Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Survivor One World - May 2nd Episode Recap

It's Gonna Be Chaos

So last week they finally got rid of Troyzan, we'll see if any of his machinations carry over tonight...

Tikiano - Night 30
-Kat tells them that Troy told her to "Do It" as he was leaving... why he picked her, she has no idea (of course she doesn't.)
-Kim is just relieved to have Troy gone, he seemed to be her one worry but now it's probably going to be smooth sailing for her.
-Tribal Council made Alicia finally realize that she wants to keep stupid Christina around and get rid of Sabrina who actually has a brain and is somewhat articulate. (Oh, she's finally thinking strategically instead of just mean-girl-ly... yeah, it's not a word, whatever.) And, she's delusional -Alicia thinks she's at the top controlling everything (Bah hahah.)

Tikiano - Day 31
Sabrina and Alicia go to get Tree mail - and it's a Sprint phone - Screaming (Ah, it's the crying show - videos from loved ones.)
Sabrina's brother - Oh, and they are there on the island.
Alicia's sister - crazy curly hair
Chelsea's dad - good ol' boy
Christina's dad - she says he had a kidney transplant last year and only has 5-10yrs to live (why did it not take?) She wants to use the time they have left to make him proud.
Kim's sister - Bor-ring
Kat's cousin Robby - (your cousin?) she says he's her best friend and the most important person in her life (okay.)
Tarzan's wife - she looks pretty good, he must be a talented plastic surgeon (meow, that was bad of me - hehehe.) 
And I realize, he's the only one with a significant other that came to the island, is it easier to play this game and be totally selfish when you're single, I wonder.

Sabrina was moved by Tarzan's wife, she says some people need to see their loved ones because they might not have that much more time on this earth (Christina & her Dad?) but she's talking about Tarzan - they're in a 30 year marriage, he's 64 and they have no kids... She hopes the other girls aren't self... "I'm playing for me and Tarzan today." (Did I miss something?  Did she just say they're old and should see each other cause they're going to die soon?  That's messed up.)

Jeff brings out the loved ones and there are hugs and tears.
-Christina goes on again about his limited time... then he comes running out like a spring chicken (yeah, he looks really infirm - sheesh)
-Kat is so weird, she starts crawling then jumps into his arms - they're like over excited puppies - she is really, really close to her cousin.
-Tarzan and his wife put on a show as well (by this point it just seems like they are just trying to out-emotion each other) She's says she's lost without him and he says they have a quantum entanglement (of course he does.)

The survivors will be attached to a rope that is woven through a series of obstacles - basically there is a rope wound around a long horizontal pole - and they have to go over and around the pole to get to the end.  First person through the course wins the reward - a picnic with their loved one (hmm, the same reward they've been getting for the past few weeks - I never thought a picnic in paradise would become boring.) And Jeff throws in another twist - The loved ones will be tethered to them, they will be running the course together.  (Tarzan should just sit out and hold on to his wife, that's probably all the time they'll get together... oh unless Sabrina wins and take them with her... why else would they have shown her say that?)

Off they go: Sabrina and her brother are totally out of it early on... (Haha, why did they show her say that?)  Kat, Kim, and Chelsea are the leaders throughout ... Kat & Robby win the reward!  She's yelling, "I won one guys, come on" - and doesn't seem to understand why they're not cheering for her. (I know it's petty, but I hope she doesn't choose Kim to go with her, turn about is fair play after all.)  But her first choice is Kim and she also chooses... Alicia - then her explanation is that she's wanted to hang out with these girls, alone, for some time - and GET DRUNK! (Ah, Kat is a party girl - she's got her eye squarely on the Margaritas!)  Sabrina does not look happy.
-The unpicked have to say good-bye to their loved ones and Chelsea and Sabrina say that Christina and Tarzan should have been the ones to go... sour grapes from the ladies left behind.
-Kim seems to agree - she thinks it was very selfish of Kat not to choose Tarzan & Christina (look at her, she wants to party with her friends, why would she want to spend the afternoon with an old couple and a chick and her Dad?  Oh yeah, she's playing a game for a million dollars!)  Kim is getting ready to do some damage control when they get back.

Kat - "I won - yeah, I won something, and I deserved it!"  She confirms that she just wanted to hang with her friends - probably not the best decision but she's going to get drunk and deal with it later (Hello, my name is Kat... Hi Kat.)
-At the table while they are all eating Kat starts breaking it down loudly - these are the final three and she thinks Sabrina needs to go before Christina. But she doesn't want to jinx it so she's not going to speak of it (I'm thinking she meant at camp... cause she just spoke of it.)
-Kim and her sister go off and Kim tells her she feels these two are her best bet to win - Alicia is not well liked and won't get votes but she's delusional about it and Kat would be the person on 'how the million dollars ruined my life' in a year - her play to them is that they would both kick her ass... and they probably actually believe it - but she would be surprised.
-Kim doesn't want to vote out Sabrina but if Sabrina could beat her in the end, it would be stupid to take her to the final 3.

Tikiano - Day 31
-Meanwhile, back at camp Sabrina is going off about Kat's selfishness - she's a bratty 22-yr-old that doesn't deserve to go to the end.
-Chelsea asks Tarzan what if you, me, Sabrina, Christina and Kim wanted Kat out and he says that would be an error.  Kat is not a thinker.  People who are thinking in this game will want to keep her around (yeah, he basically just called them all stupid) Chelsea counters that Kat had a social game with the guys and may have built in votes with the jury.
-Chelsea has convinced herself that Kat is too dangerous to go to the end now, and it was Troy singling her out at Tribal that seemed to do it.  Chelsea is anxious to talk to Kim and try and get Kat voted out next. (Really?  I don't think anyone is going to vote to give a million dollars to the girl as dumb as a sack of hammers... but maybe it's just me.)

Tikiano - Day 33
Chelsea is talking to Kim about wanting to take out Kat but she coached it as not wanting to go to the end with Kat - they agree that Sabrina, Alicia and Kat must go but Sab's not stupid, the other two are stupid - Sab should go first.
-Kat is full steam ahead with getting rid of Sabrina - now they just have to hope she doesn't win immunity or it will be chaos... (oh, foreshadowing?)
-Kim has abandoned her strategy of not winning immunity to keep from being seen as a threat - she doesn't feel safe and is going to go for it, no holding back anymore.

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE-Oh, there is a platform with ropes set up in the water... that looks like an endurance challenge.
-They will be standing on a ledge leaning out over the water holding onto a handle behind their back (like a water skiing tow-rope) that is attached to a winch.  As the winch is cranked it will lower them forward closer to the water - last person left up on the platform and not in the water will win immunity.
-They're in place and Jeff give out more rules, their feet must stay within a painted space, their feet must remain pointing forward and the rope must be held above their hips... Here we go!
-After 10 minutes, Sabrina steps off and is out of the challenge.  Tarzan follows her soon after.
-Jeff cranks them down some more - and after 20 minutes Alicia says she can't take it anymore and announces she's done - off she goes.  Chelsea announces she can't do it anymore either (what's with all the announcing?  This shouldn't be a decision, they should be trying to hang on.)  Christina says she's giving up too and that leaves it down to Kat and Kim.
-After 1 hour, the two K's are still hanging in there - Jeff cranks it again and looks for comments from the peanut gallery - Alicia says it's very impressive, she didn't think Kim had it in her.  Sabrina says very drolly - "Yeah, very impressive." (Somehow, I don't think she's impressed.)
-Kat starts whining -"I just want to win this one. Kim wins everything.  Come on, Kim." (What a frickin' baby!  Don't let her win Kim.)  And she doesn't.  Kat falls out and KIM wins Immunity!
-Kat cries and pouts about it, too - Kim doesn't owe you anything... Kat really needs to grow up. 
-Chelsea has not given up on her plan, she doesn't think Sabrina deserves to go tonight, she wants Kat out next.

Tikiano - Day 33
-Back at camp, Kat is still pissed off - she was beaten by someone as ancient as 28 years old - "Six years older than me, how embarrassing is that?" (Seriously?  She's not even worth the slap upside the head.)  She's just upset because she doesn't think she'll ever be able to beat Kim in challenges.
-Alicia confirms with Kat they are still voting Sabrina - Kat has no doubt her plan is still in place - "Isn't it weird how we're running the show?" (Yeah, that would be really weird if it were true.)
-Alicia is flip-flopping again (as is her way) - after Sabrina was the first person out of the challenge and Kat was in it to the end - she thinks there is no reason for Sabrina to go next now, Kat is the bigger physical threat and should now go. (Is Alicia's attention span that short?... all Sabrina has to do is say something articulate and she's on the block again.)
-Alicia goes to Kim and says we got to take Kat out next - Kim does not agree - Sabrina comes over and Alicia tells her Kat is the vote and Sabrina is on board - "You guys think she can't win, but she can." 
-Kim wants to keep Kat even though she might have some jury votes because Sabrina is smart and could sway the jury - Sabrina is a bigger threat to Kim's end game.
-By Kim's reckoning - Sabrina and Alicia are voting for Kat, Tarzan and Christina could be voting Sabrina so she sees herself and Chelsea as the swing votes... and you're on opposite sides.  Chelsea wants to stay loyal with Sabrina but Kim wants to take out the smart girl...
-Kim goes to Tarzan and asks if he's been briefed - he says he hears it's Kat but Kim says that's not necessarily so... "A-okay, boss lady." (Tarzan may be eccentric but he's no dummy.)
-Kim says either way it's going to be a blindside - there's no way to keep everyone happy from here on out it's going to get messy.

Jeff asks Kat what it was like going from not being picked last week to being the picker this week.
-She said it was the hardest thing she's ever had to do and it hurts her feelings.
It hurts YOUR feelings?
-Yeah, cause I don't want to see them be mad.  Honestly, I was thinking who would I have a good time with, not strategically and I'm sorry if people didn't agree.
Sabrina says - most people up here would have chosen Christina and Tarzan because of their back story but Kat is 22 and just wanting to have fun - and I think it's something she will regret.
(That got an eye-roll from Kat) - She says she is 22 and naive and she's sorry they didn't like her picks.
Chelsea, do you buy that Kat is 22 and naive or is that just her strategy?
-I think that's her fall back when she screws up - "I'm 22, get off my back" - 22 is not that young.
Kat - Is this whole tribal council about me?  I had no idea this was going to happen. (Well, you're only 22, how could you know they were going to try and throw you under the bus... oh, that's right, you're on SURVIVOR!)
Tarzan, where do you weigh in on this?
-He agrees her age is an excuse - She doesn't think about my circumstance or my wife, things like that don't hit her yet - it didn't bother me at all. (Really? Don't you despair for today's youth like the rest of us?)
Alicia, what about the challenge - Sabrina's first out is it good news that she's not a threat or bad news, you don't deserve to go to the end.
- She was surprised Sabrina was out first - her vote would have been for Tarzan - maybe it's her game not to show herself as a physical threat.
What about the other end, Kat & Kim duke it out to the end.
-I expect that from Kim but Kat, I was very shocked, didn't know she had it in her.  Says she respects her [abilities] more but was surprised at how she reacted - she was kinda mad at Kim.
Kat - I wasn't mad at her, I was mad at myself, my body gave out.
Sabrina - Kim went to give you a hi-5 and you kinda snubbed her.
Kat - Dude, what is this? (Whiny baby wants you to stop picking on her... Welcome to Survivor, b*tch.)
Sabrina, what's the vibe around camp?
-It's getting a little testy, but at the end of the day I appreciate honesty, that's how people get respect.
Kim, is being too honest, if you make it to the end, a threat?
-Yeah, it's bad news.  Honest people who shoot straight are well loved and win the game, it makes me nervous. (This was clunky, and it confused everyone - is Kim admitting she's not honest or telling them all she's gunning for the good guys? It was a little strange.)
Sabrina, are you worried that you are too well spoken and may be too honest and seen as a threat.
-It depends on what people value.  Straight up, I will go with my emotion - someone that pissed me off is not getting my vote and they could be the best player in this game.
Kat, Sabrina, very black and white (I said pardon) if you blindside me and put me on the jury, you may not like how I vote depending on my mood that day.
-Well if it is a blindside it's going to be pretty funny and exciting.
Why is a blindside fun and exciting?
-I don't know, they always are, like, gasp. If it goes down, cool beans, if it doesn't, touche - whatever.

Time to Vote:
Kat votes for Sabrina - I love you so much - but it's time for you to go.
Sabrina votes Kat - you are too untamed to take to the top, I'm sure you'll learn this life lesson later on.

Tallying the votes:
Sabrina - 1
Kat - 1
Kat - 2, 3... no one will look at her... 4 - KAT is the next person voted out and she's shocked! (Still cool beans?)  She goes off sniveling into the night.  And with Kat leaving; Katie L, Tori K and Karen S are also out of the pool - Touche, whatever.

Next week:
Tarzan is the last man standing and he is either losing it or playing the game really hard - he is telling them they'll have a better chance if he's one of the final 3 (they would be so stupid to take him to the end with the jury made up mostly of men.)

Kat - snivel snivel - I don't think it was my time to go - I left before Christina and Tarzan - I'm going to go down as the most naive person in Survivor history.  I'm going to beg Jeff to let me play again so I can redeem myself. (Oh god, no!)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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