Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Survivor South Pacific - Oct 12/11 Episode Recap

Taste the Victory

The episode opened at Redemption Island -  Night 11
-Stacey catches Christine up on what's been going on at Upolu - tells her it's Coach running everything.  He says everything's hunky dory, it ain't hunky dory. "All y'all gonna go straight to Hell with gasoline drawers on." (ah haha)
-She says Coach acts holier than thou but it's all a load of crap - she's going to stir up a bee's nest and let the red tribe know Coach is running things over there.

Upolu - Day 12
-Brandon is crying again - says Michayla's answer about him being a Hantz showed she has no class.  These are real people and they have feelings, ya know. (Are you listening to yourself?)  Blubber, blubber, I don't care what people think about me, I'm a good person and if I can't win like that then I don't need to win it. (Oh, bull-pucky!)
-They gather to decide who's going to watch the duel - Albert and Michayla are going - Coach is most worried that the other tribe is going to gather intel today from Christine or Stacey - he hopes they'll keep their mouths shut. (You hold your breath and wait for that to happen.)

Redemption Arena:
Witnesses: Bug-eyed Dawn & Whitney (who? I know, I forget about her too - blond country singer) and Albert & Michayla.

Jeff asks Stacey how she feels seeing two of the tribe members that voted her off and... she's off... (honestly, I couldn't transcribe most of what she was saying) - She was calling Coach, Benjamin - she's not going to give him the satisfaction of calling him what he wants to be called - he was born Benjamin, she'll call him Benjamin.  Then there was lots of eye rolling, hand talking - oh, and she and Christine made sure the Red team knew Coach was running things with Albert & Sophie.
-Michayla looked confused and Albert disgusted, "sour grapes."

Duel: It's the balls in the spiral chute challenge.  They put a ball in the chute, it spirals down and they have to catch it at the end and put it back in at the top - every few minutes they will add another ball and they will alternate going down the left or right spiral - first person to drop a ball is out of the game for good.
-Stacey seems to be in the zone but she's not paying any attention to spacing the balls out - Christine is a little more hesitant and makes a couple close saves... but it's STACEY who drops a ball and is out of the game.  And with Stacey: Kelvin H, Sharon R and Katie L are out of the pools.   Stacey says she challenged herself - she's a funeral director, she's a diva - who lives like this? - she's proud of herself for coming out there and doing this (B'bye.)

-Albert is p*ssed off about Stacey's rant - "Benjamin's running things and Albert's his right hand man - that was something we had hoped to keep under wraps."  He knows Coach is going to be p*ssed (so, don't tell him - make a move of your own... that would be AWESOME!)

Upolu - Day 12
-Albert & Michayla get back to camp and Albert tells them about Stacey's rant, kind of chuckling about the Benjamin thing and Coach has NO sense of humour about it - says, "If anyone calls me Benjamin to my face, I'll go NUTS.  My parents call me Coach.  I've been Coach since I was 18." (Whoa, dude, I guess Stacey did know the right buttons to push - too bad she's gone.) He says this news just ruined his day, it sucks.  "Could this day get any worse?" (Uh oh, tempting fate.)

Savaii - Day 12
-Elyse is talking about how it's all good in pretty people land - our 5 is strong and Ozzy & I are on the same page... we haven't really had to talk about anything. (Playing the hell out of this game I see... complacency is going to let Jim & Cochran vote your butt out of there.)
-Cochran seems to be the only one working - he's bringing in armloads of wood and Ozzy is just laying in the shelter with Elyse dutifully by his side- they tease him about how to spell his name, she calls him "The little Cochran that could" like she's so clever.  Cochran says everything they do annoys him now. (Yeah, I'd want to kick them both.)

-Dawn & Whitney return from witnessing the duel and tell everyone that Stacey (purple dress) went home.  They tell them that the other tribe is not voting to keep strength but it's team Coach - "they called him Benjamin" - that it was Coach and Albert and Sophie running things. 
-Ozzy pipes up that if he's smart, Coach will get rid of Albert soon.  That resonates with Jim - If Ozzy thinks Coach should get rid of one of his strong guys that means Ozzy will look to get rid of him and/or Keith before the merge.
-Jim now has his leverage to get Keith on board to voting Elyse out next - "nothing sells like fear."

Upolu - Day 12
-Albert feels Stacey's put a target on his back with the other tribe and decides he's got to go find the hidden immunity idol.  He finds a clue pretty quickly - it tells him it's just barely out of reach by the beach and he could stay dry if the tide is out... He tries to find it on his own but he's getting more and more frustrated so he decides he'll garner good will with Coach and Sophie by sharing the clue and getting them to help him look (you still better hope you're the one that finds it - I think Coach would hold on to that thing with a death grip if he got it in his hot little hands.)
-So, Albert tells them and Coach takes matters into his own hands - he prays for God to help him find the idol and then he finds the idol (UGH!) He's giddy as a schoolgirl and referring to himself in the third person all over the place.  "Coach Wade has found the hidden immunity idol.  A golden little gem for Coach Wade to hold on to."  (I knew it - Albert is never going to have that thing.)  Coach does tell Albert & Sophie he found it - "we have this game by the b*lls" but he holds on to it.

Savaii - Day 14
-Ozzy is trying to teach Cochran to catch fish. Cochran hopes this will be a bonding experience with Ozzy and he won't' continue to be thought of as being a girl, sitting around camp.
-I don't see anyone else fishing though - Ozzy says he's the one providing for the tribe - fishing is really hard, he gets cut up and has to hold his breath for a long time - takes a lot out of him... and makes him the only provider - sounds like it giveth as much as it taketh away.
-Cochran says besides his moments of glory each day when he goes and gets fish, Ozzy is turning into a lazy ass around camp - acts like he's entitled to our deference - and it's going to bite him in the *ss.

-They see the Roasted Pigs on the spits and are actually looking excited (oh no, it's not for eating.)  Jeff tells them, each tribe will have a roasted pig on a spit - their hands will be tied behind their backs and they will have to chew off as much meat as they can then come spit it in a basket.   The tribe that has the most meat in the basket (by weight) after 10 minutes, wins immunity and Reward: fresh veggies, spices, bread ... and another clue will be back at their camp.

Off they go - and it's disgusting - ugh.  Keith gets a big chunk stuck in his teeth - Dawn has to pull it out of his mouth for him...with her mouth.  Oh, that happens to a couple more of them - this is so gross!  Rick drops a big piece on the ground and leaves it - Michayla picks it up.  There is as much spit (hopefully it's just spit) as meat in that basket (Ugh, I feel a little sick.)

Savaii - 22lbs 12oz
Upolu - 22lbs 14oz... WOW, that was close.  Team Coach wins immunity!  As part of their Reward they get to keep all the meat they 'collected' off the pig.  (Do you know how much spit is in there?)  They are excited, they'll wash off the spit and be thankful for the feast. (You know they're starving.)

Upolu - Day 14
-Brandon is cookin' up their bounty - he comes from Cajun stock - they just cook, cook, cook. (Hey, maybe he is good for something.)
-They are all stuffing their faces and Coach treats us to a bunch of talking with food in his mouth - he feels like they are back in the driver's seat.  "This is unbelievable man."

Savaii - Day 14
-They are all cataloging their pig gnawing injuries - Dawn lost half a molar - Ozzy's lips hurt so bad - Elyse is going to have pig gut break outs (see how their whining decreases in importance... really? A pimple is what you're worried about? - Yes, I rolled my eyes.)
-Cochran proves his social ineptitude by bringing up oral herpes - saying he's going to get a cold sore from them... uh... Anyone want a coconut?  (Yeah, you did just put your foot in your mouth - again.)
-Elyse & Whitney talking about how hard he's trying - Ozzy also notices his pathetic attempt to NOT be the one voted out - but as far as Ozzy's concerned it's too late - he's the weakest link.  Ozzy tells Whitney & Dawn it's Cochran tonight.
-Dawn doesn't agree - she's on board with Cochran & Jim and thinks it's time to break up the Ozzy/Elyse duo by getting rid of Elyse tonight.  She confirms with Cochran who confirms with Jim - and Jim says the lynch pin will be Keith.
-Jim goes to work on planting the 'piece of fear' he got from the Redemption Island information - that Ozzy will try to get rid of one of them before the merge.  Jim says if they get rid of Elyse first, Ozzy won't be able to do anything. 
-Keith says yeah, definitely she needs to go first. (Oh, that was easy.)
-Jim tells him they have four votes, with Dawn & Cochran...
-But then what happens when Ozzy...
-We don't tell Ozzy.
-Errrchhh - I see the brakes come on as Keith realizes what's going on - But then Ozzy won't trust us.(oh, Keith's pretty.)
-So, now Keith's torn, he made an alliance with Ozzy and if they blindside Elyse it's like Ozzy gets blindsided.  He doesn't know what to do.  He goes and talks to Whitney and there is a lot of "I don't know" going on- proving neither of these two are willing to step up and sieze the day.  They are not the brain trust.  Whitney says they are trying to find a way to weasel their way around voting Elyse now and still remaining in an alliance with Ozzy. (Good luck with that.)  She wishes they could just let the three vote Elyse and they two vote someone else (wussies!)

Meanwhile, Jim is telling Cochran they are definitely on for voting Elyse tonight and I think Cochran wet himself a little.

Ozzy, where are we at from a game point of view?
-A third of the way in, merge is still too far off to be worried about - we still have to keep the group as strong as possible.
Elyse, how do you define a strong tribe member?
-Somebody who is strong across the board.  Strong in challenges, strong around camp, has social skills and graces to keep the group together.
Cochran, you've gotten votes every time you've been to tribal council, does Elyse's definition make you nervous you'll get votes again?
-And Cochran talks too much - novelty of tribal council has worn off -alarming to have his name come up every time -  in terms of challenges they cover such a wide range of things - today it came down to two ounces.
Two ounces is one - extra - bite.  Jim, did you go over in your head what you could have done...
-Every one of us did and we all say we gave 100%, but it's would, coulda, shoulda.  This was the least finger pointing challenge - ironically we had the most injuries in this one than the others combined.
Jeff asks for a rundown and they list:
Jim - cuts on inside of mouth and lips
Elyse - bloody cuts & gums
Ozzy - Cuts on my lips, chipped tooth and my jaw's a little dislocated (someone punch him please - even his injuries have to be the best - come on!)
Dawn - Broke a tooth
Whitney - just lips
Cochran - I haven't been wearing my retainer as blah, blah, blah... felt my teeth shifting.
Jeff - are you being serious or funny?
Cochran - I realize it's not on the same level as a dislocated jaw but I am working on realigning my teeth...
Jeff asks Dawn if she finds Cochran's constant analysis endearing or annoying.
-(Bless her, she tries to be diplomatic) Part of this game is being with people you wouldn't normally spend time with.  I'm learning tolerance.  Like today when he said we could get a communicable disease swapping spit - it was hilarious but not.
Keith - everyone else was laughing but you had a different reaction.
-Yeah, I don't want a disease.  His intention was to be funny but in the end he grossed everyone out.
They pick on Cochran some more.
You can't catch a break.
Cochran - yeah, it hurts.
Elyse - feels for him - we've all been in the position of being picked last for soccer. (Sure you have.)
Cochran - I don't put myself in that position.  Yeah, I may have some quirks that people find annoying but I think most people take to me. (Oh boy, he's the annoying puppy that you just can't kick.)
Elyse, after what Cochran has gone through at past tribal councils will it be hard to vote him out?
-One thing you can appreciate about him is that he has such an appreciation of the game that he will enjoy the experience no matter what.  (I would say that is a No, Jeff.)
Jim, is this vote personal or is it just strategy?
-There is always something personal even if it is a strategic vote because I know how it will affect the person whose name is on there.

Okay, Time to Vote:
Jim votes Lys - says it has more to do with keeping Ozzy weak
Ozzy - Coch-train - sorry man, hope you get that 2nd chance.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.
Cochran - 1
Elyse - 1
Cochran - 2
Elyse - 2
Dawn - 1 ... (what?  Whitney looks over at Keith and smiles - really?  The wussy strategy? Ugh.)
Dawn - 2
We are tied... until Elyse gets the 3rd vote and is sent to Redemption Island.
Ozzy keeps a poker face but he seems to have a hitch in his breathing... Surprise!

Elyse - the trust is forever broken. (Welcome to Survivor.)

Next week:  Coach is having Russell flashbacks with Brandon and it scares him.  Ozzy declares himself a free agent - has a pity party for himself - Cochran is loving the sulking but then lets the tribe down at the challenge... Yawn.

I hope something happens to stir things up soon - these people are all boring!


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