Monday, April 6, 2015

The Amazing Race - April 3/15 Episode Recap

Get in That Lederhosen, Baby

I know it's been a couple weeks - but quick recap of the last leg, the teams were in Thailand, they chose water or land routes which dictated the tasks they had to perform - Rochelle kicked butt taking a transmission apart - though no love lost between any of the blind dating couples, Bergen & Kurt managed a first place finish and Jonathan & Harley went home.

Friday night's episode opened with Laura & Tyler enjoying their date night on a boat in Bangkok watching fireworks - these two are getting along but not wanting love to distract from the Race they both agree they're in the friend zone and are focusing on remaining an A Team.

Bergen & Kurt were first to depart at 3:03pm - they find out they are heading to Munich, Germany - once in Munich they must make their way by train to a specific clothing shop and choose the proper costumes to take part in Oktoberfest! (Yay, I love when they have to dress up!)
-Bergen tells the camera that he's really nervous that Kurt is going go give up on him because he was only it in for love, he doesn't need the million dollars and these two are definitely not loving each other.

... Speaking of not loving each other, next we see Hayley & Blair who admit to sometimes hating each other but now they are putting that behind them and they're going to win a million dollars (and probably never see each other again.)
-The Olympians, Aly & Steve, say they first met in Munich at a dinner prior to the Sochi games - that's where the magic started (these two are on a mystical Olympic journey all their own I think... but keep it up, they're my team and mama needs a new washer & dryer.)
-Laura & Tyler were 4th out - they show us nothing cause they already got their time with the date night segment.
-Jeff & Jackie get in a cab and he comments that her arm is sticky (bug spray ) and he doesn't like it.  Her face says it all (like I care) but she tells the camera that their relationship is progressing but he says they are still learning about each other and how they can work best together.

-All 8 teams are on the same flight to Munich - they don't show us the Lawyers, Hairdressers or TruckStop Love but they are all there.... for their 14 hour flight to Germany from Thailand (oof!)

-Once they land it's a race to the clothier - Tyler & Laura get there first and find out the guys have to put on lederhosen and the girls dirndls - then search for their next clue at Alter Peter Tower.
-Jeff & Jackie are next, followed by Kurt & Bergen and then they are all stacking up waiting to change - Jelani just wants to get dressed so he can have some beers (can't fault him there, but I fear there is much to be done before that can happen.)

-All suited up, Laura & Tyler get to the tower and the clue tells them to climb to the top and look for the marked Ford Focus' on the street below - then they will have to drive themselves to Schwarz Metal Manufacturer to find their next clue.
-Looks like not all the cars are in the same spot so Tyler & Laura head one way and Jeff & Jackie head to a different location.
-When Tyler & Laura choose a car, he takes off his fanny pack to get in the back and Laura has some issues driving the standard transmission so they decide to switch cars to the one in front of them so she can just pull forward... and he leaves the fanny pack in the back of the first car.
(with all their money and passports in it - Not so bueno.)

-Oh, apparently Jeff & Jackie went a different way because they couldn't translate where they saw the cars to the actual street level (they are kind of pretty, these two.)
-Hayley & Blair and Kurt & Bergen are the next two teams to find cars, Blair knows how to drive a stick and tells the guys to follow them - Hayley with her shrill voice is yelling at him to take off so no one can see where they are (I don't wish anyone ill, but I really wish she would lose her voice, I cannot take her much longer - and even though Blair is not the greatest guy, I think he deserves a medal for not killing her.)
-Next we see that neither Kurt nor Bergen know how to drive a standard (I guess they both expected the big beefy man they were going to be paired with to be able to drive...) anyway, Bergen is willing to try all day long but Kurt tells him as soon as he gets freaked out, he's getting out.(Really?)

-Matt & Ashley are fine, he can drive a stick.  Aly & Steve, she gets him to drive because he knows how to drive in Germany.

-And we have a few teams who cannot find the cars on the street level - Jenny & Jelani, Mike and Rochelle and Jackie & Jeff.  Jeff is frustrated they still haven't found the car and cuts Jackie off when she was talking, which sets her off.  They finally find the car that Tyler & Laura abandoned and find their fanny pack in the backseat - they still take the car cause no one is around and continue the fight... with her saying she'll just sit there and shut up - he feels bad he was short with her until she blows it all out of proportion - "Don't disrespect me Ever!" "Just shut up already!" (Oh, trouble in paradise.)

-Steve figures out that there is GPS in the car and they get to the destination much sooner than anyone else. (Not just a pretty face.)

-Bergen asks Kurt to help him with directions and he doesn't even seem to want to do that... wait, does Kurt have a smart phone?  He's still saying he's all freaked out that Bergen can't drive and he wants out.
-And we are treated to more of Hayley's fishwife shrieking at Blair for no reason - apparently he's pissed her off to the point of no return.

-Steve & Aly at the factory read the clue that they have to drive their Ford Focus in reverse through the winter wonderland set up inside the building and use the rearview camera to piece together their next clue (signs showing parts of the word backwards as they go...) Schliersee.
-They get it first shot, no problem - and they have to drive themselves on to Schliersee to get their next clue (looks like rowing boats in their future.)

-Laura & Tyler show up at the factory and read the clue - he tells her there are pens in the fanny pack... WHERE IS THE FANNY PACK?  But to their credit, they don't totally freak out and turn on each other, they do the task then decide to just wait until the team with the other car shows up - unfortunately they have no idea who has the car they abandoned.
-They get the clue and take a selfie (don't get me started) then hang out in the parking lot.

-We visit Jeff & Jackie and their fight is over, they agreed they both looked silly and he apologized for telling her to shut up - good for them they can clear the air and let it go.

-Kurt & Bergen are still kind of herky-jerky driving in Munich, Bergen has a moment of "I don't know what to do" and Kurt says they should just pull over and call a cab because they're not going to be able to do this.  Bergen doesn't really fight with him, he just agrees and does it but then tells the camera he's really disappointed because he wouldn't have given up - (HUH? Then why did you?  I think these two are just totally over spending time together and I guess it's not worth a million dollars to drag Kurt's unwilling carcass around the world.)

-Jenny & Jelani are also having trouble with the driving... (did no one prepare for the Race, seriously?  If you're going on Survivor, learn to make fire, if you're going on The Amazing Race, learn to drive a standard... that's a given.) And Jenny is being Debbie Downer in the back of the car, "I don't think we can come back from this."

-Not to worry though, Rochelle can't drive the standard either and gets them lost to boot - Mike takes over driving duties (Truck Stop guy can't drive standard either?) we'll see how that goes.

-Olympians Steve & Aly get to Schliersee and find row boats - they have to row out to a buoy and grab a clue to the DETOUR: Stein or Stack?
-In Stein - they must figure out how to carry 22 steins, full of beer, all at once and deliver them without dropping them through the hall of Oktoberfesters in order to get their next clue.
-In Stack - they must stack 15 empty beer crates into a single tower, with one person climbing and stacking as they go... eek!
-Aly & Steve decide to do Stein.

-Back at the factory, there is Tyler & Laura hanging out and praying the next team has their fanny pack... but it's Matt & Ashley who show up and they don't have the right colour car.  Matt & Ashley head inside.
-Blair & Hayley show up in a blue car and Laura asks him if this car was on the sidewalk (where they left the other one) Blair says no, why what's up?  And Hayley shrieks at him to just go get the clue, (how dare he want some normal human contact?) They get back to the car and she's telling him to just get in the car and she'll read him what to do...
-Tyler & Laura are just laughing at them, Tyler says he'd rather be sitting in that parking lot all day than be with her [Hayley], "That chick is nuts." (I hear ya brother.)
-Matt & Ashley get the clue to Schliersee and it tells them they are allowed to use the navigation system (Steve & Aly don't get in trouble so I guess it was okay the whole time, just not everyone knew that.)

-Meanwhile, Bergen & Kurt's taxi has arrived - Bergen makes a remark about how it's an automatic, 'wouldn't that be nice.'  And he explains to the camera that Kurt gave up so easily and he felt like he was dragging him along, so he just shut down at that point.

-Back at the factory, Blair & Hayley get the clue and Blair tries to ask Tyler & Laura what's going on with them again - Hayley, "Who cares, just pay attention to what we're doing." Blair, "I'm just craving conversation from happy people, that's all." (That kind of shut her up for a second.)

-Steve & Ali get to the STEIN detour - and as usual make it look easy.  They remark that they are heavy but Aly's from Wisconsin so she has an appreciation for beer and she also fed off the energy of the music and the beer drinking revelers.... they  get the next clue to head to the Markus Wasmeier Museum to get their next clue.

-Back in the car with Jeff & Jackie, they are discussing what they should do with Tyler & Laura's fanny pack.  Jackie says they can't get very far without it so it might work in their favour...

-Kurt & Bergen get to the factory and Laura runs over to them asking if they had a blue car (which they did) but they didn't drive it there - Kurt & Bergen get a 2 hour penalty because they couldn't complete task since it had to do with the driving the car through the building.  Tyler & Laura think this is the best news because that team is done.  Bergen just hopes that Tyler & Laura can't find their passports and they get eliminated.

-Steve & Aly get to the museum and find the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to Woo?  Singing a different tune.
-One person will have to learn a traditional Bavarian song and then sing it to their partner.  If they forget the words or sing off tune, they'll get doused with water and have to try again - if they pass, clue to the Pit Stop.

-Hayley & Blair get to Schleirsee and decide to try the STEIN detour.

-Jeff & Jackie finally show up at the factory and Laura runs over asking if their car had been up on the sidewalk - they both play dumb, "Uh, I don't know." Tyler asks Jackie directly if they found a fanny pack and she says, "No, I don't know." (Uh huh) Laura roots through the back seat and finds the fanny pack stuffed under the seat (really?) They know that they knew and now the game is on.

-Kurt & Bergen are just standing around watching the other teams arrive and leave - Jeff & Jackie leave, Jenny & Jelani get there and the boys still have 1:30 on their penalty.

-Back at the museum, Aly is on a ladder making her first attempt to sing the song to Steve who's on the balcony - but she messes up and gets a bucket of water over her head!  Much to the delight of the singing instructors looking on.  Poor girl has some more practicing to do.

-Hayley & Blair get to the Stein task and he takes 14 steins to her 8... and she still cannot make it through the hall - granted she's not that big a girl (if only her mouth could carry a few.)

-Mike & Rochelle are still lost - they haven't even made it to the factory yet - they stop for snacks (and hopefully directions) at a gas station.

-Back at the quaint Bavarian museum, Aly is making her second attempt at the song (and they let them read it off a sheet - which is way easier than we've seen in years past) - and she gets a pass, the bucket hold a clue this time - they must drive themselves to Lake Spitzensee, the Pit Stop for this leg of the Race.

-Jeff & Jackie, Jelani & Jenny and Tyler & Laura get the DETOUR clue and all decide to do STACK.

-Meanwhile at Stein - Hayley is saying that she's got it as she's almost bending over backwards to keep the steins off the ground... but still she fails.  Matt & Ashley show up and finally Hayley concedes that they might have to switch Detours... when Matt & Ashley get it the first try - she's ready to switch but he wants to give it one more try and tries to give her some pointers - wrong move, she's really mean to him and won't try again, then browbeats him into changing Detours because they've wasted too much time there, like it was his fault... (I feel so sorry for that guy.)

-Matt is being serenaded by Ashley and it's pretty horrible, especially since she keeps giggling like she's embarrassed... he is embarrassed she's so bad - and that's a dousing. (Hahaha... it's always funny when they get the water, even Matt laughed.)

-Jeff & Jackie get to the STACK task and we learn this is way harder than it looks.  After 10 crates are stacked, there is no more holding from underneath... eeek.  Jackie is going to do the stacking.
-Jelani & Jenny get there too and she's going to start the stacking.
-Laura & Tyler also use the smaller girl strategy to get the stacking done.
-As soon as Jeff lets go of their first attempt, over it goes as Jackie wasn't really balancing the stack just letting him hold it - yeah, there is some strategy that needs to come into play here.
-Blair & Hayley show up and she's so happy to see a bunch of other teams.
-Jenny falls, Laura falls... looks like Blair is suited up to do the climbing and they are stacking the first 10 before he even climbs one (hmm.)

-Mike & Rochelle are still lost somewhere - they don't know where they are, where they're going or how to drive a stick... but, despite Rochelle saying she's going to have a nervous breakdown, they are still surprisingly upbeat.

-Ashley is singing again and taking it more seriously, Matt even feels it this time and the bucket comes out... with the clue to the Pit Stop.

-Back at the crates Blair's stacking from the ground strategy didn't work so he rethought it and figured out how to balance on top as he added crates underneath himself.  Everyone follows suit and they finally start getting up there - though Jackie falls again and Laura falls - Jenny & Jelani decide to switch out so he's climbing now, Tyler took over the climbing too.
-Blair is on his final crate.... and disaster! It all falls down and they have to start again.

-HEY! Mike & Rochelle finally found the factory and got the clue to Schliersee - Bergen & Kurt wish them well as they still have 49 minutes on their penalty.

-Jackie is the first one to complete their beer crate stack - they get the clue to the Museum.
-Tyler is the second one to finish his tower... just barely - but they get the clue.
-Jelani gets their tower done and Blair finishes right behind him to Hayley's shouts to get down so they can take off (barely a 'good job' before she's shrieking out orders again - sigh.)

-Bergen & Kurt have finally waited out their penalty and get the clue to drive themselves to Schliersee...

-All the other teams are showing up for the singing and Jackie tries it without any practice - she has a really nice voice but still gets the bucket of water in the face much to Jeff's delight, "That's great!"  All the guys are on the balcony laughing it up.

-Kurt & Bergen decide to take a train to Schliersee (why?) Kurt says you're always in the Race until you see big daddy Phil (ugh.)

-Mike & Rochelle get the Date Night in their Detour clue and they decide to Stack (Oh, I bet these two could have Stein'ed it up easier.)

-Back at the Museum - we are suffering through Jenny's first attempt at the singing - she gets the water in the face (thank you) And all the guys laugh.
-Next, it's Laura and she gets the bucket. Tyler, "That was well deserved. She's certainly no Beyonce." (Wow, these guys are awful.)
-Jackie's back and she is only one really trying to sing, she was great and got the first applause of the task.  They get the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Jenny tries again and is praying for no water... they get the clue.
-Blair is the only guy that did the singing and even though it was sub-par at best he doesn't get the water (what the??? I think the bucket girl thought he was cute.)  They get the clue.

-Mike & Rochelle are starting the stacking and Mike is trying the climbing but he can't stay balanced.  Rochelle takes over the harness, even though she's afraid of heights.

-Laura is the last singer left and, though still no Beyonce, she finally gets the clue to the Pit Stop.

-Bergen & Kurt get to the Detour clues and choose STACK... then head back to the train station to take a train to the Stacking place.

-Rochelle is whimpering the whole time and whining the stack is so high, but she's doing it. (We know you can do anything, so suck it up, sheesh.)  She tells us later that she thought of her son and why she was doing this which helped her gain her composure and she finished the stacking!  Mike tried to hug her right away and she shied away from him (hmm) of course she probably had that harness in the most uncomfortable place at that moment... yeah, dude, maybe give her a second.

-Bergen & Kurt get off the train with no urgency and kind of wander around.

-Mike & Rochelle get to the Museum and Mike is the second guy to do the singing - he did a good job and Rochelle said he made her heart flutter (awww) and the sexist water girls didn't douse him either - they head for the Pit Stop.

-Bergen & Kurt couldn't find the stacking and just head back to the train station.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Steve & Aly - Yay, my Olympians each won a 2015 Ford Focus.
2) Matt & Ashley - they say this is where the game is going to turn around, looks like the singles are falling apart.
3) Jeff & Jackie
4) Jenny & Jelani
5) Hayley & Blair - Phil says something about them having heated words and Blair says she made him feel as big as a blade of grass next to Phil's foot all day.  Then Blair tells the camera that he made the commitment to himself to see this through no matter what faults his partner may have... but sometimes he wants to run away. (At least he's able to keep some good humour.)
6) Tyler & Laura - he says today is their last day of stupid blunders, "Mark my words" (hopefully those aren't famous last words.)
7) Mike & Rochelle - it's dark and late but Phil is pleased to tell them they are still in the Race.
8) Bergen & Kurt ***ELIMINATED*** - They just sat at the train station and Phil came and found them.  He made them stand up so he could tell them they had been eliminated from the Race.
-Kurt said he thought there had been some tension today but HE's not bitter. (What? Why would you be bitter.)  Bergen says there are no butterflies and rainbows here today, it was awful (In other words, HE is most definitely bitter.)
In separate interviews at the end:
-Kurt is fine with the choices they made today, they weren't meant to win the Race.
-Bergen, "no it's not fine, we're in a bleeping race - you signed up for this, you can't just give up when you find out you're not going to find love. He gave up, I'm pretty disappointed."

And they went opposite directions out the train station doors.

So with that bitter departure: Danny R, Dream Team, Lois & Dave L, Carol-Anne D and Natalie O. are out of the pool.

Next week: They head to Monacco, dress to the nines and have to walk a tight rope across a canyon (eep.)

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.  It was great to have the Amazing Race back on!


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