The episode opened at Manono - Night 8 - with the men returning to camp after the human race affirming blindside of Matt, the king of the roosters.
-Michael is worried but covering it with bravado - tells the camera the old guy, the gay guy - they're all weak and if they want to vote out the strong guys they can keep losing for all he cares.
-Tarzan takes aside Troyzan and it's all business - Mike is so far on the outside they can let him coast for a while as he's no threat to them but Bill is the next one that should go, his charm could lure guys away from their group (not Colton though, he's already established how he hates Bill.)
-Tarzan, "we'll solidify that plan tomorrow." (I don't get why it was so important to have that discussion right away - it's like Tarzan was on a Tribal high and riding it through back at camp. I would just find it annoying.)
Salani - Day 9
-The girls are harvesting snails... gah - Monica's trying to convince us that they are not starving with coconut, snails and rice they could go 31 more days (I'm sure that's how she normally eats, she could stand a cheeseburger or two - just saying.) I wonder how the other girls feel about that.
-While the women are cooking their bounty of snails, Troyzan and Jonas show up and ask if they can use the fishing net - Jonas sets it out, he's from Hawaii, he knows how, where, when to use the net and, if they are willing to let him use it, he'll give them half the haul.
-Chelsea finds it funny that the tables are turned and the men now expect the women to help them when the men gave them such a hard time before. Chelsea says she doesn't want to be a hard *ss but they can't be feeding their enemy.
-Jonas - I don't care either way, but you're getting the better deal, we do all the work, you get half the food.
-Kim - You don't care either way? (Right) Kim tells the camera that Jonas is a rude dude (huh? I didn't see him being rude) but the girls have hard feelings and they're not willing to be nice (I think it's short sighted of them but you know Alicia would freak out if anyone even mentioned working with the guys.)
-Troyzan tells the camera that the women are ruled by their emotions - he doesn't get it, to him it's a no brainer to let the men get them food. (Yup, that totally highlights the difference between the sexes right there - the women are thinking longer term/big picture and the men are looking at immediate need - to them it's a no-brainer... to women, nothing is a no-brainer.)
They will take turns using a sling shot to knock out targets on a wall - first team to get 5 targets knocked out in a row (like bingo - vertical, diagonal or horizontal) will win Reward of one of three choices:
Comfort: blankets, pillows & a mattress
Protection (from the rain): a tarp - Colton, "oh, we already have that."
Luxury: donuts, coffee, sugar, creamer - that got them all excited - everyone wants a donut-Right-NOW!
-The men sit Bill and they are off:
-They both hit but not enough of the planks fall out to count as a hit... oh, that sucks.
-They do start hitting some out but they also need to clear a row... this could take a while.
-The men are having aiming problems - going either high or low... the women pull ahead with 4 in a row... And the WOMEN win the Reward! Way to go!
-Jeff asks if this is enough to change the momentum, 3 challenges in a row? and he gets a grumpy old fart answer from Tarzan, "No. Luck. It's just plain luck." (Whatever grandpa!)
So the women get to choose a reward, and they prove practical - they choose the tarp.
Salani - Day 9
-Back at camp the women are feeling more united and jubilant with winning the tarp. They definitely feel like the momentum has shifted - Sabrina talking about Tarzan's comments: "It's just luck... well, luck these."
Manono - Day 9
-The men are making excuses trying to make themselves feel better - we didn't have time to learn the game - we're not even, we're up one person and that's better than a tarp any day.
-Bill is the one voice of reason - we got our butts kicked, these women are no slouches - we have to stop thinking things are even and take the women seriously.
-Bill is talking to Leif on the beach saying they have to win the immunity challenges. Leif says he'd love to find an idol (then go look for one) then he casually says, "when Colton said to vote for you man, I didn't want to." - You see Bill do a double-take, like, say what? - that was news to him... Leif realizes his mistake - don't say anything - but Bill is rocked - he didn't realize how close he came to leaving, yup, wake up call for Bill, he's playing the game now.
-Michael runs to Colton who is, of course, lounging in the shelter, to tell him that he saw Leif talking to Bill all chummy - Colton, "That munchkin is going to be blown back to Oz, call him in here." (and he's giving orders like the reigning diva...) and Michael does it because he's trying to save his butt by throwing someone else under the bus.
-Colton grills Leif, demands to know if he told Bill he was next and berates him like a child. Leif is kind of wishy-washy - "well, I didn't mean to..." Colton tells him he's sealed his fate (I would be careful on the royal decrees there Colton, you too can be dethroned.)
-Colton tells the camera it's a tie between Leif and Bill for who's more wishy-washy - Bill is sneaky but Leif if just stupid. (Oh, and he calls him an Ompaloompa too - not to his face - but still.)
-Leif takes Colton's repremand to heart - believes that no one trusts him now and he could be going home.
Salani - Day 11
-Tree mail is a puzzle - the women put it together and it tells them they're going to have to work in pairs and be smart - they decide they'll just keep the pairs they were in last challenge and Kat steps in it when she questions Alicia's ability to do puzzles - "I know you did not just call me stupid." (uh, oh.) Sabrina tries to play peacemaker and get them focussed on the challenge they were just about to leave for... sheesh - they are their own worst enemies.
-They are going to be tied together (at the wrist) in pairs - each pair will have to race across a teeter-totter, solve a puzzle and retrieve a key - when they have all three keys, one person will use the keys to open three locks and release their flag - first team to do that, wins Immunity.
-The men sit out Jonas.
-Off they go.
-Tarzan & Colton finish their puzzle quickly and Tarzan almost forgets the key - much to Colton's annoyance.
-Alicia & Chelsea do not finish the puzzle quickly - at all...
-Jay & Michael are the 2nd team out for the men and they complete the pyramid puzzle quickly...
-Alicia & Chelsea are still working on the log puzzle... they decide to look over at the men's puzzle and crusty-grump Tarzan starts yelling, "Cheat, cheaters!" (Hey, if Jeff isn't calling foul, all's fair.)
-Troyzan & Bill are working on the final puzzle
-Chelsea & Alicia finally get the first puzzle done and Jeff says, "The only good thing about being so far behind is there is a model right beside you to look at." So Jeff is even encouraging them to look at the men's completed puzzle, and Tarzan continues with "Cheaters!" and Jay tells the girls they suck (wow, sore winners? I mean, if I was there, I'd be mad too if they looked at my finished work to get ahead - but it's not against the rules, let it go man.) Kat mutters, "Tarzan's about to get slapped, dude."
-The men finish the final puzzle and Leif has the locks open and the flag raised before the women even got the second key.
-Jeff rubs their faces in the blow out - That almost doesn't even count as a challenge. (ouch) He calls out Alicia for her poor performance but consistant with her personality, she laughs it off - yeah, I did bad, oh well. (I hate those people.)
-Christina tells the camera that Alicia's attitude after the challenge was repulsive but she's hoping it works to her advantage and the women will see Alicia is the weak link to be taken out. (I hope she screams at her to shut up again - that was awesome.)
Manono - Day 11
-The boys are back at camp and Bill is so happy to see that little red devil (the immunity idol) there to save his butt.
Salani - Day 11
-Sabrina wants to know what the h*ll happened - Chelsea says it was harder than it looked - Alicia says she and Chelsea really did try and, for the most part, have done really well in all the other challenges...
-Sabrina is p*ssed off at Alicia laughing after their epic loss at the challenge, "Alicia is just dead weight with a mouth."
-Sabrina approaches Kim and floats the idea that Alicia has got to go - and Kim doesn't want to do that - she thought Christina was the locked in vote to go but Sabrina want to shake things up. It makes her nervous. "This is going to be an interesting afternoon."
Manono - Day 11
-Bill approaches Colton in his regular spot, lounging in the shelter and he want to "squash some beef" with him (uh, that is a gross mental picture.)
-Colton flat out refuses - "I don't want to talk with you, we're not going to tribal council, we're not voting anyone out tonight, I don't want to talk about it."
-Bill will not take no for an answer. He crouches down beside him and entreats him, "I don't know why you don't like me, what I've done to upset you..."
-Colton - All I know is you have been the most wishy-washy player out here - You're going home next, Bill.
-Bill - what am I supposed to do...
-Colton - Oh my god - you're going home next so it really doesn't matter (he puts his arms over his face and dismisses him) "Bye." (That is so rude - Colton is such a little... argh!)
-Bill is having none of it - gets right in his face, calls him a stuck up little brat (you go!) Colton essentially has to run away (because telling him you don't like him didn't back him down - ooh.)
-Colton runs to Troyzan & Jonas and tells him Bill is a crazy person, he just attacked me (whatever) after Leif told him he was next. This is news to Troyzan - he told him that? What a bunch of knuckleheads.
-Colton says he's almost tempted to go over to the girls and offer to go to Tribal instead of them because they have way more to deal with over here.
-Jonas laughs - that'd be interesting.
-Colton- Do you want to? (What? You can't do that.) He goes on about having numbers that aren't with you is not advantageous. Blah blah blah. (Just say no, that's crazy talk.)
-Jonas apparently can't say no, though, he says, "That'd be a huge move dude." (What? It's like holding a red flag up to the bull - huge moves is what makes a memorable Survivor... Jonas proves he has no stones.)
-Colton runs with this idea over to Jay, says we give the girls immunity and go vote out Bill - Jay reacts like I would have, "Say what? Shut up. Wait, wait, wait, that is a hasty decision."
-Troyzan goes and finds Tarzan and pokes the bear - Leif told Bill - he freaked out - we have to give the girls immunity and take care of this tonight. Tarzan, goes off half cocked - this has been a betrayal of our man-trust (by Leif) - we have to go take care of this right now.
-Tarzan heads straight to the women and tells Chelsea and Alicia that they are thinking of letting the girls stay and going to tribal council themselves.
-Chelsea kinda laughs, Why?
-Tarzan, "We have a betrayal."
Kat sums it up for the women, "Have they really lost their minds?"
-Meanwhile at Drama-camp - the men are all gathered in a circle and Tarzan tells Leif what he did was agregious (I still believe totally by mistake), what we need to do is give the girls immunity and go to Tribal rather than stew about it for the next 3 days.
-Someone asks what's going to happen when we go to tribal and Tarzan says, "We're going to vote Leif off." (Huh?) Colton looks confused - Jay is totally confused, I thought Colton wanted Bill out... Oh yeah, it's a cluster****.
-Leif says he's sorry, he's trying to be a straight up guy. Tarzan is having none of it, "You have betrayed us and you will not be trusted. You will be the next to go." (Oh, this is like that telephone game - how messed up is the message by the 5th person.)
-The ladies think this is great - they are loving the men falling apart but it's distracted them from figuring out who to vote out tonight.
-The men try to take a vote and make it unanimous to go to Tribal tonight. Umm, I'm guessing Leif's not in. Only Tarzan and Colton raise their hands. Colton seems to think that he's running things, he's always able to get people to do what he wants and he wants Bill out.
-I'm with Jay, "I'm really bum-puzzled right now."
We see a row of lit torches making their way to the Tribal Council area... and it's... the MEN! (Hahaha, no WAY!)
Jeff's face was priceless... did I forget who won? Strange little smile... head shake.
24 seasons, some 400 Tribal Councils - never had a tribe arrive at Tribal Council after winning Immunity. What happened today, Troyzan?
-Well, everyone got together and agreed to give the girls immunity because as a tribe we wanted to vote Bill out but Leif went to Bill and told him we were voting him out and broke the trust of everybody - you just committed the cardinal sin to us and so as a group we said, that can't happen, you gotta go. (Tarzan is nodding along... do they not hear how crazy this sounds?)
So, Leif you blurt this out and all hell reigns down on you.
-Yeah, pretty much. I wear my heart on my sleeve... Bill and I have been getting closer on a friend level... he asked, I told him.
You understand how dangerous that is on a strategic level?
Yeah, I'm pretty much going home. (Wow, dude, you were not prepared to play this game at all.)
But I hope, putting myself up for elimination, proves to the guys that I still have integrity within our group.
(Colton rolls his eyes, and I'm with him. Does he think they're not going to vote him out now?)
Jay, why is it so urgent?
-When I first heard this it went over my head but if I don't vote with the majority, I could be the next to go. (Yup, Colton has them all right where he wants them, afraid of big momma.)
Bill, what are the odds of this going down as the dumbest move ever - worse than giving up individual immunity, this is a tribe - 8 people agreed to do this.
-This could be the single dumbest move - we don't know until it plays out - but there is no point going into a merge if you have someone that can't be trusted... (Wow, Leif, feel stupid for thinking this guy was your friend now?)
Colton, where did this idea first start? When did you hear about it? (oh Jeff, you have no clue.)
-When we found out Leif told Bill - I'm the type of person that if I don't like you I don't want to talk to you.
Who don't you like?
Why not?
-He's loud, he's obnoxious and he's a "struggling stand-up comic" - I mean, get a real job. (Oh my Godopus, this guy is horrible.)
-Bill, to his credit, doesn't freak out - he says he loves the kid to death (uh huh) and it's not a black-white thing but they come from two totally different backgrounds. Bill's poor, he's been on his own since he was 17 - being a struggling stand up comic is what he does (and he got choked up - I feel bad for Bill.)
Colton, tell us about your background.
-Alabama - I come from a town of 3 thousand people and yes, I did go to a private, all-white school but I do have African-American people in my life.
-He laughs, My housekeeper.
-Bill - so there you go...
-Colton just keeps digging his grave... I don't have a problem with Bill because of his race - he's like poor pitiful me, I'm poor. I don't associate with people like that in the real world and I'm certainly not going to associate with people like that here.
(Tarzan is about to put his face in his hands - Leif also looks like he can't believe what Colton's saying... he really just needs to shut up.)
So you don't see stand up comedian as a legitimate job.
-No, it is but have a back up plan.
-Bill - really? You haven't worked a day in your life and you have the nerve to tell me... I'm following my dream and don't need a back up plan - and for the record, I work with people, not for them.
-Colton - after much eye rolling - "Whatever, Bill." Then he does a dismissive head roll. (I'm feeling white guilt just listening to this guy... please shut up.) But he makes it worse - Jeff asks if there are people where he comes from that look down on him for being gay - he says he's sure there are but the people he associates with, the country club set, are better educated and more open to things - the people that have a problem with it ride around in trucks with Rebel flags and they go home to their trailers at night.
-Tarzan raises his hand and comes to Colton's defense - this discussion has devolved into social platitudes unfair to both men and Colton's been painted in the wrong light which is easy to do -
What light is that?
-Rich kid, never had to lift a finger
Who painted him that?
-Rather than realize Jeff's point Tarzan has a little fit about Race relations - colour shouldn't matter, judge people on the merit of their actions - (Uh, yeah - Colton would still come out badly.)
Jeff gives a little speech blah, blah, blah - regardless of what happens, this tribal council will go down as one of the craziest ever...
Time to vote:
Colton - votes Bill - I don't like you, please take your broke ass home.
Tallying the votes:
No one plays their hidden idol...(Please have voted out Colton!)
Leif: 1
Bill: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Wow - amaze balls.
Next week: Colton's reign continues - Alicia is hailing the Queen - Jonas is content to be his b*tch - but something happens to shake things up... (I think they are going to mix up the tribes.)
Bill's final thoughts: my tribe is doing some very unorthodox things but since I was probably going to be the next one voted out anyway, I rolled the dice. Someday Colton's going to be put in a situation where he'll have to deal with people he doesn't like - he judged me because of my differences, I accepted him because of his. (That's why Bill is the bigger man, but still the loser) :(
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
The episode opened at Manono - Night 8 - with the men returning to camp after the human race affirming blindside of Matt, the king of the roosters.
-Michael is worried but covering it with bravado - tells the camera the old guy, the gay guy - they're all weak and if they want to vote out the strong guys they can keep losing for all he cares.
-Tarzan takes aside Troyzan and it's all business - Mike is so far on the outside they can let him coast for a while as he's no threat to them but Bill is the next one that should go, his charm could lure guys away from their group (not Colton though, he's already established how he hates Bill.)
-Tarzan, "we'll solidify that plan tomorrow." (I don't get why it was so important to have that discussion right away - it's like Tarzan was on a Tribal high and riding it through back at camp. I would just find it annoying.)
Salani - Day 9
-The girls are harvesting snails... gah - Monica's trying to convince us that they are not starving with coconut, snails and rice they could go 31 more days (I'm sure that's how she normally eats, she could stand a cheeseburger or two - just saying.) I wonder how the other girls feel about that.
-While the women are cooking their bounty of snails, Troyzan and Jonas show up and ask if they can use the fishing net - Jonas sets it out, he's from Hawaii, he knows how, where, when to use the net and, if they are willing to let him use it, he'll give them half the haul.
-Chelsea finds it funny that the tables are turned and the men now expect the women to help them when the men gave them such a hard time before. Chelsea says she doesn't want to be a hard *ss but they can't be feeding their enemy.
-Jonas - I don't care either way, but you're getting the better deal, we do all the work, you get half the food.
-Kim - You don't care either way? (Right) Kim tells the camera that Jonas is a rude dude (huh? I didn't see him being rude) but the girls have hard feelings and they're not willing to be nice (I think it's short sighted of them but you know Alicia would freak out if anyone even mentioned working with the guys.)
-Troyzan tells the camera that the women are ruled by their emotions - he doesn't get it, to him it's a no brainer to let the men get them food. (Yup, that totally highlights the difference between the sexes right there - the women are thinking longer term/big picture and the men are looking at immediate need - to them it's a no-brainer... to women, nothing is a no-brainer.)
They will take turns using a sling shot to knock out targets on a wall - first team to get 5 targets knocked out in a row (like bingo - vertical, diagonal or horizontal) will win Reward of one of three choices:
Comfort: blankets, pillows & a mattress
Protection (from the rain): a tarp - Colton, "oh, we already have that."
Luxury: donuts, coffee, sugar, creamer - that got them all excited - everyone wants a donut-Right-NOW!
-The men sit Bill and they are off:
-They both hit but not enough of the planks fall out to count as a hit... oh, that sucks.
-They do start hitting some out but they also need to clear a row... this could take a while.
-The men are having aiming problems - going either high or low... the women pull ahead with 4 in a row... And the WOMEN win the Reward! Way to go!
-Jeff asks if this is enough to change the momentum, 3 challenges in a row? and he gets a grumpy old fart answer from Tarzan, "No. Luck. It's just plain luck." (Whatever grandpa!)
So the women get to choose a reward, and they prove practical - they choose the tarp.
Salani - Day 9
-Back at camp the women are feeling more united and jubilant with winning the tarp. They definitely feel like the momentum has shifted - Sabrina talking about Tarzan's comments: "It's just luck... well, luck these."
Manono - Day 9
-The men are making excuses trying to make themselves feel better - we didn't have time to learn the game - we're not even, we're up one person and that's better than a tarp any day.
-Bill is the one voice of reason - we got our butts kicked, these women are no slouches - we have to stop thinking things are even and take the women seriously.
-Bill is talking to Leif on the beach saying they have to win the immunity challenges. Leif says he'd love to find an idol (then go look for one) then he casually says, "when Colton said to vote for you man, I didn't want to." - You see Bill do a double-take, like, say what? - that was news to him... Leif realizes his mistake - don't say anything - but Bill is rocked - he didn't realize how close he came to leaving, yup, wake up call for Bill, he's playing the game now.
-Michael runs to Colton who is, of course, lounging in the shelter, to tell him that he saw Leif talking to Bill all chummy - Colton, "That munchkin is going to be blown back to Oz, call him in here." (and he's giving orders like the reigning diva...) and Michael does it because he's trying to save his butt by throwing someone else under the bus.
-Colton grills Leif, demands to know if he told Bill he was next and berates him like a child. Leif is kind of wishy-washy - "well, I didn't mean to..." Colton tells him he's sealed his fate (I would be careful on the royal decrees there Colton, you too can be dethroned.)
-Colton tells the camera it's a tie between Leif and Bill for who's more wishy-washy - Bill is sneaky but Leif if just stupid. (Oh, and he calls him an Ompaloompa too - not to his face - but still.)
-Leif takes Colton's repremand to heart - believes that no one trusts him now and he could be going home.
Salani - Day 11
-Tree mail is a puzzle - the women put it together and it tells them they're going to have to work in pairs and be smart - they decide they'll just keep the pairs they were in last challenge and Kat steps in it when she questions Alicia's ability to do puzzles - "I know you did not just call me stupid." (uh, oh.) Sabrina tries to play peacemaker and get them focussed on the challenge they were just about to leave for... sheesh - they are their own worst enemies.
-They are going to be tied together (at the wrist) in pairs - each pair will have to race across a teeter-totter, solve a puzzle and retrieve a key - when they have all three keys, one person will use the keys to open three locks and release their flag - first team to do that, wins Immunity.
-The men sit out Jonas.
-Off they go.
-Tarzan & Colton finish their puzzle quickly and Tarzan almost forgets the key - much to Colton's annoyance.
-Alicia & Chelsea do not finish the puzzle quickly - at all...
-Jay & Michael are the 2nd team out for the men and they complete the pyramid puzzle quickly...
-Alicia & Chelsea are still working on the log puzzle... they decide to look over at the men's puzzle and crusty-grump Tarzan starts yelling, "Cheat, cheaters!" (Hey, if Jeff isn't calling foul, all's fair.)
-Troyzan & Bill are working on the final puzzle
-Chelsea & Alicia finally get the first puzzle done and Jeff says, "The only good thing about being so far behind is there is a model right beside you to look at." So Jeff is even encouraging them to look at the men's completed puzzle, and Tarzan continues with "Cheaters!" and Jay tells the girls they suck (wow, sore winners? I mean, if I was there, I'd be mad too if they looked at my finished work to get ahead - but it's not against the rules, let it go man.) Kat mutters, "Tarzan's about to get slapped, dude."
-The men finish the final puzzle and Leif has the locks open and the flag raised before the women even got the second key.
-Jeff rubs their faces in the blow out - That almost doesn't even count as a challenge. (ouch) He calls out Alicia for her poor performance but consistant with her personality, she laughs it off - yeah, I did bad, oh well. (I hate those people.)
-Christina tells the camera that Alicia's attitude after the challenge was repulsive but she's hoping it works to her advantage and the women will see Alicia is the weak link to be taken out. (I hope she screams at her to shut up again - that was awesome.)
Manono - Day 11
-The boys are back at camp and Bill is so happy to see that little red devil (the immunity idol) there to save his butt.
Salani - Day 11
-Sabrina wants to know what the h*ll happened - Chelsea says it was harder than it looked - Alicia says she and Chelsea really did try and, for the most part, have done really well in all the other challenges...
-Sabrina is p*ssed off at Alicia laughing after their epic loss at the challenge, "Alicia is just dead weight with a mouth."
-Sabrina approaches Kim and floats the idea that Alicia has got to go - and Kim doesn't want to do that - she thought Christina was the locked in vote to go but Sabrina want to shake things up. It makes her nervous. "This is going to be an interesting afternoon."
Manono - Day 11
-Bill approaches Colton in his regular spot, lounging in the shelter and he want to "squash some beef" with him (uh, that is a gross mental picture.)
-Colton flat out refuses - "I don't want to talk with you, we're not going to tribal council, we're not voting anyone out tonight, I don't want to talk about it."
-Bill will not take no for an answer. He crouches down beside him and entreats him, "I don't know why you don't like me, what I've done to upset you..."
-Colton - All I know is you have been the most wishy-washy player out here - You're going home next, Bill.
-Bill - what am I supposed to do...
-Colton - Oh my god - you're going home next so it really doesn't matter (he puts his arms over his face and dismisses him) "Bye." (That is so rude - Colton is such a little... argh!)
-Bill is having none of it - gets right in his face, calls him a stuck up little brat (you go!) Colton essentially has to run away (because telling him you don't like him didn't back him down - ooh.)
-Colton runs to Troyzan & Jonas and tells him Bill is a crazy person, he just attacked me (whatever) after Leif told him he was next. This is news to Troyzan - he told him that? What a bunch of knuckleheads.
-Colton says he's almost tempted to go over to the girls and offer to go to Tribal instead of them because they have way more to deal with over here.
-Jonas laughs - that'd be interesting.
-Colton- Do you want to? (What? You can't do that.) He goes on about having numbers that aren't with you is not advantageous. Blah blah blah. (Just say no, that's crazy talk.)
-Jonas apparently can't say no, though, he says, "That'd be a huge move dude." (What? It's like holding a red flag up to the bull - huge moves is what makes a memorable Survivor... Jonas proves he has no stones.)
-Colton runs with this idea over to Jay, says we give the girls immunity and go vote out Bill - Jay reacts like I would have, "Say what? Shut up. Wait, wait, wait, that is a hasty decision."
-Troyzan goes and finds Tarzan and pokes the bear - Leif told Bill - he freaked out - we have to give the girls immunity and take care of this tonight. Tarzan, goes off half cocked - this has been a betrayal of our man-trust (by Leif) - we have to go take care of this right now.
-Tarzan heads straight to the women and tells Chelsea and Alicia that they are thinking of letting the girls stay and going to tribal council themselves.
-Chelsea kinda laughs, Why?
-Tarzan, "We have a betrayal."
Kat sums it up for the women, "Have they really lost their minds?"
-Meanwhile at Drama-camp - the men are all gathered in a circle and Tarzan tells Leif what he did was agregious (I still believe totally by mistake), what we need to do is give the girls immunity and go to Tribal rather than stew about it for the next 3 days.
-Someone asks what's going to happen when we go to tribal and Tarzan says, "We're going to vote Leif off." (Huh?) Colton looks confused - Jay is totally confused, I thought Colton wanted Bill out... Oh yeah, it's a cluster****.
-Leif says he's sorry, he's trying to be a straight up guy. Tarzan is having none of it, "You have betrayed us and you will not be trusted. You will be the next to go." (Oh, this is like that telephone game - how messed up is the message by the 5th person.)
-The ladies think this is great - they are loving the men falling apart but it's distracted them from figuring out who to vote out tonight.
-The men try to take a vote and make it unanimous to go to Tribal tonight. Umm, I'm guessing Leif's not in. Only Tarzan and Colton raise their hands. Colton seems to think that he's running things, he's always able to get people to do what he wants and he wants Bill out.
-I'm with Jay, "I'm really bum-puzzled right now."
We see a row of lit torches making their way to the Tribal Council area... and it's... the MEN! (Hahaha, no WAY!)
Jeff's face was priceless... did I forget who won? Strange little smile... head shake.
24 seasons, some 400 Tribal Councils - never had a tribe arrive at Tribal Council after winning Immunity. What happened today, Troyzan?
-Well, everyone got together and agreed to give the girls immunity because as a tribe we wanted to vote Bill out but Leif went to Bill and told him we were voting him out and broke the trust of everybody - you just committed the cardinal sin to us and so as a group we said, that can't happen, you gotta go. (Tarzan is nodding along... do they not hear how crazy this sounds?)
So, Leif you blurt this out and all hell reigns down on you.
-Yeah, pretty much. I wear my heart on my sleeve... Bill and I have been getting closer on a friend level... he asked, I told him.
You understand how dangerous that is on a strategic level?
Yeah, I'm pretty much going home. (Wow, dude, you were not prepared to play this game at all.)
But I hope, putting myself up for elimination, proves to the guys that I still have integrity within our group.
(Colton rolls his eyes, and I'm with him. Does he think they're not going to vote him out now?)
Jay, why is it so urgent?
-When I first heard this it went over my head but if I don't vote with the majority, I could be the next to go. (Yup, Colton has them all right where he wants them, afraid of big momma.)
Bill, what are the odds of this going down as the dumbest move ever - worse than giving up individual immunity, this is a tribe - 8 people agreed to do this.
-This could be the single dumbest move - we don't know until it plays out - but there is no point going into a merge if you have someone that can't be trusted... (Wow, Leif, feel stupid for thinking this guy was your friend now?)
Colton, where did this idea first start? When did you hear about it? (oh Jeff, you have no clue.)
-When we found out Leif told Bill - I'm the type of person that if I don't like you I don't want to talk to you.
Who don't you like?
Why not?
-He's loud, he's obnoxious and he's a "struggling stand-up comic" - I mean, get a real job. (Oh my Godopus, this guy is horrible.)
-Bill, to his credit, doesn't freak out - he says he loves the kid to death (uh huh) and it's not a black-white thing but they come from two totally different backgrounds. Bill's poor, he's been on his own since he was 17 - being a struggling stand up comic is what he does (and he got choked up - I feel bad for Bill.)
Colton, tell us about your background.
-Alabama - I come from a town of 3 thousand people and yes, I did go to a private, all-white school but I do have African-American people in my life.
-He laughs, My housekeeper.
-Bill - so there you go...
-Colton just keeps digging his grave... I don't have a problem with Bill because of his race - he's like poor pitiful me, I'm poor. I don't associate with people like that in the real world and I'm certainly not going to associate with people like that here.
(Tarzan is about to put his face in his hands - Leif also looks like he can't believe what Colton's saying... he really just needs to shut up.)
So you don't see stand up comedian as a legitimate job.
-No, it is but have a back up plan.
-Bill - really? You haven't worked a day in your life and you have the nerve to tell me... I'm following my dream and don't need a back up plan - and for the record, I work with people, not for them.
-Colton - after much eye rolling - "Whatever, Bill." Then he does a dismissive head roll. (I'm feeling white guilt just listening to this guy... please shut up.) But he makes it worse - Jeff asks if there are people where he comes from that look down on him for being gay - he says he's sure there are but the people he associates with, the country club set, are better educated and more open to things - the people that have a problem with it ride around in trucks with Rebel flags and they go home to their trailers at night.
-Tarzan raises his hand and comes to Colton's defense - this discussion has devolved into social platitudes unfair to both men and Colton's been painted in the wrong light which is easy to do -
What light is that?
-Rich kid, never had to lift a finger
Who painted him that?
-Rather than realize Jeff's point Tarzan has a little fit about Race relations - colour shouldn't matter, judge people on the merit of their actions - (Uh, yeah - Colton would still come out badly.)
Jeff gives a little speech blah, blah, blah - regardless of what happens, this tribal council will go down as one of the craziest ever...
Time to vote:
Colton - votes Bill - I don't like you, please take your broke ass home.
Tallying the votes:
No one plays their hidden idol...(Please have voted out Colton!)
Leif: 1
Bill: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Wow - amaze balls.
Next week: Colton's reign continues - Alicia is hailing the Queen - Jonas is content to be his b*tch - but something happens to shake things up... (I think they are going to mix up the tribes.)
Bill's final thoughts: my tribe is doing some very unorthodox things but since I was probably going to be the next one voted out anyway, I rolled the dice. Someday Colton's going to be put in a situation where he'll have to deal with people he doesn't like - he judged me because of my differences, I accepted him because of his. (That's why Bill is the bigger man, but still the loser) :(
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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