Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - March 13/13 Episode Recap

Persona Non Grata

Last week was a downer for the Fans with losing Shamar because he had a boo-boo in his eye (okay, they all seemed kinda relieved with that) but then they also had to vote someone out... and that someone was their weakest swimmer, Laura.  But they also were successful in drawing out the hidden immunity idol when Reynold played it to save his own behind.

Gota - Night 10
Returning from Tribal Council, all the boys are talking - saying they feel like this is going to be a turning point - they need to win challenges, it's that simple.  Matt asked Sherri if she's alright, she says she's fine (but we all know what that means.) 
-Sherri tells the camera she's upset they voted out Laura because she reminded her of her daughter but she had to go with the group (she's just sad because her power just got ripped away in one fell swoop, losing her muscle and her Smithers in Shamar & Laura.) 
-Reynold then goes on about how good it felt to be honest at tribal like he made great pronouncements about them being bad a challenges and needing him to win (I don't really remember anything big from him) and he says he had decided to play the idol because it was an object of division and now it's out of the way (blah, blah, blah, I think Reynold is so full of himself, I'd love to see him blindsided.)
-Mike tells the camera he doesn't want Reynold to have the idol (if it's back in play hidden somewhere again) because he's a clutch guy, he comes through in challenges and making fire and Mike doesn't want him getting ahead at his expense.

Bikal - Night 10
Favourites are sitting around the fire talking, and Brandon is talking about how important family is to him, how he is responsible for his two precious babies (he has two kids?! That's scary) and he's feeling awful he just up and left them to play a game (for a million dollars!) He tells them the next time they go to Tribal Council, he's volunteering for them to vote him out of the game. (Oh boy, wait an hour, he'll change his tune.)
-Malcolm tells the camera maybe he [Brandon] should have thought of this before he jumped out there with the rest of them.
-Next scene, Brandon's telling Corinne, Andrea and Cochran that he had thought of burning the shelter down and peeing in the beans and rice [to get voted out?] They say they're glad he came to this alternate decision of just asking them to vote him off.
-Corinne tells the camera she's wants him off her tribe IMMEDIATELY (I don't blame you.) Clearly he's spinning out of control and it's just a matter of time, they don't know what he's going to do. (Then Andrea's comforting him with his face in her lap... uh, yeah, don't be a temptation to him or he'll think you were sent by the devil.)

-Next morning, Brandon gathers everyone in the shelter, and says his perspective has completely changed, (I knew it) instead of going home for his family, he now wants to stick it out for them and they are going to see the most intense Brandon they've ever seen. (Jekyll & Hyde over here.)  Talking to the camera, with a big grin on his face, he says he's freaking himself out, he doesn't know what he's going to do. (Oh sweet jebus, hold on to your hats.)

Two members of each tribe will hold onto a rope that is attached to a net while members of the other tribe will throw coconuts into the net.  The more coconuts in the net, the heavier it becomes, until they can hold on no longer... last tribe member holding onto the rope wins reward for their tribe, which is: BBQ, sausage, steaks, veggies, condiments, wine... FOOD is always welcome.
-Andrea, Dawn & Eric sit out for the Favourites.

-Phillip and Brandon are holding the nets for the Favourites. (They have one net each.)
-Michael and Matt/The Beard are holding the nets for the Fans.
Everyone else is shooting - and off they go.
-Phillip starts yelling gibberish at the Fans while they shoot and it seems to work on Sherri & Eddie.
-Reynold is picking on Brandon, getting lots of coconuts in his net and Brandon is the first to drop.
-Matt & Mike are struggling a little with their nets too - Malcolm starts targeting Matt and gets him to lose his net.
-It's down to Phillip and Mike  - Phillip is talking big, "No struggle here"... and he is able to hold on until Mike loses his net and the Favourites win Reward again! 
And the Fans just look so dejected. I feel kinda bad for them.

Gota - Day 11
Eddie says he thought for sure today would be a turnaround for them and they blew it... the boys say they definitely think they have to start doing something different (of course they don't know what.)
-Sherri is having a hard time keeping her mouth shut, she went along with their plan and got rid of Laura to keep the muscle, and it's not paying off (so you thought it'd be magic and you'd win automatically?  You probably still did better today with the guys than you would have with her.)
-Sherri says now the worry is that the hidden immunity idol is back in play... she wants to find it... Along with everyone else apparently, because they show Matt and Mike and Reynold and Sherri and Julia - all searching through the trees for the idol.
-Just as Mike is saying he just doesn't want Reynold to find it again... Reynold finds it again - and he reacts like he is the golden god! (Maybe he'll hide it better this time. Can pretty boy learn?)  He says he's going to keep his big fat mouth shut because as soon as they found out last time they started gunning for him (oh, they would have been gunning for you anyway, dumb*ss)... but that doesn't mean he's not going to tell Eddie, he's his boy (sheesh, so much for keeping his mouth shut.)
-Eddie's laughing at Sherri especially, combing the woods looking for this thing, and Reynold already has it again, "It's just funny to watch." (ergh, I hate the smug pretty people.  But how Eddie figures this will help him is beyond me.)

Bikal - Day 11
-They are cooking their spoils and even the food doesn't seem to have cheered Brandon, everyone is subdued (it is raining as well) but they are uneasy around Brandon who is getting aggravated listening to Phillip take credit for winning the challenge single handedly.
-Brenda asks a simple question and Phillip makes a pronouncement about saving his strength for challenges and Brandon starts quietly challenging Phillip, saying his manner is more like a dictatorship.  Phillip refuses to argue and walks away but Brandon is spoiling for a fight.
-They're all so uneasy, they know Brandon could snap at any moment and Phillip, being Phillip, isn't going to alter his behaviour.
-Brandon asks if he should go find Phillip to apologize and they all say, "NO! maybe wait a day or so..."
 -Phillip is seething to the camera, "I'm not going to have some damn punk telling me to shut up."  He says he's a street fighter and if Brandon ever came at him, he'd see that.  He also thinks Brandon is unstable (that's saying something coming from Phillip) and he wants him out of the game.

-Next we see Phillip talking to Brandon and dictating to him that he told him he would finish higher than he did the last time so he should stop biting the hand that feeds him. (Seriously? That's how you're playing this?  I don't think Phillip knows how to handle someone crazier than he is.)
-Brandon asks what gives him the leadership to tell him where he finishes, shouldn't he be able to decide that for himself? (Brandon is talking calmly and making sense, but you can feel the anger seething underneath, eek.)
-Phillip just shakes his head (oh man, you are handling this well) Phillip is so caught up in his Stealth-R-Us scenario that he's not able to be flexible and roll with the punches - and it's going to blow up in his face.
-Brandon says he's always been annoyed with Phillip but he's kept in line and kissed his butt... he's just got to keep himself under control and as long as he can do that, he'll be good.  Brandon apologizes to Phillip who seems to accept it... but then Phillip tells the camera that Brandon is Persona Non Grata in his book and he's not going to put up with it anymore. (How dare he challenge the Mastermind? Or whatever he calls himself.)

Gota - Day 13
It's been raining for two days straight and they're miserable (more than the favourites who at least have a tarp) Matt has taken up the Shamar torch and is complaining about his feet, looking dead (they do, gross) and being cold. 
-Mike wants them to at least prepare for the sun and get stuff set out for drying... good luck for that.
-Mike says, camp life has been hell.  They are failing on all levels of Survivor, they can't just wallow under the palm fronds and hope everything's going to get better, because it's not.
-Eddie's got a cold, Reynold is calling for his Mommy, Matt wishes to God that something good could happen to their tribe.

Bikal - Day 13
-And did God answer with this?
-Brandon wakes up in a mood - this rivalry with Phillip is getting to him - he says he's the only one that can start the fire (with total crazy eyes) he doesn't need "some old 54 year old punk b*tch telling him 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'.  He doesn't feed me, I'm a Hantz, I feed me!" (Oh boy, here we go.)
-They get tree mail that says today they will be "boxing" and fighting for their life in the game.
-Phillip sees this as an opportunity to get Brandon out of camp - he says Brandon's not sane and could harm one of them so he's thinking of throwing the challenge.  He says it's as much an act of compassion for him [Brandon] as it could be a game saver for them (yeah, I don't think Brandon would see it that way.)

-Next Phillip is talking to Andrea, he says [if they lose] Brandon's got to go.  Put me in the challenge.  She says, 'You'd throw the challenge?" "If that's what it takes."  Then Brandon comes up and Phillip has a little hissy fit - "I can't talk privately to anyone!" (Welcome to Survivor.)  So now Andrea's in the middle.  Brandon heard him talking about throwing the challenge, Andrea says she doesn't think he'd do that. 

-Now Brandon is starting to boil; he cooks, he keeps the fire going, he thought they squashed this... he goes and pulls Phillip out of the shelter to talk to him.
-Phillip talks down to him like Phillip does, "I don't believe I can trust you. When I put you in Stealth-R-Us, I told you what was expected..."
-Brandon, "Can we drop the Stealth R Us crap, it's demeaning, it's like playing with a child.  Nobody likes it, they don't like you."
-Phillip - Well then they'll vote me out before they vote for you.
-Brandon - Well let me give you a reason to vote me out... And he calmly goes over to the shelter and dumps the rice out on the ground. (Oh MY GOD! What is WRONG with him?!)  Everyone is just stunned, "No, Brandon!" then he grabs the beans and Erik tries to take them away but Brandon is determined - he grabs the bag of beans and dumps them out too (GASP!) and he starts yelling now since Phillip has taken off up the beach, "Come vote me out now, b*tch. Secret Agent come get some." (Something like that anyway.)
-The rest of the tribe is trying to salvage the rice off the ground and Dawn heads him off, trying to calm him down, "Just give yourself time to breath." (But it's Dawn that's trying to breath.) Everyone else is a little in shock.  Brandon's still ranting up the beach, "I'm the author of my own fate." (And you wanted to write yourself out?)

-The rest of the tribe's ready to forfeit the challenge now.  They don't believe that they can keep playing with Brandon at this point. (D'think?)

Jeff asks Reynold how they're doing in the cold and rain and Reynold, (ever the politician, this guy), makes a "we're all in this together speech."

-Jeff asks Brandon how he's doing and he says, "Not too good Jeff, had a bit of a blow up this morning with Phillip and I was wondering if I could talk to the other tribe." (WHAT? Oh man, is he going to ask to switch tribes?  That would shake it up!)

-So, Brandon makes some obscure speech about the Fans having a second chance to come back and make something out of this game and he's their second chance, he just asks that they don't let Phillip get to the end of the game.  Reynold asks where he's going?
-Then Corinne pipes up and says they have discord within their tribe and want to go to Tribal Council to hash it out in a more appropriate setting.  While they are fierce competitors and have respect for the game, they hope the Fans can respect their decision to forfeit the challenge and go to Tribal Council.
-That shocks the Fans (obviously) but it also sets Brandon off again. "You don't respect the Fans, Corinne, that's BS."  (Because now, in Brandon's short-circuiting brain, he's done all this for the Fans.) Then he addresses the fans, says they deserve a fair chance and they are the underdogs, he loves the underdogs, don't take crap from anyone..."

And then Jeff steps in and asks Brandon to come stand by him and tell us what's going on.
-Brandon let's it fly... (I enjoyed it too much to take notes but basically) he says Phillip talks so highly of himself and gave them all stupid names like little dolls.  "Boston Rob took you to the end of the game, you didn't do nothing, and everyone made fun of you.  And you tell me not to bite the hand that feeds me?  You don't feed me, I feed me!"

-Reynold's mouth is just hanging open.  The Favourites are all just embarrassed by the meltdown. Malcolm gives a 'I know, can you believe this' look over to the Fans and Dawn is genuinely upset, she can't handle conflict like this.

-Jeff is concerned that Brandon is so hostile and wants to talk it out.
-Brandon says he had a really hard time after he played the last time.  He watched himself get walked over episode after episode and cry.  He callused himself this time and is proud he hasn't shed a single tear, and he won't put up with people that only care for themselves - you won't get anywhere with that attitude in life, or in Survivor. (So you should care for others but also scare them, yell at them and dump out all the food... this guy is all over the map.  Maybe they should put him down - oh, I just went to a very dark place.  With the crazy eyes, Brandon looks like he wishes this was the Hunger Games. I bet he'd do well if they were all fighting to the death.)

-Jeff asks Phillip how he feels and Phillip tries to start talking but Brandon is goading him and who cares what Phillip said, Andrea is now bawling and Jeff cuts to her - She says it's just really upsetting because they were doing so well and then two people start fighting and say really cruel things to each other...
Phillip interjects, "I said nothing to Brandon"
Andrea, "Alright! ALRIGHT! I'm talking to Brandon then..."
Brandon, "That's right, Phillip Shephard never says anything wrong, ever, he's super spy agent 3.0. Shut up, shut your mouth, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE 100 years old doesn't mean you've never made a mistake.  I came and apologized to you...
Phillip, "Over and over again- you are one pathetic individual."
"You're pathetic!" 
And then it devolves even more - Jeff has to call Brandon back cause it looks like it could have gotten physical. (Wow, he's just going right off the reservation here folks - it's awesome!)
-Dawn is deep breathing, she doesn't want to be around all the negativity.

-Brandon tells the Fans that he evened the playing field, since the Fans aren't eating he dumped out all the Favourites rice and beans (oh yeah, Reynold keeps doing the Home Alone face, and Malcolm's face is 'I know, right.')

-Jeff asks Brandon, in light of his relation to Russell Hantz, respectfully, is it in the blood?
-Brandon says he's proud that the Hantz' speak their minds and will tell you what's what.
-Phillip tries to say that Brandon has made this all up about him being in control, it's all a figment of Brandon's imagination.
-Brandon just tells him to shut up.

And it starts again until Phillip says he's disrespectful to his elders, his uncle and probably his aunt that is looking after his kids that he left to come out there.
-That got the crazy eyes popping, "You bring my kids into this? I"ll come over there and knock your @#&^'n head off." (Oh yeah, getting ugly.  The crazy just don't play together.)

Jeff steps in - He's massaging Brandon's shoulders, trying to calm him down.  He has Eric give the Immunity Idol to the Fans - and Reynold asks him to raise his arms and declare them the winners - he says he'll do it later.  (Really Reynold?  That's what's important right now?)

Jeff says:We are going to have a vote right now without the fire or the torches. 
Brandon, who are you voting for?  PHILLIP!
Corinne? - Brandon
Phillip - Brandon
Brenda - Brandon
Malcolm - Brandon
Dawn (still crying) - Brandon
Erik - Brandon (love you brother)
Andrea - Brandon
Cochran - Brandon
Alright, are you good with this? (Jeff's trying to contain the wild animal, speaking calmly, giving him the respect he thinks he deserves.  That is why Jeff is the best host ever.)Brandon says he's good with it.
Sixth person voted out of this game, Brandon Hantz.

Jeff tells Brandon he's not going back to camp, he sends him back behind the challenge to cool down and he'll come find him.
Brandon's parting words to the Fans, "Kick their *sses."  And to the Favourites, "Phillip, you're a b*tch." (Hahaha, I couldn't help it, that made me laugh.)

Well, the game just got a little more interesting.  Dawn, do you think the tribe is better off?  I think Brandon is, and that's what's best for the tribe (whatever lady, he's not going to be on the jury - I think she's going to need therapy after this.)

Jeff sends the Fans off with the idol (and no, he didn't throw his hands up for them - suckers) but they will take it, a win's a win.

Next week: Phillip wants to take out Corinne, Corinne wants to take out Phillip and Jeff announces that everything is going to change again (are they shuffling the tribes?)  Could be!

And finally Brandon gives us one more flash of his beautiful mind:  He says his exit was glorious.  If he's going out he's going to throw rocks - go out Braveheart style!  "I don't regret nothin'. I proved my point.  I was the author of my elimination."  Then he spit through his teeth. (Gross.)

And with Brandon's epic meltdown and hasty exit, Shelly P, Lindsay J and Maddy D are out of the pool, spectacularly!

I hate to say it, but that was a fun hour of TV... made all the better because we won't have to suffer through it week after week - go out in one huge cataclysmic explosion and let us all recover next week.  Love it!

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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