A Kiss Saves the Day
Last night on the Amazing Race the teams started out from Eastnor Castle in the English countryside. Jill & Thomas are the first to head out at 11:55am (hmm, it wasn't that late when they finished the last leg, I wonder if they're giving them more than 12 hours between legs?) The first clue tells them to fly to the city of Accra, Ghana - once there they'll make their way to Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park to get the next clue.
-Jill & Thomas are happy they won the Express Pass - Jill still want to have more input, not just Thomas running things (good luck with that.)
-Nat & Kat (the doctors) are the next out at 12:00pm - Kat (the brunette) is the cool and collected one, Nat is more spontaneaous; the dinghy to her ocean liner.
-Team Glee (Connor & Jonathan) head out at 12:20pm but they're going to wait for Brook & Claire and the volleyball girls (Rachel & Katie) since they are all staggered a minute apart.
-Brooke & Claire think as long as there are no watermelons on this leg, it's theirs.
-None of them know how to get to the airport so they flag down a passing tractor and Brook is up there asking them to write her out directions and she'll give 'em a great big kiss. There is not one iota of shyness in that girl. "I just kissed an Englishman in a tractor!" She thinks a kiss on the cheek goes a long way - this is just the first of many (Janet, you slut!)
-Next team out is Gary & Mallory at 12:40pm - She's SO EXCITED to be heading to Africa. "Ooh, I hope I get to hold little African babies." (Really?)
-Kevin & Micheal are next a minute later - Kevin is worried about his Dad's physical abilities on the race - Michael just doesn't want to disappoint his son.
-Chad & Stephanie head out at 12:50pm - Andie & Jenna are next out at 1:35pm (wow, editing on the last episode made it seem like they were way closer together.)
-Andie hopes they can make it the whole race so they can spend as much time together, getting to know each other, as possible.
-Nick & Vicki are the last to leave at 1:45pm - tattooed couple are on the road again.
-At the airport Thomas & Jill find out there is only one flight out so all teams will be making the 6hr flight together (why did they bother staggering them leaving then?) "That sucks."
-In Ghana, they hit the ground running - literally. Everyone goes screaming out of the airport for taxis. They are all amazed at the number of people carrying stuff on their heads, the trash in the streets, the crazy driving in traffic... Nat & Kat's cab nearly hits a bus that cuts them off. Connor & Jonathan has someone aggressively trying to beg/grab money through their cab window. The driver locked the door - they nervously refused, rolled the window up and asked the driver to go faster - please. Mallory is upset by the beggars at the windows, apologizing. Andie can't help herself, she gives one of them some money - then they roll up the window. Jenna hopes it will give them good karma.
-Nick & Vicki are the first to the park but not by much - Claire & Brook are the first to the clue box - the clue tells them to make their way to Makola Market to get their next clue. The first 6 teams are close together, the next 4 not too far behind.
-The first wave get to the Makola Market and it's teaming with people - they're all a little overwhelmed except Michael who's had the experience of similar markets when he was growing up in Taiwan.
-Nick & Vicki are the first to get the next clue - "Who thinks they can handle some shady dealings?" ROADBLOCK: One person has to sell enough sunglasses to make 15 cedi (about $10) and they can't sell any pairs for less than 3 cedi. Nick is going to do the selling for them.
-Brook - are you kidding? I have to sell something - bring it on! She's in her element here.
-Jill, Chad, Michael, one of the volleyball chicks (I can't tell them apart yet) and Kat are all doing the selling.
-Brook & Chad are using their sex appeal on the opposite sexes to try and sell - Brook again is kissing the cheeks of all her customers and that's working. Chad's chatting up the ladies.
-Team Glee gets there and neither of them really want to do it - you do it, no you do it - Connor is going to do it for them - Harry Potter gets a pass.
-Gary & Mallory's cab breaks down. They are not having good luck with vehicles so far - she's panicky. Gary helps push it off the road and they have to get a new cab.
-Andie & Jenna get to the market - Andie says Jenna's the social butterfly she should do the selling - Jenna looks like she's not too happy about being volunteered... hmm, tension?
-Thomas is freaking out on the sidelines while Jill does the selling - he doesn't like not being in control and she's not having much luck with the selling. He's also anxious about getting caught with the Express pass but he doesn't want to use it too early either - dilema.
-All the blonde girls seem to be doing the best - 3 cedi seems to be a stretch for a lot of the people in the market - it's not easy going.
-Gary & Mallory finally get there and Mallory's going to do the selling (of course.)
-Brooke is the first to make it to 15cedi - she gets the next clue from the vendor and it tells them to make their way to Peace Motor Spare Parts.
-Micheal is the next to 15cedi (good for him) He said he wanted to kiss the last lady that bought from him but of course he couldn't do that (Brook has no problem with it.)
-Connor is the only one to sell a pair for more than 3 cedi - he get 10 cedi on one pair and only has to sell 3 to make it to 16 cedi.
-Chad finally gets one more cedi out of his last young female customer and he make it to 15cedi too.
-Brook & Claire get to the DETOUR - Tune in or Check out.
Tune In: They have to go to the electrical supply store, get a TV antenna system then find a marked house and install the antenna to the homeowners specifications. When they get the TV signal properly tuned in - they'll get their next clue.
Check Out: They have to go to the woodworking shop where coffins are created to represent the lifestyle of the deceased. (Oh, wow, they are amazing colourful sculptures) Once they choose a coffin they must transport it by cart through the streets to the showroom to get the next clue.
-Brook & Claire decide to do Tune In - the store is right there so they get the kit, pink safety glasses and head to the first marked house. Brook is up on the ladder trying to hammer - Claire almost falls off two stacked stools (I can't watch that - you have the right to refuse unsafe work...) Claire catches a whiff of some pasty looking stuff cooking - Oh, I'm hungry. Brook yells at her to focus. haha. They run the cable into the house and Brook is still the salesman, telling the homeowner she's so glad they could bring this service to them today (I don't think you really need to sell it but I'm sure she can't help herself.)
-Kevin & Michael get to the spare parts store but don't see the clue box (it's right inside) they take off across the street looking for the box (what are you doing?)
-Chad & Stephanie get to the parts store and get the clue no problem - they decide to do Tune In and go across the street to get the gear - Kevin & Michael see them getting the ladder and have to ask where the cluebox is... (shaking my head.) Once they get the clue they decide to do Tune In too.
-The volleyball girls decide to do Check Out - They get to the woodworking shop and decide to take the piano (more of a keyboard) coffin, it's smallish and easy to manoeuver. They do get help from locals to push the cart up the ramp.
Back at the market - Jenna gets her 15cedi and Andie is so proud. Mallory has one guy say he's going to buy all her pairs - but he just takes one in the end - she sells 15cedi worth quickly though. Jill is actually being a conscientious salesperson and making sure she's not selling a scratched pair - She tells the camera later that she knows 3 cedi is a lot to these people and she wants to make sure he got his money's worth (so she has a conscience) Thomas gives her a hard time - I hope you're not worrying about anyone's feeling on this Race - we're here to win (well obviously he doesn't care about anyone's feelings, even hers.)
-Nick has one lady try on a pair of glasses, play up to the camera and try to take off with them - he's calm about it though - I think I just got jacked. She does end up coming back though and giving him the $.
-Kat is having the hardest time, she's too serious with it - not enough begging. Finally she makes her quota though and everyone is one their way to the parts store.
-Brook & Claire get the cable hooked up but it's not clear - she has to go up and tune it - "Turn it? I don't know what I'm doing." (Well, that will instill confidence in the service her customers are getting :)
-Katie & Rachel stop traffic to cross the street to the showroom - Yikes, that's a big truck. I can honestly say I would not want to drive in Ghana.
-Brook & Rachel get the picture clear finally and get their next clue to make their way to Kaneshi Market - the largest market in all of Western Africa. Somewhere in the market they will find Phil & the Mat - this is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.
-Katie & Rachel have helpers to carry the coffin up the stairs to the showroom (I don't blame them for providing helpers, I bet a lot of workmanship goes into those coffins, I wouldn't want to chance one getting damaged either.) They get the clue to the Pit Stop too.
-Team Glee finally get to the spare parts store (their cab was lost) and they decide to do Tune In.
-Chad & Steph have no picture on their TV - need some tuning but they get it and get the clue for the Pit Stop.
-Kevin is learning to appreciate his Dad's skills, Michael gets the antenna up quickly and they get the clue to the Pit Stop. Michael says he's not just the guy in the background - he's cute.
-Andie & Jenna are noticing similarities between themselves - they are both double jointed and have frizzy hair (Andie apologizes for that.) It is a cool way to get to know each other. But also stressful - their cab driver is lost, has no idea where the parts store is.
-Gary & Mallory's driver is lost too - he assures them it's this far - they trust him (Uh oh.)
-Jill & Thomas get to the Detour and decide to do Check Out - they choose a camera coffin - that one's cool - it has a flash attachment and everything. Jill thinks it's weird.
-Nick & Vicki get there and decide to do the Tune In - antenna installation.
-Nat & Kat's cab driver is also lost - they ask him to please stop and ask.
-Brook & Claire are first to the Market and start making their way through the teaming mass of people... Volleyball girls (Rachel & Katie) get there too and start looking for Phil... but Brook & Claire are Team #1 and they won a 10 day trip for 2 to Hawaii... aaahhh, that looks nice.
-Team Glee - they couldn't get the picture clear so they gave up and decided to switch tasks (really?)
-Thomas & Jill get to the showroom and get the clue to the pit stop.
-Nat & Kat, Mallory & Gary and Andie & Jenna's cabs are all pretty much following each other and are all lost. They pull over to ask directions. Nat & Kat and Mallory & Gary's cabs turn around and take off while Jenna & Andie are still waiting for their driver to come back ... ack!
-Team Glee choose a big fish coffin - it's the biggest one so far - Jonathan says, "I guess if you really like fish - you'd be sleeping with the fishes." (Ha! He's funny.) They have trouble manoeuvering the big fish, might not have been the best pick.
-Gary & Mallory get to the Detour finally and decide to mount the antenna - Nat & Kat right behind them choose the coffin.
-Nick & Vicki get the antenna clear and head out for the Pit Stop.
-Nat & Kat choose a lobster/shrimp looking coffin, it's a more manageable size. Nat ties it down with a surgical knot (why not.)
-Jenna & Andie are the last to arrive at the Detour - they choose to do the coffins too.
-Connor & Jonathan get their coffin delivered and get the clue for the Pit Stop.
-Nat & Kat are running their coffin through the street and Nat runs it up on a curb, and knocks Kat down- it looked like it almost ran over her foot but she was okay - they kept it moving.
-Gary & Mallory get a clear picture on the TV and the final clue.
-Nat & Kat get the shrimp/lobster coffin delivered and the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Andie & Jenna also chose a huge fish coffin - they deliver it and get the clue.
Now everyone is stuck in traffic - Nick & Vicki, Connor & Jonathan (Team Glee), Nat & Kat, Mallory & Gary... and it's bumper to bumper, not moving at all. Jonathan, so polite, "Sir, can we maybe pass some of these cars?" (And go where I wonder.) Nat & Kat's driver though, he has no problem with the passing - there is no lane there - eeek! They pass Mallory (whose makeup is smeared all over her face, you can tell it's hot in Ghana) she's flabbergasted that they got passed... what the...?
-Now the cab drivers are givin' er - it's a passing race. These drivers are nuts. They invented a third lane - Nat can't look anymore. Connor, "I want my Mom." (Haha, I'd be cowering and covering my eyes too.) Connor says he's just proud that he didn't soil himself, Jonathan thinks he actually might have.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Brook & Claire - We may come off as the ditzy la-la girls but we're here to stay.
2) Katie & Rachel - (Volleyball girls) They were pretty blah this episode... but they came in 2nd so does it really matter?
3) Michael & Kevin - They're very happy with third.
4) Chad & Stephanie - should be smiling, they moved up 4 spots this leg.
5) Jill & Thomas - Alright, they'll live with 5th.
6) Connor & Jonathan - Got there just seconds before...
7) Nat & Kat - Crazy cab ride got them there in one piece anyway
8) Nick & Vicki - she's so happy they're still there.
9) Gary & Mallory - Gary, "We've had a hard day Phil, give me some good news..." Mallory, "... or any news, before I have a heart attack right here on the mat - has that ever happened before?" (She's so dramatic, and if she'd shut up he would tell you...) You are team #9. "Thank You, Phil!"
10) Andie & Jenna - ***ELIMINATED*** Jenna wondered all her life about her birth mother and she's so lucky it was Andie. Andie so glad to have had this chance to get to know Jenna - then I was crying and they were crying... sniff.
So, with Andie & Jenna eliminated this week that means: Lynne B, Cheryl J, Laura W, Shelly P and Brenda E are out of the pool.
Next week: Nick loses his cool in the African heat (blaming Vicki) and Michael overheats, can't keep going on a task (apologizing to Kevin.)
Have a great week everyone.
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