Reap What You Sew
Redemption Island - Night 5
Christine (the b*tchy one) arrives and, true to form, shakes Semhar awake - I'm here! Semhar pumps her for info on her tribe and Christine says Coach is big ol' pain in the *ss. He thinks he's King Farouk or somethin'. (At least Christine can build a fire - I'm sure Semhar is glad of that.) Christine sees Redemption Island as her chance to get back in the game... let's see if you can make good on that.
Upolu - Night 5
They return from tribal council - Mikayla is still reeling from Brandon's attempt to get rid of her. She's glad Coach took the heat off of her but as she tries to talk to him Brandon comes over whining that Tribal sucked so bad... Coach hugs him - to comfort him... Really?
-Brandon says to the camera that he was 150% sure that Mikayla was going to go but his plan backfired and he got caught in a bold-faced lie. He didn't want to be branded a villain like his uncle, he didn't want to play that way. (You are so far from being your uncle. He would have recruited Mikayla as his 'dumb-ass girl' and had her working for him. Brandon doesn't strike me as clever enough to achieve his uncle's level of chicanery.)
Upolu - Day 6
They choose two people to go watch the duel at Redemption Island - Coach humbly requests that the tribe allows him to go (ugh) and Stacey says, "I want to go too." And it's that easy. Coach says the best part of the day would be if Christine lost. He doesn't want to see her at any time get back in the game.
Redemption Island - Day 6
We see Coach and Stacey and Ozzie and Elyse take a seat in the viewing area. And Semhar has spent the day braiding her hair... or maybe they bonded over cornrows... and really, do we need to see your bra? Your shirt is adequate to cover it and your chest is not going to win you any points.
Jeff asks Christine what went wrong on her tribe - she said Coach Wade did not like her because she voiced what everyone was thinking, that he was a temporary player, but he took offence to it and wanted her gone. Jeff asks Semhar how she fared at Redemption island all alone - she said it was scary and I was all alone... wow, not feeling poetic today I see.
DUEL: They will place a wooden totem on the end of a pole and balance it - at timed intervals they will add another section to the pole making it longer and harder to balance. At any time if the totem falls from the top of the pole, that player loses and is out of the game. For reals this time.
And... we are all waiting for Semhar to pray... oh wait, no, it's a spoken word performance - they're all just looking at each other and Jeff gives a big ol' heavy sigh (haha, that is why he's the best reality host on TV)... "Okay, I'm good." (she's got to get her performance time in while she can.)
And finally they begin: they both get to the 2nd section, and the third, though Semhar swayed a little - Christine's started to wobble... they're both getting fatigued... and Semhar loses her totem. Goodbye boo.
And with Semhar losing that means: Lynne B, Bryon L and Cheryl B get the booby prize of first out pool money back.
-Jeff asks Semhar what's the emotion (on losing) - and she gets choked up, her tribe sending her to Redemption Island brought up her painful past, she moved so many times and felt abandoned and it made her feel that way about her tribe. "I don't know how people can be so cruel."
Jeff, "And yet, you sought out this game." (Meaning, didn't you know that could happen, do you watch the show?) but she doesn't get it at all. She says, "Exactly, and I'm so proud of myself, I never gave up..." (What? I don't think she listens - she's too busy writing her own spoken word story in her head to worry about what the cruel world thinks of her.)
-Just burn her buff already! She does give Christine her blanket before she leaves - that was nice.
-Christine knows Coach was just there to see if she would lose, "What a dope." She's hoping she can "pull a Matt" and have a run at Redemption and get back in. She knows she'll win. (As long as she doesn't pull a total Matt and implode when she gets back in - though I don't see her as the WWJD type.)
Upolu - Day 7
-Brandon is having a crisis of conscience - he doesn't want to lie anymore or play games with these people... (Uh, are you going home then? You do realize you're there for a game where you lie to people right? I'm getting a little sick of Lil Hantz.)
-So... Brandon takes off his shirt and tells everyone that he's Russell Hantz' nephew... much to the surprise of the tribe.
-Sophie - I knew he was hiding something.
-Mikayla - I still don't trust him, he's a sneak.
-Brandon - Now he feels like he's free to be himself - he loves God and he shouldn't be ashamed of not being like his uncle. (I think you're more like him then you care to admit.)
-Coach tells Brandon he's proud of him for being honest but then tells us it was a mistake, in his opinion, to tell the tribe. He still thinks Brandon's a valuable asset in his alliance but he's not going to be able to trust him completely.
Savaii - Day 7
-Papa Bear [pronounced bay-ah] - knows there is a pecking order in their tribe - he feels he and Dawn are on the bottom due to their ages and Cochran cause he's the nerdy kid no one hung around with at school. Papa Bear hasn't clicked with anyone and he knows every challenge is important, he's not safe.
-Ozzy has his 5 pretty people alliance but he has a brother-type thing with Keith, he trusts him and thinks at some point he'll share the fact that he has the hidden idol with Keith.
And I guess this is the point because he just tells him.
Ozzy: I have the idol.
Keith: Oh, sweet.
(Dude... where's my idol?... Get it? Yeah, that was bad, I'm ashamed :)
-And Keith promptly goes and tells Whitney that Ozzy found the idol. (So much for the bro-code.)
-Keith tells the camera that he's mad that Ozzy has the idol cause it gives him all the power in their alliance and he told Whitney because he wants her to trust him [Keith]. (Methinks Ozzy just lost himself the game - again.)
Upolu - Day 7
-Mikayla confronts Brandon - wants to know what he has against her - he tells her he doesn't like her and he's not the only one- but she won't let it go - he says she just doesn't understand that he's trying to apologize (by telling her you don't like her...?) he starts getting defensive and then calls everyone together and has some weird little rant about Mikayla not having any alliances and then says he just wants to be kept out of the drama. (Then stop creating it, dummy.) (I know a way to keep him out of the drama - vote him out!)
-Sophie says Brandon is a loose cannon - he's got these religious ideals but then, inherent in his bloodline, he's a devious jerk.
-Mikayla goes off crying and I feel sorry for her - she shouldn't have to suffer because of that little puke.
-And Brandon's off crying - I should have been able to control my temper but I failed - this is a constant battle for me, good & evil, good & evil... (um, don't they have psych evaluations before they can go on the show? He worries me.) (Okay, then he's sleeping with his hands on his chest under his shirt and it looks like he has boobs - I had to do a double-take... Hahaha, I bet he loves that shot!)
-Coach talking to Sophie - Brandon's laying it all out on the table has spooked his alliance and spooked Mikayla - Coach is greatly concerned - it is a different aggression than Russell but it is still aggression and they can see the 'Russell' in him. She just hopes it doesn't bite them in the butt. (I'm waiting for someone to realize he's, dare I say it, 'the cancer in the tribe'... that is one of my favourite staples, I hope someone busts that one out.)
On Jeff's go - one tribe member will race across a floating bridge carrying a body board attached to a long rope, once they reach the platform they will grab one of the suspended bags then hang on to the body board as the rest of the tribe cranks a winch to pull them back to shore - once they have all 5 bags loaded into stand up basket type things the rest of the tribe must use grappling hooks to pick up the bags and get them to the top of a wall, then they must release the puzzle banners and arrange them hanging from the wall to form their tribe flag. First tribe to get it right will get immunity and reward: coffee, tea, sugar, chocolate & cookies. And another clue to the hidden idol.
Brandon & Ozzy are the two heading out on the course first - Red cannot feed the rope and they keep holding Ozzy back. Papa Bear noticeably cannot keep up with the cranking of the winch.
Brandon is the first back and Albert heads out on the bridge. Dawn is the next one out and she catches up as Albert is heavier and harder to pull in - Ozzy is out again against Mikayla and he takes back a pretty big lead now - But Dawn is slower on her second time out and Brandon takes the lead... now it's Ozzy & Albert neck and neck for the last bag - and Ozzy loses the board - Upolu has a small lead. Moving on to the grappling hooks - Coach & Edna and Whitney & Elyse are hooking the bags - Upolu is the first to get all their bags - they get all their banners out before the red team even gets all the pieces up and they finish their flag -UPOLU wins Immunity, Reward and the clue.
-Jim says Papa Bear is their weakest link, he slows them down - he should have been the first to go. (Leave it to Jim to be talking smack - I think he's the most cunning & ruthless player there, plus he's smart enough to hide it... I think he may be the dark horse.)
Savaii - Day 8
Coming back from losing Immunity - they are trying to be positive but morale is down. Ozzy says Dawn kicked ass today so they have to look at Papa Bear or Cochran - those not really helping them win challenges.
-Papa Bear and Cochran talking - they were put on the Barbie & Ken team and they don't fit in. They both know they're on the chopping block and basically say, I hope it's you and not me. (Nice - no alliance among the misfits then.)
-Pretty alliance is talking and they decide it will be Papa Bear - but they'll tell him it's Cochran. When Cochran comes to see what's going on Ozzy tells him and Cochran is not happy that his name keeps coming up. Cochran views Redemption Island as prolonged failure (in his case, probably correct) and he's tempted to do some scrambling but he's already viewed as the nervous, neurotic scrambler... he just doesn't want to go home.
-Jim & Ozzy tell Papa Bear it's Cochran tonight and he doesn't believe them - He was a cop, he can read you guys - he knows he's on the block. He decides his only hope is to find the hidden immunity idol so he walks through camp and RUNS into the woods.
-Elyse - Uh, did anyone see that? Papa Bear just sprinted into the woods. She and Jim go spy on him as he's digging like a gopher... wouldn't it be wild if he found the idol? (Especially if he found where Ozzy hid it - that would be AWESOME!)
-Papa Bear doesn't find it of course but he decides to make a fake one and try to make them think he found it. So, he comes back into camp with a big smile and a bigger bulge in his underpants. He goes and tells Jim he found the idol. Jim's not sure if it's true but he thinks they may have to switch their voting.
-Cochran thinks it's an act and hopes the rest of the tribe sees through Papa Bear's charade but he also knows it's easy enough for them to just vote for him instead.
-Ozzy thinks it's incredibly funny to watch everyone scramble around thinking Papa Bear has the idol when Ozzy already has it. He just hopes nothing goes wrong.
Cochran, did you feel the heat after last tribal council?
-I'm trying to make myself more of an asset to the tribe - at camp and in challenges. I think I proved today that my size isn't an impediment in challenges, I was winching with the best of them.
Papa Bear, what's Cochran's biggest problem - in this game?
-In my opinion, physically he's going to be a threat to himself.
Cochran, where is the leadership in this tribe?
-There are many layers of leadership - the obvious is Ozzy, we follow his lead in learning how to survive these elements.
Papa Bear, Ozzy the leader?
-Everyone wants to be the leader. This is a game of A type personalities, none of these people sit on the couch all day (nice deflection)
What is your professional background?
-I am a retired NYPDetective
So you are a leader
-I am a leader but for some reason in this tribe, the 5 have taken control and I'm not a leader - I really don't have anything in common with them. (Cop out - if you were really playing the game, you'd find, or make up, some common interests... I'm just saying.)
Dawn, are you noticing people starting to group based on similarities, age, background?
-Yeah, I think any group is made up of similarities, community, and I think myself, Papa Bear and Cochran are the most on the outside but I see it shift throughout the day - I don't see it as locked.
-Papa Bear pipes up: Dawn (and her eyes bugged out of her head... oh, someone doesn't like confrontation) - You know we're not in their group, it's okay to say it because it's real (yeah, Papa Bear has had some therapy - feel your truth!)
Jim, you're not buying this.
-No, I think Dawn was right on. Papa Bear knows he's on the chopping block tonight and I think his comments are meant to stir things up (wow, Jim has really white teeth.)
-I don't need to stir -I'm in the three- I'll be voted out- you need to worry, you're in the 5 (uh, okay.)
Jim, given any thought to the idol?
-Without a doubt - I see it as a very significant tool - but an idol played at this point is getting you 3 more days, that's the game - It's Survivor and you're surviving every day at a time.
Ozzy, you were voted out holding on to an idol - so what Jim says, getting you 3 more days is not necessarily true. (You have to be smart enough to know when to play it too.)
-Yes, it could change the game totally - I know when someone takes a walk, we're keeping our eyes peeled.
Cochran, think you can find the idol? (This guy needs to learn the power of positive thinking.)
-It's possible - I have to weigh the pros and cons of searching for the idol. Obviously searching for individual immunity does not foster a culture of trust and is not a good way to avoid the chopping block (Burn!)
Time To Vote:
Jim votes for 'Cockran' - just in case Papa Bear has the idol.
Cochran votes for Papa Bear - you make me anxious (and he doesn't need help with that.)
Tallying the Votes:
No one plays the hidden immunity idol.
Papa Bear - 1
Cochran - 1
Jim - 1
Papa Bear - 2, 3, 4 - And Papa Bear is sent off to Redemption Island... and, from our pool, with him go Susan Nagai, Fred/Gary Moderow and Vikki Murray.
Next week - the new mastermind at Savaii is... Cochran. He and Jim are cooking up a Survivor move to undermine Ozzy. And over on Upolu, Brandon's paranoia is running rampant - he thinks Albert, Mikayla and Sophie are in on something and Sophie thinks he's just a little Russel Hantz (oh boy, he definitely should have kept his last name a secret - he went squirrely fast that one.)
Papa Bear's thoughts: any vote when it's against you is not fair - he doesn't think he deserved to be voted out he thinks Cochran should have gone and when he goes back in he's going to the Red team, he's not going back to the same team that just voted him out - he's not stupid.
Then he scares the cr*p out of Christine, coming up on her in the dark. Hahaha...
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
Redemption Island - Night 5
Christine (the b*tchy one) arrives and, true to form, shakes Semhar awake - I'm here! Semhar pumps her for info on her tribe and Christine says Coach is big ol' pain in the *ss. He thinks he's King Farouk or somethin'. (At least Christine can build a fire - I'm sure Semhar is glad of that.) Christine sees Redemption Island as her chance to get back in the game... let's see if you can make good on that.
Upolu - Night 5
They return from tribal council - Mikayla is still reeling from Brandon's attempt to get rid of her. She's glad Coach took the heat off of her but as she tries to talk to him Brandon comes over whining that Tribal sucked so bad... Coach hugs him - to comfort him... Really?
-Brandon says to the camera that he was 150% sure that Mikayla was going to go but his plan backfired and he got caught in a bold-faced lie. He didn't want to be branded a villain like his uncle, he didn't want to play that way. (You are so far from being your uncle. He would have recruited Mikayla as his 'dumb-ass girl' and had her working for him. Brandon doesn't strike me as clever enough to achieve his uncle's level of chicanery.)
Upolu - Day 6
They choose two people to go watch the duel at Redemption Island - Coach humbly requests that the tribe allows him to go (ugh) and Stacey says, "I want to go too." And it's that easy. Coach says the best part of the day would be if Christine lost. He doesn't want to see her at any time get back in the game.
Redemption Island - Day 6
We see Coach and Stacey and Ozzie and Elyse take a seat in the viewing area. And Semhar has spent the day braiding her hair... or maybe they bonded over cornrows... and really, do we need to see your bra? Your shirt is adequate to cover it and your chest is not going to win you any points.
Jeff asks Christine what went wrong on her tribe - she said Coach Wade did not like her because she voiced what everyone was thinking, that he was a temporary player, but he took offence to it and wanted her gone. Jeff asks Semhar how she fared at Redemption island all alone - she said it was scary and I was all alone... wow, not feeling poetic today I see.
DUEL: They will place a wooden totem on the end of a pole and balance it - at timed intervals they will add another section to the pole making it longer and harder to balance. At any time if the totem falls from the top of the pole, that player loses and is out of the game. For reals this time.
And... we are all waiting for Semhar to pray... oh wait, no, it's a spoken word performance - they're all just looking at each other and Jeff gives a big ol' heavy sigh (haha, that is why he's the best reality host on TV)... "Okay, I'm good." (she's got to get her performance time in while she can.)
And finally they begin: they both get to the 2nd section, and the third, though Semhar swayed a little - Christine's started to wobble... they're both getting fatigued... and Semhar loses her totem. Goodbye boo.
And with Semhar losing that means: Lynne B, Bryon L and Cheryl B get the booby prize of first out pool money back.
-Jeff asks Semhar what's the emotion (on losing) - and she gets choked up, her tribe sending her to Redemption Island brought up her painful past, she moved so many times and felt abandoned and it made her feel that way about her tribe. "I don't know how people can be so cruel."
Jeff, "And yet, you sought out this game." (Meaning, didn't you know that could happen, do you watch the show?) but she doesn't get it at all. She says, "Exactly, and I'm so proud of myself, I never gave up..." (What? I don't think she listens - she's too busy writing her own spoken word story in her head to worry about what the cruel world thinks of her.)
-Just burn her buff already! She does give Christine her blanket before she leaves - that was nice.
-Christine knows Coach was just there to see if she would lose, "What a dope." She's hoping she can "pull a Matt" and have a run at Redemption and get back in. She knows she'll win. (As long as she doesn't pull a total Matt and implode when she gets back in - though I don't see her as the WWJD type.)
Upolu - Day 7
-Brandon is having a crisis of conscience - he doesn't want to lie anymore or play games with these people... (Uh, are you going home then? You do realize you're there for a game where you lie to people right? I'm getting a little sick of Lil Hantz.)
-So... Brandon takes off his shirt and tells everyone that he's Russell Hantz' nephew... much to the surprise of the tribe.
-Sophie - I knew he was hiding something.
-Mikayla - I still don't trust him, he's a sneak.
-Brandon - Now he feels like he's free to be himself - he loves God and he shouldn't be ashamed of not being like his uncle. (I think you're more like him then you care to admit.)
-Coach tells Brandon he's proud of him for being honest but then tells us it was a mistake, in his opinion, to tell the tribe. He still thinks Brandon's a valuable asset in his alliance but he's not going to be able to trust him completely.
Savaii - Day 7
-Papa Bear [pronounced bay-ah] - knows there is a pecking order in their tribe - he feels he and Dawn are on the bottom due to their ages and Cochran cause he's the nerdy kid no one hung around with at school. Papa Bear hasn't clicked with anyone and he knows every challenge is important, he's not safe.
-Ozzy has his 5 pretty people alliance but he has a brother-type thing with Keith, he trusts him and thinks at some point he'll share the fact that he has the hidden idol with Keith.
And I guess this is the point because he just tells him.
Ozzy: I have the idol.
Keith: Oh, sweet.
(Dude... where's my idol?... Get it? Yeah, that was bad, I'm ashamed :)
-And Keith promptly goes and tells Whitney that Ozzy found the idol. (So much for the bro-code.)
-Keith tells the camera that he's mad that Ozzy has the idol cause it gives him all the power in their alliance and he told Whitney because he wants her to trust him [Keith]. (Methinks Ozzy just lost himself the game - again.)
Upolu - Day 7
-Mikayla confronts Brandon - wants to know what he has against her - he tells her he doesn't like her and he's not the only one- but she won't let it go - he says she just doesn't understand that he's trying to apologize (by telling her you don't like her...?) he starts getting defensive and then calls everyone together and has some weird little rant about Mikayla not having any alliances and then says he just wants to be kept out of the drama. (Then stop creating it, dummy.) (I know a way to keep him out of the drama - vote him out!)
-Sophie says Brandon is a loose cannon - he's got these religious ideals but then, inherent in his bloodline, he's a devious jerk.
-Mikayla goes off crying and I feel sorry for her - she shouldn't have to suffer because of that little puke.
-And Brandon's off crying - I should have been able to control my temper but I failed - this is a constant battle for me, good & evil, good & evil... (um, don't they have psych evaluations before they can go on the show? He worries me.) (Okay, then he's sleeping with his hands on his chest under his shirt and it looks like he has boobs - I had to do a double-take... Hahaha, I bet he loves that shot!)
-Coach talking to Sophie - Brandon's laying it all out on the table has spooked his alliance and spooked Mikayla - Coach is greatly concerned - it is a different aggression than Russell but it is still aggression and they can see the 'Russell' in him. She just hopes it doesn't bite them in the butt. (I'm waiting for someone to realize he's, dare I say it, 'the cancer in the tribe'... that is one of my favourite staples, I hope someone busts that one out.)
On Jeff's go - one tribe member will race across a floating bridge carrying a body board attached to a long rope, once they reach the platform they will grab one of the suspended bags then hang on to the body board as the rest of the tribe cranks a winch to pull them back to shore - once they have all 5 bags loaded into stand up basket type things the rest of the tribe must use grappling hooks to pick up the bags and get them to the top of a wall, then they must release the puzzle banners and arrange them hanging from the wall to form their tribe flag. First tribe to get it right will get immunity and reward: coffee, tea, sugar, chocolate & cookies. And another clue to the hidden idol.
Brandon & Ozzy are the two heading out on the course first - Red cannot feed the rope and they keep holding Ozzy back. Papa Bear noticeably cannot keep up with the cranking of the winch.
Brandon is the first back and Albert heads out on the bridge. Dawn is the next one out and she catches up as Albert is heavier and harder to pull in - Ozzy is out again against Mikayla and he takes back a pretty big lead now - But Dawn is slower on her second time out and Brandon takes the lead... now it's Ozzy & Albert neck and neck for the last bag - and Ozzy loses the board - Upolu has a small lead. Moving on to the grappling hooks - Coach & Edna and Whitney & Elyse are hooking the bags - Upolu is the first to get all their bags - they get all their banners out before the red team even gets all the pieces up and they finish their flag -UPOLU wins Immunity, Reward and the clue.
-Jim says Papa Bear is their weakest link, he slows them down - he should have been the first to go. (Leave it to Jim to be talking smack - I think he's the most cunning & ruthless player there, plus he's smart enough to hide it... I think he may be the dark horse.)
Savaii - Day 8
Coming back from losing Immunity - they are trying to be positive but morale is down. Ozzy says Dawn kicked ass today so they have to look at Papa Bear or Cochran - those not really helping them win challenges.
-Papa Bear and Cochran talking - they were put on the Barbie & Ken team and they don't fit in. They both know they're on the chopping block and basically say, I hope it's you and not me. (Nice - no alliance among the misfits then.)
-Pretty alliance is talking and they decide it will be Papa Bear - but they'll tell him it's Cochran. When Cochran comes to see what's going on Ozzy tells him and Cochran is not happy that his name keeps coming up. Cochran views Redemption Island as prolonged failure (in his case, probably correct) and he's tempted to do some scrambling but he's already viewed as the nervous, neurotic scrambler... he just doesn't want to go home.
-Jim & Ozzy tell Papa Bear it's Cochran tonight and he doesn't believe them - He was a cop, he can read you guys - he knows he's on the block. He decides his only hope is to find the hidden immunity idol so he walks through camp and RUNS into the woods.
-Elyse - Uh, did anyone see that? Papa Bear just sprinted into the woods. She and Jim go spy on him as he's digging like a gopher... wouldn't it be wild if he found the idol? (Especially if he found where Ozzy hid it - that would be AWESOME!)
-Papa Bear doesn't find it of course but he decides to make a fake one and try to make them think he found it. So, he comes back into camp with a big smile and a bigger bulge in his underpants. He goes and tells Jim he found the idol. Jim's not sure if it's true but he thinks they may have to switch their voting.
-Cochran thinks it's an act and hopes the rest of the tribe sees through Papa Bear's charade but he also knows it's easy enough for them to just vote for him instead.
-Ozzy thinks it's incredibly funny to watch everyone scramble around thinking Papa Bear has the idol when Ozzy already has it. He just hopes nothing goes wrong.
Cochran, did you feel the heat after last tribal council?
-I'm trying to make myself more of an asset to the tribe - at camp and in challenges. I think I proved today that my size isn't an impediment in challenges, I was winching with the best of them.
Papa Bear, what's Cochran's biggest problem - in this game?
-In my opinion, physically he's going to be a threat to himself.
Cochran, where is the leadership in this tribe?
-There are many layers of leadership - the obvious is Ozzy, we follow his lead in learning how to survive these elements.
Papa Bear, Ozzy the leader?
-Everyone wants to be the leader. This is a game of A type personalities, none of these people sit on the couch all day (nice deflection)
What is your professional background?
-I am a retired NYPDetective
So you are a leader
-I am a leader but for some reason in this tribe, the 5 have taken control and I'm not a leader - I really don't have anything in common with them. (Cop out - if you were really playing the game, you'd find, or make up, some common interests... I'm just saying.)
Dawn, are you noticing people starting to group based on similarities, age, background?
-Yeah, I think any group is made up of similarities, community, and I think myself, Papa Bear and Cochran are the most on the outside but I see it shift throughout the day - I don't see it as locked.
-Papa Bear pipes up: Dawn (and her eyes bugged out of her head... oh, someone doesn't like confrontation) - You know we're not in their group, it's okay to say it because it's real (yeah, Papa Bear has had some therapy - feel your truth!)
Jim, you're not buying this.
-No, I think Dawn was right on. Papa Bear knows he's on the chopping block tonight and I think his comments are meant to stir things up (wow, Jim has really white teeth.)
-I don't need to stir -I'm in the three- I'll be voted out- you need to worry, you're in the 5 (uh, okay.)
Jim, given any thought to the idol?
-Without a doubt - I see it as a very significant tool - but an idol played at this point is getting you 3 more days, that's the game - It's Survivor and you're surviving every day at a time.
Ozzy, you were voted out holding on to an idol - so what Jim says, getting you 3 more days is not necessarily true. (You have to be smart enough to know when to play it too.)
-Yes, it could change the game totally - I know when someone takes a walk, we're keeping our eyes peeled.
Cochran, think you can find the idol? (This guy needs to learn the power of positive thinking.)
-It's possible - I have to weigh the pros and cons of searching for the idol. Obviously searching for individual immunity does not foster a culture of trust and is not a good way to avoid the chopping block (Burn!)
Time To Vote:
Jim votes for 'Cockran' - just in case Papa Bear has the idol.
Cochran votes for Papa Bear - you make me anxious (and he doesn't need help with that.)
Tallying the Votes:
No one plays the hidden immunity idol.
Papa Bear - 1
Cochran - 1
Jim - 1
Papa Bear - 2, 3, 4 - And Papa Bear is sent off to Redemption Island... and, from our pool, with him go Susan Nagai, Fred/Gary Moderow and Vikki Murray.
Next week - the new mastermind at Savaii is... Cochran. He and Jim are cooking up a Survivor move to undermine Ozzy. And over on Upolu, Brandon's paranoia is running rampant - he thinks Albert, Mikayla and Sophie are in on something and Sophie thinks he's just a little Russel Hantz (oh boy, he definitely should have kept his last name a secret - he went squirrely fast that one.)
Papa Bear's thoughts: any vote when it's against you is not fair - he doesn't think he deserved to be voted out he thinks Cochran should have gone and when he goes back in he's going to the Red team, he's not going back to the same team that just voted him out - he's not stupid.
Then he scares the cr*p out of Christine, coming up on her in the dark. Hahaha...
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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