There's No Crying in Baseball
The teams are still racing in Indonesia this leg. 6:07am, The Twins are the first team to head out to a specified restaurant to get the next clue (restaurants on the Race always make me nervous...) the clue also tells them "Caution, U-turn ahead."
-Trey & Lexi "Texas" are the next team and meet up with Natalie & Nadiya who are still there in the market - they're not sure where they need to go so they decide to wait for "the stupid" Chippendales. (That was one of the twins - I couldn't help thinking, you want to wait to follow them - who's stupid?)
-Chippendales are fine teaming up with the first two teams - they figure at this point it can't hurt.
-Abbie & Ryan are 4th out and he says it's hard running the race as a couple because sometimes they are competitive with each other (which could be a good thing if it spurs them on - or a bad thing if it messes them up.) They feel like they'll have no problem handling the race, it's if they can handle each other (are you sure you should be a couple?)
-So now all four teams are wandering together aimlessly - they finally ask a policeman (I think) where the restaurant is and he tells them it's far so they all jump in cabs. The Twins say [wasting time wandering around] was an example of stupid things you do in numbers because you feel safe.
-Beekman boys are the next out - as far as balding-glasses-guy sees it there are the alpha teams (those already out) and then the rest of them that are just doing their best and are good people. "And in the end good people end up winning." (Yeaahhh, you keep telling yourself that - life is fair and sunshine comes out of your butt too. Hmm, too bitter? hahaha)
-Long Hair Rockers - think they've surprised people by being able to run (I'd be more surprised if you stopped finishing in the middle... this is my team, I'm not impressed - yet.)
-Texas arrives at the Restaurant and reads the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to serve a balanced meal?
One team member will have to serve twenty plates of food all at once, balancing all the plate/bowls in their arms and serving the dishes by placing them all on the table in front of hungry patrons (oh crap, this could be dangerous.) If anything drops along the way, they will have to start over - they will only get the clue if they successfully serve all 20 plates of food all at once.
-Lexi is doing it for them - with her backpack on her back still (really?)
-Chippendales, Goat Farmers and Abbie & Ryan get to the restaurant and the Twins fall to the curse of the lost cabbie (uh oh.)
-The Twins don't suffer the lost driver for long though - declaring this guy the worse cab driver ever, they get out of that cab on the side of the road and try to find another one.
Meanwhile, the cute blond girls Caitlin & Brittany are starting out, about an hour behind the first team - these two say you will see them get mad before you will see them cry - They could get punched in the face and still won't cry (give it some time, one of the other teams may try that out.) "I mean, there is no crying in baseball." (These two talk a tough game - but we shall see.)
-At the restaurant - Lexi is the first to drop all her plates when she tries to deliver to the table - "How do I do this?" (Take your backpack off for starters - sheesh.)
-Blond Chippendale has serving experience and he's got strong arms, big hands... ahem... anyway, he is the first to successfully complete the service and get the next clue: they have to make their way to the train station where they will catch a train to Bangil - while on the train they must keep their eyes open for their next clue (looks like a cotton candy vendor on the train has the clue among his wares.)
-Ryan also completes the service on the first try - smaller dark haired goat farmer asks how he's doing and drops some plates - oopsy, concentration is required for this.
-Longhairs get to the restaurant as Lexi & Brent(?) complete the service and those teams head for the train station.
-Abba does the serving and he gets it done quickly.
-The Twins finally get to the restaurant, one of them is doing it (I will never be able to tell them apart so why bother.)
-7:22am- Monster Truck is finally starting out.
-7:32am - Will & Gary are the last team to depart - they tried to get on the show for so long and thought they had it all figured out but it is so much harder than they realized - now they're the team that you wonder why they're there. But they are going to hopefully do better today.
Back at the restaurant -Nadiya drops a bunch of plates on the table and diners - has to start over. She gets it done after her Twin yells at her, it calms her down (sure, whatever works for you.)
-One of the blond girls has done the food delivery too. These teams take off for the train.
-Monster truck Rob does the food delivery on the first try - easy-peasy.
-Gary - the big guy - is going to do the food service (probably a good idea.)
At the train station: All the teams are on the same train to Bangil... that is, all the teams that made it in time - the Twins just missed it. On the train, Ryan asked a woman if she knew what time the next train ran - she said 10:55am - meaning the other 4 teams will have a 3 hour wait for the next train. (Ouch!)
-The Twins are not happy to be stuck with all the stragglers in the back.
On the train, the Long-hairs say they are on the train with the Chipmunks, Goat farmers, Abbie & Boyfriend and Texas Mounts? Mouse? (I even rewound it and couldn't figure out what he called them.)
-Anyway those 4 teams (not including the long-hairs) talk about the U-Turn and blond James Chipmunk says none of them should bother using the U-Turn since they are out in front, they all agree and shake on it but Long Hair-Don't Care wasn't included so they don't know what those two are thinking.
Back at the train station Blond girls and Monster truck are just finding out all the other teams were on a 7:30 train and they are stuck waiting until 10:55... with the Twins.
-Gary is just finishing the food service.
On the train the food service is just starting and Blond Chippendale is obnoxiously asking if the servers have clues... and when the one with the clue comes around they all pounce... eek. The clue is for the DETOUR: Lion's Head or Egg Head.
In Egg Head: one team member will have their head lit on fire to cook some eggs (what?) Looks like they have the green outer coconut husk with a flame inside it balanced on their head - the second person holds a frying pan over the fire and cooks some eggs. (Apparently this is a thing.)
They have to get 4 eggs from a vendor, take a pedal cart to the venue, cook the 4 eggs on one of their heads and then eat the eggs to get the clue.
In Lion's Head: they have to make their way by pedal cart to the park, dress in a traditional costume including a 40lb lion's head mask - then parade through the streets stopping periodically to perform several steps then making their way back to the park to receive the next clue.
-Everyone chooses Lion's head except the Goat Farmers, who will be cooking eggs on their heads.
-First train arrives in Bangil and the teams run for the pedal cabs - first challenge is getting both 6'4" Chippendales in one of those little things... but they all make it to the park to start the Lion's Head parade.
-They all suit up and the head dress/mask is anchored in their mouths - Abbie & Ryan are at the front of the parade and if they drop the mask, they'll have to go to the back - they start having to turn around, then go to one knee (with 40lbs resting on your face - no thank you.)
-Chippendales say it was like making out with 900 Indonesians putting that thing in his mouth - it was not pleasant (haha.)
-Lexi was just trying not to drop the thing, it was tough for the girls.
-The Goat Farmers have just made it to the market to pick up their eggs.
-Abbie & Ryan are the first team to finish the parade and they get the next clue to make their way to Perlman POS - where 3 streets meet.
-Chippendales, Texas & Long Hair Don't Care finish right behind them and all head out.
-The Goat Farmers now both have flaming coconuts on their heads.
-Back at the train station - the last 4 teams are finally on the train and heading for Bangil - the train ride is about 1 hour. Caitlin & Brittany are sizing up their competition and figure they are smarter and more fit than the rest so they should have no problems (oh, I smell some Race karma coming their way.)
-Everyone is arriving at Perlman POS and finding out it is a double U-Turn and it will remain anonymous still Abbie & Ryan do not U-Turn anyone.
They get the clue to the Pit Stop - it's a high school.
-Chippendales and Texas get to the U-Turn at the same time - they do not utilize it either - I really wish big Blond James would shut up, he's loud and it's constant - annoying.
-Long Hairs also don't u-turn anyone - then they go to the wrong school (dang it - these two always fall apart at the end.)
-And the Goat Farmers have finally moved on to the egg eating portion of the task - wow, that took way longer than expected. They keep their word and don't U-Turn anyone.
-Teams on the train are all hoping to get to the U-Turn before another team - you can bet there will be U-turning happening, especially if the Monster truckers get the chance.
-They get the Detour clue and everyone is going to do the Lion's Head.
-When the train arrives at Bangil, Twins, Blonds and Monster Truckers jump off the train and are gone in a pedal car... Gary & Will jump off, whining their car was farther from the station, then can't figure out what the pedal car things are...
-At the park Caitlin & Brittany have an ugly American fit trying to pay the driver (disgusting when they can't speak English isn't it :(
-The twins finish the Lion's Head task said it was like cross training except with a mask instead of dumbells - and the Monster truckers also finish right behind them.
-Gary & Will finally get to the park and are whiny that they are always pulling up the rear (I'm sorry but whining isn't going to make it better - these two need an attitude adjustment.)
-The twins get to the U-turn and don't use it - Natalie has to check if they used a cute picture of them - Nadiya trying to leave runs into the camera (haha).
-Monster truckers U-Turn Gary & Will - just for insurance.
-Caitlin & Brittany get lost on the way to the U-Turn.
-Will & Gary get to the U-turn and don't know who is behind them - should they U-turn Monster Truck or the girls... (DO THE GIRLS!) They choose Monster truck (NOOOO!)
-Will & Gary now have to do the egg thing - they get their eggs and are having them cooked on their heads when Caitlin & Brittany are taken there - they look for the U-turn mat but can't find it and finally decide they're at the wrong place...
-Will & Gary chow down and have to go back to the U-Turn place to get the Pit Stop clue.
-Caitlin & Brittany finally get to the U-Turn, see they have not been U-Turned then their pedal cab guy takes them around the block and back there - they are so f'n mad at the pedal dude!
-Gary & Will are ahead of the girls at this point but the girls start yelling at their driver to pass them and he does... argh! Gary slips his driver some cash and all of a sudden he can pedal faster... and they take a different turn than the girls....(Oh yeah, Race Karma for the ugly American girls.)
Here's how they finished:
1) Abbie & Ryan - they win a trip to Fiji
2) Lexi & Trey (Texas) - they knew Abbie & Ryan would be tough competitors - Lexi tells us later if they had the chance to U-Turn someone again, it would be Abbie & Ryan.
3) James & Jaymes (Chippendales)
4) James & Abba - were wandering confusedly looking for the mat until they heard blond Chippendale yelling when he found it (see, that guy is so loud.)
On the mat, Abba says they don't see the value in running with the pack, they won't win the race for us (yeah, you're doing so well on your own.)
5) Josh & Brent - started at 5 and are still 5th.
6) Nadiya & Natalie - They are going to get back in it and be #1 again.
7) Rob & Kelly (Monster Truck)
8) Gary & Will - they know they got lucky - and it just proved you can never give up.
9) Caitlin & Brittany - **ELIMINATED** They blame it all on their driver, he was a hot mess - they know they are a stronger team than Gary & Will, it makes it really tough to take when you know you are better than a lot of the teams that are left (Ugh, I won't miss them.)
But with Caitlin & Brittany's elimination, that also takes Gillian H, Bryon L, Carol-Anne D, Laurie T and Ian G out of the pool.
Next week they are heading to Bangladesh - where Rob & Kelly take a turn for the worse.. uh oh.
Have a great week everyone,
The teams are still racing in Indonesia this leg. 6:07am, The Twins are the first team to head out to a specified restaurant to get the next clue (restaurants on the Race always make me nervous...) the clue also tells them "Caution, U-turn ahead."
-Trey & Lexi "Texas" are the next team and meet up with Natalie & Nadiya who are still there in the market - they're not sure where they need to go so they decide to wait for "the stupid" Chippendales. (That was one of the twins - I couldn't help thinking, you want to wait to follow them - who's stupid?)
-Chippendales are fine teaming up with the first two teams - they figure at this point it can't hurt.
-Abbie & Ryan are 4th out and he says it's hard running the race as a couple because sometimes they are competitive with each other (which could be a good thing if it spurs them on - or a bad thing if it messes them up.) They feel like they'll have no problem handling the race, it's if they can handle each other (are you sure you should be a couple?)
-So now all four teams are wandering together aimlessly - they finally ask a policeman (I think) where the restaurant is and he tells them it's far so they all jump in cabs. The Twins say [wasting time wandering around] was an example of stupid things you do in numbers because you feel safe.
-Beekman boys are the next out - as far as balding-glasses-guy sees it there are the alpha teams (those already out) and then the rest of them that are just doing their best and are good people. "And in the end good people end up winning." (Yeaahhh, you keep telling yourself that - life is fair and sunshine comes out of your butt too. Hmm, too bitter? hahaha)
-Long Hair Rockers - think they've surprised people by being able to run (I'd be more surprised if you stopped finishing in the middle... this is my team, I'm not impressed - yet.)
-Texas arrives at the Restaurant and reads the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to serve a balanced meal?
One team member will have to serve twenty plates of food all at once, balancing all the plate/bowls in their arms and serving the dishes by placing them all on the table in front of hungry patrons (oh crap, this could be dangerous.) If anything drops along the way, they will have to start over - they will only get the clue if they successfully serve all 20 plates of food all at once.
-Lexi is doing it for them - with her backpack on her back still (really?)
-Chippendales, Goat Farmers and Abbie & Ryan get to the restaurant and the Twins fall to the curse of the lost cabbie (uh oh.)
-The Twins don't suffer the lost driver for long though - declaring this guy the worse cab driver ever, they get out of that cab on the side of the road and try to find another one.
Meanwhile, the cute blond girls Caitlin & Brittany are starting out, about an hour behind the first team - these two say you will see them get mad before you will see them cry - They could get punched in the face and still won't cry (give it some time, one of the other teams may try that out.) "I mean, there is no crying in baseball." (These two talk a tough game - but we shall see.)
-At the restaurant - Lexi is the first to drop all her plates when she tries to deliver to the table - "How do I do this?" (Take your backpack off for starters - sheesh.)
-Blond Chippendale has serving experience and he's got strong arms, big hands... ahem... anyway, he is the first to successfully complete the service and get the next clue: they have to make their way to the train station where they will catch a train to Bangil - while on the train they must keep their eyes open for their next clue (looks like a cotton candy vendor on the train has the clue among his wares.)
-Ryan also completes the service on the first try - smaller dark haired goat farmer asks how he's doing and drops some plates - oopsy, concentration is required for this.
-Longhairs get to the restaurant as Lexi & Brent(?) complete the service and those teams head for the train station.
-Abba does the serving and he gets it done quickly.
-The Twins finally get to the restaurant, one of them is doing it (I will never be able to tell them apart so why bother.)
-7:22am- Monster Truck is finally starting out.
-7:32am - Will & Gary are the last team to depart - they tried to get on the show for so long and thought they had it all figured out but it is so much harder than they realized - now they're the team that you wonder why they're there. But they are going to hopefully do better today.
Back at the restaurant -Nadiya drops a bunch of plates on the table and diners - has to start over. She gets it done after her Twin yells at her, it calms her down (sure, whatever works for you.)
-One of the blond girls has done the food delivery too. These teams take off for the train.
-Monster truck Rob does the food delivery on the first try - easy-peasy.
-Gary - the big guy - is going to do the food service (probably a good idea.)
At the train station: All the teams are on the same train to Bangil... that is, all the teams that made it in time - the Twins just missed it. On the train, Ryan asked a woman if she knew what time the next train ran - she said 10:55am - meaning the other 4 teams will have a 3 hour wait for the next train. (Ouch!)
-The Twins are not happy to be stuck with all the stragglers in the back.
On the train, the Long-hairs say they are on the train with the Chipmunks, Goat farmers, Abbie & Boyfriend and Texas Mounts? Mouse? (I even rewound it and couldn't figure out what he called them.)
-Anyway those 4 teams (not including the long-hairs) talk about the U-Turn and blond James Chipmunk says none of them should bother using the U-Turn since they are out in front, they all agree and shake on it but Long Hair-Don't Care wasn't included so they don't know what those two are thinking.
Back at the train station Blond girls and Monster truck are just finding out all the other teams were on a 7:30 train and they are stuck waiting until 10:55... with the Twins.
-Gary is just finishing the food service.
On the train the food service is just starting and Blond Chippendale is obnoxiously asking if the servers have clues... and when the one with the clue comes around they all pounce... eek. The clue is for the DETOUR: Lion's Head or Egg Head.
In Egg Head: one team member will have their head lit on fire to cook some eggs (what?) Looks like they have the green outer coconut husk with a flame inside it balanced on their head - the second person holds a frying pan over the fire and cooks some eggs. (Apparently this is a thing.)
They have to get 4 eggs from a vendor, take a pedal cart to the venue, cook the 4 eggs on one of their heads and then eat the eggs to get the clue.
In Lion's Head: they have to make their way by pedal cart to the park, dress in a traditional costume including a 40lb lion's head mask - then parade through the streets stopping periodically to perform several steps then making their way back to the park to receive the next clue.
-Everyone chooses Lion's head except the Goat Farmers, who will be cooking eggs on their heads.
-First train arrives in Bangil and the teams run for the pedal cabs - first challenge is getting both 6'4" Chippendales in one of those little things... but they all make it to the park to start the Lion's Head parade.
-They all suit up and the head dress/mask is anchored in their mouths - Abbie & Ryan are at the front of the parade and if they drop the mask, they'll have to go to the back - they start having to turn around, then go to one knee (with 40lbs resting on your face - no thank you.)
-Chippendales say it was like making out with 900 Indonesians putting that thing in his mouth - it was not pleasant (haha.)
-Lexi was just trying not to drop the thing, it was tough for the girls.
-The Goat Farmers have just made it to the market to pick up their eggs.
-Abbie & Ryan are the first team to finish the parade and they get the next clue to make their way to Perlman POS - where 3 streets meet.
-Chippendales, Texas & Long Hair Don't Care finish right behind them and all head out.
-The Goat Farmers now both have flaming coconuts on their heads.
-Back at the train station - the last 4 teams are finally on the train and heading for Bangil - the train ride is about 1 hour. Caitlin & Brittany are sizing up their competition and figure they are smarter and more fit than the rest so they should have no problems (oh, I smell some Race karma coming their way.)
-Everyone is arriving at Perlman POS and finding out it is a double U-Turn and it will remain anonymous still Abbie & Ryan do not U-Turn anyone.
They get the clue to the Pit Stop - it's a high school.
-Chippendales and Texas get to the U-Turn at the same time - they do not utilize it either - I really wish big Blond James would shut up, he's loud and it's constant - annoying.
-Long Hairs also don't u-turn anyone - then they go to the wrong school (dang it - these two always fall apart at the end.)
-And the Goat Farmers have finally moved on to the egg eating portion of the task - wow, that took way longer than expected. They keep their word and don't U-Turn anyone.
-Teams on the train are all hoping to get to the U-Turn before another team - you can bet there will be U-turning happening, especially if the Monster truckers get the chance.
-They get the Detour clue and everyone is going to do the Lion's Head.
-When the train arrives at Bangil, Twins, Blonds and Monster Truckers jump off the train and are gone in a pedal car... Gary & Will jump off, whining their car was farther from the station, then can't figure out what the pedal car things are...
-At the park Caitlin & Brittany have an ugly American fit trying to pay the driver (disgusting when they can't speak English isn't it :(
-The twins finish the Lion's Head task said it was like cross training except with a mask instead of dumbells - and the Monster truckers also finish right behind them.
-Gary & Will finally get to the park and are whiny that they are always pulling up the rear (I'm sorry but whining isn't going to make it better - these two need an attitude adjustment.)
-The twins get to the U-turn and don't use it - Natalie has to check if they used a cute picture of them - Nadiya trying to leave runs into the camera (haha).
-Monster truckers U-Turn Gary & Will - just for insurance.
-Caitlin & Brittany get lost on the way to the U-Turn.
-Will & Gary get to the U-turn and don't know who is behind them - should they U-turn Monster Truck or the girls... (DO THE GIRLS!) They choose Monster truck (NOOOO!)
-Will & Gary now have to do the egg thing - they get their eggs and are having them cooked on their heads when Caitlin & Brittany are taken there - they look for the U-turn mat but can't find it and finally decide they're at the wrong place...
-Will & Gary chow down and have to go back to the U-Turn place to get the Pit Stop clue.
-Caitlin & Brittany finally get to the U-Turn, see they have not been U-Turned then their pedal cab guy takes them around the block and back there - they are so f'n mad at the pedal dude!
-Gary & Will are ahead of the girls at this point but the girls start yelling at their driver to pass them and he does... argh! Gary slips his driver some cash and all of a sudden he can pedal faster... and they take a different turn than the girls....(Oh yeah, Race Karma for the ugly American girls.)
Here's how they finished:
1) Abbie & Ryan - they win a trip to Fiji
2) Lexi & Trey (Texas) - they knew Abbie & Ryan would be tough competitors - Lexi tells us later if they had the chance to U-Turn someone again, it would be Abbie & Ryan.
3) James & Jaymes (Chippendales)
4) James & Abba - were wandering confusedly looking for the mat until they heard blond Chippendale yelling when he found it (see, that guy is so loud.)
On the mat, Abba says they don't see the value in running with the pack, they won't win the race for us (yeah, you're doing so well on your own.)
5) Josh & Brent - started at 5 and are still 5th.
6) Nadiya & Natalie - They are going to get back in it and be #1 again.
7) Rob & Kelly (Monster Truck)
8) Gary & Will - they know they got lucky - and it just proved you can never give up.
9) Caitlin & Brittany - **ELIMINATED** They blame it all on their driver, he was a hot mess - they know they are a stronger team than Gary & Will, it makes it really tough to take when you know you are better than a lot of the teams that are left (Ugh, I won't miss them.)
But with Caitlin & Brittany's elimination, that also takes Gillian H, Bryon L, Carol-Anne D, Laurie T and Ian G out of the pool.
Next week they are heading to Bangladesh - where Rob & Kelly take a turn for the worse.. uh oh.
Have a great week everyone,
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