A Bunch of Idiots
The episode briefly recapped how Colton, the horrible, spoiled rich kid got his way last week and Bill was voted out - when the women were actually supposed to go to Tribal Council...
Salani - Day 12
Troyzan comes over to talk to the women who are all hunkered down in their shelter - they asked who's idea it was to give up immunity and he told them, "Colton... but it was a group thing... I don't know."
-The girls are not questioning the divine intervention, they are just grateful the men are more of a mess than they are now and they say they will stick together, 7 strong, no matter what happens.
Before we get to the challenge -Drop your buffs, we're switching tribes. (Ha, Colton, that's what you get for not playing by their rules.) It will be a random switch, everyone picks an egg and on Jeff's word they will smash them against their bodies, the colour inside will determine their new tribe.
New Salani: Michael, Sabrina, Kat, Jay, Kim, Chelsea and Troyzan
New Manono: Tarzan, Colton, Christina, Alicia, Jonas, Leif and Monica
Kim says the switch could not have gone better for them and Colton says, "No kidding, you got all the muscle." ('Tis true - these teams do not seem to be very even... age/ability wise - it's the fit, pretty people against the aged misfits. I think they've made the show worse again - way to go.)
The challenge - the new tribes must work together - a team of four will carry a half barrel/bucket over to the water tower and fill it - then using their fingers, hands, whatever - they must try to plug the holes in the barrel that are leaking out all the water as they carry the barrel back to their container and dump it - first team to fill their container and raise their flag wins reward - Peanut butter, jelly, bread, coffee, sugar, cream (anytime it's food, they all look so happy.) In addition, the winning tribe wins the right to continue living at the One World beach - losing tribe will be sent to a new beach where they must...create... a new....world.
Tribes are even so no one is sitting out - off they go - Manono doesn't do a very good job covering the holes and tries to run the buckets back faster but it doesn't pay off - Salani gets more water back per trip and they raise their flag first - SALANI wins reward and the beach.
Jeff asks Colton for the hard truth on this new division of the tribes - "Well, look at them and look at us, it's like Greek gods v/s the peasants."
Monica doesn't like that - "far from a peasant my friend."
Colton - No, village people. (Ha!)
Manono gets a map to their new world and they all head out.
Salani - Day 12
-Sabrina just wanted to be with Kim... she was very happy that 4 girls from their original 5 girl alliance were still together (I'm sure it's good riddance to Alicia anyway.)
Manono - Day 12
-Colton had the opposite reaction, when he saw Jay and Troy and Kim and Sabrina were all blue and he was orange... well beep.
- Everyone else is trying to be positive - they are sorting through the gear and getting started on building a shelter - and Colton is pouting - not only is he on a tribe with people he doesn't want to be on a tribe with, he's on a tribe with people who suck. (Ah, tactful as ever...but he's kinda right. Hopefully he learns how to make lemonade.)
-Alicia feels the same way - "Oh, we're going to be the laughing stock - we're so going to lose."
-Colton admits, as much as he can be an evil person, he knows how to relate to people, charm people, tell them what they want to hear and get them on his side. He's already showing the 'nice Colton' face to Alicia, Christina and Monica - they pinky promise not to blindside him and swear the four of them are together - but Colton tells us he's just telling the girls what they want to hear to get information... (Yeah, that's not going to blow up in his face.)
-Monica suspects that he could be playing them - and she sees herself as the strongest of the three girls so if Colton is the master manipulator, she could be the first one going home.
Salani - Day 12
-They are huntin'... spearing crabs turns into my favourite of all Survivor battles - that epic battle between man and... chicken! They out-flank one of our tasty feathered friends and Troy is able to tackle and catch it by the feet. So they have 4 huge crabs and a chicken.
-Troyzan - It's like the gods said come together and I will provide what you want - it's been wild.
-Jay & Troy are talking strategy to Kim - Jay realizes the men are down numbers on this tribe so he wants to get in with some of the women - they talk of an alliance Troy, Jay, Kim and Chelsea.
-Kim tells the camera that she's wanted to keep her options open, if sticking with the women works out better for her in the long run, she'll stick with the women, but if not, it's Troy and Jay all the way.
Manono - Day 12
-Colton talking to Alicia says he doesn't trust Christina at all and he thinks she should be the first to go, they're better off with Tarzan or Jonas. Alicia flat out says no - the girls are loyal - that's why you had all that crazy stuff go down. Leave it as it is.
-Alicia wants to keep all her girls there, but if not possible at least keep her name out of the mix so if a girl does go, it's not her.
-Jonas confronts Colton about his talking to Alicia - Colton assures him he's sticking with the men, he's just telling the girls he's with them. Jonas, "Don't scam me, bro." (Bro, no really, I mean it bro... haha - inside joke there.) Anyway - Jonas tells the camera he can't believe Colton is again doing nothing (except talking to the women) while everyone is working building the shelter - Jonas never thought to play that way but it is genius. Jonas sees that Colton is running the show on both sides and he'd be dumb to think he wasn't with the women (but he has no idea how to change it... you need to blindside him - start talking to people... but they are all afraid of Colton now too. Sheesh.)
Salani - Day 14
-Kim is looking for the girls hidden immunity idol - and she finds it! Right away she tells and shows Chelsea - she's the only one she trusts in the game and she wants to do this together - they whisper and scheme that they can't be seen as a pair, blah, blah blah (I think it's too late for that.) Kim is riding a wave of everything is going her way this episode... I hope she's not building for a fall.
Manono - Day 14
-The epic battle of man v/s chicken goes the other way for Manono. They have a trap set and they get one in a crate with chicken wire surrounding it... but as they celebrate catching the chicken, it calmly walks away - there was a hole in the wire... (I don't mean to laugh, but Hahahaha! that was hi-larious.)
-Colton just rolls his eyes - These people suck at Survivor. We're going to lose every challenge. He realizes that Christina has no friends and Monica has more power so if they merge, Monica is more of a threat to him - if Christina's still there it doesn't matter.
-Colton goes and talks to Alicia and convinces her that they need to vote Monica first... and then who? Christina... she balks a little but he assures her she only has to believe in him and he can control the guys... Oh, okay, I'm in (WHAT!?? Yeah, that's how long the girls sticking together went. Oh, Alicia, go talk to Leif... he would so be your 4th.)
Three members of each tribe will try to get a ball in the water and make a basket while the members of the other tribe will try to stop them any way they can... (oh, this one tends to get very physical, very fast... I'm thinking someone from Manono is going home tonight.)
-First tribe to score 3 points/baskets wins immunity.
-It's 3 men against 3 men together - Jay to Michael - Salani leads 1-0
-The second point is harder - Michael has 5 free tries before anyone even reaches him - at one point it throws Leif aside - Leif recovers the ball and almost makes a point but in the end Michael gets Salani's 2nd point.
-No men this time - Monica is able to get Manono on the board. 2-1
-All men the next time - Colton sprints through the water to be the first person to the ball and he nearly drowns holding on to it - when he comes up he screeches, Help Me...(yeah, I laughed) - but it is for naught - Salani gets the ball and the 3rd point. Salani wins immunity!
Manono - Day 14
- Returning from their defeat and Monica cannot help but toot her own horn - at least it wasn't a shut out... always seeking acknowledgement and praise this woman... (you know, it would be a good idea to maybe be a little humble and keep the target off your back.)
-Alicia says you're going to see an an Oscar worthy performance from Colton and I today, the most epic blindside ever - Monica has no idea she's going home today.
-Colton tells Jonas it's Monica tonight - Jonas is willing to be Colton's b*tch as long as he's not the one going home.
-Alicia tells Christina she thinks it has to be Tarzan tonight - (and they show the poor guy painfully shuffling in the water, no don't bend over... ahh, my eyes - again!) Christina is in and goes and tells Jonas & Colton they're thinking of voting Tarzan tonight. Jonas is almost too casual in his acceptance of that idea... at least but up a little show of resistance (Jonas is my guy in the pool - I'm pretty much resigned that I am not winning, again.)
-Colton tells her that was literally what they just said - Monica comes over and they tell her it's got to be Tarzan because they have to start winning. Monica, "As long as it's not me." (sigh)
-Monica thinks the men have lost sight of the numbers and the fact they're willing to get rid of one of their own is great for her... (uh, this chick is so conceited that she couldn't even fathom they'd want to vote her out... I think that's what it is.)
-Jonas tells Leif, with Christina right there, that they are voting out Tarzan (wink). I think he got it... but Jonas tells the camera he doesn't really trust Leif after the Bill fiasco.
-Colton tells Leif and Tarzan that they are voting out Monica tonight - she is the head of the snake and Alicia is voting with us in case you don't - Tarzan - who is that again??
-Colton tells the camera that Tarzan is liking having a grandpa with Alzheimer's on the tribe - he has to remind him 87 times or he'll forget - they show him again saying, "It's Monica tonight." Tarzan, "Hold on, oh, okay." Colton, I have to keep telling him or he might write down Jenny or something.
-Colton says, "It's really hard being the leader of a bunch of idiots, really, it's so difficult." (oh man.)
Jonas, what was your reaction to this new Manono tribe?
-Well, the odds were not stacked in our favour, let's put it that way.
Monica, give me your input on this new tribe.
-Well, breaking up was hard to do, we'd gotten close - the girls - but it's turned out to be a blessing. The beach is better, the food is plentiful and we're playing like a team, I think. (She looks around for agreement from everyone.)
(Colton's face doesn't agree.)
Colton, do you like Monica's positive attitude?
-I mean, yeah. If she thinks she can turn this sinking ship around, by all means, take the wheel. Yeah, we need Monica. (Alicia looks like she's biting her inner lip not to laugh.)
Alicia, is it possible Monica could be what this tribe needs? (Monica preens at that.)
-Monica is definitely an awesome person and a super mom... she's very competitive and very athletic and she can kick some *ss (holy, don't spread it on too thick.)
I smell a 'but' coming... (well, they aren't bathing very well out there... ha ;))
-She can be seen as a threat - that's the but.
Monica - That's the but... but to say I'm a threat, it's more like I'm trying to help the team (again she looks around for confirmation from everyone.) But I can see why you'd think that [because I'm awesome.]
And then Leif, out of no where, throws his two cents in : But, she's one of the most.. hardest... working women I've ever seen {awkward laugh} (he sounded like Beavis - just shut up.)
Monica - Thank you, that makes me feel happy.
Tarzan, what do you make of this new tribe? Was it good news for you?
(This should be good.) My first thought was to drop my assertiveness to one of the lode-stars that is another member of this tribe (uh, what?) who would then lead the first few days of this new tribe.
Jeff wants to interpret that - sees it like a game: one of the lode-stars that is another member of this group... that would be... ?
Tarzan - I shant say as the game is afoot. (When did he become Elizabethan?)
Jeff is impressed with Tarzan's vocabulary. Asks Leif if it's hard to talk to Tarzan because of how he talks and Leif pretty much shows he's not up to the task - "he can better explanate"
Tarzan provides the work for making up a word that sounds like the word you meant to say - I have no idea what he said... How bout we vote now Jeff....
Jeff tries to get some information out of Tarzan about his background but again, "The game is afoot, Jeff." The rest of the tribe start filling in - he has 14 pets, he's a medic (I think he's actually a plastic surgeon, Monica and he should talk after the show, those boobs, not so good) has a wife named Terri and he has nominal aphasia - meaning he can't remember people's names (One vote for Jenny, here we come.) They test him on the names of his tribe mates... he gets everyone but stumbles on Monica and then blanks on Jonas (yeah, but he's actually easy to forget.)
Time to vote: Colton mouths to Tarzan, "Do you remember what to do?" And he gets crazy old man head snap (that's not reassuring.)
Tallying the votes:
Tarzan - 1, 2
Monica - 1, 2, Alicia looks guilty, 3, Christina & Monica turn accusingly to Colton, 4 ... and MONICA is the 5th person voted out this season. "Wow," she says. Christina, "What the...?"
And with Monica leaving tonight, Alexis Gronlund, Ian Gariepy, and Shelley Aven are out of the pool.
Jeff says you admit you're out matched but then vote out your strongest player - interesting strategy.
Next week: Colton focuses his evil on Christina and may break her... someone else is injured or medically unable to continue in the game.
Monica's final thoughts: extremely disappointed, she west there to win - dumbest thing she could have done was trust Colton. She blames herself for being outwitted. (And there you go.)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
The episode briefly recapped how Colton, the horrible, spoiled rich kid got his way last week and Bill was voted out - when the women were actually supposed to go to Tribal Council...
Salani - Day 12
Troyzan comes over to talk to the women who are all hunkered down in their shelter - they asked who's idea it was to give up immunity and he told them, "Colton... but it was a group thing... I don't know."
-The girls are not questioning the divine intervention, they are just grateful the men are more of a mess than they are now and they say they will stick together, 7 strong, no matter what happens.
Before we get to the challenge -Drop your buffs, we're switching tribes. (Ha, Colton, that's what you get for not playing by their rules.) It will be a random switch, everyone picks an egg and on Jeff's word they will smash them against their bodies, the colour inside will determine their new tribe.
New Salani: Michael, Sabrina, Kat, Jay, Kim, Chelsea and Troyzan
New Manono: Tarzan, Colton, Christina, Alicia, Jonas, Leif and Monica
Kim says the switch could not have gone better for them and Colton says, "No kidding, you got all the muscle." ('Tis true - these teams do not seem to be very even... age/ability wise - it's the fit, pretty people against the aged misfits. I think they've made the show worse again - way to go.)
The challenge - the new tribes must work together - a team of four will carry a half barrel/bucket over to the water tower and fill it - then using their fingers, hands, whatever - they must try to plug the holes in the barrel that are leaking out all the water as they carry the barrel back to their container and dump it - first team to fill their container and raise their flag wins reward - Peanut butter, jelly, bread, coffee, sugar, cream (anytime it's food, they all look so happy.) In addition, the winning tribe wins the right to continue living at the One World beach - losing tribe will be sent to a new beach where they must...create... a new....world.
Tribes are even so no one is sitting out - off they go - Manono doesn't do a very good job covering the holes and tries to run the buckets back faster but it doesn't pay off - Salani gets more water back per trip and they raise their flag first - SALANI wins reward and the beach.
Jeff asks Colton for the hard truth on this new division of the tribes - "Well, look at them and look at us, it's like Greek gods v/s the peasants."
Monica doesn't like that - "far from a peasant my friend."
Colton - No, village people. (Ha!)
Manono gets a map to their new world and they all head out.
Salani - Day 12
-Sabrina just wanted to be with Kim... she was very happy that 4 girls from their original 5 girl alliance were still together (I'm sure it's good riddance to Alicia anyway.)
Manono - Day 12
-Colton had the opposite reaction, when he saw Jay and Troy and Kim and Sabrina were all blue and he was orange... well beep.
- Everyone else is trying to be positive - they are sorting through the gear and getting started on building a shelter - and Colton is pouting - not only is he on a tribe with people he doesn't want to be on a tribe with, he's on a tribe with people who suck. (Ah, tactful as ever...but he's kinda right. Hopefully he learns how to make lemonade.)
-Alicia feels the same way - "Oh, we're going to be the laughing stock - we're so going to lose."
-Colton admits, as much as he can be an evil person, he knows how to relate to people, charm people, tell them what they want to hear and get them on his side. He's already showing the 'nice Colton' face to Alicia, Christina and Monica - they pinky promise not to blindside him and swear the four of them are together - but Colton tells us he's just telling the girls what they want to hear to get information... (Yeah, that's not going to blow up in his face.)
-Monica suspects that he could be playing them - and she sees herself as the strongest of the three girls so if Colton is the master manipulator, she could be the first one going home.
Salani - Day 12
-They are huntin'... spearing crabs turns into my favourite of all Survivor battles - that epic battle between man and... chicken! They out-flank one of our tasty feathered friends and Troy is able to tackle and catch it by the feet. So they have 4 huge crabs and a chicken.
-Troyzan - It's like the gods said come together and I will provide what you want - it's been wild.
-Jay & Troy are talking strategy to Kim - Jay realizes the men are down numbers on this tribe so he wants to get in with some of the women - they talk of an alliance Troy, Jay, Kim and Chelsea.
-Kim tells the camera that she's wanted to keep her options open, if sticking with the women works out better for her in the long run, she'll stick with the women, but if not, it's Troy and Jay all the way.
Manono - Day 12
-Colton talking to Alicia says he doesn't trust Christina at all and he thinks she should be the first to go, they're better off with Tarzan or Jonas. Alicia flat out says no - the girls are loyal - that's why you had all that crazy stuff go down. Leave it as it is.
-Alicia wants to keep all her girls there, but if not possible at least keep her name out of the mix so if a girl does go, it's not her.
-Jonas confronts Colton about his talking to Alicia - Colton assures him he's sticking with the men, he's just telling the girls he's with them. Jonas, "Don't scam me, bro." (Bro, no really, I mean it bro... haha - inside joke there.) Anyway - Jonas tells the camera he can't believe Colton is again doing nothing (except talking to the women) while everyone is working building the shelter - Jonas never thought to play that way but it is genius. Jonas sees that Colton is running the show on both sides and he'd be dumb to think he wasn't with the women (but he has no idea how to change it... you need to blindside him - start talking to people... but they are all afraid of Colton now too. Sheesh.)
Salani - Day 14
-Kim is looking for the girls hidden immunity idol - and she finds it! Right away she tells and shows Chelsea - she's the only one she trusts in the game and she wants to do this together - they whisper and scheme that they can't be seen as a pair, blah, blah blah (I think it's too late for that.) Kim is riding a wave of everything is going her way this episode... I hope she's not building for a fall.
Manono - Day 14
-The epic battle of man v/s chicken goes the other way for Manono. They have a trap set and they get one in a crate with chicken wire surrounding it... but as they celebrate catching the chicken, it calmly walks away - there was a hole in the wire... (I don't mean to laugh, but Hahahaha! that was hi-larious.)
-Colton just rolls his eyes - These people suck at Survivor. We're going to lose every challenge. He realizes that Christina has no friends and Monica has more power so if they merge, Monica is more of a threat to him - if Christina's still there it doesn't matter.
-Colton goes and talks to Alicia and convinces her that they need to vote Monica first... and then who? Christina... she balks a little but he assures her she only has to believe in him and he can control the guys... Oh, okay, I'm in (WHAT!?? Yeah, that's how long the girls sticking together went. Oh, Alicia, go talk to Leif... he would so be your 4th.)
Three members of each tribe will try to get a ball in the water and make a basket while the members of the other tribe will try to stop them any way they can... (oh, this one tends to get very physical, very fast... I'm thinking someone from Manono is going home tonight.)
-First tribe to score 3 points/baskets wins immunity.
-It's 3 men against 3 men together - Jay to Michael - Salani leads 1-0
-The second point is harder - Michael has 5 free tries before anyone even reaches him - at one point it throws Leif aside - Leif recovers the ball and almost makes a point but in the end Michael gets Salani's 2nd point.
-No men this time - Monica is able to get Manono on the board. 2-1
-All men the next time - Colton sprints through the water to be the first person to the ball and he nearly drowns holding on to it - when he comes up he screeches, Help Me...(yeah, I laughed) - but it is for naught - Salani gets the ball and the 3rd point. Salani wins immunity!
Manono - Day 14
- Returning from their defeat and Monica cannot help but toot her own horn - at least it wasn't a shut out... always seeking acknowledgement and praise this woman... (you know, it would be a good idea to maybe be a little humble and keep the target off your back.)
-Alicia says you're going to see an an Oscar worthy performance from Colton and I today, the most epic blindside ever - Monica has no idea she's going home today.
-Colton tells Jonas it's Monica tonight - Jonas is willing to be Colton's b*tch as long as he's not the one going home.
-Alicia tells Christina she thinks it has to be Tarzan tonight - (and they show the poor guy painfully shuffling in the water, no don't bend over... ahh, my eyes - again!) Christina is in and goes and tells Jonas & Colton they're thinking of voting Tarzan tonight. Jonas is almost too casual in his acceptance of that idea... at least but up a little show of resistance (Jonas is my guy in the pool - I'm pretty much resigned that I am not winning, again.)
-Colton tells her that was literally what they just said - Monica comes over and they tell her it's got to be Tarzan because they have to start winning. Monica, "As long as it's not me." (sigh)
-Monica thinks the men have lost sight of the numbers and the fact they're willing to get rid of one of their own is great for her... (uh, this chick is so conceited that she couldn't even fathom they'd want to vote her out... I think that's what it is.)
-Jonas tells Leif, with Christina right there, that they are voting out Tarzan (wink). I think he got it... but Jonas tells the camera he doesn't really trust Leif after the Bill fiasco.
-Colton tells Leif and Tarzan that they are voting out Monica tonight - she is the head of the snake and Alicia is voting with us in case you don't - Tarzan - who is that again??
-Colton tells the camera that Tarzan is liking having a grandpa with Alzheimer's on the tribe - he has to remind him 87 times or he'll forget - they show him again saying, "It's Monica tonight." Tarzan, "Hold on, oh, okay." Colton, I have to keep telling him or he might write down Jenny or something.
-Colton says, "It's really hard being the leader of a bunch of idiots, really, it's so difficult." (oh man.)
Jonas, what was your reaction to this new Manono tribe?
-Well, the odds were not stacked in our favour, let's put it that way.
Monica, give me your input on this new tribe.
-Well, breaking up was hard to do, we'd gotten close - the girls - but it's turned out to be a blessing. The beach is better, the food is plentiful and we're playing like a team, I think. (She looks around for agreement from everyone.)
(Colton's face doesn't agree.)
Colton, do you like Monica's positive attitude?
-I mean, yeah. If she thinks she can turn this sinking ship around, by all means, take the wheel. Yeah, we need Monica. (Alicia looks like she's biting her inner lip not to laugh.)
Alicia, is it possible Monica could be what this tribe needs? (Monica preens at that.)
-Monica is definitely an awesome person and a super mom... she's very competitive and very athletic and she can kick some *ss (holy, don't spread it on too thick.)
I smell a 'but' coming... (well, they aren't bathing very well out there... ha ;))
-She can be seen as a threat - that's the but.
Monica - That's the but... but to say I'm a threat, it's more like I'm trying to help the team (again she looks around for confirmation from everyone.) But I can see why you'd think that [because I'm awesome.]
And then Leif, out of no where, throws his two cents in : But, she's one of the most.. hardest... working women I've ever seen {awkward laugh} (he sounded like Beavis - just shut up.)
Monica - Thank you, that makes me feel happy.
Tarzan, what do you make of this new tribe? Was it good news for you?
(This should be good.) My first thought was to drop my assertiveness to one of the lode-stars that is another member of this tribe (uh, what?) who would then lead the first few days of this new tribe.
Jeff wants to interpret that - sees it like a game: one of the lode-stars that is another member of this group... that would be... ?
Tarzan - I shant say as the game is afoot. (When did he become Elizabethan?)
Jeff is impressed with Tarzan's vocabulary. Asks Leif if it's hard to talk to Tarzan because of how he talks and Leif pretty much shows he's not up to the task - "he can better explanate"
Tarzan provides the work for making up a word that sounds like the word you meant to say - I have no idea what he said... How bout we vote now Jeff....
Jeff tries to get some information out of Tarzan about his background but again, "The game is afoot, Jeff." The rest of the tribe start filling in - he has 14 pets, he's a medic (I think he's actually a plastic surgeon, Monica and he should talk after the show, those boobs, not so good) has a wife named Terri and he has nominal aphasia - meaning he can't remember people's names (One vote for Jenny, here we come.) They test him on the names of his tribe mates... he gets everyone but stumbles on Monica and then blanks on Jonas (yeah, but he's actually easy to forget.)
Time to vote: Colton mouths to Tarzan, "Do you remember what to do?" And he gets crazy old man head snap (that's not reassuring.)
Tallying the votes:
Tarzan - 1, 2
Monica - 1, 2, Alicia looks guilty, 3, Christina & Monica turn accusingly to Colton, 4 ... and MONICA is the 5th person voted out this season. "Wow," she says. Christina, "What the...?"
And with Monica leaving tonight, Alexis Gronlund, Ian Gariepy, and Shelley Aven are out of the pool.
Jeff says you admit you're out matched but then vote out your strongest player - interesting strategy.
Next week: Colton focuses his evil on Christina and may break her... someone else is injured or medically unable to continue in the game.
Monica's final thoughts: extremely disappointed, she west there to win - dumbest thing she could have done was trust Colton. She blames herself for being outwitted. (And there you go.)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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