Bollywood Travolta (Cochin, India)
Mark & Bopper were the first team last leg but before they could carry on, Bopper had to have his knee examined by a doctor (who called him Bow-pah - so cute) and he was given the okay, as long as he wears a brace he can continue. 9:06pm, they are the first team to read the clue that tells them they are flying over 2000 miles to India.
Once they land in Cochin, India, they must make their way to the bus station and then take a bus to the Sacred Heart College in Nevra, where they will receive their next clue.
-Dave & Rachel are heading out 1min later - their relationship with Art & JJ seems to be severed at this point because JJ is an idiot (oh, did I type that out loud?) and is mad they didn't U-Turn Big Brother.
The first two teams hit the travel agency and find out the first flight out doesn't leave until 7am the next day so everyone will be together. Rachel is curious to see if Art & JJ ask them about their itinerary or not.
-9:32am - Art & JJ head out and Art is going on about how they were screwed over by Major Dave & Rachel (how do they figure that? The results would have been the same no matter who U-turned them... these two are coming off as whiny babies.)
-At the travel agency lots of heated looks but no actual speaking to each other occurs and Rachel busts out a reality show staple, "Doesn't matter, we're not here to make friends." (Love it.)
-Mark & Bopper in the cab heading to the airport say Art & JJ are just acting like babies (yup) and back in the travel agency JJ's proud they didn't speak a word to them (sigh) "If you don't have integrity, we don't need ya. We don't need them to win."
-Big Brother - 11:55pm - Rachel says last leg Art & JJ U-turned them but they are kinda over it - they survived it and proved they are a competitive team (who would have thought these two would be the bigger team?)
-1:35am - Vanessa & Ralph are the last team heading out -and they don't seem to be over being U-turned by Big Brother, aka Big Baby, Duck-billed Platypus (still, who would have thought Big Brother was the bigger team?)
At the travel agency, Vanessa finds a connecting flight through Nairobi that will get them in to Cochin earlier than the other teams - Oh ho - so they won't be all together.
Cochin, India - Vanessa & Ralph arrive first... but only by a heartbeat - the second flight with the rest of the teams shows up while they are still in the terminal asking for a bus schedule. Major Dave & Rachel just run right out and hop on the first bus. 2nd bus is Art & JJ and Big Brother, 3rd bus Vanessa & Ralph and hobbling up behind is Mark & Bopper on the 4th bus. Bopper just hopes there is a barf bag around (aw, these poor guys.)
-The traffic is crazy, very very busy, constantly on their horns... mental.
-Major Dave & Rachel are the first team to Sacred Heart College and they read the clue to the Roadblock - Bollywood Dance: they have to learn the Bollywood dance moves then perform with 30 extras for a Bollywood Director. (Fun! And another way for the show to get them dressed up :)
-Blond Rachel is doing the dancing - Dave is just glad the clue eluded to dancing (Who's got all the right moves?) and he didn't inadvertently select it for himself to do (but I'm sure that would have been more fun for us.)
-Art & JJ get to the college and JJ tries to make Art do the dance but he says no way he did the last dance (remember the bottle on the head thing?) - So JJ has no choice but to do it (and I Ralph Wiggum'd him - HA ha.) He'll look pretty in the blue.
-Big Brother Rachel is also going to be dancing and she chooses Green of course. Blond Rachel was in dance all through school so she's picking it up pretty quickly... BB Rachel comes out in her sari... where is JJ? Vanessa has also joined in the dancing now... still don't see JJ... oh finally.
-All the guys watching, except Art, are glad to have a woman on their team today. JJ has no rhythm, says he feels like a fat Elvis (ha ha.)
-Mark & Bopper are still on the bus - Mark is trying not to puke, not just from his motion sickness but the smell of the place as well - "you stick your head out the window, it gets worse..." and cookies are tossed.
-It is the never ending dance routine, they think they've got it and then they teach them more...
-Mark & Bopper arrive and Bopper knows he won't be able to do it, feels like he's letting his partner down in the Race right here.
-JJ may have been the last one out there (besides Mark of course) but he's the first one to step up for the judging (I think he just wants to get it over with).
-Blue team takes the stage and JJ is front and centre and stinking up the place... Fail!
-Blond Rachel is the next to go and she nails it (I clapped) - Dave & Rachel get the next clue to take a rickshaw taxi to a coffee house to get their next clue. Art & JJ have poopy diapers (their attitude is going to kill them in the race, for sure.)
-Mark is kinda useless with dancing - this could be ugly - He has to take a breather, he's still sick and getting dizzy (I think it's pretty hot there too... I'm sure it's more fun to watch than to try and do this.)
-Vanessa fails in her first attempt - she was just a bit slow and off from the rest.
-BB Rachel takes the stage and I thought she was doing alright but Nope - Director gives her a fail.
Hmm, I think Blond Rachel set the bar too high for the rest of them.
-Dave & Rachel get to the coffee house and get the clue to the DETOUR - Cricket or Clutch it
-In Cricket - each player must hit a cricket ball to the boundary at the end of the cricket pitch - once both players have hit the boundary (either along the ground or in the air) they'll get their next clue.
-In Clutch It - each team member must learn how to drive a rickshaw taxi and transport passengers around the rickshaw training course at the driving school - once they both pass, they'll get their next clue. (Hmm, the Detour seems a little bit tame.. I bet the realized the dancing was going to be difficult for most of them.)
-Dave & Rachel are going to do Clutch It - she doesn't feel like she'd do well with Cricket - as usual Dave is second guessing her - he feels he has skill & ability in every sport (and you know if the Clutch it goes badly he's going to blame her too.)
-Rachel is the first one trying the obstacle course and she's hitting things - Dave is being his usual supportive self (that was sarcastic) she tells him to go first then. (yeah, these two are never good with the driving... may not have been the best choice of tasks.)
-Back at Bollywood Dance School - JJ is failing again, Mark is about to pass out from dehydration and BB Rachel is attempting the dance again - and Failing again. She then gets all pissed off, jumps off the stage and storms off in a huff. Brendan was glad to have a girl on his team for this kind of stuff but then they also get so emotional (Jeez.)
-Art is being a jerk, says Rachel's like the girl who didn't make the cheerleader squad but kept trying and he's now lamenting that he didn't do this one... (You can't have it both ways bud.)
-Back at Rickshaw school, Rachel tells Dave it's harder than it seems and he says, "No it's not." (argh, why are all the men being jerks?) Then he fails by hitting the last post - Rachel is just laughing at him - as he deserves. He passes on his second attempt then it's her turn again - better watch out.
-Back at Bollywoodland - Mark wants to try the dancing before he passes out... that doesn't sound promising. Brendan is trying to get Rachel to focus and not be emotional and she says, "But I'm a girl, of course I'm going to be emotional." (Oh man, she's just as bad!) Art looks over at JJ, "Aw, look at him, he's like a gorilla in a chiffon suit. He's trying his ass off though." (Ha ha, that was totally what he looked like.)
-Mark was doing well until they turned... then it all went wrong. Fail
-Vanessa passes on her next attempt - they head out for the coffee house.
-BB Rachel passes on her her 4th attempt - and Big Brother heads out.
JJ: Chicks 3, Dudes nothing. Why did I do this? And Mark feels like he's going to throw up again.
-JJ finally passes on his 4th attempt - Art, "You're the Bollywood Travolta!"
-Mark tries it again but he's just so spent, despite Bopper's constant encouragement, he's failed again.
-Over at the Rickshaw driving school Dave asks if Rachel will listen to him when he tells her to turn, she says she will if he is nice about it - he's relatively nice but then keeps yelling, "See, Listen to Your Husband!" (How obnoxious - I wouldn't want to listen to that either, sheesh.)
-Rachel passes the course and they get the clue to the Pit Stop - Bolgatty Palace.
-Vanessa & Ralph get to the Coffee house and get the clue to the Detour - they also choose to do the rickshaws - they thought it sounded like the simpler task - even though Vanessa failed drivers ed... she has apparently hit a few things driving in Texas... Oh, this should be fun.
-Big Brother and Art & JJ get the Detour clue and they both decide to try their hands at Cricket. They quickly learn it's nothing like baseball and hitting the ball isn't that easy.
-Mark is on his 7th attempt at the dancing and Bopper is worried about him - he tries to stop him but Mark says he's got to give it everything he has... (just don't die trying.)
-Back at the detours - Vanessa has hit a marker (not surprising)
-JJ is talking smack to the bowler - "Throwing curve balls! I'm in your head right now." He does get a hit but a guy catches it before it gets to the boundary. Still no point.
-Brendon is the first one to get a hit to the boards, and I think it's because he hasn't pissed anyone off that they let it go through.
-JJ does get it to the barrier on his next hit and he's even talking smack to Art, "If I can dance, you can at least hit a ball." (Chill out dude.) "Rachel's never going to get this." (Shut up already.)
-Mark fails again and has to sit in the shade - Bopper wants to take the penalty and not complete the task but Mark says he's got to do it or die trying... Bopper says he'd rather have his buddy than the money (and I got a little choked up, not gonna lie... And it's not because I'm a woman! Okay, maybe.)
-Vanessa passes her rickshaw driving course and now it's Ralph's turn.
-Rachel and Art are the two left hitting... Art hits one but it doesn't make it to the barrier... Rachel actually makes it to the boundary before him. She says it feels good that they got beat by a girl.
-And of course JJ points out that Rachel hitting the boundary first stripped Art of all his manhood... whatever - he passed on the next go and they head for the Pit Stop.
-Ralph passes the rickshaw course and they head for the Pit Stop.
-Mark is still in Bollywood Hell - after failing his 11th attempt Bopper is telling him, "Let's go home. We did the best we could, we came friends, we'll leave friends. Forget the money, let's just go home." Mark finally decided it wasn't worth his health to keep going in that heat, he wants to be there for his kids, it's not worth the money. And he's done.
Mark's dance instructor tries to talk him into one more attempt but he says no, he's going home to his kids - Both Mark and Bopper are crying (oh man, I'm verklempt.) Now Bopper is also trying to talk him into one more attempt... And he's a trooper - he does it one more time and gets the pity pass.
-They also do the rickshaw driving and are so grateful for the opportunity this Race has given them to see the world.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Rachel & Dave - they won a trip for 2 to St Lucia (ohh, so jealous).
2) Brendon & Rachel - Woohoo - team #2
3) Art & JJ - very happy to be third, they weren't sure where they were coming in.
4) Vanessa & Ralph
5) Bopper & Mark - they are the last team to arrive... they say their teary good-byes and Phil tells them they are going to have to muster their strength because this is a NON-ELIMINATION leg and they are still in the Race! (Oh, if only the same happened for the Canucks.) This is the second time they've been saved by a non-elimination leg... and I've got to say, I'm happy the Kentucky boys are still in the Race!
Next week: Big Brother Rachel faces having to shave her head - and cries about paying $500 for extensions and Vanessa falls face first in the dirt and starts screaming about hearing her ankle pop... What a tease!
Have a great week everyone,
Mark & Bopper were the first team last leg but before they could carry on, Bopper had to have his knee examined by a doctor (who called him Bow-pah - so cute) and he was given the okay, as long as he wears a brace he can continue. 9:06pm, they are the first team to read the clue that tells them they are flying over 2000 miles to India.
Once they land in Cochin, India, they must make their way to the bus station and then take a bus to the Sacred Heart College in Nevra, where they will receive their next clue.
-Dave & Rachel are heading out 1min later - their relationship with Art & JJ seems to be severed at this point because JJ is an idiot (oh, did I type that out loud?) and is mad they didn't U-Turn Big Brother.
The first two teams hit the travel agency and find out the first flight out doesn't leave until 7am the next day so everyone will be together. Rachel is curious to see if Art & JJ ask them about their itinerary or not.
-9:32am - Art & JJ head out and Art is going on about how they were screwed over by Major Dave & Rachel (how do they figure that? The results would have been the same no matter who U-turned them... these two are coming off as whiny babies.)
-At the travel agency lots of heated looks but no actual speaking to each other occurs and Rachel busts out a reality show staple, "Doesn't matter, we're not here to make friends." (Love it.)
-Mark & Bopper in the cab heading to the airport say Art & JJ are just acting like babies (yup) and back in the travel agency JJ's proud they didn't speak a word to them (sigh) "If you don't have integrity, we don't need ya. We don't need them to win."
-Big Brother - 11:55pm - Rachel says last leg Art & JJ U-turned them but they are kinda over it - they survived it and proved they are a competitive team (who would have thought these two would be the bigger team?)
-1:35am - Vanessa & Ralph are the last team heading out -and they don't seem to be over being U-turned by Big Brother, aka Big Baby, Duck-billed Platypus (still, who would have thought Big Brother was the bigger team?)
At the travel agency, Vanessa finds a connecting flight through Nairobi that will get them in to Cochin earlier than the other teams - Oh ho - so they won't be all together.
Cochin, India - Vanessa & Ralph arrive first... but only by a heartbeat - the second flight with the rest of the teams shows up while they are still in the terminal asking for a bus schedule. Major Dave & Rachel just run right out and hop on the first bus. 2nd bus is Art & JJ and Big Brother, 3rd bus Vanessa & Ralph and hobbling up behind is Mark & Bopper on the 4th bus. Bopper just hopes there is a barf bag around (aw, these poor guys.)
-The traffic is crazy, very very busy, constantly on their horns... mental.
-Major Dave & Rachel are the first team to Sacred Heart College and they read the clue to the Roadblock - Bollywood Dance: they have to learn the Bollywood dance moves then perform with 30 extras for a Bollywood Director. (Fun! And another way for the show to get them dressed up :)
-Blond Rachel is doing the dancing - Dave is just glad the clue eluded to dancing (Who's got all the right moves?) and he didn't inadvertently select it for himself to do (but I'm sure that would have been more fun for us.)
-Art & JJ get to the college and JJ tries to make Art do the dance but he says no way he did the last dance (remember the bottle on the head thing?) - So JJ has no choice but to do it (and I Ralph Wiggum'd him - HA ha.) He'll look pretty in the blue.
-Big Brother Rachel is also going to be dancing and she chooses Green of course. Blond Rachel was in dance all through school so she's picking it up pretty quickly... BB Rachel comes out in her sari... where is JJ? Vanessa has also joined in the dancing now... still don't see JJ... oh finally.
-All the guys watching, except Art, are glad to have a woman on their team today. JJ has no rhythm, says he feels like a fat Elvis (ha ha.)
-Mark & Bopper are still on the bus - Mark is trying not to puke, not just from his motion sickness but the smell of the place as well - "you stick your head out the window, it gets worse..." and cookies are tossed.
-It is the never ending dance routine, they think they've got it and then they teach them more...
-Mark & Bopper arrive and Bopper knows he won't be able to do it, feels like he's letting his partner down in the Race right here.
-JJ may have been the last one out there (besides Mark of course) but he's the first one to step up for the judging (I think he just wants to get it over with).
-Blue team takes the stage and JJ is front and centre and stinking up the place... Fail!
-Blond Rachel is the next to go and she nails it (I clapped) - Dave & Rachel get the next clue to take a rickshaw taxi to a coffee house to get their next clue. Art & JJ have poopy diapers (their attitude is going to kill them in the race, for sure.)
-Mark is kinda useless with dancing - this could be ugly - He has to take a breather, he's still sick and getting dizzy (I think it's pretty hot there too... I'm sure it's more fun to watch than to try and do this.)
-Vanessa fails in her first attempt - she was just a bit slow and off from the rest.
-BB Rachel takes the stage and I thought she was doing alright but Nope - Director gives her a fail.
Hmm, I think Blond Rachel set the bar too high for the rest of them.
-Dave & Rachel get to the coffee house and get the clue to the DETOUR - Cricket or Clutch it
-In Cricket - each player must hit a cricket ball to the boundary at the end of the cricket pitch - once both players have hit the boundary (either along the ground or in the air) they'll get their next clue.
-In Clutch It - each team member must learn how to drive a rickshaw taxi and transport passengers around the rickshaw training course at the driving school - once they both pass, they'll get their next clue. (Hmm, the Detour seems a little bit tame.. I bet the realized the dancing was going to be difficult for most of them.)
-Dave & Rachel are going to do Clutch It - she doesn't feel like she'd do well with Cricket - as usual Dave is second guessing her - he feels he has skill & ability in every sport (and you know if the Clutch it goes badly he's going to blame her too.)
-Rachel is the first one trying the obstacle course and she's hitting things - Dave is being his usual supportive self (that was sarcastic) she tells him to go first then. (yeah, these two are never good with the driving... may not have been the best choice of tasks.)
-Back at Bollywood Dance School - JJ is failing again, Mark is about to pass out from dehydration and BB Rachel is attempting the dance again - and Failing again. She then gets all pissed off, jumps off the stage and storms off in a huff. Brendan was glad to have a girl on his team for this kind of stuff but then they also get so emotional (Jeez.)
-Art is being a jerk, says Rachel's like the girl who didn't make the cheerleader squad but kept trying and he's now lamenting that he didn't do this one... (You can't have it both ways bud.)
-Back at Rickshaw school, Rachel tells Dave it's harder than it seems and he says, "No it's not." (argh, why are all the men being jerks?) Then he fails by hitting the last post - Rachel is just laughing at him - as he deserves. He passes on his second attempt then it's her turn again - better watch out.
-Back at Bollywoodland - Mark wants to try the dancing before he passes out... that doesn't sound promising. Brendan is trying to get Rachel to focus and not be emotional and she says, "But I'm a girl, of course I'm going to be emotional." (Oh man, she's just as bad!) Art looks over at JJ, "Aw, look at him, he's like a gorilla in a chiffon suit. He's trying his ass off though." (Ha ha, that was totally what he looked like.)
-Mark was doing well until they turned... then it all went wrong. Fail
-Vanessa passes on her next attempt - they head out for the coffee house.
-BB Rachel passes on her her 4th attempt - and Big Brother heads out.
JJ: Chicks 3, Dudes nothing. Why did I do this? And Mark feels like he's going to throw up again.
-JJ finally passes on his 4th attempt - Art, "You're the Bollywood Travolta!"
-Mark tries it again but he's just so spent, despite Bopper's constant encouragement, he's failed again.
-Over at the Rickshaw driving school Dave asks if Rachel will listen to him when he tells her to turn, she says she will if he is nice about it - he's relatively nice but then keeps yelling, "See, Listen to Your Husband!" (How obnoxious - I wouldn't want to listen to that either, sheesh.)
-Rachel passes the course and they get the clue to the Pit Stop - Bolgatty Palace.
-Vanessa & Ralph get to the Coffee house and get the clue to the Detour - they also choose to do the rickshaws - they thought it sounded like the simpler task - even though Vanessa failed drivers ed... she has apparently hit a few things driving in Texas... Oh, this should be fun.
-Big Brother and Art & JJ get the Detour clue and they both decide to try their hands at Cricket. They quickly learn it's nothing like baseball and hitting the ball isn't that easy.
-Mark is on his 7th attempt at the dancing and Bopper is worried about him - he tries to stop him but Mark says he's got to give it everything he has... (just don't die trying.)
-Back at the detours - Vanessa has hit a marker (not surprising)
-JJ is talking smack to the bowler - "Throwing curve balls! I'm in your head right now." He does get a hit but a guy catches it before it gets to the boundary. Still no point.
-Brendon is the first one to get a hit to the boards, and I think it's because he hasn't pissed anyone off that they let it go through.
-JJ does get it to the barrier on his next hit and he's even talking smack to Art, "If I can dance, you can at least hit a ball." (Chill out dude.) "Rachel's never going to get this." (Shut up already.)
-Mark fails again and has to sit in the shade - Bopper wants to take the penalty and not complete the task but Mark says he's got to do it or die trying... Bopper says he'd rather have his buddy than the money (and I got a little choked up, not gonna lie... And it's not because I'm a woman! Okay, maybe.)
-Vanessa passes her rickshaw driving course and now it's Ralph's turn.
-Rachel and Art are the two left hitting... Art hits one but it doesn't make it to the barrier... Rachel actually makes it to the boundary before him. She says it feels good that they got beat by a girl.
-And of course JJ points out that Rachel hitting the boundary first stripped Art of all his manhood... whatever - he passed on the next go and they head for the Pit Stop.
-Ralph passes the rickshaw course and they head for the Pit Stop.
-Mark is still in Bollywood Hell - after failing his 11th attempt Bopper is telling him, "Let's go home. We did the best we could, we came friends, we'll leave friends. Forget the money, let's just go home." Mark finally decided it wasn't worth his health to keep going in that heat, he wants to be there for his kids, it's not worth the money. And he's done.
Mark's dance instructor tries to talk him into one more attempt but he says no, he's going home to his kids - Both Mark and Bopper are crying (oh man, I'm verklempt.) Now Bopper is also trying to talk him into one more attempt... And he's a trooper - he does it one more time and gets the pity pass.
-They also do the rickshaw driving and are so grateful for the opportunity this Race has given them to see the world.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Rachel & Dave - they won a trip for 2 to St Lucia (ohh, so jealous).
2) Brendon & Rachel - Woohoo - team #2
3) Art & JJ - very happy to be third, they weren't sure where they were coming in.
4) Vanessa & Ralph
5) Bopper & Mark - they are the last team to arrive... they say their teary good-byes and Phil tells them they are going to have to muster their strength because this is a NON-ELIMINATION leg and they are still in the Race! (Oh, if only the same happened for the Canucks.) This is the second time they've been saved by a non-elimination leg... and I've got to say, I'm happy the Kentucky boys are still in the Race!
Next week: Big Brother Rachel faces having to shave her head - and cries about paying $500 for extensions and Vanessa falls face first in the dirt and starts screaming about hearing her ankle pop... What a tease!
Have a great week everyone,
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