Stanley Cup Playoffs Game One - Mini Recap (Yeah, I wanted to watch the Canucks game, so sue me.)
Going Out With a Bang
Last week the women made their move and got Michael voted out - this gives the women the numbers advantage and the men have taken notice. Jay at least was nervous of the girls beforehand and Troy has now caught the paranoia (with good reason - Kim is running with the all-girl thing to the end!) Tarzan tries to talk to Troy about the guys sticking together and they have a confused conversation, I don't think Troy is a math wizard - he goes on about how they can spin the numbers but it doesn't add up. Tarzan - Uh, they still have more votes (yeah.)
DIY Reward Challenge
They get tree mail that included a pole with numbered lines, some numbered pegs and conkers (two balls at either end of a rope - for throwing). The instructions tell them to pick teams (drawing coloured stones from a bag) then they have to throw the conkers at the pole and they get points based on which numbered peg they can hit and get the balls to wrap around. Troy appoints himself Troyzan Probst, the host of the challenge... but he is no dimples :)
-Kat is the first person to get any points putting her team up 2, then Tarzan gets them 4 more.
-The other team gets 1 point leaving it up to Sabrina to as the final person to tie it up... but she can't.
-The team of Alicia, Kat, Tarzan, Jay & Troy get a boatride to an excluded beach where some locals prepare them a feast of fresh fish, crab, lobster... cooked right on the beach - cool.
Troy is worried about the women, but he has a hidden immunity idol (he does? I totally don't remember that... huh, losing it) so he knows he's not going out tonight. Jay thinks they just have to get reassurances from the girls.
Back at camp Kim is holding court with the ladies and solidifying that the women are in it together to the end - no matter what they have to make the men, especially Troy & Jay feel secure so they don't suspect that whichever one doesn't win immunity is going home tonight. Chelsea is feeling uneasy with the lying - she says she doesn't want to know (really? You're going to turn wishy washy now? Gah! You knew what you signed up for honey, suck it up.) She goes on about how she looked both Troy and Jay in the eye and swore they could trust her - she can't just look someone in the eye and lie... well, stop looking people in the eye, or get over it!
Kim, on the otherhand, does not have that issue at all. Jay comes to talk to the women and tells them he wants to vote out Alicia tonight and Kim says, "Sure, we can do that." Chelsea hides behind everyone else and is okay because she didn't have to look him in the eye (coward.) Jay is completely mollified, they told him what he wanted to hear and he's good.
Kim talks to Alicia and reassures her, no matter what you hear, you don't have to worry - you're safe. Good enough for Cavewoman (that hair!)
Troy takes note of this little pow wow and he's even more nervous - Kim goes and reassures him he's safe, he doesn't have to worry, he's safe, dont' worry, don't worry - and just the repeating of it makes him worry - he doesn't believe her.
They do a classic challenge - standing barefoot on a narrow wooden perch with an arm raised in the air and tethered to a bucket - when the arm comes down, they get doused and are out of the challenge. Last person standing dry, with their arm still raised wins immunity.
And they're of...f - Tarzan is out... didn't even last through the explanation it seemed. Jeff starts with food temptations almost right away as well. Sabrina jumps at cookies and milk, Kim jumps at cupcakes and milk, Alicia keeps saying she's going to take something and Jay tells her if she drops out for food, he's voting her out (oooh, she's not scared - but she should be trying to fake it shouldn't she? Nope, not Alicia, she knows she's safe and she's going to rub it in their faces, can you tell I don't like her?) Alicia also says something like she'd drop out so Chelsea could win, like she has control over that (just go away). Alicia does take some food item (I don't care to remember) then Troy ends up dropping out with no food or anything so we're down to Jay, Chelsea and Leif... and Jay drops for pizza & beer...(Really buddy, you are the one guy that needs that necklace tonight... sigh, Jay just proved he really is just a pretty face.) Chelsea starts working on Leif, tells him he'd make himself less of a threat if he dropped out and let her have immunity (that makes him go hmm) then Jeff sweetens the pot by offering up three hamburgers and potato chips and Leif drops his arm (and does a leprechaun jig over to the food - I know, that's not politically correct, but his happy dance was so cute!) CHELSEA wins immunity.
So now the ladies have to decide which of the dumbasses - uh, strong men - they will vote out. Kim wants to hedge their bets in case one of them has a hidden immunity idol so she has some people voting for Troy and some people voting for Jay.
Troy talks to Jay and tells him he thinks the women are going to vote out one of them (Jay or Troy) so he's going to play his hidden immunity idol tonight and he's voting for Kim. That was news to Jay (I'm not the only one that didn't know about the idol) - Jay tells him to just relax, they are going to vote out Alicia, it's going to be okay... Then Jay runs right to Kim and tells her that Troy has a hidden idol and he's going to play it. (What!?? Really? Just shaking my head.)
Tribal Council
Blah, blah, blah - who's nervous?
Troy, Jay and KIM (?) raise their hands - oh she is a wily one, still trying to make it look like she's not running things.
Blah, blah, blah - talk of hidden immunity idols? Who has one?
Blah, blah, blah - Alicia notices that the men are wearing different shorts and have lots of pockets.
Tarzan - The game is a foot!
And it's time to vote:
There does seem to be a little confusion - Troy and Jay don't even vote the same.
Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol, now is the time.
Troy jumps up and plays that baby, he's not going to be a chump to go home with immunity in his pocket. So all votes for Troyzan do not count.
Troy - 1 (does not count), 2 (does not count)
Kim - 1
Jay - 1
Alicia - 1
Jay - 2
Alicia - 2
Jay - 3, 4 - and JAY is the next person voted out of Survivor One World. And with Jay joining the jury: Andria S, Drew C and Kim A are out of the pool.
Next week: Troyzan fights back - Oh, there is triumphant yelling and he does Troy math again.
Jay squeaks out - That's the game, you never know. He felt a little uneasy going in tonight but didn't think he'd be going home. Congrats to the girls, you got me.
So, we didn't win the first game but there are 6 more to go - Go Canucks Go!
Have a great week/weekend everyone,
Going Out With a Bang
Last week the women made their move and got Michael voted out - this gives the women the numbers advantage and the men have taken notice. Jay at least was nervous of the girls beforehand and Troy has now caught the paranoia (with good reason - Kim is running with the all-girl thing to the end!) Tarzan tries to talk to Troy about the guys sticking together and they have a confused conversation, I don't think Troy is a math wizard - he goes on about how they can spin the numbers but it doesn't add up. Tarzan - Uh, they still have more votes (yeah.)
DIY Reward Challenge
They get tree mail that included a pole with numbered lines, some numbered pegs and conkers (two balls at either end of a rope - for throwing). The instructions tell them to pick teams (drawing coloured stones from a bag) then they have to throw the conkers at the pole and they get points based on which numbered peg they can hit and get the balls to wrap around. Troy appoints himself Troyzan Probst, the host of the challenge... but he is no dimples :)
-Kat is the first person to get any points putting her team up 2, then Tarzan gets them 4 more.
-The other team gets 1 point leaving it up to Sabrina to as the final person to tie it up... but she can't.
-The team of Alicia, Kat, Tarzan, Jay & Troy get a boatride to an excluded beach where some locals prepare them a feast of fresh fish, crab, lobster... cooked right on the beach - cool.
Troy is worried about the women, but he has a hidden immunity idol (he does? I totally don't remember that... huh, losing it) so he knows he's not going out tonight. Jay thinks they just have to get reassurances from the girls.
Back at camp Kim is holding court with the ladies and solidifying that the women are in it together to the end - no matter what they have to make the men, especially Troy & Jay feel secure so they don't suspect that whichever one doesn't win immunity is going home tonight. Chelsea is feeling uneasy with the lying - she says she doesn't want to know (really? You're going to turn wishy washy now? Gah! You knew what you signed up for honey, suck it up.) She goes on about how she looked both Troy and Jay in the eye and swore they could trust her - she can't just look someone in the eye and lie... well, stop looking people in the eye, or get over it!
Kim, on the otherhand, does not have that issue at all. Jay comes to talk to the women and tells them he wants to vote out Alicia tonight and Kim says, "Sure, we can do that." Chelsea hides behind everyone else and is okay because she didn't have to look him in the eye (coward.) Jay is completely mollified, they told him what he wanted to hear and he's good.
Kim talks to Alicia and reassures her, no matter what you hear, you don't have to worry - you're safe. Good enough for Cavewoman (that hair!)
Troy takes note of this little pow wow and he's even more nervous - Kim goes and reassures him he's safe, he doesn't have to worry, he's safe, dont' worry, don't worry - and just the repeating of it makes him worry - he doesn't believe her.
They do a classic challenge - standing barefoot on a narrow wooden perch with an arm raised in the air and tethered to a bucket - when the arm comes down, they get doused and are out of the challenge. Last person standing dry, with their arm still raised wins immunity.
And they're of...f - Tarzan is out... didn't even last through the explanation it seemed. Jeff starts with food temptations almost right away as well. Sabrina jumps at cookies and milk, Kim jumps at cupcakes and milk, Alicia keeps saying she's going to take something and Jay tells her if she drops out for food, he's voting her out (oooh, she's not scared - but she should be trying to fake it shouldn't she? Nope, not Alicia, she knows she's safe and she's going to rub it in their faces, can you tell I don't like her?) Alicia also says something like she'd drop out so Chelsea could win, like she has control over that (just go away). Alicia does take some food item (I don't care to remember) then Troy ends up dropping out with no food or anything so we're down to Jay, Chelsea and Leif... and Jay drops for pizza & beer...(Really buddy, you are the one guy that needs that necklace tonight... sigh, Jay just proved he really is just a pretty face.) Chelsea starts working on Leif, tells him he'd make himself less of a threat if he dropped out and let her have immunity (that makes him go hmm) then Jeff sweetens the pot by offering up three hamburgers and potato chips and Leif drops his arm (and does a leprechaun jig over to the food - I know, that's not politically correct, but his happy dance was so cute!) CHELSEA wins immunity.
So now the ladies have to decide which of the dumbasses - uh, strong men - they will vote out. Kim wants to hedge their bets in case one of them has a hidden immunity idol so she has some people voting for Troy and some people voting for Jay.
Troy talks to Jay and tells him he thinks the women are going to vote out one of them (Jay or Troy) so he's going to play his hidden immunity idol tonight and he's voting for Kim. That was news to Jay (I'm not the only one that didn't know about the idol) - Jay tells him to just relax, they are going to vote out Alicia, it's going to be okay... Then Jay runs right to Kim and tells her that Troy has a hidden idol and he's going to play it. (What!?? Really? Just shaking my head.)
Tribal Council
Blah, blah, blah - who's nervous?
Troy, Jay and KIM (?) raise their hands - oh she is a wily one, still trying to make it look like she's not running things.
Blah, blah, blah - talk of hidden immunity idols? Who has one?
Blah, blah, blah - Alicia notices that the men are wearing different shorts and have lots of pockets.
Tarzan - The game is a foot!
And it's time to vote:
There does seem to be a little confusion - Troy and Jay don't even vote the same.
Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol, now is the time.
Troy jumps up and plays that baby, he's not going to be a chump to go home with immunity in his pocket. So all votes for Troyzan do not count.
Troy - 1 (does not count), 2 (does not count)
Kim - 1
Jay - 1
Alicia - 1
Jay - 2
Alicia - 2
Jay - 3, 4 - and JAY is the next person voted out of Survivor One World. And with Jay joining the jury: Andria S, Drew C and Kim A are out of the pool.
Next week: Troyzan fights back - Oh, there is triumphant yelling and he does Troy math again.
Jay squeaks out - That's the game, you never know. He felt a little uneasy going in tonight but didn't think he'd be going home. Congrats to the girls, you got me.
So, we didn't win the first game but there are 6 more to go - Go Canucks Go!
Have a great week/weekend everyone,
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