Loyalties Will Be Broken
After a good 5 minutes of filler, the final episode finally opened at Redemption Island - Night 35
-Brandon slinks in with his tail between his legs having just sacrificed himself for Albert of all people.
-He tells Ozzy he was blindsided by Sophie, Coach and Rick but then proceeds to tell him that he won immunity and gave it to Albert.
Ozzy - Whhaaat? (exactly) He tells the camera, "he wasn't blindsided. You give up the immunity necklace and your ass is going home." (Yup.) He's playing a blind faith game, he's playing like he's playing with God but he's not, he's playing with greedy human being who want that money.
Te Tuna - Night 35
-Sophie says Tribal was crazy but it was also great. Not only did Brandon make one of the stupidest moves ever by giving up immunity and Albert's not giving it back to him looked very cowardly.
-She says to Albert that if he gave it back she was going to throttle him... and Albert says, "I didn't know he was going home." Which prompts Coach to lecture him on little lies, leading to big lies and he just wants him to own up to his actions... Then, Coach tells the camera he's sick of people coming out there with 'Holier than Thou' attitudes (um, hello? Who are you talking to? Pot, it's the kettle calling) he won't stand for this bullsh*t, he's been made a fool of too much in his life, in this game - blah - blah- blah (he went off a little there.)
-Albert feels like he's in a lot of trouble if he can't repair the damage he's made with his alliance.
Redemption Island - Day 36
-Ozzy & Brandon get tree mail and it tells them to "hang on", there's only a few days left. Ozzy says he's been preparing himself for this one duel - to get back in the game and nothing's going to stop him - then they show a shot of Ozzy, standing on top of a post, for no reason.... well, I guess practicing in case it's a balancing on a post challenge - he is the king of Redemption Island (in his mind) and off they go to the duel.
Duel: This is the final duel - winner is back in the game and loser is off to the jury.
-They will have to hold on to a pole for as long as they can. So, not balancing on top - they actually are not allowed to hold on to the top of the pole, they hug it and have about a 1/4in of a groove to hold on with their monkey toes. 20 minutes in - they are both still looking okay. 40 minutes in, Ozzy is doing a lot of adjusting, one foot slips ... Brandon looked solid but made one adjustment and his legs start sliding. They are both adjusting a lot and Brandon starts sliding down - he's still holding on but it's not looking good. He's getting encouragement from his former tribemates but it doesn't help - he hits the sand and OZZY wins the final duel and gets back in the game.
So, with Brandon, Shelly P, Carol-Anne D and Kevin C are out of the money.
-Brandon said he initially came out there for the money but 7 days in he had a heart to heart with God - he doesn't hold any bitterness towards anybody and he's going to hold his head up proud. He may have lost the game of Survivor but he has won. (Amen, thank you Jebus.)
The 5 of them now have to go back to camp and await their next challenge. Coach, Sophie, Albert, Rick and Ozzy. Sophie says even with Brandon being a maniac, Ozzy was still able to beat him and if Ozzy keeps winning immunity, there is only so much she can do.
Te Tuna - Day 36
They get back to camp and it's a little awkward - Coach takes Ozzy off on his own and says he believes he deserves to be there and if he wins immunity he still has a hidden immunity idol... Ozzy isn't buying it - who in their right mind would want to take me to the end with them (well, it is Coach we're talking about.) They say they are in it together to the end but you can tell it's all a bunch of crap - this is Coach playing with honour and integrity? I don't think so. Coach says a part of him wants to play the game with Ozzy but he knows he's in too good a spot with his original alliance to mess with it now. (Come on!)
-Albert, Sophie, Coach - they feel if they can just win the next challenge they'll be good. Coach thinks it's his game to lose now - in his mind every single one of them wants to take him to the end with them (that just means they all think they can beat you.)
-Impossible Challenge - with one hand they will steady a balancing board (holding a suspended rope handle) meanwhile, with the other hand they will have to build a house of cards with wooden tiles on the balanced board... (I said pardon?) The first person to build a stack high enough to reach the finish mark (which was pretty high) wins immunity.
-Off they go, Jeff asks if anybody does this for fun - Sophie says she does, she has a book on how to make them. Ozzy, Coach and Sophie are the three in the challenge - Sophie runs out of tiles, she's built the structure too solid and it flusters her. She has to rip it down and start over. Coach then loses his - it topples. Ozzy is in the lead but he runs out of tiles too so he has to take it apart and rebuild. Sophie is leading and some of hers fall - she orders Albert to drop his d*mn stack and come pick up her pieces. He doesn't want to, he's finally got something going - and Jeff intervenes, says this is an individual challenge and they cannot help each other. (Good for Albert because she was going full dragon lady on him.) Jeff, "You want Ozzy out of this game - beat him."
-It goes back and forth a bit more but in the end it's down to Ozzy and Coach and OZZY wins Immunity - Again. (and no one is happy - except Ozzy.)
Te Tuna - Day 37
-Ozzy loooves this - he's been waiting for so long for these people to have to turn on each other and now he gets to be the facilitator in that - he's looking for ways to pit them against each other and he's going to end up looking like the good guy.
-Coach talking to Albert and they're thinking Rick - Coach says Rick is in the best spot to win (huh?), he's a hard worker, everyone likes his stories... (there have been stories? The guy is silent, we didn't get any stories.)
-Ozzy talking to Albert, he says he thinks it should be Sophie - reminds him of her bossy pants ways at the challenge, yelling at him to help her - Ozzy thinks she's pretentious and a threat at challenges.
Albert sees his point, Sophie is smart and will be articulate in front of the jury, she may be tougher to be than a Rick.
-Rick is trying to talk Coach and Coach is trying to get away from him - when asked what he's going to do, probably throw a vote someone else's way. What's Sophie going to do, "I think she's turned on you man." (Wow, way to throw her under the bus, not cool bro.) Rick thinks Sophie has thrown him under the bus (lots of bus throwing here... love it) so Rick wants to vote her - Coach says he'd vote Sophie - trust me man. Coach is not a good liar - but Rick has his number - he says he's pretty good at skirting the truth, like a lawyer (ha! Burn.)
-Albert goes and tries to sell Ozzy on Rick ... Noo, Ozzy tells him now is the time to vote out Sophie. "Coach gave me his word as a Christian man that he wants to take me to the final 3, so you know he's going to vote for you next." This gets Albert's head spinning - it is plausible given Coach's past play that he would want to take the 'best' player to the end (meaning Ozzy).
-Albert goes and tells Coach he needs to talk to him about the stuff Ozzy said Coach denies it - says he can't wait to vote him out. Albert doesn't know what to believe.
Ozzy had to win or he would be gone. Yup.
Coach wore the hidden immunity idol around his neck - it is the last night he can play it - he says he'd be foolish not to play it.
Albert - why keep you? - He thinks he's more likely to be able to beat Ozzy for immunity.
Sophie - by that standard, do you think you could beat Ozzy? - Yes, I've won more immunity challenges than Rick, Albert and Coach ('struth.)
Rick - why keep you? - 90% chance Ozzy will win immunity again tomorrow and it's not likely I'd be able to beat him - so he argues for Ozzy to keep him so Ozzy will win. "That's all I got."
Sophie, how do you counter Rick's argument to Ozzy?
- The goal right now is to get rid of Ozzy and if Rick's not the man to do it, there's no point having him around next time (ouch, don't sugar coat it for him - Ha! love it.)
Coach, why is it you don't want Ozzy to move on instead of one of the others?
-Goes back to the beginning where we made a bond with each other (Brandon thinks that's rich) at the end of the day we're still a family and I think that's very special (Whatever.)
Ozzy pipes up - We talked, if you want to air it out - you said you'd take me to the end.
Coach - go ahead air it out
Ozzy - you said we'd go to the end...
Sophie - pipes in - I don't think it matters anymore who's loyal to whom - I want Ozzy out because he's shown no respect for me from day one... (huh? Why prevaricate now - just say, he'd win if he made it to the end... not, I don't like him because he never flirted with me.)
Ozzy - I think you act like a spoiled brat out here.
Sophie - Yeah, how?
Ozzy - all my information is coming from people filtering through Redemption Island and they say all you do all day is sleep and hang out, you don't do anything else. I did like you at the beginning but then I hear you saying I'm such an arrogant bleep. You don't know me either.
Sophie - whatever.
But you know Jeff won't just let it go - Sophie, why are you so frustrated with Ozzy saying things behind your back when you've done the same thing?
Sophie - I guess it's because it was such a personal attack from Ozzy ... it was hurtful.
Jeff Barbara Walter's her - keeps pushing about no one ever calling her character into question in the real world and she breaks down (Oh no - don't be a girl ... yup, she's crying. Look, sometimes you can't help it, I'm a girl, I get it. But really, when you're the last girl standing on Survivor, the waterworks definitely works against you.)
Do you think this could be an opportunity to thicken your skin?
Coming out there she thought she was tough but if anything she thinks she's losing skin not toughening it.
Jeff says part of what's happening is it's 37 days in to a game that is tough on the psyche and people may be saying things just to get under your skin. (Oh, Jeff is trying to make her feel better.)
Sophie says the fact that it wasn't just coming from Ozzy and thinking that she was coming off as a selfish, spoiled b*tch makes her regret coming. (And there, she succeeded in turning it around and making everyone feel bad for her - Dawn is crying, Brandon wants to hug her... brava, she made it work for her.) Jeff even gives her a chance to shake it off and make another statement to not read too much into it but she still haltingly says she's good, let's vote...
Time to Vote:
Rick votes for Sophie - says she's the only shot he has.
Ozzy votes Sofie - I didn't mean to make you cry but I still think it.
Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol - nope - Coach doesn't play it (of course not.)
-Rick - 1
-Sophie - 1
-Rick - 2
-Sophie - 2
-RICK is the next person voted out and when Coach stands up to hug him or shake his hand or whatever false show of compassion he wanted to make - Rick was having none of it - "Sit back down."
-Rick says all Coach's talk of honesty and integrity - Oh, don't be that way - Sit back down, don't spit on my back and tell me it's raining. I wish I had made a bigger move but I was just blinded thinking Coach would play it true to his word. Ozzy's got my vote.
-And with Rick joining the jury - Kim/Gail, Ritch Gallager and Tobi Matilda are out of the money.
Te Tuna - Day 38
-Ozzy is so close - he can taste it - Plan A - win, Plan B - Win. He's getting himself coconuts and there is no sharing. Sophie is just annoyed that he's even there.
-Coach takes Ozzy aside and says he feels betrayed by Ozzy because when he told him he wanted to go to the end with Ozzy he also told him not to tell anyone (OMG, this is how you are justifying this to yourself - just shaking my head.) He says he feels like he showed Ozzy respect and in return he was stabbed in the back.
-Ozzy says he's been screwed so many times in this game that he doesn't trust anyone - goes on about caring for someone and then being stabbed in the back and this time he has been so guarded, he didn't feel like he could trust Coach.
-When Coach heard how Ozzy had been hurt by the game, by the people he'd played the game with his heart broke for him (I feel you, man - they hurt me too...)
-They bonded over their past hurts and say they'd will still like to go to the end together (but I don't think either one really means it). Coach asks him who he wants gone tomorrow, "Sophie right?" and Ozzy says he'd actually like to see Albert and Sophie make fire (so have them tie and have to compete to stay) Coach says he really likes that idea and they man hug.
-This is it the final challenge and Ozzy says he's going to give it everything he has for a million $.
They have to race through a giant flower shaped obstacle course to retrieve 5 bags of puzzle pieces. Once they have all the pieces they have to fit the flower shaped puzzle pieces on their board in the correct places - First one to complete the puzzle - wins immunity.
-Off they go and it's a toughie... net, tunnel, rope bridge, swings... Ozzy is doing better than the rest on the obstacle course but they're all working hard. Ozzy is working on the puzzle by the time Coach and Sophie come back with their last bags... Albert is the last one back. They are all working on the puzzle now and Sophie is the first one to fit a piece of the puzzle - Jeff announcing that seems to make Ozzy panic, he starts looking over at her and she's up to three pieces placed before he finds his first... Ozzy is up to three but Sophie just starts knocking it out and SOPHIE! Wins final immunity.
-Ozzy knows that's it - "So close, yet so far away." He seems pretty zen about it, sad but not broken.
Te Tuna - Day 38
Ozzy - teary eyed - stupid puzzle. I'm not going to give up, Coach gave me his word but...
We hear whooping from the other three and Coach says he relinquishes the title of Dragon Slayer - to Sophie... "From moment one, Ozzy was the dragon and you fricken slayed him..." (give her the jacket too, that would be awesome - she should start doing her hair like him too.)
-Sophie says there could very well be a tie tonight, she know she and Albert are voting for Ozzy but Coach and Ozzy's relationship has been behind closed doors - she's hopes he votes Ozzy because she doesn't think she'd have a chance with the jury against Ozzy.
-Coach and Ozzy talk and Ozzy says he's at peace - but appealing to his sense of the dramatic he asks that Coach let him build fire against Albert. Coach says he's battling against his word but feels Ozzy betrayed him. Ozzy says didn't your good friend Albert betray you? Which is worse him or me... Coach says to the camera that he considers Ozzy a warrior and he's always wanted a warrior battle to the end. Ozzy is arguing that this would be a warrior battle (Pitting Ozzy against Prince Albert? I don't think so.) Coach is struggling with another anguishing decision, why can't it be easy (oh come on, it is easy - he is the enemy - destroy him!)
Sophie feels amazing that she was able to pull out immunity today.
Ozzy - it was a million dollar puzzle - it didn't work out and I gotta let it go. But it's going to nag at me for the rest of my life, I guarantee you that.
Coach says it's heartbreaking to see Ozzy's position, and to know how it feels.
Ozzy says it's no secret that Coach and he talked about it being an epic battle between the two returning survivors and if Coach is a man of his word there is an easy way to figure out who is deserving.
Coach, what's he talking about?
-Tying up the vote so there is a fire making challenge.
Blah, blah, blah - honour, playing with the strongest... but Albert and Sophie are also very strong, what makes Ozzy different is he came back (twice) - that's the dilemma.
Albert, how do you feel about building fire against Ozzy?
-It's like, I can drive but will I win an auto race against Jeff Gordon? I don't think I fair very well (wow, honesty from Albert, how refreshing.) Albert says he's keeping his faith in Coach and doesn't think he'll turn his back on him at this point.... but I could be wrong. (They are playing this up so much but really, you'd have to be a fricken idiot to want to keep Ozzy in it to the end, come on!)
Time to Vote:
Albert votes Ozzy
Ozzy votes Albert
Sophie votes Ozzy and says "With this, I am the new Dragon Slayer." (bah.)
Tallying the votes:
Ozzy - 1
Alberto - 1
Ozzy - 2, 3 - And Ozzy is the final member of the jury. He gets a smattering of applause from the jury - Good bye Survivor.
-Ozzy loved the applause - he played the best social game he could with some mis-steps that sent him to Redemption but it is what it is, que cera, cera. (So deep). And with Ozzy out, Brittany/Sarah, Laura Heroux and Krista Huppert are out of the money.
Te Tuna - Day 39
They get food! They eat - Sophie and Coach think Albert is lucky to be there - she hopes to make Albert look squirrely at tribal and they say they have nothing bad to say about each other. Sophie says after her break down at tribal, she wants to keep her composure and stay focused in front of the jury. Albert asks Sophie if there is anything specific they should say about Coach - she says she doesn't want to throw anyone under the bus (that one's getting a lot of play this looong episode) but if Coach starts coming off the king of kings, might as well give it a try.
-Albert to the camera - he truly thinks he played the best game so that will give him the confidence to stay sharp and not be back on his heels - (he really is delusional).
-Coach is doing Tai Chi - blah blah - first time he dubbed himself the dragon slayer, second time he became the dragon and left too early - this time he is the phoenix rising from the ashes. He wants to have a happy ending - rise from the ashes and become the true victor in this game.
Then they set the camp on fire but they don't do the walk of remembrance - Thank you sweet baby Jebus!
Ozzy has his hair in two braids... He looks like a little girl with a moustache! Hahaha.
Opening statements:
Albert: Honored, privileged and humbled to be in this position. What I love about this adventure is it's a social experiment and the best part was the people I was able to meet and I think a higher power brought us all together. So thank you guys for playing and I look forward to all your questions... blah blah blah - Politician Albert wasn't winning favour with the jury there.
Sophie: Cut to the chase - it's about out wit, out last, out play - Out playing, I held my own in challenges and I won individual immunity 3 times - when it came to outwitting: Strategic part I did well - I made a 5 person alliance from the very beginning and my strategy revolved around that. Second part was the social game and it became apparent I wasn't always good at that - but I'm not a used car salesman - I came out here and I was myself, I tried to be as honest as possible so I think I fulfilled the requirements.
Coach: Wow, I can't believe I'm here. Redemption Island was built for someone like Ozzy and Coach is kind of a character. I had an uphill battle coming into this game - the first time I played it was with arrogance and self-righteousness but I tried to do something different his game I tried to lead with compassion, love, appreciation and respect and I don't think you get that from other leaders (painted himself the leader there). Instead of fitting you into my journey, I looked at everyone around me - when you open yourself to others, you receive it tenfold (that sounds dirty) I feel blessed to have gotten a piece of each and every one of you (oh, I'm going to leave that one alone. Haha)
First one up from the jury is...
Ozzy: He teases us with an, "Are you ready for this?" (Susan Hawk award?)
I have good news and bad news for you guys - the good news, this game isn't decided - bad news - no one wants to vote for you. Sophie, I still think you're a pretentious brat, in my opinion, but luckily you can change. Albert, you just happened to be in the right place at the right time and you didn't do anything amazing in my opinion. So Coach, I have to give you credit as the veteran for getting to the end but we all know your talk of honour was a load of crap or it would be you and I sitting up there so, did you play like you said or did you not?
-Yeah, I tried to play this game with honour but I came to all these cross roads in this game where I had to compromise my word and I know I hurt people but I kept saying like you, this is my third and final time and I want to get to the end - so I played this game honourably but there were definitely times I was dishonourable. (Everyone's patting Brandon through this speech - whatever, Lil Hantz can take it.)
And Ozzy's done - no Susan Hawk - little boring.
Jim: Albert, why should the two people beside not win- and seriously, if you start with a compliment, that will lose my vote.
-Albert laughs and says, "I love this question, I love your approach to the game." (He really can't help himself... oh Albert.) Ozzy full on laughs in his face.
-Albert continues anyway - he says Coach wasn't the leader from the beginning, he was carried to this point by Albert and Sophie, he had a target on his back and they brought him deeper in the game.
Sophie - she didn't play a social game, Albert made truer connections with the people there than Sophie did or Coach did. (Really?)
Dawn: Her question is for Sophie: Why did you make the alliance with Coach and Albert specifically early on?
-Coming into this game she wished she was a man because guys seemed to be able to get two young girls follow them to the end and that's not something she could do but she saw Coach, trying to redeem himself in the game as the equivalent of a young girl (that was a jolt to him) - he said your loyalty is worth more than a million dollars, I want to come out of this game restoring who I am and that is not someone who is going to write my name down. And with Albert, he was really into strategy and I liked the idea of aligning myself with someone who could talk strategy but as the game went on our relationship disintegrated to the point where I was going to vote him out for sure and Coach and I became more on the same page. The reason he's still here is he gave me a better chance of staying in the game than keeping in Rick.
Rick: Here we go: Coach, you said you tried to play with honour and dignity then you looked me right in the eye and said we're men of honour - You have anything to say to me at all?
-Yeah, I apologize. (What? No rambling - huh, maybe he means it.) Rick, "You stuck me right in the back."
Albert - the night you took that immunity necklace from Brandon and you used the God-thing on him, that was a bunch of bull. Sophie....
Albert, "Can I comment on that?"
Rick, "No."
Albert, "But..can I..."
Rick, "NO."
Albert, "okay."
Rick - Sophie, you lied the whole way, what's your name worth - is it worth lying and cheating.
Sophie: No, my name's worth a lot and I did try to only lie when I felt it was justified to get to the end - the one person she felt the most bad about lying to was Rick. That's the only thing she feels ashamed of in this game.
Rick: You lived with me for 37 days, you know how I feel about liars. I have nothing else to say to them guys.
Brandon: Mr Coach - you said as a man of God you would never vote me out of this game. Anything to say to me?
-I want to thank you for raising the bar, you raised all of our standard higher in the name of Jesus Christ (Rick is rubbing his eyes - enough Jebus already) it was an honour to play with you. I honestly think you should be here (but you went and gave your immunity necklace to Albert, dumbass) I know that you feel hurt and I want to make it up to you. (Dawn didn't buy that.)
Brandon says he forgives him.
Albert - how do you feel about using God to get to the final 3? I never once used God in this game - I would do anything BUT compromise my personal relationship with God - this game brought him closer to his walk with God...
Brandon cuts him off - quick question: Did you know I was going home?
Albert: Meh - ah - oo
Brandon: Yes or No
Albert: Well...
Brandon: Yes or NO? Anymore and you'll screw yourself.
Albert: I didn't know you were going home.
Brandon: That's it.
Whitney: Albert, you are sleazy - little sleazy. (He's not liking the turn this has taken for him) I feel you butter people up and I don't feel like you ever had any intention of making the big move against your alliance.
Coach - I feel like you used Christianity to manipulate your whole tribe and put fear into them really.
Sophie - the reason I feel it hard to write your name down for a million dollars is that you are the most condescending person I've ever met and you took zero time trying to get to know anyone really.
Sophie: That's just part of who I am, I am just really hard to get to know - I've very blunt and I'm intimidating but I think it's just part of how I come off and after hearing all this feed back it's not as good a call as I thought it was - it's a weakness.
Edna: We're all here to play Survivor, everyone knows that. And an inherent ingredient is manipulation. We're all going to be manipulated and are going to be doing some manipulating. What is the most used type of manipulation, religion. So we shouldn't all be sitting here feeling duped, we all willingly came here to be duped and we shouldn't hold any hard feeling from these people duping us cause, we signed up for this. (Way to go Edna, I like her way more now.) These people did it successfully. Congratulations.
Keith: (He's probably thinking, oh great, anything I say now is going to sound like sour grapes.)
Of course I say Congratulations - my question is to Coach - about the individual immunity idol, you didn't play it at all. Were you going to use it individually or for the team?
-I did think it was a tribe idol and the one time I would have played it was at the tribe merge when it was 6-6 - we did discuss that - if Cochran hasn't turned who would we have voted out...
Sophie says, "Can I just clear something up about the idol?" (Please do) - The idol was not found like you thought it was found - Albert found the clue then we distracted the tribe while Coach found the idol - we originally thought we'd keep it between the three of us at this point Brandon was hunting for an idol that wasn't there anymore (and the kid is shocked again) and so we staged a discovery of the idol.
Cochran: Such a fan of Coach, you stroked my ego and called me Hercules - you tricked me, you got me - I loved that - what I don't appreciate is the talk of honour - you use it so much it has no meaning anymore so I was wondering if you'd share your strategy but don't talk about honour.
-I came into this game wanting to do all the right things and when you try to please everybody you do all the wrong things. I tried and I fell short and I stabbed a lot of you in the back and I'm sorry that I did what I did (Oh no! You never apologize - you made it to the end, they didn't - there's no, "I'm sorry" in Survivor). I knew it was my third and final time and it became a convoluted mess - now everybody hates me and it's a complete mess (what are you doing?) I'm a terrible strategist, I'm just not that kind of person - In my real life, I'm not devious...
Sophie, "Blame me, I was the strategist." Albert tries to grab some of that..."Well, Sophie & I, we were.." (And Coach shot himself in the foot, in both feet... while they were in his mouth. That takes talent.)
Okay - that's it - they now have to vote for who they want to win: And I'm just going to cut to the chase - it's been a really long night and I just want to go to bed:
Cochran votes for Coach - he tells him he played a great game and he has nothing to apologize for.
Dawn votes for Sophie
Tallying the votes back in the studio where everyone is fat and wearing lots of make up:
Coach - 1
Sophie - 1
Coach - 2
Sophie - 2
Coach - 3
Sophie - 3, 4, 5 - HOLY COW! SOPHIE wins Survivor South Pacific. I would never have picked her to win - Congratulations: Annemette J, Tori K and Gillian H - you are the winners of the Pool!
I will contact you guys separately to get you your winnings :)
-Ozzy won the fan favourite and made some long rambling speech about how he is a role model for the children to not be afraid of nature and the children, the children (yeah, it was a little weird.)
-Brandon's family is not happy about how he played the game and of course they had Russell in the audience to basically say Brandon did everything wrong and why would he want to undo any of the great things Russell did in the game... Jeff floated the idea that the next season should be Russell v/s Brandon to which I said, "NOOOO!" Please do not ever bring Russell back.
Next season will be Survivor One World. There will be two tribes but they will be living together on the same island, some place... that could be interesting. So, next season starts in February - I'll let you know ;)
This was a pretty good season - I hope you all enjoyed it and Have a great Holiday Season.
After a good 5 minutes of filler, the final episode finally opened at Redemption Island - Night 35
-Brandon slinks in with his tail between his legs having just sacrificed himself for Albert of all people.
-He tells Ozzy he was blindsided by Sophie, Coach and Rick but then proceeds to tell him that he won immunity and gave it to Albert.
Ozzy - Whhaaat? (exactly) He tells the camera, "he wasn't blindsided. You give up the immunity necklace and your ass is going home." (Yup.) He's playing a blind faith game, he's playing like he's playing with God but he's not, he's playing with greedy human being who want that money.
Te Tuna - Night 35
-Sophie says Tribal was crazy but it was also great. Not only did Brandon make one of the stupidest moves ever by giving up immunity and Albert's not giving it back to him looked very cowardly.
-She says to Albert that if he gave it back she was going to throttle him... and Albert says, "I didn't know he was going home." Which prompts Coach to lecture him on little lies, leading to big lies and he just wants him to own up to his actions... Then, Coach tells the camera he's sick of people coming out there with 'Holier than Thou' attitudes (um, hello? Who are you talking to? Pot, it's the kettle calling) he won't stand for this bullsh*t, he's been made a fool of too much in his life, in this game - blah - blah- blah (he went off a little there.)
-Albert feels like he's in a lot of trouble if he can't repair the damage he's made with his alliance.
Redemption Island - Day 36
-Ozzy & Brandon get tree mail and it tells them to "hang on", there's only a few days left. Ozzy says he's been preparing himself for this one duel - to get back in the game and nothing's going to stop him - then they show a shot of Ozzy, standing on top of a post, for no reason.... well, I guess practicing in case it's a balancing on a post challenge - he is the king of Redemption Island (in his mind) and off they go to the duel.
Duel: This is the final duel - winner is back in the game and loser is off to the jury.
-They will have to hold on to a pole for as long as they can. So, not balancing on top - they actually are not allowed to hold on to the top of the pole, they hug it and have about a 1/4in of a groove to hold on with their monkey toes. 20 minutes in - they are both still looking okay. 40 minutes in, Ozzy is doing a lot of adjusting, one foot slips ... Brandon looked solid but made one adjustment and his legs start sliding. They are both adjusting a lot and Brandon starts sliding down - he's still holding on but it's not looking good. He's getting encouragement from his former tribemates but it doesn't help - he hits the sand and OZZY wins the final duel and gets back in the game.
So, with Brandon, Shelly P, Carol-Anne D and Kevin C are out of the money.
-Brandon said he initially came out there for the money but 7 days in he had a heart to heart with God - he doesn't hold any bitterness towards anybody and he's going to hold his head up proud. He may have lost the game of Survivor but he has won. (Amen, thank you Jebus.)
The 5 of them now have to go back to camp and await their next challenge. Coach, Sophie, Albert, Rick and Ozzy. Sophie says even with Brandon being a maniac, Ozzy was still able to beat him and if Ozzy keeps winning immunity, there is only so much she can do.
Te Tuna - Day 36
They get back to camp and it's a little awkward - Coach takes Ozzy off on his own and says he believes he deserves to be there and if he wins immunity he still has a hidden immunity idol... Ozzy isn't buying it - who in their right mind would want to take me to the end with them (well, it is Coach we're talking about.) They say they are in it together to the end but you can tell it's all a bunch of crap - this is Coach playing with honour and integrity? I don't think so. Coach says a part of him wants to play the game with Ozzy but he knows he's in too good a spot with his original alliance to mess with it now. (Come on!)
-Albert, Sophie, Coach - they feel if they can just win the next challenge they'll be good. Coach thinks it's his game to lose now - in his mind every single one of them wants to take him to the end with them (that just means they all think they can beat you.)
-Impossible Challenge - with one hand they will steady a balancing board (holding a suspended rope handle) meanwhile, with the other hand they will have to build a house of cards with wooden tiles on the balanced board... (I said pardon?) The first person to build a stack high enough to reach the finish mark (which was pretty high) wins immunity.
-Off they go, Jeff asks if anybody does this for fun - Sophie says she does, she has a book on how to make them. Ozzy, Coach and Sophie are the three in the challenge - Sophie runs out of tiles, she's built the structure too solid and it flusters her. She has to rip it down and start over. Coach then loses his - it topples. Ozzy is in the lead but he runs out of tiles too so he has to take it apart and rebuild. Sophie is leading and some of hers fall - she orders Albert to drop his d*mn stack and come pick up her pieces. He doesn't want to, he's finally got something going - and Jeff intervenes, says this is an individual challenge and they cannot help each other. (Good for Albert because she was going full dragon lady on him.) Jeff, "You want Ozzy out of this game - beat him."
-It goes back and forth a bit more but in the end it's down to Ozzy and Coach and OZZY wins Immunity - Again. (and no one is happy - except Ozzy.)
Te Tuna - Day 37
-Ozzy loooves this - he's been waiting for so long for these people to have to turn on each other and now he gets to be the facilitator in that - he's looking for ways to pit them against each other and he's going to end up looking like the good guy.
-Coach talking to Albert and they're thinking Rick - Coach says Rick is in the best spot to win (huh?), he's a hard worker, everyone likes his stories... (there have been stories? The guy is silent, we didn't get any stories.)
-Ozzy talking to Albert, he says he thinks it should be Sophie - reminds him of her bossy pants ways at the challenge, yelling at him to help her - Ozzy thinks she's pretentious and a threat at challenges.
Albert sees his point, Sophie is smart and will be articulate in front of the jury, she may be tougher to be than a Rick.
-Rick is trying to talk Coach and Coach is trying to get away from him - when asked what he's going to do, probably throw a vote someone else's way. What's Sophie going to do, "I think she's turned on you man." (Wow, way to throw her under the bus, not cool bro.) Rick thinks Sophie has thrown him under the bus (lots of bus throwing here... love it) so Rick wants to vote her - Coach says he'd vote Sophie - trust me man. Coach is not a good liar - but Rick has his number - he says he's pretty good at skirting the truth, like a lawyer (ha! Burn.)
-Albert goes and tries to sell Ozzy on Rick ... Noo, Ozzy tells him now is the time to vote out Sophie. "Coach gave me his word as a Christian man that he wants to take me to the final 3, so you know he's going to vote for you next." This gets Albert's head spinning - it is plausible given Coach's past play that he would want to take the 'best' player to the end (meaning Ozzy).
-Albert goes and tells Coach he needs to talk to him about the stuff Ozzy said Coach denies it - says he can't wait to vote him out. Albert doesn't know what to believe.
Ozzy had to win or he would be gone. Yup.
Coach wore the hidden immunity idol around his neck - it is the last night he can play it - he says he'd be foolish not to play it.
Albert - why keep you? - He thinks he's more likely to be able to beat Ozzy for immunity.
Sophie - by that standard, do you think you could beat Ozzy? - Yes, I've won more immunity challenges than Rick, Albert and Coach ('struth.)
Rick - why keep you? - 90% chance Ozzy will win immunity again tomorrow and it's not likely I'd be able to beat him - so he argues for Ozzy to keep him so Ozzy will win. "That's all I got."
Sophie, how do you counter Rick's argument to Ozzy?
- The goal right now is to get rid of Ozzy and if Rick's not the man to do it, there's no point having him around next time (ouch, don't sugar coat it for him - Ha! love it.)
Coach, why is it you don't want Ozzy to move on instead of one of the others?
-Goes back to the beginning where we made a bond with each other (Brandon thinks that's rich) at the end of the day we're still a family and I think that's very special (Whatever.)
Ozzy pipes up - We talked, if you want to air it out - you said you'd take me to the end.
Coach - go ahead air it out
Ozzy - you said we'd go to the end...
Sophie - pipes in - I don't think it matters anymore who's loyal to whom - I want Ozzy out because he's shown no respect for me from day one... (huh? Why prevaricate now - just say, he'd win if he made it to the end... not, I don't like him because he never flirted with me.)
Ozzy - I think you act like a spoiled brat out here.
Sophie - Yeah, how?
Ozzy - all my information is coming from people filtering through Redemption Island and they say all you do all day is sleep and hang out, you don't do anything else. I did like you at the beginning but then I hear you saying I'm such an arrogant bleep. You don't know me either.
Sophie - whatever.
But you know Jeff won't just let it go - Sophie, why are you so frustrated with Ozzy saying things behind your back when you've done the same thing?
Sophie - I guess it's because it was such a personal attack from Ozzy ... it was hurtful.
Jeff Barbara Walter's her - keeps pushing about no one ever calling her character into question in the real world and she breaks down (Oh no - don't be a girl ... yup, she's crying. Look, sometimes you can't help it, I'm a girl, I get it. But really, when you're the last girl standing on Survivor, the waterworks definitely works against you.)
Do you think this could be an opportunity to thicken your skin?
Coming out there she thought she was tough but if anything she thinks she's losing skin not toughening it.
Jeff says part of what's happening is it's 37 days in to a game that is tough on the psyche and people may be saying things just to get under your skin. (Oh, Jeff is trying to make her feel better.)
Sophie says the fact that it wasn't just coming from Ozzy and thinking that she was coming off as a selfish, spoiled b*tch makes her regret coming. (And there, she succeeded in turning it around and making everyone feel bad for her - Dawn is crying, Brandon wants to hug her... brava, she made it work for her.) Jeff even gives her a chance to shake it off and make another statement to not read too much into it but she still haltingly says she's good, let's vote...
Time to Vote:
Rick votes for Sophie - says she's the only shot he has.
Ozzy votes Sofie - I didn't mean to make you cry but I still think it.
Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol - nope - Coach doesn't play it (of course not.)
-Rick - 1
-Sophie - 1
-Rick - 2
-Sophie - 2
-RICK is the next person voted out and when Coach stands up to hug him or shake his hand or whatever false show of compassion he wanted to make - Rick was having none of it - "Sit back down."
-Rick says all Coach's talk of honesty and integrity - Oh, don't be that way - Sit back down, don't spit on my back and tell me it's raining. I wish I had made a bigger move but I was just blinded thinking Coach would play it true to his word. Ozzy's got my vote.
-And with Rick joining the jury - Kim/Gail, Ritch Gallager and Tobi Matilda are out of the money.
Te Tuna - Day 38
-Ozzy is so close - he can taste it - Plan A - win, Plan B - Win. He's getting himself coconuts and there is no sharing. Sophie is just annoyed that he's even there.
-Coach takes Ozzy aside and says he feels betrayed by Ozzy because when he told him he wanted to go to the end with Ozzy he also told him not to tell anyone (OMG, this is how you are justifying this to yourself - just shaking my head.) He says he feels like he showed Ozzy respect and in return he was stabbed in the back.
-Ozzy says he's been screwed so many times in this game that he doesn't trust anyone - goes on about caring for someone and then being stabbed in the back and this time he has been so guarded, he didn't feel like he could trust Coach.
-When Coach heard how Ozzy had been hurt by the game, by the people he'd played the game with his heart broke for him (I feel you, man - they hurt me too...)
-They bonded over their past hurts and say they'd will still like to go to the end together (but I don't think either one really means it). Coach asks him who he wants gone tomorrow, "Sophie right?" and Ozzy says he'd actually like to see Albert and Sophie make fire (so have them tie and have to compete to stay) Coach says he really likes that idea and they man hug.
-This is it the final challenge and Ozzy says he's going to give it everything he has for a million $.
They have to race through a giant flower shaped obstacle course to retrieve 5 bags of puzzle pieces. Once they have all the pieces they have to fit the flower shaped puzzle pieces on their board in the correct places - First one to complete the puzzle - wins immunity.
-Off they go and it's a toughie... net, tunnel, rope bridge, swings... Ozzy is doing better than the rest on the obstacle course but they're all working hard. Ozzy is working on the puzzle by the time Coach and Sophie come back with their last bags... Albert is the last one back. They are all working on the puzzle now and Sophie is the first one to fit a piece of the puzzle - Jeff announcing that seems to make Ozzy panic, he starts looking over at her and she's up to three pieces placed before he finds his first... Ozzy is up to three but Sophie just starts knocking it out and SOPHIE! Wins final immunity.
-Ozzy knows that's it - "So close, yet so far away." He seems pretty zen about it, sad but not broken.
Te Tuna - Day 38
Ozzy - teary eyed - stupid puzzle. I'm not going to give up, Coach gave me his word but...
We hear whooping from the other three and Coach says he relinquishes the title of Dragon Slayer - to Sophie... "From moment one, Ozzy was the dragon and you fricken slayed him..." (give her the jacket too, that would be awesome - she should start doing her hair like him too.)
-Sophie says there could very well be a tie tonight, she know she and Albert are voting for Ozzy but Coach and Ozzy's relationship has been behind closed doors - she's hopes he votes Ozzy because she doesn't think she'd have a chance with the jury against Ozzy.
-Coach and Ozzy talk and Ozzy says he's at peace - but appealing to his sense of the dramatic he asks that Coach let him build fire against Albert. Coach says he's battling against his word but feels Ozzy betrayed him. Ozzy says didn't your good friend Albert betray you? Which is worse him or me... Coach says to the camera that he considers Ozzy a warrior and he's always wanted a warrior battle to the end. Ozzy is arguing that this would be a warrior battle (Pitting Ozzy against Prince Albert? I don't think so.) Coach is struggling with another anguishing decision, why can't it be easy (oh come on, it is easy - he is the enemy - destroy him!)
Sophie feels amazing that she was able to pull out immunity today.
Ozzy - it was a million dollar puzzle - it didn't work out and I gotta let it go. But it's going to nag at me for the rest of my life, I guarantee you that.
Coach says it's heartbreaking to see Ozzy's position, and to know how it feels.
Ozzy says it's no secret that Coach and he talked about it being an epic battle between the two returning survivors and if Coach is a man of his word there is an easy way to figure out who is deserving.
Coach, what's he talking about?
-Tying up the vote so there is a fire making challenge.
Blah, blah, blah - honour, playing with the strongest... but Albert and Sophie are also very strong, what makes Ozzy different is he came back (twice) - that's the dilemma.
Albert, how do you feel about building fire against Ozzy?
-It's like, I can drive but will I win an auto race against Jeff Gordon? I don't think I fair very well (wow, honesty from Albert, how refreshing.) Albert says he's keeping his faith in Coach and doesn't think he'll turn his back on him at this point.... but I could be wrong. (They are playing this up so much but really, you'd have to be a fricken idiot to want to keep Ozzy in it to the end, come on!)
Time to Vote:
Albert votes Ozzy
Ozzy votes Albert
Sophie votes Ozzy and says "With this, I am the new Dragon Slayer." (bah.)
Tallying the votes:
Ozzy - 1
Alberto - 1
Ozzy - 2, 3 - And Ozzy is the final member of the jury. He gets a smattering of applause from the jury - Good bye Survivor.
-Ozzy loved the applause - he played the best social game he could with some mis-steps that sent him to Redemption but it is what it is, que cera, cera. (So deep). And with Ozzy out, Brittany/Sarah, Laura Heroux and Krista Huppert are out of the money.
Te Tuna - Day 39
They get food! They eat - Sophie and Coach think Albert is lucky to be there - she hopes to make Albert look squirrely at tribal and they say they have nothing bad to say about each other. Sophie says after her break down at tribal, she wants to keep her composure and stay focused in front of the jury. Albert asks Sophie if there is anything specific they should say about Coach - she says she doesn't want to throw anyone under the bus (that one's getting a lot of play this looong episode) but if Coach starts coming off the king of kings, might as well give it a try.
-Albert to the camera - he truly thinks he played the best game so that will give him the confidence to stay sharp and not be back on his heels - (he really is delusional).
-Coach is doing Tai Chi - blah blah - first time he dubbed himself the dragon slayer, second time he became the dragon and left too early - this time he is the phoenix rising from the ashes. He wants to have a happy ending - rise from the ashes and become the true victor in this game.
Then they set the camp on fire but they don't do the walk of remembrance - Thank you sweet baby Jebus!
Ozzy has his hair in two braids... He looks like a little girl with a moustache! Hahaha.
Opening statements:
Albert: Honored, privileged and humbled to be in this position. What I love about this adventure is it's a social experiment and the best part was the people I was able to meet and I think a higher power brought us all together. So thank you guys for playing and I look forward to all your questions... blah blah blah - Politician Albert wasn't winning favour with the jury there.
Sophie: Cut to the chase - it's about out wit, out last, out play - Out playing, I held my own in challenges and I won individual immunity 3 times - when it came to outwitting: Strategic part I did well - I made a 5 person alliance from the very beginning and my strategy revolved around that. Second part was the social game and it became apparent I wasn't always good at that - but I'm not a used car salesman - I came out here and I was myself, I tried to be as honest as possible so I think I fulfilled the requirements.
Coach: Wow, I can't believe I'm here. Redemption Island was built for someone like Ozzy and Coach is kind of a character. I had an uphill battle coming into this game - the first time I played it was with arrogance and self-righteousness but I tried to do something different his game I tried to lead with compassion, love, appreciation and respect and I don't think you get that from other leaders (painted himself the leader there). Instead of fitting you into my journey, I looked at everyone around me - when you open yourself to others, you receive it tenfold (that sounds dirty) I feel blessed to have gotten a piece of each and every one of you (oh, I'm going to leave that one alone. Haha)
First one up from the jury is...
Ozzy: He teases us with an, "Are you ready for this?" (Susan Hawk award?)
I have good news and bad news for you guys - the good news, this game isn't decided - bad news - no one wants to vote for you. Sophie, I still think you're a pretentious brat, in my opinion, but luckily you can change. Albert, you just happened to be in the right place at the right time and you didn't do anything amazing in my opinion. So Coach, I have to give you credit as the veteran for getting to the end but we all know your talk of honour was a load of crap or it would be you and I sitting up there so, did you play like you said or did you not?
-Yeah, I tried to play this game with honour but I came to all these cross roads in this game where I had to compromise my word and I know I hurt people but I kept saying like you, this is my third and final time and I want to get to the end - so I played this game honourably but there were definitely times I was dishonourable. (Everyone's patting Brandon through this speech - whatever, Lil Hantz can take it.)
And Ozzy's done - no Susan Hawk - little boring.
Jim: Albert, why should the two people beside not win- and seriously, if you start with a compliment, that will lose my vote.
-Albert laughs and says, "I love this question, I love your approach to the game." (He really can't help himself... oh Albert.) Ozzy full on laughs in his face.
-Albert continues anyway - he says Coach wasn't the leader from the beginning, he was carried to this point by Albert and Sophie, he had a target on his back and they brought him deeper in the game.
Sophie - she didn't play a social game, Albert made truer connections with the people there than Sophie did or Coach did. (Really?)
Dawn: Her question is for Sophie: Why did you make the alliance with Coach and Albert specifically early on?
-Coming into this game she wished she was a man because guys seemed to be able to get two young girls follow them to the end and that's not something she could do but she saw Coach, trying to redeem himself in the game as the equivalent of a young girl (that was a jolt to him) - he said your loyalty is worth more than a million dollars, I want to come out of this game restoring who I am and that is not someone who is going to write my name down. And with Albert, he was really into strategy and I liked the idea of aligning myself with someone who could talk strategy but as the game went on our relationship disintegrated to the point where I was going to vote him out for sure and Coach and I became more on the same page. The reason he's still here is he gave me a better chance of staying in the game than keeping in Rick.
Rick: Here we go: Coach, you said you tried to play with honour and dignity then you looked me right in the eye and said we're men of honour - You have anything to say to me at all?
-Yeah, I apologize. (What? No rambling - huh, maybe he means it.) Rick, "You stuck me right in the back."
Albert - the night you took that immunity necklace from Brandon and you used the God-thing on him, that was a bunch of bull. Sophie....
Albert, "Can I comment on that?"
Rick, "No."
Albert, "But..can I..."
Rick, "NO."
Albert, "okay."
Rick - Sophie, you lied the whole way, what's your name worth - is it worth lying and cheating.
Sophie: No, my name's worth a lot and I did try to only lie when I felt it was justified to get to the end - the one person she felt the most bad about lying to was Rick. That's the only thing she feels ashamed of in this game.
Rick: You lived with me for 37 days, you know how I feel about liars. I have nothing else to say to them guys.
Brandon: Mr Coach - you said as a man of God you would never vote me out of this game. Anything to say to me?
-I want to thank you for raising the bar, you raised all of our standard higher in the name of Jesus Christ (Rick is rubbing his eyes - enough Jebus already) it was an honour to play with you. I honestly think you should be here (but you went and gave your immunity necklace to Albert, dumbass) I know that you feel hurt and I want to make it up to you. (Dawn didn't buy that.)
Brandon says he forgives him.
Albert - how do you feel about using God to get to the final 3? I never once used God in this game - I would do anything BUT compromise my personal relationship with God - this game brought him closer to his walk with God...
Brandon cuts him off - quick question: Did you know I was going home?
Albert: Meh - ah - oo
Brandon: Yes or No
Albert: Well...
Brandon: Yes or NO? Anymore and you'll screw yourself.
Albert: I didn't know you were going home.
Brandon: That's it.
Whitney: Albert, you are sleazy - little sleazy. (He's not liking the turn this has taken for him) I feel you butter people up and I don't feel like you ever had any intention of making the big move against your alliance.
Coach - I feel like you used Christianity to manipulate your whole tribe and put fear into them really.
Sophie - the reason I feel it hard to write your name down for a million dollars is that you are the most condescending person I've ever met and you took zero time trying to get to know anyone really.
Sophie: That's just part of who I am, I am just really hard to get to know - I've very blunt and I'm intimidating but I think it's just part of how I come off and after hearing all this feed back it's not as good a call as I thought it was - it's a weakness.
Edna: We're all here to play Survivor, everyone knows that. And an inherent ingredient is manipulation. We're all going to be manipulated and are going to be doing some manipulating. What is the most used type of manipulation, religion. So we shouldn't all be sitting here feeling duped, we all willingly came here to be duped and we shouldn't hold any hard feeling from these people duping us cause, we signed up for this. (Way to go Edna, I like her way more now.) These people did it successfully. Congratulations.
Keith: (He's probably thinking, oh great, anything I say now is going to sound like sour grapes.)
Of course I say Congratulations - my question is to Coach - about the individual immunity idol, you didn't play it at all. Were you going to use it individually or for the team?
-I did think it was a tribe idol and the one time I would have played it was at the tribe merge when it was 6-6 - we did discuss that - if Cochran hasn't turned who would we have voted out...
Sophie says, "Can I just clear something up about the idol?" (Please do) - The idol was not found like you thought it was found - Albert found the clue then we distracted the tribe while Coach found the idol - we originally thought we'd keep it between the three of us at this point Brandon was hunting for an idol that wasn't there anymore (and the kid is shocked again) and so we staged a discovery of the idol.
Cochran: Such a fan of Coach, you stroked my ego and called me Hercules - you tricked me, you got me - I loved that - what I don't appreciate is the talk of honour - you use it so much it has no meaning anymore so I was wondering if you'd share your strategy but don't talk about honour.
-I came into this game wanting to do all the right things and when you try to please everybody you do all the wrong things. I tried and I fell short and I stabbed a lot of you in the back and I'm sorry that I did what I did (Oh no! You never apologize - you made it to the end, they didn't - there's no, "I'm sorry" in Survivor). I knew it was my third and final time and it became a convoluted mess - now everybody hates me and it's a complete mess (what are you doing?) I'm a terrible strategist, I'm just not that kind of person - In my real life, I'm not devious...
Sophie, "Blame me, I was the strategist." Albert tries to grab some of that..."Well, Sophie & I, we were.." (And Coach shot himself in the foot, in both feet... while they were in his mouth. That takes talent.)
Okay - that's it - they now have to vote for who they want to win: And I'm just going to cut to the chase - it's been a really long night and I just want to go to bed:
Cochran votes for Coach - he tells him he played a great game and he has nothing to apologize for.
Dawn votes for Sophie
Tallying the votes back in the studio where everyone is fat and wearing lots of make up:
Coach - 1
Sophie - 1
Coach - 2
Sophie - 2
Coach - 3
Sophie - 3, 4, 5 - HOLY COW! SOPHIE wins Survivor South Pacific. I would never have picked her to win - Congratulations: Annemette J, Tori K and Gillian H - you are the winners of the Pool!
I will contact you guys separately to get you your winnings :)
-Ozzy won the fan favourite and made some long rambling speech about how he is a role model for the children to not be afraid of nature and the children, the children (yeah, it was a little weird.)
-Brandon's family is not happy about how he played the game and of course they had Russell in the audience to basically say Brandon did everything wrong and why would he want to undo any of the great things Russell did in the game... Jeff floated the idea that the next season should be Russell v/s Brandon to which I said, "NOOOO!" Please do not ever bring Russell back.
Next season will be Survivor One World. There will be two tribes but they will be living together on the same island, some place... that could be interesting. So, next season starts in February - I'll let you know ;)
This was a pretty good season - I hope you all enjoyed it and Have a great Holiday Season.
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