Reinventing How This Game is Played
Last week Sarah flipped on the "rock solid" alliance of six and took out Debbie, who's overconfidence proved her undoing (as it probably usually does.)
Maku Maku - Night 26
Back at camp, Brad's in shock and Sarah can't take the quiet I guess, she tells them all she was the one that flipped (why would you announce it like that? Seemed weird to me.) Anyway, she made herself available to talk to anyone who wanted to and no one took her up on it, Sierra just asked why they targeted Debbie and Zeke said it was because she seemed to be the one in charge (really? Or was that just a dig, Sierra thinks she's in charge.) Oh, Sarah wanted it to be known that she made the game changing move... I get it.
The new six alliance, though tentative because Zeke & Andrea still can't stand each other, agree that they need to stick together at this point in order to keep the control away from Brad & Sierra.
The players were divided into two teams of five; three teammates, one at a time, raced through a series of obstacles to a chair, where four other tribemates used a pulley system to lift them across a vertical structure to retrieve ten puzzle pieces. Once all thirty pieces were retrieved, three teammates used them to solve a word puzzle. The first tribe to solve the puzzle would be taken by helicopter to a luxury resort where they would have food (including cheesecake) and be able to stay overnight, sleeping in an actual bed, (Ah, that would be heaven after 27 days out there I think.)
Teams: Andrea, Aubry, Brad, Sarah & Zeke vs Troyzan, Micheala, Tai, Cirie & Sierra
This all came down to the word puzzle - it was a long phrase and not something common to the show: Reinventing How This Game is Played. It took almost an hour but finally Andrea & Zeke pulled it out and won the reward with Aubry, Brad & Sarah.
-Helicopter to the resort, it was beautiful and they show up all dirty and gross - but they get to gorging on the food and Zeke & Brad are talking football. Andrea is surprised that Zeke would openly consort with the enemy, she doesn't trust Zeke and even more now is worried he'll try to make a move with Brad.
Maku Maku - Day 28
Sierra, Tai & Troyzan are feeling very uneasy with their new positions - she's hoping to be able to find a way in with the majority - Tai & Troyzan both have hidden immunity idols but no one knows that but themselves - they just agree to tell the other if their names come up (heads up is always a good thing.)
Rewarders return and Aubry is also worried that Zeke had time to bond with Brad on the reward. But first thing we see is Andrea ensconced with Cirie in the hammock floating the idea that they take out Zeke which will still give them a one person majority over the other four. Cirie is down with this plan, she's played four times and Zeke still knows this game better than her, so she wants him out - now she has to carefully approach officer Sarah and see how she feels.
-Sarah doesn't want to take Zeke out yet, she reveals to Cirie that she has the 'steal a vote' advantage and she can use that to take Zeke out once they are down to the six. Sarah thinks she's reassured Cirie and brought her around to sticking with taking Sierra out this time - but I'm not so sure. Sarah is still trying to play the middle, if things don't go her way she is alright with going back and playing with the other four - whichever side will get her farther along (but playing the middle often gets you gone.)
-Zeke is nervous at camp - he feels an eerie calm and he doesn't like it - time to get to the scheming and plotting, something he excels at. So Zeke & Sarah go for water and she is telling him the order she wants people to go, Sierra, then Andrea, then Tai. Sarah & Zeke have been together since day one, she trusts him and for now they will stick with the girls. Zeke says he'd like to try and make a final five deal with Brad & Troyzan and Michaela - or at least tell them that. Sarah is okay with that, Zeke just doesn't trust Andrea and Aubry who are very tight (really? I feel like we see very little of Aubry - she could ghost her way to the end, you never know.)
Zeke goes and talks to Brad & Troyzan and floats the idea of working together to the final five. He tells them that he can't hook them in on this next vote, other than to tell them it's neither of them going, and the next vote they could do something interesting. This is music to Brad's ears, it means he made headway - it would bother him to have to vote for Tai or Sierra, but make no mistake, he is there to win the game.
It's the domino challenge - they have to place blocks on a floating beam while stepping through a grid of slats that if hit would shake the beam and possibly topple the blocks. First person to place the blocks so that they fall like dominos with the last block falling off and hitting a gong, wins Immunity.
Everyone was moving pretty quickly and Brad was the only one to hit the side and knock all his blocks off so he had to start again. Andrea got all her blocks on the beam but they were too close together and she had to do some rearranging before knocking them down - but it was still ANDREA that won Immunity.
Back At Camp - Andrea has tunnel vision about getting Zeke out of the game and she is thinking that her plan is brilliant to take him out tonight. Cirie agrees to voting Zeke out but isn't sure if they can sway officer Sarah, so she is thinking they should bring Sierra in to vote Zeke with them... Speak of the devil, Sierra comes along just then and says she will vote however they want her to, she will throw anyone under the bus as long as it's not her. Good to know, they will let her know.
-Then Sarah comes along and Andrea again presents her case to have them blindside Zeke tonight, Sarah is not down with that but she can't tell them that, if she starts scrambling to save Zeke she'll be putting herself at risk.
-So Andrea is drunk on power and she goes and tells Aubry & Michaela that she wants to blindside Zeke tonight so they'll still have the majority and can still pick off the others after. Aubry is in 100% agreement but Michaela is not, she trusts Zeke somewhat and she does not like taking their numbers down to 5 vs 4, because then it only takes one person and the power shifts.
-Michaela and Sarah talk and they both agree that they don't want to vote out Zeke tonight... but they don't seem to have any alternate plan, neither seems willing to stick their necks out - we'll have to see how it goes at Tribal.
-Sarah owned up being the flipper that voted out Debbie and Debbie flipped her the bird from the jury box (keeping it classy as always.)
-Brad says it was very disconcerting going from the top to the bottom, he, Troy, Tai and Sierra are now on the bottom.
-Tai agrees and feels like it could be him tonight.
-Sierra is also nervous, she thinks she has connections with these people but it could also be her tonight.
-Zeke says this tribal is the mirror image of the last vote - the best thing they can do is stick together and keep the vote to themselves.
-Andrea says this season is not like any other she's played before, it's like they are trying on different alliances to see which one will stick.
-Michaela says she thinks their six will stay together this vote to solidify the numbers, sometimes you have to make the simple move to advance everyone in the game. (But she did not sound convinced.)
-Zeke agrees, this is a game of timing and tonight is certainly not the time to make a big move.
-Blah blah blah - Sierra made a plea to stay, Sarah isn't swayed. Michaela has to turn the heart down, they'll be friends after day 39, for now other people have to go so she can stay and win.
-Andrea says you still have to make connections with people, you can't just turn your heart off or you're not going to make it to the end.
Time to Vote:
Sierra votes for Tai - she hopes its him and not her tonight.
Zeke votes for Sierra - so long cowgirl.
No one played a hidden immunity idol - huh, I thought Tai might go for it seeing as he has two.
Tai - 1
Sierra - 1
Tai - 2
Sierra - 2
Tai - 3
Zeke- 1, 2, 3, 4 - and he realizes 5 - it's ZEKE that is the next member of the jury. Sierra and Tai were shocked and Michaela just started bawling... I guess she's not so good at turning her heart off after all.
With Zeke's blindside, that takes Jennifer G., Cara & Alex L. and Cindi C. out of the pool.
Next week: Sierra tells Sarah that she has a legacy advantage and Michaela appears to be joining Sierra, Tai and Troyzan - but no bond is stronger than blood - And with the loved ones will come the tears - have the hankies ready!
Zeke's final thoughts: It was smart of Andrea to come after him because he was about to come after her. He has confronted so many fears and moved beyond boundaries he's had in his life - he will forever be a better person because he's played Survivor.
And with that, have a great weekend everyone,
Last week Sarah flipped on the "rock solid" alliance of six and took out Debbie, who's overconfidence proved her undoing (as it probably usually does.)
Maku Maku - Night 26
Back at camp, Brad's in shock and Sarah can't take the quiet I guess, she tells them all she was the one that flipped (why would you announce it like that? Seemed weird to me.) Anyway, she made herself available to talk to anyone who wanted to and no one took her up on it, Sierra just asked why they targeted Debbie and Zeke said it was because she seemed to be the one in charge (really? Or was that just a dig, Sierra thinks she's in charge.) Oh, Sarah wanted it to be known that she made the game changing move... I get it.
The new six alliance, though tentative because Zeke & Andrea still can't stand each other, agree that they need to stick together at this point in order to keep the control away from Brad & Sierra.
The players were divided into two teams of five; three teammates, one at a time, raced through a series of obstacles to a chair, where four other tribemates used a pulley system to lift them across a vertical structure to retrieve ten puzzle pieces. Once all thirty pieces were retrieved, three teammates used them to solve a word puzzle. The first tribe to solve the puzzle would be taken by helicopter to a luxury resort where they would have food (including cheesecake) and be able to stay overnight, sleeping in an actual bed, (Ah, that would be heaven after 27 days out there I think.)
Teams: Andrea, Aubry, Brad, Sarah & Zeke vs Troyzan, Micheala, Tai, Cirie & Sierra
This all came down to the word puzzle - it was a long phrase and not something common to the show: Reinventing How This Game is Played. It took almost an hour but finally Andrea & Zeke pulled it out and won the reward with Aubry, Brad & Sarah.
-Helicopter to the resort, it was beautiful and they show up all dirty and gross - but they get to gorging on the food and Zeke & Brad are talking football. Andrea is surprised that Zeke would openly consort with the enemy, she doesn't trust Zeke and even more now is worried he'll try to make a move with Brad.
Maku Maku - Day 28
Sierra, Tai & Troyzan are feeling very uneasy with their new positions - she's hoping to be able to find a way in with the majority - Tai & Troyzan both have hidden immunity idols but no one knows that but themselves - they just agree to tell the other if their names come up (heads up is always a good thing.)
Rewarders return and Aubry is also worried that Zeke had time to bond with Brad on the reward. But first thing we see is Andrea ensconced with Cirie in the hammock floating the idea that they take out Zeke which will still give them a one person majority over the other four. Cirie is down with this plan, she's played four times and Zeke still knows this game better than her, so she wants him out - now she has to carefully approach officer Sarah and see how she feels.
-Sarah doesn't want to take Zeke out yet, she reveals to Cirie that she has the 'steal a vote' advantage and she can use that to take Zeke out once they are down to the six. Sarah thinks she's reassured Cirie and brought her around to sticking with taking Sierra out this time - but I'm not so sure. Sarah is still trying to play the middle, if things don't go her way she is alright with going back and playing with the other four - whichever side will get her farther along (but playing the middle often gets you gone.)
-Zeke is nervous at camp - he feels an eerie calm and he doesn't like it - time to get to the scheming and plotting, something he excels at. So Zeke & Sarah go for water and she is telling him the order she wants people to go, Sierra, then Andrea, then Tai. Sarah & Zeke have been together since day one, she trusts him and for now they will stick with the girls. Zeke says he'd like to try and make a final five deal with Brad & Troyzan and Michaela - or at least tell them that. Sarah is okay with that, Zeke just doesn't trust Andrea and Aubry who are very tight (really? I feel like we see very little of Aubry - she could ghost her way to the end, you never know.)
Zeke goes and talks to Brad & Troyzan and floats the idea of working together to the final five. He tells them that he can't hook them in on this next vote, other than to tell them it's neither of them going, and the next vote they could do something interesting. This is music to Brad's ears, it means he made headway - it would bother him to have to vote for Tai or Sierra, but make no mistake, he is there to win the game.
It's the domino challenge - they have to place blocks on a floating beam while stepping through a grid of slats that if hit would shake the beam and possibly topple the blocks. First person to place the blocks so that they fall like dominos with the last block falling off and hitting a gong, wins Immunity.
Everyone was moving pretty quickly and Brad was the only one to hit the side and knock all his blocks off so he had to start again. Andrea got all her blocks on the beam but they were too close together and she had to do some rearranging before knocking them down - but it was still ANDREA that won Immunity.
Back At Camp - Andrea has tunnel vision about getting Zeke out of the game and she is thinking that her plan is brilliant to take him out tonight. Cirie agrees to voting Zeke out but isn't sure if they can sway officer Sarah, so she is thinking they should bring Sierra in to vote Zeke with them... Speak of the devil, Sierra comes along just then and says she will vote however they want her to, she will throw anyone under the bus as long as it's not her. Good to know, they will let her know.
-Then Sarah comes along and Andrea again presents her case to have them blindside Zeke tonight, Sarah is not down with that but she can't tell them that, if she starts scrambling to save Zeke she'll be putting herself at risk.
-So Andrea is drunk on power and she goes and tells Aubry & Michaela that she wants to blindside Zeke tonight so they'll still have the majority and can still pick off the others after. Aubry is in 100% agreement but Michaela is not, she trusts Zeke somewhat and she does not like taking their numbers down to 5 vs 4, because then it only takes one person and the power shifts.
-Michaela and Sarah talk and they both agree that they don't want to vote out Zeke tonight... but they don't seem to have any alternate plan, neither seems willing to stick their necks out - we'll have to see how it goes at Tribal.
-Sarah owned up being the flipper that voted out Debbie and Debbie flipped her the bird from the jury box (keeping it classy as always.)
-Brad says it was very disconcerting going from the top to the bottom, he, Troy, Tai and Sierra are now on the bottom.
-Tai agrees and feels like it could be him tonight.
-Sierra is also nervous, she thinks she has connections with these people but it could also be her tonight.
-Zeke says this tribal is the mirror image of the last vote - the best thing they can do is stick together and keep the vote to themselves.
-Andrea says this season is not like any other she's played before, it's like they are trying on different alliances to see which one will stick.
-Michaela says she thinks their six will stay together this vote to solidify the numbers, sometimes you have to make the simple move to advance everyone in the game. (But she did not sound convinced.)
-Zeke agrees, this is a game of timing and tonight is certainly not the time to make a big move.
-Blah blah blah - Sierra made a plea to stay, Sarah isn't swayed. Michaela has to turn the heart down, they'll be friends after day 39, for now other people have to go so she can stay and win.
-Andrea says you still have to make connections with people, you can't just turn your heart off or you're not going to make it to the end.
Time to Vote:
Sierra votes for Tai - she hopes its him and not her tonight.
Zeke votes for Sierra - so long cowgirl.
No one played a hidden immunity idol - huh, I thought Tai might go for it seeing as he has two.
Tai - 1
Sierra - 1
Tai - 2
Sierra - 2
Tai - 3
Zeke- 1, 2, 3, 4 - and he realizes 5 - it's ZEKE that is the next member of the jury. Sierra and Tai were shocked and Michaela just started bawling... I guess she's not so good at turning her heart off after all.
With Zeke's blindside, that takes Jennifer G., Cara & Alex L. and Cindi C. out of the pool.
Next week: Sierra tells Sarah that she has a legacy advantage and Michaela appears to be joining Sierra, Tai and Troyzan - but no bond is stronger than blood - And with the loved ones will come the tears - have the hankies ready!
Zeke's final thoughts: It was smart of Andrea to come after him because he was about to come after her. He has confronted so many fears and moved beyond boundaries he's had in his life - he will forever be a better person because he's played Survivor.
And with that, have a great weekend everyone,
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