The Beauty in a Merge
Last week we saw the hand of Survivor Karma strike hard and fast when Colton was struck down with appendicitis and had to leave the game. The two lop-sided tribes both went to Tribal Council where Jeff told them they were merged!
Merged Tribe - Night 17
-They return to the original One World camp as that is where they will all be again and there is a modest feast laid out; cheese, grapes, champagne. They tuck in and start passing those bottles around - we learn Jonas doesn't drink because he made a point of offering his sip to someone... just pass it on dude, no need to make a production of it...of course he's trying to gain favour but he just comes off as douche-y.
-Alicia looks like she's feeling the bubbly and she's complaining again that Coltn screwed her by not giving her his idol and Christina should be going home tonight - darn that Coltn. (She doesn't say Colton, it's like Coltn... kinda bugs me.) She's probably going to go back with the women and do the girl power thing (oh shocker, it's not like you have another play... we'll see if they take her back.)
Merged Tribe - Day 18
-They have to decide on a new tribe name and Troyzan suggests: Tikiano - Tiki is god and Ano is year... so, year of the gods - doesn't seem like they really care - sure sounds good.
-Jonas presents the menu for breakfast, young coconut lightly caramelized then hit with a little seawater to try and approximate the flavour of potato chips (good luck with that.) Kim says she's excited to have Jonas with them (for cooking alone, I'm thinking.)
-Not everyone's glad to have the misfits back - Jay is making coffee for the people that won it only - Tarzan tries to get in there but is told in no uncertain terms, he didn't win it, he's not getting any... but he stands right there and stares longingly at them drinking it... come on man, show some dignity. He's like a dog begging at the table, it's sad.
-Jay is not happy to have to live with Tarzan again - Tarzan was hoping the men would stand together but alas [the coffee incident proved], that does not appear to be so.
-Tarzan talks to tall Michael and asks if he wants to be part of the team, meaning the men and Tarzan tells him they can use Alicia to swing the numbers their way. Michael says, absolutely, but tells the camera he doesn't like any of those guys, he can't stand Tarzan - he's so not in.
Reward Challenge-Proving, to me anyway, that the producers did not expect to merge the tribes this soon - for this challenge only they will be divided back into two tribes - one tribe member at a time will move through a series of obstacles then dig up a bag of puzzle pieces and race back so the next person can go - once they have collected all 4 bags of pieces the last 2 people on each tribe will use the pieces to complete the puzzle - first tribe done wins: an afternoon of pizza and cold beer, Plus, a secret note (oooh, what's that about?)
-They randomly divide them up again, Tribe 1: Jay, Alicia, Chelsea, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina
Tribe 2: Leif, Kim, Kat, Michael, Jonas & Tarzan.
-Off they go - Jay vs Leif at first - they have to dig under the first obstacle, Jay squeezes through but Leif tries to go face first so he gets stuck when his back doesn't bend that way...(really? Leif is not the sharpest tool in the shed... I'm just saying.) He's really stuck... Jay gets back with his puzzle pieces when Leif finally gets free... they are behind until the last bag when Sabrina slows them down and Michael catches them up - and we are neck and neck -Tarzan & Jonas vs Troyzan and Christina on the puzzle... It's down to the last pieces and Troyzan and Christina win the Reward!
Troyzan, "This is my island!" (That's what Colton though too.)
Jay, Alicia, Chelsea, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina eat their pizza and drink their beer then they can open the special note - which just tells them there is another immunity idol hidden back at camp. Chelsea cautions everyone not to tell the others, the fewer people that know the better... but she's really worried that someone on Manono will find it and mess up their numbers because they can't have a Salani go home... (Now I'm confused, is it the original Salani or the mixed up Salani? Girls or boys & girls?? I think she means the mixed Salani.)
Tikiano - Day 18
-Jonas brings up to Mike they might want to have a discussion and Mike says Tarzan already took care of that... this is news to Jonas and Michael starts stirring it up. The men are sticking together and using Alicia as the swing vote - You might want to talk to him about that.
-Uh huh, this does not sit well with Jonas who thinks of himself as powerful now that Colton's gone.
-Jonas confronts Tarzan and gives him sh*t for going to the least reliable guy and spilling the plan, which he was in the dark about by the way, two days before the vote so he can tell everyone and screw them - Tarzan gets all defensive and they get into a shouting match - "Don't interrupt me" "I'm sick of your BS"... and Tarzan announces that he doesn't like Jonas anymore and he's just dropping out of the tribe - "the rest of you can go on without me." (Very mature. You can't have it your way so you quit? And now you've screwed all your alliances, is that how Tarzan would treat his allies? I bet he always had Cheetah's back.) We'll see what happens when they cool down and realize they need each other.
-Michael is lurking in the background, very amused with the havoc he's created, and innocently asks, "What's going on?" (Erg, I can't stand that guy.)
Tikiano - Day 19
-Early morning, everyone's sleeping and Troyzan goes out to get himself an immunity idol... Hey, what's that lodged in the hole in the tree? Yup, the early bird gets the worm and the idol. He's so excited he wants to wear it - "This could be a million dollars. Think about it."
Immunity Challenge
Tribal immunity is no more - they are going for individual immunity from now on.
-They will be perched on a small log (like a curb), balancing a ball on a disc (like a pool ball on a cocktail waitress tray), at certain intervals they will more balls (up to 3) to make it that much harder. At any point if they drop a ball or if they fall off the perch - they are out of the challenge. Last person left standing wins immunity.
-Off they go - and a big breeze starts blowing - Surprise, Tarzan is the first out as he falls off the perch. The rest make it through to the second round where they now have two balls on the disc - and Christina has no ball control - she loses one and is the 2nd person out - Michael is next out, there goes Chelsea, then Kim. And the rest make it to the 3rd round and they now have 3 balls - which knocks Alicia out, then Jay, Jonas, Sabrina, Leif ... and it's down to Kat and Troyzan... he's struggling and she's solid, I'm pretty sure she's had some waitressing experience... Troyzan is shaking like a leaf and I'm sure he's out... when Kat steps off the perch and TROYZAN wins individual immunity! (Maybe it is his island.)
Tikiano - Day 20
They return to camp and in the guise of congratulating Troyzan in his win Leif says, "We're going to have to talk later." Troy says I bet there's going to be a lot of scrambling later.
-Troy tells the camera that he has a group he's solid with, the mixed Salani, and whatever they want to do, he's going to do.
-Chelsea and Jay go to collect wood and discuss keeping Salani together and they want to vote out Jonas first (figuring he's Manono's strongest player... crap.) They talk to Sabrina and Kim who are also on board with Jonas going tonight... except that he's a great cook (ha, well, that's something.)
-Alicia is feeling left out - she goes to Kim and says no one's come up to her (you are so not with them anymore girl - I bet it's mind boggling to her that they don't want her back) Kim tells her they are thinking Jonas tonight and of course Alicia's in, no love lost there.
-Troyzan talks to Kim and she tells him they're thinking Jonas... he gets it, he is the smartest of the guys but "he feeds us, why vote him out now?" (Yeah, men do think with their stomachs.)
-So, Troyzan goes and tells Jonas they are talking about voting him out. Jonas doesn't get it, he thinks he's the most non-threatening guy around - why keep Mike who is physically strong and can dominate in the challenges, especially now that they are all individual.
-Jonas goes into survival mode and he apologizes to Tarzan - which brings Tarzan to tears (he's so weird this guy) he is so struck by the integrity it took for Jonas to do that, he shakes his hand and says he may not like him but he respects him. "So, we're back together again." And the four guys - Jonas, Tarzan, Leif and Troyzan decide they're going to vote for Kat cause she's useless. Jonas would rather vote Mike but no one else seems to be on board with that (I'm with you Jonas.)
Then it's laundry time - the women get water boiling and Chelsea preps all her clothes, washing them in salt water first, scrubbing them with sand before she puts them in the boiled water and just as she's starting to stir her clothes - Tarzan comes and dumps his disgusting dirty underwear right on top of her clothes, "Don't worry it's not poop, it's just dirt." (I swear her eyes turned red and steam came out her nose.) He doesn't get why it's a big deal, she tries to be nice and asks him to clean them in the ocean first, I did, or at least let her get her stuff out first... then she says she's going to go puke - he calls after her, "Don't you want to tend the fire?" (OMG! He's lucky she didn't push him in the fire, what an idiot.)
-Chelsea says if it was up to her Tarzan would go because she's all about who deserves to be there, has a good attitude and pick people up when they're down - Tarzan fills none of that criteria.
-She asks the Salani tribe if they can spare Jonas, who at least feeds them, and take Tarzan out tonight - Jay squeaks that he understands her point but if you set a plan in place and it gets broken it can bite you in the butt. (What? You just made the plan, you can still change it, it's not broken, it just changed.)
Tribal Council
Sabrina, what's the biggest difference now that you are merged?
-It's very chaotic, everyone is trying to predict where they'll stand, who's with who? It can't be peaceful right now when everyone's heads on the chopping block.
Jonas, is it inevitable that everyone is thinking, who do I want to sit next to at the end and how to I make sure I'm there?
-Yeah, but you could be looking way too far ahead. I had people tell me today I'm a threat because I cook, I'm a provider, but you don't vote that guy out first. Would you rather go to challenges against this guy (he points out Mike) as opposed to me?
-Mike jumps in, well I didn't do too good today (yes he did, he totally caught his tribe up)
-Jonas, "I'm not done speaking" (ah, there, you sound like a jerk) To those people who know what I'm talking about, I'm voting for Mike tonight. (I don't think that was the best strategy, but let's see how it pans out for him.)
(And, now Tarzan is p*ssed off again - he doesn't like people not honoring their word.)
Tarzan speaks up: Jeff, I disrespect what Jonas just did, I disrespect it deeply. Throwing Mike under the bus and he doesn't need to fight for his life... I'm not going to say anything else. (Uh, is Tarzan math challenged as well?)
So Jonas, Tarzan is saying, Relax brother, you're not going home tonight.
-Well I'm not saying that cause he might have just thrown himself over the bus.
Jonas - The fact of the matter is, despite your brilliant plan, we do not have the votes to vote off Kat (she is shocked) Kat, "Tarzan, what'd I do? You can tell me, it's okay."
Tarzan - He's lying Kat
Jonas - You did not propose that? I'm just stating the facts.
Tarzan - Jeff, I think we should vote Jonas out, he's worried about it, we should vote him out. I'm sick of this. (Oh Jonas, you may have cooked your goose - and Tarzan is an old codger, he's doesn't have the patience to deal with the game play... he's old, it should be his way - Respect My Authority!)
Tarzan, why the big reaction? What are we not getting?
-Jonas has been on my back from day one. I'm going to go up there and write his name down
Jonas - that's fine but...
Tarzan - I'm sick of fighting with you...
Chelsea says - in Jonas' defense, more of us have had issues with Tarzan than with Jonas... everyone nods. (Come on girl, propose they vote Tarzan... do it!) Sabrina agrees, she's had issue with Tarzan but not Jonas.
Tarzan admits he's awkward outside of his environment - Jeff finally gets him to admit that he is a surgeon - he says he's great in a hospital operating room (god complex, get rid of him... having a doctor on the team didn't help Colton - come on someone) He says he has to be the captain of the ship or someone dies.
So this must be very difficult for you because there is no captain of the ship.
-I have ideas that will help people and if they don't see it, it irritates me.
Jeff tries to surmise what's happened and Tarzan corrects him... See, even I can't get it right.
Kim - that's the beauty of a merge - someone like Jonas becomes a threat and someone like Tarzan can be an asset.
Depends on how you look at it.
Sure. Chelsea says she thinks there are people you want to keep around because they are positive, they are providers, they help out so much and then there is dead weight.
Tarzan - Did you mean me?
Chelsea - Laughs, Maybe.
Tarzan, as this Tribal has evolved are you concerned it could be you tonight?
-Well I came here wondering whether allegiances would be maintained and I sense we've fallen apart so that makes the whole thing totally mercurial (and he's lost Kat) at this point, not knowing which way it's going to go. If they want to vote me off, that's fine, I'm voting Jonas tonight because of what he did.
Time to vote:
Jonas votes Mike
Tarzan votes Jonas
Tallying the votes: No one plays a hidden idol.
Jonas - 1
Mike - 1, 2
Jonas - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... Crap! Jonas says no hard feelings to Tarzan and tries to shake his hand but Tarzan says "Hard feelings to you." (What a buttface. I dislike Tarzan.)
So, I'm out... because as soon as it's an individual game you want to get rid of the people that other people like... that's the law of Survivor and it's screwed me out of winning the pool - again.
And out with me are Laura H and Shane B - we got screwed.
Next week - Jay and Troyzan are feeling nervous that the girls are turning on them with good reason cause they may be turning on them.
Jonas - I came here to go big or go home - and he went big and now he's going home. (Well, he will be the first member of the jury.) At least they said I was a good fisherman and a good cook.
Have a good rest of the week people,
Last week we saw the hand of Survivor Karma strike hard and fast when Colton was struck down with appendicitis and had to leave the game. The two lop-sided tribes both went to Tribal Council where Jeff told them they were merged!
Merged Tribe - Night 17
-They return to the original One World camp as that is where they will all be again and there is a modest feast laid out; cheese, grapes, champagne. They tuck in and start passing those bottles around - we learn Jonas doesn't drink because he made a point of offering his sip to someone... just pass it on dude, no need to make a production of it...of course he's trying to gain favour but he just comes off as douche-y.
-Alicia looks like she's feeling the bubbly and she's complaining again that Coltn screwed her by not giving her his idol and Christina should be going home tonight - darn that Coltn. (She doesn't say Colton, it's like Coltn... kinda bugs me.) She's probably going to go back with the women and do the girl power thing (oh shocker, it's not like you have another play... we'll see if they take her back.)
Merged Tribe - Day 18
-They have to decide on a new tribe name and Troyzan suggests: Tikiano - Tiki is god and Ano is year... so, year of the gods - doesn't seem like they really care - sure sounds good.
-Jonas presents the menu for breakfast, young coconut lightly caramelized then hit with a little seawater to try and approximate the flavour of potato chips (good luck with that.) Kim says she's excited to have Jonas with them (for cooking alone, I'm thinking.)
-Not everyone's glad to have the misfits back - Jay is making coffee for the people that won it only - Tarzan tries to get in there but is told in no uncertain terms, he didn't win it, he's not getting any... but he stands right there and stares longingly at them drinking it... come on man, show some dignity. He's like a dog begging at the table, it's sad.
-Jay is not happy to have to live with Tarzan again - Tarzan was hoping the men would stand together but alas [the coffee incident proved], that does not appear to be so.
-Tarzan talks to tall Michael and asks if he wants to be part of the team, meaning the men and Tarzan tells him they can use Alicia to swing the numbers their way. Michael says, absolutely, but tells the camera he doesn't like any of those guys, he can't stand Tarzan - he's so not in.
Reward Challenge-Proving, to me anyway, that the producers did not expect to merge the tribes this soon - for this challenge only they will be divided back into two tribes - one tribe member at a time will move through a series of obstacles then dig up a bag of puzzle pieces and race back so the next person can go - once they have collected all 4 bags of pieces the last 2 people on each tribe will use the pieces to complete the puzzle - first tribe done wins: an afternoon of pizza and cold beer, Plus, a secret note (oooh, what's that about?)
-They randomly divide them up again, Tribe 1: Jay, Alicia, Chelsea, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina
Tribe 2: Leif, Kim, Kat, Michael, Jonas & Tarzan.
-Off they go - Jay vs Leif at first - they have to dig under the first obstacle, Jay squeezes through but Leif tries to go face first so he gets stuck when his back doesn't bend that way...(really? Leif is not the sharpest tool in the shed... I'm just saying.) He's really stuck... Jay gets back with his puzzle pieces when Leif finally gets free... they are behind until the last bag when Sabrina slows them down and Michael catches them up - and we are neck and neck -Tarzan & Jonas vs Troyzan and Christina on the puzzle... It's down to the last pieces and Troyzan and Christina win the Reward!
Troyzan, "This is my island!" (That's what Colton though too.)
Jay, Alicia, Chelsea, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina eat their pizza and drink their beer then they can open the special note - which just tells them there is another immunity idol hidden back at camp. Chelsea cautions everyone not to tell the others, the fewer people that know the better... but she's really worried that someone on Manono will find it and mess up their numbers because they can't have a Salani go home... (Now I'm confused, is it the original Salani or the mixed up Salani? Girls or boys & girls?? I think she means the mixed Salani.)
Tikiano - Day 18
-Jonas brings up to Mike they might want to have a discussion and Mike says Tarzan already took care of that... this is news to Jonas and Michael starts stirring it up. The men are sticking together and using Alicia as the swing vote - You might want to talk to him about that.
-Uh huh, this does not sit well with Jonas who thinks of himself as powerful now that Colton's gone.
-Jonas confronts Tarzan and gives him sh*t for going to the least reliable guy and spilling the plan, which he was in the dark about by the way, two days before the vote so he can tell everyone and screw them - Tarzan gets all defensive and they get into a shouting match - "Don't interrupt me" "I'm sick of your BS"... and Tarzan announces that he doesn't like Jonas anymore and he's just dropping out of the tribe - "the rest of you can go on without me." (Very mature. You can't have it your way so you quit? And now you've screwed all your alliances, is that how Tarzan would treat his allies? I bet he always had Cheetah's back.) We'll see what happens when they cool down and realize they need each other.
-Michael is lurking in the background, very amused with the havoc he's created, and innocently asks, "What's going on?" (Erg, I can't stand that guy.)
Tikiano - Day 19
-Early morning, everyone's sleeping and Troyzan goes out to get himself an immunity idol... Hey, what's that lodged in the hole in the tree? Yup, the early bird gets the worm and the idol. He's so excited he wants to wear it - "This could be a million dollars. Think about it."
Immunity Challenge
Tribal immunity is no more - they are going for individual immunity from now on.
-They will be perched on a small log (like a curb), balancing a ball on a disc (like a pool ball on a cocktail waitress tray), at certain intervals they will more balls (up to 3) to make it that much harder. At any point if they drop a ball or if they fall off the perch - they are out of the challenge. Last person left standing wins immunity.
-Off they go - and a big breeze starts blowing - Surprise, Tarzan is the first out as he falls off the perch. The rest make it through to the second round where they now have two balls on the disc - and Christina has no ball control - she loses one and is the 2nd person out - Michael is next out, there goes Chelsea, then Kim. And the rest make it to the 3rd round and they now have 3 balls - which knocks Alicia out, then Jay, Jonas, Sabrina, Leif ... and it's down to Kat and Troyzan... he's struggling and she's solid, I'm pretty sure she's had some waitressing experience... Troyzan is shaking like a leaf and I'm sure he's out... when Kat steps off the perch and TROYZAN wins individual immunity! (Maybe it is his island.)
Tikiano - Day 20
They return to camp and in the guise of congratulating Troyzan in his win Leif says, "We're going to have to talk later." Troy says I bet there's going to be a lot of scrambling later.
-Troy tells the camera that he has a group he's solid with, the mixed Salani, and whatever they want to do, he's going to do.
-Chelsea and Jay go to collect wood and discuss keeping Salani together and they want to vote out Jonas first (figuring he's Manono's strongest player... crap.) They talk to Sabrina and Kim who are also on board with Jonas going tonight... except that he's a great cook (ha, well, that's something.)
-Alicia is feeling left out - she goes to Kim and says no one's come up to her (you are so not with them anymore girl - I bet it's mind boggling to her that they don't want her back) Kim tells her they are thinking Jonas tonight and of course Alicia's in, no love lost there.
-Troyzan talks to Kim and she tells him they're thinking Jonas... he gets it, he is the smartest of the guys but "he feeds us, why vote him out now?" (Yeah, men do think with their stomachs.)
-So, Troyzan goes and tells Jonas they are talking about voting him out. Jonas doesn't get it, he thinks he's the most non-threatening guy around - why keep Mike who is physically strong and can dominate in the challenges, especially now that they are all individual.
-Jonas goes into survival mode and he apologizes to Tarzan - which brings Tarzan to tears (he's so weird this guy) he is so struck by the integrity it took for Jonas to do that, he shakes his hand and says he may not like him but he respects him. "So, we're back together again." And the four guys - Jonas, Tarzan, Leif and Troyzan decide they're going to vote for Kat cause she's useless. Jonas would rather vote Mike but no one else seems to be on board with that (I'm with you Jonas.)
Then it's laundry time - the women get water boiling and Chelsea preps all her clothes, washing them in salt water first, scrubbing them with sand before she puts them in the boiled water and just as she's starting to stir her clothes - Tarzan comes and dumps his disgusting dirty underwear right on top of her clothes, "Don't worry it's not poop, it's just dirt." (I swear her eyes turned red and steam came out her nose.) He doesn't get why it's a big deal, she tries to be nice and asks him to clean them in the ocean first, I did, or at least let her get her stuff out first... then she says she's going to go puke - he calls after her, "Don't you want to tend the fire?" (OMG! He's lucky she didn't push him in the fire, what an idiot.)
-Chelsea says if it was up to her Tarzan would go because she's all about who deserves to be there, has a good attitude and pick people up when they're down - Tarzan fills none of that criteria.
-She asks the Salani tribe if they can spare Jonas, who at least feeds them, and take Tarzan out tonight - Jay squeaks that he understands her point but if you set a plan in place and it gets broken it can bite you in the butt. (What? You just made the plan, you can still change it, it's not broken, it just changed.)
Tribal Council
Sabrina, what's the biggest difference now that you are merged?
-It's very chaotic, everyone is trying to predict where they'll stand, who's with who? It can't be peaceful right now when everyone's heads on the chopping block.
Jonas, is it inevitable that everyone is thinking, who do I want to sit next to at the end and how to I make sure I'm there?
-Yeah, but you could be looking way too far ahead. I had people tell me today I'm a threat because I cook, I'm a provider, but you don't vote that guy out first. Would you rather go to challenges against this guy (he points out Mike) as opposed to me?
-Mike jumps in, well I didn't do too good today (yes he did, he totally caught his tribe up)
-Jonas, "I'm not done speaking" (ah, there, you sound like a jerk) To those people who know what I'm talking about, I'm voting for Mike tonight. (I don't think that was the best strategy, but let's see how it pans out for him.)
(And, now Tarzan is p*ssed off again - he doesn't like people not honoring their word.)
Tarzan speaks up: Jeff, I disrespect what Jonas just did, I disrespect it deeply. Throwing Mike under the bus and he doesn't need to fight for his life... I'm not going to say anything else. (Uh, is Tarzan math challenged as well?)
So Jonas, Tarzan is saying, Relax brother, you're not going home tonight.
-Well I'm not saying that cause he might have just thrown himself over the bus.
Jonas - The fact of the matter is, despite your brilliant plan, we do not have the votes to vote off Kat (she is shocked) Kat, "Tarzan, what'd I do? You can tell me, it's okay."
Tarzan - He's lying Kat
Jonas - You did not propose that? I'm just stating the facts.
Tarzan - Jeff, I think we should vote Jonas out, he's worried about it, we should vote him out. I'm sick of this. (Oh Jonas, you may have cooked your goose - and Tarzan is an old codger, he's doesn't have the patience to deal with the game play... he's old, it should be his way - Respect My Authority!)
Tarzan, why the big reaction? What are we not getting?
-Jonas has been on my back from day one. I'm going to go up there and write his name down
Jonas - that's fine but...
Tarzan - I'm sick of fighting with you...
Chelsea says - in Jonas' defense, more of us have had issues with Tarzan than with Jonas... everyone nods. (Come on girl, propose they vote Tarzan... do it!) Sabrina agrees, she's had issue with Tarzan but not Jonas.
Tarzan admits he's awkward outside of his environment - Jeff finally gets him to admit that he is a surgeon - he says he's great in a hospital operating room (god complex, get rid of him... having a doctor on the team didn't help Colton - come on someone) He says he has to be the captain of the ship or someone dies.
So this must be very difficult for you because there is no captain of the ship.
-I have ideas that will help people and if they don't see it, it irritates me.
Jeff tries to surmise what's happened and Tarzan corrects him... See, even I can't get it right.
Kim - that's the beauty of a merge - someone like Jonas becomes a threat and someone like Tarzan can be an asset.
Depends on how you look at it.
Sure. Chelsea says she thinks there are people you want to keep around because they are positive, they are providers, they help out so much and then there is dead weight.
Tarzan - Did you mean me?
Chelsea - Laughs, Maybe.
Tarzan, as this Tribal has evolved are you concerned it could be you tonight?
-Well I came here wondering whether allegiances would be maintained and I sense we've fallen apart so that makes the whole thing totally mercurial (and he's lost Kat) at this point, not knowing which way it's going to go. If they want to vote me off, that's fine, I'm voting Jonas tonight because of what he did.
Time to vote:
Jonas votes Mike
Tarzan votes Jonas
Tallying the votes: No one plays a hidden idol.
Jonas - 1
Mike - 1, 2
Jonas - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... Crap! Jonas says no hard feelings to Tarzan and tries to shake his hand but Tarzan says "Hard feelings to you." (What a buttface. I dislike Tarzan.)
So, I'm out... because as soon as it's an individual game you want to get rid of the people that other people like... that's the law of Survivor and it's screwed me out of winning the pool - again.
And out with me are Laura H and Shane B - we got screwed.
Next week - Jay and Troyzan are feeling nervous that the girls are turning on them with good reason cause they may be turning on them.
Jonas - I came here to go big or go home - and he went big and now he's going home. (Well, he will be the first member of the jury.) At least they said I was a good fisherman and a good cook.
Have a good rest of the week people,
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