Worst Case Scenario
Last week Espada voted out Tyrone and it was like it didn't happen... the episode opened the next day:
Espada - Day 15
It's windy and looks like rain and Dan tells Crazy-Pants Holly that he's ready to pack it in - he can't take 20 more days of the rain like that. Holly tells him you can't just quit... she knows from her experience in the first few days that quitting is the easy way out - you signed up for something, suck it up and finish it (that is quite the change of heart, surprising how being in with the power players can make you feel stronger out there.)
- Yve goes and talks to Holly asking why she was left out in the dark about Tyrone - Holly thought Yve and Tyrone were in an alliance (because she's kind of clueless - did we ever even see then talk to each other?) Yve says they weren't and she actually thought she & Holly had each other's backs. (Yve, I think you have to spell things out for Holly...) they agree to be more open and honest with each other.
-Holly tells Yve that Danny doesn't want to be there anymore - Yve is ready to use that information to her advantage - she's going to do what she needs to to survive.
LaFlor - Day 15
-Jill & Marty talking about the youngin's - He feels like he went from a serious drama to Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Wyld Stallyons! Excellent! Imagine the electric guitar riff.)
-Jill & Marty are cleaning the dishes and gathering wood and keeping the fire going and everyone else is sleeping all day - they think their efforts will ingratiate them with the tribe.
-Jill knows they've been dealt a difficult hand - came into a tribe that had bonded tightly down in the numbers and she feels they'll get rid of them as soon as they can.
-Brenda says they are still divided - younger and older - actually, younger plus Jane, she fit right in with them. She wants to have 3 vote Marty and 3 vote Jill to flush out the idol and make sure one of them goes home. (I don't think Brenda's even on Marty's radar - she's the leader and he doesn't seem to realize it.)
CHALLENGE - Marty thinks it's awesome they voted out Tyrone.
Jeff tells them today they are playing for individual immunity (two necklaces) because both tribes are going to go to Tribal Council and vote someone out.
Immunity Challenge: They have to race out to an individually marked digging area - using a paddle they have to dig up a rope ring, use the paddle to toss it over their shoulder into a basket they'll have tied around their waist - ten race back to the start with it. First person to get all 3 of their rope rings will win immunity and a place in the second round Reward challenge. The two immunity winners will play a game of ring toss - first one to get 3 rings on the hooks will win a feast for their tribe. The winning tribe will go to Tribal Council first and vote someone out then listen in on the 2nd tribal council while feasting on chicken & beef kebabs. They all want the food!
Espada goes first - The hardest part seems to be getting the rings in the butt basket - the girls are tearing it up and Dan is useless... Crazy Pants, HOLLY is the first back with all 3 rings and she wins immunity and a place in the Reward challenge. (Holly's strength is definitely physical.)
LaFlor - they are all pretty even getting the rings back - we're down to Jill & Kelly B going for the 3rd ring and it's JILL that wins immunity (That screws up Brenda's whole plan...)
Reward Challenge: Holly vs Jill - Holy gets the first ring on but they tie it up at 2 and ... Jill wins the feast for La Flor.
LaFlor - Day 15
-They come back all celebratory - Jill thanks Brenda for picking her to be on the tribe (gag me) then they bring it in for a 1,2,3, LaFlor! cheer. Brenda tells the camera that cheer thing was totally fake - Jill & Marty, she can see their minds working - the worst case scenario has happened but they will still vote out someone they don't want.
-Brenda & Sash are talking- Sash thinks they should still split the votes - 3 for Marty and 3 for Kelly B (the girl with one leg) but tell Kelly B they're voting for Jane. OK - done.
-Brenda says Kelly B has never been a part of their core group and she has a fake leg - people will give her a million dollars because they feel bad for her, so she's got to go and hopefully they'll flush out Marty's idol in the process.
-Kelly B says she likes Jane and would have liked to keep her around longer but she (Kelly B's) been on the outs and will vote how they tell her to.
-Brenda - Tonight's tribal council's going to be complicated for her - she has to try and keep all the ducks in a row but she can't rely on Fabio, he's really kinda clueless (kinda? She has a gift for understatement there.)
-Marty is talking to Fabio in the shelter - tells him he's a chess grand master - that he beat some Argentine grand master when he was a kid and that he has it all worked out if Fabio wants to make a move with them. Fabio's eating it all up with a spoon. Marty tells us it's all crap, he's not a chess grand master, the Argentine guy he mentioned was a tennis player - he can pull out anything from the 70's with these guys and they'll have no clue. Marty wants to keep the old Espada together and he might be able to do that with Fabio.
-Fabio thinks this would be good deal - What Marty's dishing him he's taking in hook, line & sinker...(Oh my empty-headed, golden-haired boy, you are way, way too trusting - don't make a deal with the devil - he'll eat your soul!)
Espada - Day 15
-Holly feels bad about losing the feast for her tribe and especially bad that the other tribe gets to eat in front of them. Holly knows her best bet for longevity (immunity or not) is to vote with the youngsters so it's obvious their choices are Dan or Yve.
-Holly talking to Dan - he's exhausted with this stuff - weather's bad, food is bad and he doesn't need the money, why is he here? (Yeah, why are you there?)
-Benry talking to Chase Rice! and he wants to vote Yve out - she's a smart player and is playing for the million dollars - He knows for a fact Dan is not a threat so he'd like to keep him.
-Chase Rice! says he doesn't really trust Alina & Benry, he only trusts NaOnka and he wonders if his best move would be to keep Yve - he thinks he has enough of a relationship with Yve that, if they keep losing, he can get her to vote with them while Dan might vote with Benry. (I think you're getting ahead of yourself there cowboy, are you going to be able to keep her around long enough for that to even be an issue? - I doubt it.)
-NaOnka says Dan's knees are about to give out - he's about to be walking on nubs - doesn't see why they should keep him in this game. (I agree, it seems like a no-brainer to me - Dan wants to go, he's not contributing anything - B-Bye!)
-Yve knows it's her or Dan - she tells Alina & NaOnka that she doesn't want to go home and Dan said he did - Plus - she knows the 3 on the other tribe more intimately than the others so she'll be a great asset to them in a merge. (Or they'll think she'll jump ship and run back to her old Espada friends.) Alina tells her they're on the same page...
-Then Alina tells the camera exactly what I thought - If you know them so well, why wouldn't we think you were going to switch on us (hey, I can still think like a twenty-something :) Alina thinks she just gave them the perfect argument to get rid of her.
-Holly tells Chase Rice! & NaOnka she's 100% with them but Chase is being wishy-washy and he still doesn't know... Dan is weak, but Yve is a threat... NaOnka tells him not to think with his heart but his gut - she wants to vote Dan but if Chase wants to vote Yve then tell her - "I'll write her name down and smile in her face - that's out-witting." (She scares me.)
LaFlor - Day 15
-Fabio is whining that they have to do the Tribal Council before they eat - Good to see he's still playing the game - oh wait, yeah, he's not thinking about the game at all.
-Brenda tells Jane she's safe - pulls her off to tell her the plan - that they've wanted to get rid of Marty since he got there. Jane says they still think she's with them but they've been her enemies since the beginning - Brenda tells her to vote Marty and she's in.
-Jane says she's as thick as peanut butter and jelly with the LaFlor tribe - she believes what goes around, comes around and for Marty & Jill, she hopes it goes the way Brenda's planned it.
-Sash talking to Fabio, tells him they want to flush out the idol so they're going to split the votes for Marty & Kelly B. As soon as he tells Fabio to vote Marty though - he balks - He likes Marty, feels he's in good with him (Right now Sash should shut up... tell him to vote Kelly B then... Oooh, he's going to tattle.) Sash is not convinced Fabio is with them - hopes the plan will work.
-Marty, Fabio & Sash are in the shelter, Sash tells Marty they are thinking Jane tonight - is he okay with that? (If Marty was looking at Fabio he'd know something was up - Fabio looks pained, no poker face on this kid.)
-Marty tells the camera he was hoping to shake things up with Fabio but it might be too dicey, may just vote with the majority and vote Jane.
-Marty checks with Brenda that they're locked in on Jane tonight. She asks if he talked to Sash (smart to ask the source before confirming for him.)
-Brenda says it all weighs on what Marty does with the idol tonight - if he doesn't play it there will be a tie then they'll have to re-vote and decide: do they take out enemy #1, Marty, or a pissed off Kelly B who could win the whole thing? (Marty, definitely Marty.)
-Marty doesn't know why everyone is talking so much if it's a lock (Sash is telling Brenda that Fabio didn't want to vote Marty - She asks "What the Hell?) Marty's not sure if he should play the idol or not - think they'll vote Jane but it could be him tonight if he makes the wrong decision.
Jeff remarks that there is an obvious disparity between the older and younger members of the tribe, Marty says they've been trying to make themselves worthy around camp.
Sash, on day one what did Marty do to make himself worthy?
- He called a meeting and told us he had a hidden immunity idol.
Marty says he thought it was the best move to ingratiate himself, be open and honest and show them he's playing a straight game. Hopefully it bought some good will.
Brenda, on one hand it was a gesture of goodwill but also a warning, watch out I got it...
- Totally - I feel like he was trying to make it more noble than it really was.
So Marty, now you have to figure out if they're going to gun for you to make you play it or make you feel safe to get rid of you and the idol in one fell swoop.
- Definitely, you think I haven't been thinking about this? This game is also about trusting but I'm getting mixed vibes so I have to trust my instincts as far as playing it tonight.
Kelly B - how far can you trust someone in this game?
- You have to go with your gut instinct - people are going to tell you what they need to - so I wouldn't trust too many people.
Jane, how comfortable do you feel, are you part of the majority?
- She plays it cool, says she's probably considered one of the weaker players.
Brenda, should Jane worry?
- No, she should worry about Marty or Jill voting her out.
Marty is shaking his head.
Brenda nodding - That's the truth. (Wow, check out the balls on Brenda!)
Marty is put on the defensive - he looks SHOCKED that she's called him out like this (I LOVE IT!) he says she has nothing to worry about with the numbers we're 2 to their 5, it's idiotic.
Brenda - I'm not the one campaigning for her to go - you are. What did you say to me earlier today (She's a barra-barracuda.)
Marty says LaFlor made the call, he never offered up Jane, they did.
So, how comfortable are you feeling now Marty? (Jeff is such a shit disturber.)
- Now feeling less comfortable - it would have been moronic for him to offer up Jane - he feels like he misjudged what he saw and realizes they're more duplicitous than he thought. (Did Brenda show too much or was that a calculated move to make sure he played his idol - I'm thinking the latter but she's let him know she's the grand master manipulator now - she better watch out.)
-Marty mouths to Jane & Jill to vote for Brenda.
Time to Vote:
Jane votes Marty - Don't ever fluff off a Southern woman - I ain't no sitting duck.
Marty votes Brenda - She's a black widow, black mamba and some other snake all rolled into one - you may not be going home tonight but the lines have been drawn (hey, welcome to the party) Marty's pissed he missed it.
Brenda voted Kelly B.
Tallying the votes: Marty did NOT play the hidden immunity idol (huh, Marty is a gambling man.)
Marty 1, 2, 3 - Brenda 1, 2 - Kelly B 1, 2, 3
They Tied. So they have to re-vote for either Marty or Kelly B (It would be fantastic if he went home with the idol in his pocket.)
Tallying again: Marty 1 - Kelly B 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NO WAY - they voted out KELLY B. (But Marty did look like his eyes were going to pop out of his head.)
Now they feast and get to listen in to the other tribe.
Espada comes in - NaOnka won't even look at them eating - she looks like she's going to cry - the rest of them are drooling over the food - it's very hard for them to sit there and hear them eating.
Jeff is rubbing it in: You can hear the ice in their glasses, bother you Dan?
- As long as it's not a martini, it doesn't bother me.
What does bother you?
- Nothing, I wouldn't be here if things bothered me.
Getting voted out, would that bother you?
- Yes. (Really?)
Yve pipes up - when you hear him around camp, everything bothers him, the weather, the cold - to the point of not wanting to stay. (Oh, she's playing it - hard - right out of the gate.)
Dan, have you wanted to quit?
- No, I complain, but not quit.
Yve, again - says it's constant negative energy from him and they need positivity around camp.
Jeff starts a pissing match between Yve and Dan.
She calls him a liability.
He calls her arrogant.
She says she's not the one talking about her 6 cars or 3 homes.
He says, no he is. (That's her point.)
Alina confirms for Jeff that it is between Dan or Yve tonight - the liability or the threat...
Time to vote - means LaFlor has to leave with a parting belch (thank you Fabio).
Tallying the votes: Yve 1 - Dan 1 - Yve 2, 3, 4.... and they voted out YVE! (wow, I would not have kept the lame duck - neither vote made much sense to me tonight - but I guess that's just me.)
So with Kelly B leaving: Kim B/Gail W, Nancy C. and Sheila D. are out of the pool
And with Yve leaving: Bob L., Lindsay J and Carol-Anne D. are out as well.
Next week: Sash reveals a crafty side (asks Marty to give him the idol), Jane reveals a sneaky side (cooking a fish all for herself) and Fabio reveals TMI - do not go in the water!
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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