Thursday, April 19, 2012

Survivor One World - April 18th Episode Recap

I'm No Dummy

Last week the women voted out Jay leaving Troyzan without an alliance... (because really, are you going to hang your hopes on Tarzan and Leif?)

Tikiano - Night 25
Returning from Tribal Council Troy is pissed off because he knows he's going to be the next one to go and he starts in on Christina for not voting with him since she's the one farthest on the outs with the women.  Then Alicia jumps in to deflect him and it gets a little loud.  Troyzan feels like it's now him against everyone else, no more team player.  The women feel like he's just digging his own grave.

Tikiano - Day 26
Troy's mood carries over into the next day and he's telling Chelsea he deserves to stay longer than some of the useless people there.  She's telling him it's just a game (basically, you're screwed, bud, leave me alone.)  And he rants on to the camera that he's not going to pretend like everything's okay.
-Chelsea brings up that he needs to take it more like Jonas, he took it like a man. (oh snap)
-Troy feels like he has a right to be angry (I'll give him that) then he says these girls are acting like women in real life (uh) they get their house and their food and when they're satisfied, they don't need the man anymore (oh, no, he went there.  Who hurt you?  Sounds like a bitter divorce in his past.)

Tree Mail
-The all get a wallet with money ($500) for the Survivor Auction!  Troy's ready to blow it all on a leg up in the game.

-The bidding has to be in $20 increments, they cannot pool their money and they cannot share the items
1) Three donuts and an iced coffee - $160 to Chelsea
2) Nacho chips, guacamole and a margarita - $400 to Sabrina
3) Protein shake with bananas - $100 to Leif
4) Survivor shower with shampoo & soap - $40 to Kim (no one bid it up because they want food)
5) BLT, chips and an iced tea - $180 to Kat (obviously didn't know what a BLT was, surprised by bacon on it - does she have to remind herself to breath?)
6) Bowl of peanut butter and two chocolate bars - $240 to Kim from the shower - Alicia is too cheap to bid that much - You have $500! 
Jeff asks Tarzan if he's going to bid and he says he's keeping the money to fix the shocks on his truck (really?  You're a freakin' plastic surgeon, you need this $500 to fix your car?  And do they really get to keep the money if they don't spend it?  I doubt it.)
7) Letters from home - Alicia bids $500 straight out and gets her letter - then we have to listen to her read and cry... blah, blah, blah... it's killing everyone though, they're all crying.
Jeff tells them the price of the letters has been set by Alicia, anyone else with $500 can buy theirs and Tarzan bites - to the collective "aww" of the ladies.  He's not sharing the letter though.
Troy says he feels completely alone after last night and while a letter from home would be comforting it's not going to keep him there.
8) Advantage in the next Immunity Challenge - Troy bids $300 (why not $500? What are you saving it for?)  The women all urge Christina to snatch it since she hasn't bought anything so they start bidding back and forth (seriously? Someone go all in and it's yours!) Christina lets it go to Troyzan for $420.  And he's still pissed off that no one is happy for him and they were urging Christina to take it for the team. (Wow, Mr Ego cannot handle not being top dog.)
-Kat says, "I've still got money, let's go."  Oh, I thought it'd be over.
9) Mystery item with a note - $160 to Kat (again, Christina let it go - she's going to lose out.) The mystery item is a whole CAKE (and she can't share it?? I predict Kat throwing up later today) Oh, then the note tells her she bought the cake for the whole tribe and they have 60 seconds to eat it - everyone grabs a handful of cake and the Auction is over.

Tikiano - Day 26
Back at camp Troy goes off to read his advantage - at the next immunity challenge he will advance directly to the 2nd stage of the challenge - increasing his chances of winning from 1 in 9 to 1 in 4.  He believes that he has the rest of the tribe a little scared - "You put fear in people's hearts and that can scramble them a little bit. Then he decides he's going to start looking for another idol, if there is one out there, he's just going to start looking right out in the open.
-This does not go unnoticed by the women and Kim tries to rally the troops to go out looking for something that they don't know exists. (So, Troy is a genius.) Kim keeps an eye on him and he pretends like he found an idol, stuffs something in his pocket and walks away.
-So now the girls are worried, if he wins immunity and he just found immunity, they may not be able to take him out. (But I don't think they'll panic - it'll be okay.)

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE-It is a mixture of 3 things they've done before - First round, they will race to untangle knotted ropes and release a ring - the first 4 to finish will advance to the next round where they will have to race up a stack of crates and bounce coconuts off a trampoline to break out 3 targets - first 2 to breaks the targets will move on to the final round where they must use a slingshot to shoot coconuts at a wall and break out a row of tiles. First one to break out a row will win Immunity.
-Jeff then tells Troyzan to read his advantage - he gets to sit out the first round and will start at round 2.  So only 3 people can now advance.

Off they go - And Tarzan is the first one done - Kim and Christina also join him.
2nd round - Troyzan, Tarzan, Kim and Christina - Troyzan is the first one done and he rubs it in their faces - "This is my Island - you can't beat me."  Sabrina is disgusted - "Please knock this fool out!"
Tarzan joins Troyzan in the final round.
Troyzan wins Immunity!  And the adrenaline overrides all common sense and takes over his mouth - he points a finger at the Sabrina (I think) and says "Don't bleep with me."  Chelsea tells him to bring it on and he goes off - "I've been going 50%, I'm going to keep going like this, you're scared to death, you want to keep scrambling..."  They rest of them just walk off - Whatever, dude.
Hmm, so Leif or Tarzan?

Tikiano - Day 26
Back at camp Tarzan asks if he can say something - he says to Troy, if you win, be noble, it looks bad.  Troy says he's a highly competitive person and he feels like everyone's against him so he couldn't help but scream when he won - he can't just change his personality (but you're also not helping your cause - even if you win every immunity from here on out, you still need votes at the end to win it all so stop being a jerk!)  Tarzan tells him, I'm your friend but I'm still going to try and beat you.  Troy says he hopes he would [try].

-Worst case scenerio has happened much to Troy's delight and the women's dismay.  The power couple of Kim and Chelsea pow wow and they decide to keep it simple, keep all the women while there are still men to eliminate - Leif or Tarzan tonight.

-Troy makes a move as well, he wants to get Leif, Tarzan, Christina and Alicia to vote with him to take out Kim and break up the 4 strong women and turn the tide for them all.  He gets easy support from Leif and Tarzan, Christina is wishy-washy as usual and Alicia is listening, she's always looking out for number one.

Tribal Council
Troyzan, a lot of animosity from you towards the women today
-That's just my competitive juices coming out (Ha, gross, I have such a dirty mind sometimes.) That's just the way I play.  No one was rooting for me...
Chelsea speaks up - What do you expect wh...
Troyzan - Excuse Me?
Chelsea - What do you expect when you yell in our faces "this is my island, no one can f'n beat me?"
And Sabrina joins in trying to tell him no matter how long he outplays, outwits, outlasts he still has to be somewhat likeable.
And he's just not listening - he throws everything back in their faces, calls them all liars and says he doesn't give a crap what they think.
[The guys on the jury are LOVING it... he'd get all the man votes right now.]
Chelsea, you've got to respect a guy that is playing so hard to survive.
-She says sure but she's thinking of the old Manono - Leif, Tarzan, Christina and Alicia and she thinks Troy's trying to get them on his side. (Yup, called him out - good for her.)
Troy breaks it down - Leif, Tarzan, Christina and Alicia will be the next to go - Kim, Chelsea, Sabrina and Kat - those 4 can do whatever they want - so I told these guys today, right now you have my vote tonight and can use me for immunities - right away you'll take yourself guaranteed to 5 if they vote with him and take Kim out. (Oh yeah... he laid it all out there!)
-Chelsea pipes up - what you are promising them will only work if you win every single immunity challenge and I beat you on the last one - You are beatable.
-Troy - That's not true - You get immunity, we vote Sabrina out, she gets immunity we vote Kat
-Chelsea - You don't win immunity, we vote you out.
-Troy - no, because we're 5 and you're only 4.  (Oh, I think the lightbulb went on.)
-Kim tries to take back the calm control - to me the fault with this logic is everyone is making a lot of assumptions - nobody knows who's with who and if it were that simple and Christina and Alicia were on the bottom that would be the obvious move[Kat, Sabrina and Kim pipe in], but that's not the case. (ORLY?)
Christina, walk me through what you have to weigh when you hear Troyzan's pitch.
-Well, it's basic math (okay, she went there) but it also puts her in an interesting position, does she trust her original alliance with the Salani tribe.  This game is about deception, it's about outwit, outlast, outplay so it's good to hear options that are out there. (Chelsea did not like that answer)
Alicia, what happens if someone flips?
-If someone flipped or we went to Troy, the girls would be screwed.
Troy - It's not going to me, it's for yourself.
Alicia - Right.  But I have the same doubts as Christina - do I all of a sudden trust somebody now?
It really comes down to that doesn't it, when do I make a move?
-Yeah, that's what I'm struggling with. (Kim is looking worried...uh oh.)

Time to Vote:
Troy votes for Kim - says she's a fantastic player and probably the best girl there.
Chelsea votes Leif - says he's wishy-washy and it makes them uneasy (whatever, why say anything?)

Tallying the Votes:
No hidden idol played
Leif - 1, 2, 3
Kim - 1, 2
Tarzan - 1, 2, 3
Leif - 4  - So it is the little person leaving tonight, they built us up when the ladies really had no intension of flipping - they even split their votes to make sure a guy would go...sneaky.

And with Leif leaving the game - Carol-Anne D, Brenda E and Tobi M are out of the pool.

Next week: The women are fighting (Kat & Kim get into it) and Troy is right there ready to swoop in... good luck with that.

Leif - he mumbles out this was something he always wanted to do... blah blah - it was more interesting seeing how everyone voted:
Tarzan voted for Leif! (What?)
Christina voted Tarzan
Alicia voted Tarzan
Sabrina voted Leif
Kat voted Leif
Kim voted Tarzan and Chelsea voted Leif
Troy and Leif voted Kim

Have a great end of the week everyone,


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