Swoop in for the Kill
Last week they switched up the tribes and they are ridiculously lop-sided - there is one man on Galang (Vytas) and there is one woman on Tadhana (Ciera). Galang lost the challenge and instead of taking the easy vote and getting ride of the one guy, Kat got caught turning on her alliance and was sent to Redemption Island.
Redemption Island - Night 16
-Kat isn't really that upset about being voted out, she feels like her tribe all turned on her - but she is worried that Hayden will dump her now because, "Who wants to date someone who doesn't make the merge?" (Really? That's the take away here?)
Day 17
-Oh, it's hitting home. Kat is crying by herself on the beach, she thinks she played wrong and hopes Hayden isn't embarrassed by her... he's her best friend... she hopes she does well in the duel... Blah, blah, blah (Oh to be young and in love and competing for a million dollars - Sheesh. Seriously, her main worry is that he will dump her because she got voted out, if he's that shallow, honey, it wasn't meant to be.)
Kat shows up and tearfully asks for a hug from Hayden then whines that she's sorry. He's telling her it's okay... But Jeff's not going to let that go. He asks Kat why she said she was sorry - She says she feels like she's letting him down.
Hayden says he's not going to view her any differently, his relationship with Kat is more important than this game.
Jeff, "Really? So I want to challenge you on that." He asks if he's going to switch places with her... Commercial... WHAT?! Haha, you know he's not switching with her.
Jeff urges them to discuss it right out in front of everyone - Kat wants to switch because she's afraid she'll lose the duel, "Because it's a puzzle and I can't even spell." But Hayden feels he's in a good place on his tribe and he asks her to think about what's best for US long term (He's smarter than you and has a better chance of winning... I know it would be a grand romantic gesture but... who am I kidding, Kat can't even spell practical.) She realizes that he has a better chance to win and finally she tearfully agrees to stay in the duel, but it means so much that he would switch. (Whatever. John is rolling his eyes at them. I agree, Kat acts like she's fourteen - she's sweet but kind of an idiot.)
So, on with the duel: They have to release a machete by untying knots in a string tying it down - then they have to cut a thick rope to release a bag of puzzle pieces - then they have to use the wooden pieces to build a fire sculpture puzzle. (Hayden is still wiping his eyes - Bye, Kat.)
-John, Kat, then Laura get the bag of pieces but Kat has trouble even getting the pieces out of her bag... and John is proving the puzzle master, Laura is looking at John's but having some trouble with it and finally Kat starts placing some pieces.
-John is the first to finish the puzzle. The peanut gallery are trying to help Kat who is refusing to look at the others puzzles, "That's cheating." Jeff tells her it's not cheating... but she doesn't make it - Laura M. finishes the puzzle and Kat is eliminated. She gets to hug Hayden goodbye and still tearfully asks him, "You're not going to break up with me are you?" He just laughs exasperated... (John is shaking his head at them - this is some high school shenanigans alright.)
And with Kat leaving, Gillian H., Ivor B., and Virginia D. are out of the pool.
John gets to give another clue to the hidden immunity idol to... Monica, of course, who burns it, of course.
Tadhana - Day 17
The guys rally around Hayden as he's having trouble with Kat's elimination. He tearfully tells the camera he feels guilty and responsible, she is naive and he helps her out but he didn't this time and it doesn't feel good.
-On the bright side, Hayden feels free to start playing more cut-throat now that it's just him. The only person that still has a loved one on this tribe is Vytas (Ciera's mom is at Redemption Island so that doesn't really count.) They just have to keep winning and take the rest of [the other tribe] out.
Aras goes for a peaceful walk and meditation - and no one goes with him. Aras is telling the camera that things couldn't have gone better for him coming to this tribe with two of the people he was tight with... he meditates and visualizes Jeff announcing him as the winner and he believes he is doing everything he can to make that happen.
Meanwhile, back at camp... Tyson is rallying the troops to take out Aras - he says they are going to merge very soon and Aras and Vytas are too tight to have them come together. Gervase pipes up that there are only two spots left in Aras' final four. Tyson says he'll go to the final five with this group, he promises them that.
-Ciera was shocked that it was Tyson proposing the plan because she thought he was close with Aras. But she also thinks he's really smart and they all have the bond of no loved ones to worry about over on the other tribe.
-Caleb, Hayden, Gervase, Ciera and Tyson are all in with this solid five alliance to the end.
-Tyson says he thought Aras was playing a good game at first but it's because more obvious that his main goal is to get to Vytas and take over the game. Tyson says he can meditate all he wants, it's playing right into his game plan.
Galang - Day 18
-Over on the lady tribe, Tina is playing matchmaker with Vytas and Katie - she likes Vytas and would be happy if he took an interest in her daughter - "What can I say, I'm ready for grand-babies." (Oh man... Mom? Is that you?)
-Vytas has all the women eating out of his hands - he says yoga has taught him how to deal with female energy... Oh and he's working it - they are all hanging around him - it's quite something to see. He knows women love a bad boy but even more they love a newly reformed bad boy so he is putting forth the parts of him he wants them to see... He's trustworthy, he's a great guy... and they seem to be eating it up with a spoon!
-Laura B. says she's learned from Vytas to be more open and she feels less guarded with this small a tribe. She loves Vytas but she also says she's got to keep her heart out of it, she'll stick with the girls whatever they want to do (Hmm, the way he's ingratiating himself, that could mean you'll be writing your own name down next.)
Tree mail - Vytas is not getting his hopes up too high, going into a physical challenge with these girls against those strong guys.
-The girls are talking - in the eventuality that they lose, it'll have to be Vytas. Laura B. starts crying - she doesn't want him to go but they have their girl alliance and they have to stay true to that (no one even bats an eye that Katie's new to the tribe, she's an extension of Tina and nothing else it seems.) Of course the plan is to win so they won't have to worry about it.
Four members of the tribe will be chained together at the ankles and the two outside people will have their wrists chained to a coil. First they have to uncoil their wrists then the four have to move together through a series of obstacles collecting bags of pieces. Once they have all the bags, the fifth person will dump out the chains and balls, fitting them together into bolos which they will have to throw and get them to wrap around horizontal poles - first tribe to get three bolos on target will win Immunity and Reward of "All-The-Fried-Chicken they can eat", corn on the cob, iced tea, lemonade.
Tadhana sits Ciera (surprise).
Off they go: the coils go quickly but the trick is walking together and then trying to get the bags when they are all tangled together... and the girls are purposely blocking the guys... but they all get their bags to the throwers around the same time.
-Tyson and Tina are working on the bolos and they start tossing.
Tyson gets up 2 to 1 - then Tina ties it up... but it's TYSON and Tadhana that win Immunity and Reward. (So close!)
Eating, eating, eating... Hayden reflects that they got so lucky in the swap... well, old Tadhana got lucky getting all the guys.
-Tyson admits that he didn't need this reward, he's never been hungry out there - he's convinced them that eating the maximum amount of rice is the way it should be done - He's a one man wrecking ball.
-They speculate on what's going on in the other tribe. They have no idea who's running things but Hayden tells Aras he thinks Vytas is safe (really?) but he also thought Kat was safe so who knows.
(Oy, boys.)
Galang - Day 18
-Monica, "Well, hell!"
-They are all gathered together when Laura B. tearfully tells Vytas that she's sorry to tell him but they've decided that he's the next to go. They don't think that it would be right to blindside him (especially since he's presented himself as the most trustworthy man in the world) so they wanted to just tell him outright and hopefully have a nice peaceful day together.
-Vytas says, "You think this makes me want to have a good afternoon?"
-Laura B: No, I mean, maybe be at peace knowing...
-Vytas: Well, I appreciate you telling me (but I can see the steam coming out of his ears.)
All the women are right there but no one else says a word, they are not backing Laura up and not looking Vytas in the eye...(Hmmm, that doesn't bode well.)
-Laura feels good about her decision to just tell Vytas the truth and hopefully, by her taking more of a leadership role, the women will respect her a bit more. Or, she just put a huge target on her back. (I think Laura B's a bit too socially awkward for this game.)
-Monica and Katie go for water and it's, "Oh My Heavens!" Survivor 101, don't you meet with your alliance before you just tell someone they're going home? The Golden Rule of Survivor is trust - and now they don't know if they can trust Laura B.
-Tina agrees, it's getting down to the nut cracking time and Vytas is a big threat, but Laura B. is unpredictable and that makes her nervous. (But really, would anyone vote for Laura B to win in the end... ah, maybe - she was voted out day one, if she makes it to the end I could see her getting some votes.)
-Vytas asks Tina one-on-one if it's his time to go tonight and she says she doesn't think so, it could be Laura B. tonight. Vytas is relieved by that, he feels he's done his due diligence building trust with these women and it's not going to be him.
-The women are still mulling over what they should do - Vytas is a huge threat but Laura B is a wingnut... they pray on it.
Laura B, after the challenge what happened when you got back to camp?
-Well it's obvious that we are four girls and Vytas, one man - so, I took it upon myself to let him know that he was going home.
Wow, so Vytas, what was your reaction?
-It was discouraging to say the least. I've come into this tribe and I've been nothing but genuine with these people - to get that kind of news didn't feel good.
Monica, telling people they're going home, as pleasant as it sounds, is really risky.
-I think it's extremely risky. So, if you're in an alliance with people, you might want to discuss it with them before you blow the cover.
Katie, where do you weigh in on that because Laura B was speaking for the group which could potentially impact you? (Laura is finally realizing that she screwed up I think - there was a sniffle.)
-I agree with Monica, if you're in an alliance I think you should discuss these things, so we were all sort of taken aback.
So, Vytas, it seems you're going unless you can convince these women someone else should go and it sounds like that could be Laura B.
-The last tribal council Kat went home because she wasn't trustworthy. I didn't pitch anyone specifically - I've been a great member of Galang and it doesn't matter how many girls you have, it matters how many trustworthy people you have.
Tina, it's a decent argument from a guy with nothing to lose because he's on the chopping block tonight.
-It's true. Vytas is so much like his brother. Their honesty and sincerity - they reek of it. Could they be fooling you? Of course, this is Survivor, but if you were going on instinct, that's what you would feel.
So Vytas, if it's you tonight, what's your story?
-I was in a position where I was doing very well then there was a tribe swap and I was the one guy with five girls and if I go tonight that would be really unfortunate because I think we could move forward pretty well.
What do you think your brother will think? Will he be proud of you or happy you're gone?
-I think Aras would be proud of me and he'd be pretty bummed that I was gone, to be honest. Our relationship has suffered over the years and there are a few more steps that we need to really grow that much closer together. (Play up that you don't get along, they won't keep you if it's brotherly love time.)
Laura B, is that part of Vytas' appeal? That Vytas and his brother have their own unique story together?
-Yes, that's one of the reasons I wanted to vote for Vytas, because they have such a bond. Aras has won before - they are a huge threat in this game.
So Laura B, if it's you tonight, what's your story?
-"I've tried to be myself and put myself out there, let my guard down." It's something she's learning out there. It's been hard for her letting people know who she is. She thinks Rupert will be proud of her no matter what - she feels like she's coming into her own and it feels good.
Tina likes hearing the stories - she is there to make friends (huh?)
Vytas keeps it on track - I'm voting based on who I think is the least trustworthy. We should be judged on our present not on our past and how we've played the last 18 days so far. (So your recent past then?)
(This is boring Jeff, just let them vote already.)
Oh good, Time to Vote
Laura B votes for Vytas
Vytas votes to Laura B
Tallying the Votes: (We know no one has the hidden immunity idol)
Vytas - 1
Laura B - 1, 2, 3... And it's Laura B. heading to Redemption Island.
WOW, I'm kind of shocked these women were so taken in by Vytas but I can't be too shocked in women being vindictive (don't you cross me b*tch). It wasn't a smart vote in the grand scheme of things but I love it - Vytas is my guy in the pool!
Next week: The winner of the duel will be getting back into the game... and it's an endurance duel - they are hugging a pole which will give Laura M. the advantage over big John... Bye Laura B.
Oh, and they will be merging.
Redemption Island - Laura slinks into camp and she's bitter - If she gets back into the game she is not siding with the girls, that's for damn sure. (I don't think we have to worry about that.)
Have a happy Halloween everybody!
Last week they switched up the tribes and they are ridiculously lop-sided - there is one man on Galang (Vytas) and there is one woman on Tadhana (Ciera). Galang lost the challenge and instead of taking the easy vote and getting ride of the one guy, Kat got caught turning on her alliance and was sent to Redemption Island.
Redemption Island - Night 16
-Kat isn't really that upset about being voted out, she feels like her tribe all turned on her - but she is worried that Hayden will dump her now because, "Who wants to date someone who doesn't make the merge?" (Really? That's the take away here?)
Day 17
-Oh, it's hitting home. Kat is crying by herself on the beach, she thinks she played wrong and hopes Hayden isn't embarrassed by her... he's her best friend... she hopes she does well in the duel... Blah, blah, blah (Oh to be young and in love and competing for a million dollars - Sheesh. Seriously, her main worry is that he will dump her because she got voted out, if he's that shallow, honey, it wasn't meant to be.)
Kat shows up and tearfully asks for a hug from Hayden then whines that she's sorry. He's telling her it's okay... But Jeff's not going to let that go. He asks Kat why she said she was sorry - She says she feels like she's letting him down.
Hayden says he's not going to view her any differently, his relationship with Kat is more important than this game.
Jeff, "Really? So I want to challenge you on that." He asks if he's going to switch places with her... Commercial... WHAT?! Haha, you know he's not switching with her.
Jeff urges them to discuss it right out in front of everyone - Kat wants to switch because she's afraid she'll lose the duel, "Because it's a puzzle and I can't even spell." But Hayden feels he's in a good place on his tribe and he asks her to think about what's best for US long term (He's smarter than you and has a better chance of winning... I know it would be a grand romantic gesture but... who am I kidding, Kat can't even spell practical.) She realizes that he has a better chance to win and finally she tearfully agrees to stay in the duel, but it means so much that he would switch. (Whatever. John is rolling his eyes at them. I agree, Kat acts like she's fourteen - she's sweet but kind of an idiot.)
So, on with the duel: They have to release a machete by untying knots in a string tying it down - then they have to cut a thick rope to release a bag of puzzle pieces - then they have to use the wooden pieces to build a fire sculpture puzzle. (Hayden is still wiping his eyes - Bye, Kat.)
-John, Kat, then Laura get the bag of pieces but Kat has trouble even getting the pieces out of her bag... and John is proving the puzzle master, Laura is looking at John's but having some trouble with it and finally Kat starts placing some pieces.
-John is the first to finish the puzzle. The peanut gallery are trying to help Kat who is refusing to look at the others puzzles, "That's cheating." Jeff tells her it's not cheating... but she doesn't make it - Laura M. finishes the puzzle and Kat is eliminated. She gets to hug Hayden goodbye and still tearfully asks him, "You're not going to break up with me are you?" He just laughs exasperated... (John is shaking his head at them - this is some high school shenanigans alright.)
And with Kat leaving, Gillian H., Ivor B., and Virginia D. are out of the pool.
John gets to give another clue to the hidden immunity idol to... Monica, of course, who burns it, of course.
Tadhana - Day 17
The guys rally around Hayden as he's having trouble with Kat's elimination. He tearfully tells the camera he feels guilty and responsible, she is naive and he helps her out but he didn't this time and it doesn't feel good.
-On the bright side, Hayden feels free to start playing more cut-throat now that it's just him. The only person that still has a loved one on this tribe is Vytas (Ciera's mom is at Redemption Island so that doesn't really count.) They just have to keep winning and take the rest of [the other tribe] out.
Aras goes for a peaceful walk and meditation - and no one goes with him. Aras is telling the camera that things couldn't have gone better for him coming to this tribe with two of the people he was tight with... he meditates and visualizes Jeff announcing him as the winner and he believes he is doing everything he can to make that happen.
Meanwhile, back at camp... Tyson is rallying the troops to take out Aras - he says they are going to merge very soon and Aras and Vytas are too tight to have them come together. Gervase pipes up that there are only two spots left in Aras' final four. Tyson says he'll go to the final five with this group, he promises them that.
-Ciera was shocked that it was Tyson proposing the plan because she thought he was close with Aras. But she also thinks he's really smart and they all have the bond of no loved ones to worry about over on the other tribe.
-Caleb, Hayden, Gervase, Ciera and Tyson are all in with this solid five alliance to the end.
-Tyson says he thought Aras was playing a good game at first but it's because more obvious that his main goal is to get to Vytas and take over the game. Tyson says he can meditate all he wants, it's playing right into his game plan.
Galang - Day 18
-Over on the lady tribe, Tina is playing matchmaker with Vytas and Katie - she likes Vytas and would be happy if he took an interest in her daughter - "What can I say, I'm ready for grand-babies." (Oh man... Mom? Is that you?)
-Vytas has all the women eating out of his hands - he says yoga has taught him how to deal with female energy... Oh and he's working it - they are all hanging around him - it's quite something to see. He knows women love a bad boy but even more they love a newly reformed bad boy so he is putting forth the parts of him he wants them to see... He's trustworthy, he's a great guy... and they seem to be eating it up with a spoon!
-Laura B. says she's learned from Vytas to be more open and she feels less guarded with this small a tribe. She loves Vytas but she also says she's got to keep her heart out of it, she'll stick with the girls whatever they want to do (Hmm, the way he's ingratiating himself, that could mean you'll be writing your own name down next.)
Tree mail - Vytas is not getting his hopes up too high, going into a physical challenge with these girls against those strong guys.
-The girls are talking - in the eventuality that they lose, it'll have to be Vytas. Laura B. starts crying - she doesn't want him to go but they have their girl alliance and they have to stay true to that (no one even bats an eye that Katie's new to the tribe, she's an extension of Tina and nothing else it seems.) Of course the plan is to win so they won't have to worry about it.
Four members of the tribe will be chained together at the ankles and the two outside people will have their wrists chained to a coil. First they have to uncoil their wrists then the four have to move together through a series of obstacles collecting bags of pieces. Once they have all the bags, the fifth person will dump out the chains and balls, fitting them together into bolos which they will have to throw and get them to wrap around horizontal poles - first tribe to get three bolos on target will win Immunity and Reward of "All-The-Fried-Chicken they can eat", corn on the cob, iced tea, lemonade.
Tadhana sits Ciera (surprise).
Off they go: the coils go quickly but the trick is walking together and then trying to get the bags when they are all tangled together... and the girls are purposely blocking the guys... but they all get their bags to the throwers around the same time.
-Tyson and Tina are working on the bolos and they start tossing.
Tyson gets up 2 to 1 - then Tina ties it up... but it's TYSON and Tadhana that win Immunity and Reward. (So close!)
Eating, eating, eating... Hayden reflects that they got so lucky in the swap... well, old Tadhana got lucky getting all the guys.
-Tyson admits that he didn't need this reward, he's never been hungry out there - he's convinced them that eating the maximum amount of rice is the way it should be done - He's a one man wrecking ball.
-They speculate on what's going on in the other tribe. They have no idea who's running things but Hayden tells Aras he thinks Vytas is safe (really?) but he also thought Kat was safe so who knows.
(Oy, boys.)
Galang - Day 18
-Monica, "Well, hell!"
-They are all gathered together when Laura B. tearfully tells Vytas that she's sorry to tell him but they've decided that he's the next to go. They don't think that it would be right to blindside him (especially since he's presented himself as the most trustworthy man in the world) so they wanted to just tell him outright and hopefully have a nice peaceful day together.
-Vytas says, "You think this makes me want to have a good afternoon?"
-Laura B: No, I mean, maybe be at peace knowing...
-Vytas: Well, I appreciate you telling me (but I can see the steam coming out of his ears.)
All the women are right there but no one else says a word, they are not backing Laura up and not looking Vytas in the eye...(Hmmm, that doesn't bode well.)
-Laura feels good about her decision to just tell Vytas the truth and hopefully, by her taking more of a leadership role, the women will respect her a bit more. Or, she just put a huge target on her back. (I think Laura B's a bit too socially awkward for this game.)
-Monica and Katie go for water and it's, "Oh My Heavens!" Survivor 101, don't you meet with your alliance before you just tell someone they're going home? The Golden Rule of Survivor is trust - and now they don't know if they can trust Laura B.
-Tina agrees, it's getting down to the nut cracking time and Vytas is a big threat, but Laura B. is unpredictable and that makes her nervous. (But really, would anyone vote for Laura B to win in the end... ah, maybe - she was voted out day one, if she makes it to the end I could see her getting some votes.)
-Vytas asks Tina one-on-one if it's his time to go tonight and she says she doesn't think so, it could be Laura B. tonight. Vytas is relieved by that, he feels he's done his due diligence building trust with these women and it's not going to be him.
-The women are still mulling over what they should do - Vytas is a huge threat but Laura B is a wingnut... they pray on it.
Laura B, after the challenge what happened when you got back to camp?
-Well it's obvious that we are four girls and Vytas, one man - so, I took it upon myself to let him know that he was going home.
Wow, so Vytas, what was your reaction?
-It was discouraging to say the least. I've come into this tribe and I've been nothing but genuine with these people - to get that kind of news didn't feel good.
Monica, telling people they're going home, as pleasant as it sounds, is really risky.
-I think it's extremely risky. So, if you're in an alliance with people, you might want to discuss it with them before you blow the cover.
Katie, where do you weigh in on that because Laura B was speaking for the group which could potentially impact you? (Laura is finally realizing that she screwed up I think - there was a sniffle.)
-I agree with Monica, if you're in an alliance I think you should discuss these things, so we were all sort of taken aback.
So, Vytas, it seems you're going unless you can convince these women someone else should go and it sounds like that could be Laura B.
-The last tribal council Kat went home because she wasn't trustworthy. I didn't pitch anyone specifically - I've been a great member of Galang and it doesn't matter how many girls you have, it matters how many trustworthy people you have.
Tina, it's a decent argument from a guy with nothing to lose because he's on the chopping block tonight.
-It's true. Vytas is so much like his brother. Their honesty and sincerity - they reek of it. Could they be fooling you? Of course, this is Survivor, but if you were going on instinct, that's what you would feel.
So Vytas, if it's you tonight, what's your story?
-I was in a position where I was doing very well then there was a tribe swap and I was the one guy with five girls and if I go tonight that would be really unfortunate because I think we could move forward pretty well.
What do you think your brother will think? Will he be proud of you or happy you're gone?
-I think Aras would be proud of me and he'd be pretty bummed that I was gone, to be honest. Our relationship has suffered over the years and there are a few more steps that we need to really grow that much closer together. (Play up that you don't get along, they won't keep you if it's brotherly love time.)
Laura B, is that part of Vytas' appeal? That Vytas and his brother have their own unique story together?
-Yes, that's one of the reasons I wanted to vote for Vytas, because they have such a bond. Aras has won before - they are a huge threat in this game.
So Laura B, if it's you tonight, what's your story?
-"I've tried to be myself and put myself out there, let my guard down." It's something she's learning out there. It's been hard for her letting people know who she is. She thinks Rupert will be proud of her no matter what - she feels like she's coming into her own and it feels good.
Tina likes hearing the stories - she is there to make friends (huh?)
Vytas keeps it on track - I'm voting based on who I think is the least trustworthy. We should be judged on our present not on our past and how we've played the last 18 days so far. (So your recent past then?)
(This is boring Jeff, just let them vote already.)
Oh good, Time to Vote
Laura B votes for Vytas
Vytas votes to Laura B
Tallying the Votes: (We know no one has the hidden immunity idol)
Vytas - 1
Laura B - 1, 2, 3... And it's Laura B. heading to Redemption Island.
WOW, I'm kind of shocked these women were so taken in by Vytas but I can't be too shocked in women being vindictive (don't you cross me b*tch). It wasn't a smart vote in the grand scheme of things but I love it - Vytas is my guy in the pool!
Next week: The winner of the duel will be getting back into the game... and it's an endurance duel - they are hugging a pole which will give Laura M. the advantage over big John... Bye Laura B.
Oh, and they will be merging.
Redemption Island - Laura slinks into camp and she's bitter - If she gets back into the game she is not siding with the girls, that's for damn sure. (I don't think we have to worry about that.)
Have a happy Halloween everybody!