The Past Will Eat You Alive
Last week they switched up the tribes and Healer Jessica got a secret advantage allowing her to block someone's vote at Tribal Council - this advantage caused a couple upsets in the episode when Cole used the knowledge of it to try and win over his new tribe mates, totally betraying Jessica - and then, when her tribe didn't go to tribal she used it against Devon, blocking his vote and allowing Slimy Joe to play his idol and take out Alan.
Levu - Night 11
-They get back from Tribal Council and Ashley, while not a total fan of Alan, he was her only past Hero tribe mate and she's feeling like Joe is now someone to watch out for. He proved that he's not only a little crazy, he's also smart. Yeah, I think Joe should be looking for another idol.
Yawa - Day 12
-Former Marine Ben was triggered by some bamboo in the fire that popped really loudly - he did not escape unscathed from his service, when it pops a couple more times he just has to go be by himself. The rest of the tribe realizes that he may have some PTSD and he admits to the camera that it has been an issue for him but one of his goals is to show vets that they can come back to live life fully again.
Their feet will be bound together and their hands will be tethered to their sides, on Jeff's go they will have to slither through the send pushing the ball to the next person - there are three sections of the slither - once the third person gets the ball to the mat, the fourth tribe member must help them get untied and all must be on the mat before the fourth person can start throwing the balls into a very tall basket. First tribe to get five balls in the tube win a huge Iced coffee/tea, pastries feast. Second tribe will get a jug of iced coffee to share and the last tribe gets nothing.
Off they go and Desi is the star of this challenge, she gets Levu out to a huge lead early that they capitalize on and hold through the challenge. Levu wins the huge feast.
The two that had the most trouble with the slithering were Dr. Mike and Ryan... oh, poor bell boy Ryan, he had to get up a hill and the ball kept getting away from him and rolling down into other lanes, he'd have to go get it... to his credit, he didn't give up and eventually did succeed but they were way too late - Yawa got the second reward and Soko were shut out. Of course this was only for Reward so really, it didn't make much difference.
Levu - Day 13
They return with the spoils of their victory and start chowing down - covered in sand and all. They appreciate this win especially since they were the first newly blended tribe to go to Tribal Council. They are hoping this is the first of many victories but if not... this is still a very divided tribe. Devon and Ashley confirm that they are voting together if it comes to that again and they assume Joe & Desi will remain together as former Healer tribe - so they should probably start working on Desi or the next vote could go to rocks (which is what happens with a deadlocked tie.)
Soko - Day 13
-Ryan apologizes for losing them the Reward, but all the girls are very supportive - it was only reward, don't worry about it, JP even tries to get him to open a coconut to build up his confidence but Ryan knows his strength is his social game and he's going to keep everyone smiling and laughing in order to make them want to keep him around. JP is quickly required to open that coconut.
-Ali & Roark go to get some water and start to bond a bit - Roark is the sole Healer on this tribe now and she feels like she's in the swing vote seat so she's not nervous, but wants to start developing relationships with these people (Ali). We haven't really seen much of Roark to this point and I think it's because she doesn't seem to have much of a personality... she also seems to think she's smarter than everyone and has it all figured out... which is not really fun to watch. Roark tells Ali that she has the numbers when they merge because she has all the Healers with her, so they should want to stick with her... and Ali buys it, she goes back to Ryan and tells him she thinks they should stick with Roark and they could take out Chrissy & JP.
-Ryan tells Ali he's down with this plan, but we know that he also has a bond with Chrissy so now it's Ryan who feels like he is in the middle and has to tread very lightly between Ali & Chrissy so he doesn't mess this up.
Yawa - Day 13
Ew, they treat us to Cole's gross eating habits - taking a big spoonful of jam and licking it clean, then the peanut butter, also licking everything clean and his hands - licking, licking, eating... it's grosses Lauren out. She says he eats like a pig and he's very inconsiderate (Lauren has no patience for these millennial boys, it's hilarious) but she sees Ben also rolling his eyes at him so she hopes that Cole just keeps licking his own grave.
-Jessica and Dr. Mike go for water and she encourages him to keep digging while they're there - they know Joe found his idol near the water hole at their old beach (because Cole is a blabber mouth) so odds are good... and Dr. Mike finds the idol! He's so happy, he's sure his kids will be proud and, though it's not ideal having someone else know about the idol, he thinks he can trust Jessica (as long as she doesn't tell Cole!)
This one has a lot of parts - first they have to swim out to a boat and retrieve three heavy bags of rice. Then they have to smoosh the large rectangular bags through a round hole in a fence out in the water - once all the bags are through the hole and everyone goes over the fence, they then have to carry the bags across a balance beam to the beach. Once all the bags are on the beach they have to cut them open and find three (smallish) balls. Once they have all the balls, one person at a time will stand on a balance beam and maneuver the ball up a holey wall maze to seat them at the top using a pulley system. First two tribe to get all three balls set win immunity and last team is going to Tribal Council.
-Off they go and they are neck and neck getting the bags of rice off the boat. Levu has a bit of a hiccup trying to get the bags through the fence and they fall a bit behind, but then Devon brings them right back in it with his surfer balance, getting the bags across the balance beam quickly and teammate Desi is a star in this one too, she apparently is the quiet challenge beast. Levu is the first to start opening their bags. JP the fireman, the fireman, is getting the bags across the beam for Soko and Chrissy can't even seem to get herself across the balance beam. Yawa is the second team to start getting their balls out of the bags and now Soko is bringing up the rear.
-All the teams are working on the maze, Ben gets the first ball in for Yawa, Ashley gets the first one in for Levu, Chrissy keeps falling of the balance beam.
Jessica gets the second ball for Yawa, Ali gets the first ball for Soko and Devon gets the second ball for Levu.
Chrissy comes back in after taking off her shoes and falls off the beam again - she asks if someone else wants to try and Roark asks back, "do you want me to try?" (just run up there and take it) but no, no one steps up and they leave Chrissy to it... and they lose. Soko is going to Tribal Council.
This is Roark's first tribal council and she says she's nervous but Chrissy definitely struggled in this challenge - she needs to go. (Oh, so that's why she didn't step up, she wanted someone else to fail so she wasn't the target.)
Soko - Day 14
Chrissy does not feel safe and she starts playing hard when they get back to camp. She takes Roark aside to start talking game and she listens but is not having it - the first and only time Chrissy talks to her is when they are headed to Tribal, too little too late in Roark's mind - she wants Chrissy to go home.
-Chrissy doesn't trust anything Roark says to her (rightly so) so Chrissy is thinking to create this illusion of an all girl alliance so she'll feel safe - but then she goes to JP and tells him she (Chrissy) wants the four of them to vote out Roark, he's thinking she's good in challenges but as soon as Chrissy mentions Roark wants an all-girl alliance he says immediately she has to go.
-Now she needs Ryan, she tells him that she has JP on board to vote out Roark and Ryan agrees that the three of them will blindside Roark tonight.
-Meanwhile, Roark & Ali are at the well badmouthing Chrissy and confirming that they are voting for her tonight. Ali relays to Ryan that they are voting Chrissy and he tells her that he trusts her especially and they are still together... now Ryan has a swing vote decision to make.
Roark lights her torch for the first time as this is her first visit to Tribal Council.
-Ali starts by trying to throw Chrissy under the bus - she says if she wasn't able to complete the task at hand she would step down and let someone else take over.
-But Chrissy isn't taking that - she pipes in that she did that, she asked several times if anyone else wanted to take over but no one stepped up so she had to keep going. Chrissy says, "It's her version, my version, and the truth."
(So we started with a fight and Jeff is loving it.) He asks Chrissy what happened when they got back to camp after the challenge.
-Chrissy says she hadn't spoke with Roark previously and didn't want to come to tribal council without discussing with her what they wanted to do.
-And Roark piles on some more - I hope we can be more consistent about it because the day you needed me was the first day you talk to me...(and she has a nasty little mean girl grin).
-Jeff points out this is two strikes against Chrissy and she is no shrinking violet, she is shocked by Roarks passive aggressive bitchiness and points out that Roark didn't talk to her beforehand either, this is a two way street. Chrissy points out she specifically talked to Ali, Ryan, JP... this doesn't have to be a Chrissy approaches Roark situation, she could have come to me.
-Roark points out that Chrissy just said she specifically talked to Ali, she didn't specifically talk to me. And Chrissy just rolled her eyes and said she had no comment. (I see both sides of it, but it was kind of an alpha female - catty argument - that Roark thinks she won.)
-Jeff asks the guys what they think - both Ryan and JP said they saw Chrissy and Roark go off talking and it made them uneasy, there are three girls and only two guys... and it only takes three votes to take someone out. (Chrissy smiles, her machinations seem to have born some fruit).
-Chrissy still feels the vote could be her but she's not going to beat herself up about it, she's doing the best she can.
-Roark feels the same comfortable as she did coming in, she thinks she's made bonds that will carry her through this vote.
-Ali says you can never really know who you can trust until you've gone to Tribal Council with someone, like she and Ryan or Chrissy and JP have. (Huh.)
-Roark thinks she's the swing vote which gets a little reaction from Ryan, but Chrissy says she doesn't necessarily think it's two, one and two, she thinks this vote could be any three people. (Whatever)
Time to vote:
Roark votes for Chrissy - says, "Next time, don't come for me."
Chrissy votes for Roark - says, "I'm outsmarting Miss Smartypants."
Tallying the votes:
-No one has a hidden immunity idol
Chrissy - 1
Roark - 1
Chrissy - 2
Roark - 2 - that took the little smirk off her face.
Roark - 3 - First and last trip to Tribal Council for Roark. B'Bye! Oh, and the Healers are finally down one.
With Roark leaving us tonight that takes Kevin C., Maria C., and Cindi C. out of the pool.
Next week: Ali is upset that Ryan didn't tell her he wasn't voting with her and Cole goes down like a ton of bricks at camp (hopefully just fainted briefly - yikes.)
Roark's final thoughts: says she had an awesome experience and would recommend it to any super fan. She is bummed, felt she had a lot more in her but obviously she trusted the wrong people. She's not going to blame it on being swapped, she always thinks there is something you can do and evidently she didn't do it, so she owns that. (She will learn and maybe grow a personality if she gets another chance?)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
Last week they switched up the tribes and Healer Jessica got a secret advantage allowing her to block someone's vote at Tribal Council - this advantage caused a couple upsets in the episode when Cole used the knowledge of it to try and win over his new tribe mates, totally betraying Jessica - and then, when her tribe didn't go to tribal she used it against Devon, blocking his vote and allowing Slimy Joe to play his idol and take out Alan.
Levu - Night 11
-They get back from Tribal Council and Ashley, while not a total fan of Alan, he was her only past Hero tribe mate and she's feeling like Joe is now someone to watch out for. He proved that he's not only a little crazy, he's also smart. Yeah, I think Joe should be looking for another idol.
Yawa - Day 12
-Former Marine Ben was triggered by some bamboo in the fire that popped really loudly - he did not escape unscathed from his service, when it pops a couple more times he just has to go be by himself. The rest of the tribe realizes that he may have some PTSD and he admits to the camera that it has been an issue for him but one of his goals is to show vets that they can come back to live life fully again.
Their feet will be bound together and their hands will be tethered to their sides, on Jeff's go they will have to slither through the send pushing the ball to the next person - there are three sections of the slither - once the third person gets the ball to the mat, the fourth tribe member must help them get untied and all must be on the mat before the fourth person can start throwing the balls into a very tall basket. First tribe to get five balls in the tube win a huge Iced coffee/tea, pastries feast. Second tribe will get a jug of iced coffee to share and the last tribe gets nothing.
Off they go and Desi is the star of this challenge, she gets Levu out to a huge lead early that they capitalize on and hold through the challenge. Levu wins the huge feast.
The two that had the most trouble with the slithering were Dr. Mike and Ryan... oh, poor bell boy Ryan, he had to get up a hill and the ball kept getting away from him and rolling down into other lanes, he'd have to go get it... to his credit, he didn't give up and eventually did succeed but they were way too late - Yawa got the second reward and Soko were shut out. Of course this was only for Reward so really, it didn't make much difference.
Levu - Day 13
They return with the spoils of their victory and start chowing down - covered in sand and all. They appreciate this win especially since they were the first newly blended tribe to go to Tribal Council. They are hoping this is the first of many victories but if not... this is still a very divided tribe. Devon and Ashley confirm that they are voting together if it comes to that again and they assume Joe & Desi will remain together as former Healer tribe - so they should probably start working on Desi or the next vote could go to rocks (which is what happens with a deadlocked tie.)
Soko - Day 13
-Ryan apologizes for losing them the Reward, but all the girls are very supportive - it was only reward, don't worry about it, JP even tries to get him to open a coconut to build up his confidence but Ryan knows his strength is his social game and he's going to keep everyone smiling and laughing in order to make them want to keep him around. JP is quickly required to open that coconut.
-Ali & Roark go to get some water and start to bond a bit - Roark is the sole Healer on this tribe now and she feels like she's in the swing vote seat so she's not nervous, but wants to start developing relationships with these people (Ali). We haven't really seen much of Roark to this point and I think it's because she doesn't seem to have much of a personality... she also seems to think she's smarter than everyone and has it all figured out... which is not really fun to watch. Roark tells Ali that she has the numbers when they merge because she has all the Healers with her, so they should want to stick with her... and Ali buys it, she goes back to Ryan and tells him she thinks they should stick with Roark and they could take out Chrissy & JP.
-Ryan tells Ali he's down with this plan, but we know that he also has a bond with Chrissy so now it's Ryan who feels like he is in the middle and has to tread very lightly between Ali & Chrissy so he doesn't mess this up.
Yawa - Day 13
Ew, they treat us to Cole's gross eating habits - taking a big spoonful of jam and licking it clean, then the peanut butter, also licking everything clean and his hands - licking, licking, eating... it's grosses Lauren out. She says he eats like a pig and he's very inconsiderate (Lauren has no patience for these millennial boys, it's hilarious) but she sees Ben also rolling his eyes at him so she hopes that Cole just keeps licking his own grave.
-Jessica and Dr. Mike go for water and she encourages him to keep digging while they're there - they know Joe found his idol near the water hole at their old beach (because Cole is a blabber mouth) so odds are good... and Dr. Mike finds the idol! He's so happy, he's sure his kids will be proud and, though it's not ideal having someone else know about the idol, he thinks he can trust Jessica (as long as she doesn't tell Cole!)
This one has a lot of parts - first they have to swim out to a boat and retrieve three heavy bags of rice. Then they have to smoosh the large rectangular bags through a round hole in a fence out in the water - once all the bags are through the hole and everyone goes over the fence, they then have to carry the bags across a balance beam to the beach. Once all the bags are on the beach they have to cut them open and find three (smallish) balls. Once they have all the balls, one person at a time will stand on a balance beam and maneuver the ball up a holey wall maze to seat them at the top using a pulley system. First two tribe to get all three balls set win immunity and last team is going to Tribal Council.
-Off they go and they are neck and neck getting the bags of rice off the boat. Levu has a bit of a hiccup trying to get the bags through the fence and they fall a bit behind, but then Devon brings them right back in it with his surfer balance, getting the bags across the balance beam quickly and teammate Desi is a star in this one too, she apparently is the quiet challenge beast. Levu is the first to start opening their bags. JP the fireman, the fireman, is getting the bags across the beam for Soko and Chrissy can't even seem to get herself across the balance beam. Yawa is the second team to start getting their balls out of the bags and now Soko is bringing up the rear.
-All the teams are working on the maze, Ben gets the first ball in for Yawa, Ashley gets the first one in for Levu, Chrissy keeps falling of the balance beam.
Jessica gets the second ball for Yawa, Ali gets the first ball for Soko and Devon gets the second ball for Levu.
Chrissy comes back in after taking off her shoes and falls off the beam again - she asks if someone else wants to try and Roark asks back, "do you want me to try?" (just run up there and take it) but no, no one steps up and they leave Chrissy to it... and they lose. Soko is going to Tribal Council.
This is Roark's first tribal council and she says she's nervous but Chrissy definitely struggled in this challenge - she needs to go. (Oh, so that's why she didn't step up, she wanted someone else to fail so she wasn't the target.)
Soko - Day 14
Chrissy does not feel safe and she starts playing hard when they get back to camp. She takes Roark aside to start talking game and she listens but is not having it - the first and only time Chrissy talks to her is when they are headed to Tribal, too little too late in Roark's mind - she wants Chrissy to go home.
-Chrissy doesn't trust anything Roark says to her (rightly so) so Chrissy is thinking to create this illusion of an all girl alliance so she'll feel safe - but then she goes to JP and tells him she (Chrissy) wants the four of them to vote out Roark, he's thinking she's good in challenges but as soon as Chrissy mentions Roark wants an all-girl alliance he says immediately she has to go.
-Now she needs Ryan, she tells him that she has JP on board to vote out Roark and Ryan agrees that the three of them will blindside Roark tonight.
-Meanwhile, Roark & Ali are at the well badmouthing Chrissy and confirming that they are voting for her tonight. Ali relays to Ryan that they are voting Chrissy and he tells her that he trusts her especially and they are still together... now Ryan has a swing vote decision to make.
Roark lights her torch for the first time as this is her first visit to Tribal Council.
-Ali starts by trying to throw Chrissy under the bus - she says if she wasn't able to complete the task at hand she would step down and let someone else take over.
-But Chrissy isn't taking that - she pipes in that she did that, she asked several times if anyone else wanted to take over but no one stepped up so she had to keep going. Chrissy says, "It's her version, my version, and the truth."
(So we started with a fight and Jeff is loving it.) He asks Chrissy what happened when they got back to camp after the challenge.
-Chrissy says she hadn't spoke with Roark previously and didn't want to come to tribal council without discussing with her what they wanted to do.
-And Roark piles on some more - I hope we can be more consistent about it because the day you needed me was the first day you talk to me...(and she has a nasty little mean girl grin).
-Jeff points out this is two strikes against Chrissy and she is no shrinking violet, she is shocked by Roarks passive aggressive bitchiness and points out that Roark didn't talk to her beforehand either, this is a two way street. Chrissy points out she specifically talked to Ali, Ryan, JP... this doesn't have to be a Chrissy approaches Roark situation, she could have come to me.
-Roark points out that Chrissy just said she specifically talked to Ali, she didn't specifically talk to me. And Chrissy just rolled her eyes and said she had no comment. (I see both sides of it, but it was kind of an alpha female - catty argument - that Roark thinks she won.)
-Jeff asks the guys what they think - both Ryan and JP said they saw Chrissy and Roark go off talking and it made them uneasy, there are three girls and only two guys... and it only takes three votes to take someone out. (Chrissy smiles, her machinations seem to have born some fruit).
-Chrissy still feels the vote could be her but she's not going to beat herself up about it, she's doing the best she can.
-Roark feels the same comfortable as she did coming in, she thinks she's made bonds that will carry her through this vote.
-Ali says you can never really know who you can trust until you've gone to Tribal Council with someone, like she and Ryan or Chrissy and JP have. (Huh.)
-Roark thinks she's the swing vote which gets a little reaction from Ryan, but Chrissy says she doesn't necessarily think it's two, one and two, she thinks this vote could be any three people. (Whatever)
Time to vote:
Roark votes for Chrissy - says, "Next time, don't come for me."
Chrissy votes for Roark - says, "I'm outsmarting Miss Smartypants."
Tallying the votes:
-No one has a hidden immunity idol
Chrissy - 1
Roark - 1
Chrissy - 2
Roark - 2 - that took the little smirk off her face.
Roark - 3 - First and last trip to Tribal Council for Roark. B'Bye! Oh, and the Healers are finally down one.
With Roark leaving us tonight that takes Kevin C., Maria C., and Cindi C. out of the pool.
Next week: Ali is upset that Ryan didn't tell her he wasn't voting with her and Cole goes down like a ton of bricks at camp (hopefully just fainted briefly - yikes.)
Roark's final thoughts: says she had an awesome experience and would recommend it to any super fan. She is bummed, felt she had a lot more in her but obviously she trusted the wrong people. She's not going to blame it on being swapped, she always thinks there is something you can do and evidently she didn't do it, so she owns that. (She will learn and maybe grow a personality if she gets another chance?)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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