Kindergarten Camp
Last week the Brawn tribe went to tribal and instead of getting rid of the blonde girl that did nothing (Alecia) they voted off Darnell, the strong young man who lost the mask in the challenge... or was it the brown trout incident? Either way, that could come back to haunt them.
(Oh, ha, I meant voting out a guy so soon, but then had visions of the
bobbing along the beach. Ewww.)
Brawn - Night 3
-They get back to camp and almost immediately are kicking themselves for keeping Alecia - she's trying to help build a fire but keeps getting in the way - in trying to "step up her game" she's just become that much more annoying. Jason & Scot say she's the next to go.
Beauty - Day 4
Everyone is in the water except Tai, who wants to go look for an idol again, but he's torn - he got caught the first day and it got him in trouble... Ahh, he just can't help himself, he heads back to his search zone and finds a clue in a tree that says the idol is buried at the foot of the tree (Really?) Oh, not really, it's a box and a clue and a tool - the clue tells him he needs a key to open the box, it's up a tree and just out of reach and he needs the tool to help him.
-Now he's worried he's been gone too long but he's still got to try - he spots the idol/key thingy stuck way up a large palm tree and starts to climb it - but soon his feet are bleeding, he's taken the skin off his inner thighs and chest (yeah, explain how you did that going for water) and he can't make it even half way to the thing. Tai is denied.
Brains - Day 4
Debbie thinks the rest of the tribe are wimps for boiling their water, she can tell if water is good just by looking at it and she's been drinking it untreated from the get go... Oh she'll go on about it, you betcha.
-Dr. Peter's first thought on meeting Debbie is whether she has 30 or 40 cats... he's betting 40. And she's still prattling on, Liz is rolling her eyes at the, "When I personal train people..."
-Liz knows Debbie is all talk, and hopefully she soon finds out all talk and not being able to back it up won't get her far. Dr. Peter, on the other hand, wants to keep Debbie around - Brains but no game play is perfect to take to the end.
Beauty - Day 4
Tai and Caleb have a very crazy bromance going on - the big country hunter and the nature loving gardener - Caleb lets him cuddle him for warmth, no homophobia with him. They bicker about killing a hornet, then make up when Tai tries to get Caleb to eat fish eyeballs - Tai even tried to steal a kiss but that was too much, Caleb told him to ask next time. Tai - Okay. Caleb - No.
Brains - Day 5
Trouble in paradise, they had won kerosene but most of it was gone already because Joe poured a 1/3 of it on the fire then put the bottle away on it's side so most of it spilled out. Then he destroyed most of the matches saying they were wet and not usable... Liz and Neal, not happy with Joe.
-Meanwhile, somewhat curmudgeonly Joe, isn't too happy with Liz either - she is fixated on having to get the fire going because she has to boil her water to kill the pathogens in it - Joe, "Pathogens my butt." (I gotta say, I'd probably snap at Liz as well.) She seems a little unstable about the fire and boiled water and has to go off to cry and center herself (oh boy, this is my girl in the pool, pull it together!)
Brawn - Day 5
They don't have fire either, even though they have flint - they're too exhausted to get a fire going, they can't drink water without boiling it, they can't eat the chickens because they can't cook them... and Jason is burnt soooo badly on his shoulders (ouch, I can relate and that sucks so hard.)
-Alecia decides she's going to build the fire because she knows she's in the bottom and if she can do this she'll prove she's worthy. 5 hours later, she still has no fire while everyone else is sleeping... until it finally happens! She made fire! And they immediately cooked and ate a chicken so hopefully they can win the next challenge with some fuel in the belly.
This one looks complicated - They must race down the river to retrieve a very heavy log, then they must carry it through a series of obstacles in the water. Once they get the log to the cradle, they have to unwind a ball that is attached to the log and sling shot it to knock down two targets, raising their flag. First two tribes to raise the flag win immunity and reward - First tribe wins Fishing Kit (including a boat at camp), Second tribe gets smaller kit.
Brains sits crazy Debbie (I hate calling her that but if the shoe fits) and Beauty sits Sorority girl Julia.
Caleb almost walked on water he ran so fast to the log (that was impressive) - Jeff tells us the log is 300lbs and sunburnt Jason is carrying that thing on his blistered shoulders (ouch) - Brains is falling behind despite Debbie's constant sideline cheerleading (even sitting out she's the most annoying one there.)
Beauty tribe had a big lead but the rope attached to their ball was all tangled allowing Brawn to catch up but their rope also tangled.
Beauty gets first target down. Brains, making a come back, gets their first target down and then Brawn ties it up.
-Beauty is the first tribe to raise their flag - they get immunity and Fishing Kit.
-Brains gets second place and the smaller kit.
-Brawn gets to head to tribal council and Alecia should be looking forward to going home.
Brawn - Day 6
Scot feels bad that he missed the targets but he's still not worried because they still have the totally useless Alecia to vote out tonight. Jason likens her to an ostrich - she's a bird, but she can't fly, so she's useless.
-Alecia obviously goes to look for a hidden immunity idol but the guys are confident that she's too stupid to find it - and Jason vocalizes this in front of the women. (Because who cares what they think?)
-Jennifer is sick of Jason's attitude, he sits around and does nothing but bad mouth Alecia, and she can't stand it. Jen goes and talks to Alecia and leads her to the conclusion that they should try to get rid of one of the strong guys tonight. They bring Cydney in trying to do an all-girl alliance - Cydney doesn't speak so I don't know if she's in or not... but they are targeting Jason.
-Meanwhile Jason and Scot see Jennifer hanging around with Alecia and Jason gets nervous but Scot assures him she's not flipping.
-Then Scot goes and talks to Jennifer to confirm she's still with him and now she's torn - realizing by blindsiding Jason she's also blindsiding Scot and she likes Scot... (sigh - you can't be wishy-washy in this game, have the courage of your convictions!)
-Jen talks to Cydney wanting to get her read on what she thinks they should do - maybe it's too soon to vote out a guy, they have time to make big moves and Cydney was gobsmacked, "What??"
So we're all at the whim of Jen who admits to having low impulse control and getting distracted by shiny things (great.)
-Alecia thinks she's done better and pulled her weight more, so she hopes it's not her tonight.
-Jeff brings up the notion of an all-girl alliance to Jennifer and she admits that it was definitely up in the air for her at camp - Both Jason and Scot were shocked by this, Cydney just shakes her head (Jennifer's not the sharpest tool either it seems.)
-Then it was Jennifer backpedelling like crazy - the guys piling on her, she throwing Alecia under the bus, Alecia admitting they targeted Jason... Jennifer was sweating bullets! She even got up on her stump and begged them to trust her and stick with their original alliance. (Wow, this is definitely not the Brain tribe.)
Time to Vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden idol.
Jenny - 1
Alecia - 1, 2
Jenny - 2
Final vote is for JENNY! (Wow, she totally shot herself in the foot, right there at tribal council.)
And with Jenny leaving that takes Carol-Anne D., Kevin C., and Roxanne S. out of the pool.
Next week: Debbie enlists Joe and plans an attack. At Brawn it's all out war for the idol.
Jenny's final thoughts - she's shocked - she thought they'd at least want to stay strong for challenges and work out their personal stuff later. Blah blah blah, no regrets.
-They showed how everyone voted and it was the two girls and Jason that voted Jenny out, Scot voted with her for Alecia - huh, so he gave her the benefit of the doubt but the rest of them booted her, appears she's not the only one distracted by the shiny new idea... and now they're still stuck with Alecia.
Have a good rest of your week everyone,
Last week the Brawn tribe went to tribal and instead of getting rid of the blonde girl that did nothing (Alecia) they voted off Darnell, the strong young man who lost the mask in the challenge... or was it the brown trout incident? Either way, that could come back to haunt them.
(Oh, ha, I meant voting out a guy so soon, but then had visions of the
Brawn - Night 3
-They get back to camp and almost immediately are kicking themselves for keeping Alecia - she's trying to help build a fire but keeps getting in the way - in trying to "step up her game" she's just become that much more annoying. Jason & Scot say she's the next to go.
Beauty - Day 4
Everyone is in the water except Tai, who wants to go look for an idol again, but he's torn - he got caught the first day and it got him in trouble... Ahh, he just can't help himself, he heads back to his search zone and finds a clue in a tree that says the idol is buried at the foot of the tree (Really?) Oh, not really, it's a box and a clue and a tool - the clue tells him he needs a key to open the box, it's up a tree and just out of reach and he needs the tool to help him.
-Now he's worried he's been gone too long but he's still got to try - he spots the idol/key thingy stuck way up a large palm tree and starts to climb it - but soon his feet are bleeding, he's taken the skin off his inner thighs and chest (yeah, explain how you did that going for water) and he can't make it even half way to the thing. Tai is denied.
Brains - Day 4
Debbie thinks the rest of the tribe are wimps for boiling their water, she can tell if water is good just by looking at it and she's been drinking it untreated from the get go... Oh she'll go on about it, you betcha.
-Dr. Peter's first thought on meeting Debbie is whether she has 30 or 40 cats... he's betting 40. And she's still prattling on, Liz is rolling her eyes at the, "When I personal train people..."
-Liz knows Debbie is all talk, and hopefully she soon finds out all talk and not being able to back it up won't get her far. Dr. Peter, on the other hand, wants to keep Debbie around - Brains but no game play is perfect to take to the end.
Beauty - Day 4
Tai and Caleb have a very crazy bromance going on - the big country hunter and the nature loving gardener - Caleb lets him cuddle him for warmth, no homophobia with him. They bicker about killing a hornet, then make up when Tai tries to get Caleb to eat fish eyeballs - Tai even tried to steal a kiss but that was too much, Caleb told him to ask next time. Tai - Okay. Caleb - No.
Brains - Day 5
Trouble in paradise, they had won kerosene but most of it was gone already because Joe poured a 1/3 of it on the fire then put the bottle away on it's side so most of it spilled out. Then he destroyed most of the matches saying they were wet and not usable... Liz and Neal, not happy with Joe.
-Meanwhile, somewhat curmudgeonly Joe, isn't too happy with Liz either - she is fixated on having to get the fire going because she has to boil her water to kill the pathogens in it - Joe, "Pathogens my butt." (I gotta say, I'd probably snap at Liz as well.) She seems a little unstable about the fire and boiled water and has to go off to cry and center herself (oh boy, this is my girl in the pool, pull it together!)
Brawn - Day 5
They don't have fire either, even though they have flint - they're too exhausted to get a fire going, they can't drink water without boiling it, they can't eat the chickens because they can't cook them... and Jason is burnt soooo badly on his shoulders (ouch, I can relate and that sucks so hard.)
-Alecia decides she's going to build the fire because she knows she's in the bottom and if she can do this she'll prove she's worthy. 5 hours later, she still has no fire while everyone else is sleeping... until it finally happens! She made fire! And they immediately cooked and ate a chicken so hopefully they can win the next challenge with some fuel in the belly.
This one looks complicated - They must race down the river to retrieve a very heavy log, then they must carry it through a series of obstacles in the water. Once they get the log to the cradle, they have to unwind a ball that is attached to the log and sling shot it to knock down two targets, raising their flag. First two tribes to raise the flag win immunity and reward - First tribe wins Fishing Kit (including a boat at camp), Second tribe gets smaller kit.
Brains sits crazy Debbie (I hate calling her that but if the shoe fits) and Beauty sits Sorority girl Julia.
Caleb almost walked on water he ran so fast to the log (that was impressive) - Jeff tells us the log is 300lbs and sunburnt Jason is carrying that thing on his blistered shoulders (ouch) - Brains is falling behind despite Debbie's constant sideline cheerleading (even sitting out she's the most annoying one there.)
Beauty tribe had a big lead but the rope attached to their ball was all tangled allowing Brawn to catch up but their rope also tangled.
Beauty gets first target down. Brains, making a come back, gets their first target down and then Brawn ties it up.
-Beauty is the first tribe to raise their flag - they get immunity and Fishing Kit.
-Brains gets second place and the smaller kit.
-Brawn gets to head to tribal council and Alecia should be looking forward to going home.
Brawn - Day 6
Scot feels bad that he missed the targets but he's still not worried because they still have the totally useless Alecia to vote out tonight. Jason likens her to an ostrich - she's a bird, but she can't fly, so she's useless.
-Alecia obviously goes to look for a hidden immunity idol but the guys are confident that she's too stupid to find it - and Jason vocalizes this in front of the women. (Because who cares what they think?)
-Jennifer is sick of Jason's attitude, he sits around and does nothing but bad mouth Alecia, and she can't stand it. Jen goes and talks to Alecia and leads her to the conclusion that they should try to get rid of one of the strong guys tonight. They bring Cydney in trying to do an all-girl alliance - Cydney doesn't speak so I don't know if she's in or not... but they are targeting Jason.
-Meanwhile Jason and Scot see Jennifer hanging around with Alecia and Jason gets nervous but Scot assures him she's not flipping.
-Then Scot goes and talks to Jennifer to confirm she's still with him and now she's torn - realizing by blindsiding Jason she's also blindsiding Scot and she likes Scot... (sigh - you can't be wishy-washy in this game, have the courage of your convictions!)
-Jen talks to Cydney wanting to get her read on what she thinks they should do - maybe it's too soon to vote out a guy, they have time to make big moves and Cydney was gobsmacked, "What??"
So we're all at the whim of Jen who admits to having low impulse control and getting distracted by shiny things (great.)
-Alecia thinks she's done better and pulled her weight more, so she hopes it's not her tonight.
-Jeff brings up the notion of an all-girl alliance to Jennifer and she admits that it was definitely up in the air for her at camp - Both Jason and Scot were shocked by this, Cydney just shakes her head (Jennifer's not the sharpest tool either it seems.)
-Then it was Jennifer backpedelling like crazy - the guys piling on her, she throwing Alecia under the bus, Alecia admitting they targeted Jason... Jennifer was sweating bullets! She even got up on her stump and begged them to trust her and stick with their original alliance. (Wow, this is definitely not the Brain tribe.)
Time to Vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden idol.
Jenny - 1
Alecia - 1, 2
Jenny - 2
Final vote is for JENNY! (Wow, she totally shot herself in the foot, right there at tribal council.)
And with Jenny leaving that takes Carol-Anne D., Kevin C., and Roxanne S. out of the pool.
Next week: Debbie enlists Joe and plans an attack. At Brawn it's all out war for the idol.
Jenny's final thoughts - she's shocked - she thought they'd at least want to stay strong for challenges and work out their personal stuff later. Blah blah blah, no regrets.
-They showed how everyone voted and it was the two girls and Jason that voted Jenny out, Scot voted with her for Alecia - huh, so he gave her the benefit of the doubt but the rest of them booted her, appears she's not the only one distracted by the shiny new idea... and now they're still stuck with Alecia.
Have a good rest of your week everyone,
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