It's Human Nature
They recapped the awesome blindside of the overly confident Kat at last Tribal Council... she was right, it was fun and exciting :)
Tikiano - Night 33
Tarzan thinks the girls are stupid for not voting him out. He has a subplot where he makes it to final three.
Tarzan approaches Kim lobbying for 4th place - he tells her he thinks her best shot is to go to the final with Alicia and Christina because no one will vote for Christina and he tells her he will be able to get people on the jury to vote for her. Kim is torn on having to turn on her best friend out there, Chelsea. Alicia comes over to see what they're talking about. Kim leaves and Tarzan goes to work on Alicia, tells her that he will get people to vote for her on the jury... oh yeah, he's working it, that's for sure.
Tarzan's been taking this game in segments: don't be the first voted out, make it to the merge, make it to seeing his wife... and now he thinks he can make it to #4, maybe 3rd if he's lucky and if he doesn't win, no biggie, he just won't buy shocks for his car. (Really? Million dollars, no big deal... sheesh.)
Tikiano - Day 35
Chelsea feels the game is 3 vs 3 - Chelsea, Kim and Sabrina against Alicia, Christina and Tarzan - Chelsea knows the other three think they have Kim in their alliance and she's alright with that, she knows Kim has her back (Kat thought that too, just saying.)
-Chelsea tries to reel Christina in a little bit, tells her she would take her on a food reward if she wins - then tells her Tarzan can't go to the final 3 and you can't tell Alicia I said that. Christina runs and tells Kim, Tarzan and Alicia about the whole conversation.
-Kim was just worried about Chelsea blowing her cover because Kim is playing both sides right now but Chelsea didn't say anything about her - so Kim goes and tells Chelsea that Christina told them everything she said.
-Chelsea, "Noooo. Makes me want to kick her butt right now." Kim is still balancing between the two sides and hoping they don't put it together.
They will race to release a disc by spinning around a pole while unscrewing it - this will make them dizzy (ya think?) - they have to do it three times. Once they have all three discs they will stop to vomit (ha! just kidding) they will put the discs on a table to create a decoder, once they're lined up properly they will decode a lock combination and release their flag. First person to do that will win an afternoon on a yacht, food, shower, sleep on the boat.
-The spinny-drunk walk was hi-larious! Sabrina and Kim were the first to the table but Chelsea was the first to try her combination, it didn't work - Alicia is trying numbers as well, not working... CHELSEA finally gets her combination and wins the Reward.
-When Chelsea is told she gets to pick someone she makes a speech about Kat catching grief for the people she picked so she's going to be fair and choose Sabrina since she needs the food. Jeff tells her to pick one more and she says, "I want Kim to go." (So, Chelsea did exactly the same think Kat did, chose her friends...even after telling Christina she'd take her - what an idiot.)
They get taken out to the yacht, get clean clothes and a shower... being clean is worth everything.
Chelsea thinks she knows what's going on at camp so they can just relax and know the three of them are going to make it to the end.
Kim felt the same, that the Reward helped clear her head, put things in perspective and rejuvenate her for the game.
Tikiano - Day 35
-Christina says she's livid and Alicia has to say she's more livid... how is it fair to take Kim on a 3rd reward? Christina finally gets out that Chelsea told her she'd take her but Alicia said it at the same time - oh no, Alicia was talking and they just better listen. They need to vote for Chelsea if she doesn't win immunity... and they have to get Kim to stick to their word to them and vote with them or it will just be a tie.
-Tarzan tells the girls he believes Kim & Chelsea are a team and they're deceiving them - he floats the idea that they will have a better chance if he is in the top three with them (Can you imagine, a Tarzan, Christina and Alicia finale?? Just keep the money, CBS, that would be ridiculous.)
-Alicia is true to form and totally flip flops - yeah, we need to keep Tarzan and get rid of Kim.
-Sabrina calls Kim on her ability to lie believably and win everyone over - Kim agrees, "I can't even tell when I'm lying sometimes." (Oh, she's a little too relaxed on the boat I think.)
Tikiano - Day 36
-Tarzan has woken up in grumpy-old-man mood today. He has his plans and will have none of the girls trying to change them. He wants to make coconut stew by sifting the coconut through his dirty, stanky buff - Alicia and Christina try to take the chore away from him and he tells them he's doing it!
-The other three return in the midst of this petty argument and land with a thud right smack back in the game.
-Alicia tells Kim what Tarzan said while they were gone - that they need to test Kim and see if she was a traitor - and Kim knows he's trying to get her out and insert himself - she voices my fear, "If they were to keep Tarzan and he wins, it's like the men win in the end." (Exactly! The last time a season went all girls and kept one guy in the end- the guy won. Do not do that again, please!)
-Kim and Alicia finally talk and find out that Tarzan told them both the same thing about him getting them votes on the jury - "We were going to get Tarzan'd and look like morons." They're on the same page now. Tell Alicia she looks like an idiot and she will swing anyway you want her to. (She's like a fish out of water that one - flip-flopping all over the damn place.)
-Christina joins them and tells them that Tarzan asked her if she was worried about Alicia. And Alicia was like, "Oh hell to the no!" She almost got Tarzan'd. She says if Chelsea wins immunity, they are taking Tarzan out. Alicia lets her ghetto Peurto Rican out (her words) and says "Chelsea has been trying to run her game on me and you don't run your game on me. I'm the most powerful player." (She's also a legend in her own mind - delusional much?)
They have to use large fish hooks shaped like S's to pick up bags of puzzle pieces (like barrel full 'o monkeys) then they will have to use the puzzle pieces shaped like fish bones to complete the puzzle of a fish skeleton - to make it more interesting, they have to do the whole thing with one hand tied behind their backs.
Off they go - Kim & Alicia are the front runners throughout - Chelsea is last. Kim blows her lead on the third bag of pieces - it's ALICIA that wins immunity, by seconds over Kim.
Tikiano - Day 36
-Alicia is all proud of herself and stuff... Tarzan calls her a bitch and says he should have won that, it wasn't even physical. (I think he was serious but trying to pretend, not very well, that he was joking.) Alicia says she has the power over three votes [hers, Christina's and Tarzan's] but she doesn't trust him and also isn't sure if she wants to give up her power.
-Kim tells Sabrina that she's got Alicia and Christina excited to take Tarzan out by showing them how hard he's been working them all. Sabrina thinks it's fantastic Kim's gotten into Alicia's head but she's not counting on that for sure, you never know with Alicia.
-Kim tells Chelsea she's got Alicia freaking out about Tarzan but that they still want to take Chelsea out first and she's not sure what to do. Chelsea says, "I could play your idol." Kim, "I'll have to see how I feel. I'm almost willing to risk it." (Yeah, that was a, "No, you're not getting my idol. Goodbye.") Kim tells the camera she's not going to risk her position by struggling to keep Chelsea there. If Alicia is still voting Chelsea, she'll vote with them.
-Chelsea tells Sabrina she's just upset that people like Christina, that did nothing all game, will be there longer than her. Sabrina tries to tell her this game can change hour by hour so she shouldn't dwell on leaving.
-Sabrina has complete faith in Kim's power of persuasion and believes she can get Alicia riled up enough to vote out Tarzan.
-Alicia and Tarzan are walking she reassures him that they are still taking Chelsea out tonight and Kim's on board with it. Tarzan knows that Alicia can't totally trust him but he did help them take out all the rest of the guys. He just hopes he hasn't ruined everything by being erasable the last few days. He starts working her about Kim and her angelic face and blue eyes she could win the whole thing.
-Tarzan dresses for Tribal in a pink tank top and puts Kat's old bathing suit bottoms on his head... "I hope this isn't offensive to anybody." (What? It's just gross, is what it is.)
-Alicia says she doesn't want to have to blindside Tarzan tonight, they have a father/daughter relationship out there but at the same time he could reunite with Sabrina and take Christina with him and she wants to avoid that. (I think she's safe since his antics are killing Sabrina.)
-Alicia wants to trust Kim but she does have a feeling she could be playing her. She's not sure who to go with.
Kat is miss pouty-poopy pants coming in with the jury.
Jeff asks Sabrina if she's surprised to still be there.
She's not surprised. She's kept herself in the mix the whole game and thinks she could still win it.
Tarzan, you're still here.
Only by the grace of God he's still there.
Why do you think you're still here?
-Because I helped the ladies get rid of the guys. My time is just about over but if someone wants to take me to the end, I'll go. I'm not stupid. But it wouldn't be a bad tactic. These guys are going to vote for a millionaire? I don't think so. (This has Alicia thinking, I can smell it burning from here.)
Here's a guy who doesn't think he can win, and no one else thinks he can win, can he become an asset?
Sabrina - to a degree, but we're still women and he's still a man, and at the end of the day, they could just not want a woman to win. So, it's a risk to take him to the top.
Tarzan, there is very little room to hide.
I think our game is solid at the moment, they've kept their word and inevitably the right person has gone every single time. He knows the jury wouldn't agree with that, it's human nature when you're voted out to think you've been wronged. They're not introspective enough to realize they were not in alignment when the game was afoot.
But they thought they were.
I'll give you that. (Mighty big of you there.)
Do you often feel misunderstood in this game?
I would say so, yeah. Today I wore something and they were worried about microbes not knowing what I knew about that...
Wait, what were you wearing?
Alicia - He's wearing Kat's tank top...
Tarzan -Well I'm wearing this but I also put her panties on my head. I thought it was funny. (This makes Kat cry, really?)
Sabrina, this is Survivor at the base level - Tarzan puts on Kat's shirts, thinks it's funny but he still might be the one to take to the end. These are the decisions you weigh, right?
-Right. And what's weighing on my mind is, could this brilliant man with panties on his head be playing us the whole time? (That has Alicia nodding, oh good, we're back) I just want to see my wife, have the adventure but now you're starting to play the game... yeah.
Alicia, what was the reaction at camp when Sabrina and Kim were picked to go on the reward and you were left back at camp?
She picked Sabrina which I thought was a fair choice but was Kim a fair choice when [Tarzan & Christina] haven't been on a reward in a while? It's up to the person who's picking and you know, Kat picked two people who she liked...
And she was voted out.
Right. (Kat says, "Bitches." What happened to Whatever? Touche? Hahaha.)
Christina. Frustrated when Chelsea didn't pick you?
Yeah, we did have a conversation that we would take each other, so I was a little disappointed.
You felt she had broken her word.
Chelsea - She also broke her word to me right after that conversation, that's why I didn't take her.
So what will save you tonight? [Chelsea]
I think people are starting to get a feel for what Tarzan is up to. I think it's more than just an adventure for him and I think he's playing some people more than they think.
Tarzan pipe up - Jeff, I'm not playing anybody and that's all I have to say about it.
On that note, it's time to vote. (Jeff's a poet and didn't know it.)
Tarzan votes Chelsea and he has doctor's handwriting.
Chelsea votes Tarzan - she hopes he gets the hell off the island before he drives her crazy.
Tallying the votes:
No hidden idol played.
Chelsea - 1 (Kat whispers, Goodbye Chelsea.)
Tarzan - 1, 2, 3, 4 - TARZAN is voted out. (Yay, I was really worried they would keep him around.) He addresses everyone and thanks them for allowing him to see his wife and play this game (Michael gives him the finger... oh, sour grapes from the jury box.)
And with Tarzan leaving, Charlotte W, Kevin R and Hannelore & Sue are out of the pool.
May the best woman win.
THIS SUNDAY, May 13th is the SEASON FINALE of Survivor One World - who will Outplay, Outwit, Outlast them all to win?
Tarzan's outgoing speech was said in rhyming couplets... I'll spare you - then he did a Tarzan yell. (Ugh, just go away.)
Who is still in it to win you ask?
Alicia: Julie T, Shelly P, Jessica C
Chelsea: Jeff T, Bryon L, Kelvin H
Christina: Lindsay J, Lynne B, Vikki M
Kim: Susan M, Fred/Gary M, Nancy C
Sabrina: Nenad M, Lee G, Cheryl J.
Good luck everyone. And Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms.
They recapped the awesome blindside of the overly confident Kat at last Tribal Council... she was right, it was fun and exciting :)
Tikiano - Night 33
Tarzan thinks the girls are stupid for not voting him out. He has a subplot where he makes it to final three.
Tarzan approaches Kim lobbying for 4th place - he tells her he thinks her best shot is to go to the final with Alicia and Christina because no one will vote for Christina and he tells her he will be able to get people on the jury to vote for her. Kim is torn on having to turn on her best friend out there, Chelsea. Alicia comes over to see what they're talking about. Kim leaves and Tarzan goes to work on Alicia, tells her that he will get people to vote for her on the jury... oh yeah, he's working it, that's for sure.
Tarzan's been taking this game in segments: don't be the first voted out, make it to the merge, make it to seeing his wife... and now he thinks he can make it to #4, maybe 3rd if he's lucky and if he doesn't win, no biggie, he just won't buy shocks for his car. (Really? Million dollars, no big deal... sheesh.)
Tikiano - Day 35
Chelsea feels the game is 3 vs 3 - Chelsea, Kim and Sabrina against Alicia, Christina and Tarzan - Chelsea knows the other three think they have Kim in their alliance and she's alright with that, she knows Kim has her back (Kat thought that too, just saying.)
-Chelsea tries to reel Christina in a little bit, tells her she would take her on a food reward if she wins - then tells her Tarzan can't go to the final 3 and you can't tell Alicia I said that. Christina runs and tells Kim, Tarzan and Alicia about the whole conversation.
-Kim was just worried about Chelsea blowing her cover because Kim is playing both sides right now but Chelsea didn't say anything about her - so Kim goes and tells Chelsea that Christina told them everything she said.
-Chelsea, "Noooo. Makes me want to kick her butt right now." Kim is still balancing between the two sides and hoping they don't put it together.
They will race to release a disc by spinning around a pole while unscrewing it - this will make them dizzy (ya think?) - they have to do it three times. Once they have all three discs they will stop to vomit (ha! just kidding) they will put the discs on a table to create a decoder, once they're lined up properly they will decode a lock combination and release their flag. First person to do that will win an afternoon on a yacht, food, shower, sleep on the boat.
-The spinny-drunk walk was hi-larious! Sabrina and Kim were the first to the table but Chelsea was the first to try her combination, it didn't work - Alicia is trying numbers as well, not working... CHELSEA finally gets her combination and wins the Reward.
-When Chelsea is told she gets to pick someone she makes a speech about Kat catching grief for the people she picked so she's going to be fair and choose Sabrina since she needs the food. Jeff tells her to pick one more and she says, "I want Kim to go." (So, Chelsea did exactly the same think Kat did, chose her friends...even after telling Christina she'd take her - what an idiot.)
They get taken out to the yacht, get clean clothes and a shower... being clean is worth everything.
Chelsea thinks she knows what's going on at camp so they can just relax and know the three of them are going to make it to the end.
Kim felt the same, that the Reward helped clear her head, put things in perspective and rejuvenate her for the game.
Tikiano - Day 35
-Christina says she's livid and Alicia has to say she's more livid... how is it fair to take Kim on a 3rd reward? Christina finally gets out that Chelsea told her she'd take her but Alicia said it at the same time - oh no, Alicia was talking and they just better listen. They need to vote for Chelsea if she doesn't win immunity... and they have to get Kim to stick to their word to them and vote with them or it will just be a tie.
-Tarzan tells the girls he believes Kim & Chelsea are a team and they're deceiving them - he floats the idea that they will have a better chance if he is in the top three with them (Can you imagine, a Tarzan, Christina and Alicia finale?? Just keep the money, CBS, that would be ridiculous.)
-Alicia is true to form and totally flip flops - yeah, we need to keep Tarzan and get rid of Kim.
-Sabrina calls Kim on her ability to lie believably and win everyone over - Kim agrees, "I can't even tell when I'm lying sometimes." (Oh, she's a little too relaxed on the boat I think.)
Tikiano - Day 36
-Tarzan has woken up in grumpy-old-man mood today. He has his plans and will have none of the girls trying to change them. He wants to make coconut stew by sifting the coconut through his dirty, stanky buff - Alicia and Christina try to take the chore away from him and he tells them he's doing it!
-The other three return in the midst of this petty argument and land with a thud right smack back in the game.
-Alicia tells Kim what Tarzan said while they were gone - that they need to test Kim and see if she was a traitor - and Kim knows he's trying to get her out and insert himself - she voices my fear, "If they were to keep Tarzan and he wins, it's like the men win in the end." (Exactly! The last time a season went all girls and kept one guy in the end- the guy won. Do not do that again, please!)
-Kim and Alicia finally talk and find out that Tarzan told them both the same thing about him getting them votes on the jury - "We were going to get Tarzan'd and look like morons." They're on the same page now. Tell Alicia she looks like an idiot and she will swing anyway you want her to. (She's like a fish out of water that one - flip-flopping all over the damn place.)
-Christina joins them and tells them that Tarzan asked her if she was worried about Alicia. And Alicia was like, "Oh hell to the no!" She almost got Tarzan'd. She says if Chelsea wins immunity, they are taking Tarzan out. Alicia lets her ghetto Peurto Rican out (her words) and says "Chelsea has been trying to run her game on me and you don't run your game on me. I'm the most powerful player." (She's also a legend in her own mind - delusional much?)
They have to use large fish hooks shaped like S's to pick up bags of puzzle pieces (like barrel full 'o monkeys) then they will have to use the puzzle pieces shaped like fish bones to complete the puzzle of a fish skeleton - to make it more interesting, they have to do the whole thing with one hand tied behind their backs.
Off they go - Kim & Alicia are the front runners throughout - Chelsea is last. Kim blows her lead on the third bag of pieces - it's ALICIA that wins immunity, by seconds over Kim.
Tikiano - Day 36
-Alicia is all proud of herself and stuff... Tarzan calls her a bitch and says he should have won that, it wasn't even physical. (I think he was serious but trying to pretend, not very well, that he was joking.) Alicia says she has the power over three votes [hers, Christina's and Tarzan's] but she doesn't trust him and also isn't sure if she wants to give up her power.
-Kim tells Sabrina that she's got Alicia and Christina excited to take Tarzan out by showing them how hard he's been working them all. Sabrina thinks it's fantastic Kim's gotten into Alicia's head but she's not counting on that for sure, you never know with Alicia.
-Kim tells Chelsea she's got Alicia freaking out about Tarzan but that they still want to take Chelsea out first and she's not sure what to do. Chelsea says, "I could play your idol." Kim, "I'll have to see how I feel. I'm almost willing to risk it." (Yeah, that was a, "No, you're not getting my idol. Goodbye.") Kim tells the camera she's not going to risk her position by struggling to keep Chelsea there. If Alicia is still voting Chelsea, she'll vote with them.
-Chelsea tells Sabrina she's just upset that people like Christina, that did nothing all game, will be there longer than her. Sabrina tries to tell her this game can change hour by hour so she shouldn't dwell on leaving.
-Sabrina has complete faith in Kim's power of persuasion and believes she can get Alicia riled up enough to vote out Tarzan.
-Alicia and Tarzan are walking she reassures him that they are still taking Chelsea out tonight and Kim's on board with it. Tarzan knows that Alicia can't totally trust him but he did help them take out all the rest of the guys. He just hopes he hasn't ruined everything by being erasable the last few days. He starts working her about Kim and her angelic face and blue eyes she could win the whole thing.
-Tarzan dresses for Tribal in a pink tank top and puts Kat's old bathing suit bottoms on his head... "I hope this isn't offensive to anybody." (What? It's just gross, is what it is.)
-Alicia says she doesn't want to have to blindside Tarzan tonight, they have a father/daughter relationship out there but at the same time he could reunite with Sabrina and take Christina with him and she wants to avoid that. (I think she's safe since his antics are killing Sabrina.)
-Alicia wants to trust Kim but she does have a feeling she could be playing her. She's not sure who to go with.
Kat is miss pouty-poopy pants coming in with the jury.
Jeff asks Sabrina if she's surprised to still be there.
She's not surprised. She's kept herself in the mix the whole game and thinks she could still win it.
Tarzan, you're still here.
Only by the grace of God he's still there.
Why do you think you're still here?
-Because I helped the ladies get rid of the guys. My time is just about over but if someone wants to take me to the end, I'll go. I'm not stupid. But it wouldn't be a bad tactic. These guys are going to vote for a millionaire? I don't think so. (This has Alicia thinking, I can smell it burning from here.)
Here's a guy who doesn't think he can win, and no one else thinks he can win, can he become an asset?
Sabrina - to a degree, but we're still women and he's still a man, and at the end of the day, they could just not want a woman to win. So, it's a risk to take him to the top.
Tarzan, there is very little room to hide.
I think our game is solid at the moment, they've kept their word and inevitably the right person has gone every single time. He knows the jury wouldn't agree with that, it's human nature when you're voted out to think you've been wronged. They're not introspective enough to realize they were not in alignment when the game was afoot.
But they thought they were.
I'll give you that. (Mighty big of you there.)
Do you often feel misunderstood in this game?
I would say so, yeah. Today I wore something and they were worried about microbes not knowing what I knew about that...
Wait, what were you wearing?
Alicia - He's wearing Kat's tank top...
Tarzan -Well I'm wearing this but I also put her panties on my head. I thought it was funny. (This makes Kat cry, really?)
Sabrina, this is Survivor at the base level - Tarzan puts on Kat's shirts, thinks it's funny but he still might be the one to take to the end. These are the decisions you weigh, right?
-Right. And what's weighing on my mind is, could this brilliant man with panties on his head be playing us the whole time? (That has Alicia nodding, oh good, we're back) I just want to see my wife, have the adventure but now you're starting to play the game... yeah.
Alicia, what was the reaction at camp when Sabrina and Kim were picked to go on the reward and you were left back at camp?
She picked Sabrina which I thought was a fair choice but was Kim a fair choice when [Tarzan & Christina] haven't been on a reward in a while? It's up to the person who's picking and you know, Kat picked two people who she liked...
And she was voted out.
Right. (Kat says, "Bitches." What happened to Whatever? Touche? Hahaha.)
Christina. Frustrated when Chelsea didn't pick you?
Yeah, we did have a conversation that we would take each other, so I was a little disappointed.
You felt she had broken her word.
Chelsea - She also broke her word to me right after that conversation, that's why I didn't take her.
So what will save you tonight? [Chelsea]
I think people are starting to get a feel for what Tarzan is up to. I think it's more than just an adventure for him and I think he's playing some people more than they think.
Tarzan pipe up - Jeff, I'm not playing anybody and that's all I have to say about it.
On that note, it's time to vote. (Jeff's a poet and didn't know it.)
Tarzan votes Chelsea and he has doctor's handwriting.
Chelsea votes Tarzan - she hopes he gets the hell off the island before he drives her crazy.
Tallying the votes:
No hidden idol played.
Chelsea - 1 (Kat whispers, Goodbye Chelsea.)
Tarzan - 1, 2, 3, 4 - TARZAN is voted out. (Yay, I was really worried they would keep him around.) He addresses everyone and thanks them for allowing him to see his wife and play this game (Michael gives him the finger... oh, sour grapes from the jury box.)
And with Tarzan leaving, Charlotte W, Kevin R and Hannelore & Sue are out of the pool.
May the best woman win.
THIS SUNDAY, May 13th is the SEASON FINALE of Survivor One World - who will Outplay, Outwit, Outlast them all to win?
Tarzan's outgoing speech was said in rhyming couplets... I'll spare you - then he did a Tarzan yell. (Ugh, just go away.)
Who is still in it to win you ask?
Alicia: Julie T, Shelly P, Jessica C
Chelsea: Jeff T, Bryon L, Kelvin H
Christina: Lindsay J, Lynne B, Vikki M
Kim: Susan M, Fred/Gary M, Nancy C
Sabrina: Nenad M, Lee G, Cheryl J.
Good luck everyone. And Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms.
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