers, if one or two people are not loyal, don't mean anything.
Albert, what if the person you're worried about being loyal is the same person that helps you get there with numbers?
-If the one person that helps you get to the merge isn't the most loyal, that is something we have to compromise because in this game it is of the upmost importance to get to the merge with numbers and with an edge... (Brandon keeps rolling his eyes and looking up to heaven - ugh.)
So, you're saying what good is loyalty after the merge if you don't get to the merge.
Sophie, where to you stand on this merge argument?
-If you go into the merge down in numbers it doesn't matter if everyone is loyal, it doesn't (more Brandon theatrics) You have to go in with as many as you can and be as strong as you can.
Coach, a divided tribe - some say strength some say loyalty.
-And you know what my answer would be - honour, loyalty, integrity.
-Albert pipes up - The one thing that worries me though... loyalty can be faked, you can't fake strength. (That hurts Brandon's head and he can't keep his mouth shut...)
-Brandon - We made a pact that there would be a 6th and we agreed it would be Edna. Last Tribal Council it was loyalty, loyalty, loyalty and this time too, yet we're split. I love you Mikayla, but I want to keep everybody to their word. As far as I'm concerned there should be only one vote - we're divided and this is not loyalty. Vote me out today if this is the way you're going to play. Money, you can throw it in the fire and it's gone - Character you'll have for the rest of your life. (Well played 'Lil Hantz, well played.)
Mikayla, it looks like you're in the middle here.
-Well, obviously Brandon's had it out for me from the beginning...
-He jumps in again - Because I don't trust you or Edna strategically. I would rather keep Mikayla here but because I said I would not vote Edna out of this tribe, I am bound to what I said. Period.
Brandon, one of the things you said is 'If we are not going to play this game based on loyalty, vote me out tonight.' (Oh, gotta love Jeff to keep stirring that pot.)
Coach, explain to Brandon the downside of telling somebody you're going to vote them out before the vote.
-The problem is, there is such a thing as being too honest. There are some cards you reveal and some you keep hidden for a time but it doesn't mean you're being disloyal or dishonest. (Oh yeah, Coach is feeling guilty - haha, you should have seen his face.)
-Brandon - it's funny, now-a-days people have the conception that you can tell a half lie or a little bit of a lie - it's just a game or it's just one cigarette - that's laciviousness (whoa, big word) because there is no grey - it's black or white. Period. (And he's busting out the spoken puncuation again - I think they should take Brandon at his word and vote him out.)
Time to vote:
Brandon votes Mikayla
Mikayla votes Edna - I don't even know how you got this far.
Alberta votes Edna - I hope it's you tonight or we're in a world of hurt - come on Cowboy.
Edna votes Mikayla - I hope your time here helps your modelling career. (Oh, meow.)
Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol
Mikayla - 1
Edna - 1
Mikayla - 2
Edna - 2
Mikayla - 3
Edna - 3
And the deciding vote goes to... MIKAYLA. (Wow, the power of the ponytail and self-righteous piety is guiding this tribe.) And with Mikayla, Susan M, Virginia D and Elaine/Kevin also head to Redemption Island.
Coach and Brandon whisper, "I love you, man" to each other (and I threw up a little in my mouth.)
Next time - Ozzy talking to Cochran says he doesn't want to go to Redemption but he'll do it. And Coach leads his tribe in a prayer circle but says if Brandon becomes a liability he'll put a bullet in his head (figuratively, I hope.)
Mikayla final thoughts: She feels like whenever Brandon has a crazy blow up it's always directed at a stronger woman -she can't believe Edna's made it as far as she has. She just hopes the next challenge is something super physical (so she can laugh.)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
The episode opened at...
Savaii - Night 14
-Returning from Tribal council after blindsiding Elyse (and Ozzy) and Ozzy's pissed off - feels like he had a good thing with Keith & Whitney and they went behind his back and betrayed him (kinda... they didn't actually vote for Elyse - but they didn't warn them either.) He gives a speech saying he's done playing the alliance way, he's now what's called a free agent. (He shouldn't try to talk smart, doesn't really work for him.) I'm playing for myself and you play for yourselves.
-Keith - so that's how you want it now - you against us?
-Whitney - I don't know why you're taking it so personal, it wasn't against you (oh honey, it so was.)
-Ozzy - of course it was against me, if you don't tell me about it...
-Dawn (the voice of reason) - Oh stop being a baby. You're with-holding and you know it.
-Ozzy - Yeah, I have the idol. How bout that? (oh, you're stupid) And you're forgetting the other part of this game - it's called Redemption.
-Keith - You want to go there, just let us know man. (Yeah, b-bye.)
Savaii - Day 15
-Ozzy(is out fishing) and still saying it doesn't make sense to him that they felt they needed to get rid of Elyse and keep him in the dark. "I'm a big part of this tribe" - he wiggles the fish on the spear (ug, me bring food), "And if they want to keep winning challenges they need to trust me." (Dude, you can't just expect them to trust you when all you do is fish or sit around camp with your Survivor girlfriend - you gotta be working it - keeping everyone happy... no one said it would be easy.)
-The rest of the tribe is sitting around the fire saying how disappointed they are in Ozzy's attitude - he should be apologizing today - what a child - he needs to man up and get over it.
-Jim is ecstatic with how things are going - his plan has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, not only is Ozzy no longer seen as the leader - he went and threw a Hissy Fit (perfect! That is exactly what it was.) He could not have made any worse moves than he did. (They show Ozzy off by himself, still pouting.)
-Keith still deluding himself that they didn't set out to blindside Ozzy or he would be out (whatever.)
-Cochran for once is being quiet. He sees Ozzy's temper tantrum as a huge advantage to him and (hopefully) is going to keep his mouth shut. Until he says, "In all seriousness, he's behaving like a stupid b*tch." (Ha.)
Upolu - Day 15
-Coach is still feeling on top of the world. They still have lots of food having won reward and he has the hidden immunity idol. Only Sophie and Albert know about it and he struggles with that because he likes to have all the cards on the table but Brandon has proven to be a loose cannon and (for once) he's being cautious.
-Brandon has decided he's going to go looking for the clue / hidden immunity idol (oh, too late Lil Hantz) and he proves to be a bloodhound like his uncle - and finds the clue to the idol. Right away he goes and shows Coach & Albert, they all read the clue and neither of them lets on they already have the idol. Coach wonders if with-holding information is lying - it's a grey area... (No, I think it's lying.) They split up to search... well let Brandon go search.
-Coach is playing it up, "I'm having flash backs right now." Brandon is determined and looking everywhere and he moves just like Russell (shutter, it's creepy.)
-Albert says to Coach that they can't tell him now, he's so emotional and if he knew we let him search like this and didn't tell him - game over. Albert says, "He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed" but eventually it's gonna dawn on him that someone probably has it.
-Brandon, "You don't think someone already has it?"
-Coach - "I don't think so." Watching Brandon's walk and dogged pursuit of the idol is so reminiscent of Russell it scares Coach.
-Ozzy & Keith and Sophie & the Marlboro Man (Rick - I never remember his name cause he doesn't speak and they rarely show him) are the witnesses.
-Christine & Elyse enter the arena and Rick doffs his hat (aw, I like the rancher man).
-Jeff asks Elyse how she feels having her former tribe mates there to watch. She says it's bittersweet - she would hope they were wishing her well but they were also the ones that thought it was your time to go.
-Jeff pulls a Barbra Walters on Christine and makes her cry - just by pointing out that she's spent more time on Redemption Island than actually in the game. (You broke the B*tchy One, way to go Probst.) She said it's just really hard - she appears strong but Redemption Island can break you.
Duel - Survivor Shuffle Board.
-They each have 4 pucks on the board and must knock the other person's pucks off the board before they can get yours. Last person with a puck still on the board wins - the loser is gone for good!
-Off they go - Rick actually speaks, "Go Christine, you can do it." and she scratches her nose with her middle finger at him... Oh great, he'll never talk again now. Sophie & Rick definitely catch the message though.
-Christine is the first to knock out one of Elyse's pucks and they go back and forth - Christine is up at one point when Elyse knocks out one of her own but they end up tied -and with one puck each left - Christine wins another Duel and sends ELYSE packing.
-So with the vapid pretty girl gone - "I'm really proud of myself", blah, blah, blah - that also knocks Steve H, Lee G and Maddy D out of the pools.
-Rick actually does a spot with the camera - says Christine has fire in her eyes, if she comes back she'll be ready to kill us. (Though she does leave sniffling - off by herself again.)
Upolu - Day 15
-Sophie & Rick tell everyone how bitter Christine is- "She flipped us off"- she has no alligence with the tribe and would be the worst person to come back from Redemption Island.
-Edna is continuing her campaign to cozy up to Coach ever since Brandon told her she wasn't really in their alliance. Coach is eating it up - he feels she is the only one out there that would lay down her Survivor life for him (I don't know if she'd go that far - she's using you to save her Survivor life.) But it is working, in so far as he will definitely vote out Mikayla before her.
-Edna says she's ready to follow him into battle, even if it gets ugly (oooh, ugly I like.)
Savaii - Day 15
-Ozzy's finally figured out he made a mistake with the temper tantrum. He approaches Keith first and says he's willing to look past it... (mighty big of you) and Keith is in - we can still go to the end together. Ozzy, "Probably shouldn't have told everyone about the idol." And they laugh (so stupid.)
-Then Ozzy continues in his contrition tour - apologizes to Dawn, Jim & Cochran - tells them he'd rather be with them than by himself - that's why I told you guys about the idol. (Sure it is.)
-Jim is buying it though, "he has nowhere to go but with us" - he says he wants Ozzy on his side - he wins challenges and after the merge is a bigger target than him... (hmm - did Ozzy out smart him?)
-They will race to assemble a wheelbarrow then push it through a series of obstacles, stopping along the way to collect two loads of coconuts - they will dump the coconuts in a trough and the remaining tribe members with disassemble the wheelbarrow and use the pieces to build a sling shot - they will then shoot the coconuts at targets - first tribe to knock down all their targets wins immunity - Reward: get to go to sliding rocks, natural waterslide and picnic lunch - and another hidden clue at camp.
Upolu sits out Edna - again.
-Off they go - Brandon, Sophie & Rick/Marlboro man for Upolu and Ozzy, Cochran & Dawn for Savaii. They get the wheelbarrows together at the same time but Savaii apparently can't drive the thing and Upolu gets out to an early lead. Ozzy & Dawn cannot drive the wheelbarrow - it's weird. Upolu dumps their nuts and the next three Coach, Albert & Michayla start on the slingshot.
-Upolu (Albert) gets first target knocked down before Savaii even has the coconuts dumped.
-Ozzy & Dawn continue to have trouble to the end but they finally move on to the slingshot portion and Jim, Keith and Whitney start shooting.
-Mikayla hasn't hit the target yet and Coach says to Albert, "No more Mikayla, just you and me." Then he says to Mikayla, "Do you want to take a break." To which she says, "NO, I'm not tired." (Coach is an a-hole - micromanaging the challenge - really?) She is trying to use one hand and misses again - again he's trying to push her to sit out (she's a competitive athlete, you're just making it worse.) She says, "Coach, I got it."
-Savaii is catching up - they tie at two - then they tie at three and Upolu/Mikayla still not getting any - Coach getting madder - Savaii runs away with it - they get on a roll and knock them all down - boom, boom, boom. SAVAII - Wins Immunity, Reward and a useless clue. (Dawn's screaming was really annoying - I'm just saying. "Whoo - Yes!" Shut it lady.)
-And it looks like curtains for Mikayla. Coach says it's her fault they lost - he gave her direction and she didn't take it (to sit out, really?) "If I'm to coach this team, I need people, in the heat of battle, to listen to me." (You're not there to coach the team, but actually giving her pointers on how to aim would have helped more than trying to pull her from the game - and reviewing the tape - HE DIDN'T HIT ANY TARGETS EITHER! Like they say, those who can do, those who can't, COACH.)
-They are one big happy again. Whoo - Yea! (she's killing me.) Ozzy says the Reward really did bring them back together - and he definitely wants someone from this tribe to win (hopefully him.) Then there is rock sliding. Cochran says the sweater vest is a barrier between him and nature so he stripped it off and slid down the rock - They were all doing the water slides to a constant chorus of "Whoo - Whoo!" (Dawn, shut up!)
Upolu - Day 16
-We win together, we lose together they say but Coach isn't feeling that way - he says it's either Edna or Mikayla and she proved uncoachable in the challenge so Mikayla's going home tonight.
-Albert goes to Mikayla and says he's going to go to war for her - Brandon and Coach will want her out but he can get Coach to listen to him. (ORLY?)
-Mikayla doesn't get it - we have to be all about strength and you are putting my name up against a woman that is half my size and double my age - you have to be kidding me.
-She tells the camera that she really does trust in ALLAN and I hope he trusts in me (Hahaha - his name is ALBERT - yeah, they're really tight.)
-Albert talks to Rick and Sophie first - he says Edna has zero challenge value, that's why we sat her - they don't need her. To Albert it's a no-brainer. Plus Edna is a smart tactical player who knows she's 6th which could make her act out desperately at the merge. Rick agrees Edna is the smart vote tonight and Sophie is on board - they just have to convince Coach & Brandon.
-So, they approach Brandon first and he says he regrets trying to get Mikayla out early in the game, he's come to respect her - and he doesn't trust Edna, he thinks she's trying to play them - but he wants to be a radical for God and he's going to stick by his word that Edna is their sixth and hope they respect that. (Shaking my head - what?)
-Sophie had the same reaction I did. Mikayla is no longer the whore and he wants Edna out but he's still going to vote Mikayla - He's nuts. He's absolutely nuts. (Amen sister.)
-Albert says you can't talk strategy to Brandon, more than 5 minutes he's clutching his head and ready to cry. He and Sophie head to Coach and Albert lays it out - Keeping Edna at this stage is a mistake - the next challenge is make it or break it and they need the strength.
-Coach argues that they lost the challenge because Mikayla wouldn't listen to him and at the merge if he tells Edna to follow Ozzy and wipe his butt when he poops, she'd do it.
-Albert argues that he thinks she's playing them with the loyalty thing but there's no changing Coach's mind.
-Coach now starts his campaigning - if he has anything to say about it, Edna is not going home tonight. He goes and tells Rick that Edna is loyal and he wants Mikayla out tonight.
-Albert tells Rick he & Sophie will not agree with Coach & Brandon on this point so it leaves Rick as the deciding vote - he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. "This sucks."
Coach, big loss today - you could have taken the numbers advantage but you blew it (nice) - What happened?
-Didn't compete as a team today. Lots happening, everyone yelling, neither Mikayla or I were hitting anything and I said, Let's just let Albert do it. (No you didn't.)
-Mikayla - I was hot and at no point did he say 'let Albert do it' - neither of us just stopped. (Exactly.)
Edna, your tribe sat you again - what message does that send you?
-No one wants to be the scrawniest or last picked - but that's just the way it is with me. (Oh, poor little tiger lady - I'm not buying it.)
Brandon, is there much talk of the merge and being up or down in numbers?
-Absolutely - we have to be up in numbers going to the merge - this next challenge is absolutely detrimental to how this game turns out (I don't think that's the word but we get the gist.)
So, do you keep the members that will help you get to the merge or keep the player who will be loyal after the merge.
-You've got to get there, but you want to get there with people who will be loyal (Edna's got a little pleased with herself smirk on her face) Numbers, if one or two people are not loyal, don't mean anything.
Albert, what if the person you're worried about being loyal is the same person that helps you get there with numbers?
-If the one person that helps you get to the merge isn't the most loyal, that is something we have to compromise because in this game it is of the upmost importance to get to the merge with numbers and with an edge... (Brandon keeps rolling his eyes and looking up to heaven - ugh.)
So, you're saying what good is loyalty after the merge if you don't get to the merge.
Sophie, where to you stand on this merge argument?
-If you go into the merge down in numbers it doesn't matter if everyone is loyal, it doesn't (more Brandon theatrics) You have to go in with as many as you can and be as strong as you can.
Coach, a divided tribe - some say strength some say loyalty.
-And you know what my answer would be - honour, loyalty, integrity.
-Albert pipes up - The one thing that worries me though... loyalty can be faked, you can't fake strength. (That hurts Brandon's head and he can't keep his mouth shut...)
-Brandon - We made a pact that there would be a 6th and we agreed it would be Edna. Last Tribal Council it was loyalty, loyalty, loyalty and this time too, yet we're split. I love you Mikayla, but I want to keep everybody to their word. As far as I'm concerned there should be only one vote - we're divided and this is not loyalty. Vote me out today if this is the way you're going to play. Money, you can throw it in the fire and it's gone - Character you'll have for the rest of your life. (Well played 'Lil Hantz, well played.)
Mikayla, it looks like you're in the middle here.
-Well, obviously Brandon's had it out for me from the beginning...
-He jumps in again - Because I don't trust you or Edna strategically. I would rather keep Mikayla here but because I said I would not vote Edna out of this tribe, I am bound to what I said. Period.
Brandon, one of the things you said is 'If we are not going to play this game based on loyalty, vote me out tonight.' (Oh, gotta love Jeff to keep stirring that pot.)
Coach, explain to Brandon the downside of telling somebody you're going to vote them out before the vote.
-The problem is, there is such a thing as being too honest. There are some cards you reveal and some you keep hidden for a time but it doesn't mean you're being disloyal or dishonest. (Oh yeah, Coach is feeling guilty - haha, you should have seen his face.)
-Brandon - it's funny, now-a-days people have the conception that you can tell a half lie or a little bit of a lie - it's just a game or it's just one cigarette - that's laciviousness (whoa, big word) because there is no grey - it's black or white. Period. (And he's busting out the spoken puncuation again - I think they should take Brandon at his word and vote him out.)
Time to vote:
Brandon votes Mikayla
Mikayla votes Edna - I don't even know how you got this far.
Alberta votes Edna - I hope it's you tonight or we're in a world of hurt - come on Cowboy.
Edna votes Mikayla - I hope your time here helps your modelling career. (Oh, meow.)
Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol
Mikayla - 1
Edna - 1
Mikayla - 2
Edna - 2
Mikayla - 3
Edna - 3
And the deciding vote goes to... MIKAYLA. (Wow, the power of the ponytail and self-righteous piety is guiding this tribe.) And with Mikayla, Susan M, Virginia D and Elaine/Kevin also head to Redemption Island.
Coach and Brandon whisper, "I love you, man" to each other (and I threw up a little in my mouth.)
Next time - Ozzy talking to Cochran says he doesn't want to go to Redemption but he'll do it. And Coach leads his tribe in a prayer circle but says if Brandon becomes a liability he'll put a bullet in his head (figuratively, I hope.)
Mikayla final thoughts: She feels like whenever Brandon has a crazy blow up it's always directed at a stronger woman -she can't believe Edna's made it as far as she has. She just hopes the next challenge is something super physical (so she can laugh.)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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