Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - Oct 30/13 Episode Recap

Swoop in for the Kill

Last week they switched up the tribes and they are ridiculously lop-sided - there is one man on Galang (Vytas) and there is one woman on Tadhana (Ciera).   Galang lost the challenge and instead of taking the easy vote and getting ride of the one guy, Kat got caught turning on her alliance and was sent to Redemption Island.

Redemption Island - Night 16
-Kat isn't really that upset about being voted out, she feels like her tribe all turned on her - but she is worried that Hayden will dump her now because, "Who wants to date someone who doesn't make the merge?" (Really? That's the take away here?)
Day 17
-Oh, it's hitting home.  Kat is crying by herself on the beach, she thinks she played wrong and hopes Hayden isn't embarrassed by her... he's her best friend... she hopes she does well in the duel... Blah, blah, blah  (Oh to be young and in love and competing for a million dollars - Sheesh. Seriously, her main worry is that he will dump her because she got voted out, if he's that shallow, honey, it wasn't meant to be.)

Kat shows up and tearfully asks for a hug from Hayden then whines that she's sorry.  He's telling her it's okay... But Jeff's not going to let that go.  He asks Kat why she said she was sorry - She says she feels like she's letting him down.
Hayden says he's not going to view her any differently, his relationship with Kat is more important than this game.
Jeff, "Really?  So I want to challenge you on that." He asks if he's going to switch places with her...  Commercial... WHAT?!  Haha, you know he's not switching with her.

Jeff urges them to discuss it right out in front of everyone - Kat wants to switch because she's afraid she'll lose the duel, "Because it's a puzzle and I can't even spell."  But Hayden feels he's in a good place on his tribe and he asks her to think about what's best for US long term (He's smarter than you and has a better chance of winning... I know it would be a grand romantic gesture but... who am I kidding, Kat can't even spell practical.)  She realizes that he has a better chance to win and finally she tearfully agrees to stay in the duel, but it means so much that he would switch.  (Whatever.  John is rolling his eyes at them.  I agree, Kat acts like she's fourteen - she's sweet but kind of an idiot.)

So, on with the duel: They have to release a machete by untying knots in a string tying it down - then they have to cut a thick rope to release a bag of puzzle pieces - then they have to use the wooden pieces to build a fire sculpture puzzle. (Hayden is still wiping his eyes - Bye, Kat.)

-John, Kat, then Laura get the bag of pieces but Kat has trouble even getting the pieces out of her bag... and John is proving the puzzle master, Laura is looking at John's but having some trouble with it and finally Kat starts placing some pieces.
-John is the first to finish the puzzle.  The peanut gallery are trying to help Kat who is refusing to look at the others puzzles, "That's cheating." Jeff tells her it's not cheating... but she doesn't make it - Laura M. finishes the puzzle and Kat is eliminated.  She gets to hug Hayden goodbye and still tearfully asks him, "You're not going to break up with me are you?" He just laughs exasperated... (John is shaking his head at them - this is some high school shenanigans alright.)
And with Kat leaving, Gillian H., Ivor B., and Virginia D. are out of the pool.

John gets to give another clue to the hidden immunity idol to... Monica, of course, who burns it, of course.

Tadhana - Day 17
The guys rally around Hayden as he's having trouble with Kat's elimination.  He tearfully tells the camera he feels guilty and responsible, she is naive and he helps her out but he didn't this time and it doesn't feel good.
-On the bright side, Hayden feels free to start playing more cut-throat now that it's just him.  The only person that still has a loved one on this tribe is Vytas (Ciera's mom is at Redemption Island so that doesn't really count.)  They just have to keep winning and take the rest of [the other tribe] out.

Aras goes for a peaceful walk and meditation - and no one goes with him.  Aras is telling the camera that things couldn't have gone better for him coming to this tribe with two of the people he was tight with... he meditates and visualizes Jeff announcing him as the winner and he believes he is doing everything he can to make that happen.

Meanwhile, back at camp... Tyson is rallying the troops to take out Aras - he says they are going to merge very soon and Aras and Vytas are too tight to have them come together.  Gervase pipes up that there are only two spots left in Aras' final four.  Tyson says he'll go to the final five with this group, he promises them that.
-Ciera was shocked that it was Tyson proposing the plan because she thought he was close with Aras.  But she also thinks he's really smart and they all have the bond of no loved ones to worry about over on the other tribe.
-Caleb, Hayden, Gervase, Ciera and Tyson are all in with this solid five alliance to the end.
-Tyson says he thought Aras was playing a good game at first but it's because more obvious that his main goal is to get to Vytas and take over the game.  Tyson says he can meditate all he wants, it's playing right into his game plan.

Galang - Day 18
-Over on the lady tribe, Tina is playing matchmaker with Vytas and Katie - she likes Vytas and would be happy if he took an interest in her daughter - "What can I say, I'm ready for grand-babies." (Oh man... Mom? Is that you?)

-Vytas has all the women eating out of his hands - he says yoga has taught him how to deal with female energy... Oh and he's working it - they are all hanging around him - it's quite something to see.  He knows women love a bad boy but even more they love a newly reformed bad boy so he is putting forth the parts of him he wants them to see... He's trustworthy, he's a great guy... and they seem to be eating it up with a spoon!
-Laura B. says she's learned from Vytas to be more open and she feels less guarded with this small a tribe.  She loves Vytas but she also says she's got to keep her heart out of it, she'll stick with the girls whatever they want to do (Hmm, the way he's ingratiating himself, that could mean you'll be writing your own name down next.)

Tree mail - Vytas is not getting his hopes up too high, going into a physical challenge with these girls against those strong guys. 
-The girls are talking - in the eventuality that they lose, it'll have to be Vytas. Laura B. starts crying - she doesn't want him to go but they have their girl alliance and they have to stay true to that (no one even bats an eye that Katie's new to the tribe, she's an extension of Tina and nothing else it seems.)  Of course the plan is to win so they won't have to worry about it.

Four members of the tribe will be chained together at the ankles and the two outside people will have their wrists chained to a coil.  First they have to uncoil their wrists then the four have to move together through a series of obstacles collecting bags of pieces.  Once they have all the bags, the fifth person will dump out the chains and balls, fitting them together into bolos which they will have to throw and get them to wrap around horizontal poles - first tribe to get three bolos on target will win Immunity and Reward of "All-The-Fried-Chicken they can eat", corn on the cob, iced tea, lemonade.
Tadhana sits Ciera (surprise).

Off they go: the coils go quickly but the trick is walking together and then trying to get the bags when they are all tangled together...  and the girls are purposely blocking the guys... but they all get their bags to the throwers around the same time.
-Tyson and Tina are working on the bolos and they start tossing.
Tyson gets up 2 to 1 - then Tina ties it up... but it's TYSON and Tadhana that win Immunity and Reward.  (So close!)

Eating, eating, eating... Hayden reflects that they got so lucky in the swap... well, old Tadhana got lucky getting all the guys. 
-Tyson admits that he didn't need this reward, he's never been hungry out there - he's convinced them that eating the maximum amount of rice is the way it should be done - He's a one man wrecking ball.
-They speculate on what's going on in the other tribe.  They have no idea who's running things but Hayden tells Aras he thinks Vytas is safe (really?) but he also thought Kat was safe so who knows.
(Oy, boys.)

Galang - Day 18
-Monica, "Well, hell!"
-They are all gathered together when Laura B. tearfully tells Vytas that she's sorry to tell him but they've decided that he's the next to go.  They don't think that it would be right to blindside him (especially since he's presented himself as the most trustworthy man in the world) so they wanted to just tell him outright and hopefully have a nice peaceful day together.
-Vytas says, "You think this makes me want to have a good afternoon?" 
-Laura B: No, I mean, maybe be at peace knowing...
-Vytas: Well, I appreciate you telling me (but I can see the steam coming out of his ears.) 
All the women are right there but no one else says a word, they are not backing Laura up and not looking Vytas in the eye...(Hmmm, that doesn't bode well.)

-Laura feels good about her decision to just tell Vytas the truth and hopefully, by her taking more of a leadership role, the women will respect her a bit more.  Or, she just put a huge target on her back. (I think Laura B's a bit too socially awkward for this game.)

-Monica and Katie go for water and it's, "Oh My Heavens!"  Survivor 101, don't you meet with your alliance before you just tell someone they're going home?  The Golden Rule of Survivor is trust - and now they don't know if they can trust Laura B.
-Tina agrees, it's getting down to the nut cracking time and Vytas is a big threat, but Laura B. is unpredictable and that makes her nervous. (But really, would anyone vote for Laura B to win in the end... ah, maybe - she was voted out day one, if she makes it to the end I could see her getting some votes.)
-Vytas asks Tina one-on-one if it's his time to go tonight and she says she doesn't think so, it could be Laura B. tonight.  Vytas is relieved by that, he feels he's done his due diligence building trust with these women and it's not going to be him.
-The women are still mulling over what they should do - Vytas is a huge threat but Laura B is a wingnut... they pray on it.

Laura B, after the challenge what happened when you got back to camp?
-Well it's obvious that we are four girls and Vytas, one man - so, I took it upon myself to let him know that he was going home.

Wow, so Vytas, what was your reaction?
-It was discouraging to say the least.  I've come into this tribe and I've been nothing but genuine with these people - to get that kind of news didn't feel good.

Monica, telling people they're going home, as pleasant as it sounds, is really risky.
-I think it's extremely risky.  So, if you're in an alliance with people, you might want to discuss it with them before you blow the cover.

Katie, where do you weigh in on that because Laura B was speaking for the group which could potentially impact you? (Laura is finally realizing that she screwed up I think - there was a sniffle.)
-I agree with Monica, if you're in an alliance I think you should discuss these things, so we were all sort of taken aback.

So, Vytas, it seems you're going unless you can convince these women someone else should go and it sounds like that could be Laura B.
-The last tribal council Kat went home because she wasn't trustworthy.  I didn't pitch anyone specifically - I've been a great member of Galang and it doesn't matter how many girls you have, it matters how many trustworthy people you have.

Tina, it's a decent argument from a guy with nothing to lose because he's on the chopping block tonight.
-It's true.  Vytas is so much like his brother.  Their honesty and sincerity - they reek of it.  Could they be fooling you? Of course, this is Survivor, but if you were going on instinct, that's what you would feel.

So Vytas, if it's you tonight, what's your story?
-I was in a position where I was doing very well then there was a tribe swap and I was the one guy with five girls and if I go tonight that would be really unfortunate because I think we could move forward pretty well.
What do you think your brother will think?  Will he be proud of you or happy you're gone?
-I think Aras would be proud of me and he'd be pretty bummed that I was gone, to be honest.  Our relationship has suffered over the years and there are a few more steps that we need to really grow that much closer together. (Play up that you don't get along, they won't keep you if it's brotherly love time.)

Laura B, is that part of Vytas' appeal? That Vytas and his brother have their own unique story together?
-Yes, that's one of the reasons I wanted to vote for Vytas, because they have such a bond.  Aras has won before - they are a huge threat in this game.
So Laura B, if it's you tonight, what's your story?
-"I've tried to be myself and put myself out there, let my guard down." It's something she's learning out there.  It's been hard for her letting people know who she is.  She thinks Rupert will be proud of her no matter what - she feels like she's coming into her own and it feels good.

Tina likes hearing the stories - she is there to make friends (huh?)

Vytas keeps it on track - I'm voting based on who I think is the least trustworthy. We should be judged on our present not on our past and how we've played the last 18 days so far. (So your recent past then?)
(This is boring Jeff, just let them vote already.)

Oh good, Time to Vote
Laura B votes for Vytas
Vytas votes to Laura B

Tallying the Votes: (We know no one has the hidden immunity idol)
Vytas - 1
Laura B - 1, 2, 3... And it's Laura B. heading to Redemption Island. 
WOW, I'm kind of shocked these women were so taken in by Vytas but I can't be too shocked in women being vindictive (don't you cross me b*tch).  It wasn't a smart vote in the grand scheme of things but I love it - Vytas is my guy in the pool!

Next week: The winner of the duel will be getting back into the game... and it's an endurance duel - they are hugging a pole which will give Laura M. the advantage over big John... Bye Laura B.
Oh, and they will be merging.

Redemption Island - Laura slinks into camp and she's bitter - If she gets back into the game she is not siding with the girls, that's for damn sure. (I don't think we have to worry about that.)

Have a happy Halloween everybody!



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Amazing Race 23 - Oct 27/13 - Episode Recap

Get Our Groove On

Last week the episode ended in a 'To Be Continued' (humph) - with the Bearded Boys getting to the Pit Stop first and the Baseball Wives coming up the rear.  The best thing ever was when Dr. Nicole used Marie's tactics against her and demanded the Express Pass for giving up the location of the Pit Stop... and we found out at the beginning of this episode that Tim made the decision to give the Doctors the Express Pass and Marie was not happy about it (oh yeah, she's going to make him suffer.)  He has a good point, how else were they going to figure out where to go, when they didn't pick up the picture of the Viking longhouse when they moved the boulder, they only got the gold... (but who doesn't love gold?)

Brandon & Adam, the Bearded Wonders, are heading out continuing the leg after getting a clue from Phil that tells them there is a Double U-Turn ahead (eek!!) These two are nuts - they are excited that they have been racing for 30 hours and have to keep going - they are there to Race and have fun, not to sleep (yeah, they are making me feel really old.)

-Jason & Amy are the second team to arrive at the Pit Stop and they get the clue telling them they are heading to Poland and will find their next clue at the historic Solidarity shipyard.
-3rd - Dr.s Nicole & Travis
-4th - Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals)
-5th - Marie & Tim (Pinky and No-Brains)
-6th - Tim & Danny (Okies)
-7th - Ally & Ashley (Ice Queens)

-Brendan & Adam and Amy & Jason get to the ferry which will take them down the coast and find out the ship they want doesn't leave until that evening... everyone is going to catch up and be on the same sailing.

-8th - Nicky & Kim show up and throw themselves on Phil, crying that they are so tired... he tells them he is sorry but they are the last team to arrive... "but no need for tears, you are still racing."  Well that perked them right up, I guess not being eliminated would do that for you.

All the teams get on the ship and we find out it is a 34 hour boat trip to whichever port they are heading for, then they have to catch a flight to Poland (I see why they're still racing - everyone's going to get their sleep while travelling anyway.)
-The only significant thing that happened on the ferry was the hand over of the Express Pass from Marie & Tim to Travis & Nicole - Marie, still trying to control things, tells them not to say anything to anyone but Nicole's no dummy, she doesn't want another target on their backs - they'll keep it on the down low.

Poland - All the teams arrive and run out for the taxis - they are feeling the added pressure of the U-Turn this leg.  The Ice Crew Girls and the Afghanimals are taken to the wrong shipyard (or at least the wrong entrance) allowing the Okies to be the first team to the clue box - they read the Route Info - to make their way to the Golden Gate and find their next clue.
-Amy & Jason, the Doctors, Nicky & Kim (now in 4th instead of last, this Race mixes it up so much), all get the route info clue.

-Tim & Marie's cab takes them to the wrong shipyard as well, the other two teams are still milling around, hoping to follow them now... but their driver doesn't speak English - they are screwed.

Golden Gate - The Okies are the first team to find the clue for the DETOUR: Pose or Polka
In Pose - they must copy the stance of a historic bronze statue of Neptune to earn donations from spectators. Once they have 75 ploty (Polish money) they'll get the next clue - (So dressing up in black leotard with beard and wig... not bad).
In Polka - they must learn and perform a choreographed routine in full costume to the satisfaction of their instructor to get the next clue (these are always a nightmare, but you're not at the mercy of begging for money... it's a tough call.)

The Okies decide to Dance!  Figuring it's more skill and the other just luck... and one of them will have to dress like a girl. (haha)

At the correct shipyard, Brandon & Adam's cab driver doesn't know where the Golden Gate is so he calls... the cab driver that is currently driving Amy & Jason there - and he plays dumb - OH, Jason & Amy lucked out with a cool driver - poor Brandon & Adam.

-Travis & Nicole are next to get the Detour clue and they are going to Polka.  Jason & Amy right behind them are Polka-ing and the Baseball Wives... decide to Pose (we'll see how easy it is for them to raise the coin with beards strapped on their faces - don't cover the money makers!)

-Back at the wrong shipyard - the 3 teams seem to be stranded - their drivers don't speak English and no one can help them ... why are they just standing around though, that's what I don't understand.

-Okies are in the cab on the way to the Polka and determine that Danny is smaller and will make the better looking woman - so guess who's wearing a dress. (Oh boys, why does it matter, you're both pretty :)).
-Once 'dressed', they head into watch the dancers and... this is going to be painful - Tim is a big white boy with 3 left feet - and the dance is more difficult than anticipated...

-Pose: Nicky & Kim get dressed all in black and take their pose - and people start giving them money (you can't tell me that's not staged, come on.)  Pretty soon they are realizing that keeping the trident upheld is really hard, their arms start shaking... but the money is coming in steadily.

-Brandon & Adam make it to the Golden Gate and decide they are going to Polka - figuring it will be easier than getting people to pay them (I can't wait for the beard in the dress!)

-And our lost teams are still Lost (with a capital L) they are being driven around but still in the wrong places - the only consolation is that there are 3 teams together - but they are not loving Poland.
-Finally they find someone who knows where they need to go and the teams take off for the Solidarity Yard.

-Back at Polka - We now have three teams - The Okies, Amy & Jason and The Doctors suited up and dancing.  The Okies make their first attempt and fail miserably.
-All the teams are having trouble remembering all the steps - this long long long long leg is catching up with them in the memory and concentration department.

-Brandon & Adam walk through the square where the girls are dressed like Neptune and decide to switch tasks and just do the Posing since they are already there.  And they have to wear the beard/wig combo over their beards (Ha! That's just crazy.) 

-Nicky & Kim count their money and they've made enough to get the next clue - Putting them in FIRST PLACE! Nicky: "I'm gonna cry. We actually did something fast."
Route Info - tells them to find the Medieval Harbour Crane for their next clue (but this is also where they'll find the U-Turn.) Note, they have to wear their costumes until the end of this leg (HAHAHa, they can be so mean to them, I love it.)

-Afghanimals, Ice Girls and Pinky & No-Brains finally get to the correct shipyard and head out for the Golden Gate.

-Polka - Tim & Danny suck, and Danny is frustrated.  Jason and Amy give it a shot and they move on.  Making Danny want to quit - but then Travis & Nicole try and I'm thinking these two have never danced together - that was awful.

-Last three teams get to the Detour clue box - Afghanimals and Ice girls are going to Dance and Tim & Marie are going to Pose - she says they still have the Express Pass so if it sucks, they may just have to use it.

-Nicky & Kim are looking for the Medieval Crane and they run right by it, looking to cross the river (what? NO!).  Allowing Amy & Jason, who see them run by, to be the first to the U-Turns.
-Jason & Amy do not U-Turn anyone and they get the clue to head to the longest apartment building in Poland to search for their next clue (holy moly, that thing is 10 blocks long). They have the greatest cab driver - he's waiting for them, "Come on, let's go!" That's awesome.

Brandon & Adam take a break from posing to count their money and they only have 10 Polish money... they realize they need boobs or this will take them all day, so they decide to switch (hmm.)

Polka - Travis & Nicole finally complete the dance and get the clue - totally disheartening Danny who is in a negative spiral - bless Tim for his patience - they give it one more shot and... They get their clue!  Yay!  Adding insult to injury, when they run out to their cab, their cab driver points and laughs at Danny in the dress (That did not improve his attitude.)

-Marie & Tim get to the Pose task and no one is there - they figure if everyone else has done the dancing they're not going to know if they're behind and they could get U-Turned - they decide to use the Express Pass and just head for the Riverfront.

-Nicky & Kim are still lost, they crossed the river and have to go back.
-Marie & Tim are the next team to the U-Turn, she's hemming & hawing if they should U-Turn anyone and Tim says, Travis & Nicole, 100% (Make them burn the Express Pass right away, why not.) But then they don't know if anyone's been there yet... they decide not to U-Turn anyone (Ohh, missed opportunity - because Travis & Nicole are behind them.)

-Polka land - the Afghanimals are no better than the Okies were.  Adam's beard looks great with the flower wreath in his hair and the Ice girl (I don't know who is who) that is dressed like a man totally pulls it off.

-Nicky & Kim finally find the U-Turn thingy and decide they don't want to make enemies right now... they don't U-Turn anyone.
-Okies get to the U-Turn and they are sick of being the good 'ol boys - bringing the money home to their families is paramount - they start flipping through the cards... who are we going to U-Turn. (As Travis & Nicole are running up behind them...) They decide to U-Turn Leo & Jamal because they knew for a fact they were behind them. (Ouch.)
-Travis & Nicole decide not to U-Turn anyone - and that makes the Okies look bad - they don't care, they're still nice, they just don't want to go home.

-Longest Apartment Building in Poland - Jason & Amy get dropped off at one end and start running it looking for the cluebox.  Marie & Tim stay in the cab and drive along until they see the clue box (uh, yeah, definitely the way to go.)
-They get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who's got a sweet tooth?
They are provided with 12 addresses inside the 1/2 mile long apartment building - they have to go to the apartments and sample donuts looking for a rose filled pastry called a Paczki - once they find one with the right filling, they'll get their next clue.
-Marie is doing this one and the clue says they could be penalized for bad manners so Tim tells her to be nice for once in her life - she's just happy to be getting donuts.
-Jason & Amy show up and Amy's going to do this one - she and Marie kind of team up and head in together - the first apartment - no rose filling.
-Jason & Amy also notice that Tim & Marie are not in costumes so they realize they must have used the Express Pass - that must make them all happy that their advantage is gone.  Jason polkas with Tim - give him a taste of what they missed.

-Speaking of Polka... the Ice Girls pass and get the clue to the U-Turn, much to the Afghanimals dismay... but then they passed on their next attempt so they leave right behind them - leaving the Beards there still futilely trying to dance.

-Nicky & Kim and Nicole & Travis get to the long long long long apartment building and Kim and Travis are eating donuts.  Marie & Amy are still quickly and politely visiting and getting no rose-filled donuts.
-Kim & Travis visit the same apartment, but while she waited for the elevator, he ran down the stairs, pushing the elevator button on every level (oh that turkey! Haha)

-Afghanimals and Ice Girls get to the U-Turn and once the boys see they've been U-Turned they promptly U-Turn Brandon & Adam (from first to last - what a brutal leg.)
-Brandon & Adam, do finally complete the Polka.

-At the Apartments - Travis decides he's just going to follow Amy & Marie around figuring they've been there longer so he doesn't go to places they've already been - Marie tries to run away so he can't follow them but Amy has worked with him before and they decide to split up the apartments they have left and share their findings.

-Kim is on her own and she is having a lovely time visiting all the lovely Polish people - she wants to stay and visit but has to keep it moving - I think she's lucky the one guy had his wife there - he went in for an extra cheek kiss...
-Okey Danny is also running around the apartment building - he's finding it interesting running in a dress (haha, more ventilation then he's used to I bet.)
-Travis is the first person to find the rose-filled donut and he shares the apartment number with Amy & Marie as he runs back out to Nicole. 
-Travis & Nicole read the clue to the Pit Stop - search for Phil on the longest wooden pier in Europe (Poland likes to have the longest...;) In this case 1600ft of wooden pier extended over the Baltic Sea.)

-Afghanimals are posing as Neptune and getting donations - they are asking for money, I think that was Brandon & Adam's downfall the first time.
-Okey Danny is the next person to find the rose-filled donut and he's taking that bad boy with him.  He tells Kim it's up there when she was going in and she also gets herself a big hug from the nice lady with the rose filling.

-Brandon & Adam get to the U-Turn and feel being U-Turned was "Weak!" but they shrug and head back to Pose.
-Leo & Jamal pick out a guy in the crowd and use his shirt BYU Football to make a connection (they know nothing about the team) but his kids make him donate 50 polish monies - the Afghanimals are done just as Brandon & Adam get there (Oh, weak!)

-Ice girls - Ally & Ashley - get to the Roadblock and Ashley is on the hunt for rose donuts.

-Brandon & Adam are finding the Posing to be brutal after the dancing - the money is coming in slow but starts to pick up.

-Leo is donut searching as well and teams up with Ashley.

-The Beards are on the way to the apartments.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Marie & Tim - it was a foot race to the finish and they're in the best shape.  They won a trip for two to Hawaii (Oh, jealous.)
2) Jason & Amy - zzzzz - These two are kinda boring, their cab driver was the best though.
3) Nicole & Travis - Travis knows helping Amy & Marie cost them first place today but Tim & Marie used their Express Pass - so there is only one left, and Nicole & Travis have it.
4) Nicky & Kim - Baseball Wives
5) Tim & Danny - Okies
6) Leo & Jamal - Afghanimals - Surviving being U-Turned should show the other teams to watch out for us, we're not going anywhere.
7) Ashley & Ally - Ice Girls
8) Brandon & Adam - They don't give up, they've been friends for 23 years and just want to keep doing stuff like this together - but they are the last team to arrive and have been ELIMINATED from the race. (Boo.)  They're sad to be missing the rest of the Race.
With Brandon & Adam leaving, that also eliminates Patty F, Bernice R, Don T., Denise R. and Susan N. from the pool.

Next week: Teams join the Vienna boys choir (ouch) and Marie steals Jay & Amy's cab. (Race karma cannot come too quickly for her.)

Have a great week everyone.

Oh, and I'm away next weekend so the recap will be delayed a day or so.



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - Oct 23/13 Episode Recap

One-Man Wrecking Ball

Last week the loved-ones finally won a challenge forcing the returning players to go to Tribal Council for the first time - they opted not to take the easy vote (Rupert's Wife Laura B), they decided to vote Laura M off in the hopes she'd beat Brad at Redemption Island.

Galang - Night 13
They return from Tribal Council and Laura B. was very relieved she was still there. 
-Aras realized that Laura M. was blaming him (and rightly so) for her being voted out - now he's worried he's stuck in the leader position.

Galang - Day 14
Tyson and Gervase are talking and they agree that Aras is dangerous because he still has his loved one there, they have to gauge when is the right time to de-throne king Aras.  They are thinking they may only have one more challenge before they merge and they may have to take that chance.  (I'm kinda liking the Tyson/Gervase bromance - I'm curious to see how far that'll take them.)

Ciera is upset to see it was her Mom voted out and says she had a feeling all day something was up (really? Come on.)  Laura says it doesn't surprise her... blah blah blah... and she won't let Ciera switch with her (of course not, we all know Ciera wouldn't be able to win.)

Duel: They have to walk across a balance beam, stopping to untie bags of puzzle pieces along the way one at a time - once they have a bag untied, they have to cross the beam then arrange the numbered tiles from the bag in order - then go back and get another bag.  First person to get all the bags and arrange the tiles 1-100 wins and gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol to give to someone again and last person is out for good.

Off they go: and Laura does what she was voted off to do, she wins the duel handily and it's down to Brad & John, almost neck & neck... but it's John that succeeds in taking Brad Culpepper out of this
Brad makes a speech to his wife, "Monica, I came out here as a shield and through fault or no fault of my own I became an anchor.  You're free to sail... blah, blah (I wonder how long he's been planning that little speech.)  (I 'blah, blah' a lot for Brad because the guy just doesn't shut up...)
-And with Brad leaving, that takes Karen S., Laura H., and Jeff T. out of the pool.

-Laura M. gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol and she decides to give it to Vytas - Why Vytas? Because she knows it's a target on your back (and she's upset with Aras for getting her voted out.  Not a bad strategy - I think Laura M's smart, but her voice is really, really annoying.)
-Oh, but Vytas just throws the clue right in the fire... Jeff still can't believe that no one wants the idol (it's poison Jeff, poison.)

Oh and one more piece of business before they head back to camp... after 14 days of playing against their loved ones, they're going to switch things up.
-They drop their buffs and draw for new tribes - Tyson asking to let fate decide where he goes, he takes the last tube left.  They reveal and the new tribes are:  Totally lop-sided...
Galang: Tina, Monica, Kat, Laura B., Katie and Vytas
Tadhana: Ciera, Caleb, Hayden, Tyson, Gervase and Aras
Ciera is the one woman on Tadhana - could be a really good or a really bad thing.
Vytas is the one man on Galang - he fancies himself a ladies man so this is perfect for him. (Yeah, right, I think both the singles are in trouble.)
Aras has spent 14 days setting up his game and a switch like this puts everything in jeopardy - we'll see how it pans out.

Tadhana - Day 14
The new, mostly-man tribe returns to camp and the returning players start pumping the newbies for information about how the voting went down and they gave up the goods.  They even got the details of the clue to the hidden immunity idol that John told Brad... Tyson wasn't sure if the old Tadhanians knew what was going on or what, but, "Stupid will be stupid."

Then the new guys are ready for food and they start going to town, eating the rice, going through the spices... and it doesn't sit well with Hayden, he wants to tell them to get their hands off his stuff - but he can't.  Tyson stays true to form as well, they ask him to crack a coconut for everyone and he drinks most of it for himself first - his goal is to steal as much food from this tribe that he can... He's a one-man wrecking ball. (Man, the weasel is in the henhouse!  The newbies have no idea what they're in for.)

Galang - Day 14
The only loved ones together are Tina and Katie and Vytas is the odd man out in more ways than one - sure two Tadhana made the switch but one of them is the daughter of a Galang member - he's basically gone from being the master of his own destiny to being pretty much alone.
-Monica won't stop strategizing and it's driving Kat crazy - when you have an alliance, stop talking about it, all it does is put heat on you - if you want to learn how to play Survivor - Shut It! (Maybe Kat's not so simple after all.)

Tadhana - Day 14
Tyson is an evil mastermind, since he and Gervase had pretty much decided that they were going to take out Aras, he's making it seem like Aras is the leader, apologizing for him to the other people, planting the seeds that Aras bosses everyone around and he, Tyson, is just a simple fun-loving guy.  He's doing everything in his power to put a target on Aras' back and keep it off his own.

Galang - Day 14
Vytas doesn't have a lot of play here - the women have bonded and he's got to try and find an in.  He thinks being vulnerable and sharing the sad story of his past will go a long way with the girls (of course, they'll all want to save you - methinks Vytas does know women... or at least how to manipulate people.)
Oh, and it's working - Laura B. finds a man who's willing to share his feelings very attractive, "He reminds me of Rupert." (Oh?)  Then he starts talking up Aras and how he loves his brother and how he failed him and all the women jump to his defence, telling him not to sell himself short (oh yeah, he's working them all good!)
Laura B. feels connected to Vytas, she loves him a lot but she is still using her head - she knows that Vytas and Aras as a pair can take this whole game.

One pair from each tribe will race out to a cage on the bottom of the ocean - they'll dive down, release a gate and retrieve a fish trap and swim it back to shore.  Then the next pair goes.  Once they have collected all three fish traps, they must use the pieces inside to solve a vertical puzzle (two koi and the ying-yang symbol.)
-First tribe to finish the puzzle wins immunity and the reward of a Picnic - turkey, roast beef, ham, bread, brownies...
Off they go: Gervase & Aras vs Tina and Laura B. - Gervase and Aras get out to a good lead - when did Gervase learn to swim? - Tina & Laura B. forgot to bring the trap back and put Galang way behind as they had to go back out to get it... (well that sucks.)
-Tadhana have a trap lead over the other tribe and they get to start on the puzzle before Galang even has the third trap out of the gate.
Ciera's lucky the other team screwed up cause she's spent after the swimming.
-Aras & Tyson are working on the puzzle and doing pretty well but Tina and Monica get going on the puzzle and catch up - the women think they have it but... it's not quite right... and it's the new TADHANA that win immunity.

Galang - Day 16
They return from their defeat and Vytas is so frustrated with Tina and Laura B. - a mistake like that should not have happened - he should have gone first - but there is nothing he can say - as a man in his position, he's got to just shut up and go with whatever they decide to do. 
-Tina throws herself on their mercy, apologizing and saying she'd understand if they wanted to vote for her tonight and all the girls make soothing noises, while Vytas quietly seethes.
-Kat says they are voting Vytas out tonight but she is sick of hearing and seeing Monica talking strategy - Kat approaches Tina and says she knows they were going to stay Girl Strong but... and Tina feels like Kat's loyalty is now in question and this is something she needs to share with everyone.  (Tina found a way to save her own butt after messing up in the challenge - way to go Kat.)

-Tina approaches Monica and Vytas and tells Monica that Kat wants to vote her out because she won't stop strategizing.  Monica says that's worrisome since they agreed they were going to vote out Vytas, "sorry about that." (Yeah, the guy is right there.) Now Monica thinks she needs to confront Kat and when she does, Kat denies, denies, denies - "I never brought your name up to nobody."  Now Kat knows her back is against the wall and she's going to sacrifice Vytas and anyone else she can to stay there.
-Monica says she teaches her children to 'do unto others as you'd have them do unto you' but she's learned in Survivor it's 'do unto others BEFORE they do unto you.' (There you go, you're getting it now.)
-Now Monica is floating Kat's name, "If she's gunning for me, I'm going to try and rally everyone to vote her out."
-Tina thinks they should stay with the plan to vote Vytas but Kat has kinda shot herself in the foot.

Let's talk about the tribe switch.  Kat, who's not getting along?
-I guess, Monica and I - I saw Monica was a bit down and when I talked to her it didn't go as well as I thought it would (huh?)

Monica, what did you talk about?
-Just the game and trust issues - All I'm looking for is a little bit of trust and I want it from this young lady [Kat] because I genuinely am cheering for her, but it's just difficult. (Okay, are they speaking in code?  What is this namby-pamby bullpucky?)

Kat says to her, this shouldn't be about her and Monica, she understands and wants it to remain women strong, (again) 'sorry Vytas.'

Vytas says he knows Kat's going to write his name down and he feels for their relationship but trust in this game is sticking to your alliance no matter what (oh yeah, he's working them). It sucks to be on the chopping block but he feels like he's established some great relationships over here.

Kat says she's established relationships here and they all know she has their backs... Monica, you know I always have your back.

Monica - "Oh Kat... there's nothing more I want to do than to trust you" (I heard a bit BUT in there) Then I've heard you've thrown my name around.

Kat, do you think you're going home tonight?
-I hope I don't, I want to stay.  You all know I want to stay more than anything.
Who should be going home?
-I feel like the women should stick together like our plan was from the get-go and vote out Vytas. (Oh Kat, it's not fun watching her flail.)

Vytas says all he's hearing is a lot of 'I'm sorry', she's obviously made some mistakes and lost trust with her partners but I haven't made any...
Kat tries to cut in - We don't know that...
But he cuts her off and asks her not to interrupt - It doesn't matter if you go into the merge five strong when one of your alliance has already proven she can't be trusted.

Kat says Vytas comes in and he's genuine to everybody for 24 hours but we don't know anything - they know me and I'll be here - I love these people and they know that. (Just saying it doesn't make it so.)

Tina - One side says stick with your alliance be safe but the other side, two new people, chance to change it up.
-Well for me it's a little bit more difficult because I have a loved one here now and it puts a whole new dynamic on things. So I have to make my decision on what I think is going to get me further tonight and possibly in the future.

Vytas, how do you make sure it isn't you tonight?
-All I can really do is just be open, be a bit vulnerable, show the person I really am and that's it.  The rest is for them to decide if they can trust me or if they want to stick with what they have.

Jeff gives Kat one more chance to talk and we get a repeat of Kat swearing she has their backs, Vytas saying she's already proven she hasn't had their backs, Kat begging them to stick together and Vytas saying WE will stay together and WE will stay strong.

Time to Vote:
Kat votes Vetus
Vytas votes for Kat

Tallying the Votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Vytas 1
Kat 1, 2, 3, 4...Oh Kat.  You don't turn on the momma bears, they don't like it.

Jeff says the vote made one thing clear, you don't get trust by asking for it, you've got to earn it.

Next week:
In the tale of two brothers, Vytas is making friends (Tina would be honored if he took an interest in Katie...What?) and Aras' friends are all but gone (Gervase and Tyson are plotting against him with Tadhana.)

Redemption Island - Kat stumbles into camp and she's worried about Hayden, that he will be disappointed in her. "Who wants to date someone that doesn't make the merge." (Oh that's a sad state of reality show relationships.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,

Monday, October 21, 2013

Amazing Race 23 - Oct 20/13 Episode Recap

Beards in the Wind

Last week there was the heartbreak elimination of Chester & Ephraim at the Lisbon airport. 

This week, Nicole & Travis are the first team heading out at 11:08pm - They get the clue to make their way to Norway - by plane and ferry - once they get to Svolvaer, Norway, they'll find their next clue at the ferry terminal.
-Nicole is from Brooklyn, everything was about hustling and making sure people don't take advantage of you and she feels this has been an asset in the race - Travis is glad she's so tough.
-Amy & Jason depart at 11:14pm - they are not excited to be going to the Arctic circle - but they are happy to have founded an alliance with Travis & Nicole, they are their mentors and little family on the race. (Right.)
-These two teams hit a travel agency and find out the only flight out is the next morning - meaning everyone is going to be on it.

Bodo, Norway - once the flight lands they all head for the ferry and they are all complaining about the cold.
Getting on the ferry Marie in voice over is telling us that she plans to hold on to the 2nd Express Pass until the last possible moment when they step on the mat at the end of the 5th leg.  She tells us who definitely is NOT getting it - the Afghanimals, they're jerks and the Ice girls, might as well be in the Afghanimals' backpacks... She had considered giving it to Travis & Nicole since they would have come in first without the penalty but that would be a challenge for Marie & Tim to still have them around. (And God forbid you do the decent thing.)

-The Ferry docks at 11:05pm and it's still daylight, the sun never sets in the Arctic circle in the summer - they all take off running for the clue box and get the clue for the DETOUR: Hang Your Heads or Hammer of the Cods.
In Hang Your Heads: they have to string together six bundles of 10 fish heads each.  They must then transport the strings of heads in a wheelbarrow type cart to the giant drying racks where they have to string them up to dry in the Arctic sun. Once all 6 strings are hung, they'll get their next clue.
In Hammer of the Cods: They have to collect 15 pairs of cod from enormous 30ft high drying racks - then take the dried fish inside and pound them with a giant hammer to make 1 kilo of fish jerky without the bones.  Once they weigh in at 1 kilo, they'll get their next clue.
-Everyone chooses their tasks, most chose to hang the heads but a couple are going for the hammering - but then they all are stymied by how far away the tasks are, how many miles in a kilometer? - do they run or take a cab?  It's 11:30 at night and the one cab took Marie & Tim to the Fish heads.  The Beards decide they are running it and take off to Hang some Heads.  Everyone else is just standing around.
Slowly they all start showing up and are stringing the fish heads. Marie & Tim had the count wrong, they were doing 8 heads per and Amy told her it should be 10 (really? Why would you help her?)  Marie doesn't care why, she'll take help all day, as long as they don't expect anything from her in return.
-So we have Tim & Marie, Bearded dudes, Travis & Nicole, Amy & Jason, Afghanimals and Ice girls all stringing heads.
-The Okies are doing the hammering and that leaves the Baseball wives still hoofing it to the detour - they are planning on hammering too.
-Tim & Danny get to the drying racks and one of them has to climb all the way to the top to retrieve the dried fish - scary - the other has to hold all the fish until they have 15 pairs and can start pounding.

-The Fish head stringers are starting to leave the stringing areas a team at a time.  The Afghanimals run into trouble because they chose a wheel barrow with a flat tire and of course they have a long way to travel. 

-Tim & Marie get to the drying rack with their strings of fish heads and the clue says one team per pole but they didn't check if it was a marked pole so they are wrong and Marie, as usual, can't believe she could do anything wrong.
-Amy & Jason are right, they chose a marked pole.
-The Bearded boys show up and they notice right away the marked poles... Steamroller Marie needs to calm the heck down, she's demanding to know what they did differently but everyone's ignoring her.

-Jason & Amy get the clue to take a high speed ride to another village and look for their next clue.
-Brandon & Adam get the clue and Marie tries to manipulate them with the Express Pass for their help - the boys know that she has offered it to everyone at some point to get help and they say, "We don't need your stinking express pass" and take off (good for you!)
-Marie & Tim still have no clue what they've done wrong. She says, "Why is this happening to me, I've been nice to everyone." (Wow, just wow.)  She mentions using their Express Pass but Tim thinks they're still ok.

-Jason & Amy pass Nicole & Travis on the way to the drying racks and Amy tells them to make sure to look for the marked poles.
-At the racks Marie barges over to check what Travis & Nicole are doing and finally realizes the end of the pole needs to be marked - she just starts yelling at Tim take they off!

-The Okies are heading back with their dry fish and they are really heavy - they finally get to the hammering place and are just so happy not to be walking anymore.
-The Baseball wives are trying to carry the heavy dried fish too - meanwhile everyone else is done hanging the heads and heading out for the high speed boat ride.

-Brandon & Adam are the first team to the ROADBLOCK clue - Who's the Biggest Swinger?
-This Roadblock requires one team member to jump off a bridge, swinging down on a rope, then unclipping to fall in the frigid water where they will have to swim to a buoy and retrieve their next clue. (I would so be yelling NOT IT!)
-Bearded Brandon is the first one doing the swinging.  Brandon was excited to do this task, they used to jump off bridges as kids (of course they did) and he can swim like a seal - yup, he made it look easy.
-The Bearded Boys get the clue that they have to choose a Ford Ranger, hook it up to a sled loaded with the giant granite boulder, then drag it far enough to reveal their next clue (Viking Longhouse) and a pouch of Viking coins they'll need for later in the Race.

-Jason is the next person to jump off the bridge, which he does alright but then he can't reach the release ball to fall into the water... but he finally gets it.
-Tim does the jump with Marie doubting him the whole time.
-Doctor Nicole is the first woman to do it - she does great.

-The Okies are still pounding their fish when the baseball wives finally show up - they definitely chose the harder task.  Okies finish and head out - leaving the Brunette Barbies in last place.

-People are still jumping off the bridge - everyone is getting it done, no balking. (I think they are all just tired, it's probably 2am and they've been going all day - sure, let's jump off a bridge, why not?)

-The beards get their boulder hooked up and do the Ford commercial, "Wow, this is a powerful rig." They retrieve the pouch and head for the Pit Stop - the Viking Longhouse.

-Jason has experience with trucks and chains so he has no problem hooking up the boulder.  Tim & Marie don't and Tim has to deal with her yelling at him the whole time.  Jason & Amy get the clue and the pouch - Marie & Tim, ever impatient, just grab the pouch and takes off after everyone else, but they left the clue with the Viking Longhouse picture behind... (Can't say I'm sad to see that.)

-The Ice girls have problems with the Ford Ranger because it's a stick shift (I can't believe people go on this show without knowing how to drive a standard.)  They ask the Okies to show them how to get the truck into reverse and the boys are so nice, they do it.

-Nicky & Kim (Baseball Wives) are finally at the bridge and Nicky jumps off - they are just hoping that someone messes up so they are not out of the Race.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Brandon & Adam - recognize the power of the beard!  They won $5000 each!  The other news is that they are still Racing - Phil hands them another clue and they take off.

-Marie & Tim are driving around, they have no idea where they need to go because they didn't take the scrap of cloth with the long house on it.
-Travis & Nicole come up on them looking all desperate and lost and Nicole sees her opportunity - she tells Marie she'll tell her where to go but she wants the Express Pass - Marie's first instinct is "no way," she's the only one allowed to demand things - so Nicole says, do you want it or not?  You need us, we don't need you - and they drive off.  (LOVE IT!)

To Be Continued... (aww)

Next week: They face a double U-Turn ahead and it looks like more dressing up in fancy costumes :)

Have a great week everyone,


Survivor Blood vs Water - Oct 16/13 Episode Recap

The Dead Can Still Talk

Previous episode the loved ones continued their losing streak and we saw an epic Tribal Council when Caleb announced he was voting for big man Brad and he succeeded in sending him to Redemption Island.

Wednesday's episode opened on Tadhana - Night 10
They returned from Tribal Council and they were still excitedly talking about what a bold move Caleb made.  The girls are super excited that they are still both there, Ciera even thinking that possibly, if Caleb was voting with them now, they could have the numbers.
-Vytas said he was okay with what happened and admits he was the one that turned his second vote against Brad but Hayden is still in shock and he tells the camera that he feels like Caleb screwed his and Vytas' game.  Hayden doesn't know where he stands now.

Redemption Island - Night 10
-Brad says kudos to Caleb, he knows the game and good for him.
-They show Brad wake up John & Candice again - they show John's reaction this time, he expected to see Brad at Redemption Island at some time, he was making big moves and that tends to bite you in the ass out there.
-Brad is blah, blah, blahing like usual and Candice is just glad she'll have the chance to take him out of the game for good now.

Galang - Night 10
-Laura M is massaging Aras and he's enjoying it - she's trying to ingratiate herself with him in hopes of staying in the game longer.  Aras knows exactly what she's doing but he's letting her cozy up to him all she wants, he still doesn't see her as part of his alliance which includes Tina, Monica, Gervase and Tyson.
-Rupert's Laura feels doubly the outsider because she is the only person that hasn't played the game before - there was suppressed tears (why don't the cool kids like me?)

-Monica is upset when she realizes that Brad was voted out.  She asks him if she can take his spot and he refuses (he's the man and he's going to battle his way back on his own.)
-Brad wants everyone to know that he's not there because he's a jerk. Candice says she was repeating what she had been told by others that were voted out.  Monica says Candice hurt her feelings yelling obscenities at her husband and Candice countered that Monica hurt her feelings when she voted her out. (Exactly, get over yourself - Brad and Monica seem like they don't understand how anyone could dislike them - pretty people syndrome.)

DUEL - they have to take apart a crate and use the boards to make a bridge - once they cross the bridge they have to take the boards out and use the pattern on them to solve a puzzle - first two people done stay in it and the last is out for good.  (No mention of another clue this time, interesting.)
-Off they go and Candice is leading from the outset, Jeff says she's dominated Redemption Island, no one has beaten Candice - everyone seems to be rooting for Brad (huh?) I think Candice burned any goodwill she may have had with her attack on Brad last week.
-John finishes the bridge, then Brad and finally Candice (Uh oh, did Jeff jinx her?) - they start looking for the puzzle pieces and everyone is still encouraging Brad.
-John finishes the puzzle first, it's down to Candice and Brad and ... it's Brad that finishes the puzzle first.  (Oh man!  I really wanted her to have her moment beating Brad but the Survivor karma got her.)  With Candice leaving, Nenad M., Mike L., and Lois & Dave L. are out of the pool.
-Oh, John does get a clue to the hidden immunity idol, he gives it to Monica again and she throws it in the fire again.  (I think he should have seen if someone else would have actually used it - but maybe he doesn't really want anyone to have it, so smart to give it to the firestarter again.)

Galang - Day 11
-Monica thanks them for cheering on Brad at the duel - she was surprised to see him there but they are all telling her he has a good chance of getting back in - she hopes that they can meet up but they are such a tight couple, if one of them's there, they're both there.
-Tina, on seeing how tight a couple Monica and Brad are, is getting a little nervous.  Monica assures Tina that whatever happens with Brad won't change her commitment to her tribal alliance.  Tina's not sure if Monica is an asset or a threat but she's going to keep an eye on her.

Tadhana - Day 11
They are beat up, it's hot, there's no food, they have injuries, scrapes, bug bites everywhere and Katie has gross athletes foot so she's losing her toenails - and they are all trying to regroup and figure out how they fit in this new tribe without Big Daddy Brad there running the show.
-Vytas is talking to Caleb out on the water - Vytas tells the camera that no one will really ever trust Caleb again after what he pulled at Tribal Council but he hopes if he can get to know him better he can learn to read him and finesse him.
-Caleb is a quiet guy and he's not giving much up to Vytas.  He tells the camera he's feeling like the Big Kahunas right now - he's in a position that he can go with the girls or guys and it's nice to be the swing vote.

Tadhana - Day 13
-Oh we finally get to see Vytas doing some yoga.... he says since they voted Brad out, it has been so peaceful and he's now enjoying the peace and quiet and communing with nature.
-The five remaining Tadhana members are a little nervous going to the immunity challenge, they're not sure how their tribe will perform without powerhouse Brad but Vytas gives them a positive pep talk and they are excited to prove themselves.

-One member of each tribe will race down a giant water slide, grabbing a ring along the way - at the bottom of the slide they must toss their ring onto a post - first person to snag the ring on the peg gets a point - first tribe to 5 points wins immunity and reward of steak, veggies, spices and a wok - or they can trade it for fishing gear.
Galang sits out Monica and the two Laura's.

Off they go - Gervace vs Caleb - Caleb gets the point.
Tyson vs Hayden - Tyson gets the point. Tied
Kat vs Katie - Katie gets the point - Tadhana up 2-1
Aras vs Vytas - Vytas redeems himself and gets the point - 3-1
Tina vs Ciera - Tina scores - now 3-2
Caleb vs Tyson - Caleb scores again - 4-2
Hayden vs Gervase - could be game point for Tadhana... they make 2-3 tosses and finally HAYDEN scores and TADHANA Wins Immunity for the first time in this game.  They also choose the steaks over the fishing gear (well, that's shortsighted but understandable, those steaks looked really nice.)

Galang - Day 13
The returning players will be going to tribal council for the first time and Rupert's wife Laura B. is really nervous, first because she's never been to Tribal before and second because she could be the first one voted out again.
-Laura B is trying to suss out Gervase, he gives her nothing so she tries to stir up trouble with the easy target Kat.  She goes and tells Kat that Monica and the other Laura were upset that Kat jumped up to do the challenge when they had to sit.  Tina and Tyson are there too and they all know what Laura's trying to do - probably because she's not good at this - it was so painfully obvious that she's scrambling big time - (just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.)
-Everyone is super annoyed with Laura B, Rupert's Laura - she is the easy and obvious vote.  Aras is a little worried that the easy vote may be the stupid vote - strategizing with Tyson, they think if they can send someone to Redemption Island that has a chance to beat out Brad then Monica would be a better asset as she would have no where else to go - therefore they want to vote out Laura M. because she's proven to be strong in puzzle challenges which is normally what the duels are.
-They float the idea of voting out Laura M to Monica and she's worried that Laura M could beat Brad - so she's got to think about it.  She wants Laura B. the easy vote, and Aras backs off, he doesn't want to be seen as trying too hard to manipulate the vote at this point.

Gervase, it's been a long time since you played this game, it's changed a lot.
-It's surreal for me being here again but that was 13 years ago, these people are making moves, wheeling and dealing from day one.  I need  to get on board or I need to go home.

Tina you go back to the second season.  What does it look like from your vantage point?
-I was thinking on day 5 that I played more in 5 days than I did in my whole season in Australia (when Colby stupidly gave you the win, you mean?) it's going that quickly.  And the blood vs water thing, if you are playing  just yourself you can play balls to the wall but it's not just you.

Monica, how does this blood vs water change the game for you?
-It's not just you, when I go out there I'm looking out for my loved one - and people are looking for who has a loved one that could potentially be a team of two - it makes the stress of the game twice as much.

Aras, that loyalty, whether a tribe member will vote a loved one out or not is a big factor.
- He agrees but says right now, let Vytas do what Vytas does, I have to make sure I shore up all these relationships.

Laura M., Aras says my loved one is on his own, that's the only thing you can say.
-Yeah but, it's the truth.  There is a time when you have to cut the apron strings, it sounds really hard but Ciera's got to fly on her own, right now [this tribe] is my blood.

Gervase, Laura M. has proven she will squash her daughter in a challenge, does that prove her loyalty?
-He's heard her talk about her daughter and knows how close they are so he still sees that loved one bond as threatening.

Laura B you were voted out seconds into the game and now you're playing with people that have already played the game - do you belong out here?
-Well Jeff, I feel very much a part of this tribe, the decision making, the play - of course I belong here (the rest of the tribe doesn't look like they agree with that assertion.)

Monica, would you agree with that?
-Absolutely.  She's been with us since day one, she fishes, she builds fire, she's very much a part of this tribe.

And Laura B. that's what they always say to somebody before they vote them out.
-I also see the back side that I'm an easy vote.  I was welcomed with open arms but I did see the disappointment in my tribe when Rupert wasn't on the tribe.  Even though they all wanted to play with Rupert and not her, she still believes that she's proven herself.

Laura M. pipes up that Laura B. hasn't felt the sting of having her torch snuffed out by Jeff.  They have all felt that (except Aras actually) and are still stinging from it. (Really?)

Time to Vote:
Laura M. votes for Laura B. - there is only room for one Laura on this island.
Laura B. votes for Laura M. - really sorry someone has to go but I'm really happy to have only one Laura on the tribe. (Meow, both Laura's are touchy about the name thing.)

Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Laura B - 1
Laura M - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Oh and she is stinging doubly from that blindside!  She doesn't even acknowledge them as she leaves.

Next week: Gervase and Tyson are talking about dethroning King Aras - but Jeff surprises them at the Redemption Island duel telling them they are going to switch things up.

Redemption Island - Laura M was caught off guard with the blindside but she is still in the game and she is going to keep her wits about her because she has to win the duel.  Brad just wants to know how Galang lost the challenge. (Yeah, yeah, you were blindsided, tell me about the challenge.)

So, not quite as exciting as the last Tribal Council but still blindsides are fun to watch.
Have a great week everyone,

Monday, October 14, 2013

Amazing Race 23 - October 13/13 Episode Recap

King Arthur Style

Hi everybody, I was away for the weekend and watched the show on Sunday when it aired, planning to watch it again and recap it Monday night for you all... but I'm so disheartened by the outcome that I don't know if I can watch it again.  So it's more of an encapsulated recap this week, 'cause I'm sad.

The teams started out from Santiago, Chile - my team, Chester and Ephraim, the former NFL players, were the first to leave and got the clue to head to Lisbon, Portugal.  They went to a travel agency and while the girl was looking up the best connections to get them to Portugal, the doctors came in and stole their flight!  Their travel agent put in the wrong date and it was snatched out from under them... and that was the beginning of the end for my team.  They booked a crazy two connection route and their flights were all delayed... I haz sad.

Everyone else gets to Portugal, despite Amy & Jason getting into a slight fender bender on the way to the airport. 
-The Afghanimals and the Ice Bunnies tried to play the Okies. The smarmy boys want the Okies to take the same flight as them so they wouldn't be competing with the girls.  But Okie Danny isn't as backwoods as they think, he sees what they are trying to do and decides not to go with them - the Okies find their own flights.
-Pinky Marie is still using the Express Pass to try and wheedle info out of people. That is her plan to keep using it to demand information and not actually give it to anyone - Bingo Rowan had it right, she is the devil.
-Along that same vein, the best thing that happened all episode was the baseball wives, who Marie had played with the promise of the Express Pass then reneged - found an Executive Lounge at the airport and, while the gate was still closed and Marie & another team were waiting, they got put on the standby list first, eventhough they were the last team to arrive.  OH, you should have seen Marie, she could not believe that someone out sneaky'd her... she didn't like it.
She told the Baseball Wives that they are dead to her but I think she may have some newfound, if grudging, respect for the Bunnies (that's what she calls the Baseball Wives) She now sees them as competition though, so there is no way they are getting the Express pass now (who am I kidding, no one is getting it.)

In Lisbon, Portugal they got a painting of an ornate coach and had to figure out to go to the Coach Museum, once there they had to find the coach matching the painting and they found the clue to the Detour: Tiles or Miles
Tiles: They had to assemble a puzzle by arranging tiles to complete a picture of a person in period dress. (Baseball Wives, Brandon & Adam, Leo & Jamal and Ally & Ashley (after switching) - oh and Marie & Tim, did this task.)
Miles: They had to use a giant compass to measure the miles Magellan travelled to 10 destinations - there was a huge map in the square, they had to use the 8ft instrument and do math... you can imagine. (The Doctors and Jason & Amy worked together and Tim & Danny also did this one.)

Roadblock - Who has a hand for slings & arrows?  I always love it when they make them dress up and this one was pretty good - they had to put on a partial suite of armour - chain-mail and a heavy helmet and then shoot a large medieval crossbow to hit one of the shields set up down field.  Once they hit a shield it was presented to them as the clue to the Pit Stop is on the back.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Nicole & Travis (The Doctors) felt they redeemed themselves from losing first place on the first leg due to a clue reading error.  They won a trip for two to Costa Rica.
2) Jason & Amy - due to a sign reading error they got a little lost on the way to the Pit Stop and the doctor's were able to overtake them. (Noooo!)
3) Nicky & Kim (Baseball wives) - they are feeling really good that they were able to pull one over on other teams and get themselves ahead.
4) Tim & Danny (Okies) - way to go boys - they did great.
5) Brandon & Adam - scruffy did good.
6) Leo & Jamal - I don't like them much, but they don't like Marie and needled her at the Detour which I could get behind.
7) Ally & Ashley - they had a little spat with their Race husbands when they didn't listen to them on the choice of the task at the Detour (time to cut the ties?)
8) Marie & Tim - she said she would kill herself if they were last... but we weren't that lucky.
Phil tells them they are the last team to arrive... and they started having kittens... "except for one."  (Oh that Phil, such a kidder :)  He couldn't have messed with a team more deserving of it either.)
He asked them if they thought of using their Express Pass and, all-bluster Marie says she wasn't worried, you know she's in charge of this whole darn race! (Ugh.)
9) Then, in the dead of night, finally, Chester and Ephraim's third delayed flight spits them out in Lisbon, Portugal... and Phil comes and meets them at the airport.  Chester - "Uh oh, that's not good."
Phil tells them they are the last team to arrive and, he was really sorry to tell them, they have been ELIMINATED from the Race. You gotta love these guys, they stayed positive the whole time, they were disappointed that things out of their control cost them the game. They had a great time, and were glad to have done the Race together.  Ephraim said, "But to quote the great Ricky Bobby, 'If you're not first, you're last.' "  They walked off arms around each other's shoulders, out of the Race but still great friends and teammates.
And Eliminated with me from the pool are Jeremy N, Carol-Anne D, Robert L. and Kim B.

Next week: Teams plunge into the Arctic and Nicole makes a power play for the Express Pass - Marie asks them for info and Nicole says she wants the Express Pass to tell her - Marie balks (as we all know she would) and I like Nicole a lot more just from that scene :)

Have a great week everyone,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - October 9, 2013 Episode Recap

One Armed Dude and Three Moms

Last week the Loved Ones tribe (Tadhana) continued their losing streak and ended up sending Candice's husband John to join her at Redemption Island... and what else happened? Oh yeah, Colton QUIT! Rachel was the person eliminated and Tyson dislocated his shoulder in the challenge... it was an eventful episode.

Last night the episode opened on:
Redemption Island - Night 8
-John was completely shocked, he did not see the vote going against him at all - he trusted Brad and that was a mistake.
-Candice knew he was going to be too trusting, she wished she could have been there to give him pointers and keep him on his toes.  She loves that he is trusting, but it doesn't help you win Survivor.

Tadhana - Night 8
-Brad is bragging about the 'epic blindside' he spearheaded - he hooked John in from the beginning, by telling him he was his guy... (so you just told them all that you lied to your closest ally and got him voted out - do you want to be the next one to go?  Brad is not smart in this game.) He goes on to say, "If this was Survivor 25 or 26 we would have stayed 5 guys strong the whole way but this is Survivor 27 Blood vs Water - the loved ones are trying to hang in so they can meet up and win, you have to think of the connections on the other side as well... and he doesn't think the other tribe realizes that. This isn't us against them, it's some against others.
-So I took this to mean that they have to watch out for people that still have loved ones in the game but Caleb took it to mean that they want to keep people that have loved ones so they will be stronger in the merge - and now Caleb feels more vulnerable because he's the only person now on Tadhana that doesn't have a loved one on the other side (cause Colton is a quitter.)

They all gather for the duel and Candice comes in with middle finger extended towards Brad Culpepper... and he doesn't like it, he has the gall to look hurt.
Jeff asks Candice how she felt seeing John last night and she said she was all kinds of upset - she wanted to see someone she and Marissa could team up to beat, someone she could hate, "Like Brad Culpepper." (Wow, tell us how you really feel... I think someone has spent too much time with Marissa.) You can tell golden boy Brad doesn't like people not liking him - I bet it's foreign to him.  Monica doesn't like it much either.
-Candice brings up the fact that everyone voted to Redemption Island has said how Brad shushes the women and ... Brad cuts her off and starts talking over her - "Ask your husband, did I shush anyone?" (well dude, you just made her argument.)
-John said everyone that has been voted to Redemption Island it has been Brad's idea.  He tells Tadhana maybe they should think about pushing the King off his throne.

Duel - they have to race along a ladder bridge maneuvering a key along a rope that is woven through the ladder rungs - at the end they will use the key to open a lock and release a bag of puzzle pieces - then they must complete a completely ridiculous looking puzzle... that would take forever!  First and second finished get to stay, last one is gone for good. Winner will get to give a clue out again (hmm, that could be interesting, I wonder who Candice or John would give it to now?)

Off they go: John and Marissa get their puzzle pieces first but Candice isn't too far behind.  John and Marissa are getting the puzzle together pretty quickly and Marissa is doing pretty well, Candice is falling behind.
-Brad whispers to Hayden that he's going to make John like him again - then he yells out to John that one of his pieces doesn't fit, lower right corner. (To help him out - Ugh, really don't like that guy.)
-John is the first one to finish the puzzle.
-Marissa is getting frustrated and Candice, slow & steady, is catching up and passing her.  Gervase is telling Marissa to look at John's he has the top finished, that's how it's supposed to look.. but it doesn't help - Candice is the next one finished - knocking Marissa out of the game and also: Drew C, Steve H and Lindsay J out of the pool. (Aw.)

-John wins a clue to a hidden immunity idol to give out and Candice tells him to give it to Monica.  He says he doesn't always do what his wife says but in this case... the clues seemed to put a target on his back so he's spreading the love and giving the clue to Monica.  Immediately Brad is telling her to just walk it down and throw it in the fire... and she does, saying they are just not that interested over here.  (Hmm, I wonder if her tribe agrees.) Then they show Aras say they all realize the clue is a target and he thinks she was smart to burn it.

Jeff, "That has never happened before."
Candice says she was just doing what she was told.
Monica says she's in a good position, she didn't need to clue but it does worry her how much poison is being hurled at her husband.

Redemption Island - Day 9
-John says he'd still like to be in the game but it has been really nice just hanging out with his wife.  They agree that they wanted to play the game together so in weird way they are getting that chance and if either one of them wins, fabulous.

Galang - Day 9
-Monica doesn't understand how the other team doesn't see that her husband is the strongest, most fabulous guy out there.
-Gervase tells her with all due respect, she knows her husband as Brad Culpepper from Tampa, she doesn't know Brad from Survivor. Someone has got to be calling the shots and running the show - he's playing the game - kudos to him.
-Monica tells the camera she will be shocked if he makes it to the merge.

Tadhana - Day 9
-They thought it was funny Candice pointing out that Monica just did what she was told when it was Candice who told John what to do and he did it (obviously Brad and Candice could never be a couple, you both can't wear the pants in the family.)
-Brad is upset that Candice made her attack on him so personal, he is doing what he naturally would do, lead his family (gag me.)  As a show of good faith to the other tribe, if they lose the next challenge his thinking is to vote out Caleb because he doesn't still have a loved one in the game. (Right, he's thinking that for completely selfish reasons, he just doesn't want anyone else yelling at him at the next duel.)
-Brad goes out fishing alone and the rest of the guys are talking - they thought the Brad hate was crazy but for now they want to keep him around to the merge to keep the heat off of them (Project Culpepper Shield) but they also have to make sure they don't get "Johnned" by him.  Caleb thinks he, Vytas and Hayden are solid, Brad is on the bottom. (Riiggghhtt.)

Galang - Day 10
-Tyson's shoulder is still hurting, but he's also playing it up a little so that he can get away with doing less around camp and still get sympathy from them. (How old are we?)
-The 'Laura's go out fishing and Tyson and Gervase sneak off to get into the cookie jar Survivor style... in this case, tap coconuts and drink the milk.  They can't wait for them to bring the coconuts down and realize they're empty (Yup, these two are children!) They hash tagged it #Coconut Bandits. (Ha, okay, that is kinda cute.  Totally selfish, but they are so impish about it, you can't help but shake your head.)
-Next thing you know Rupert's Laura has found all these empty coconuts... Gervase thinks their cover is blown but because they have been spearing them with a crowbar it looks like a crack and Monica says it must be a coconut crab getting into the ones on the ground. Gervase says to the camera, "Yes, thank you Monica."
-Tyson & Gervase are partners in crime and also want to hang together in the game.  They have both lost their loved ones and they are wary of Aras because he still has his brother and if they get together at the merge Aras & Vytas will be the strongest duo.

-They have to paddle a boat out to a series of crates, dive down, release the crate, put it in their boat - once they have all 5 crates they have to come back to shore and use the crates to build a staircase up to a platform - at the top two tribe members must solve a puzzle giving them a combination to find a key - once they have the correct key they can open a lock to release their flag... and win Immunity! and a Reward of FOOD! Tea & Coffee, croissants, biscotti - or they can trade it for fishing gear.

Galang - sits Tina & Kat because Tyson says he can do the challenge even with one arm (methinks he overestimates himself.)

Off they go - and Galang still doesn't know how to paddle a boat - Tadhana is the first team collecting crates - and they have a crate lead the whole time in the water - until they nearly capsize the boat and dump two crates back in the water - Galang takes the lead as they have to recollect the crates.
-Both tribes get working on the staircase and Tadhana finishes theirs first - it's Vytas & Ciera vs Tyson & Mama Laura on the puzzle  - Laura beats her daughter at the puzzle again and they get the key and raise their flag!  Galang wins again.  It's bittersweet for Laura, she wants her child to succeed but she also has a tribe of people counting on her and she knew Ciera couldn't beat her (This is one tricky, emotional season.)

Tadhana - Day 10
-They return defeated again - Hayden says it's so disheartening too, because they are obviously the bigger stronger tribe, but they lost to a one-armed dude and three moms - it's brutal, Brutal! (Ha, Hayden's good for the episode titles every week it seems.)
-Brad broke from tradition when the men usually go off to strategize after a loss and the girls stay behind to make rice.  This time Brad stayed to talk to the girls and told them it's a no-brainer, it's Caleb tonight, they are both safe.
-Ciera doesn't know if she can trust Brad but she plays along, he keeps insisting that he's never lied to them... and then the men calling for him finally pulls him away.
-Hayden, Vytas and Caleb are talking about voting Ciera out because she screwed them on another puzzle and they lost, but Caleb finds Brad's staying behind with the girls really fishy. 
-When Brad finally shows up he tells the guys that he has the girls convinced it's Caleb tonight (Oh no, don't get Johnned) but Caleb feels confident that Vytas & Hayden have his back.  Ciera's going sounds good to him.
-Brad tells the camera he still has to keep the tribe strong at this point and he's not worried about taking heat at Redemption, Ciera is going home.

Brad, when you sit at home an you fantasize about Survivor, this isn't how it goes.
-No, this is not how I envisioned it - some challenges we lost because of strength but two of them we lost because of puzzles.  Ciera volunteered for both of those and we lost both when we had a lead going in.
Ciera, once again you go against your Mom and again you lost.  Did you think maybe they should vote you off.
-Well, obviously I thought maybe I'm not as good at puzzles as I thought I was but I'm not going to sit around and bitch about it and whine and give up.  I'm going to try to figure out what I can do to benefit somebody, where to go from here.
Brad, at every Redemption Island duel, you take grief for who this tribe votes out.
-Yeah, and it's really tough when you have your dirty laundry being aired and it's false.  The stuff they're saying is incorrect but the other tribe doesn't know that, they're assuming it's correct.  And we do still have loved ones over there so if you ignore that you're not playing smart in this Survivor, Blood vs Water.
So Brad, you're saying it'd be great to vote out somebody without a loved one, then nobody from the other tribe will be mad.
-He pauses, scratches his face, then says, "Yeah. That's a valid point. No doubt about it, it'd be easier tomorrow."

Caleb says he did feel that pressure.  Maybe it was the blindside, you taste that and you want more of it - "I love a blindside but do I want to be the butt of it?  No I don't."  He said was fine being the goat, used to misdirect the girls but now he feels like a lamb led to slaughter.
Brad pipes up that it's just not true. 
Caleb says he campaigned against him today.
Brad can't defend himself, argues that campaigned isn't the right word.

Hayden, now you have a problem - Caleb has a bad taste in his mouth.
-It definitely creates cracks, we have some patchwork to do.  But once you distrust somebody, it's especially hard to gain back that trust, especially in a game like this.

Caleb, what do they have to do to regain your trust?
-Caleb says he trusts Hayden and Vytas, Brad is on the fence right now.  Then he turns to Ciera and says, "I don't want you to go home, I'm going to write Brad's name down." (What?  You GO CALEB!)
Brad starts looking around all panicked - like, what did he just say?...(IT WAS AWESOME!)
-Katie and Ciera look shocked and happy, while Hayden and Vytas both face-palmed... hahaha.  If the girls vote with Caleb that's three up front and the guys will have to decide what they're going to do.
Wow, Ciera, that is just throwing it out there.
-Oh my gosh, you come into this game and you make this whole plan out, and then... this happens. (Caleb has the cutest grin on his face - Caleb is my hero this episode.) So no one should feel comfortable, everyone should be on edge and you just have to roll with it.

Brad pipes up, "I'm not writing your name down Caleb.  You can write mine down, I understand." (Oh, he so doesn't understand.)
Vytas asks, "Caleb, are you really writing Brad's name down?"
Caleb, "Uh huh.  That's what I'm doing.  The ball's in your court but that's what I'm doing."
Vytas (is smiling but pretending this isn't awesome.) Wow.
Caleb says in the challenges Brad takes the reigns and, I mean, we all agree, but maybe that's another problem.  I don't know.
Brad asks Vytas if he's going to do that and he says no, he's not going to do that.  Hayden just looks really, really sweaty and doesn't make eye contact - deer in the headlights.
(OH MY GOD, I just thought of Brad showing up at Redemption Island with Candice & John... HA! Priceless.)

Jeff says he's excited to see what's going to happen (ME TOO!)
Time to vote:
Caleb votes for Brad - Sorry dude, you mess with the boy, you get the horns (uh, did he mean to say that?)
Brad votes for Ciera - says nothing but is FUMING.

Tallying the Votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Brad - 1
Ciera - 1, 2
Brad - 2
Ciera - 3
Brad - 3
We have a tie - they will re-vote - Brad & Ciera will not vote and the rest can only vote FOR Brad or Ciera.

Hayden started voting Ciera, crossed it out... thought some more...

Tallying the votes x2:
Brad - 1
Ciera - 1 (that was the crossed out one)
Brad - 2, 3 (Oh Vytas, you so wily.)

And it's BRAD epically voted out - and of course he can't just leave, he's got to tell Caleb he's not mad at him - Caleb is like, yeah, yeah, we'll talk.  Brad acts like he was running for office, is telling them all he's not mad. (They don't care.  IT WAS FANTASTIC!)

Brad posturing to the end says he's going to try to get back in.
Jeff wishes him luck at Redemption Island and Brad sarcastically quips, "That's going to be fun." (Ha hahaha - yeah it is.)
Caleb just unseated the King, long live king Caleb!

Next week: Caleb is the big Kahuna and ready to make more noise. And Monica asks if she can take Brad's spot at Redemption Island (Oh no!)

Redemption Island - Brad slinks in and wakes them up, "Before you hit me, I'm waving the white flag."
Candice said she heard the sweetest voice she had ever heard, Brad Culpepper - now she has the chance to put him out of the game for good.

Well that was a totally satisfying episode of Survivor.  I love watching the cocky fall. (Yes, I have some issues :)

Have a great rest of your week everyone.  OH! And I will be in Vegas next Wednesday so the recap will be delayed until the following Monday.  Vegas!
See ya,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Amazing Race 23 - October 6, 2013 Episode Recap

Zip It, Bingo

Last week we saw the exciting start of the 23rd Amazing Race, the Father/Daughter team couldn't keep up and were the first eliminated. The rest are starting out this leg from Chile, where the first place team of the Arguing Exes, Tim & Marie, headed out at 2:52am. They have to make their way to the deck of a specific ship where the officer of the day will post their next clue.
-3:02am -Doctors Travis & Nicole are the next out and she is still bitter that they didn't come in first but she is putting that behind her, they don't have the express pass, it's time to move on.
-Theatre performers Rowan & Shane heading out at 3:08am - they are survivors, blue collar actors (meaning they'll never be famous.)

Tim & Marie find the ship and the sign out front says it doesn't open until 7:15am - they're bummed that everyone is going to catch up (and welcome to the Amazing Race.)

-Chester & Ephraim - 3:13am, Kim & Nicky (baseball wives) 3:14 am - the guys know it's not going to be open yet, "It's 3:15 in the morning."
-Ally & Ashley (blond barbies) - 3:20am - they say they are in an alliance with Leo & Jamal - the guys call them their race wives because they have more of a commitment than race girlfriends (oh please.)
-Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - 4:00am - they are also giggling about their race wives.

Nicole & Travis get to the ship and right away are asking Tim & Marie what they are going to do with the 2nd Express Pass- Nicole tells them it's her 40th birthday today, she sure would like the pass for her birthday (I'm sure you would.) Marie says, "yeah, okay." but in a dismissive way, there was no commitment there.

-Jason & Amy - 5:17am - Okies Tim & Danny 5:28am - and last to depart are the bearded wonders, Brandon & Adam at 5:38am.

At the ship, Marie is asserting herself by informing everyone of the rules, they have to place their backpacks in the order in which they arrived, "No one is jumping in front of us."  Ephraim tells her he doesn't have to follow her rules, he'll put his stuff where ever he wants, but he did put it in the line. Jamal is also not impressed with Marie's high-handedness, "Someone made Pinky and No-Brains the captains of the line..."  They all seemed to humour her with the bag line but if Marie "accidentally" ends up in the water, I wouldn't be surprised.

7:15am: Off they go and Jamal almost made it in front of Marie by taking a shortcut - doesn't really matter they all find where the clue is posted and it tells them they have to find a phrase that the famous ship captain said and repeat it in Spanish to the Officer of the Day to get the next clue.  So they all break up looking for the phrase all over the ship. 
-The blond girls and the bearded boys decide to get off the ship and ask a local guy on the street - he tells them "Charge the ship, men!" (in Spanish of course).  A few of the other teams saw them leave and come back and go looking off the ship.
-Bearded Brandon & Adam are the first team to give the phrase to the officer and they get the clue to make their way to the Irlanda Salt Mines and look for the next clue.
-As Brandon & Adam are leaving they run by Marie who asks them where the phrase is and wheedles, "I have an Express Pass."  Adam just tells her they asked somebody and runs on by.
-Ashley & Ally are the next team to get the clue (no sharing with your husbands, for shame.) They're just happy they beat out Marie & Tim (Marie is one of those hyper-competitive people that everyone loves to hate.  And I think she's probably fine with that.)
-So now a whole bunch of teams found another guy to ask and they all get the clue and take off in cabs.

-First 2 teams get to the Salt Mines and get the clue for the DETOUR: they have to ride bikes out to the salt mine where they must choose between Mining or Brining.
-In Brining: they must add enough salt to a tub of water that they can comfortably float and read a local newspaper - once the miner feels they are suitably relaxed, he'll give them their next clue.
-In Mining: they must break open boulders of salt until they find one with the small rolled up clue in it. (More labour intensive, but they don't have to change their clothes...)
-Brandon & Adam choose: Mining - they do look good in bathing suits but they are quicker at smashing stuff.  The boys are stoked to be cycling in Chile... oh, and they're in first place.
-Ashley & Ally are going to do the mining too (huh?) - their first problem though, is that they are not the best bike riders (uh oh... but they do fine.)
-Leo & Jamal arrive at the Detour and they are mining.  They are not water creatures.
-Nicole & Travis (doctors) are doing brining - he thinks it's a great way to start out her birthday, with a nice salt bath with her husband.
-Chester & Ephraim - They figure they are big and heavy guys - it will take a mountain of salt to make them float - they are going to bust stuff.
-Smarty pants' Jason & Amy - she decides they are mining and he keeps second guessing her, "are you sure you can lift a sledgehammer?" "Oh my God! Yes!" (Trouble in dating land.)

-Our poor theatre performers, Rowan & Shane lost the cab driver lotto today and they get lost on the way - well, the language barrier didn't help - they had to stop for a translation of directions for the driver.

-Beards, Blondies and Afghanimals are starting on the mining - they gave them tiny little hammers... oy, this could take a while.

-Okay, the big NFL players on the bikes looked pretty comical, they made those bikes almost look like clown bikes - but they were just happy not to have to run out there.  It was quite the bike ride and Nicole was having problems, she couldn't figure out the gears and fell over... yikes.  Travis was frustrated with her and switched bikes, but it didn't help much.

-After the bike ride tired Amy out, Jason was able to convince her to do the Brining instead.
-NFLers show up to start smashing the salt and the blond girls decide they are going to switch tasks.
-Briners get suited up in their bikinis and, in Jason's case gonch, and start carrying the heavy bags of salt over to the water baths - it's quite a large tub, and Amy shares that it's pretty cold.

-Rowan & Shane are still in the cab and are now in the middle of nowhere (looks like they're on the right road though) they haven't seen anyone for a very long time so they know they are either right or very, very wrong.

-Marie & Tim, brunette Barbies Nicky & Kim and the Okies Tim & Danny finally get the clue and these teams are all brining.  The Okies carry heavy sacks all day they figure it'll be no problem.

-Back at the Mining - the NFLers are using the "Hulk Smash!" method and just picking up the boulders and smashing them down... still the Bearded boys are the first team to find a clue - it tells them to make their way back to the town and take a 1000mi bus ride to Santiago, Chile then make their way to a plaza to find their next clue.
-Leo & Jamal are the next team to find a clue out of their boulder, Hulk Sad!  The boys enjoyed seeing their Race wives in their bikinis as they ran by, though.

-At the Brining baths, there is no floating happening yet, everyone is still hauling bags of salt and doctor Nicole is whining (I'm having flashbacks to the Canadian Amazing Race where the female doctor was the biggest whiner - ugh, come on ladies!)
-Then there is the anti-whiner, Marie, she is a bull - picking up two bags of salt at a time - she has no brakes, she is full steam ahead and wanting to make up some of their lost ground.

-The NFL'ers finally smash their way to a clue and the Mining seemed to be the task to do if you wanted it done fast.

-Rowan & Shane finally arrive and head out on the bikes for the mining task - Leo & Jamal pass them on their way back and wish them luck but Leo really meant, "You are so screwed."

Bus Station - Brandon & Adam get tickets on a 1:30pm bus heading for Santiago.  Leo & Jamal, of course, flirt with the ticket lady and after finding out it's a 24hr bus ride ask if there are pretty ladies on the bus (walking hormones these two.) They are also on the 1:30pm bus.

-Back at the pools - Marie & Tim are arguing but that's just per usual.  Amy & Jason are super floating and get the clue - Nicole & Travis were barely floating and they also got their clue (everyone should be trying to float.) Marie & Tim float and get the clue (once he convinced her to mix it up instead of just dumping more salt in.)

-Chester & Ephraim have arrived at the bus station and get the same bus 1:30... I wonder what time it is?  Jason & Amy and Nicole & Travis also get the same bus.

-Baseball wives are having issues at the Brining - well, I think it's Kim, she's complaining that she's cold and her arms are all cut up... she just needs a hug (oh sweet jebus, they hug it out but really, you are in a race!)
-Theatre guys are finally at the Mining, Rowan is not in a good mood, he's not a slender guy and the bike ride was hard for him... we'll see if he breaks rocks any better.

At the bus station, the 1:30 bus is now full, so Marie & Tim are on a 2pm bus - she's not happy about it.  Leo is trying to wheedle a couple tickets on the 1:30 bus for Ashley and Ally and Marie comes over, "What are you doing?" (Like he has to answer to you.)  No one can stand her... and it doesn't really matter because Ally & Ashley are on the 2pm bus anyway.

Back at the Detour - Theatre Performers and Baseball Wives finally smash and float to their next clues and head for the bus station.
1:30pm - First bus heading out.
2:00pm - 2nd bus heading out.
Rowan & Shane ask the ticket agent what time the 2pm bus gets to Santiago - 6pm the next day, apparently it makes a lot of stops.  They decide to take a 4pm bus that will actually get them in at 4pm the next day hoping to gain a lead on the 4 other teams on the 2pm bus... but they have to stall and make it look like they are getting on the bus so no one suspects.  Once it leaves without them, they go back to buy the other tickets and find out the language barrier screwed them again - the 4pm bus leaves at 4pm and arrives at Santiago at 10pm... yup, hooped!
-So they get a 3pm bus instead getting in at 7-8pm.

Next day 1:45pm- First bus arrives in Santiago and the teams find the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who got the knack to pack?
-They have to give someone a shoe-shine, figure out how to pack up the complicated shoe-shine stand, then push it 6 blocks to the storage area to get their next clue.
-Amy, Chester, Adam, Leo and Nicole are doing it - the shining goes smoothly and everyone seems to have packed up easily except Nicole, again whining that she's so tired (come on lady, you're making all us 40 yr old women look bad!)

-On the 2nd bus, the baseball wives are talking to Tim & Marie and it comes out that Tim played minor league baseball and knows Kim's husband... they've made a connection and Marie is dangling the Express Pass in front of their noses - she'd like to give it to them unless some other team totally saves their butts but she doubts that'll happen since everyone hates them.  Tim,"You did that." Oh she knows and she doesn't care - she's also not giving that pass away until she milks it for everything she can get out of it.  The Baseball wives are top contenders though because she knows they can beat them.

-Back at the Roadblock, Leo is the first shiner to the storage depot but he hasn't packed the cart correctly and they turn him away to do it right.  Chester gets there too and his grocery packing experience won out - he gets the clue.  Leo fixes it up and is right behind him.  Adam gets there and accidentally dumps everything (oops).  Nicole is still whining.
-Chester & Ephraim read the clue to make their way to the Pit Stop! Yay! (These guys are my team.)  But Leo & Jamal jump in a cab first - it's a race between these two now.

Rowan & Shane - are all by themselves on the third bus - and praying for divine intervention.

Cascade Des Animaux (Pit Stop) - Leo and Jamal throw money at their cab driver and take off running.  They are first to the mat but Phil tells them they have to settle up with their cab driver before he can check them in (Oh, snap.)  And then he whole first bus checks in before the 2nd bus even arrives in Santiago.

6:44pm - 2nd bus arrives and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Marie, Danny, Nicky and Ally(?) are doing the shoe-shining.
7:03pm - 3rd bus with Rowan & Shane (Bingo) gets in - okay, not too bad.
Rowan is doing the shining.  The 2nd bus teams see Bingo arrive and they can't believe it.  Marie is especially mad, and apparently she can't give a shoe-shine - her customer keeps telling her no, and she freaks out (she's a nightmare.)

-Rowan apparently can't read a clue- it says to find a marked shoe-shine stand, he just finds some poor guy making a living and he takes over his stand (oh mama-mia).

-The others have finished their shines and are trying to pack up the stands - Baseball wife Nicky forgets the mat under hers.  Okie Tim used to move furniture for a living so he's flying through this.  Blond girl dumps all her stuff everywhere.

-Rowan is now trying to get the guy to let him take his stand away (Oh my god! READ your Clue!)  This poor shoe-shine guy.  Rowan is wheeling his kit away (sigh.)

-At the depot, Okie Tim has to repack his cart, Baseball wife and Marie see him and start repacking - Blond girl gets it right and gets the clue and Marie gives Tim crap for telling her where the entrance was (she's just a horrible person.)

-Rowan shows up with the wrong cart all together, the poor shoeshine guy wants to leave, Marie is egging him on, Rowan is begging and calls her the devil (yes, that's true).

-Baseball wife has forgotten her mat so she can't get the clue, she has to go back and get it, she asks Marie for he Express Pass and Marie says she can't give it to her right now [because it wouldn't benefit her at all.] (I want her gone so bad - I can't wait for the Race karma to catch up with her.)

-The guys at the depot finally tell Rowan he has the wrong stand and he just takes off, leaving the poor shoeshine guy standing there (nice.) He says he's so frustrated - (oh really how do you think that poor guy feels?)

-In the cab Marie is telling Tim how Bingo was telling the guy she's the devil in Spanish and Tim says, "I kinda agree." (Ha! And I kinda like Tim a little more.) She gives him the evil stink eye and he says, "What? You're on my team, I can say that."

-Back at the shoe-shine - Baseball wife can't find her rug, Rowan finally finds the right shoe-shine - she hands in the rug and gets the clue just before Rowan checks in his cart and gets his clue...

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Leo & Jamal *NOPE* Pay the nice man.
1) Chester & Ephraim - very gracious about coming in second until Phil said, however... they are officially team #1 - that made their day and they won a trip to Turks & Caicos.
2) Leo & Jamal - they are angrily blaming each other for the error in paying the driver - hot-blooded all around these two.
3) Brandon & Adam - literally run rings around Phil and the local greeter - why? Cause they're silly.
4) Nicole & Travis - they'll take it (don't have a choice)
5) Jason & Amy - Who? They didn't show these two much, smarty pants' must be boring.
6) Tim & Danny - Okies - High 5.
7) Ally & Ashley - lots of screaming.
8) Tim & Marie - Phil remarks that they still have the express pass and she confirms, yes, she still has the express pass.
9) Nicky & Kim - even though the devil wouldn't give them an express pass, they made it.
10) Rowan & Shane - ***ELIMINATED*** It was great, they took the chance.  Shane's philosophy, "You can't have great success without great failure." (so, I guess he's due some great success?)  Rowan says he has come to appreciate Shane's friendship so much more.
And with Rowan & Shane leaving, that takes Rachel R, Cheryl J, Shelly P, Donna P and Bob L out of the pool.

Next week: They get Medieval in a task (there is dressing up in chainmail involved) and the Baseball wives take on Marie at the airport, bumping her on the stand-by list - and I heard "You are dead to me." (Ha, she's so horrible that it's funny when she gets screwed.)

Have a great week everyone,
