Thursday, May 25, 2017

Survivor Game Changers Season Finale - May 24/17

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Okay everybody, it was three hours and I have to try and fit it all in and sleep tonight so here we go:

The show started out with six people still remaining in the game, and here are the people still in our pool with them:
Brad Culpepper: Elaine R., Bryon L., Coleen T.
Cirie Fields: Sophie S.B, Alexis G., Vikki Murray
Sarah Lacina: Julisa C., Mike L., Brandon L.
Tai Trang: Kim B., Andria S., Tori K.
Aubry Bracco: Roxanne S., Shelley A., Lee B.
Troyzan Robertson: Kim A., Krista H., Scott M.
Last week, Cirie tried to steal Sarah's vote by using the advantage that Sarah let her hold - Sarah, knowing full well it was non-transferrable set Cirie up and she fell for it, hook line and sinker. (Read the fine print Cirie).  Sarah ended up using her 'steal-a-vote' to get Michaela out.

Maku Maku - Night 35
We come back to fireworks at camp with Sarah angrily confronting Cirie, wanting to know who Cirie was referring to as a rat and Cirie came back at her wanting to know why Michaela had to go.  Well, Sarah felt betrayed by Cirie (as well she should) and so she took out her right hand man.  Cirie was playing damage control trying to tell her she was trying to save her by voting out Tai when Sarah wouldn't and Sarah does not believe that, Cirie messed up her plan for that advantage and could have screwed her whole game (but somehow, I think this is kind of what Sarah wanted to happen.)
-Cirie is the one who said no good deed goes unpunished because she has convinced herself she was actually trying to help Sarah... by stealing her advantage... (really?)  Cirie said Tai was the rat and tries to get Tai to corroborate her story about him targeting Sarah and Cirie telling him about the advantage but he straight out lies about it all. Of course Tai can't keep that up, when pushed he admits it all.  Sarah apologizes for not believing Cirie's story but the damage has been done, she knows she can't trust any of them (it is Survivor, you shouldn't be trusting anyone anyway.)

-Tai feels like he may have screwed up his game by trying to make a move on Sarah and having it blow up in his face - so he decides, in order to win back trust with Brad that he's going to tell him about his two immunity idols (WHAT?? NOOOO!)  Yup, that's what he does and immediately Brad is telling him not to tell anyone, and is going to manipulate Tai to do what he wants - before throwing him under the bus with his own idol. (Grr.)

There is a huge maze laid out with three puzzle piece stations hidden within - each person has to make their way through the maze, finding one bag of pieces at a time, bringing them out, then going back in - once they have all three bags, they can open them and get started on the compass rose puzzle.  First person to finish gets immunity and reward of an Italian dinner back at camp.
Off they go and, while it was not a blow out - Culpepper wins. (Great, as if he's not insufferable enough already)
-Brad also gets to choose two people to join him in the Reward, he chooses Troy with no hesitation and secondly... Sarah.  (Oh ho, that should have been pretty telling to Tai.)  Sarah is hoping to solidify her spot in the final especially after last Tribal she's not sure who is willing to work with her (I think you found your answer right there.)

Reward - While they are filling their faces, they agree to vote together and they agree that they should vote out Tai or Aubry.  Sarah says she thinks Aubry is more of a threat in the end and they agree, let's vote Aubry... but Brad throws in that he's going to make Tai play his idol... if he has one (oh, good save, sheesh.)

Brad comes back to camp guns blazing, at Tai. He sits him down and tells him what he's going to do, "We're voting out Aubry but you are going to play one of your idols for you and you are going to give me the other one because I don't want any funny business, do you understand?"  Tai does not like how he's being treated, he asks him if he's serious and Brad gets mad (like how dare you question me) Tai lost his control, his destiny lies with Brad now and he did it to himself.  (WTeverlovinF - I would have told him to go F&*^ himself)  but Tai is trying to get along, Brad's taken him to get the idols and shown them to Troyzan - then both guys are pressuring Tai to give an idol to Brad. I was proud of Tai, he said he had to think it through first and got out of there - so he didn't just give in... (I was so mad at Culpepper, he was so disrespectful to Tai it was pretty disgusting - every jock/bully stereotype proven right there.)  And Brad tells Troyzan after Tai leaves that he's not giving the idol back to him, he's going to vote him out next (ugh.)

Tai goes running to Aubry and tells her she has to help him, he tells her everything, that he has two idols and Brad is bullying him to give him one... but he wants to play with Aubry - she is leery but hopeful and then Cirie shows up and they clam up, no idol love for Cirie - she pleads her case to Tai that she is sorry about last tribal but if they want to have any chance of sticking around these three have to vote together - they rush her off and we're back to Tai crying and Aubry disbelieving that once again her game is in Tai's hands and he's having an emotional breakdown.

Aubry says they concluded that Tai was the rat in their camp and Tai doesn't understand why all the heat was landing on him when this is a game of deceit and they have all been lying.
-Sarah and Brad both come at Tai, she says it's falling on Tai because he's not taking responsibility for his lies and Brad is just being a sanctimonious a-hole. (Can you tell I hate him now?)
-Jeff asked if Sarah was worried that the three that went on the reward would be viewed as a tight alliance - she says there are five people that are tight, meaning only Tai is on the outside (seriously? Sarah knows Tai has idols by the way, Troyzan told her, so I think she's just trying to egg him into playing one.) Plus, she still has the legacy advantage so they could all vote for her tonight, she's safe.
-Tai says people have tried to make deals with him and threatened him ... Brad rolled his eyes (I can't even) - Brad says buyer beware if you try to make a deal with Tai.

Time to Vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.

Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol?

Tai is the first to step forward... and he plays the blue idol for himself, then he pulls out the red idol and plays it for Aubry.  (Brad is not happy but the jury is loving it.) Any votes for Tai or Aubry will not count.
Then Sarah gets up and tells Jeff she is going to play the Legacy advantage - any votes for Sarah will not count.
And then Troyzan, "Jeff," and the jury can't contain themselves - oh yeah! "I want to get on the immunity train and be final five." He also plays his idol so any votes for Troyzan will not count.

This is unprecedented, of the six people left, five of them have immunity and that means that Cirie is the only person that could receive votes, and by default she is the one voted out (even though there were no votes actually cast for her.)  So, the first person to be voted out ever, without receiving actual votes is CIRIE.  That takes Sophie S.B, Alexis G., Vikki M. out of our pool.

There is a mouse trap type apparatus on each station, they will have to transfer balls on small paddles through the different obstacles on the table and deposit them at the end.  The first person to get three balls through wins Immunity.  I'm not even going to go over it, Culpepper's hand eye coordination made this a blow out - he got three balls through when no one else could even get one... and then he's crying saying that one was for Monica - (give me a break. At this point I'm rooting for him to lose and I have him in the pool.)

-Back at camp, Brad thinks and acts like he's king sh*t of the world, he lounges back in the hammock as Troyzan and Sarah attend him (I wouldn't have been surprised to see palm fronds fanning him) but they agree that it's Aubry going next because Troyzan says she would be harder to argue against than Tai at the end.
-Aubry's not just rolling over though, she's talking to Tai and Sarah and telling them if Brad wins immunity again he is taking Troyzan to the end with him, which only leaves one other spot open.  If they work together and take Troyzan out, that leaves two open spots in the final for them to vie for.
-Sarah then talks to Tai to see how they stand - she says she's had his back and that's why she was so hurt when he turned on her - he understands and says he thinks they should vote out Aubry.  Okay, that's easy, that's what she was going to do anyway...
Then Brad messes it up by being he-man asshat and grinding Tai under his heel again - "if I let you stay you have to assure me you are voting whatever I vote. It's not hard.  Do you understand that?" (He's not deaf or stupid you douche nozzle) So now Tai no longer wants to vote Aubry because that's what Brad wants, he tells Sarah they need to flip on him and vote Troyzan.

Everybody's been pitching everybody - Aubry knows she's on the block tonight and she lays out her proposal, that Brad & Troyzan will be two of the spots in the final three if one of them (Brad) wins immunity tomorrow - to make their odds better, they should take out Troyzan tonight.
-Tai said he is taking this argument into consideration.
-Sarah says she has to consider who she is willing to put on the jury and who they want to sit next to - and it could be different for all three of them.
-Jeff polled them if there were people they thought they could not beat if they went to the final three and everyone says yes, there are people they could not win against - except Troyzan, who is delusional in thinking that he could beat anybody. (What are you doing?  Even the jury was like, huh?)

Time to Vote:
Aubry votes Troyzan
Troyzan votes Aubry

Tallying the votes:
You know there are no hidden immunity idols left after last tribal.

Aubry - 1
Troyzan - 1
Aubry - 2, 3 - and it's Aubry joining the jury in fifth position - taking Roxanne S., Shelley A., Lee B. out of our pool.

(Um, Brad is wearing a burlap sack tunic... what up with that?)
-They have to race through an obstacle collecting rings of keys and bags of puzzle pieces, including having to run up a large staircase, untying the key ring and sliding down a large water slide.  Once they have all three bags they have to untie them and start on the lighthouse puzzle - once they get all the pieces until the last assembled, they have to use the numbered tiles to unlock a combination lock box to retrieve the last piece and complete the lighthouse.  First person to have the lighthouse completed wins the final individual immunity.
I'm not even going to bother, they all gave it the good ol'college try but Brad Culpepper won the final immunity as well.  Which means b-bye Tai.  Brad says, "It's good to be the king." (gag.)

Back at camp Troyzan wants to just tell Tai it's him tonight and Brad says no, this is his island, he wants Tai to think he has a glimmer of hope and then he's going to give him what he deserves. (He's acting like such a jerk.)
-Tai knows that Brad feels like he's wronged him and will take him out tonight so he proposes to Sarah that they vote together against Troyzan and force a tie and take their chances making fire.  Sarah says she has to consider it but she's not good at making fire.  Tai is good at fire and he thinks he can beat Troyzan at fire so it's more of a risk for Sarah.
-I just have to throw in an aside here - Tai has a big wound on his head through this whole scene - where did that come from?  There's a bump with a bleeding hole in the middle, what? I guess he usually has the buff on his head but ouch. (And later it's not there... hmmm.)

Anyway, this was all just a red herring - there is no fire making. 
TRIBAL COUNCIL #3TAI is the last person voted out making the final three Brad Culpepper, Troyzan and Sarah!  Meaning Kim B., Andria S., Tori K are out of the running in our pool.

Maku Maku - Day 39
Troyzan thinks he played a good social game - uh huh, keep telling yourself that.
Sarah made moves that other people were scared to make, she made moves she was scared to make. She played like a criminal but she will be honest tonight to the police of the jury and hopefully they'll reward her honesty.
Culpepper thinks he's king of the world - he doesn't need the money, he just desperately wants to win (Please, no.)

Jeff tells us in this season of Game Changers they are going to change up how they conduct the final tribal this time. They are going to focus on the three tenants of Survivor: Outwit, Outplay, Outlast and have a more open discussion between the jury and the finalists.

Starting with Outwit - the social part of Survivor - Zeke volunteers to go first and acts as champion for Sarah - she borrowed his jacket on day three and when he was blindsided she wore it every tribal after like a bad ass. She was instrumental in getting Sierra voted out and did it so well that Sierra had no idea and still willed her the legacy advantage - she controlled the game and he wishes her the best.
-Andrea pipes up with the emotional argument that Sarah made personal connections and made them feel gross when they realized it was all fake.  Sarah tries to say that it was real but no one is buying that especially Ozzy & Debbie who laugh meanly. 
-Ozzy says why should they trust what she's saying to them right now.  She says she was willing to do whatever she had to do to be sitting where she is right now.  Ozzy says he's played the game longer than anyone else (and he has 128 days, Cirie was next at 121) and he knows that you don't have to go as low as she did to win this game. (I do not think she went that low, this sounds like crybaby stuff to me.)  Ozzy then comes out as the champion for Brad and his style of gameplay - to provide and win win win win, and not have to get his hands dirty (but that still doesn't get you the win, does it Ozzy?)
-Cirie said they voted out Sierra because she appeared to be the brains of the operation, what did Brad do?  He said he made friends with JT which made him spill the beans about the vote at the double tribal and he was able to save Sierra (I gotta say, for a lawyer, Brad didn't make very compelling arguments, it was almost like he was over it at this point - you know I'm the best, it's beneath me to have to entertain your petty questions... or he was just exhausted.)  He was impatient with Michaela's questioning, giving her a whatever wave off at the end - Cirie, "Wow." (I know, right?) Brad just looked defeated after that.
-Andrea wanted to know how Sarah was able to make the personal connections and stay above the emotional side - Sarah said when she played the first time, she played like real-life Sarah and it got her nowhere. Her family and friends gave her permission to open the floodgates and do what she had to do out there. 
-Aubry wanted to know specifically how she could differentiate between real Sarah and game Sarah - she said it was her training as a police officer undercover, she has to be able to become people she is not - drug user, prostitute, she can become those people and then shut it off, that's what she has to do for a living.
And then Debbie tries to prove she's got a big brain and pipes up about the ends justifying the means, name checking Machiavelli and Lady MacBeth, you know you want to win but at what cost?  (What is the cost Debbie?  You all signed up for this game, she played it better and she's not losing sleep, that blood washed right off those hands.) Debbie says she has zero respect for her or her game play and her vote is for Brad. (Wow, that is bitter Betty alright, Sarah took her out and she can't get over it.) Michaela doesn't understand the emotional reaction to Sarah, she voted her out because she was the only person who could beat Brad (he looked shocked at that) she didn't take it personally (exactly.)
Michaela also throws Troyzan a bone, but it doesn't matter what he said, they all thought he was carried along by Brad and did nothing. (Baaah. Goat.)
-Andrea asked Brad why he never tried to make connections with people in the bottom like Michaela or Tai.  He said he and Michaela were just like oil and water, they didn't mix for some reason and Tai, he must have done something right because he told him he had two idols and then Brad tried to do everything he could to make him uncomfortable to make him play an idol or give one up (you do not get to paint yourself in a good light on that...)
Tai does finally make Brad listen to him, "Do you realize how you talk to people?" He said he told him what to do, tried to control him and threaten him and Tai said no, he was going to control his own destiny.  Brad is still trying to spin this like he was trying to manipulate the game and his idols and it was Tai's choice not to go along with his (obviously superior) ideas.
Hali piped up, "Did you just say that you used condescension as a strategy to control Tai?" He flails around some more but it falls flat - I was just trying to make a deal but everything has a price and the price was the idol (really? You should just stop talking.)
Zeke brings it back to Sarah, this ship had one driver and that was Sarah, she always knew the right way to vote because she was directing the right way to vote.

Outplay - Ozzy took up the gauntlet here saying Brad took this physically, he won five individual immunities and sacrificed his body to make it there - Ozzy was never able to make it but Brad deserves to. You are the master of your own destiny... blah blah blah.  Debbie agrees that the other two would not be sitting there without Brad. 
Sarah tried to make a statement - Brad is a professional athlete - and he kept interrupting her, she and Michaela asked him to let her finish her statement (but they are just girls) - she made her point - she had to rely on the tools that she had, Sierra told her about the legacy advantage and now she had to vote Sierra out and still get her to will it to her, she had to make moves quickly.  The emotional day Cirie made it across the beam, Michaela was on the sit out bench and there was the steal-a-vote advantage right there at her feet - no one else saw it but Sarah's attention to detail served her well, and she ended up eliminating Michaela with that advantage. (No one knew where that came from until now) Michaela even thought that was bad ass.

Outlast - they got a last appeal to the jury.
-Brad didn't think you needed to deceive and lie to win the game. He developed relationships and things got flipped upside down, he had to rely on his physical abilities to keep him in the game but he got there and (I swear he almost yada yada yada'd - Brad is done.) anyway, it was on honour and privilege to play with all of you.
-Sarah, you have to strike first in this game, the reason these two are sitting here instead of any of you is because I truly believed you could beat me.  I just hope you can respect the game play and how hard it was to play with 20 people at such a high caliber and be one step ahead at all times. Because I was the one person that was in on every vote.  The training I have to adapt to situations to save my life at work, is the same training I used to save my life out here.
-Troyzan - he knows where he stands, he just wanted to tell them how much he appreciated all of them and enjoyed having this adventure with them. I'm out.

Then they voted:
Ozzy & Debbie voted for Brad.
Zeke & Michaela voted for Sarah.

And back in the CBS Studio Jeff reads all the votes:
Brad Culpepper has a horrible moustache (what's up with that?), Troyzan looked better with the beard and Sarah looked really good... but I digress:

Sarah - 1
Culpepper - 1
Sarah - 2
Culpepper - 2, 3
Sarah - 3, 4, 5... and SARAH is the winner of Survivor Game Changers! Making Julisa C., Mike L., and Brandon L. the winners of our pool.  Congratulations to you all! 

Sarah ran away from Jeff to hug her family and he's trying to give her the cheque, Hello, a little matter to take care of?? Her husband takes the cheque.

I'm not going to go over the whole reunion part - it's late - I'm tired. 

Brad did apologize to Tai for his treatment of him out there, he said he needed a snickers or something but he was sick at watching himself and wants to make sure Tai knew he loved him - they hugged it out.

Zeke is doing very well after the Trans-Outing heard round the world - he's got a lot of love in his life and he's working with GLAAD and writing for LBGTQ organizations and magazines and he thanked Survivor and CBS for allowing him to tell his story on his own terms and thinks that should be the model for how trans-people are treated in the media going forward.
Varner has owned up to his mistakes and is doing alright (though he's looking a little rough, gained some weight) but he's also gotten a new job and has written a book about overcoming shame (it's not about you Jeff. Ha.)

Next season, they will be back in Fiji and will divide the three tribes based on the positive traits most associated with them: Heroes (Marine, Lifeguard), Healers (Surgeon, Therapist), Hustlers (I said pardon? In this case they mean people that work hard and stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and then we meet the PA and the Bellhop, okay.)  Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers

So there you have it, another season done and it was a pretty good one, I think.  Have a great summer everyone, I'll see you in the fall.



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