Kindness of Strangers (Taiwan)
The 19th Season of the Amazing Race started out from a Buddhist temple in the foothills of Los Angeles - we meet the teams for the first time:
-Andy & Tommy - former Olympic snowboarders from California - they say they'll get it done. (This is my team in the pool - I hope grizzly Adams isn't as stoner dude as he looks.)
-Ethan & Jenna - previous winners of Survivor and dating for 7 years - his cancer's in remission and he's out to prove there is life after cancer.
-Laurence & Zac - Father & son adventurers from California - Zac sailed around the world solo at 17.
-Ernie & Cindy - recently engaged from Chicago - she's a control freak - oh great.
-Justin & Jennifer - Brother & sister from Georgia - she's a hot head - they yell it out (she agreed.)
-Bill & Cathi - married grandparents from Oregon - 40 years on a farm, they understand manual labour and are ready for the physical challenges on the Race.
-Liz & Marie - Twin sisters from Illinois - they can communicate without words (freaky barbie telepathy?)
-Jeremy & Sandy - dating couple from California - both previously married and using the Race, as he puts it, as a test drive to see if he wants to buy the car (isn't it buy the cow... charming.)
-Ron & Bill - domestic partners, flight attendants - from Southern California - they think their profession will be a big benefit and they know how to work together (I almost thought there was another set of twins here - these two are proof of people living together who start to look alike - yikes.)
-Amani & Marcus - Married 10 years - from Georgia - he's a former pro football player - he misses competing and is in game mode, "We are going to win the Race."
-Kaylani & Lisa - former showgirls from Las Vegas, Nevada - they expect everyone to think they're dumb and to focus on their chests - but they say they're smart (the proof is in the pudding ladies.)
Phil welcomes them to the Race - there are going to be 12 legs on the Race and the first team to check in to the Pit Stop at the end of the first leg will win the Express Pass which can be used up to the end of the 8th leg to bypass any task they do not wish to complete - a huge advantage.
-First challenge is right there at the temple behind Phil - large rack of umbrellas - they have to find one with three letters that, when combined with the six letters on the top of the rack of umbrellas spells out their first destination. The letters on the umbrella are TAI - combined with the other letters given (WAN & PEI) spell out their first destination: Taipei, Taiwan. When the team guesses correctly, Phil will give them a set of keys to the marked cars and they can head off to the airport. The last team to complete this task will receive a new penalty called a Hazard, which they must complete at some point during this leg.
-So, they just all grab umbrellas and show them to Phil who tells them all that it's not correct - no one seems to be really trying to solve the puzzle. My snowboarder dudes start looking for vowels and are the first to get keys but I still don't think they know where they're heading. Oh, they get in the Ford vehicle and the video display has Phil congratulate them on figuring out they're heading to Taipei, Taiwan. (Boo, they should have had to actually figure it out... I love watching Americans try to do geography.)
-Former football player and his wife are next - and if she screams like that throughout - I'm wishing them gone soon.
-The Barbie twins and Ethan & Jenna are the next teams out - and everyone seems to have figured out it's Taipei, Taiwan - now it's just a matter of finding the umbrella with the right letters on it.
-The engaged and dating couples are next out and they show us more of Phil's video advising there are two flights - the first will accommodate 8 teams and the remainder will be on a flight leaving 20 minutes later.
-Domestic partners, grandparents and father & son are the next teams to find the right letters leaving the former showgirls and the siblings still searching... and it's the showgirls that will face a Hazard penalty.
-The snowboarders have to stop at a gas station to ask for directions to the airport. They don't show anyone else asking directions until the Showgirls (Kaylani & Lisa) stop at a gas station as well... and we see a passport has fallen out of a vehicle and is sitting on the ground at the gas station (oh man!)
and one of the girls is complaining about sweating... I predict you'll have something else to complain about soon.
-They show teams start arriving at the airport and Ron & Bill are the first to the counter (flight attendants, I bet they know their way to many airports) Ethan & Jenna are right behind them.
-Back in the showgirls car, Kaylani realizes she is missing her passport... and she thinks it must have fallen out at the gas station (well, at least she realized it rather quickly - or at least they made it seem that way.)
So they head back to the gas station - ask if anyone handed in a passport - no - and decide to head to the airport to see if another team picked it up... uh, you guys were last, why would another team have it. (I would have looked harder at the gas station.)
-The first 8 teams are now checked in for the first flight (and my snowboarder guys were 7th even though they were the first to leave Phil - hopefully their navigation skills improve.) Lisa & Kaylani go to the ticket counter and ask if anyone had turned in a passport (really?) Lisa is p*ssed and they start yelling at each other - We're going nowhere because you don't have a passport!
-Ethan & Jenna want to keep it a secret that they were both on Survivor (uh, you both WON Survivor) but the other teams are talking and Sandy recognized them - she tells everyone they both already won a million dollars - I heard, "Greedy!"
-Next thing you know, Kaylani is paged over the PA system and some guys found her passport in the gas station and brought it to the airport. He said he tweeted that he had been randomly filmed for Amazing Race (he was the guy the snowboarders asked for directions) and he found a passport. Someone responded to his tweet that they have no communication on the Race and he should take the passport to the airport or "her dream would die right there." (Oh, how Hollywood. The guy didn't want her dream to die... and he could get on TV some more.) So, social media saved the day for the Showgirls, but I think could be the downfall of these types of shows - it will make it increasingly difficult for the show to keep the winner a secret in the end I think.
-The flights take off without incident. When they all arrive in Taipei, they must make their way by bus to a financial district and instead of looking for a clue box, they have to figure out they are looking for a red & yellow electronic billboard that will show them their next destination (in Chinese characters.)
-The first flight lands and all the teams get on the bus. Marcus doesn't plan on telling anyone he played professional football because people may see him as competition (no, they will think you have money and be less inclined to help you.)
-The second flight gets in and the bottom three teams are the twin girls, the showgirls and the grandparents... yup, no surprise there. (I am all for girl power but it hasn't been promising for the all-girl teams yet.) Then, Bill & Cathi miss the bus... uh oh. They are now in last place.
-First bus gets to the district and no one knows what they are looking for - everything is red & yellow. The clue says to 'look up' but Ernie & Cindy are standing right in front of the billboard and have no idea that's what they're looking for. (It's not striped, looks nothing like the old markers - red & yellow circles on a billboard... sheesh.)
-The snowboarders see a guy whose underwear showing under his pants is red & yellow and they ask him for a clue.
-Ethan & Jenna are right under the board... nope - Marcus is the first one to say, do you think the red & yellow balloons is it? (Yes!) Amani, "no."
-And the siblings are fighting... ha ha, I had hoped they would be best of friends siblings but oh no, they are 'pull your hair'/'why-are-you-hitting-yourself' siblings. Justin says it's hard enough to deal with the challenges of the Race, let alone the challenges of their relationship (and she just has a sour, sour face... I don't envy him racing with her - and we're 20 minutes in.)
-Marcus is sure it had to be the billboard and they show Justin & Jennifer - they decide to draw the characters. They ask someone to translate it and a local tells them it says Taipei Confucius Temple.
-Ron & Bill see them all looking at the billboard and then it seems everyone figures it out - they all start getting the translation - Confucius Temple. The second bus shows up and one of the twins thinks it could be the billboard but no, that can't be it. The grandparents get there and are just frozen in place - 40 years on the farm did not prepare them for Taipei.
-The snowboarders are with Ethan & Jenna when they get the translation - Ethan says good enough for me and they take off but the Snowboarders are still doubting that is the correct clue. (Oh, come on!)
-The first 4 teams to the Confucius Temple - Sandy & Jeremy, Ernie & Cindy, Marcus & Amani and Justin & Jennifer get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to play telephone?
-Teams will use the payphone at the temple, call a given number and memorize the Confucius quote spoken to them without taking any notes. If they can recite it word for word to the monk, he will give them their next clue.
-First, they have to find the telephone - and Ernie is laughing because all the girls are doing the task - Marcus, "cause all the girls like telephones." (Well, it shouldn't be physically demanding so strategically it makes sense for the girls to do it.) Bill & Ron get there (oh, a girl won't be doing it for them) and Ethan & Jenna - Ethan is going to do it.
-Cindy is the first one to find the phone (she also speaks some Chinese but the monk wouldn't help her) - This is what she had to memorize: In all things success depends on previous preparation, and without such previous preparation there is sure to be failure.
-She does pretty well the first time - but not exactly so she has to try again (I'm not proud to tell you I had to rewind 3 times to get the whole thing correct just to type it above, and it was written on the screen. I couldn't imagine having to remember it without writing it down.)
-Back at the billboard, the Snowboarder and the Father & Son team are finally willing to admit the sign is the next clue and they head out.
-The girls - twins and showgirls are still having no luck and the grandparents aren't even in the right area. Bill is embarrassed, he used to be a teacher and Cathi used to be a principal, what would their students say?
-Back at the temple - no one is getting the wording exactly right... until Cindy's 3rd attempt (that they showed us) she finally succeeds! They get the clue to travel by taxi to a riverside park and search under the bridge for their next clue - and Ernie & Cindy are the first off. Jennifer & Justin are next, followed by Sandy & Jeremy.
-The girls finally figure out the billboard is the clue and get a local to tell them what it says - off to the Confucius Temple.
-Bill & Cathi have headed to the tallest building they could see and go up the elevator (uhh?) - nope. She says this is way too hard - he says, "Well, colour me stupid." (yup.)
-Bearded Snowboarder dude (Andy) is showing the effects of short term memory loss... I'm just saying. Zac almost gets it - but not.
-Ethan finally gets it right and snatches the clue from the monks hand (wow, dude, it's not a pebble.) The monk kinda raises his eyebrows - don't tempt Race Karma - reign in the frustration.
-Ernie & Cindy get to the bridge and at least this one if obvious - they get a Route info clue that they have to join a dragon boat racing crew (one person will paddle and one will have to set the pace with the drum.) Once they successfully complete the course with their crew, the boat captain will give them their next clue.
-Cindy is going to do the drum and Ernie is rowing - as they head out she says, "I feel so Asian right now." (Which was funny because she is of Chinese descent.)
-Back at the temple - Amani, Zac, Bill and Andy complete the quote. And the girl teams show up to do it.
-Back at the dragon boats, the other teams are now out on the water - Ernie & Cindy are the first one's done and they get the clue to head to the Pit Stop - The Martyrs' Shrine. The last team to check in MAY be eliminated.
- Check out the memory on Kaylani, she gets the proverb right - the showgirls get the clue for their Hazard - they must go to a mall and check the 11th floor for their next clue.
-Liz (one of the twins) does not have great focus and can't get the wording right.
-The grandparents have now spent 4 hours not finding the clue to the temple. They are now trying to find the actual district they should be in - (might have been a good thing to do first.)
-At the mall - Kaylani & Lisa find out that one of them must do an indoor bungee jump - leaping from the rafters into the atrium of the mall. (O.M.G.) Kaylani is going to do it, she's bungee jumped off the Stratosphere before, and her harness started to undo - eek. She does it without incident and says, "when I said I'd do anything for a million dollars, I meant it." (Okay, kill that guy. No, well, I guess you didn't mean anything then did you?)
-Liz is stupid. Bicker, bicker, bicker.
-When the teams get to the dragon boats, the crew all cheer - Marcus loved it, like coming down the tunnel in his football days. Dad, Laurence, used to be a coxswain back in England so the drumming was right up his alley.
-The grandparents finally found the billboard and figure out they need to go to the temple.
-Trouble in twin-land. "I'm going to break down so just shut up"... and she finally gets it! They head for the dragon boats.
-Ron & Bill are just arriving at the dragon boats as Kaylani & Lisa get there and are so excited they caught up even with having the Hazard task.
-Cindi & Bill finally get to the temple and she is playing telephone. They are such a cute couple - no arguing, just support. She listens to the phrase and recites it correctly on her first try - awesome.
Here's how they finished:
1) Ernie & Cindy - win the Express Pass - He says, "control freak Cindy on the Race is actually a good teammate." To which she replied - "Which should have been obvious."
2) Jeremy & Sandy - Test Drive guy - but I liked this team.
3) Justin & Jennifer- (Siblings) All smiles at coming in 3rd.
4) Ethan & Jenna - Survivors
5) Amani & Marcus - Football guy
6) Laurence & Zac - Father & Son
7) Andy & Tommy - Snowboarder dudes
8) Ron & Bill - Flight Attendant/domestic partners
9) Kaylani & Lisa - rough start to the Race for the showgirls - they thought it was over but that's why it's the Amazing Race - it's not over until it's over.
10) Liz & Marie - Phil gets a huge double-mint hug from the twins when they find out they're not last.
11) Bill & Cathi - Last team to arrive, however, this is a NON-ELIMINATION leg and they will face a Speed Bump on the next leg. Also, Phil tells us for the first time ever, they will have a Double Elimination on the next leg - (are you serious? Grr, well, it will still be the first team eliminated will get their money back, the 2nd team will be SOL - sorry guys.)
Next week: Justin & Jennifer face off and they all find out it's a double elimination.
So, there you have it. We're all still in the Race! Have a great week everyone,
The 19th Season of the Amazing Race started out from a Buddhist temple in the foothills of Los Angeles - we meet the teams for the first time:
-Andy & Tommy - former Olympic snowboarders from California - they say they'll get it done. (This is my team in the pool - I hope grizzly Adams isn't as stoner dude as he looks.)
-Ethan & Jenna - previous winners of Survivor and dating for 7 years - his cancer's in remission and he's out to prove there is life after cancer.
-Laurence & Zac - Father & son adventurers from California - Zac sailed around the world solo at 17.
-Ernie & Cindy - recently engaged from Chicago - she's a control freak - oh great.
-Justin & Jennifer - Brother & sister from Georgia - she's a hot head - they yell it out (she agreed.)
-Bill & Cathi - married grandparents from Oregon - 40 years on a farm, they understand manual labour and are ready for the physical challenges on the Race.
-Liz & Marie - Twin sisters from Illinois - they can communicate without words (freaky barbie telepathy?)
-Jeremy & Sandy - dating couple from California - both previously married and using the Race, as he puts it, as a test drive to see if he wants to buy the car (isn't it buy the cow... charming.)
-Ron & Bill - domestic partners, flight attendants - from Southern California - they think their profession will be a big benefit and they know how to work together (I almost thought there was another set of twins here - these two are proof of people living together who start to look alike - yikes.)
-Amani & Marcus - Married 10 years - from Georgia - he's a former pro football player - he misses competing and is in game mode, "We are going to win the Race."
-Kaylani & Lisa - former showgirls from Las Vegas, Nevada - they expect everyone to think they're dumb and to focus on their chests - but they say they're smart (the proof is in the pudding ladies.)
Phil welcomes them to the Race - there are going to be 12 legs on the Race and the first team to check in to the Pit Stop at the end of the first leg will win the Express Pass which can be used up to the end of the 8th leg to bypass any task they do not wish to complete - a huge advantage.
-First challenge is right there at the temple behind Phil - large rack of umbrellas - they have to find one with three letters that, when combined with the six letters on the top of the rack of umbrellas spells out their first destination. The letters on the umbrella are TAI - combined with the other letters given (WAN & PEI) spell out their first destination: Taipei, Taiwan. When the team guesses correctly, Phil will give them a set of keys to the marked cars and they can head off to the airport. The last team to complete this task will receive a new penalty called a Hazard, which they must complete at some point during this leg.
-So, they just all grab umbrellas and show them to Phil who tells them all that it's not correct - no one seems to be really trying to solve the puzzle. My snowboarder dudes start looking for vowels and are the first to get keys but I still don't think they know where they're heading. Oh, they get in the Ford vehicle and the video display has Phil congratulate them on figuring out they're heading to Taipei, Taiwan. (Boo, they should have had to actually figure it out... I love watching Americans try to do geography.)
-Former football player and his wife are next - and if she screams like that throughout - I'm wishing them gone soon.
-The Barbie twins and Ethan & Jenna are the next teams out - and everyone seems to have figured out it's Taipei, Taiwan - now it's just a matter of finding the umbrella with the right letters on it.
-The engaged and dating couples are next out and they show us more of Phil's video advising there are two flights - the first will accommodate 8 teams and the remainder will be on a flight leaving 20 minutes later.
-Domestic partners, grandparents and father & son are the next teams to find the right letters leaving the former showgirls and the siblings still searching... and it's the showgirls that will face a Hazard penalty.
-The snowboarders have to stop at a gas station to ask for directions to the airport. They don't show anyone else asking directions until the Showgirls (Kaylani & Lisa) stop at a gas station as well... and we see a passport has fallen out of a vehicle and is sitting on the ground at the gas station (oh man!)
and one of the girls is complaining about sweating... I predict you'll have something else to complain about soon.
-They show teams start arriving at the airport and Ron & Bill are the first to the counter (flight attendants, I bet they know their way to many airports) Ethan & Jenna are right behind them.
-Back in the showgirls car, Kaylani realizes she is missing her passport... and she thinks it must have fallen out at the gas station (well, at least she realized it rather quickly - or at least they made it seem that way.)
So they head back to the gas station - ask if anyone handed in a passport - no - and decide to head to the airport to see if another team picked it up... uh, you guys were last, why would another team have it. (I would have looked harder at the gas station.)
-The first 8 teams are now checked in for the first flight (and my snowboarder guys were 7th even though they were the first to leave Phil - hopefully their navigation skills improve.) Lisa & Kaylani go to the ticket counter and ask if anyone had turned in a passport (really?) Lisa is p*ssed and they start yelling at each other - We're going nowhere because you don't have a passport!
-Ethan & Jenna want to keep it a secret that they were both on Survivor (uh, you both WON Survivor) but the other teams are talking and Sandy recognized them - she tells everyone they both already won a million dollars - I heard, "Greedy!"
-Next thing you know, Kaylani is paged over the PA system and some guys found her passport in the gas station and brought it to the airport. He said he tweeted that he had been randomly filmed for Amazing Race (he was the guy the snowboarders asked for directions) and he found a passport. Someone responded to his tweet that they have no communication on the Race and he should take the passport to the airport or "her dream would die right there." (Oh, how Hollywood. The guy didn't want her dream to die... and he could get on TV some more.) So, social media saved the day for the Showgirls, but I think could be the downfall of these types of shows - it will make it increasingly difficult for the show to keep the winner a secret in the end I think.
-The flights take off without incident. When they all arrive in Taipei, they must make their way by bus to a financial district and instead of looking for a clue box, they have to figure out they are looking for a red & yellow electronic billboard that will show them their next destination (in Chinese characters.)
-The first flight lands and all the teams get on the bus. Marcus doesn't plan on telling anyone he played professional football because people may see him as competition (no, they will think you have money and be less inclined to help you.)
-The second flight gets in and the bottom three teams are the twin girls, the showgirls and the grandparents... yup, no surprise there. (I am all for girl power but it hasn't been promising for the all-girl teams yet.) Then, Bill & Cathi miss the bus... uh oh. They are now in last place.
-First bus gets to the district and no one knows what they are looking for - everything is red & yellow. The clue says to 'look up' but Ernie & Cindy are standing right in front of the billboard and have no idea that's what they're looking for. (It's not striped, looks nothing like the old markers - red & yellow circles on a billboard... sheesh.)
-The snowboarders see a guy whose underwear showing under his pants is red & yellow and they ask him for a clue.
-Ethan & Jenna are right under the board... nope - Marcus is the first one to say, do you think the red & yellow balloons is it? (Yes!) Amani, "no."
-And the siblings are fighting... ha ha, I had hoped they would be best of friends siblings but oh no, they are 'pull your hair'/'why-are-you-hitting-yourself' siblings. Justin says it's hard enough to deal with the challenges of the Race, let alone the challenges of their relationship (and she just has a sour, sour face... I don't envy him racing with her - and we're 20 minutes in.)
-Marcus is sure it had to be the billboard and they show Justin & Jennifer - they decide to draw the characters. They ask someone to translate it and a local tells them it says Taipei Confucius Temple.
-Ron & Bill see them all looking at the billboard and then it seems everyone figures it out - they all start getting the translation - Confucius Temple. The second bus shows up and one of the twins thinks it could be the billboard but no, that can't be it. The grandparents get there and are just frozen in place - 40 years on the farm did not prepare them for Taipei.
-The snowboarders are with Ethan & Jenna when they get the translation - Ethan says good enough for me and they take off but the Snowboarders are still doubting that is the correct clue. (Oh, come on!)
-The first 4 teams to the Confucius Temple - Sandy & Jeremy, Ernie & Cindy, Marcus & Amani and Justin & Jennifer get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to play telephone?
-Teams will use the payphone at the temple, call a given number and memorize the Confucius quote spoken to them without taking any notes. If they can recite it word for word to the monk, he will give them their next clue.
-First, they have to find the telephone - and Ernie is laughing because all the girls are doing the task - Marcus, "cause all the girls like telephones." (Well, it shouldn't be physically demanding so strategically it makes sense for the girls to do it.) Bill & Ron get there (oh, a girl won't be doing it for them) and Ethan & Jenna - Ethan is going to do it.
-Cindy is the first one to find the phone (she also speaks some Chinese but the monk wouldn't help her) - This is what she had to memorize: In all things success depends on previous preparation, and without such previous preparation there is sure to be failure.
-She does pretty well the first time - but not exactly so she has to try again (I'm not proud to tell you I had to rewind 3 times to get the whole thing correct just to type it above, and it was written on the screen. I couldn't imagine having to remember it without writing it down.)
-Back at the billboard, the Snowboarder and the Father & Son team are finally willing to admit the sign is the next clue and they head out.
-The girls - twins and showgirls are still having no luck and the grandparents aren't even in the right area. Bill is embarrassed, he used to be a teacher and Cathi used to be a principal, what would their students say?
-Back at the temple - no one is getting the wording exactly right... until Cindy's 3rd attempt (that they showed us) she finally succeeds! They get the clue to travel by taxi to a riverside park and search under the bridge for their next clue - and Ernie & Cindy are the first off. Jennifer & Justin are next, followed by Sandy & Jeremy.
-The girls finally figure out the billboard is the clue and get a local to tell them what it says - off to the Confucius Temple.
-Bill & Cathi have headed to the tallest building they could see and go up the elevator (uhh?) - nope. She says this is way too hard - he says, "Well, colour me stupid." (yup.)
-Bearded Snowboarder dude (Andy) is showing the effects of short term memory loss... I'm just saying. Zac almost gets it - but not.
-Ethan finally gets it right and snatches the clue from the monks hand (wow, dude, it's not a pebble.) The monk kinda raises his eyebrows - don't tempt Race Karma - reign in the frustration.
-Ernie & Cindy get to the bridge and at least this one if obvious - they get a Route info clue that they have to join a dragon boat racing crew (one person will paddle and one will have to set the pace with the drum.) Once they successfully complete the course with their crew, the boat captain will give them their next clue.
-Cindy is going to do the drum and Ernie is rowing - as they head out she says, "I feel so Asian right now." (Which was funny because she is of Chinese descent.)
-Back at the temple - Amani, Zac, Bill and Andy complete the quote. And the girl teams show up to do it.
-Back at the dragon boats, the other teams are now out on the water - Ernie & Cindy are the first one's done and they get the clue to head to the Pit Stop - The Martyrs' Shrine. The last team to check in MAY be eliminated.
- Check out the memory on Kaylani, she gets the proverb right - the showgirls get the clue for their Hazard - they must go to a mall and check the 11th floor for their next clue.
-Liz (one of the twins) does not have great focus and can't get the wording right.
-The grandparents have now spent 4 hours not finding the clue to the temple. They are now trying to find the actual district they should be in - (might have been a good thing to do first.)
-At the mall - Kaylani & Lisa find out that one of them must do an indoor bungee jump - leaping from the rafters into the atrium of the mall. (O.M.G.) Kaylani is going to do it, she's bungee jumped off the Stratosphere before, and her harness started to undo - eek. She does it without incident and says, "when I said I'd do anything for a million dollars, I meant it." (Okay, kill that guy. No, well, I guess you didn't mean anything then did you?)
-Liz is stupid. Bicker, bicker, bicker.
-When the teams get to the dragon boats, the crew all cheer - Marcus loved it, like coming down the tunnel in his football days. Dad, Laurence, used to be a coxswain back in England so the drumming was right up his alley.
-The grandparents finally found the billboard and figure out they need to go to the temple.
-Trouble in twin-land. "I'm going to break down so just shut up"... and she finally gets it! They head for the dragon boats.
-Ron & Bill are just arriving at the dragon boats as Kaylani & Lisa get there and are so excited they caught up even with having the Hazard task.
-Cindi & Bill finally get to the temple and she is playing telephone. They are such a cute couple - no arguing, just support. She listens to the phrase and recites it correctly on her first try - awesome.
Here's how they finished:
1) Ernie & Cindy - win the Express Pass - He says, "control freak Cindy on the Race is actually a good teammate." To which she replied - "Which should have been obvious."
2) Jeremy & Sandy - Test Drive guy - but I liked this team.
3) Justin & Jennifer- (Siblings) All smiles at coming in 3rd.
4) Ethan & Jenna - Survivors
5) Amani & Marcus - Football guy
6) Laurence & Zac - Father & Son
7) Andy & Tommy - Snowboarder dudes
8) Ron & Bill - Flight Attendant/domestic partners
9) Kaylani & Lisa - rough start to the Race for the showgirls - they thought it was over but that's why it's the Amazing Race - it's not over until it's over.
10) Liz & Marie - Phil gets a huge double-mint hug from the twins when they find out they're not last.
11) Bill & Cathi - Last team to arrive, however, this is a NON-ELIMINATION leg and they will face a Speed Bump on the next leg. Also, Phil tells us for the first time ever, they will have a Double Elimination on the next leg - (are you serious? Grr, well, it will still be the first team eliminated will get their money back, the 2nd team will be SOL - sorry guys.)
Next week: Justin & Jennifer face off and they all find out it's a double elimination.
So, there you have it. We're all still in the Race! Have a great week everyone,
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