Let Them Drink Their Haterade (Lake Manyara, Tanzania)
Dave and Rachel are the first to leave at 6:03am - they get the clue to go on Safari... they drive through the Ngorongoro Crater (Africa's Garden of Eden) then go to a small village and search for Hilary Clinton (a roadside shop/stand) where they'll get their next clue.
-In the car Dave & Rachel discuss the double U-Turn on this leg. They say if they arrive there before Art & JJ, they think they may U-Turn the green team (Big Brother Brendon & Rachel).
-Mark & Bopper are the next team out at 6:08am - on the last leg Bopper twisted his knee but before he lets this injury slow him down he'll have 'em cut it off and keep on truckin'. They say they were huge underdogs coming in to this game but they think the other teams are now starting to realize they are a threat (hmm, not necessarily a good thing. Oh, and Mark is in the back seat and not puking... yet.)
-Art & JJ next to head out at 6:23am - they made a pact earlier on in the Race with Dave & Rachel and the Federal agent/teachers that if they hit a U-Turn they will U-Turn Brendon & Rachel - they all want Big Brother out. "They are malcontents. Git 'em out."
-Brendon & Rachel are heading out at 6:48am - they did not want to hear they'd be facing a U-Turn this leg since they know they are universally hated. "The more the haters hate, the stronger Brendon & I gets." (Yes, that's what she said.) "Let them drink they're haterade and we'll be the ones that benefit from it." (Riight.)
-Vanessa & Ralph are heading out at 7:18am - they are happy for the U-Turn 'cause this team really hates Big Brother.
Riding through the Garden of Eden is gorgeous - they all take the time to appreciate the sites and check out all the animals - baboons, zebras, gazelles - Bopper, "We seen animals we didn't know what they was." (Ha, these two are the best.)
-The drivers were taking them on the tour, slowing down and stopping for them to see the animals - Art & JJ are the only team they showed that were wishing the guy would just keep going, "If we win the million we can come back here and enjoy it." (Party poopers!)
Lions, ostriches, elephants, hyenas, wildebeest - Brendon & Rachel were happy for the break in the game to regroup, not worry about any of the other people and take time out from the race.
-Dave & Rachel and Mark & Bopper arrive in the village and find the Hillary Clinton shop (beside the Barack Obama shop - somehow I don't think they got the rights to use those names... but I digress) they get the clue to the DETOUR: Water Supply or Air Supply (I'm all out of love, what am I without you... :) musical interlude.)
In Water Supply: The teams must pick up a cart of empty water containers, take them to the well, then wait their turn in line, fill the containers and deliver them to the homeowner with their next clue.
In Air Supply: The teams must work with the local bicycle mechanic and fix a bike tire puncture - they must learn to remove the inner tube without removing the whole tire, find the leak using water on the inner tube then patch the leak, reassemble the tire and pump it up for a test run - when the local kids give them the thumbs up, they'll get their next clue.
-Rachel & Dave and Mark & Bopper all decide they're going to patch the tires.
-Art & JJ arrive and find this Hillary Clinton isn't wearing a pant suit - they decide to do the water.
-Dave & Rachel watch the demonstration of what they need to do right through, Bopper sees they don't remove the whole tire and he's sure he knows the rest... they both get working on their tires.
-Art & JJ get their water jugs and are telling themselves they made the right choice of this simple task until they hit the line up and realize this is going to take some time. Art is very methodical, he goes to the front to see how much they were filling the buckets and how long it took - 30-35sec per bucket and there were about 60 buckets ahead of them so they are looking at 35-40minutes before they make it the head of the line - they decide they are already there, they are going to stick with this task - made them appreciate what these people have to go through just for water everyday - it's their chore for the day.
-Brendon & Rachel ask the locals where to find Hillary Clinton and they tell them she's at the petrol station but as they walk up the road they come across the shop - and quickly decide the water will be too hard, they are going to do Air Supply.
-Vanessa & Ralph arrive and ask around for Hillary Clington (ah, yes, they put a 'g' in the last name - getting around the pesky rights laws) - No one helps them out - and they wander off in the wrong direction of the shops. (Race Karma perhaps?)
-Meanwhile at the bike shop - Bopper says their bike fix was, "like a Nascar pit stop, baby." They are getting their bike checked when Dave realizes their first patch didn't take - he blames Rachel and she tells him to stop being a jackass - he tells her they are supposed to be a team - (EXACTLY! So why would you try and place blame on her... you Jackass!)
-Art & JJ are waiting in line - Fuming! (I don't blame them - that was a miscalculation on their part.)
-Mark & Bopper's fix is good and they get the clue to make their way on foot to Jack Stetzers Pub - caution, double U-Turn ahead. Mark asks one of the locals gathered around them how to get there and they don't speak English - no help there.
-Dave & Rachel - bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Brendon & Rachel arrive at the bike place just as Dave & Rachel get their next clue and head out for the pub. Big Brother Rachel is pouting that Dave & Rachel are going to U-Turn them - Brendon tells her it's fine - just focus! (It's going to happen anyway so you better just hurry up.)
Oh hey, forgot about these two - Jamie & Nary are the last team to head out at 9:21am (Wow, that is so far behind everyone... hopefully that U-Turn slows someone down enough for them to catch up.)
-They are going to fight for their chance to win the million dollars.
-Mark & Bopper get to the U-Turn and they don't U-Turn anybody (I didn't think they would... but they probably should have U-Turned Rachel & Dave - just sayin.) Rachel & Dave get to the U-Turn and feel like success has been achieved either way, no reason to create more animosity so they don't U-Turn anyone either (Uh oh, I have a feeling this is not going to be good, they broke their word with Art & JJ... who are still standing in line to get water.)
-These teams jump in cabs to a gem & art gallery.
-Vanessa & Ralph still haven't found Hillary Clinton and they stumble upon Brendon & Rachel working on the bike (oh, I should say Brendon working on the bike, Rachel is really just standing there like a bump on a log.) Rachel spots them and they try to crouch a bit to hide but Ralph realizes they found the task without the clue - they still need to find the Detour clue. Rachel, of course, is confused why they are just wandering around (she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.)
-Ralph & Vanessa - also not the brightest bulbs have no idea what to do now... (Go back into the village and find the clue dummies.)
-Vanessa & Ralph finally get a kid to show them the shop and they head back to the bike shop - very frustrated with themselves.
-Art & JJ finally make it to the head of the line and fill up their buckets - they are very careful not to spill too much, after what they had to go through to get the water, they realize how precious it is for these people.
-Dave & Rachel are the first team to the gem/art gallery which was just a house on the side of the road - they see Jamie & Nary's Speed Bump there (oh man, so they could be U-Turned before they even get to the Speed Bump - that would not be fair.) Dave & Rachel get the clue to head on to find Margaret's Farm.
-Mark & Bopper are right behind Dave & Rachel and they urge their cabbie to pass them - Drag racing through Africa - bring it on!
-Art & JJ are delivering their water and have all the kids following them, wanting to help. They get their next clue to the Pub and the U-Turn. They see no one has been U-Turned and think they are in first place (because Dave & Rachel would have used it, of course) - they U-Turn Brendon & Rachel and head off for the gem/art gallery.
-In the car JJ says they are honoring their word to Dave & Rachel by U-Turning Big Brother, they just hope when Dave & Rachel get there they'll U-Turn the teachers - Art, "They're not teachers." (Who cares! And they are already so far behind, why would you bother?)
-Mark & Bopper successfully pass Dave & Rachel and glory in being in first place! (for now)
-Brendon & Rachel finish their tire repair and head off for the Pub and U-Turn - Vanessa says to Ralph, "We better start thinking about the next task because you know they are going to U-Turn us" (couldn't happen to nicer people either.) Bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Art & JJ get to the Art Gallery and they realize they are actually in third place (by counting the clues) JJ can't believe Dave wouldn't have honoured his word (and now they're p*ssed. Really?)
-Brendon & Rachel get to the Double U-Turn and are not surprised to see themselves on the board - they were pleasantly surprised though that Dave & Rachel and Mark & Bopper didn't U-Turn anyone so it gave them the opportunity to U-Turn their favourite people - Vanessa & Ralph. They take off to find the Water task.
-Jamie & Nary arrive at Hillary Clington's shop and decide to do Air Supply.
-Vanessa & Ralph finish the tire and head off for the pub. They see Jamie & Nary going to the bike shop as they head to the pub and find out they are U-Turned. Ralph is so frustrated - "we're so getting eliminated." (You will with an attitude like that! And really, what did you expect? These people are unbelievable.)
-Mark & Bopper get to Margaret's Farm and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - To Bee or Not to Bee. One person will have to suit up as a beekeeper and harvest 500g of honey from the hive while surrounded by thousands of bees. (No, thank you.) Mark will be doing it because of Bopper's knee injury.
-Dave & Rachel arrive and to my surprise Dave is doing this one (it just seems he usually makes her do everything... not a big fan of Dave.) Mark & Bopper share with them that Bopper has destroyed his knee (shouldn't he be trying to keep that to himself, now your competition has inside info they can exploit... but they're too nice to think that way I guess.) Bopper apparently had knee surgery a few months ago and it's been fine but this Race is gruelling and he's buggered it up.
-The beekeeper tells Mark he has to be absolutely calm because these are African bees and they will attack (OMG!) But they seem to have no problems.
-Art & JJ are still going on about Dave & Rachel not keeping their word - (get over it already) then they laugh about Brendon & Rachel having to do the water...
-Speaking of which, Brendon & Rachel have filled the jugs and are taking the cart to the homeowner when Rachel knocks a couple off the cart and she totally freaks out - he tells her not to spill it and she slams the jugs back in the cart causing more spillage - and she's screaming at him like it's his fault (She is seriously unstable - what an idiot.)
-Nary & Jamie are working on the bike - slowly, as usual.
-Vanessa & Ralph get in line for water and are pretty sure they are in last place. (Too bad there is no prize for being right.)
-Mark collects 500g of honey and gets the clue to the Pit Stop - they have to make their way on foot to Lake Manyara, the loveliest lake in Africa according to Ernest Hemingway (uh oh, the 'on foot' could be an issue for Bopper.) Last team to check in may be eliminated.
-Dave also finishes the honey and they get the clue to the Pit Stop - Rachel sees Art & JJ arriving and they're trying to get out of there before... JJ confronts them - Why didn't you U-Turn? Rachel says the teachers are so far behind there was no reason to U-Turn anyone. Did you U-Turn? JJ, "Yeah, we thought you might be behind us." Dave & Rachel take off for the Pit Stop and JJ yells to Art, who is suiting up as a beekeeper that it's just them from now on. JJ, "That chaps my ass." (He just will not let it go. Get over it Nancy, it's a Race, they don't owe you anything.) Whine, whine, whine.
-Mark & Bopper are trying for their first place but Bopper can't run with his knee and Dave & Rachel are coming up behind them (not fast enough for Dave who is yelling at Rachel to pick it up, as usual)...
-Brendon & Rachel - Bicker, bicker, bicker - they get the clue to head back to the pub and there the clue to head for the Art gallery.
-Jamie & Nary finish the bike and pass Brendon & Rachel on their way out - Rachel tells them they got U-Turned and have U-Turned Vanessa & Ralph so they have a chance - she tells them how to find the pub. In the cab Rachel starts crying again... as usual... I'm just exhausted (sigh.)
-Vanessa & Ralph have delivered their water and are heading back to the pub. They get the clue to head to the Art Gallery and jump in a cab - just as Vanessa says they have such great luck with cabs - POP - flat tire... you were saying? (Race karma is kicking their butts.)
-Nary & Jamie find the pub and head for the Art Gallery. Vanessa & Ralph's driver changes the tire very quickly and these two teams get to the art gallery at the same time. Nary & Jamie are excited to have caught up... until they see their Speed Bump. Oh. Yeah.
Speed Bump - they must set up a display stand of the local art as depicted in a specific painting (so put things in the right place like in the picture.) Shouldn't be too hard... but these two are always slow - I don't get it.
-Vanessa & Ralph take off the Margaret's Farm.
At the Farm - Big Brother Rachel suits up and collects honey - she also feels like Winnie the Pooh.
-Vanessa & Ralph get to the farm and neither of them really want to do the bees - finally Ralph does it.
-Jamie & Nary finish the Speed Bump and head on to the farm, where Nary does the bees.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Mark & Bopper! Good for them! Won a trip to Hawaii.
2) Rachel & Dave - they are at the mat right behind them and Phil calls them all up together - Rachel says she's excited but he's [Dave's] being a poor loser - Phil, Are you being a poor loser?
Dave - No, but we should have contributed more.
Phil - You have to give her props, she's been working so hard and you've had 4 first place finishes.
Mark - She's kicking it!
Dave grabs her by the neck and kisses her head - whatever buddy - just because you got called out for being a jerk you make that sorry show of solidarity - Pffsst!
3) Art & JJ - -Art loved collecting the honey - said he felt like Winnie the Pooh. (Aw, that's so cute.)JJ, on the other hand, goes off about Dave & Rachel not using the U-Turn - he said if he could jump in front of them and do it again, he'd U-Turn them - makes him sick to his stomach (Wow, like a dog with a bone this guy - I guess that mentality is good for the work he does but he's driving me nuts. Shut up about it already - you U-Turned them, what's the big deal?)
4) Brendon & Rachel - Thank Goodness - Double U-Turn That!
5) Ralph & Vanessa - Thank God! How we're still here is just amazing.
6) Nary & Jamie - **ELIMINATED** They did so well today but they just couldn't rebound from their time deficit of last week. They loved the experience, blah, blah, blah.
So this week Nenad M, Cheryl B, Roxanne S, Brenda E and Shane B were also eliminated from the pool - tough break.
Next week: Art & JJ face off with Rachel & Dave and Mark has a Bollywood nightmare and breakdown - uh oh.
Have a great week everyone,
Dave and Rachel are the first to leave at 6:03am - they get the clue to go on Safari... they drive through the Ngorongoro Crater (Africa's Garden of Eden) then go to a small village and search for Hilary Clinton (a roadside shop/stand) where they'll get their next clue.
-In the car Dave & Rachel discuss the double U-Turn on this leg. They say if they arrive there before Art & JJ, they think they may U-Turn the green team (Big Brother Brendon & Rachel).
-Mark & Bopper are the next team out at 6:08am - on the last leg Bopper twisted his knee but before he lets this injury slow him down he'll have 'em cut it off and keep on truckin'. They say they were huge underdogs coming in to this game but they think the other teams are now starting to realize they are a threat (hmm, not necessarily a good thing. Oh, and Mark is in the back seat and not puking... yet.)
-Art & JJ next to head out at 6:23am - they made a pact earlier on in the Race with Dave & Rachel and the Federal agent/teachers that if they hit a U-Turn they will U-Turn Brendon & Rachel - they all want Big Brother out. "They are malcontents. Git 'em out."
-Brendon & Rachel are heading out at 6:48am - they did not want to hear they'd be facing a U-Turn this leg since they know they are universally hated. "The more the haters hate, the stronger Brendon & I gets." (Yes, that's what she said.) "Let them drink they're haterade and we'll be the ones that benefit from it." (Riight.)
-Vanessa & Ralph are heading out at 7:18am - they are happy for the U-Turn 'cause this team really hates Big Brother.
Riding through the Garden of Eden is gorgeous - they all take the time to appreciate the sites and check out all the animals - baboons, zebras, gazelles - Bopper, "We seen animals we didn't know what they was." (Ha, these two are the best.)
-The drivers were taking them on the tour, slowing down and stopping for them to see the animals - Art & JJ are the only team they showed that were wishing the guy would just keep going, "If we win the million we can come back here and enjoy it." (Party poopers!)
Lions, ostriches, elephants, hyenas, wildebeest - Brendon & Rachel were happy for the break in the game to regroup, not worry about any of the other people and take time out from the race.
-Dave & Rachel and Mark & Bopper arrive in the village and find the Hillary Clinton shop (beside the Barack Obama shop - somehow I don't think they got the rights to use those names... but I digress) they get the clue to the DETOUR: Water Supply or Air Supply (I'm all out of love, what am I without you... :) musical interlude.)
In Water Supply: The teams must pick up a cart of empty water containers, take them to the well, then wait their turn in line, fill the containers and deliver them to the homeowner with their next clue.
In Air Supply: The teams must work with the local bicycle mechanic and fix a bike tire puncture - they must learn to remove the inner tube without removing the whole tire, find the leak using water on the inner tube then patch the leak, reassemble the tire and pump it up for a test run - when the local kids give them the thumbs up, they'll get their next clue.
-Rachel & Dave and Mark & Bopper all decide they're going to patch the tires.
-Art & JJ arrive and find this Hillary Clinton isn't wearing a pant suit - they decide to do the water.
-Dave & Rachel watch the demonstration of what they need to do right through, Bopper sees they don't remove the whole tire and he's sure he knows the rest... they both get working on their tires.
-Art & JJ get their water jugs and are telling themselves they made the right choice of this simple task until they hit the line up and realize this is going to take some time. Art is very methodical, he goes to the front to see how much they were filling the buckets and how long it took - 30-35sec per bucket and there were about 60 buckets ahead of them so they are looking at 35-40minutes before they make it the head of the line - they decide they are already there, they are going to stick with this task - made them appreciate what these people have to go through just for water everyday - it's their chore for the day.
-Brendon & Rachel ask the locals where to find Hillary Clinton and they tell them she's at the petrol station but as they walk up the road they come across the shop - and quickly decide the water will be too hard, they are going to do Air Supply.
-Vanessa & Ralph arrive and ask around for Hillary Clington (ah, yes, they put a 'g' in the last name - getting around the pesky rights laws) - No one helps them out - and they wander off in the wrong direction of the shops. (Race Karma perhaps?)
-Meanwhile at the bike shop - Bopper says their bike fix was, "like a Nascar pit stop, baby." They are getting their bike checked when Dave realizes their first patch didn't take - he blames Rachel and she tells him to stop being a jackass - he tells her they are supposed to be a team - (EXACTLY! So why would you try and place blame on her... you Jackass!)
-Art & JJ are waiting in line - Fuming! (I don't blame them - that was a miscalculation on their part.)
-Mark & Bopper's fix is good and they get the clue to make their way on foot to Jack Stetzers Pub - caution, double U-Turn ahead. Mark asks one of the locals gathered around them how to get there and they don't speak English - no help there.
-Dave & Rachel - bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Brendon & Rachel arrive at the bike place just as Dave & Rachel get their next clue and head out for the pub. Big Brother Rachel is pouting that Dave & Rachel are going to U-Turn them - Brendon tells her it's fine - just focus! (It's going to happen anyway so you better just hurry up.)
Oh hey, forgot about these two - Jamie & Nary are the last team to head out at 9:21am (Wow, that is so far behind everyone... hopefully that U-Turn slows someone down enough for them to catch up.)
-They are going to fight for their chance to win the million dollars.
-Mark & Bopper get to the U-Turn and they don't U-Turn anybody (I didn't think they would... but they probably should have U-Turned Rachel & Dave - just sayin.) Rachel & Dave get to the U-Turn and feel like success has been achieved either way, no reason to create more animosity so they don't U-Turn anyone either (Uh oh, I have a feeling this is not going to be good, they broke their word with Art & JJ... who are still standing in line to get water.)
-These teams jump in cabs to a gem & art gallery.
-Vanessa & Ralph still haven't found Hillary Clinton and they stumble upon Brendon & Rachel working on the bike (oh, I should say Brendon working on the bike, Rachel is really just standing there like a bump on a log.) Rachel spots them and they try to crouch a bit to hide but Ralph realizes they found the task without the clue - they still need to find the Detour clue. Rachel, of course, is confused why they are just wandering around (she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.)
-Ralph & Vanessa - also not the brightest bulbs have no idea what to do now... (Go back into the village and find the clue dummies.)
-Vanessa & Ralph finally get a kid to show them the shop and they head back to the bike shop - very frustrated with themselves.
-Art & JJ finally make it to the head of the line and fill up their buckets - they are very careful not to spill too much, after what they had to go through to get the water, they realize how precious it is for these people.
-Dave & Rachel are the first team to the gem/art gallery which was just a house on the side of the road - they see Jamie & Nary's Speed Bump there (oh man, so they could be U-Turned before they even get to the Speed Bump - that would not be fair.) Dave & Rachel get the clue to head on to find Margaret's Farm.
-Mark & Bopper are right behind Dave & Rachel and they urge their cabbie to pass them - Drag racing through Africa - bring it on!
-Art & JJ are delivering their water and have all the kids following them, wanting to help. They get their next clue to the Pub and the U-Turn. They see no one has been U-Turned and think they are in first place (because Dave & Rachel would have used it, of course) - they U-Turn Brendon & Rachel and head off for the gem/art gallery.
-In the car JJ says they are honoring their word to Dave & Rachel by U-Turning Big Brother, they just hope when Dave & Rachel get there they'll U-Turn the teachers - Art, "They're not teachers." (Who cares! And they are already so far behind, why would you bother?)
-Mark & Bopper successfully pass Dave & Rachel and glory in being in first place! (for now)
-Brendon & Rachel finish their tire repair and head off for the Pub and U-Turn - Vanessa says to Ralph, "We better start thinking about the next task because you know they are going to U-Turn us" (couldn't happen to nicer people either.) Bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Art & JJ get to the Art Gallery and they realize they are actually in third place (by counting the clues) JJ can't believe Dave wouldn't have honoured his word (and now they're p*ssed. Really?)
-Brendon & Rachel get to the Double U-Turn and are not surprised to see themselves on the board - they were pleasantly surprised though that Dave & Rachel and Mark & Bopper didn't U-Turn anyone so it gave them the opportunity to U-Turn their favourite people - Vanessa & Ralph. They take off to find the Water task.
-Jamie & Nary arrive at Hillary Clington's shop and decide to do Air Supply.
-Vanessa & Ralph finish the tire and head off for the pub. They see Jamie & Nary going to the bike shop as they head to the pub and find out they are U-Turned. Ralph is so frustrated - "we're so getting eliminated." (You will with an attitude like that! And really, what did you expect? These people are unbelievable.)
-Mark & Bopper get to Margaret's Farm and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - To Bee or Not to Bee. One person will have to suit up as a beekeeper and harvest 500g of honey from the hive while surrounded by thousands of bees. (No, thank you.) Mark will be doing it because of Bopper's knee injury.
-Dave & Rachel arrive and to my surprise Dave is doing this one (it just seems he usually makes her do everything... not a big fan of Dave.) Mark & Bopper share with them that Bopper has destroyed his knee (shouldn't he be trying to keep that to himself, now your competition has inside info they can exploit... but they're too nice to think that way I guess.) Bopper apparently had knee surgery a few months ago and it's been fine but this Race is gruelling and he's buggered it up.
-The beekeeper tells Mark he has to be absolutely calm because these are African bees and they will attack (OMG!) But they seem to have no problems.
-Art & JJ are still going on about Dave & Rachel not keeping their word - (get over it already) then they laugh about Brendon & Rachel having to do the water...
-Speaking of which, Brendon & Rachel have filled the jugs and are taking the cart to the homeowner when Rachel knocks a couple off the cart and she totally freaks out - he tells her not to spill it and she slams the jugs back in the cart causing more spillage - and she's screaming at him like it's his fault (She is seriously unstable - what an idiot.)
-Nary & Jamie are working on the bike - slowly, as usual.
-Vanessa & Ralph get in line for water and are pretty sure they are in last place. (Too bad there is no prize for being right.)
-Mark collects 500g of honey and gets the clue to the Pit Stop - they have to make their way on foot to Lake Manyara, the loveliest lake in Africa according to Ernest Hemingway (uh oh, the 'on foot' could be an issue for Bopper.) Last team to check in may be eliminated.
-Dave also finishes the honey and they get the clue to the Pit Stop - Rachel sees Art & JJ arriving and they're trying to get out of there before... JJ confronts them - Why didn't you U-Turn? Rachel says the teachers are so far behind there was no reason to U-Turn anyone. Did you U-Turn? JJ, "Yeah, we thought you might be behind us." Dave & Rachel take off for the Pit Stop and JJ yells to Art, who is suiting up as a beekeeper that it's just them from now on. JJ, "That chaps my ass." (He just will not let it go. Get over it Nancy, it's a Race, they don't owe you anything.) Whine, whine, whine.
-Mark & Bopper are trying for their first place but Bopper can't run with his knee and Dave & Rachel are coming up behind them (not fast enough for Dave who is yelling at Rachel to pick it up, as usual)...
-Brendon & Rachel - Bicker, bicker, bicker - they get the clue to head back to the pub and there the clue to head for the Art gallery.
-Jamie & Nary finish the bike and pass Brendon & Rachel on their way out - Rachel tells them they got U-Turned and have U-Turned Vanessa & Ralph so they have a chance - she tells them how to find the pub. In the cab Rachel starts crying again... as usual... I'm just exhausted (sigh.)
-Vanessa & Ralph have delivered their water and are heading back to the pub. They get the clue to head to the Art Gallery and jump in a cab - just as Vanessa says they have such great luck with cabs - POP - flat tire... you were saying? (Race karma is kicking their butts.)
-Nary & Jamie find the pub and head for the Art Gallery. Vanessa & Ralph's driver changes the tire very quickly and these two teams get to the art gallery at the same time. Nary & Jamie are excited to have caught up... until they see their Speed Bump. Oh. Yeah.
Speed Bump - they must set up a display stand of the local art as depicted in a specific painting (so put things in the right place like in the picture.) Shouldn't be too hard... but these two are always slow - I don't get it.
-Vanessa & Ralph take off the Margaret's Farm.
At the Farm - Big Brother Rachel suits up and collects honey - she also feels like Winnie the Pooh.
-Vanessa & Ralph get to the farm and neither of them really want to do the bees - finally Ralph does it.
-Jamie & Nary finish the Speed Bump and head on to the farm, where Nary does the bees.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Mark & Bopper! Good for them! Won a trip to Hawaii.
2) Rachel & Dave - they are at the mat right behind them and Phil calls them all up together - Rachel says she's excited but he's [Dave's] being a poor loser - Phil, Are you being a poor loser?
Dave - No, but we should have contributed more.
Phil - You have to give her props, she's been working so hard and you've had 4 first place finishes.
Mark - She's kicking it!
Dave grabs her by the neck and kisses her head - whatever buddy - just because you got called out for being a jerk you make that sorry show of solidarity - Pffsst!
3) Art & JJ - -Art loved collecting the honey - said he felt like Winnie the Pooh. (Aw, that's so cute.)JJ, on the other hand, goes off about Dave & Rachel not using the U-Turn - he said if he could jump in front of them and do it again, he'd U-Turn them - makes him sick to his stomach (Wow, like a dog with a bone this guy - I guess that mentality is good for the work he does but he's driving me nuts. Shut up about it already - you U-Turned them, what's the big deal?)
4) Brendon & Rachel - Thank Goodness - Double U-Turn That!
5) Ralph & Vanessa - Thank God! How we're still here is just amazing.
6) Nary & Jamie - **ELIMINATED** They did so well today but they just couldn't rebound from their time deficit of last week. They loved the experience, blah, blah, blah.
So this week Nenad M, Cheryl B, Roxanne S, Brenda E and Shane B were also eliminated from the pool - tough break.
Next week: Art & JJ face off with Rachel & Dave and Mark has a Bollywood nightmare and breakdown - uh oh.
Have a great week everyone,
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