Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - October 2/13 Episode Recap

Opening Pandora's Box

Last week Rupert was the first person to leave from the new season, Candice won the duel and gave her husband a clue to hidden immunity making him a target, Colton got up to his old ways but thankfully his new tribe didn't fall for it and Rachel was the next person sent to Redemption Island...

Galang - Day 7
The tribe is standing around having a pleasant morning gabfest about nothing, while Kat breaks off toothbrush pieces of bamboo. Colton tries to turn the conversation to strategy and he gets shut down cold.
-Colton is so frustrated with his tribe, he tells the camera he totally loves the strategy portion of the game and it's not working for him this time.  He takes on a lost little puppy persona and asks Aras if he thinks he's [Colton's] in trouble - Aras tells him yes, but he's also not out of the game, just relax and see what happens.
-Colton doesn't get it, he wants reassurance that Aras will give him another chance.  Aras says he can't do that and he tells the camera that Colton thinks this game is about creating chaos so he might have dug his grave.
-Colton thinks his days in the game are numbered, if they're not willing to roll with him, there's not much he can do (what a pouty baby, I'm not getting my way so I might as well quit... please do!)

Redemption Island - Galang gets the first look at the new Tadhana tribe and Tyson is none too happy when he finds out Rachel was voted out.
-Jeff asks his reaction and Tyson says it's not a bad move, they must have thought I'd consider switching with her which would get me off this tribe and increase their chances.
-Jeff asks Rachel what she thinks and she says that's exactly what happened.  She tells them that Brad is lining up his game and everyone is falling under his spell. (Oh, Big Man Brad doesn't like her telling tales.)
-Jeff gives Tyson the opportunity to switch and Rachel tells him he has a better chance in the game than she does - they agree he has to stay in it.
-Tyson then stands up and warns "Mr Football" smiling at me" (because Brad does have a stupid smirk on his face) that they better watch out if he ever is on Redemption Island because they won't stand a chance.
-Brad then defends his actions by saying they dare to celebrate when they win and his tribe has to vote out one of their loved ones, don't blame him... blah, blah (testosterone raining everywhere.)
-Oh, but Marissa wants her two cents in there too - calling BS on Brad's argument, that they should be trying to keep Tadhana strong and they've been voting off the strongest girls - there was some bleeping involved and Gervase steps in to tell her to tone it down...
-Meanwhile Colton has started crying... CRYING - like we're supposed to believe he doesn't like confrontation?  More like he realizes he's on the wrong tribe and his chaos factor would rule among the loved ones.
-Jeff almost sneers at him, "What are you crying about?"
Colton, "I just don't want to be here anymore." (Oh good lord.)

Then it gets really good.  It comes out that he was (possibly) faking appendicitis the last time and quit the game, this time he wants to quit again because things aren't going his way.  He puts on a big song and dance that when his back is against the wall he turns into the person that he was in One World and he doesn't want to be hated anymore.  Tyson and Tina call him out on that BS, saying his back wasn't against the wall and he became that person anyway.  Tina tells it like it is, they're not playing Colton's game and he wants to quit because he realizes he can't win.
Jeff asks him if that's true, if he doesn't get his way does he quit?
Colton: I don't know, maybe.
Jeff: So Colton, are you quitting this game?
Jeff asks Caleb how he feels and he says his heart is crumbling, he knows Colton loves the game so he can't believe he'd quit.
You can tell Jeff is mad (I don't think he ever wanted to bring Colton back) - He says they bring a quitter back and this is what they get - another quit.
-Drama queen of the century that he is, Colton tearfully declares (very Gone With the Wind), "I don't care what y'all say" and he marches over to Caleb and gets on his lap (I swear he would have tossed his hair if he had any.)  This of course was a ruse to whisper to Caleb that he has to stay, he has a better chance of winning - Caleb tells him to do what he needs to, "You know me, I don't care."

-Jeff tells Colton he won't give him the honour of burning his buff, that's for people that actually compete - basically he tells him to get out, a boat will come pick you up.  And Colton does just that - off flounces the pouty baby.  Galang does not look upset to see him go, but I feel like I stole money from Cheryl J, Sharon R and Cara & Alex L. sorry guys, luck of the draw was not kind to you in the pool.

So, on with the duel. They have to stack a series of blocks like dominoes on an angular platform that is spring-loaded like the last challenge and equipped with trip bars along the sides so they can't just run up and down (jeez, that's mean).  If they knock the structure it will wobble and may cause their blocks to fall so they'll have to start over.  The goal is to stack the blocks so they will fall like dominoes and launch a ball that will smash a tile at the end.  First two people to complete it will stay, the third is out - In addition the winner gets another clue to the hidden immunity idol to dole out.

Off they go: And they all look to be moving along pretty well - Jeff tells us it's 114 degrees out there which makes concentration that much harder.  But not for Candice, she is the first one to smash her tile. Marissa tries and her stack only falls 1/3 of the way, she has to re-stack.  Rachel goes to place her ball and hits a trip bar starting her stack falling - she's got to re-stack.  This happens a few times back and forth but it's Marissa who successfully breaks her tile and stays in.
Rachel is eliminated and takes Lee B, Sue & Hannelore and Ryan H. out of the pool.  (It's a bloodbath this episode.)

-And Gervase is shouting encouragement, "That's what it's all about, you can still win this!"  (I wonder if Brad is mad when he's shouting encouragingly.)
-Candice gives John the second clue to the hidden immunity idol (I wonder if he's going to actually get a clue and maybe share this time?)

Galang - Day 7
-Tyson feels like he has to make it to the end now to show he made the right decision not taking Rachel's place.  He also says he's okay with Rachel leaving because she said she had fun while she was there. "It's just a game and you have to remember that.  Too many people take it too seriously and it ruins their lives - a good example of that is Colton."
-Kat doesn't understand why Colton left (oh Kat, she's still so clueless) they explain no one would play his game so he left (I still don't know that she understood.)
-Monica on the other hand is upset with all the vitriol thrown he husband's way.  They reassure her that they still love her (this really is the kumbaya tribe.) Tyson has no ill will, he just thinks Brad doesn't know how to play this game and doesn't realize he's just making himself that much more of a target.

Tadhana - Day 7
Brad is in need of reassurance - Am I being a tyrant? They all tell him, no, it's fine.  He complains that with Redemption Island the dirty laundry doesn't go with the person they vote out, it comes back at them at the Duel. (Yes, so maybe think about what you're doing? Yeah he doesn't know any other way to be.)  Brad thinks that they don't realize he's making all the decisions because he's just that good at making them believe they're all making the decisions.  But his bro-liance is really happy to have him as their solid king-pin, he's great at building a team and he's also a huge target for them all to hide behind.
-John reads the second clue and thinks he's got a better idea where to look and he's also decided that he's going to share the clues with Brad to try and prove he's not shady.  However, John doesn't go so far as to let Brad go with him to look for the idol so Brad is still not so sure if he can trust John to share the idol.

Tree-mail - Pushing, shoving, crashing, bashing, not your regular pillow fight.  Knock your loved ones in the drink or you may be voted out tonight. (Oh Gervase, hold on to your hat, Big Man Brad is coming for you!)
-Aras is looking forward to fighting his bullying big brother, Vytas wasn't very nice to him growing up.  Vytas on the other hand is getting tips from Brad because he views Aras as the golden boy of the family and he wants to be the winner for once. (Oh boy, there is some family counselling needed with these two.)

They are out on platforms in the water, and they will be squaring off, one-on-one, sumo-style using padded bags to try and push their opponent off the platform.  First team to five wins immunity and the reward of comfort items, tarp, pillows, mosquito net, blankets or they have the option of trading for fishing gear (which Galang already has - so obviously if Tadhana wins.)
Galang sits Monica and we start...
First pairing:  Gervase vs Brad - Gervase goes hard at him I thought he might take him out but Brad gets his footing and Gervase hits the water.
-Rupert's wife Laura vs Tina's daughter Katie - Laura wins. Tied 1-1
-Candice's husband John vs Aras - and John wins it putting Tadhana up 2-1.
-Laura's daughter Ciera vs Kat - they blow kisses then Kat puts Ciera in the water with one push (really? Was that a dive because that's pretty pathetic) Tied 2-2
-Kat's boyfried Hayden vs Tyson - brawny vs chicken legs, and Tyson is in the water quickly... and he's injured.  His shoulder was popped out a bit but it won't take him out of the game... maybe just this challenge.  Tyson is not happy that his whole game is screwed now. (That's the chance you take in this game.)
-Tina vs her daughter, Katie - and they battle!  I thought the youth would prevail but Tina is tenacious and wins the point.  Tied again 3-3
-Aras vs his brother Vytas - Vytas starts out talking like a bullying big brother and proves he really is a jerk when he turtles and Aras backs off, lets him get up to start clean and Vytas comes at him when his guard is down.  Jeff calls it, One of the most unsportsmanlike moves he's seen - but good rules the day and Aras puts his brother in the water. (Man, Vytas is my guy in the pool and I hope he loses now.) Vytas falls back on the, "He's a college athlete, I'm the junkie.  But I'm proud of him." (Whatever dude, that's no excuse, your only play was dishonourable and you paid.)
-Ciera vs Momma Laura - and Laura is crying, she doesn't want to hurt her baby.  Ciera says she's not ... because Ciera is pathetic, though she seems to try harder with mom, but Laura wins and Galang wins Immunity Again!

Tadhana - Day 8
Of course they are rehashing the events of the challenge and thinking they should have put Vytas against Tyson - Vytas feels like he got clobbered by his brother, even after he gave him a bit of a cheap shot (well, at least he admits he's a creep.)
-The Man-alliance is lamenting how pathetic Katie & Ciera were in the challenge and John is especially irked that they were laughing about it (they had to fight their mothers - hello.)  John proposes they vote out Ciera because Katie at least does the cooking - Ciera is useless in challenges and around camp.
-Off John goes to look for the hidden immunity idol and that's when Brad tells the guys that John is too strong a player and he needs to go. (So, he tells you the clues and now he's out - Brad, you need to learn some nuance to this game, don't cut out the strong while you are still losing.)
-Brad has realized that if Candice makes it back in the game, he won't be controlling John anymore, Candice will, so he wants to be the big man and pull off one of the most colossal blindsides of all time (they like hyperbole in this game.)
-Hayden isn't sure if it's a good idea, they could be opening Pandora's box going against their alliance.
-Brad goes and tells the girls they have to vote John or it's going to be one of them, then he tells Ciera he may vote for her just so John will still trust him if he comes back into the game.
-Vytas is not down with that - Brad just put a huge target on his back - Brad wants to orchestrate this big move but doesn't want to appear the bad guy, that level of schiestiness doesn't sit well with Vytas,(and that's saying something.  When a schiester like Vytas calls you schiesty, he knows of what he speaks.)
-Ciera is paranoid about John having the idol and she voices that to Hayden, Vytas and Katie while they're in the shelter.  Hayden says all of this was Brad's idea, maybe the girls should cast their votes Brad's way.  That makes them all pretty happy, imagining taking out the big man.
-On the other hand the guys are still vacillating, do they want to chance keeping someone around who may have a hidden immunity idol?

John, third time in a row [to tribal council].  Once again the guys were the only people who scored any points was that talked about at camp?
-Of course, it was all about match ups.  Everybody had to come to the table and beat their match up.
Katie, first time you went up against your mom you lost and this time you lost again.
-It was frustrating because there are only two females so we had to go numerous times... (that's no excuse when you're twenty odd years younger than your opponent.)
Ciera, how bout you?
-It was rough.  If we could've just won one each... but you're embarrassed because you lost to your Mom and not only that, you feel like you let your team down.
Caleb, three votes, three women gone from your tribe, what does that say?
-That the men are dominating.  If we lose it's usually a girl that's going to be going home.
Vytas, is it a male alliance or is it just getting rid of the weakest player?
-I don't think it's as rudimentary as men vs women (but it is). I think trust is the currency of this game, trust and information.  Anything somebody says or does adds to the information you get about that person.
Culpepper, Vytas just basically said when you say anything that could be used against you. Does that concern you?
-Absolutely.  I'm a little sensitive because every time we go to Redemption island I'm blamed for whomever is there.  They seem to think I'm the kingpin of this group (blah, blah, blah.  You are, they all know it.)
John, Candice gave you another clue to the hidden immunity idol and said she trusts you know what to do with it.
-Candice is a student of the game, she knows that giving him the clues puts a big target on his back so hopes he is using them to put himself in a better position.
Vytas, do you wish you had the clues or are you glad it was someone else.
-It's tough. Everybody knows John has the clues - I'm happy somebody in my alliance has them but I'm glad it's not me.
Hayden, what are the chances that with two clues John doesn't have it?
-It depends on the clues Jeff.  I haven't seen the clues myself so I don't know (and there is the rub, he didn't share.) It makes him question that he didn't share.
-Brad pipes up that not everyone can be honest all the time, there is going to be only one winner at the end of the day.  (Sometimes, Brad should just stay silent.)

Time to Vote:
-And they don't show how anyone voted.
-John does not play a hidden immunity idol

Tallying the votes:
Ciera - 1
John - 1, 2, 3, 4... wow, they voted out 'doctor perfect' John.  He just shakes his head at Brad who can't help himself but smirk, along with Ciera... I really wish they had taken out Brad but he would probably run Redemption Island and come back - just because I want him gone. (Yes, it's all about me.)

Next week: Brad thinks he's in control but he gets put in his place by Candice at Redemption Island. (Yay.)  She and Marissa were not very happy to see John join them at the end, he tries to put a happy spin on it saying it's good they're together and both Candice and Marissa chorus, "NO, It's NOT!"

Have a great rest of your week everybody,


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