Tubby Lunchbox
Last week they mixed up the tribes with all the young pretty people on the new Gota tribe and the not-so-young, not-so-pretty people on Bikal.
But it seems it's still Fans vs Favourites on the tribes, and with each of the new tribes having 4 favourites to 3 fans - we bid adieu to Matt/the Beard.
Bikal - Night 16
Returning from Tribal Council and Julia says she nearly wet herself she was so scared it was going to be her going home.
-The Favourites (mostly Corinne) apologize to the remaining 2 fans, Michael and Julia, for having voted out Matt. Phillip makes it sound like it was by his grace they were spared but Corinne goes to Michael later and tells him she will do whatever she can to keep him there (she loves her gays.)
-Michael tells the camera he's going to do whatever he needs to do to garner favour and make the Favourites want to keep him around to the merge.
-Corinne is prepared to dump one of her own to keep Michael, ideally that would be Phillip but she doesn't think she can make a move that big this early in the game.
-Phillip is watching Corinne very carefully. He sees her having conversations with others, especially Michael, and she's not disclosing what was said [to him]. He finds this unacceptable and pulls Cochran away to tell him he wants Corinne gone. Next.
-Cochran speaks logic to Phillip, his concern is that when they get to the merge and meet up with their old tribe mates they won't trust them because they turned on one of their own, core six. (You can see that penetrated the fog in Phillip-land, he got that.)
-So, Phillip says if he can't get rid of Corinne, it'll have to be her new gay friend, as she calls him. Then Phillip, gets right in Cochran's face, "This is me being a Federal agent, I don't trust that woman." (Alrighty then.)
Bikal - Day 17
Tree mail: the strong must bear the weak if you hope to compete but winning will be oh so sweet. (something like that anyway.)
-Cochran is optimistic that there is a place for them in the challenge, they have lots of weak.
-Phillip says anything to do with the upper body, upper back, shoulders, without being arrogant (too late), I'm almost certain I can win it. (Oh boy, there you go shooting your mouth off.)
-Corinne can't believe his delusional bravado, "like, oh my god."
-And Phillip goes on about his power lifting and how it makes you really strong without looking super beefy (dude, just stop.) Then he tells the camera that he honestly believes that he is stronger than anyone out there (on either tribe.)
-Next scene is Phillip challenging Cochran to an arm wrestle... then getting Cochran to use two hands, then getting Cochran to use all his weight against Phillips one hand and he was able to keep it off the ground so now Phillip thinks he's super man - Cochran is happy to oblige making Phillip feel young again (I guess) if it helps him get pumped up to win the challenge - why not.
-Phillip says his assets of the will of a lion and the determination of a gorilla ... blah, blah, blah - I lost my will to keep listening to the pathetic old man.
They will each be wearing a belt that will be clipped to a rope so they will be moving together as a tribe - in addition they will each be carrying a 20lb sand bag - starting at opposites sides of an oval track set up in shallow water, they will race to try and catch the other tribe (I remember this challenge, they've done it before). If someone gets tired and can't continue they can give their weight to another tribe member and bow out (that's when the fun begins.)
Reward: taken to nearby island where they will go to a Survivor coffee bar with lots of baked goodies.
-Gota's strategy is to have stronger people at the back to run anchor and Bikal/Phillip wants himself out front because he believes he can go faster than anyone and doesn't want to be stuck behind them (sheesh.)
-Off they go and Phillip takes them out at a run, Gota is just walking it to start, they are okay letting the other team tire - and that's exactly what happens - Phillip is pooped. Corinne wants to keep running so Phillip runs a couple steps - nope, "Let's just walk it, the women will tire." (WHAT? I'm sick of him being such a sexist, those little girls would be running rings around him if they weren't all stuck behind him.)
-Bikal is asking Phillip if they can run, Gota is picking up their pace and is catching up to them. Phillip tries to run but finally admits he can't do it, he's tired (oh no, the lion and gorilla have let him down, it couldn't be his fault.) They try to run and Phillip stops them, when the weight comes to him he won't be able to go on... (What weight? No one is going to give you their weight. - I think Phillip should drop out... he won't do it.) Dawn, Julia and Cochran drop out, giving their weight to Corinne and Michael - Gota is breathing down their necks. Phillip falls and that's all she wrote.
GOTA wins Reward because Phillip's ego wouldn't let him do what was right for his tribe. (Of course in his mind it's HIS tribe.)
-Dawn sums it up: Phillip has put himself in this role of leader but he's just so arrogant, he sees all of his strengths and none of his weaknesses.
Gota - they are so excited about the food - Andrea tells the camera it was nice bonding more with the Fans. They have never won a reward so it was good to see them enjoy it and have a good time. Andrea's strategy is to get to know the Fans, make sure they have good memories of their experience before she has to vote them off, so hopefully they'll vote for her in the end.
-Reynold is a bacchanalian so this reward was right in his sweet spot - celebrating and enjoying life and bonding with the favourites (seems everyone is on the same page) ... he's talking really fast, caffeine and sugar kicking in... with Malcolm as well, he's kissing everyone on the head, telling them he loves them (oy.)
-Malcolm tells the camera that this new Gota tribe is one big happy family, all they do is win challenges and celebrate but he knows that he could be in trouble when it comes to voting time, no one wants to go to the end with him, he figures he's got to make his move soon - he's getting all his pieces in line to take over this game.
Bikal - Day 17
And let the excuses begin - Phillip is now old and tired, the other team had the advantage from the beginning (huh, quite the change of tune.)
-Corinne blames the whole thing on Phillip, "You tubby lunchbox." (Ha ha) She's yet to see an ab or pectoral muscle on him, he's 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb sack (oh man, she's mean, but he kind of deserves it.) She says everyone sees his true colours though and she hopes maybe they'll be open to taking him out.
-She goes and vents to Cochran, she says she could have taken everybody's weights and won he whole thing herself. Cochran agrees that Phillip has an inflated sense of himself being the strongest man in the world... but he's trying to placate her. He sees how Corinne and Phillip hate each other and knows that this fracture in the Favourites on this tribe could be a death sentence.
-Corinne doesn't want to play with Phillip anymore but Cochran is going to push for one of the Fans to go - even that isn't a certainty though because Michael seems capable of wheeling and dealing, he's become quite close with Corinne. And Julia is almost a non-entity, he'd say she has a vanilla personality but that is doing a disservice to the flavour vanilla (ouch.) No one is clamouring for Julia except... Phillip, for some reason he has taken to Julia and he's giving her tips on being a double agent if they go to the merge, he wants her to get in with her old tribe mates, report to him and not go back to them... sigh.
-Phillip is patting himself on the back with the job he's done grooming Julia to be his double agent, she then tells the camera she's not intimidated by Phillip, she'll play along to get along at this point but she recognizes that he's going to destroy the unity of the tribe by driving everyone crazy - so why not get rid of him. (Oh burn! Corinne is cozying up to the wrong Fan.)
Gota - Day 17
They are back from the Reward and Malcolm is making his move on Reynold. Malcolm believes that the four young alpha males, meaning Reynold, Eddie, Erik and himself, are going to be the first four targets after a merge - Malcolm wants them all to stick together. Reynold says he's on the same page but he's still a little leery of Malcolm, then in the next breath he says they are the same though and he discloses to Malcolm that he has another hidden immunity idol. (This guy does not learn. Does he have blond roots? Come on!)
-Malcolm now knows that he can trust Reynold, he went overboard telling him about the idol (he also knows he's smarter than Reynold too, cause Malcolm didn't reciprocate.) Malcolm is now the only person in the game that knows where both immunity idols are and he can't wait to take control of the game. (Yeah, the cocky, not so attractive.)
Bikal - Day 19
-Vanilla (Julia) approaches Dawn (Horse & Buggy) to 'talk'. Julia tells her that Phil has been talking to her and it seems he wants to take her along to the merge, which she is fine with, but she's feeling kind of bullied and wonders what would happen if everyone just overthrew Phillip - What's stopping people from doing that?
-Dawn thought that Julia wasn't very aware of the game but she's impressed to find out she's thinking more than she thought. Dawn doesn't commit anything to Julia and assures her she won't tell anyone about their 'talk', then she runs and tells Phillip (What? Oh man! Julia and Corinne have got to get together.)
-Dawn tells Phillip that Julia asked her how she felt about her (Julia) working with Phillip, if it would be good for her long term. Phillip says she's an idiot, that he specifically told her not to say anything to anyone.
-Phillip tells the camera he's given Julia every chance but she's managed to make a number of Foo Paws (translation: faux pas) in terms of Survivor play. Phillip gave her information to test her, she failed, but she won't know that until she's walking away with her torch out.
Three members of each tribe will paddle out into the ocean and dive down to retrieve a statue, they'll then bring it back to shore and place it at the base of a tower. Then three other tribe members will use a grappling hook to retrieve keys - once they collect all 5 keys they will unlock the tower and pull the statue to the top (tower is on an angle, statue is on a platform attached to a winch.) First tribe to finish wins immunity.
Off they go - Brenda, Erik and Eddie for Gota, Michael, Dawn & Corinne for Bikal.
-Gota gets off to a quick start and Bikal is off course... then Gota goes off course and Bikal catches up... they both clip the boat in and jump in the water, they get their statues but they are heavy and it's a struggle to get it in the boat... Bikal almost flips again and they are behind.
-Gota has Reynold using the grappling hook and it's Phillip using the hook for Bikal. Reynold is fishing in the keys quickly - he's up 4 when Phillip finally gets 1 - Phillip gets up to 3 keys when Reynold gets their 5th key - they unlock the tower and GOTA wins Immunity!
(You know, the division of the tribes sucks - they are in no way fair or even... they might as well have left them as they were - we are again watching one tribe win over and over again.)
Bikal - Day 19
Returning to camp after losing - again - Phillip pulls Cochran aside and tells him he has a confession to make... immediately Cochran is wondering what that could be... Phillip says they could have won that challenge if he wanted them to but he can't have Julia around at the merge...
-Cochran can't believe this guy, does he believe his own line of BS? Of course they had to throw a challenge because these fans are so threatening, that's why Phillip couldn't throw a grappling hook. It's complete crap.
-Phillip, "had I wanted to win, I would have thrown it differently," blah, blah, blah. Cochran says you can't make up this level of delusion, that's why he likes playing with Phillip. He honestly believes at this point that he threw the challenge on purpose. (I'm impressed with how composed Cochran is this time around, he's able to remain objective and he's quietly wrangling Phillip, good for him.)
Cochran lets Phillip go on about a lion taking out the cubs (whatever) then reigns him back in, "we're still in for splitting the votes right?" (Just in case one of them has an idol - but they don't)
-The Favourites are in the shelter and Cochran says they want to split the votes, Dawn is in, but Corinne is NOT. She doesn't think they need to do that and at this point she wants to keep Michael with them through the merge so she wants to keep him comfortable and happy.
-Phillip is not willing to bend his game play to anyone else's agenda and he gets hot under the collar - throws down the 'Boston Rob would never do that'... or something like that - he thinks Corinne is just looking out for her own selfish needs and not putting the Favourites first (wow, this guy is a piece of work.) He walks off in a huff and Cochran and Dawn follow him. Phillip tells them that Corinne is no longer in their alliance, he's not going to be bullied by her (says the biggest bully out there) he's going to cast his vote for Michael because that's what BR (Boston Rob) would do.
-Corinne comes up on the three confabbing and Phillip is having none of it, he doesn't like it when people don't let him do whatever he wants to do, how dare she interrupt their conversation. She tells him he's being mean, he says he's not, just go away. (Argh, I can't believe this guy! You are not anywhere near as charismatic as as Boston Rob, he would never talk to someone on his tribe like that.) King Phillip needs an ugly awakening.
-Cochran is worried that this feud between Corinne and Phillip is going to come to a head and it will become apparent why they can't play this game together.
So Michael, 19 days in, this tribe in a state of despair, is it hard to keep morale up?
-Of course, it brings out a bit of tension in the tribe when the morale is low.
Julia, if it's still Fans vs Favs, you have a reason to be tense, why would anyone else be tense?
-The Favs do have the numbers so I know they are looking way past this tribal council, they have their game and their alliances and I see why they would be tense as well.
Now I'm connecting the dots, Corinne, does the tension among the Favs come in whether we keep Michael or if we keep Julia?
-Absolutely, going into a possible merge is a really serious thing. You don't want to screw something up here and regret it down the line.
-Phillip jumps in - I just want to add that it's about understanding the process. Corinne and I may clash on some points but we're actually talking about the same thing, just the process of getting there is a little bit different.
Dawn, have you seen Phillip and Corinne try to come to an understanding?
-Seen it, felt in, been in between it - but I feel like the conflict is okay if we have the same goal in the end and we stay committed.
(Oh, they are trying to reign Corinne back in... I don't think she likes that much.)
Let's talk about today's challenge - did well on the first half, fell apart on the second half. Phillip you put yourself in that hero role, again...
-I don't really see it that way, I was in the role that they had already seen me in 3 times previously and I had prevailed.
Who really lost this challenge?
-I would say I lost the portion...
Okay, that's what I'm talking about. The guy who says 'give me the ball' is the guy that says count on me.
-But I am also the guy that carried the statue from the boat by myself while the other tribe took three men to do it - maybe that tired me out All you can do is move on and look forward to another day....blah, blah, blah... that's what winners do.
So Michael, you lose another immunity challenge, you're back at tribal council, how do you pitch yourself to these 4 so they keep you?
-I didn't start today - I started when I landed on the beach. I've been working really hard to make them comfortable with me so they will want to move forward with me.
Cochran, Corinne was very vocal last Tribal about liking to work with the gays. Could that work against Michael?
-Yeah, if people perceive him working solely with Corinne that could work against him.
-Corinne pipes up - look this has been grossly exaggerated. I've only known him for a handful of days and sure I do think it's neat that he's gay but a twosome alliance this does not make. (Phillip finds that interesting.)
-Michael says he's ready to get to the vote, he wanted to vote as soon as they lost the last challenge, he's like a cat hanging on to a tree wondering what's going to happen and he's ready to find out (nice try - but Jeff won't be rushed... he's still got some questions.)
Julia, how bout you? How comfortable are you that you will survive tonight's vote?
-I thought I was going to play the game one way but things changed and I had to play another way but maybe I was too comfortable and maybe it will hurt me tonight (what? I couldn't be bothered rewinding - who cares what she said - vanilla, vanilla, zzzz).
Now it's time to vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
No one had a hidden idol to play.
Tallying the votes:
Michael -1
Julia - 1
Michael - 2
Julia - 2
Michael - 3
Julia - 3
It's a tie.
REVOTE - Michael and Julia don't vote.
Julia - 1, 2, 3... It is JULIA leaving us tonight. (Who? I know right.)
And with Julia leaving Janine S, Sunny C and Karen S are out of the pool.
Next week: it's the merge and they have a disgusting eating challenge (oh great, I love watching people gag.)
Julia's final thoughts: This game was so different than I expected going into it. It was hard playing against veteran players who knew the game inside and out and then be at their mercy. She didn't like being at the mercy of other people. But she had a wonderful experience yada yada. (B'bye, can't say I'm sad we didn't really get to know you.)
Have a great Easter long weekend!
Last week they mixed up the tribes with all the young pretty people on the new Gota tribe and the not-so-young, not-so-pretty people on Bikal.
But it seems it's still Fans vs Favourites on the tribes, and with each of the new tribes having 4 favourites to 3 fans - we bid adieu to Matt/the Beard.
Bikal - Night 16
Returning from Tribal Council and Julia says she nearly wet herself she was so scared it was going to be her going home.
-The Favourites (mostly Corinne) apologize to the remaining 2 fans, Michael and Julia, for having voted out Matt. Phillip makes it sound like it was by his grace they were spared but Corinne goes to Michael later and tells him she will do whatever she can to keep him there (she loves her gays.)
-Michael tells the camera he's going to do whatever he needs to do to garner favour and make the Favourites want to keep him around to the merge.
-Corinne is prepared to dump one of her own to keep Michael, ideally that would be Phillip but she doesn't think she can make a move that big this early in the game.
-Phillip is watching Corinne very carefully. He sees her having conversations with others, especially Michael, and she's not disclosing what was said [to him]. He finds this unacceptable and pulls Cochran away to tell him he wants Corinne gone. Next.
-Cochran speaks logic to Phillip, his concern is that when they get to the merge and meet up with their old tribe mates they won't trust them because they turned on one of their own, core six. (You can see that penetrated the fog in Phillip-land, he got that.)
-So, Phillip says if he can't get rid of Corinne, it'll have to be her new gay friend, as she calls him. Then Phillip, gets right in Cochran's face, "This is me being a Federal agent, I don't trust that woman." (Alrighty then.)
Bikal - Day 17
Tree mail: the strong must bear the weak if you hope to compete but winning will be oh so sweet. (something like that anyway.)
-Cochran is optimistic that there is a place for them in the challenge, they have lots of weak.
-Phillip says anything to do with the upper body, upper back, shoulders, without being arrogant (too late), I'm almost certain I can win it. (Oh boy, there you go shooting your mouth off.)
-Corinne can't believe his delusional bravado, "like, oh my god."
-And Phillip goes on about his power lifting and how it makes you really strong without looking super beefy (dude, just stop.) Then he tells the camera that he honestly believes that he is stronger than anyone out there (on either tribe.)
-Next scene is Phillip challenging Cochran to an arm wrestle... then getting Cochran to use two hands, then getting Cochran to use all his weight against Phillips one hand and he was able to keep it off the ground so now Phillip thinks he's super man - Cochran is happy to oblige making Phillip feel young again (I guess) if it helps him get pumped up to win the challenge - why not.
-Phillip says his assets of the will of a lion and the determination of a gorilla ... blah, blah, blah - I lost my will to keep listening to the pathetic old man.
They will each be wearing a belt that will be clipped to a rope so they will be moving together as a tribe - in addition they will each be carrying a 20lb sand bag - starting at opposites sides of an oval track set up in shallow water, they will race to try and catch the other tribe (I remember this challenge, they've done it before). If someone gets tired and can't continue they can give their weight to another tribe member and bow out (that's when the fun begins.)
Reward: taken to nearby island where they will go to a Survivor coffee bar with lots of baked goodies.
-Gota's strategy is to have stronger people at the back to run anchor and Bikal/Phillip wants himself out front because he believes he can go faster than anyone and doesn't want to be stuck behind them (sheesh.)
-Off they go and Phillip takes them out at a run, Gota is just walking it to start, they are okay letting the other team tire - and that's exactly what happens - Phillip is pooped. Corinne wants to keep running so Phillip runs a couple steps - nope, "Let's just walk it, the women will tire." (WHAT? I'm sick of him being such a sexist, those little girls would be running rings around him if they weren't all stuck behind him.)
-Bikal is asking Phillip if they can run, Gota is picking up their pace and is catching up to them. Phillip tries to run but finally admits he can't do it, he's tired (oh no, the lion and gorilla have let him down, it couldn't be his fault.) They try to run and Phillip stops them, when the weight comes to him he won't be able to go on... (What weight? No one is going to give you their weight. - I think Phillip should drop out... he won't do it.) Dawn, Julia and Cochran drop out, giving their weight to Corinne and Michael - Gota is breathing down their necks. Phillip falls and that's all she wrote.
GOTA wins Reward because Phillip's ego wouldn't let him do what was right for his tribe. (Of course in his mind it's HIS tribe.)
-Dawn sums it up: Phillip has put himself in this role of leader but he's just so arrogant, he sees all of his strengths and none of his weaknesses.
Gota - they are so excited about the food - Andrea tells the camera it was nice bonding more with the Fans. They have never won a reward so it was good to see them enjoy it and have a good time. Andrea's strategy is to get to know the Fans, make sure they have good memories of their experience before she has to vote them off, so hopefully they'll vote for her in the end.
-Reynold is a bacchanalian so this reward was right in his sweet spot - celebrating and enjoying life and bonding with the favourites (seems everyone is on the same page) ... he's talking really fast, caffeine and sugar kicking in... with Malcolm as well, he's kissing everyone on the head, telling them he loves them (oy.)
-Malcolm tells the camera that this new Gota tribe is one big happy family, all they do is win challenges and celebrate but he knows that he could be in trouble when it comes to voting time, no one wants to go to the end with him, he figures he's got to make his move soon - he's getting all his pieces in line to take over this game.
Bikal - Day 17
And let the excuses begin - Phillip is now old and tired, the other team had the advantage from the beginning (huh, quite the change of tune.)
-Corinne blames the whole thing on Phillip, "You tubby lunchbox." (Ha ha) She's yet to see an ab or pectoral muscle on him, he's 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb sack (oh man, she's mean, but he kind of deserves it.) She says everyone sees his true colours though and she hopes maybe they'll be open to taking him out.
-She goes and vents to Cochran, she says she could have taken everybody's weights and won he whole thing herself. Cochran agrees that Phillip has an inflated sense of himself being the strongest man in the world... but he's trying to placate her. He sees how Corinne and Phillip hate each other and knows that this fracture in the Favourites on this tribe could be a death sentence.
-Corinne doesn't want to play with Phillip anymore but Cochran is going to push for one of the Fans to go - even that isn't a certainty though because Michael seems capable of wheeling and dealing, he's become quite close with Corinne. And Julia is almost a non-entity, he'd say she has a vanilla personality but that is doing a disservice to the flavour vanilla (ouch.) No one is clamouring for Julia except... Phillip, for some reason he has taken to Julia and he's giving her tips on being a double agent if they go to the merge, he wants her to get in with her old tribe mates, report to him and not go back to them... sigh.
-Phillip is patting himself on the back with the job he's done grooming Julia to be his double agent, she then tells the camera she's not intimidated by Phillip, she'll play along to get along at this point but she recognizes that he's going to destroy the unity of the tribe by driving everyone crazy - so why not get rid of him. (Oh burn! Corinne is cozying up to the wrong Fan.)
Gota - Day 17
They are back from the Reward and Malcolm is making his move on Reynold. Malcolm believes that the four young alpha males, meaning Reynold, Eddie, Erik and himself, are going to be the first four targets after a merge - Malcolm wants them all to stick together. Reynold says he's on the same page but he's still a little leery of Malcolm, then in the next breath he says they are the same though and he discloses to Malcolm that he has another hidden immunity idol. (This guy does not learn. Does he have blond roots? Come on!)
-Malcolm now knows that he can trust Reynold, he went overboard telling him about the idol (he also knows he's smarter than Reynold too, cause Malcolm didn't reciprocate.) Malcolm is now the only person in the game that knows where both immunity idols are and he can't wait to take control of the game. (Yeah, the cocky, not so attractive.)
Bikal - Day 19
-Vanilla (Julia) approaches Dawn (Horse & Buggy) to 'talk'. Julia tells her that Phil has been talking to her and it seems he wants to take her along to the merge, which she is fine with, but she's feeling kind of bullied and wonders what would happen if everyone just overthrew Phillip - What's stopping people from doing that?
-Dawn thought that Julia wasn't very aware of the game but she's impressed to find out she's thinking more than she thought. Dawn doesn't commit anything to Julia and assures her she won't tell anyone about their 'talk', then she runs and tells Phillip (What? Oh man! Julia and Corinne have got to get together.)
-Dawn tells Phillip that Julia asked her how she felt about her (Julia) working with Phillip, if it would be good for her long term. Phillip says she's an idiot, that he specifically told her not to say anything to anyone.
-Phillip tells the camera he's given Julia every chance but she's managed to make a number of Foo Paws (translation: faux pas) in terms of Survivor play. Phillip gave her information to test her, she failed, but she won't know that until she's walking away with her torch out.
Three members of each tribe will paddle out into the ocean and dive down to retrieve a statue, they'll then bring it back to shore and place it at the base of a tower. Then three other tribe members will use a grappling hook to retrieve keys - once they collect all 5 keys they will unlock the tower and pull the statue to the top (tower is on an angle, statue is on a platform attached to a winch.) First tribe to finish wins immunity.
Off they go - Brenda, Erik and Eddie for Gota, Michael, Dawn & Corinne for Bikal.
-Gota gets off to a quick start and Bikal is off course... then Gota goes off course and Bikal catches up... they both clip the boat in and jump in the water, they get their statues but they are heavy and it's a struggle to get it in the boat... Bikal almost flips again and they are behind.
-Gota has Reynold using the grappling hook and it's Phillip using the hook for Bikal. Reynold is fishing in the keys quickly - he's up 4 when Phillip finally gets 1 - Phillip gets up to 3 keys when Reynold gets their 5th key - they unlock the tower and GOTA wins Immunity!
(You know, the division of the tribes sucks - they are in no way fair or even... they might as well have left them as they were - we are again watching one tribe win over and over again.)
Bikal - Day 19
Returning to camp after losing - again - Phillip pulls Cochran aside and tells him he has a confession to make... immediately Cochran is wondering what that could be... Phillip says they could have won that challenge if he wanted them to but he can't have Julia around at the merge...
-Cochran can't believe this guy, does he believe his own line of BS? Of course they had to throw a challenge because these fans are so threatening, that's why Phillip couldn't throw a grappling hook. It's complete crap.
-Phillip, "had I wanted to win, I would have thrown it differently," blah, blah, blah. Cochran says you can't make up this level of delusion, that's why he likes playing with Phillip. He honestly believes at this point that he threw the challenge on purpose. (I'm impressed with how composed Cochran is this time around, he's able to remain objective and he's quietly wrangling Phillip, good for him.)
Cochran lets Phillip go on about a lion taking out the cubs (whatever) then reigns him back in, "we're still in for splitting the votes right?" (Just in case one of them has an idol - but they don't)
-The Favourites are in the shelter and Cochran says they want to split the votes, Dawn is in, but Corinne is NOT. She doesn't think they need to do that and at this point she wants to keep Michael with them through the merge so she wants to keep him comfortable and happy.
-Phillip is not willing to bend his game play to anyone else's agenda and he gets hot under the collar - throws down the 'Boston Rob would never do that'... or something like that - he thinks Corinne is just looking out for her own selfish needs and not putting the Favourites first (wow, this guy is a piece of work.) He walks off in a huff and Cochran and Dawn follow him. Phillip tells them that Corinne is no longer in their alliance, he's not going to be bullied by her (says the biggest bully out there) he's going to cast his vote for Michael because that's what BR (Boston Rob) would do.
-Corinne comes up on the three confabbing and Phillip is having none of it, he doesn't like it when people don't let him do whatever he wants to do, how dare she interrupt their conversation. She tells him he's being mean, he says he's not, just go away. (Argh, I can't believe this guy! You are not anywhere near as charismatic as as Boston Rob, he would never talk to someone on his tribe like that.) King Phillip needs an ugly awakening.
-Cochran is worried that this feud between Corinne and Phillip is going to come to a head and it will become apparent why they can't play this game together.
So Michael, 19 days in, this tribe in a state of despair, is it hard to keep morale up?
-Of course, it brings out a bit of tension in the tribe when the morale is low.
Julia, if it's still Fans vs Favs, you have a reason to be tense, why would anyone else be tense?
-The Favs do have the numbers so I know they are looking way past this tribal council, they have their game and their alliances and I see why they would be tense as well.
Now I'm connecting the dots, Corinne, does the tension among the Favs come in whether we keep Michael or if we keep Julia?
-Absolutely, going into a possible merge is a really serious thing. You don't want to screw something up here and regret it down the line.
-Phillip jumps in - I just want to add that it's about understanding the process. Corinne and I may clash on some points but we're actually talking about the same thing, just the process of getting there is a little bit different.
Dawn, have you seen Phillip and Corinne try to come to an understanding?
-Seen it, felt in, been in between it - but I feel like the conflict is okay if we have the same goal in the end and we stay committed.
(Oh, they are trying to reign Corinne back in... I don't think she likes that much.)
Let's talk about today's challenge - did well on the first half, fell apart on the second half. Phillip you put yourself in that hero role, again...
-I don't really see it that way, I was in the role that they had already seen me in 3 times previously and I had prevailed.
Who really lost this challenge?
-I would say I lost the portion...
Okay, that's what I'm talking about. The guy who says 'give me the ball' is the guy that says count on me.
-But I am also the guy that carried the statue from the boat by myself while the other tribe took three men to do it - maybe that tired me out All you can do is move on and look forward to another day....blah, blah, blah... that's what winners do.
So Michael, you lose another immunity challenge, you're back at tribal council, how do you pitch yourself to these 4 so they keep you?
-I didn't start today - I started when I landed on the beach. I've been working really hard to make them comfortable with me so they will want to move forward with me.
Cochran, Corinne was very vocal last Tribal about liking to work with the gays. Could that work against Michael?
-Yeah, if people perceive him working solely with Corinne that could work against him.
-Corinne pipes up - look this has been grossly exaggerated. I've only known him for a handful of days and sure I do think it's neat that he's gay but a twosome alliance this does not make. (Phillip finds that interesting.)
-Michael says he's ready to get to the vote, he wanted to vote as soon as they lost the last challenge, he's like a cat hanging on to a tree wondering what's going to happen and he's ready to find out (nice try - but Jeff won't be rushed... he's still got some questions.)
Julia, how bout you? How comfortable are you that you will survive tonight's vote?
-I thought I was going to play the game one way but things changed and I had to play another way but maybe I was too comfortable and maybe it will hurt me tonight (what? I couldn't be bothered rewinding - who cares what she said - vanilla, vanilla, zzzz).
Now it's time to vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
No one had a hidden idol to play.
Tallying the votes:
Michael -1
Julia - 1
Michael - 2
Julia - 2
Michael - 3
Julia - 3
It's a tie.
REVOTE - Michael and Julia don't vote.
Julia - 1, 2, 3... It is JULIA leaving us tonight. (Who? I know right.)
And with Julia leaving Janine S, Sunny C and Karen S are out of the pool.
Next week: it's the merge and they have a disgusting eating challenge (oh great, I love watching people gag.)
Julia's final thoughts: This game was so different than I expected going into it. It was hard playing against veteran players who knew the game inside and out and then be at their mercy. She didn't like being at the mercy of other people. But she had a wonderful experience yada yada. (B'bye, can't say I'm sad we didn't really get to know you.)
Have a great Easter long weekend!