Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amazing Race - October 10, 2010 Episode Recap

In Phil We Trust

In this leg they are still racing in Ghana - Brook & Claire are the first to depart at 7:34am - they have to travel across town and find the Akotaku Academy to get the next clue.  The cab driver tells Brook & Claire that it's a place where they box and Brook is SO EXCITED!  Boxing!
-Volleyball girls are the next out at 7:35am (Oh, Katie & Rachel, still can't tell them apart.)
-Kevin & Michael next to leave at 7:45am - Kevin says it's hard for them to match up with the younger teams - Dad is 59.  It's worth more than the million dollars for them to stay in the race and experience these amazing countries.

-Brook & Claire get to the boxing academy - ROADBLOCK -(Brook squeals at all the burly men) - You have a Rocky road ahead - Boxing is the most popular sport after soccer in Ghana, there are boxing academies like this all over the country.  One team member must learn to properly wrap their hands before suiting up in training gear, next they must work on the speed bag for 60 seconds then jump rope for 60sec to get the next clue.
-Brook want to do it - they train at a boxing facility - apparently her nickname is Bammer.
-Katie & Rachel's cab driver is lost - "Son of a B*tch - Why didn't he say he didn't know where it was?"  They ask for directions.
-7:52am - Chad & Stephanie head out.
-7:58am - Thomas & Jill head out.
-8:01am - Jonathan & Connor jump in a cab and introduce themselves to their driver - Samson - Oh, such nice, polite boys.

-Brook's wrapping done - she kisses the trainer (of course) and starts on the speed bag.
-Chad & Stephanie are the next to the boxing academy (wow, they made up time) Chad is doing the boxing.
-Volleyball girls get there right behind them (I still don't know who is who) The blonde one does it for them (Ha!)
-Brook finishes and gets their next clue - to travel by taxi to another district and look for a marked supply depot for their next clue.

-Jill & Thomas' driver is asking for directions - they thank him for doing it early (much better attitude.)
-Jonathan & Connor ask in song for Samson to pass Michael & Kevin - He gets a kick out of it and passes for them.  They sing, "We love Samson." He says, "I love you too."  Awww, that's so cute.

-Nat & Kat heading out at 8:02am - they knew there would be times they'd be at the bottom but they have a never give up strategy and know from what they do for a living that when things look bad that's when you have to work harder, not give up.
-Nick & Vicki head out at 8:04am - their strategy is to communicate - it's huge - without communication you've got no race.  (I gotta say, Vicki is a pretty girl, why the facial piercings?)
-Gary & Mallory are the last to leave at 8:06am - they believe their bad luck is behind them with the flat tire and broken down cab - their goal is to move up this leg.

-Back at the boxing task - Chad is showboating while jumping rope and he trips up so he has to start the 60 seconds over again - which allows Katie/Rachel to beat him out of there.  He says he did get clowned by the girls but he looked better doing it - Stephanie laughing - that's all he cares about.

-Team Glee and Kevin & Dad get to the boxing as the other teams are leaving.  Connor and Kevin are doing the task.  Kevin thought it'd be too physical for his Dad to tackle in the 98degree heat (ouch).  Then Kevin has to re-wrap his hands while Connor moves on.
-Thomas & Jill, Mallory & Gary and Nick & Vicki get to the boxing - Thomas, Gary & Vicki are wrapping their hands.
-Connor also tried to jump fancy and messed up - Boys!  He finishes and they get the next clue.

-Nat & Kat are lost - they are in last place.  Their cab drove past the boxing academy and is in front of the volleyball girls and Chad & Stephanie.  Nat gets their driver to stop, blocking the other teams - those teams are both yelling at them to get out of the way - Nat asks Chad where the place is and he tells them it's back there, they have to turn around.   Katie/Rachel, "You dumb doctor."  Nat's cab driver is mad at her too - "Sit down, I will drive."   Nat's telling him they need to turn around.  He says no.  "Sir, we have to turn around." "No." (Seriously?  What the hell?  Is he kidnapping them, or is it just because they're women?) He finally stops and asks for directions.  Jeez.

-Kevin finishes boxing and they are currently 5th. Gary, Thomas and Vicki all finish one after the other and take off for the next clue.

-Nat & Kat finally get to the boxing academy and Nat's taping up her hands.

-Brook & Claire were stuck behind a semi then they run into a herd of very large beasts, cattle or yaks?
-Connor & Jonathan have caught up to them and get Samson to pass the Shopping network girls - Awww - that made the girl's hearts drop and the boy's sing (okay, that was cheesy.)

-Nat finishes the boxing and they're hoping they get good cab mojo with this next driver. (Don't jinx it!)

-Team Glee first to the supply depot - Route Info - Teams must choose a PAIR of wheel barrows and fill them with construction supplies. Then they'll take the supplies to the primary school up the road where the foreman will give them their next clue (provided they've brought the correct supplies.)
-2 wheel barrows, 1 bag of concrete, 2 bricks, 2 shovels, 2 brooms, 2 trowels, 2 scrapers - and Team Glee  are off.  It's hot and heavy but they get to the school and get the next clue...
-POP QUIZ - Africa is the 2nd largest continent on Earth and the teams' biggest challenge may be figuring out where they are... they have to sit in with an African geography class and correctly locate/label Ghana on the map - Once they get it right they'll get their next clue.
-Connor & Jonathan both give it a try but they keep choosing the wrong countries - it was embarrassing for them not to be able to locate the country that they were in, they're sure they'll get some ribbing from their Princeton schoolmates when they get home. 

-Brook & Claire finally get to the supply depot and apparently don't know what a pair is because they head out with only one wheelbarrow (Arrghh! Read the clue!)

-Jonathan finally correctly labels Ghana on the map and they get the clue for the DETOUR - Bicycle Parts or Language Arts.
-In Bicycle Parts they must learn a popular pass time of the local children - rolling a bike rim pushing it with only a stick - they have to go the length of a soccer field and back without letting it fall.
-In Language Arts - they choose a proverb with 8 highlighted phrases - each phrase corresponds to a certain symbol in a native visual alphabet - they will then go to a large cloth and they have to locate all their symbols in the correct order, circling them like a word search puzzle, to get their next clue.
-Connor & Jonathan choose Language Arts - they choose a rolled up proverb, Connor says, "In Phil we trust." then look for the decoder key - they find it around the corner of the school on the end of the building.  They find their 8 symbols - kidney beans, ladder, crazy... they looked for the one symbol that struck the eye then looked for their other symbols around it...

-Brook & Claire get to the foreman and he tells them they have to go back - Claire realizes they need another wheel barrow and they have to take it all back with them (Really?  That would totally suck!)
-Kevin & Michael arrive and start getting their stuff - Katie & Rachel are right behind them - Rachel says they need a pair of wheel barrows- Katie says she doesn't think they need 2, Kevin & Mike don't have 2 - Rachel, "Well, they're idiots." (Rachel telling it like it is - Does no one know what "a pair" means?)
-Brook & Claire pass Kevin & Michael on the road, they see they only have one wheel barrow but Brook says not to say anything.  They tell them they forgot something but stay mum on the wheelbarrow.

-Nat & Kat having more cab problems - they've pulled over and the driver is checking the engine... Over-heating?  He says it's okay and they getting moving again. (Bad puck-luck Jim.)

-4 teams get to the supply depot - Gary & Mallory, Chad & Stephanie, Jill & Thomas and Nick & Vicki.

-Kevin & Michael get to the foreman who tells them they need 2 trucks (wheelbarrows) Kevin - the girls didn't tell us (of course they didn't, it's a race man.)

-Next 4 teams are all loading up their supplies - these teams know what a pair of wheelbarrows is but Vicki misreads the bags of concrete and they take off with 2.
-Rachel & Katie get to the foreman and he turns them back - they need 2 trowels (only had one) and they have to take it all back with them... argh! That'd piss me off.  Rachel knows Katie being short with her isn't an attack - it's just what they need to do - good having that team mate relationship already developed.

-Connor & Jonathan find the symbols and circle them - one of the school girls gives them their clue and Connor hugs her (she looks like she'd really rather he not touch her - perv.)  They get the clue to the Pit Stop!  It's a rural farm of a local villager where they have to go by foot on the marked path.
-Connor & Jonathan find the marked path easily and are team #1! They won $5K each.

-Brook & Claire pass Kevin & Michael who are now heading back - Kevin sarcastically thanks them for telling him (they don't even notice - just focused on trying to get the heavy stuff to the school.)
-Brook & Claire get the clue and head into a geography class - Brook has no idea where Ghana is.

-Nick & Vicki get to the foreman and he turns them back because they have 2 bags of cement... and Nick turns into a Grade A a**hole.  He starts yelling at Vicki - Good job reading - she apologizes but he doesn't want to hear it, takes off without her - your sorries won't keep us from coming in last. (I would kick him in the butt and tell him he's doing all the reading from now on... what a jerk!)

-Gary & Mallory get the clue from the foreman and head into a geography class. The school conditions make Mallory appreciate the freedom, luxury and justice they have in the States.  Dad knows his Africa and labels Ghana right off - they get the next clue and decide to do the Bike Rim.

-Kevin & Michael, Chad & Stephanie, Thomas & Jill all get the clue from the foreman and head into geography classes.

-Gary & Mallory are watching the kids rolling the bike rims - Gary picks it up quickly, Mallory is praying to Jesus to help her... (I think he has bigger things to worry about - like all the injustice in the world.)

-Katie & Rachel get back to the foreman and rudely demand, "Can we have our clue." (I just can't like these two - they are not nice girls.)

-Nat & Kat finally get to the supply depot and they can read so they have no problems - Nat thinks it's too easy, worried they've missed something. (She better not ask all the turned back teams if they thought it was too easy.)

-Chad, Thomas & Katie find Ghana quickly on the maps - Brook (Bammer) finally correctly locates Ghana - they all decide to do Language Arts.
-None of them can figure out what they need to do - Claire sees a group of eight children playing close by and thinks they are the eight figures they have to circle so they go over and start drawing a circle in the dirt around the ring of children (I think this freaks the poor kids out - crazy white people are herding them...) and to make matters worse - the other teams start copying these lunatics - Chad & Katie are also drawing a circle in the dirt around some kids (Hahahhaah!) Finally Brook looks over at the school building and notices the huge symbol map on the wall... Ohhh, maybe the children have nothing to do with it - ya think?

-Thomas is the only one trying to find the decoder key - grabbing the kids schoolbooks and dropping them on the ground (classy) when they're not the key.  Katie & Rachel can't figure it out and decide to switch tasks.
-Kevin finally finds Ghana on the map and they get the Detour clue - also head out for Language Arts - also have no luck with it.
-Nat & Kat finally get to the school and have all the supplies right, they head into a geography lesson.
-Chad & Stephanie finally decide to change tasks and head out for the Bike Parts.
-Vicki  & Nick are in the geography class and she can't find Ghana, Nick is being his sunny self, "Are we really that stupid?" (Yes, yes, you are! Plus she's the only one doing anything, he's just complaining - I really would have smacked him I think.)  Vicki finally gets the right country and they head out to do Bike Parts.

-Nat & Kat find Ghana right away and are going for the Language Arts.
-Volleyball girls doing the rims - Chad does it pretty easily, and is enjoying how carefree the kids are.
-Nick can't do the bike thing and he continues to tantrum - he throws the rim and gives up - yelling at her to shut up and do the task for them.  She has asthma and starts having an attack, he finally realizes that he needs to calm down and help her through it - (No, still not making up for being such a jerk all day.)
-Brook & Claire still can't figure out the Language Arts and finally give up - switch to the bike rims.
-Nat & Kat give up quickly on the Language Arts - change to the bicycle parts.
-No one but the first team ever found the decoder key - Thomas even walked around the building to look at them all doing the other task and stood in front of the key but didn't see it...
-Kevin & Dad finally decide to switch too, Kevin is worried about his Dad doing the running but they don't have a choice at this point.
-Nat & Kat finish their two passes with the bike rims and get the clue to the Pit Stop but they totally miss the marked path and can't find the house...
-Michael can't continue with running under the beating sun - Kevin is urging him to not give up but they end up having to call medical help for him, get him hydrated and cooled down - he feels so bad, and wants to teach his son that he has to finish what he's started so Kevin walks him through his last pass with the rim...

Here's How they Finished:
1) Connor & Jonathan - going to use their $5K to buy maps of Africa.
2) Gary & Mallory - nothing broke down today. (Maybe I've underestimated the bubbly blonde girl.)
3) Chad & Stephanie - Woo! (eloquent)
4) Katie & Rachel - (phooey)
5) Nick & Vicki - He finally feels bad about his behaviour - she's a good teammate - didn't deserve his attitude today (Ya think?)
6) Brook & Claire - Phil tells them they are going to come back to the school tomorrow (all of them) and do some renovating of the classrooms - they all think that's awesome.
7) Jill & Thomas - happy they're still there.
8) Nat & Kat - Think it will be awesome to help renovate the school.
9) Michael & Kevin - Last team to arrive - **NON-ELIMINATION LEG**  Kevin says that's why you don't give up, Michael is so happy they'll still have the chance to visit more places together.  They will have a Speedbump to complete next leg.

So, no one was eliminated this week - and it was an especially happy Thanksgiving for the non-eliminated Bob L, Sharon R, Denise R, Sue & Hannelore and Gillian H.

Have a great (short) week everyone,


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