Funky Monkey
We are leaving Indonesia this week with the first team, Abbie & Ryan, reading the clue at 9:52pm - Fly to Dhaka, Bangladesh... and head to a repair shop to get the next clue.
-Abbie & Ryan, closely followed by Lexi & Trey get to the travel agent to book a flight and find out the first flight doesn't leave until 10am the next day... meaning everyone is on the same flight to Bangladesh.
-Will & Gary think of themselves as 'The 'Lil Engine that Could' - they think their comeback last leg was the best comeback ever, and they are pretty sure Rob & Kelly(Monster Truck) is the team that U-Turned them.
-Rob says he's going to lie to 'David & Goliath' if they ever ask about the U-turn, and they are just going to have to make sure they always stay ahead of them so they don't get U-Turned next time.
-Flight lands and they hit the streets running - literally. Rob & Kelly instead go to the taxi stand in the airport and are assigned a cab quite easily.
-Abbie & Ryan get a cab by basically jumping in one that's stopped - the streets are chaos - Ryan says it's all men on the streets and they want nothing to do with us.
-The Twins are in a cab, enjoying the crazy aggressive driving - they say it's like Grand Theft Auto but with cows & goats and garbage... and minus the nice cars.
-The Chippendales have a driver with a bright orange beard and his hair is also dyed orange - I wonder what was up with that?
-Lexi & Trey get the cab that has to stop for gas (this seems to happen in every race - I have never been in a cab that had to stop for gas...) but I digress - they are frustrated with how often your fate seems to rest in a taxi drivers hands.
-Gary & Will are in the middle of nowhere - cab driver tells them it's a shortcut... And they are a little nervous (hopefully having a cameraman along with ensure they don't end up dead in an alley - it was a little dodgy.)
Abbie & Gary are the first team to get to the auto repair shop - and they read the clue for the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to fill in the gaps?
-One person will have to do a body repair on one of the many buses that plays bumper cars in the streets of Dhaka each day (that's not what Phil said, but I think nudging is allowed when driving there.)
-They have to use body putty to fill in the holes then sand it ready for painting. Then they have to remove 3 seats and deliver them to the refurbishing area where they will get their next clue. Ryan is going to do it for them.
-The Twins are there too - and they consider doing the Fast Forward (what? There's a FF?) but decide against it (really? You know Ryan & Abbie aren't going for it. Seems strange they wouldn't give it a shot.) Anyway - one of the twins is repairing the bus too.
-James & Jaymes get there and jump in to fixing the bus - they don't want to chance the FF because they don't know who might already have gone for it.) James can't get the putty can open (doesn't bode well.)
-Natalie/Nadiya says to her sister, "You have to do well at this, we're the only brownies" (Represent! Haha)
-Monster Truck get there and discount the FF right away - Rob does all the body work on their monster trucks so he's sure he can crank this one out quick.
-Long Hair Don't Care arrive and finally someone is taking the chance on the FF...(Oh Crap! They have to collect dead rats - SERIOUSLY? Gah!)
-Goat Farmers arrive and I still don't know who is who with them either - shorter hair/glasses is doing this one (Josh).
-Nadiya is carrying on a constant stream of annoying encouragement to her sister "Come on Natalie, you're the only girl here!" Ryan can't hear himself think (I think the twins would drive me nuts, but I can't help but like them.)
-Trey & Lexi finally arrive followed by Gary & Will - who had hoped to be near the front of the pack this leg but their cab driver took them on a "Special Short Cut" and they are last again.
-Long Haired Rockers get to the Fast Forward and find out they have to become rat catchers helpers and collect dead rats from three locations. "Rats!" They don't balk though, grab their gloves and off they go to the first location.
-Back at the bus yard, Ryan is the first one approved on his bondo job but he's sweated and puttied up the paper clue so he doesn't know what he needs to do next. He asks Chippendale James to let him see his clue and he'd help him with his putty. They agree to help each other out... hmm. Ryan just gives him some verbal tips (that's it?)
-Everyone is checking out how Rob's applying the putty - Natalie has almost built a new bus she used so much.
-Long hairs are still looking for the first rat location - a restaurant (nice) - they hope they haven't screwed themselves by going for this FF.
-Chippendale is ready to give up on the bus, he's so frustrated - he starts chipping all his putty off because he's put it on way too thick.
-Twinniiieee! Is sanding - Rob is sanding, Ryan is sanding - Abbie has to talk James down from his little freak out - Big Gary and Trey are also having to chip off the too thick puddy and start again - in the heat it sets up so fast... they area having issues to say the least.
-Long Hair Rat Men to the rescue! They finally get to the restaurant and have to transfer the dead rats from the buckets into their sack (It's demented Santa time) They say they are used to dealing with rats in their business (oh so witty.)
-Everyone is ready to smack Nadiya - her constant yelling is like nails on a chalkboard.
-Ryan is now moving the seats- they are heavy and he's sure the girls won't be able to do this (I think he's looking forward to them struggling).
-Monster truck finishes the sanding and decides to carry two of the seats (dude, don't give yourself a jammer... boys are silly sometimes.)
-Ryan & Abbie get the clue to make their way to the market and find the dried fish shop - once there they have to dig through sacks of smelly dried fish until they find one with Race colours - then the shopkeeper will give them their next clue.
-Natalie finishes the sanding and just picks up the bus seats and runs - you go! She's in great shape. I think all the other teams are so glad for the peace and quiet once they leave.
-Goat farmer and Chippendale are moving on to sanding. Trey and Will are still not able to get the puddy on right.
-Long Hair Rockers pick up their 2nd load of rats and while walking down the street, Abba's foot breaks through some boards and into raw sewage (heave) - this concerns him... just a little Hepatitis, no biggie :)
-Goat Farmer Josh is done the sanding and moves on to seat removal. Chippendale James gets to move on to the seats too. Trey is allowed to start sanding and I think they just feel sorry for Gary and let him sand now too.
At the Market - Ryan & Abbie find the shop and start digging through the fish (gaggy faces from Abbie) - they find the coloured one rather quickly and get the clue to the DETOUR - Pound the Metal or Pound the Cotton.
- In Pound the Metal - they have to use sledgehammers to beat a metal rod into a sharp point - they also have to hand pump the bellows to keep the fire hot enough to make the metal malleable - once their spike is acceptable, they'll get the next clue from the blacksmith.
- In Pound the Cotton - they have to make a cotton mattress the Bangali way - first they must use bamboo rods to beat the clumps of cotton into a fine feather-like consistency, then stuff it and sew it together to get the next clue.
-Abbie & Ryan are going to pound cotton - they think they'll have a leg up because she went to the fashion institute for a year and made clothes (uh, yeah, don't think that will help.)
- Monster truck and the Twins get to the market - the twins find the shop and the fish like nothing - Rob & Kelly see them and follow.
-Twins decide to pound the metal (they have some aggression to get out apparently.)
-Rob makes Kelly dig through the fish - and they are going to pound the metal.
-Oh, Abbie's expertise does pay off since she knew a trick to filling the mattress and she can sew - he's doing an in-your-face dance (to no one) and she tells him to settle down - not done yet.
-Twins find the blacksmith and both miss the spike on their first tries at weilding the sledgehammer (those things are heavy!)
-Rob & Kelly get there and she is actually doing a pretty good job at it.
-Long-Hair gets to the third location of rat collection and they are enjoying the large entourage of kids following them like the pied piper - they love these moments in the Race, the experience is what it's all about (man...) (okay, I had to add that.)
-They successfully completed the FF and get the clue to the Pit Stop - Blah blah Mengazhi blah Ghat... (something like that.) In the cab, Abba is using hand sanitizer on his foot - hopefully that will take care of anything that actually got on him (so rats, no problem, sewage - problem. Can't say I blame him.)
-Back at the bus yard - Trey finally finishes the sanding and moves the seats - Gary & Will are in last place again. Will says they are still in the Race though, and they are going to win it! They have been in last place since the beginning, and they know not to give up.
-Lexi & Trey's cab breaks down... there ya go. Gary & Will pass them. She whines, What do we do? (Get another cab!) They get going again though and are struggling to stay positive.
-Abbie finishes sewing up the mattress and the guy says nope - they left out too much of the cotton - she's got to undo the stitching and they have more stuffing to do.
-The Twins get the okay on their spike, closely followed by Monster Truck - they get the clue to the Pit Stop - but they have to take a riverboat down to the area then make their way on foot to the find Phil.
-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are digging through dried fish - one of the James almost added some vomit to the mix - but they both find the coloured fish and Goat Farmers are going to pound the cotton - after some look at me antics - the Chippendales also decide to pound the cotton.
-Abbie & Ryan get their mattress approved and Ryan gives the mattress man a really long hug (he seems to be enjoying it - but, that was a little much).
-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are starting to pound their bale of cotton and it's flying everywhere... uh oh, gotta make sure you get it all in the mattress!
-Twins get a cab and are chanting their drivers name "Babu, Babu!"
-Rob & Kelly are having the Ugly American moment of the leg - "English?"
- Trey & Lexi's cab passes Gary & Will to get them to the market first. Trey and Lexi decide to pound the metal and Gary feels weak so they are going to pound the cotton (it's hot, they have all been sweating all day - I bet this would be exhausting!)
-Abbie & Ryan get to the Riverboat and are hoping no other teams make their sailing - but the Twins do make it... much to Ryan's dismay.
-Rob & Kelly finally find a cab to take them to the river.
-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are lamenting choosing the sewing task when we learn that Goat Farmer Josh used to be a drag queen - names Aquadesiac. "Someone is sleeping on an Aquadesiac mattress tonight!"
-Josh & Brent get the okay and clue to the Pit Stop.
-James & Jaymes have left out too much cotton - they have to restuff.
-Will & Gary show up and Jaymes says, "Jack & the Beanstalk just showed up." (Ha ha, these two have the most nicknames - I love it.)
-Trey & Lexi are pounding the spike - they guess Gary & Will must have been intimidated by Trey's muscles...
-On the river - Abbie & Ryan are annoyed they are with another team - the Twins aren't too happy about it either - they characterize Abbie & Ryan as being a psychotic couple who are also in crazy great shape so they are going to have to sprint like hell to beat them to the mat. Boat lands and they are running...
-Monster truck gets to the boat launch and they get on a totally different type of boat than the other teams did. The Goat Farmers see them and do the same thing... hmmm, I don't think that's right.
-Chippendales finish their mattress - Gary & Will are still sewing but determined not to give up - you never know.
-Rob & Kelly arrive at the mat and Phil tells them they were supposed to take the riverboat to Swarighat then walk to him - they took the boat directly to him so he couldn't check them in until they completed the course... they go back and blame the boat driver for taking them to the wrong place...
-Goat farmers arrive at Swarighat as Trey & Lexi arrive there by taxi - Josh tells them they had to take a boat there - so they jump in the boat that just brought them to go back and forth...
-Chippendales get the riverboat - as Gary & Will finally finish the mattress.
-Rob is doing the Ugly American thing to the fullest, yelling at the boatman - "You just cost me a million dollars!"
-Will & Gary show up at Swarighat by taxi and see Trey & Lexi who tell them the same thing they were told- you have to take the boat... Okay, Big & Small are sure they're out now.
Here's How They Finished:
1) James & Abba (YEAH! My Long Haired Rockers finally got a first place - and the guy with Phil at the Pit Stop had the orange beard thing going on too - I'll have to look that up.) They won a trip to Antigua.2) Abbie & Ryan
3) Nadiya & Natalie - "Good job guys" (you know they don't mean that.)
4) Rob & Kelly
4) Josh & Brent - Whoo!
5) Rob & Kelly - happy they only lost one spot - he's got 300lbs of heart. (And maybe a couple ounces of brains... just saying.)
6) James & Jaymes
7) Trey & Lexi - what a day.
8) Gary & Will - **ELIMINATED** this was truly a hard leg - they feel they were representing the fans of the show and they let the fans and themselves down. They say they wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. It was the greatest experience in the world.
Oh yeah, and with Gary & Will leaving this week - that dashes the hopes of Sandy G, Jeff T, Lee G, Jessica C and Sharleen H. I'm sorry to tell you, you have been eliminated from the pool ;)
Next week: The Race gets more physical and they all start to droop in the blazing sun - Goat Farmers and Chippendales dropping like flies - Oh My.
Have a great week everyone,
We are leaving Indonesia this week with the first team, Abbie & Ryan, reading the clue at 9:52pm - Fly to Dhaka, Bangladesh... and head to a repair shop to get the next clue.
-Abbie & Ryan, closely followed by Lexi & Trey get to the travel agent to book a flight and find out the first flight doesn't leave until 10am the next day... meaning everyone is on the same flight to Bangladesh.
-Will & Gary think of themselves as 'The 'Lil Engine that Could' - they think their comeback last leg was the best comeback ever, and they are pretty sure Rob & Kelly(Monster Truck) is the team that U-Turned them.
-Rob says he's going to lie to 'David & Goliath' if they ever ask about the U-turn, and they are just going to have to make sure they always stay ahead of them so they don't get U-Turned next time.
-Flight lands and they hit the streets running - literally. Rob & Kelly instead go to the taxi stand in the airport and are assigned a cab quite easily.
-Abbie & Ryan get a cab by basically jumping in one that's stopped - the streets are chaos - Ryan says it's all men on the streets and they want nothing to do with us.
-The Twins are in a cab, enjoying the crazy aggressive driving - they say it's like Grand Theft Auto but with cows & goats and garbage... and minus the nice cars.
-The Chippendales have a driver with a bright orange beard and his hair is also dyed orange - I wonder what was up with that?
-Lexi & Trey get the cab that has to stop for gas (this seems to happen in every race - I have never been in a cab that had to stop for gas...) but I digress - they are frustrated with how often your fate seems to rest in a taxi drivers hands.
-Gary & Will are in the middle of nowhere - cab driver tells them it's a shortcut... And they are a little nervous (hopefully having a cameraman along with ensure they don't end up dead in an alley - it was a little dodgy.)
Abbie & Gary are the first team to get to the auto repair shop - and they read the clue for the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to fill in the gaps?
-One person will have to do a body repair on one of the many buses that plays bumper cars in the streets of Dhaka each day (that's not what Phil said, but I think nudging is allowed when driving there.)
-They have to use body putty to fill in the holes then sand it ready for painting. Then they have to remove 3 seats and deliver them to the refurbishing area where they will get their next clue. Ryan is going to do it for them.
-The Twins are there too - and they consider doing the Fast Forward (what? There's a FF?) but decide against it (really? You know Ryan & Abbie aren't going for it. Seems strange they wouldn't give it a shot.) Anyway - one of the twins is repairing the bus too.
-James & Jaymes get there and jump in to fixing the bus - they don't want to chance the FF because they don't know who might already have gone for it.) James can't get the putty can open (doesn't bode well.)
-Natalie/Nadiya says to her sister, "You have to do well at this, we're the only brownies" (Represent! Haha)
-Monster Truck get there and discount the FF right away - Rob does all the body work on their monster trucks so he's sure he can crank this one out quick.
-Long Hair Don't Care arrive and finally someone is taking the chance on the FF...(Oh Crap! They have to collect dead rats - SERIOUSLY? Gah!)
-Goat Farmers arrive and I still don't know who is who with them either - shorter hair/glasses is doing this one (Josh).
-Nadiya is carrying on a constant stream of annoying encouragement to her sister "Come on Natalie, you're the only girl here!" Ryan can't hear himself think (I think the twins would drive me nuts, but I can't help but like them.)
-Trey & Lexi finally arrive followed by Gary & Will - who had hoped to be near the front of the pack this leg but their cab driver took them on a "Special Short Cut" and they are last again.
-Long Haired Rockers get to the Fast Forward and find out they have to become rat catchers helpers and collect dead rats from three locations. "Rats!" They don't balk though, grab their gloves and off they go to the first location.
-Back at the bus yard, Ryan is the first one approved on his bondo job but he's sweated and puttied up the paper clue so he doesn't know what he needs to do next. He asks Chippendale James to let him see his clue and he'd help him with his putty. They agree to help each other out... hmm. Ryan just gives him some verbal tips (that's it?)
-Everyone is checking out how Rob's applying the putty - Natalie has almost built a new bus she used so much.
-Long hairs are still looking for the first rat location - a restaurant (nice) - they hope they haven't screwed themselves by going for this FF.
-Chippendale is ready to give up on the bus, he's so frustrated - he starts chipping all his putty off because he's put it on way too thick.
-Twinniiieee! Is sanding - Rob is sanding, Ryan is sanding - Abbie has to talk James down from his little freak out - Big Gary and Trey are also having to chip off the too thick puddy and start again - in the heat it sets up so fast... they area having issues to say the least.
-Long Hair Rat Men to the rescue! They finally get to the restaurant and have to transfer the dead rats from the buckets into their sack (It's demented Santa time) They say they are used to dealing with rats in their business (oh so witty.)
-Everyone is ready to smack Nadiya - her constant yelling is like nails on a chalkboard.
-Ryan is now moving the seats- they are heavy and he's sure the girls won't be able to do this (I think he's looking forward to them struggling).
-Monster truck finishes the sanding and decides to carry two of the seats (dude, don't give yourself a jammer... boys are silly sometimes.)
-Ryan & Abbie get the clue to make their way to the market and find the dried fish shop - once there they have to dig through sacks of smelly dried fish until they find one with Race colours - then the shopkeeper will give them their next clue.
-Natalie finishes the sanding and just picks up the bus seats and runs - you go! She's in great shape. I think all the other teams are so glad for the peace and quiet once they leave.
-Goat farmer and Chippendale are moving on to sanding. Trey and Will are still not able to get the puddy on right.
-Long Hair Rockers pick up their 2nd load of rats and while walking down the street, Abba's foot breaks through some boards and into raw sewage (heave) - this concerns him... just a little Hepatitis, no biggie :)
-Goat Farmer Josh is done the sanding and moves on to seat removal. Chippendale James gets to move on to the seats too. Trey is allowed to start sanding and I think they just feel sorry for Gary and let him sand now too.
At the Market - Ryan & Abbie find the shop and start digging through the fish (gaggy faces from Abbie) - they find the coloured one rather quickly and get the clue to the DETOUR - Pound the Metal or Pound the Cotton.
- In Pound the Metal - they have to use sledgehammers to beat a metal rod into a sharp point - they also have to hand pump the bellows to keep the fire hot enough to make the metal malleable - once their spike is acceptable, they'll get the next clue from the blacksmith.
- In Pound the Cotton - they have to make a cotton mattress the Bangali way - first they must use bamboo rods to beat the clumps of cotton into a fine feather-like consistency, then stuff it and sew it together to get the next clue.
-Abbie & Ryan are going to pound cotton - they think they'll have a leg up because she went to the fashion institute for a year and made clothes (uh, yeah, don't think that will help.)
- Monster truck and the Twins get to the market - the twins find the shop and the fish like nothing - Rob & Kelly see them and follow.
-Twins decide to pound the metal (they have some aggression to get out apparently.)
-Rob makes Kelly dig through the fish - and they are going to pound the metal.
-Oh, Abbie's expertise does pay off since she knew a trick to filling the mattress and she can sew - he's doing an in-your-face dance (to no one) and she tells him to settle down - not done yet.
-Twins find the blacksmith and both miss the spike on their first tries at weilding the sledgehammer (those things are heavy!)
-Rob & Kelly get there and she is actually doing a pretty good job at it.
-Long-Hair gets to the third location of rat collection and they are enjoying the large entourage of kids following them like the pied piper - they love these moments in the Race, the experience is what it's all about (man...) (okay, I had to add that.)
-They successfully completed the FF and get the clue to the Pit Stop - Blah blah Mengazhi blah Ghat... (something like that.) In the cab, Abba is using hand sanitizer on his foot - hopefully that will take care of anything that actually got on him (so rats, no problem, sewage - problem. Can't say I blame him.)
-Back at the bus yard - Trey finally finishes the sanding and moves the seats - Gary & Will are in last place again. Will says they are still in the Race though, and they are going to win it! They have been in last place since the beginning, and they know not to give up.
-Lexi & Trey's cab breaks down... there ya go. Gary & Will pass them. She whines, What do we do? (Get another cab!) They get going again though and are struggling to stay positive.
-Abbie finishes sewing up the mattress and the guy says nope - they left out too much of the cotton - she's got to undo the stitching and they have more stuffing to do.
-The Twins get the okay on their spike, closely followed by Monster Truck - they get the clue to the Pit Stop - but they have to take a riverboat down to the area then make their way on foot to the find Phil.
-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are digging through dried fish - one of the James almost added some vomit to the mix - but they both find the coloured fish and Goat Farmers are going to pound the cotton - after some look at me antics - the Chippendales also decide to pound the cotton.
-Abbie & Ryan get their mattress approved and Ryan gives the mattress man a really long hug (he seems to be enjoying it - but, that was a little much).
-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are starting to pound their bale of cotton and it's flying everywhere... uh oh, gotta make sure you get it all in the mattress!
-Twins get a cab and are chanting their drivers name "Babu, Babu!"
-Rob & Kelly are having the Ugly American moment of the leg - "English?"
- Trey & Lexi's cab passes Gary & Will to get them to the market first. Trey and Lexi decide to pound the metal and Gary feels weak so they are going to pound the cotton (it's hot, they have all been sweating all day - I bet this would be exhausting!)
-Abbie & Ryan get to the Riverboat and are hoping no other teams make their sailing - but the Twins do make it... much to Ryan's dismay.
-Rob & Kelly finally find a cab to take them to the river.
-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are lamenting choosing the sewing task when we learn that Goat Farmer Josh used to be a drag queen - names Aquadesiac. "Someone is sleeping on an Aquadesiac mattress tonight!"
-Josh & Brent get the okay and clue to the Pit Stop.
-James & Jaymes have left out too much cotton - they have to restuff.
-Will & Gary show up and Jaymes says, "Jack & the Beanstalk just showed up." (Ha ha, these two have the most nicknames - I love it.)
-Trey & Lexi are pounding the spike - they guess Gary & Will must have been intimidated by Trey's muscles...
-On the river - Abbie & Ryan are annoyed they are with another team - the Twins aren't too happy about it either - they characterize Abbie & Ryan as being a psychotic couple who are also in crazy great shape so they are going to have to sprint like hell to beat them to the mat. Boat lands and they are running...
-Monster truck gets to the boat launch and they get on a totally different type of boat than the other teams did. The Goat Farmers see them and do the same thing... hmmm, I don't think that's right.
-Chippendales finish their mattress - Gary & Will are still sewing but determined not to give up - you never know.
-Rob & Kelly arrive at the mat and Phil tells them they were supposed to take the riverboat to Swarighat then walk to him - they took the boat directly to him so he couldn't check them in until they completed the course... they go back and blame the boat driver for taking them to the wrong place...
-Goat farmers arrive at Swarighat as Trey & Lexi arrive there by taxi - Josh tells them they had to take a boat there - so they jump in the boat that just brought them to go back and forth...
-Chippendales get the riverboat - as Gary & Will finally finish the mattress.
-Rob is doing the Ugly American thing to the fullest, yelling at the boatman - "You just cost me a million dollars!"
-Will & Gary show up at Swarighat by taxi and see Trey & Lexi who tell them the same thing they were told- you have to take the boat... Okay, Big & Small are sure they're out now.
Here's How They Finished:
1) James & Abba (YEAH! My Long Haired Rockers finally got a first place - and the guy with Phil at the Pit Stop had the orange beard thing going on too - I'll have to look that up.) They won a trip to Antigua.2) Abbie & Ryan
3) Nadiya & Natalie - "Good job guys" (you know they don't mean that.)
4) Josh & Brent - Whoo!
5) Rob & Kelly - happy they only lost one spot - he's got 300lbs of heart. (And maybe a couple ounces of brains... just saying.)
6) James & Jaymes
7) Trey & Lexi - what a day.
8) Gary & Will - **ELIMINATED** this was truly a hard leg - they feel they were representing the fans of the show and they let the fans and themselves down. They say they wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. It was the greatest experience in the world.
Oh yeah, and with Gary & Will leaving this week - that dashes the hopes of Sandy G, Jeff T, Lee G, Jessica C and Sharleen H. I'm sorry to tell you, you have been eliminated from the pool ;)
Next week: The Race gets more physical and they all start to droop in the blazing sun - Goat Farmers and Chippendales dropping like flies - Oh My.
Have a great week everyone,
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