My Kisses Are Very Private
Last week on Survivor, the Hustlers tribe went to Tribal Council and Simone proved to be too much of an odd-ball and was voted out - which was the obvious and most boring choice, bit of snooze-fest.
Hustlers - Day 7
The next day it was Simone's yard sale as they tried on all the clothes she left behind - Bellhop Ryan has himself a nice ladies pantsuit and knee high boots and he says in a way she's finally shown her worth (in leaving them clothes - ooh, that's cold.)
-The boys are talking about which of the remaining girls they are going to vote out (because of course the women have to go? Grr.) They agree the young and approachable Ali has far more worth than the older, not as attractive, Lauren. (I'm feeling a little fem-Nazi tonight, this show is making me crazy.)
-Meanwhile Lauren and Ali are talking and it's no secret that Lauren is not a fan of Patrick and she is going to try and sway some of these younger tribe mates over to her way of thinking. She includes Devon in the talk and points out Patrick saying he trusts most of the people there... well who was he talking about? She's planted the seed that he's a loose cannon who can't help but put his foot in his mouth. (I'm not a fan of Patrick, ADHD toddler boy would drive me nuts too.)
Heroes - Day 7
Ben & Chrissy still have their secret alliance and they feel like they are driving the train. Ben tells us they like Ashley, she's a hard worker and she's fun so they have to decide between the guys who they want to keep around - Alan is a hot-head and a loose cannon but then JP walks around like he doesn't know what's going on... although JP has taken to fishing for them and bringing in food, which is huge.
-Meanwhile Alan is trying to figure out how to open coconuts - and he's not having much luck. In terms of providing, he's not a coconut master. He's trying to laugh it off and pretend it doesn't bother him - but it does.
-Ashley has noticed that provider JP is dreamy and makes things happen to her downstairs - but she's got to keep it in her pants because of Alan's assertion that they are a power couple - it's dangerous for her game if she tries to cozy up to the pretty fireman. She's ready for Alan to go.
-Ashley talks to Ben about Alan & JP both trying to provide, how it's working for JP but not Alan. Ben is leery of any arguments Ashley makes to keep JP because Alan got in all their heads with the power couple stuff... now I'm thinking maybe she should just make that happen, it may be her best shot of sticking around to couple up with him.
Healers - Day 7
Joe is telling us how life for the Healers is great - they haven't lost a challenge and everyone is on the same page that Dr. Mike should be the first one voted out. (I don't like Joe either, he's so smarmy.) Joe's one worry is that Cole knows he has the idol. He doesn't think Cole has told anyone but he's worried about the lovebirds - Cole & Jessica, "that lovesick is worse than the flu."
-Speaking of the devils, Cole & Jessica are out fishing together again and I can't help it, these two are just so darn cute together, I'm kind of rooting for them. Jessica opens up to us by explaining that she was brought up very religiously and she's a virgin - so the flirting is pure and innocent but she does like the thought of him thinking of her (oh, maybe not so innocent.)
-Cole has been thinking about the game and how he can bond with his dream girl Jessica by sharing some info with her, so Cole tells her that Mike doesn't have an idol and he knows this because he helped Joe dig it up. Joe has the idol. She is so excited that she ends up kissing him on the cheek (gasp! the Scandal!) This is where we get the title of the episode, Jessica says her kisses are very private, but this was huge!
Hustlers - Day 8
Everyone is hanging out around camp and Patrick just wanders away and starts searching for an idol. They all know it, he makes no secret of it. We find out that Patrick has a moving company which is appropriate since he never stops moving and he knows openly searching for an idol may bite him in the butt with his tribe but he's working harder than anyone [looking for the idol] and he hopes that pays off. (He's right about one of those things.)
-Ali takes it upon herself to try and help Patrick's game by pulling him aside and telling him he's got to play smarter - being so idol crazy is hurting him with the rest of the tribe. He hears her and appreciates she's trying to have his back but he thinks changing his behaviour would take away from his personality and he might not be able to make relationships if he's not being him. (OMG dude, you need to wake up and smell some self-awareness.) And then he goes back to looking for an idol.
Healers - Day 8
Joe solidified my hate of him when he complained about some of the potato slices being raw (potatoes that someone else had cooked for him, mind you) and when Desi or Roark said she didn't mind, she'd eat it - he threw it in the dirt and told her to go ahead then. (What the Every Loving F%^&!?) He continued to complain about raw food and spitting out the skin when food is scarce - total d*ck move. (This is where I would lose my cool and be the next one voted out.)
Joe's behaviour did not go unnoticed though. Roark very calmly told him that he was free to cook next time then and Desi told the camera she found his behaviour challenging - I believe these Healers have had tactical communications training ;)
Joe's behaviour has also gotten Cole thinking that it's not fair that Joe has the idol and all the power - so he proposes to Jessica that they blindside Joe and send him home with the idol in his pocket - if they end up going to Tribal. She is all in for that idea... but then Cole doesn't stop there, when they get back to camp he tells Roark and Desi too that Joe has an idol. Jessica is stunned that he would go ahead and tell everyone without discussing that move with her first. He's lost their advantage by telling so many people especially before the challenge when they don't know what may happen. Also the more people that know, the more chance that Joe could find out he told, which could potentially put Cole on the chopping block (uh oh, trouble in paradise.) Jessica is very upset with her Survivor Boyfriend.
They will race through a series of obstacles then use sandbags to knock blocks off a ledge. Once all the blocks are knocked down, they will have to stack all the blocks in a single tall tower which will require them to lift someone to be able to stack them all up. First team to stack all the blocks and run back to their mat without them falling wins Immunity and a crate of four chickens (oh, they finally get chickens!), Second team to finish will get a dozen eggs from said chickens (Jeff said, "They work." Ha!) and last team is going to Tribal Council.
Healers sit out Dr. Mike.
Off they go and the Heroes get out to an early lead with Alan able to leap up to the rope net so they get throwing first. But here is where it all goes wrong for the Hustlers because selfish Patrick refused to let anyone else throw the sandbags and he took forever to get all the blocks off the ledge. Lauren asked him many times to switch out, apparently she plays softball (of course she does) but nope, Patrick looked like he would have switched out until he saw it was Lauren and you know he thought she wouldn't be able to throw so he had to finish it himself. The Hustlers never caught up on the tower build.
Healers thought they finished first but they missed one of the blocks which let the Heroes steal the first place finish and the chickens. Healers came in second and got the eggs (better than nothing - but they better let Joe cook them or he will complain) and the Hustlers are going to Tribal Council.
Hustlers - Day 8
-Lauren's not able to hide her anger at Patrick who does apologize for taking so long to hit all the blocks off but then he tells the camera, "by looking at her I don't think her coming in for me would have really changed much." (Boys! This guy needs a good swift kick, by a woman who can kick.)
-Lauren goes to get water and Patrick asks the rest of them how they stand. Devon says that Lauren wants him out but not to worry - Ali confirms that Lauren has mentioned voting out Patrick and he's not happy - but they reassure him.
-Smarty-pants Patrick thinks he has to go talk to Lauren and keep her from freaking out - the thing is, he has no skills at talking to people. When she tells him she knows he wants to vote her out he fumbles, "uh, I don't know that's true." So she asks if not her then who are they voting out and he can't say anything, "uh well uh..." and smiles at her like a dope... Oh man, this is his idea of damage control? Lauren is smarter than him and is quite frankly insulted with this ridiculous performance. She says redheads don't lie well and she knows for sure he's writing her name down. (yeah, that did not go well.)
-Lauren goes and talks to Ali and tells her she felt like Patrick was laughing at her - Ali is already questioning if Patrick has outlived his usefulness because he's supposed to help them win challenges not cost them the win.
-Lauren goes and talks to Ryan and tells him, "no offense, but you're the oddball and I'm the old woman - I trust Devon and Ali but not Patrick" - and Ryan is listening... but kinda did take offense. -Ryan talks to Devon and he didn't like the oddball and old lady speech but Devon gets him back on track - the important thing is that people are coming to them and they can decide who they want to go with - either Lauren or Patrick. (I think that Devon may be more than just a pretty surfer dude.)
-Ryan wants to save Pat and take all the boys to the merge but Devon would rather go to a merge with steady reliable Lauren than Pat... of course they don't know if they'll make the merge, who better to get them to that point?
-Lauren comes out swinging calling out Patrick for taking the challenge on himself and losing it for them.
-Patrick agrees that he shouldn't have taken it all on himself but it was adrenaline... she tells him that's no excuse, there were five of us but he made it all about him and it lost them the challenge.
-Ali doesn't immediately agree, "who knows, if he had switched out it may have taken longer" - she doesn't like dwelling on the past, they need to look forward from here. (Lauren didn't like hearing that.)
-Patrick says it is comforting hearing Ali say he won't be held accountable - he was trying, he wanted those chickens.
-Lauren pipes in again that they do still need to work as a team from here and Patrick proved today he is not a team player, but he is definitely a good idol hunter - that's all he does. He is trying to play strategy and trying to cover his back, that should make us worry. When she said she hasn't even looked for an idol Patrick lights up and says that's a relief because he was worried she had one.
-Lauren says, "I have two."
-Patrick goes on about trying to talk to her today but she told him she didn't want to hear his bullsh!t - and she cuts him off, she's going to tell the story her way. She's never believed a redhead a day in her life (well that's unfair) and when she said she knew he was voting for her he just sat there and grinned. She tells Jeff that she can say one thing, someone is going to be blindsided tonight.
-Patrick agrees, someone will be blindsided tonight.
-There is some more filler talk - Ryan tells Jeff he's never been in a relationship. Jeff, "Uh, okay." Ryan, "Do you know someone?"
-Devon is hoping this vote will get the chemistry of the team back on track and get them moving forward. Lauren says her vote tonight is also to help make the tribe better.
-Patrick thinks that he is good with people and will help them make friends in the merge but Ali points out how good is he with people if he can't get along with Lauren who they've been with for 8 days. Patrick takes these pointers as a wake up call, he knows he's not perfect but he welcomes the criticism and will learn and grow from it.
-Blah, blah, hustlers, blah blah, unity... finally...
Time to vote:
Lauren votes for Pat, Patrick votes for Lauren.
Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Pat - 1
Lauren - 1
Patrick - 2 and finally that huge grin is gone from his face
Patrick - 3 - that's enough, the big Ginger Baby is out, and he's mad. He tells his tribe that they are awful. (Really?)
And with Patrick leaving that also takes Bob L., Lindsay J., and Kim H. out of the pool. (Sorry guys, but I'm glad to see him go.)
Next week:
They are told to drop their buffs - and there is going to be a switch up. (Yay, I'm ready for a shake up.)
Patrick's final rant: "this is the worst sting I've ever felt" - he had total trust in Ryan, Devon and Ali, he hopes they don't have a very successful game because they are liars and it really hurts him that they didn't keep their word. It's too early in the game for him to leave, this has been devastating. (Wow, hopefully he does learn from this cause - as my husband said, you can't be an attention-seeking douchebag and expect to do well in this game.)
Have a good rest of your week,
Last week on Survivor, the Hustlers tribe went to Tribal Council and Simone proved to be too much of an odd-ball and was voted out - which was the obvious and most boring choice, bit of snooze-fest.
Hustlers - Day 7
The next day it was Simone's yard sale as they tried on all the clothes she left behind - Bellhop Ryan has himself a nice ladies pantsuit and knee high boots and he says in a way she's finally shown her worth (in leaving them clothes - ooh, that's cold.)
-The boys are talking about which of the remaining girls they are going to vote out (because of course the women have to go? Grr.) They agree the young and approachable Ali has far more worth than the older, not as attractive, Lauren. (I'm feeling a little fem-Nazi tonight, this show is making me crazy.)
-Meanwhile Lauren and Ali are talking and it's no secret that Lauren is not a fan of Patrick and she is going to try and sway some of these younger tribe mates over to her way of thinking. She includes Devon in the talk and points out Patrick saying he trusts most of the people there... well who was he talking about? She's planted the seed that he's a loose cannon who can't help but put his foot in his mouth. (I'm not a fan of Patrick, ADHD toddler boy would drive me nuts too.)
Heroes - Day 7
Ben & Chrissy still have their secret alliance and they feel like they are driving the train. Ben tells us they like Ashley, she's a hard worker and she's fun so they have to decide between the guys who they want to keep around - Alan is a hot-head and a loose cannon but then JP walks around like he doesn't know what's going on... although JP has taken to fishing for them and bringing in food, which is huge.
-Meanwhile Alan is trying to figure out how to open coconuts - and he's not having much luck. In terms of providing, he's not a coconut master. He's trying to laugh it off and pretend it doesn't bother him - but it does.
-Ashley has noticed that provider JP is dreamy and makes things happen to her downstairs - but she's got to keep it in her pants because of Alan's assertion that they are a power couple - it's dangerous for her game if she tries to cozy up to the pretty fireman. She's ready for Alan to go.
-Ashley talks to Ben about Alan & JP both trying to provide, how it's working for JP but not Alan. Ben is leery of any arguments Ashley makes to keep JP because Alan got in all their heads with the power couple stuff... now I'm thinking maybe she should just make that happen, it may be her best shot of sticking around to couple up with him.
Healers - Day 7
Joe is telling us how life for the Healers is great - they haven't lost a challenge and everyone is on the same page that Dr. Mike should be the first one voted out. (I don't like Joe either, he's so smarmy.) Joe's one worry is that Cole knows he has the idol. He doesn't think Cole has told anyone but he's worried about the lovebirds - Cole & Jessica, "that lovesick is worse than the flu."
-Speaking of the devils, Cole & Jessica are out fishing together again and I can't help it, these two are just so darn cute together, I'm kind of rooting for them. Jessica opens up to us by explaining that she was brought up very religiously and she's a virgin - so the flirting is pure and innocent but she does like the thought of him thinking of her (oh, maybe not so innocent.)
-Cole has been thinking about the game and how he can bond with his dream girl Jessica by sharing some info with her, so Cole tells her that Mike doesn't have an idol and he knows this because he helped Joe dig it up. Joe has the idol. She is so excited that she ends up kissing him on the cheek (gasp! the Scandal!) This is where we get the title of the episode, Jessica says her kisses are very private, but this was huge!
Hustlers - Day 8
Everyone is hanging out around camp and Patrick just wanders away and starts searching for an idol. They all know it, he makes no secret of it. We find out that Patrick has a moving company which is appropriate since he never stops moving and he knows openly searching for an idol may bite him in the butt with his tribe but he's working harder than anyone [looking for the idol] and he hopes that pays off. (He's right about one of those things.)
-Ali takes it upon herself to try and help Patrick's game by pulling him aside and telling him he's got to play smarter - being so idol crazy is hurting him with the rest of the tribe. He hears her and appreciates she's trying to have his back but he thinks changing his behaviour would take away from his personality and he might not be able to make relationships if he's not being him. (OMG dude, you need to wake up and smell some self-awareness.) And then he goes back to looking for an idol.
Healers - Day 8
Joe solidified my hate of him when he complained about some of the potato slices being raw (potatoes that someone else had cooked for him, mind you) and when Desi or Roark said she didn't mind, she'd eat it - he threw it in the dirt and told her to go ahead then. (What the Every Loving F%^&!?) He continued to complain about raw food and spitting out the skin when food is scarce - total d*ck move. (This is where I would lose my cool and be the next one voted out.)
Joe's behaviour did not go unnoticed though. Roark very calmly told him that he was free to cook next time then and Desi told the camera she found his behaviour challenging - I believe these Healers have had tactical communications training ;)
Joe's behaviour has also gotten Cole thinking that it's not fair that Joe has the idol and all the power - so he proposes to Jessica that they blindside Joe and send him home with the idol in his pocket - if they end up going to Tribal. She is all in for that idea... but then Cole doesn't stop there, when they get back to camp he tells Roark and Desi too that Joe has an idol. Jessica is stunned that he would go ahead and tell everyone without discussing that move with her first. He's lost their advantage by telling so many people especially before the challenge when they don't know what may happen. Also the more people that know, the more chance that Joe could find out he told, which could potentially put Cole on the chopping block (uh oh, trouble in paradise.) Jessica is very upset with her Survivor Boyfriend.
They will race through a series of obstacles then use sandbags to knock blocks off a ledge. Once all the blocks are knocked down, they will have to stack all the blocks in a single tall tower which will require them to lift someone to be able to stack them all up. First team to stack all the blocks and run back to their mat without them falling wins Immunity and a crate of four chickens (oh, they finally get chickens!), Second team to finish will get a dozen eggs from said chickens (Jeff said, "They work." Ha!) and last team is going to Tribal Council.
Healers sit out Dr. Mike.
Off they go and the Heroes get out to an early lead with Alan able to leap up to the rope net so they get throwing first. But here is where it all goes wrong for the Hustlers because selfish Patrick refused to let anyone else throw the sandbags and he took forever to get all the blocks off the ledge. Lauren asked him many times to switch out, apparently she plays softball (of course she does) but nope, Patrick looked like he would have switched out until he saw it was Lauren and you know he thought she wouldn't be able to throw so he had to finish it himself. The Hustlers never caught up on the tower build.
Healers thought they finished first but they missed one of the blocks which let the Heroes steal the first place finish and the chickens. Healers came in second and got the eggs (better than nothing - but they better let Joe cook them or he will complain) and the Hustlers are going to Tribal Council.
Hustlers - Day 8
-Lauren's not able to hide her anger at Patrick who does apologize for taking so long to hit all the blocks off but then he tells the camera, "by looking at her I don't think her coming in for me would have really changed much." (Boys! This guy needs a good swift kick, by a woman who can kick.)
-Lauren goes to get water and Patrick asks the rest of them how they stand. Devon says that Lauren wants him out but not to worry - Ali confirms that Lauren has mentioned voting out Patrick and he's not happy - but they reassure him.
-Smarty-pants Patrick thinks he has to go talk to Lauren and keep her from freaking out - the thing is, he has no skills at talking to people. When she tells him she knows he wants to vote her out he fumbles, "uh, I don't know that's true." So she asks if not her then who are they voting out and he can't say anything, "uh well uh..." and smiles at her like a dope... Oh man, this is his idea of damage control? Lauren is smarter than him and is quite frankly insulted with this ridiculous performance. She says redheads don't lie well and she knows for sure he's writing her name down. (yeah, that did not go well.)
-Lauren goes and talks to Ali and tells her she felt like Patrick was laughing at her - Ali is already questioning if Patrick has outlived his usefulness because he's supposed to help them win challenges not cost them the win.
-Lauren goes and talks to Ryan and tells him, "no offense, but you're the oddball and I'm the old woman - I trust Devon and Ali but not Patrick" - and Ryan is listening... but kinda did take offense. -Ryan talks to Devon and he didn't like the oddball and old lady speech but Devon gets him back on track - the important thing is that people are coming to them and they can decide who they want to go with - either Lauren or Patrick. (I think that Devon may be more than just a pretty surfer dude.)
-Ryan wants to save Pat and take all the boys to the merge but Devon would rather go to a merge with steady reliable Lauren than Pat... of course they don't know if they'll make the merge, who better to get them to that point?
-Lauren comes out swinging calling out Patrick for taking the challenge on himself and losing it for them.
-Patrick agrees that he shouldn't have taken it all on himself but it was adrenaline... she tells him that's no excuse, there were five of us but he made it all about him and it lost them the challenge.
-Ali doesn't immediately agree, "who knows, if he had switched out it may have taken longer" - she doesn't like dwelling on the past, they need to look forward from here. (Lauren didn't like hearing that.)
-Patrick says it is comforting hearing Ali say he won't be held accountable - he was trying, he wanted those chickens.
-Lauren pipes in again that they do still need to work as a team from here and Patrick proved today he is not a team player, but he is definitely a good idol hunter - that's all he does. He is trying to play strategy and trying to cover his back, that should make us worry. When she said she hasn't even looked for an idol Patrick lights up and says that's a relief because he was worried she had one.
-Lauren says, "I have two."
-Patrick goes on about trying to talk to her today but she told him she didn't want to hear his bullsh!t - and she cuts him off, she's going to tell the story her way. She's never believed a redhead a day in her life (well that's unfair) and when she said she knew he was voting for her he just sat there and grinned. She tells Jeff that she can say one thing, someone is going to be blindsided tonight.
-Patrick agrees, someone will be blindsided tonight.
-There is some more filler talk - Ryan tells Jeff he's never been in a relationship. Jeff, "Uh, okay." Ryan, "Do you know someone?"
-Devon is hoping this vote will get the chemistry of the team back on track and get them moving forward. Lauren says her vote tonight is also to help make the tribe better.
-Patrick thinks that he is good with people and will help them make friends in the merge but Ali points out how good is he with people if he can't get along with Lauren who they've been with for 8 days. Patrick takes these pointers as a wake up call, he knows he's not perfect but he welcomes the criticism and will learn and grow from it.
-Blah, blah, hustlers, blah blah, unity... finally...
Time to vote:
Lauren votes for Pat, Patrick votes for Lauren.
Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Pat - 1
Lauren - 1
Patrick - 2 and finally that huge grin is gone from his face
Patrick - 3 - that's enough, the big Ginger Baby is out, and he's mad. He tells his tribe that they are awful. (Really?)
And with Patrick leaving that also takes Bob L., Lindsay J., and Kim H. out of the pool. (Sorry guys, but I'm glad to see him go.)
Next week:
They are told to drop their buffs - and there is going to be a switch up. (Yay, I'm ready for a shake up.)
Patrick's final rant: "this is the worst sting I've ever felt" - he had total trust in Ryan, Devon and Ali, he hopes they don't have a very successful game because they are liars and it really hurts him that they didn't keep their word. It's too early in the game for him to leave, this has been devastating. (Wow, hopefully he does learn from this cause - as my husband said, you can't be an attention-seeking douchebag and expect to do well in this game.)
Have a good rest of your week,
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