Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - October 9, 2013 Episode Recap

One Armed Dude and Three Moms

Last week the Loved Ones tribe (Tadhana) continued their losing streak and ended up sending Candice's husband John to join her at Redemption Island... and what else happened? Oh yeah, Colton QUIT! Rachel was the person eliminated and Tyson dislocated his shoulder in the challenge... it was an eventful episode.

Last night the episode opened on:
Redemption Island - Night 8
-John was completely shocked, he did not see the vote going against him at all - he trusted Brad and that was a mistake.
-Candice knew he was going to be too trusting, she wished she could have been there to give him pointers and keep him on his toes.  She loves that he is trusting, but it doesn't help you win Survivor.

Tadhana - Night 8
-Brad is bragging about the 'epic blindside' he spearheaded - he hooked John in from the beginning, by telling him he was his guy... (so you just told them all that you lied to your closest ally and got him voted out - do you want to be the next one to go?  Brad is not smart in this game.) He goes on to say, "If this was Survivor 25 or 26 we would have stayed 5 guys strong the whole way but this is Survivor 27 Blood vs Water - the loved ones are trying to hang in so they can meet up and win, you have to think of the connections on the other side as well... and he doesn't think the other tribe realizes that. This isn't us against them, it's some against others.
-So I took this to mean that they have to watch out for people that still have loved ones in the game but Caleb took it to mean that they want to keep people that have loved ones so they will be stronger in the merge - and now Caleb feels more vulnerable because he's the only person now on Tadhana that doesn't have a loved one on the other side (cause Colton is a quitter.)

They all gather for the duel and Candice comes in with middle finger extended towards Brad Culpepper... and he doesn't like it, he has the gall to look hurt.
Jeff asks Candice how she felt seeing John last night and she said she was all kinds of upset - she wanted to see someone she and Marissa could team up to beat, someone she could hate, "Like Brad Culpepper." (Wow, tell us how you really feel... I think someone has spent too much time with Marissa.) You can tell golden boy Brad doesn't like people not liking him - I bet it's foreign to him.  Monica doesn't like it much either.
-Candice brings up the fact that everyone voted to Redemption Island has said how Brad shushes the women and ... Brad cuts her off and starts talking over her - "Ask your husband, did I shush anyone?" (well dude, you just made her argument.)
-John said everyone that has been voted to Redemption Island it has been Brad's idea.  He tells Tadhana maybe they should think about pushing the King off his throne.

Duel - they have to race along a ladder bridge maneuvering a key along a rope that is woven through the ladder rungs - at the end they will use the key to open a lock and release a bag of puzzle pieces - then they must complete a completely ridiculous looking puzzle... that would take forever!  First and second finished get to stay, last one is gone for good. Winner will get to give a clue out again (hmm, that could be interesting, I wonder who Candice or John would give it to now?)

Off they go: John and Marissa get their puzzle pieces first but Candice isn't too far behind.  John and Marissa are getting the puzzle together pretty quickly and Marissa is doing pretty well, Candice is falling behind.
-Brad whispers to Hayden that he's going to make John like him again - then he yells out to John that one of his pieces doesn't fit, lower right corner. (To help him out - Ugh, really don't like that guy.)
-John is the first one to finish the puzzle.
-Marissa is getting frustrated and Candice, slow & steady, is catching up and passing her.  Gervase is telling Marissa to look at John's he has the top finished, that's how it's supposed to look.. but it doesn't help - Candice is the next one finished - knocking Marissa out of the game and also: Drew C, Steve H and Lindsay J out of the pool. (Aw.)

-John wins a clue to a hidden immunity idol to give out and Candice tells him to give it to Monica.  He says he doesn't always do what his wife says but in this case... the clues seemed to put a target on his back so he's spreading the love and giving the clue to Monica.  Immediately Brad is telling her to just walk it down and throw it in the fire... and she does, saying they are just not that interested over here.  (Hmm, I wonder if her tribe agrees.) Then they show Aras say they all realize the clue is a target and he thinks she was smart to burn it.

Jeff, "That has never happened before."
Candice says she was just doing what she was told.
Monica says she's in a good position, she didn't need to clue but it does worry her how much poison is being hurled at her husband.

Redemption Island - Day 9
-John says he'd still like to be in the game but it has been really nice just hanging out with his wife.  They agree that they wanted to play the game together so in weird way they are getting that chance and if either one of them wins, fabulous.

Galang - Day 9
-Monica doesn't understand how the other team doesn't see that her husband is the strongest, most fabulous guy out there.
-Gervase tells her with all due respect, she knows her husband as Brad Culpepper from Tampa, she doesn't know Brad from Survivor. Someone has got to be calling the shots and running the show - he's playing the game - kudos to him.
-Monica tells the camera she will be shocked if he makes it to the merge.

Tadhana - Day 9
-They thought it was funny Candice pointing out that Monica just did what she was told when it was Candice who told John what to do and he did it (obviously Brad and Candice could never be a couple, you both can't wear the pants in the family.)
-Brad is upset that Candice made her attack on him so personal, he is doing what he naturally would do, lead his family (gag me.)  As a show of good faith to the other tribe, if they lose the next challenge his thinking is to vote out Caleb because he doesn't still have a loved one in the game. (Right, he's thinking that for completely selfish reasons, he just doesn't want anyone else yelling at him at the next duel.)
-Brad goes out fishing alone and the rest of the guys are talking - they thought the Brad hate was crazy but for now they want to keep him around to the merge to keep the heat off of them (Project Culpepper Shield) but they also have to make sure they don't get "Johnned" by him.  Caleb thinks he, Vytas and Hayden are solid, Brad is on the bottom. (Riiggghhtt.)

Galang - Day 10
-Tyson's shoulder is still hurting, but he's also playing it up a little so that he can get away with doing less around camp and still get sympathy from them. (How old are we?)
-The 'Laura's go out fishing and Tyson and Gervase sneak off to get into the cookie jar Survivor style... in this case, tap coconuts and drink the milk.  They can't wait for them to bring the coconuts down and realize they're empty (Yup, these two are children!) They hash tagged it #Coconut Bandits. (Ha, okay, that is kinda cute.  Totally selfish, but they are so impish about it, you can't help but shake your head.)
-Next thing you know Rupert's Laura has found all these empty coconuts... Gervase thinks their cover is blown but because they have been spearing them with a crowbar it looks like a crack and Monica says it must be a coconut crab getting into the ones on the ground. Gervase says to the camera, "Yes, thank you Monica."
-Tyson & Gervase are partners in crime and also want to hang together in the game.  They have both lost their loved ones and they are wary of Aras because he still has his brother and if they get together at the merge Aras & Vytas will be the strongest duo.

-They have to paddle a boat out to a series of crates, dive down, release the crate, put it in their boat - once they have all 5 crates they have to come back to shore and use the crates to build a staircase up to a platform - at the top two tribe members must solve a puzzle giving them a combination to find a key - once they have the correct key they can open a lock to release their flag... and win Immunity! and a Reward of FOOD! Tea & Coffee, croissants, biscotti - or they can trade it for fishing gear.

Galang - sits Tina & Kat because Tyson says he can do the challenge even with one arm (methinks he overestimates himself.)

Off they go - and Galang still doesn't know how to paddle a boat - Tadhana is the first team collecting crates - and they have a crate lead the whole time in the water - until they nearly capsize the boat and dump two crates back in the water - Galang takes the lead as they have to recollect the crates.
-Both tribes get working on the staircase and Tadhana finishes theirs first - it's Vytas & Ciera vs Tyson & Mama Laura on the puzzle  - Laura beats her daughter at the puzzle again and they get the key and raise their flag!  Galang wins again.  It's bittersweet for Laura, she wants her child to succeed but she also has a tribe of people counting on her and she knew Ciera couldn't beat her (This is one tricky, emotional season.)

Tadhana - Day 10
-They return defeated again - Hayden says it's so disheartening too, because they are obviously the bigger stronger tribe, but they lost to a one-armed dude and three moms - it's brutal, Brutal! (Ha, Hayden's good for the episode titles every week it seems.)
-Brad broke from tradition when the men usually go off to strategize after a loss and the girls stay behind to make rice.  This time Brad stayed to talk to the girls and told them it's a no-brainer, it's Caleb tonight, they are both safe.
-Ciera doesn't know if she can trust Brad but she plays along, he keeps insisting that he's never lied to them... and then the men calling for him finally pulls him away.
-Hayden, Vytas and Caleb are talking about voting Ciera out because she screwed them on another puzzle and they lost, but Caleb finds Brad's staying behind with the girls really fishy. 
-When Brad finally shows up he tells the guys that he has the girls convinced it's Caleb tonight (Oh no, don't get Johnned) but Caleb feels confident that Vytas & Hayden have his back.  Ciera's going sounds good to him.
-Brad tells the camera he still has to keep the tribe strong at this point and he's not worried about taking heat at Redemption, Ciera is going home.

Brad, when you sit at home an you fantasize about Survivor, this isn't how it goes.
-No, this is not how I envisioned it - some challenges we lost because of strength but two of them we lost because of puzzles.  Ciera volunteered for both of those and we lost both when we had a lead going in.
Ciera, once again you go against your Mom and again you lost.  Did you think maybe they should vote you off.
-Well, obviously I thought maybe I'm not as good at puzzles as I thought I was but I'm not going to sit around and bitch about it and whine and give up.  I'm going to try to figure out what I can do to benefit somebody, where to go from here.
Brad, at every Redemption Island duel, you take grief for who this tribe votes out.
-Yeah, and it's really tough when you have your dirty laundry being aired and it's false.  The stuff they're saying is incorrect but the other tribe doesn't know that, they're assuming it's correct.  And we do still have loved ones over there so if you ignore that you're not playing smart in this Survivor, Blood vs Water.
So Brad, you're saying it'd be great to vote out somebody without a loved one, then nobody from the other tribe will be mad.
-He pauses, scratches his face, then says, "Yeah. That's a valid point. No doubt about it, it'd be easier tomorrow."

Caleb says he did feel that pressure.  Maybe it was the blindside, you taste that and you want more of it - "I love a blindside but do I want to be the butt of it?  No I don't."  He said was fine being the goat, used to misdirect the girls but now he feels like a lamb led to slaughter.
Brad pipes up that it's just not true. 
Caleb says he campaigned against him today.
Brad can't defend himself, argues that campaigned isn't the right word.

Hayden, now you have a problem - Caleb has a bad taste in his mouth.
-It definitely creates cracks, we have some patchwork to do.  But once you distrust somebody, it's especially hard to gain back that trust, especially in a game like this.

Caleb, what do they have to do to regain your trust?
-Caleb says he trusts Hayden and Vytas, Brad is on the fence right now.  Then he turns to Ciera and says, "I don't want you to go home, I'm going to write Brad's name down." (What?  You GO CALEB!)
Brad starts looking around all panicked - like, what did he just say?...(IT WAS AWESOME!)
-Katie and Ciera look shocked and happy, while Hayden and Vytas both face-palmed... hahaha.  If the girls vote with Caleb that's three up front and the guys will have to decide what they're going to do.
Wow, Ciera, that is just throwing it out there.
-Oh my gosh, you come into this game and you make this whole plan out, and then... this happens. (Caleb has the cutest grin on his face - Caleb is my hero this episode.) So no one should feel comfortable, everyone should be on edge and you just have to roll with it.

Brad pipes up, "I'm not writing your name down Caleb.  You can write mine down, I understand." (Oh, he so doesn't understand.)
Vytas asks, "Caleb, are you really writing Brad's name down?"
Caleb, "Uh huh.  That's what I'm doing.  The ball's in your court but that's what I'm doing."
Vytas (is smiling but pretending this isn't awesome.) Wow.
Caleb says in the challenges Brad takes the reigns and, I mean, we all agree, but maybe that's another problem.  I don't know.
Brad asks Vytas if he's going to do that and he says no, he's not going to do that.  Hayden just looks really, really sweaty and doesn't make eye contact - deer in the headlights.
(OH MY GOD, I just thought of Brad showing up at Redemption Island with Candice & John... HA! Priceless.)

Jeff says he's excited to see what's going to happen (ME TOO!)
Time to vote:
Caleb votes for Brad - Sorry dude, you mess with the boy, you get the horns (uh, did he mean to say that?)
Brad votes for Ciera - says nothing but is FUMING.

Tallying the Votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Brad - 1
Ciera - 1, 2
Brad - 2
Ciera - 3
Brad - 3
We have a tie - they will re-vote - Brad & Ciera will not vote and the rest can only vote FOR Brad or Ciera.

Hayden started voting Ciera, crossed it out... thought some more...

Tallying the votes x2:
Brad - 1
Ciera - 1 (that was the crossed out one)
Brad - 2, 3 (Oh Vytas, you so wily.)

And it's BRAD epically voted out - and of course he can't just leave, he's got to tell Caleb he's not mad at him - Caleb is like, yeah, yeah, we'll talk.  Brad acts like he was running for office, is telling them all he's not mad. (They don't care.  IT WAS FANTASTIC!)

Brad posturing to the end says he's going to try to get back in.
Jeff wishes him luck at Redemption Island and Brad sarcastically quips, "That's going to be fun." (Ha hahaha - yeah it is.)
Caleb just unseated the King, long live king Caleb!

Next week: Caleb is the big Kahuna and ready to make more noise. And Monica asks if she can take Brad's spot at Redemption Island (Oh no!)

Redemption Island - Brad slinks in and wakes them up, "Before you hit me, I'm waving the white flag."
Candice said she heard the sweetest voice she had ever heard, Brad Culpepper - now she has the chance to put him out of the game for good.

Well that was a totally satisfying episode of Survivor.  I love watching the cocky fall. (Yes, I have some issues :)

Have a great rest of your week everyone.  OH! And I will be in Vegas next Wednesday so the recap will be delayed until the following Monday.  Vegas!
See ya,

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