Trojan Horse
The episode opens at:Upolu - Night 16
-They return from tribal council where Brandon had another blow up and Mikayla went to Redemption Island.
-Edna says Brandon is making her job of staying there easier by being a loose cannon.
-Rick (Marlboro Man) is telling Coach they can't have that keep happening, they have to get Brandon under control or he is a liability to the tribe.
-Coach likens Brandon to Lenny in Of Mice and Men - "There comes a time when you have to put a bullet into somebodies head." (WHAT?) "This game is kill or be killed." (Sweet Jebus, sounds like Brandon should be sleeping with one eye open.)
-We jump right to the duel (hello) - Albert & Sophie and Ozzy & Cochran are the witnesses. The latter were surprised to see Mikayla there.
Duel - they will take apart a crate and use the boards to build a bridge - set them into peg holes across a platform, then they will use some of the planks to complete a puzzle - they have a design painted on the back. First person to complete the design correctly remains - loser is gonzo.
-Off they go - Christine is in the lead completing the bridge - Albert is shouting help to Mikayla but she's just not as smart... I know, mean, but true. They move on to the puzzle and Mikayla thinks she has it but the design is just not right - Christine pulls off another win! She is the B*tchy One that could. Sophie & Albert are not happy.
And with Mikayla leaving - we don't need to hear her speak - oh, she wants to be stronger - whatever - we also see Susan M, Virginia D, Elaine/Kevin leaving the pools. (Tough week for Elaine & Kevin - first AR and now this.)
-Jeff points out that Christine has now single-handedly sent 5 people packing - she's becoming a legitimate force - "I've always been a legitimate force." (For Evil! Actually, I don't know that, she could be perfectly lovely - hahahaha.)
-This gets Ozzy thinking - everyone thinks the merge will be after the next challenge, if his tribe loses, it could be worth it for them to send someone to Redemption to beat Christine and come back into the game giving Savaii the numbers. (Huh, not such a bad strategy - I hope Christine wins!)
Savaii - Day 17
-Ozzy lays out his plan to Cochran - starts out buttering him up - "We're, like, on opposite poles here but oddly in the same place - we should work together." Cochran is such an eager little puppy - lapping it up. So, anyway, worse case scenario - Ozzy says he doesn't want to go to Redemption but he will (because, of course, it's a given he will beat Christine) so he'll have to entrust his hidden immunity idol to someone (pointed look at Poindexter) and hopefully they'll give it back to me when I come back - keeping their numbers even. Cochran, "That is so courageous of you." (Oh gag me.)
-Cochran sees this great for him - if Ozzy is serious about falling on his sword, so to speak, means Cochran won't be the one going to Redemption (and then, going home - if we're honest.)
Upolu - Day 17
-Coach is doing his yoga/martial arts/zen posing in the water -(I've kinda missed that this season) - but now he's actually praying to God, not just some nebulous spiritual ideal... (hmm, you know, Coach has actually shown a lot of growth and maturity this season - but I miss the crazy... just a little.) Oh, hold on, his prayer is from Wayne's World, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy." HAhaha!
-Coach's meditation has brought him to the realization that the only way for him to boost his tribe out of the dumps they've sunk into after losing last challenge is to share with them all that "they" have a hidden immunity idol. "Go Team." (Uh oh, Brandon's going to be p*ssed.)
-Oh no, this is the new Coach - he rallies them all around to search for the idol today (and he's going to miraculously 'find' it) oh yeah, he's playing this game with honour and integrity alright :) He leads them in a prayer circle before sending them off on their fool's errand and it gives Sophie an icky feeling. (At least someone has a conscience - but in Coach's mind he's doing it for the good of the tribe so it can't be wrong. Right? Wrong!)
-Coach & Sophie end up finding tree mail - they have to pair up within the tribe and paint their bodies/dress identically for the challenge - May the best Twins win. Hmm.
-They call everyone in and they tell them they found the idol - Brandon is so excited, "Pray together, stay together." (He's going to hate Coach when he finds out about this.)
-They all look ridiculous! But Brandon with the painted on bikini top is PRICELESS! (I've just realized I've been very exclamationy this recap - oh well!)
-And we find out this is the new movie commercial episode - the winners will go to the Survivor Cinema and have to suffer through the new Adam Sandler movie Jack & Jill where he plays twins - one of which is a woman -yes, that movie got made. The popcorn, candy, soda may make it worth watching, if I was starving out there - maybe.
-So, one set of twins will be the callers for the tribe and the other two sets of twins will be blindfolded. One set at a time will have to listen to the callers to guide them through a course and collect bags of masks. Once they have all 4 bags, the last set of twins (still blindfolded) have to get the masks out of the bags and, using only their sense of touch, must match the twin masks and set them on the board in their pairs. First team to complete the matches correctly wins Immunity and Reward. (If you want to call it that.)
-Upolu callers: Coach & Rick - directing Brandon & Edna
-Savaii callers: Jim & Cochran - directing Keith & Dawn - and first obstacle - Dawn cracks her head right into the log (Ouch). They're not very good at this.
Then Edna takes a hard hit - smashing her forehead into a log as well - Coach did tell her to duck but Brandon was pulling her along - She is definitely seeing stars.
-Brandon & Edna find the first bag first but Keith & Dawn are not far behind. They switch out the pairs and now Albert & Sophie head out along side Ozzy & Whitney. Upolu is back first with the 2nd bag but Keith & Dawn take over the lead on the third bag - they've moved out into the water with the obstacles and Edna is not doing well.
-Savaii hits a snag though, literally - they are tethered to a rope through this whole thing and Cochran was trying to undo one team and hook up the next... well, it was Cochran - it didn't go well and they lost the lead.
-Albert finds the 4th bag but they could not untie it - Ozzy and Whitney get to the bag and untie it quickly but they are all tangled in their rope and it totally slows them down (I think Cochran is toast.)
-Upolu is the first back with all the bags and Albert & Sophie get started on the Twinning of the Masks. Coach is praying and Brandon is witnessing with his arm in the air (okay, hypocrite, give it a rest already.) Or, it totally worked - Albert & Sophie knocked it out of the park before Savaii even got started. Upolu wins Immunity and a movie.
-Coach demands they all get on their knees and he leads a prayer - Yeah, I'm going with give it a rest already.
-Ozzy has another little temper tantrum - yelling they weren't hooked in right and he hits the wall, then kicks the wall... Cochran knows his agreement with Ozzy has just gone out the window.
And we were subjected to a commercial for Jack & Jill - that's enough for me, thank you.
-They b-line to the candy - and they are showing us scenes from the movie - Please stop it!
-Coach loved it, loves Adam Sandler - movie reminded him family comes first and they have to remain strong as a tribe/family, blah, blah, blah.
Savaii - Night 17
-Returning from the challenge - Cochran looks like he's been crying and Ozzy is ranting. Cochran feels a new level of ostracism from the tribe and he knows he's the next target. Ozzy flat out says, "You lost it for us." and Cochran takes it on, I should be held accountable.
-So Ozzy has his out - he says it's a risky move to send Cochran to Redemption but it's even riskier to send Ozzy and have the merge be delayed another week (why is that? Ozzy just doesn't want to go - he knows he should but he's just not that good a guy - I think he's a bit weaselly.) He says this is Cochran's chance to 'redeem' himself (oh, so that's how you're spinning it. Right.)
-Then they all jump on board - You can do it, you have to believe you can do it - it's about redemption. They start trying to fire him up to go to Redemption and beat Christine and save their tribe.
So Cochran says to the camera, instead of sending Ozzy, the Trojan horse, to Redemption and shaking everything up, they're sending the Court Jester and I don't know what I'm supposed to do but shake my hands around (You go and YOU WIN! He does need a good dose of self esteem this guy. Hopefully Survivor will get him laid.) He says what made it worse was they had a weird kum ba yah justification for sending him there - he says he's not there to be a hero, he doesn't want to save his tribe, he just doesn't want to go to Redemption. Period (as Brandon would say.)
-They show Ozzy unable to sleep... (oh, what's this?)
Savaii - Day 18
-Ozzy tells the camera he had crazy dreams about actually doing what he said he was going to do [get them to send him to Redemption island] so he goes and gets his hidden immunity idol to show everyone that he actually does have it... he puts it on to make his grand entrance and tells them he thinks he should go to Redemption Island. "What do you think Cochran?"
-To his credit, he did not scream YES! but you know he wanted to. He's hoping he'll get a reprieve here.
-The rest of the tribe is very resistant though. Keith thinks everyone should stand for their own actions (but we know Keith could not be strategic if he tried) he explains that his worry is they have another challenge before a merge and they are left with Cochran to take up the slack if they've voted Ozzy out. Ahh. Jim shares this worry (okay, and I really can't blame them.)
Ozzy, at the end of last challenge there was a lot of emotion, was there any finger pointing back at camp?
-He laughs - Yeah, a lot of emotion and a lot of finger pointing at Cochran.
Cochran, what happened.
-Tangle - Panic - Blank - worst nightmare - embarrassing. (He's wordy, I condensed it.) He claims he's usually calm cool and collected. (Right.) Then he babbles on about them hoping the merge happens as historical precedent has shown in Survivor and that Redemption Island will work in our favour and get the numbers back up to 6-6. (Jim looks worriedly around that he's mentioned this plan.)
Dawn, he says hopefully Redemption Island will help us - tell me about that.
-She just says they hope whoever goes to Redemption wins the duel and can re-enter the game so it's even numbers. (No specifics, good girl.)
Ozzy, I'm a little confused - why would Cochran put his life on the line if you vote him out?
-The thing of it is, Jeff, (dramatic voice) I'm putting my life on the line.
(Cochran suppresses a quick grin.)
You're putting your life on the line?
You're going to Redemption Island?
Yes. I had a dream, I saw the merge and I saw a chance at my OWN Redemption. He says it's haunted him that last time he played the game he didn't listen to his heart/his gut and he got voted out by not playing his hidden immunity idol - this time his heart/his gut is telling him to get his butt to Redemption Island and prove to his tribe that he's WORTH keeping in this game. Then he tells Jeff that he has the idol and he's going to give it up - he's going to tell Christine that Cochran, smart little weasel that he is (backhanded compliment did not go unnoticed by said smart little weasel), found the idol and played it to send Ozzy to Redemption Island. This makes Cochran, not only the villain but a double-agent and he thinks this is their best shot at taking them by surprise and keeping them in the game.
What if we don't merge tomorrow?
-Then these guys could face a challenge without me - but I go out on my own terms not on someone elses terms like last time. (Little selfish of you.)
For another argument - If you don't win the duel, you go out a bigger fool than you did last time.
Keith, any reservations at all about this?
-I was the most vocal, I think this is Cochran's time to go and redeem himself to the tribe.
Whitney - Ozzy is one of our strongest players, if we go to another challenge, we are not 100% (she said pur-sa-ent - not three syllables honey) without Ozzy.
Jim - worse case scenario tomorrow morning?
-Ozzy loses and we go the 5 of us strong against the 6 of them. (Christine will not be with them.)
Risky move, let's see if you have the courage to go through with it...
It is time to vote:
Cochran - Blah blah blah - thrilled to be a part of this especially if it means saving my *ss.
Jeff asks if anyone has a hidden idol, now is the time to play it.
Ozzy, "I've changed my mind. I'm going to let Cochran go to Redemption Island." (WHAT!?!) "Just kidding" (That did get me for a second) He hands the idol over to Cochran and says you better give it back to me -"Right back at you tomorrow." (I wonder if he'll try to keep it... could happen.)
Tallying the votes:
Ozzy - 1, 2, 3, 4.... Lucky 7th person voted out of Survivor South Pacific. He does act like he's excited for this chance at Redemption - big smile, runs off into the night.
Jeff says they just made one of the Biggest Moves in Survivor History, based on an assumption. We'll see soon enough if you were right.
Next week - they don't show much - Ozzy has to win the duel, retrieving a key on the very tip of a stick and Cochran is talking to the camera like a movie gangster, "First, you get the mastermind voted out, get his idol, then win a million dollars."
Ozzy's final thought - this is either the stupidest thing I've ever done or one of the most iconic moves in Survivor history (these people have to get over themselves. You didn't cure cancer.)
Ozzy wakes up Christine and says what do you think happened? Cochran. Yes!
Now I really can't wait for next week! I think I'm rooting for the B*tchy One to sweep.
Have a great week/end,
The episode opens at:Upolu - Night 16
-They return from tribal council where Brandon had another blow up and Mikayla went to Redemption Island.
-Edna says Brandon is making her job of staying there easier by being a loose cannon.
-Rick (Marlboro Man) is telling Coach they can't have that keep happening, they have to get Brandon under control or he is a liability to the tribe.
-Coach likens Brandon to Lenny in Of Mice and Men - "There comes a time when you have to put a bullet into somebodies head." (WHAT?) "This game is kill or be killed." (Sweet Jebus, sounds like Brandon should be sleeping with one eye open.)
-We jump right to the duel (hello) - Albert & Sophie and Ozzy & Cochran are the witnesses. The latter were surprised to see Mikayla there.
Duel - they will take apart a crate and use the boards to build a bridge - set them into peg holes across a platform, then they will use some of the planks to complete a puzzle - they have a design painted on the back. First person to complete the design correctly remains - loser is gonzo.
-Off they go - Christine is in the lead completing the bridge - Albert is shouting help to Mikayla but she's just not as smart... I know, mean, but true. They move on to the puzzle and Mikayla thinks she has it but the design is just not right - Christine pulls off another win! She is the B*tchy One that could. Sophie & Albert are not happy.
And with Mikayla leaving - we don't need to hear her speak - oh, she wants to be stronger - whatever - we also see Susan M, Virginia D, Elaine/Kevin leaving the pools. (Tough week for Elaine & Kevin - first AR and now this.)
-Jeff points out that Christine has now single-handedly sent 5 people packing - she's becoming a legitimate force - "I've always been a legitimate force." (For Evil! Actually, I don't know that, she could be perfectly lovely - hahahaha.)
-This gets Ozzy thinking - everyone thinks the merge will be after the next challenge, if his tribe loses, it could be worth it for them to send someone to Redemption to beat Christine and come back into the game giving Savaii the numbers. (Huh, not such a bad strategy - I hope Christine wins!)
Savaii - Day 17
-Ozzy lays out his plan to Cochran - starts out buttering him up - "We're, like, on opposite poles here but oddly in the same place - we should work together." Cochran is such an eager little puppy - lapping it up. So, anyway, worse case scenario - Ozzy says he doesn't want to go to Redemption but he will (because, of course, it's a given he will beat Christine) so he'll have to entrust his hidden immunity idol to someone (pointed look at Poindexter) and hopefully they'll give it back to me when I come back - keeping their numbers even. Cochran, "That is so courageous of you." (Oh gag me.)
-Cochran sees this great for him - if Ozzy is serious about falling on his sword, so to speak, means Cochran won't be the one going to Redemption (and then, going home - if we're honest.)
Upolu - Day 17
-Coach is doing his yoga/martial arts/zen posing in the water -(I've kinda missed that this season) - but now he's actually praying to God, not just some nebulous spiritual ideal... (hmm, you know, Coach has actually shown a lot of growth and maturity this season - but I miss the crazy... just a little.) Oh, hold on, his prayer is from Wayne's World, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy." HAhaha!
-Coach's meditation has brought him to the realization that the only way for him to boost his tribe out of the dumps they've sunk into after losing last challenge is to share with them all that "they" have a hidden immunity idol. "Go Team." (Uh oh, Brandon's going to be p*ssed.)
-Oh no, this is the new Coach - he rallies them all around to search for the idol today (and he's going to miraculously 'find' it) oh yeah, he's playing this game with honour and integrity alright :) He leads them in a prayer circle before sending them off on their fool's errand and it gives Sophie an icky feeling. (At least someone has a conscience - but in Coach's mind he's doing it for the good of the tribe so it can't be wrong. Right? Wrong!)
-Coach & Sophie end up finding tree mail - they have to pair up within the tribe and paint their bodies/dress identically for the challenge - May the best Twins win. Hmm.
-They call everyone in and they tell them they found the idol - Brandon is so excited, "Pray together, stay together." (He's going to hate Coach when he finds out about this.)
-They all look ridiculous! But Brandon with the painted on bikini top is PRICELESS! (I've just realized I've been very exclamationy this recap - oh well!)
-And we find out this is the new movie commercial episode - the winners will go to the Survivor Cinema and have to suffer through the new Adam Sandler movie Jack & Jill where he plays twins - one of which is a woman -yes, that movie got made. The popcorn, candy, soda may make it worth watching, if I was starving out there - maybe.
-So, one set of twins will be the callers for the tribe and the other two sets of twins will be blindfolded. One set at a time will have to listen to the callers to guide them through a course and collect bags of masks. Once they have all 4 bags, the last set of twins (still blindfolded) have to get the masks out of the bags and, using only their sense of touch, must match the twin masks and set them on the board in their pairs. First team to complete the matches correctly wins Immunity and Reward. (If you want to call it that.)
-Upolu callers: Coach & Rick - directing Brandon & Edna
-Savaii callers: Jim & Cochran - directing Keith & Dawn - and first obstacle - Dawn cracks her head right into the log (Ouch). They're not very good at this.
Then Edna takes a hard hit - smashing her forehead into a log as well - Coach did tell her to duck but Brandon was pulling her along - She is definitely seeing stars.
-Brandon & Edna find the first bag first but Keith & Dawn are not far behind. They switch out the pairs and now Albert & Sophie head out along side Ozzy & Whitney. Upolu is back first with the 2nd bag but Keith & Dawn take over the lead on the third bag - they've moved out into the water with the obstacles and Edna is not doing well.
-Savaii hits a snag though, literally - they are tethered to a rope through this whole thing and Cochran was trying to undo one team and hook up the next... well, it was Cochran - it didn't go well and they lost the lead.
-Albert finds the 4th bag but they could not untie it - Ozzy and Whitney get to the bag and untie it quickly but they are all tangled in their rope and it totally slows them down (I think Cochran is toast.)
-Upolu is the first back with all the bags and Albert & Sophie get started on the Twinning of the Masks. Coach is praying and Brandon is witnessing with his arm in the air (okay, hypocrite, give it a rest already.) Or, it totally worked - Albert & Sophie knocked it out of the park before Savaii even got started. Upolu wins Immunity and a movie.
-Coach demands they all get on their knees and he leads a prayer - Yeah, I'm going with give it a rest already.
-Ozzy has another little temper tantrum - yelling they weren't hooked in right and he hits the wall, then kicks the wall... Cochran knows his agreement with Ozzy has just gone out the window.
And we were subjected to a commercial for Jack & Jill - that's enough for me, thank you.
-They b-line to the candy - and they are showing us scenes from the movie - Please stop it!
-Coach loved it, loves Adam Sandler - movie reminded him family comes first and they have to remain strong as a tribe/family, blah, blah, blah.
Savaii - Night 17
-Returning from the challenge - Cochran looks like he's been crying and Ozzy is ranting. Cochran feels a new level of ostracism from the tribe and he knows he's the next target. Ozzy flat out says, "You lost it for us." and Cochran takes it on, I should be held accountable.
-So Ozzy has his out - he says it's a risky move to send Cochran to Redemption but it's even riskier to send Ozzy and have the merge be delayed another week (why is that? Ozzy just doesn't want to go - he knows he should but he's just not that good a guy - I think he's a bit weaselly.) He says this is Cochran's chance to 'redeem' himself (oh, so that's how you're spinning it. Right.)
-Then they all jump on board - You can do it, you have to believe you can do it - it's about redemption. They start trying to fire him up to go to Redemption and beat Christine and save their tribe.
So Cochran says to the camera, instead of sending Ozzy, the Trojan horse, to Redemption and shaking everything up, they're sending the Court Jester and I don't know what I'm supposed to do but shake my hands around (You go and YOU WIN! He does need a good dose of self esteem this guy. Hopefully Survivor will get him laid.) He says what made it worse was they had a weird kum ba yah justification for sending him there - he says he's not there to be a hero, he doesn't want to save his tribe, he just doesn't want to go to Redemption. Period (as Brandon would say.)
-They show Ozzy unable to sleep... (oh, what's this?)
Savaii - Day 18
-Ozzy tells the camera he had crazy dreams about actually doing what he said he was going to do [get them to send him to Redemption island] so he goes and gets his hidden immunity idol to show everyone that he actually does have it... he puts it on to make his grand entrance and tells them he thinks he should go to Redemption Island. "What do you think Cochran?"
-To his credit, he did not scream YES! but you know he wanted to. He's hoping he'll get a reprieve here.
-The rest of the tribe is very resistant though. Keith thinks everyone should stand for their own actions (but we know Keith could not be strategic if he tried) he explains that his worry is they have another challenge before a merge and they are left with Cochran to take up the slack if they've voted Ozzy out. Ahh. Jim shares this worry (okay, and I really can't blame them.)
Ozzy, at the end of last challenge there was a lot of emotion, was there any finger pointing back at camp?
-He laughs - Yeah, a lot of emotion and a lot of finger pointing at Cochran.
Cochran, what happened.
-Tangle - Panic - Blank - worst nightmare - embarrassing. (He's wordy, I condensed it.) He claims he's usually calm cool and collected. (Right.) Then he babbles on about them hoping the merge happens as historical precedent has shown in Survivor and that Redemption Island will work in our favour and get the numbers back up to 6-6. (Jim looks worriedly around that he's mentioned this plan.)
Dawn, he says hopefully Redemption Island will help us - tell me about that.
-She just says they hope whoever goes to Redemption wins the duel and can re-enter the game so it's even numbers. (No specifics, good girl.)
Ozzy, I'm a little confused - why would Cochran put his life on the line if you vote him out?
-The thing of it is, Jeff, (dramatic voice) I'm putting my life on the line.
(Cochran suppresses a quick grin.)
You're putting your life on the line?
You're going to Redemption Island?
Yes. I had a dream, I saw the merge and I saw a chance at my OWN Redemption. He says it's haunted him that last time he played the game he didn't listen to his heart/his gut and he got voted out by not playing his hidden immunity idol - this time his heart/his gut is telling him to get his butt to Redemption Island and prove to his tribe that he's WORTH keeping in this game. Then he tells Jeff that he has the idol and he's going to give it up - he's going to tell Christine that Cochran, smart little weasel that he is (backhanded compliment did not go unnoticed by said smart little weasel), found the idol and played it to send Ozzy to Redemption Island. This makes Cochran, not only the villain but a double-agent and he thinks this is their best shot at taking them by surprise and keeping them in the game.
What if we don't merge tomorrow?
-Then these guys could face a challenge without me - but I go out on my own terms not on someone elses terms like last time. (Little selfish of you.)
For another argument - If you don't win the duel, you go out a bigger fool than you did last time.
Keith, any reservations at all about this?
-I was the most vocal, I think this is Cochran's time to go and redeem himself to the tribe.
Whitney - Ozzy is one of our strongest players, if we go to another challenge, we are not 100% (she said pur-sa-ent - not three syllables honey) without Ozzy.
Jim - worse case scenario tomorrow morning?
-Ozzy loses and we go the 5 of us strong against the 6 of them. (Christine will not be with them.)
Risky move, let's see if you have the courage to go through with it...
It is time to vote:
Cochran - Blah blah blah - thrilled to be a part of this especially if it means saving my *ss.
Jeff asks if anyone has a hidden idol, now is the time to play it.
Ozzy, "I've changed my mind. I'm going to let Cochran go to Redemption Island." (WHAT!?!) "Just kidding" (That did get me for a second) He hands the idol over to Cochran and says you better give it back to me -"Right back at you tomorrow." (I wonder if he'll try to keep it... could happen.)
Tallying the votes:
Ozzy - 1, 2, 3, 4.... Lucky 7th person voted out of Survivor South Pacific. He does act like he's excited for this chance at Redemption - big smile, runs off into the night.
Jeff says they just made one of the Biggest Moves in Survivor History, based on an assumption. We'll see soon enough if you were right.
Next week - they don't show much - Ozzy has to win the duel, retrieving a key on the very tip of a stick and Cochran is talking to the camera like a movie gangster, "First, you get the mastermind voted out, get his idol, then win a million dollars."
Ozzy's final thought - this is either the stupidest thing I've ever done or one of the most iconic moves in Survivor history (these people have to get over themselves. You didn't cure cancer.)
Ozzy wakes up Christine and says what do you think happened? Cochran. Yes!
Now I really can't wait for next week! I think I'm rooting for the B*tchy One to sweep.
Have a great week/end,
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