Not the Only Actor On This Island
Last week we had the infamous Rice Deal instead of actually completing the reward challenge which caused a lot of discord over on Tandang - but it was Kalabaw that went to Tribal Council and Katie that was voted out.
Kalabaw - Night 16
They return from Tribal Council and it's now the 3 guys and Denise - she's been to tribal every time... and they would all like to make that change.
-Jonathan says he's surprised that Katie voted for him, did she just do that on her own or did she get wind of it?
-Jeff K tells Jonathan that Katie wanted him out for some reason and they just let her run with it... but Jonathan's not buying that completely.
-Jeff tells the camera he thinks Jonathan can still help him in the game, he just has to make sure he takes him out before Jonathan can do it to him.
-Jonathan said seeing his name was a wake up call - he tends to forget that everyone else is lying too... (and that's why you will never win.) He has to keep his head in the game.
Tandang - Day 17
Mike Skupin says if he makes it through the day they are all on equal territory because day 17 was when he fell in the fire and left the last time. Artis, "Well, look at ya, you barely made it." And it's true, they show Mike talking to the camera and he's a mess - scabs all over his face from the mask shattering, his shoulders are all peeling, he's got other scrapes and he definitely looks worse for wear.
-Next thing they know, they see a boat on the horizon and it's coming in to their beach... they get a scroll that tells them the tribes are merging and they all seem happy - finally they can get rid of some of the dead weight (cough - Mike - cough) that they have been stuck with because they keep winning.
-They are given 10 minutes to gather up everything they have/will need so they all scatter and Malcolm has to go dig up his hidden immunity idol (can't forget that.)
Kalabaw - Day 17
They get visited by a boat as well and they also have 10 minutes to pull up stakes - Denise is hoping to stay with her Kalabaw alliance but hopes she can also re-establish her original alliance with Malcolm. The guys just hope they can get two people to vote with them so they can have a chance of sticking around.
-The boats bring both tribes in to a new location where they are met with baskets of food - fruit, wine, bread, cheese, sausage... and they sit around getting to know you.
-Jeff is glad that it seems like no one knows who he is - he says he's a rancher and a motorcycle dealer. Jeff tells the camera he has always thought that a returning player should not win and Jonathan was his priority, now he has Skupin to contend with too - two priorities.
-Pete said the feast was amazing - the tribe thought was to keep Tandang strong but RC would never let that happen and Mike just does what she says. (There are the two Kalabaw needs to buddy up with.)
-Mike Skupin tells them all he has 7 kids and he's married - he never made the merge before so this is new to him and it's cool especially to merge with numbers.
-Mike notices the the power alliance of Pete & Abi are being really quiet and he knows that he and RC being on the outs with them are kind of free agents... which he also thinks is kinda cool (I think Mike is still playing the game from a decade ago - he seems not to realize that it's not as innocent anymore.)
-Taladang girls are sitting together - RC says she thinks Denise will probably talk to her because they have a swimming connection (? okay) - Abi says she should spy for them and RC basically says, why would I do that, we are not one big happy family... Lisa just hangs her head. RC should have kept her mouth shut and played along (ego tends to get in the way in this game - a lot.)
Merged Tribe - Day 17
-They need to get busy building a new shelter - so they men gather bamboo -nearly naked RC flirtily brings them water... "you might as well stay hydrated." (She might as well have winked and giggled - setting the women's movement back for all of us.)
-Lisa decides, while the guys are building a shelter, that she will hang all their clothes out to let them air out and dry... so she's going through everyone's bags and finds Malcolm's idol (I swear the cigarettes were not mine, I'm holding them for a friend... oh, sorry, flashback. :) Mom/Lisa is shocked that he has an idol.
-Malcolm, decides he's going to change clothes and hide his idol and sees all the clothes are laying out... he takes Denise aside and she tells him that Lisa did that - and he's p*ssed - he figured an hour would be okay while everyone ate and got to know each other - AArrggh! Now he's got to go talk to Lisa.
-She opens saying she's sorry, she didn't mean to [find the idol]. She promises she won't tell anyone. He tells her only he and Denise know and now it's the three of them to the end.
-He's not too happy with the involuntary alliance because he thinks both the women would be tough to beat against the jury because they're so nice - but he's happy the church lady was the one that found it, hopefully she has a heart.
-Lisa meanwhile knows she's not the only actor on the island and she's taking Malcolm's word of final three with a grain of salt.
Merged Tribe - Day 18
-Jonathan and Lisa are alone in the water and he asks her if anyone's recognized her yet - she says no. "Ah, they're too young..." (exactly.) They have a nice talk, she says it's been very healing making these friendships and knowing that people just like her for her because they don't know about her past. Jonathan says he won't blow her cover. But he tells the camera he can see her being an under-the-radar player that makes it to the final 3.
-So, it looks like Kalabaw could probably get Lisa & Malcolm and RC & Mike to vote with them... trick is for them to target Abi (Oh, please make it Abi, can't stand that chick) or Pete... that would be sweet!
-Jonathan is in the water now talking to Mike Skupin - and he's working him - he says being the returning players they have to be careful because the others will try to take them out. He tells him he's got a loyal block of 4 and if they could figure something out, that would be incredible. (He doesn't know that he's not talking to the brains of the operation.)
-Skupin runs to the brains, RC, and he asks her how open she is to re-alignment. She says she's open to it, because they don't trust that Tandang will keep them around until it's only Tandang again - but they agree they have to take baby steps.
-Jeff K is talking to the other guys - Pete, Malcolm and Artis - and he tells them he doesn't want a veteran to win, he's been targeting Penner since the beginning. Pete says he might have the idol, Jeff says he may because he doesn't have it, and Artis says it would have to be a blindside - Jeff says he could help with that. (Really dude? What are you doing? You don't take out any of your lesser number until you are all even or you have the upper hand... I hope this is strategy, smoking out possible weakness, cause otherwise, I think Jeff's being stupid.)
-So now we have Malcolm, Pete, Artis and Abi sitting around talking with Jeff and Pete tells him that RC is #1 to go and Penner will be #2 - Jeff assures them he can get Carter and Denise to vote with him - so they are thinking split the vote 4 for RC, 4 for Penner - if Penner has the idol he'll have to play it to save himself and if not, if they are tied, then they will revote and take Penner out. Only wrinkle is if either of them win immunity.
-Jeff Probst reveals they are playing for individual immunity and unveils 2 immunity necklaces (oooh, I hope Jonathan and RC win them, that would be awesome!)
-The challenge: they have to hold onto a medal handle with a rope spooled around it and attached to a bucket - each bucket is filled with 25% of their body weight - as the challenge goes on, the weight will become harder to hold, the rope will begin to unspool and the bucket will drop, eliminating them from the challenge. Last man and last woman left standing win immunity.
-They start and 5 minutes in Skupin is the first person out. Shortly after, Pete is out (it's hot, they're sweating, your grip slips and you're done.) Jonathan is next out, Jeff points out he's in trouble at the next tribal council, "Why thank you Jeff." Lisa is the next to lose it, followed by Malcolm. RC is trying to spool it back up but she loses it, Abi gives up satisfied that RC won't have immunity (yeah, seems like something she'd do) and DENISE finally wins something - the first individual immunity. (Good for her.)
-We're down to Artis, Jeff & Carter - Artis spools his back up to the top but
afte 15 minutes he loses it and we're down to Jeff & Carter. Jeff should have good grip from baseball, you'd think. They both wind their buckets back up and after 25 minutes Jeff is ready to talk... well, he whispers to him, "You drop I owe you one, I drop you owe me one." Carter says that's fine... but he's not dropping. Jeff Probst asks what's going on and Carter says he just really wants the necklace tonight and Jeff K. let's it go. Making CARTER the first man to win the individual immunity.
-Artis is just ecstatic that RC & Penner came no where near winning immunity so they can do the split vote and take one of them out.
Merged Tribe - Day 19
Returning from the challenge - RC thinks it's been a good day - no she didn't win immunity but she & Mike are definitely in with Kalabaw and with 6 they have the majority.
-Mike talking to the camera - they put under his name Dangrayne tribe (so I guess they named the tribe... did I miss that?) Anyway, Mike says he's never felt threatened before and tonight he's feeling he heat.
-Mike goes to Jeff K. and pretty much says he hates his tribe, he doesn't want to play with them anymore - if the 4 Kalabaw stay solid, he and RC will give them the numbers.
-Jeff tells him his main problem with that is that he doesn't want Penner to beat him in this game (so now he's hung up on just making it there longer than Jonathan... I'm over Jeff K. He can go.) He says if Mike & Penner get together he thinks they'll take it to the end and he'll be screwed.
-Mike says he can say with integrity that he will follow them.
-Mike then tells the camera that he cannot follow Pete, Artis & Abi as long as he has any other option - but what happens if Carter & Jeff go with Tandang and Mike & RC go with Kalabaw... nothing has been gained.
-So Jeff and Carter are talking - Jeff tells him that he talked to Skupin and he assured Jeff that he would not let Penner stay longer than them. Jeff still feels like they have built something with Penner and if they jumped over to Tandang now, they would be on the bottom.
-Jonathan comes up on them talking and he tells them he is still 100% with them and he hopes they don't vote with Tandang against him tonight.
-Jonathan tells the camera that he genuinely believes Jeff, Carter, Denise, Mike and RC will vote with him and if that's not the case, then he is a horrible judge of character and he deserves to go home.
-He tells Jeff & Carter that they should stick together, vote for Pete and take control of this game. Then he walks away.
-Jeff and Carter go and talk to Pete & Abi - Jeff tells them they are still with them - he wants the veteran's out of there.
-Jeff knows he has to treat this game with respect or it will bite him in the butt. He's torn because he's said from day one he doesn't want the veterans to win but if he switches now he'll be on the bottom. He's got to protect himself because whatever move he makes, it's not going to sit well with either tribe.
Oh geez - Tandang all had to get torches, they haven't been to tribal at all yet. Jeff says they set a record - in all 25 seasons of Survivor they have never had a tribe make it to the merge without going to tribal council at least once. (But they usually only have two tribes so that stat is misleading.)
-On the flip side, Denise has been to every Tribal council since day one... and she's lost her voice - she squeaks out that somehow she's survived it for one more and she's safe (with that big ol' immunity necklace on, you bet you are!)
-Jeff asks Skupin about the cracks they may have in Tandang. Mike says it's natural when 6 or 7 people get together that animosities can arise - yet they still managed to pull out victories.
-RC says it was pretty bad at Tandang but they're a family and families fight sometimes (Abi is not your family - she looks like she's ready to kick her ass right now.)
-Abi says the game as been shifting constantly, she was really close with RC in the beginning however she betrayed me (whoa - RC looks surprised Abi said that, but really, you know how she is.) Abi said she had no choice but to find another alliance.
-RC said she's glad this came up because she still has no clue how she betrayed her - and Jeff Probst wants to know.
-Abi says they found the clue to the hidden immunity idol together and they
hd it buried it together then RC unburied it without her knowing. RC says she didn't unburiy it, she thought Abi did. (Pete is smirking in the background cause he's the one that did it... after Abi told him about it of course) anyway Abi says she trusts her own actions, not RC's. (Have I said how much I can't stand that chick?)
-Jeff asks Lisa if it makes her nervous, these two fighting in front of the new people. Lisa says they should realize that they are in a stronger position staying with Tandang than switching sides and being on the bottom.
-Jeff K. says they are offering them a 5 and 6 slot as opposed to the possible 6 & 7 slot in Tandang and you never know what can happen if you can stay there another day.
-Lisa says once you flip you're not a stronger number because you've shown you can't be trusted in your alliance.
-Jeff brings up returning players - He asks Pete if there's a thought that they've already had their shot, they should go.
-Pete says there is always kinda a mutiny feeling about returning players but then Tandang never went to Tribal so we'll never know what would have happened.
-Jeff also asks Lisa if anyone is worried about Malcolm & Denise who started out together and have now been reunited - she says of course that is a concern and there is also, someone from Kalabaw could not want to be perceived as the bottom 4 and may feel they can stick around longer if they side with Tandang.
-Pete - what's the consensus on the hidden idols - he says he thinks there could be two in play tonight, he's pretty sure Matsing's is gone (that has Malcolm smiling) - Any concern it could be you tonight? He says he feels he has a huge target on his back.
-Jeff asks Jeff how likely it is there will be a blindside tonight? - Very likely. You know just from talking to us we've all been scrambling and there's a lot of uncertainty on who is going home.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Jonathan
RC votes for Pete
Artis votes for RC
Jonathan votes for Pete
Pete votes for RC - I never liked you. (I think the feeling's mutual buddy.)
Tallying the votes:
Anybody want to play a hidden immunity idol? They all look at Penner and he steps up, "I'll do it."
Penner - does not count
Penner - does not count
Penner - does not count
RC - 1
Pete - 1
John - does not count
Penner - does not count
RC - 2
Pete - 2
RC - 3
RC - 4 - She is the first person voted out of the merged tribe... but then who the f did Mike Skupin vote for??? I'm confused. And it looks like Jeff K is too, he's shaking his head. And Pete looks very relieved. Oh, Mike must have voted for Jonathan - he got 5 votes... Wow, Skupin has no loyalty at all, interesting.
Oh, and with RC leaving, Vikki M, Ryan H and Jeff T are out of the pool.
Next time: Jonathan wages war on everyone - he has no alliances left, he was betrayed and he's going for immunity at all costs.
RC's final thoughts - "How can I get on TV nearly naked now?" (Oh, no, I'm sure that's what she was thinking but what she said was: ) That's the name of the game, Blindside (uh, no, it's called Survivor.) She just gushes that she can't believe she got to do this, blah, blah, blah.
They show how everyone voted
Pete - RC
Abi - Jonathan
Artis - RC
RC - Pete
Mike - Jonathan
Lisa - Jonathan
Malcolm - Jonathan
Denise - Jonathan
Jonathan - Pete
So Jeff & Carter had to vote RC.
Huh. I bet they assure him they didn't put his name down... but they didn't vote with him either.
Have a great rest of your week everyone,
Last week we had the infamous Rice Deal instead of actually completing the reward challenge which caused a lot of discord over on Tandang - but it was Kalabaw that went to Tribal Council and Katie that was voted out.
Kalabaw - Night 16
They return from Tribal Council and it's now the 3 guys and Denise - she's been to tribal every time... and they would all like to make that change.
-Jonathan says he's surprised that Katie voted for him, did she just do that on her own or did she get wind of it?
-Jeff K tells Jonathan that Katie wanted him out for some reason and they just let her run with it... but Jonathan's not buying that completely.
-Jeff tells the camera he thinks Jonathan can still help him in the game, he just has to make sure he takes him out before Jonathan can do it to him.
-Jonathan said seeing his name was a wake up call - he tends to forget that everyone else is lying too... (and that's why you will never win.) He has to keep his head in the game.
Tandang - Day 17
Mike Skupin says if he makes it through the day they are all on equal territory because day 17 was when he fell in the fire and left the last time. Artis, "Well, look at ya, you barely made it." And it's true, they show Mike talking to the camera and he's a mess - scabs all over his face from the mask shattering, his shoulders are all peeling, he's got other scrapes and he definitely looks worse for wear.
-Next thing they know, they see a boat on the horizon and it's coming in to their beach... they get a scroll that tells them the tribes are merging and they all seem happy - finally they can get rid of some of the dead weight (cough - Mike - cough) that they have been stuck with because they keep winning.
-They are given 10 minutes to gather up everything they have/will need so they all scatter and Malcolm has to go dig up his hidden immunity idol (can't forget that.)
Kalabaw - Day 17
They get visited by a boat as well and they also have 10 minutes to pull up stakes - Denise is hoping to stay with her Kalabaw alliance but hopes she can also re-establish her original alliance with Malcolm. The guys just hope they can get two people to vote with them so they can have a chance of sticking around.
-The boats bring both tribes in to a new location where they are met with baskets of food - fruit, wine, bread, cheese, sausage... and they sit around getting to know you.
-Jeff is glad that it seems like no one knows who he is - he says he's a rancher and a motorcycle dealer. Jeff tells the camera he has always thought that a returning player should not win and Jonathan was his priority, now he has Skupin to contend with too - two priorities.
-Pete said the feast was amazing - the tribe thought was to keep Tandang strong but RC would never let that happen and Mike just does what she says. (There are the two Kalabaw needs to buddy up with.)
-Mike Skupin tells them all he has 7 kids and he's married - he never made the merge before so this is new to him and it's cool especially to merge with numbers.
-Mike notices the the power alliance of Pete & Abi are being really quiet and he knows that he and RC being on the outs with them are kind of free agents... which he also thinks is kinda cool (I think Mike is still playing the game from a decade ago - he seems not to realize that it's not as innocent anymore.)
-Taladang girls are sitting together - RC says she thinks Denise will probably talk to her because they have a swimming connection (? okay) - Abi says she should spy for them and RC basically says, why would I do that, we are not one big happy family... Lisa just hangs her head. RC should have kept her mouth shut and played along (ego tends to get in the way in this game - a lot.)
Merged Tribe - Day 17
-They need to get busy building a new shelter - so they men gather bamboo -nearly naked RC flirtily brings them water... "you might as well stay hydrated." (She might as well have winked and giggled - setting the women's movement back for all of us.)
-Lisa decides, while the guys are building a shelter, that she will hang all their clothes out to let them air out and dry... so she's going through everyone's bags and finds Malcolm's idol (I swear the cigarettes were not mine, I'm holding them for a friend... oh, sorry, flashback. :) Mom/Lisa is shocked that he has an idol.
-Malcolm, decides he's going to change clothes and hide his idol and sees all the clothes are laying out... he takes Denise aside and she tells him that Lisa did that - and he's p*ssed - he figured an hour would be okay while everyone ate and got to know each other - AArrggh! Now he's got to go talk to Lisa.
-She opens saying she's sorry, she didn't mean to [find the idol]. She promises she won't tell anyone. He tells her only he and Denise know and now it's the three of them to the end.
-He's not too happy with the involuntary alliance because he thinks both the women would be tough to beat against the jury because they're so nice - but he's happy the church lady was the one that found it, hopefully she has a heart.
-Lisa meanwhile knows she's not the only actor on the island and she's taking Malcolm's word of final three with a grain of salt.
Merged Tribe - Day 18
-Jonathan and Lisa are alone in the water and he asks her if anyone's recognized her yet - she says no. "Ah, they're too young..." (exactly.) They have a nice talk, she says it's been very healing making these friendships and knowing that people just like her for her because they don't know about her past. Jonathan says he won't blow her cover. But he tells the camera he can see her being an under-the-radar player that makes it to the final 3.
-So, it looks like Kalabaw could probably get Lisa & Malcolm and RC & Mike to vote with them... trick is for them to target Abi (Oh, please make it Abi, can't stand that chick) or Pete... that would be sweet!
-Jonathan is in the water now talking to Mike Skupin - and he's working him - he says being the returning players they have to be careful because the others will try to take them out. He tells him he's got a loyal block of 4 and if they could figure something out, that would be incredible. (He doesn't know that he's not talking to the brains of the operation.)
-Skupin runs to the brains, RC, and he asks her how open she is to re-alignment. She says she's open to it, because they don't trust that Tandang will keep them around until it's only Tandang again - but they agree they have to take baby steps.
-Jeff K is talking to the other guys - Pete, Malcolm and Artis - and he tells them he doesn't want a veteran to win, he's been targeting Penner since the beginning. Pete says he might have the idol, Jeff says he may because he doesn't have it, and Artis says it would have to be a blindside - Jeff says he could help with that. (Really dude? What are you doing? You don't take out any of your lesser number until you are all even or you have the upper hand... I hope this is strategy, smoking out possible weakness, cause otherwise, I think Jeff's being stupid.)
-So now we have Malcolm, Pete, Artis and Abi sitting around talking with Jeff and Pete tells him that RC is #1 to go and Penner will be #2 - Jeff assures them he can get Carter and Denise to vote with him - so they are thinking split the vote 4 for RC, 4 for Penner - if Penner has the idol he'll have to play it to save himself and if not, if they are tied, then they will revote and take Penner out. Only wrinkle is if either of them win immunity.
-Jeff Probst reveals they are playing for individual immunity and unveils 2 immunity necklaces (oooh, I hope Jonathan and RC win them, that would be awesome!)
-The challenge: they have to hold onto a medal handle with a rope spooled around it and attached to a bucket - each bucket is filled with 25% of their body weight - as the challenge goes on, the weight will become harder to hold, the rope will begin to unspool and the bucket will drop, eliminating them from the challenge. Last man and last woman left standing win immunity.
-They start and 5 minutes in Skupin is the first person out. Shortly after, Pete is out (it's hot, they're sweating, your grip slips and you're done.) Jonathan is next out, Jeff points out he's in trouble at the next tribal council, "Why thank you Jeff." Lisa is the next to lose it, followed by Malcolm. RC is trying to spool it back up but she loses it, Abi gives up satisfied that RC won't have immunity (yeah, seems like something she'd do) and DENISE finally wins something - the first individual immunity. (Good for her.)
-We're down to Artis, Jeff & Carter - Artis spools his back up to the top but
afte 15 minutes he loses it and we're down to Jeff & Carter. Jeff should have good grip from baseball, you'd think. They both wind their buckets back up and after 25 minutes Jeff is ready to talk... well, he whispers to him, "You drop I owe you one, I drop you owe me one." Carter says that's fine... but he's not dropping. Jeff Probst asks what's going on and Carter says he just really wants the necklace tonight and Jeff K. let's it go. Making CARTER the first man to win the individual immunity.
-Artis is just ecstatic that RC & Penner came no where near winning immunity so they can do the split vote and take one of them out.
Merged Tribe - Day 19
Returning from the challenge - RC thinks it's been a good day - no she didn't win immunity but she & Mike are definitely in with Kalabaw and with 6 they have the majority.
-Mike talking to the camera - they put under his name Dangrayne tribe (so I guess they named the tribe... did I miss that?) Anyway, Mike says he's never felt threatened before and tonight he's feeling he heat.
-Mike goes to Jeff K. and pretty much says he hates his tribe, he doesn't want to play with them anymore - if the 4 Kalabaw stay solid, he and RC will give them the numbers.
-Jeff tells him his main problem with that is that he doesn't want Penner to beat him in this game (so now he's hung up on just making it there longer than Jonathan... I'm over Jeff K. He can go.) He says if Mike & Penner get together he thinks they'll take it to the end and he'll be screwed.
-Mike says he can say with integrity that he will follow them.
-Mike then tells the camera that he cannot follow Pete, Artis & Abi as long as he has any other option - but what happens if Carter & Jeff go with Tandang and Mike & RC go with Kalabaw... nothing has been gained.
-So Jeff and Carter are talking - Jeff tells him that he talked to Skupin and he assured Jeff that he would not let Penner stay longer than them. Jeff still feels like they have built something with Penner and if they jumped over to Tandang now, they would be on the bottom.
-Jonathan comes up on them talking and he tells them he is still 100% with them and he hopes they don't vote with Tandang against him tonight.
-Jonathan tells the camera that he genuinely believes Jeff, Carter, Denise, Mike and RC will vote with him and if that's not the case, then he is a horrible judge of character and he deserves to go home.
-He tells Jeff & Carter that they should stick together, vote for Pete and take control of this game. Then he walks away.
-Jeff and Carter go and talk to Pete & Abi - Jeff tells them they are still with them - he wants the veteran's out of there.
-Jeff knows he has to treat this game with respect or it will bite him in the butt. He's torn because he's said from day one he doesn't want the veterans to win but if he switches now he'll be on the bottom. He's got to protect himself because whatever move he makes, it's not going to sit well with either tribe.
Oh geez - Tandang all had to get torches, they haven't been to tribal at all yet. Jeff says they set a record - in all 25 seasons of Survivor they have never had a tribe make it to the merge without going to tribal council at least once. (But they usually only have two tribes so that stat is misleading.)
-On the flip side, Denise has been to every Tribal council since day one... and she's lost her voice - she squeaks out that somehow she's survived it for one more and she's safe (with that big ol' immunity necklace on, you bet you are!)
-Jeff asks Skupin about the cracks they may have in Tandang. Mike says it's natural when 6 or 7 people get together that animosities can arise - yet they still managed to pull out victories.
-RC says it was pretty bad at Tandang but they're a family and families fight sometimes (Abi is not your family - she looks like she's ready to kick her ass right now.)
-Abi says the game as been shifting constantly, she was really close with RC in the beginning however she betrayed me (whoa - RC looks surprised Abi said that, but really, you know how she is.) Abi said she had no choice but to find another alliance.
-RC said she's glad this came up because she still has no clue how she betrayed her - and Jeff Probst wants to know.
-Abi says they found the clue to the hidden immunity idol together and they
hd it buried it together then RC unburied it without her knowing. RC says she didn't unburiy it, she thought Abi did. (Pete is smirking in the background cause he's the one that did it... after Abi told him about it of course) anyway Abi says she trusts her own actions, not RC's. (Have I said how much I can't stand that chick?)
-Jeff asks Lisa if it makes her nervous, these two fighting in front of the new people. Lisa says they should realize that they are in a stronger position staying with Tandang than switching sides and being on the bottom.
-Jeff K. says they are offering them a 5 and 6 slot as opposed to the possible 6 & 7 slot in Tandang and you never know what can happen if you can stay there another day.
-Lisa says once you flip you're not a stronger number because you've shown you can't be trusted in your alliance.
-Jeff brings up returning players - He asks Pete if there's a thought that they've already had their shot, they should go.
-Pete says there is always kinda a mutiny feeling about returning players but then Tandang never went to Tribal so we'll never know what would have happened.
-Jeff also asks Lisa if anyone is worried about Malcolm & Denise who started out together and have now been reunited - she says of course that is a concern and there is also, someone from Kalabaw could not want to be perceived as the bottom 4 and may feel they can stick around longer if they side with Tandang.
-Pete - what's the consensus on the hidden idols - he says he thinks there could be two in play tonight, he's pretty sure Matsing's is gone (that has Malcolm smiling) - Any concern it could be you tonight? He says he feels he has a huge target on his back.
-Jeff asks Jeff how likely it is there will be a blindside tonight? - Very likely. You know just from talking to us we've all been scrambling and there's a lot of uncertainty on who is going home.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Jonathan
RC votes for Pete
Artis votes for RC
Jonathan votes for Pete
Pete votes for RC - I never liked you. (I think the feeling's mutual buddy.)
Tallying the votes:
Anybody want to play a hidden immunity idol? They all look at Penner and he steps up, "I'll do it."
Penner - does not count
Penner - does not count
Penner - does not count
RC - 1
Pete - 1
John - does not count
Penner - does not count
RC - 2
Pete - 2
RC - 3
RC - 4 - She is the first person voted out of the merged tribe... but then who the f did Mike Skupin vote for??? I'm confused. And it looks like Jeff K is too, he's shaking his head. And Pete looks very relieved. Oh, Mike must have voted for Jonathan - he got 5 votes... Wow, Skupin has no loyalty at all, interesting.
Oh, and with RC leaving, Vikki M, Ryan H and Jeff T are out of the pool.
Next time: Jonathan wages war on everyone - he has no alliances left, he was betrayed and he's going for immunity at all costs.
RC's final thoughts - "How can I get on TV nearly naked now?" (Oh, no, I'm sure that's what she was thinking but what she said was: ) That's the name of the game, Blindside (uh, no, it's called Survivor.) She just gushes that she can't believe she got to do this, blah, blah, blah.
They show how everyone voted
Pete - RC
Abi - Jonathan
Artis - RC
RC - Pete
Mike - Jonathan
Lisa - Jonathan
Malcolm - Jonathan
Denise - Jonathan
Jonathan - Pete
So Jeff & Carter had to vote RC.
Huh. I bet they assure him they didn't put his name down... but they didn't vote with him either.
Have a great rest of your week everyone,