Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Nov 25/15 Episode(s) Recap

Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil; My Wheels Are Spinning

Okay people, they gave us a treat for American Turkey day, two helpings of Survivor last night... but that means a more bare bones recap cause I can't stay up all night, even for you people.

Last week Stephen employed his new "voting block" strategy and used the three witches to vote out Wiglesworth  - but this effectively showed Tasha & Joe that they were not in the know...

Orkun - Night 24
-Returning from Tribal, Jeremy is convinced they can jump right back into their previous power group but first he's got to do some damage control with Tasha - he tells her he couldn't tell her before but she's still in the power (their alliance). 
-Tasha is willing to give them the one chance, but only the one...
-Joe, on the other hand is not happy, and they really have no good argument for taking out Wigles. Joe hopes they won't let the girls take over... and he knows he has to win immunity because they are coming for him.

Orkun - Night 24 - Day 25
Rain Rain Rain... they are all huddled together in the shelter, shivering and miserable.  They can't get out and have one on one conversations, no one is strategizing when everyone is within earshot.  Ciera says this could really jeopardize her game.
-Keith has no inkling of these thoughts, he knows it's miserable, but he's only two weeks out of winning a million dollars, he'll do 50 days for a million dollars. (He's so refreshing sometimes.)

They are all telling Jeff this is the lowest of lows, the constant rain is so debilitating mentally & physically. 
He tells them the Reward will be somewhere with a roof over their heads, they will get warm and dry, have food and get to watch Cambodian circus performers. They are all IN!
-They will be divided into two teams and they will play Survivor basketball in knee high water - three on three, first team to three baskets wins the Reward.
Teams: Wentworth, Kimmi, Fishbach, Jeremy & Keith (Green) vs Tasha, Abi, Joe, Ciera & Spencer (Purple)
-There was lots of fighting over the ball, near drownings in some places but the Purple team won... and it poured rain the whole time.

-They are wrapped in blankets, eating, drinking beer and dry under a shelter while the circus performers entertained them and the locals gathered around. 
-Seeing the kids makes Ciera miss her family and she has a moment but then is back to the strategizing we expect from her - she wants to take out Stephen because of the mysterious advantage he won.  Spencer is very interested in this plan and Joe agrees Stephen is very dangerous and he wants him gone, so he's in.

Orkun - Day 25
-The five left behind are miserable and shivering under their inadequate shelter... and they agree that Joe's got to go - he keeps winning all these challenges and they're ready for him to go.  Stephen feels like, finally, they are coming around to his way of thinking.  And he tells the camera he's in a really great position right now... but backtracks, "I shouldn't say that, it's usually the death knell and you go home."

Orkun - Night 25
Raining Raining Raining - thunder, lightening - and Stephen is running out into the elements to urgently find the latrine - he is having gastro-intestinal issues (politely put) and he has himself a little cry.  It feels like his body is shutting down, but he can't, or won't leave.

Orkun - Day 26
Raining Raining Raining - Stephen is breaking down, but he's not quitting... as he limps away to poop again - oh yeah, his feet are all swollen as well.  Jeremy is worried about him, he thinks if they can get dry and warm for one day, everything will be alright (I'm sure he has to keep telling himself that, otherwise that weather would break you.)

-It's not raining for a minute.
-First thing, Jeff hands them each one white rock and one black rock and says he'll get to the rocks later.
-The challenge is to balance on one foot on a small block of wood, while balancing a ball against an overhanging piece of wood with a rounded handle-thingy.  If at any point the ball drops, they are out of the challenge.  Last person left standing wins immunity.

Now the rocks - they have the opportunity to greatly improve their shelter for the remaining half a month they will be out there - a construction crew is at their camp to rebuild the shelter, waterproof the roof, get a fire going in the centre that will be covered... all they have to do is, at least five people have to give up their chance at immunity by bowing out of the challenge.  White rock means you're out, black rock means I'm going for immunity.  8 of the 10 people picked a white rock (that's how miserable and desperate they are) leaving only Joe and Keith battling for immunity.
Keith was disgusted, he's a competitor he's there to play (internal monologue I'm sure was calling them pansy-asses, can't take a little rain.  I would have looked at that challenge, knew I couldn't win it over Joe and chosen the shelter too.)

-So everyone sits except Joe & Keith - Joe has a little movement which gives them some hope but then Keith drops his ball and Joe wins his 4th individual immunity in a row.

Orkun - Day 26
-Best Shelter Ever!  They also got cookies and coffee - and Spencer wonders if they sold their souls to the devil for a little comfort.  Was this a million dollar shelter?

-Stephen, Kimmi and Jeremy talking - Stephen says Ciera should be the next to go - she's willing to make big moves to further herself in the game, don't let her sweet innocent face fool you.  Plus Stephen doesn't want to waste his advantage too early.

-Ciera, Wentworth, Keith, Joe, Spencer & Tasha are by the fire and Ciera wants to know what's the plan - Joe says it should be Stephen with the advantage.  And Abi is such a child, "Yeah, Poopy-pants." (You got to pick your moments, no one is laughing at his misery.)
-Ciera thinks they'd be crazy not to try and take out Stephen before he gets the chance to play the advantage, but just in case, Ciera & Wentworth are going to vote Kimmi and everyone else will vote Stephen.

-Tasha talks to Spencer and she's not very happy with Ciera calling the shots, she mentioned Stephen as the vote and it's happening - Tasha thinks they should unhinge Ciera's group and the other two girls would be up for grabs... Spencer feels like it's in his best interest to get Stephen gone as soon as possible.

-Spencer, Joe, Tasha and Jeremy are talking and they fill Jeremy in that the girls want everyone to vote out Stephen - Jeremy is not on board with Stephen.  Tasha thinks Ciera is the biggest threat and Joe wants them both gone so he's torn. Spencer just wants Stephen gone and tries to tell them they are all voting Stephen but Jeremy knows Stephen is loyal to him and wants to keep him around (hidden immunity idols may not be enough without the Fishbach shield) - Spencer and Jeremy cannot agree.  (Oooh, what's going to happen?)

Kass didn't flip them off this time, huh.

Weather was the topic of the day - they are all at their lowest.
-Then they moved on to the rocks and the decision to give up the shot at immunity for a semblance of comfort in the new shelter.
-Ciera hopes her sacrifice is appreciated by the group.
-Tasha goes so far to say those that didn't give up chance at immunity were selfish.
-Joe interjects that if he hadn't participated in the challenge he would be going home, no questions asked. [So it was give up a million dollars so everyone else could have a dry shelter - nope.]
-Keith has nothing to worry about, they know he was just keeping it honest - (he's not selfish, just simple.) and trying to best the golden boy.
-Stephen truly has no idea what's going to happen at the vote tonight.
It seems like the voting blocks are still in motion...
-Tasha confirms there has been a lot of talk about Stephen's advantage and it has but a target on his back.  Stephen, It's a disadvantage.
-They agree that things are changing quickly and nothing is really established , sounds like we're ripe for another blindside Jeff.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes Fishback

Tallying the Votes:
Jeff asks if anybody has a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so and we hear, "yeah, Jeff..." from Jeremy! (WHHAAT???)
"That's for Fishbach."  And Stephen is shocked! (probably because he had no idea anyone was gunning for him.) He sincerely thanks Jeremy.

Fishback - does not count
Fishbach - does not count
Fishbach - does not count
Fishbach - does not count - and he whispers to Jeremy that he is with him all the way!
Fishbach - does not count
Ciera - 1
Ciera - 2
Kimmi - 1
Kimmi - 2
One vote left and 10th person voted out is CIERA! (Oh yeah!)  She tells them, "Well played, well played."
Jeremy tells Spencer he would do the same thing for him... but Spencer doesn't look like he's buying it.

Cierra's final thoughts - she was pushing people to play harder and she got her wish - at least she went out with a fight and she can leave with that peace.

And with Ciera leaving that takes Susan N., Roxanne S., and Terry B. out of the pool.

My Wheels Are Spinning

Orkun - Night 26
-Stephen really feels bonded to Jeremy (no, really?), and he tells him he owes him his life in this game.
-Jeremy is happy with his standing in Stephen's eyes, he wants to take him to the end with him, that's a good thing.  But Jeremy's got to do same damage control with Spencer this time, assuring him that they are fine, he would do the same thing for him.
-Spencer is pretty sure he's being lied to and thinks maybe it's time to jump ship and start something new.

Orkun - Day 27
-You'll never guess - it's raining again.  But they are less miserable since the shelter is keeping them dry.
-Stephen is so annoyed with himself that he was so completely out of the loop that he didn't even see that vote coming.  This was the first time he didn't know exactly what was going on so he feels defeated in that way, his feet have swollen up to monster size, he hasn't eaten or slept in days and he's completely overwhelmed by everything.

It's at night, in the trees with the course lit by torches - they come to the beginning where there are crosses with their names on them (okay, that's a little creepy) but Jeff tells us it's time for a Survivor Classic, he's going to tell them a story about Cambodian history and they will have to run to series of five stations where they will have a question and three answers - when they think they have the right answer they have to grab a wrapped medallion from that answer and run back to their cross - if they unwrap a golden medallion they were correct and can move on, if they were wrong, it'll be a wooden medallion and they will have to try again. First person to get all five golden medallions win Reward - they will be picked up by chopper, taken to a resort on another island where they will get steak, chicken wings, the works. (This was from the very first season, I remember old guy Rudy at every station, "I don't know.")

-Jeff tells them a story - they all run through the jungle, except Abi who takes her time.  Long story short, it's between Stephen and Spencer on this one and Stephen wins the Reward by milliseconds over Spencer (it's the advantage all over again.) 
-Then to add insult to injury, Stephen gets to pick who to take with him on the Reward, he says he has to mend some alliances so he chooses Tasha and then out of deserved gratitude he chooses Jeremy.  This was very telling to the rest of the group, especially Spencer who feels that he will never be as tight with them and it's time to do something about it.

OH YEAH, there was also a random clue to a hidden immunity idol in one of the wrapped medallions and Kelley Wentworth got the clue (crazy how it's only Kelley & Jeremy getting these clues and idols) but the clue tells her that she has to be very bold and find the idol underneath their newly built shelter, dead centre (it's a platform so she can get under it, but when?)

-Oh, that looks so nice!  What a beautiful resort.
-Stephen wanted to bring his biggest allies with him and reinforce those relationships.  Food, food, food... but then in the spirit of trust he shares with them his advantage - and they are as excited by it as he was, this could be a game changer.  They agree it has to be Joe if he doesn't win immunity.

Orkun - Day 28
-They all took Stephen's choice of people to go on this reward as a huge sign of who to worry about and Joe took notice.
-Kimmi is still with them so once she leaves the shelter the rest of them discuss what their plan will be, led by Spencer he thinks they still have to target Fishbach because of the advantage.
-Abi, of course, thinks that she's going to be the one they target with the advantage and tells Joe to let her win immunity - to which he says, "No." (seriously but with a smile) - paranoid Abi sees Joe and Spencer as very sketchy and out to play everyone, and she doesn't know if she's going to go with the plan. (Oh man)  Plan is Stephen unless he wins immunity then it's Tash.

Wentworth is like, great, we have a plan, now everyone get out! (She's got her an idol to retrieve.)  Finally the guys oblige by taking the boat out, Keith and Kimmi go gathering snails and crabs and then it's just the annoying little sister, Abi, who won't leave her alone... finally Abi says she's going to go lay in the hammock and Kelley is moving, she's under the platform and trying to untie the idol... and they edited it like everyone was coming back all at once - but she made it undetected - and now she is ready to shake up this game a little bit.

-For this challenge they will use only their feet - that pretty much takes Stephen out from the get go.
-They have to unwind a rope that will release a bunch of blocks, they will then have to stack the blocks using only their feet and set a flag in the middle. First person to set the flag and not knock over any of their blocks in the process, wins immunity.
-Off they go and Stephen tried but was not in it - it came down to Spencer and Joe and it was SPENCER winning immunity. (He's got to be happy dethroning the king... but he still looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders - come on dude, only Joe should be bummed by this.)  And he is, Joe is really nervous heading to his first Tribal without immunity.

Orkun - Day 29
-Stephen has been trying to take out Joe since day one and now he finally has his shot.
-Stephen brings up voting Joe in the shelter with Keith, Kelley, Spencer, Kimmi, Tasha and Jeremy and they all agree that Joe has got to go - and Tasha tells Keith, if Joe asks you, tell him you're voting Abi (yes, be very specific with Keith) and if Abi asks, we're voting Joe. (Very convenient those are the only two people not there right now, huh?)

-Kelley tells the camera this plan is not going to happen because she has five votes including Joe and the plan is to blindside Fishbach.  So she takes Keith aside and tells him, it's not Joe, vote Fishbach.
-Then Spencer and Kelley have to convince Joe that he is not going home, they are going to vote Fishbach, they have a solid five with Spencer, Kelley, Joe, Keith and Abi - he just has to trust them.

-Abi asks Stephen what the plan is and he says it has to be Joe, like it's a no-brainer but Abi is her sarcastic self and he doesn't think she believes him.  She says she's trying to work with him, what does he want from her... Stephen just doesn't trust the crazy (as he shouldn't.)

-Then Stephen and Jeremy are talking to Joe trying to assure him they are voting Abi and she sees the little pow wow and thinks Joe is super shady so she can't trust him... she doesn't know what she's going to do.  Kelley assures her that Joe is with them and she has to go with their plan.
-Spencer then talks to Abi and tells her they have to stick to the plan to vote Fishbach or he doesn't know what will happen and she's still not convinced or just trying to create drama by saying she's going to decide if she votes for Stephen or Joe at Tribal Council. (Exasperating!)

-Jeremy and Stephen are talking about splitting the votes in case Joe has an idol, which they don't think he does, but he may - and then they go tell Spencer the plan to split the votes and Stephen decides he's going to play his advantage tonight to solidify the numbers - and explains that he can steal a vote.  This freaks Spencer out, this could destroy everything they've planned...

-Joe hopes that the trust he's built with people can take him a little further in the game even without having the immunity necklace.
-Abi knows there are alliances clearly, and the vote depends on which alliance is most loyal to you.
-There has been no trust at all up to this point looking at all the blindsided people on the jury.  Tasha says they are starting to realize that the voting block may not be the most effective method going forward - they have to start finding that core 2-3,4 people and lock it in with them.
-Kelley agrees there really are alliances when Stephen said at the Reward he had to mend his alliance... which he tries to backpedal from now - but she's not buying it.
-Stephen understands why his advantage is threatening and put a target on him - he is concerned they may still want to vote his way.
-Spencer says there are so many variables, split votes, immunity idols, mystery advantages - there are so many what ifs that it's impossible to know what's going to happen.
-Fishbach says it's 33% there may be a blindside tonight.
-Tasha thinks there is a shift happening back to alliances.

Jeff says it's time to vote and Stephen pipes up that he'd like to play his advantage, explaining that he's allowed to steal someone's vote and cast it himself - he chooses to take Joe's vote.  Keith, "Does that mean Stephen gets two?" (Yes Keith, Stephen gets two votes, Joe gets none - try to keep up.)
Joe acts [badly] like he's surprised (I'm sure Spencer filled him in.)

Time to vote:
Stephen votes for Abi with his vote and then casts Joe's vote for Joe. (?? I think splitting those two votes was foolish... but then I know Joe doesn't have a hidden idol.)

Hidden immunity idol?  No one plays one.

Joe - 1
Abi - 1
Fishbach - 1
Joe - 2
Abi - 2
Abi - 3
Fishbach - 2
Fishbach - 3
One vote left... FISHBACH, "Wow, nice, great blindside guys, that was awesome." (And I bet he's heading for modern plumbing.)

With Stephen leaving, that takes Maggie H., Jen J., and Alexis G. out of the pool.

Next week: It's the loved ones show and then someone gets injured during a challenge... it's a white guy judging by the shaking hand they showed us... Keith, Spencer, Joe???

Stephen's final thoughts: Cudos on the blindside, he thought he had the split locked up but Spencer must have turned and good on him. He went out big, he played the vote steal and he had tremendous highs and terrible lows... then the recording cut off, but that was enough - bye Stephen.

Phew, a long one, but we're that much closer to the end.

Have a good one,


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