Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Nov 18/15 Episode Recap

Witches Coven

Last week was the epic Tribal when Wentworth used her hidden immunity idol to it's ultimate purpose, nullifying all eight votes for her and successfully ousting Savage (b'dye!)

Orkun - Night 21
Kelley was still riding high on her awesome playing of the idol, did a sorry/not sorry for "in your face-ing" them but kept mum on where and how she came to have a hidden idol (thatta girl.)
-Kelley wanted to take risks and really play this game and she feels like she's finally doing that.

-But away from the girls [Wentworth, Abi & Ciera] basking in the glow, we see Kimmi talking to Joe, Wiglesworth and Stephen, saying it has to be one of those three girls next time because they can't let them become friends with Tash & Jeremy, "We have to break up that little witches coven."
-Stephen is struck by her calling the three girls witches, like the witches of MacBeth - Abi is Boil, hot headed - Ciera is Toil, she's working it - and Wentworth is definitely Trouble... he doesn't want to be killed in the night like King Duncan, he wants to be the one doing the [figurative] killing.  "How do I get those witches to make the potion that's right for me?" (Oh, so highbrow for Survivor.)

Orkun - Day 22
-Steven, Jeremy and Keith are talking on the beach about that hidden idol, they got to go find one. 
-Even though Jeremy already has a hidden idol, he wants another one because he lost one of his disliked shields last night with Savage leaving, he knows they are coming after him.  "We have to find an idol."
-Next scene is Keith, Tasha & Joe beating the bushes looking for an idol.  Joe also thinks it's crucial to his survival, that they're all coming for him. 

-Abi runs into Joe by Tree Mail when she was looking to use the latrine and shoos him away for some private time - but later runs to Wentworth to tell her that they are all looking for idols.  This makes the witches cackle.
 -Wentworth loves it, they're seeing the paranoia within the group of eight and she hopes that they are ready to start playing the game and make a big move at the next Tribal Council.

REWARD CHALLENGE...And it's pouring rain, the course looks like a muddy mess.
-They are divided into two teams of 5 - on Jeff's go they will take wooden posts to build a staircase to run up to the top of the maze structure - once they make their way through the maze and down the slide, one person will have to guide a key through a rope obstacle and then use that key to open a chest.  Two tribe members will use the pieces inside the chest to solve a puzzle with three numbers - the combination that will raise their flag... and win them reward of: Survivor Spa - showers, massage, food.

-They did a schoolyard pick meaning one person was left out - Abi (surprise.)
Purple Team: Tasha, Stephen, Spencer, Joe & Ciera
Green Team: Wiglesworth, Keith, Wentworth, Kimmi, Jeremy

-Off they go and the staircase is not as easy as it would seem, all the posts are different length AND all the holes are different depths... Purple starts to figure it out faster and they are all through the maze before green has even gotten their stairs done.
-Joe goes through the rope maze and gets the key, opening the chest and letting Spencer and Ciera get started on the puzzle.
-Green's still stuck on the posts and Keith said it best, "This is damn embarrassin'."
-Purple has two of their three numbers... and Green finally gets the stairs right.
-Jeremy gets the key through the rope and opens the chest when Spencer and Ciera are trying the combination... and Purple wins the Reward - redemption for Spencer and Tasha.

-They start with the food of course... Joe is saying how it's an advantage going on the reward, getting some more fuel in the tank (talking about the food), while Ciera is glad to have access to these people to work on their minds.  Ciera asks if they are talking strategy at all... and Tasha and Stephen are IN!  -Ciera says she knows some of them are close with Jeremy but she guarantees if they go to the end with him, they will lose (Tasha did not like hearing that... I'd vote for Tasha over Jeremy myself)...
-They also discuss Wiglesworth, she's been very smart, she talks to everyone, no one dislikes her and she has the cache of being from the first season, that would be ultimate redemption if she won this time.
-Stephen is listening closely because he knows the old school hierarchal alliance of five with smaller alliances within it will not work, it's going to dissolve this season.  It's moving much faster than it ever has in the past.

Orkun - Day 22
-Back at camp, they are cooking up a feast of their own... with the clams and crabs they could find... okay, not so feasty.
-Jeremy is still upset about the Reward challenge, not just because they lost, because they got crushed... and he uses the excuse of needing alone time to go look for another idol (or clue to an idol).  And he finds the clue hidden in a tree by tree mail, and it tells him he has to be sneaky - when everyone goes to sleep, he needs to slip out and follow the map given to find the idol.

-Soon as the moon goes down, the spa five came back and they all sat around the fire - Jeremy is bugging out, they never do this, usually everyone goes and lays down, except tonight.  Keith is the only one laying down, being the old man, "Don't y'all stay up all night now."  Finally, Jeremy can't take it anymore, he says he's got to go to the bathroom and he takes off.
-He's got the biggest eyes trying to find his way down the path in the pitch dark but then he sees a lantern light in the distance and starts skipping to his second immunity idol! 
-Then we get the crying emotional speech about the idols being his wife's and he's doing this to make her life easier and his next child's life easier... he's got to figure out when to use these idols because they are coming after him and he just really wants Val to win. (I'm unmoved.)

Orkun - Day 24
-Joe & Wiglesworth are close, they are talking and Stephen is watching, doesn't really matter what they are saying, Stephen knows they are super close and it worries him but no one else seems to want to make a move on them - so Stephen, wanting to be the author of his own second chance and have something he can point to as the moves he made in the game.  He wants to build something with the witches because they are on the bottom and desperate to make a move.
-Stephen goes to the girls and proposes they make a move together but he knows they probably don't trust each other, nor should they (wait, are you trying to talk them out of this?) so he doesn't want to tell them what to do...
-Ciera says she is so up for anything at this point that they will vote for whomever he wants them to... so who is his first choice, Joe?  If he doesn't win, ideally, but as that may not be likely, he brings up Wigles - and Abi pounces on that, "she's nice to everyone, everyone likes her, she talks to everyone... except us." (Oh Abi, still so needy?)
-Ciera is a little choked that it took Wentworth's huge shocker at last Tribal to finally wake someone up... but she tells Stephen that she's down [to vote out Wigles.]

-It's the balancing on a triangular platform out on the water with their feet  perched on very narrow footholds - at regular intervals they will move up  the triangle making it harder, until they get to the peak... which would be impossible, come on!  If they fall off, they are out.  Last person standing wins immunity.
-Tasha & Spencer ran this one before during Brains/Brawn/Beauty and they both lost, so second chance for them.

And by the time they get them out on the platforms in the water, it is POURING rain on them, they all look so cold and miserable... I don't see this lasting very long.

8 minutes in, everyone is still standing strong and Jeff starts monologuing about their success in this game often being dependent on their ability to make the right decision at the right time.  He says he will give them the chance to change their situation in the game right now, but it will take an instant decision... and he pulls out a machete, cuts a rope, and buoys pop out of the water 15-20 ft in front of them.  Jeff tells them the first person to reach the buoy will win an advantage in the game but give up their shot at immunity.  GO! Spencer and Stephen are the only two that jump in and Fishbach with the longer reach got to his buoy milliseconds before Spencer (Uh! Poor guy, no shame in that, it was so close.)

10 minutes in, they are moving up to the peak of the triangle and they only have so long to do it, as Jeff is counting them in, Wentworth falls off and is out, followed by Jeremy, Ciera, Kimmi, and Tasha.
-We're down to Keith, Abi, Wiglesworth and Joe... and they will stay there for 30 minutes.  Joe is struggling... but he's still hanging in there.
-10 minutes in, the four are still there, everyone is solid but Joe who continues to wobble but recover... and then Keith just loses balance and is out... oh and we see Keith spit (was that the first time they showed it this season? Staying classy.)
-29 minutes in and Jeff tells us they will be moving to one foot - Abi calmly lifts one foot, Joe lifts a foot and counterbalances but Wigles can't do it and Jeff calls her out, she was still on two feet after transition time was done.
-Abi shows her first wobble, she says her butt is cramping but she's determined not to let Joe win again - he's still wobbling all over the place but he's a Weeble (they wobble but they don't fall down.)
-Abi grabs her free foot in a yoga pose but it throws her off and she falls in, making JOE the winner of individual immunity again! (It is getting a little silly.)  No one looks very happy about it.

-Joe gets his necklace and Stephen gets his advantage in a piece of bamboo which he is free to open alone later.
-Stephen is just so happy to have won something, he also says this Wigles thing is happening tonight no matter what, I may have to bust out my advantage.

Orkun - Day 24
Still raining, they all just head right into the shelter and Abi announces Joe is going to win every immunity forever (that works for him.) 
-Kimmi tells the camera she's okay with Joe winning immunity because they have to start getting rid of the witches, she doesn't want them gaining any power.

-Later we see Kimmi, Wigles, Tasha and Jeremy talking and Kimmi tells them they have to vote the girls and they should split the vote, five for Wentworth and three for Ciera... and let the witches vote however they want.  They think to have the five guys vote Wentworth and the three girls vote Ciera.
-Tasha wants Wentworth out because she's played a hidden idol, she's building a resume and she's just got to go.

-Stephen goes off on his own to learn what his advantage is - the parchment in the bamboo tells him he has earned the right to steal a vote from someone at tribal council.  His eyes get huge, "THIS IS TREMENDOUS. This is a game changer, it's amazing, it's, argh, beyond my wildest dreams." (He's almost speechless, hopefully he uses it well.)
-Just before it's time to vote he has to announce to Jeff that he wants to use his advantage then he chooses whose vote he wants to steal and that person will not vote (ooooh, that's pretty dirty... and awesome!)
-He says he's not going to use it tonight, he's safe and he can fix tonight with his wits and hustle... but this is a potential game winning advantage and he's going to save it for when he really needs it for himself.

-Back at camp Stephen is talking to Ciera & Wentworth and confirms that they are down for voting out Wiglesworth, "Let's shake it up a bit."

**BABY MONKEY almost fell out the tree***

-Next we see Stephen telling Spencer and Jeremy that the girls want to vote Wiglesworth and the three of them should not be complacent on the bottom, they should make a move.
-Spencer doesn't agree they are the bottom, Stephen says three in an eight person alliance, we're not the top.  So Spencer is okay if Wiglesworth is taken out of the game but he can't get his head around trusting the three people they can't trust to make that happen. (Can you trust anybody?)
-Stephen is trying to build a voting block and they are still looking at it the old school way (like you're flipping on them? Because you are flipping on them.)
-Jeremy is questioning if the three girls are actually in for that, and Stephen assures him they are - and tries to explain they aren't in an alliance with them, it's just a voting block.  Jeremy is very leery of this plan but he trusts Stephen, he's been with him since the beginning, but he doesn't think this is the best move for his game - especially since this would essentially blindside four other people, Kimmi, Tasha, Keith and Joe - he doesn't want to have to worry, he doesn't just want to jump ship and do it so fast... (This Survivor moves pretty fast. If you don't keep up, it will pass you by, Ferris.)

It is pouring rain on them again (still?) and they look so cold and miserable.

Kass comes in with her now signature one finger salute and Savage flashes the Hang Loose which matches his beach bum attire (Ponderosa is suiting someone.)

-Fishbach confirms he is freezing and it's really difficult to think straight right now.
-Keith agrees it really takes a toll on you, he's running on two hours sleep in the last 36 and no food - he's finding it hard to concentrate and says he's also not thinking straight.

Thunder & Lightning... this is real.

-Wentworth hopes that her playing the idol last tribal opened some people's eyes - she doesn't think this vote will be as clear cut as people seem to think it will be.
-Ciera says she thinks it scared some people a little bit, Kelley pulling out that idol.  It's basically play or get played at this point.
-Joe agrees, if you think someone is coming for you, you have to go for them first, "It's get, or get got."
-Jeremy is using Fishbach's terminology - he said last time nine people voted together but it's more about voting blocks, some people are in one block, some in another, he's still trying to figure it out himself.
-Spencer agrees there may be little groups of people working together but that doesn't mean you don't build trust and trust doesn't just disappear when you go to vote.
-Wiglesworth agrees that the votes tell the truth and she hopes that everyone votes how they said they would and does their part.  She's pretty confident in how the vote is going to play out.
-Fishbach agrees that the game is evolving, things aren't as defined as they were in the past, you may give your word to someone but then you may need to be flexible with that and they may need to be flexible with you (this doesn't sound very new to me... sounds like justification for lying and backstabbing... is it just me?)
-Tasha says you still need those two or three people that you trust even with a voting block, because at the end of the day, the voting block with the strongest alliance will dominate this game.

Jeff asks who is truly afraid it could be them going home tonight - hands go up all over - Abi, Stephen, Tasha, Spencer, Wentworth, Ciera... that's telling in and of itself.

Time to vote:
Tasha votes for Ciera - because it's part of the plan.
Keith votes Wentworth - Sorry girl.
Wentworth votes Wiggles - I hope this works, there should only be one Kelley on this island (ha!)

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol tonight.

Ciera - 1
Wentworth - 1
Wiglesworth - 1
Ciera - 2
Wentworth - 2
Wiglesworth - 2
Ciera - 3
Wiglesworth - 3
Wiglesworth - 4
Wiglesworth - OMG, It actually worked!  Wiglesworth looked a little disgusted, as did Kimmi, Tasha, Keith and Joe... Oh yeah, it's gonna hit the fan now.

And with Kelly Wiglesworth leaving, that takes Manny W., Bernice R., and Sue S. out of the pool.

Next week - the rain is relentless, they show Stephen having a breakdown, crying because being out in unrelenting rain will suck the soul out of anyone.  Keith says it best, "People ask me if Survivor is fun. I respond, 'going on a cruise is fun'."  And there is a decision made at a challenge that could change the game.  (I think they have to choose one person that deserves the reward the most... remember they did that once before and it was lame.)

Wiglesworth's final thoughts - she didn't hope to go out this early but she knows they saw her as a threat.  She knew the three girls would vote for her but it's the other two that I suspect.  I hope it wasn't Joe. (Nope, Stephen, Jeremy and Spencer all voted for her.)  She said this is a much different game than when she played last time, it's not really her style, they can have at it. (And she gets to go dry off and get warm, I'm thinking she's winning tonight anyway.)

Have a great weekend everybody,


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