Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Survivor South Pacific - Dec 14th Episode Recap

Then There Were Five

So, last week they voted out Edna leaving the original Upolu alliance of five as the final five... now what?

Te Tuna - Night 32
Returning from Tribal Council there is celebration - they did what they said they'd do - and Coach says they proved you can go at it with honour, loyalty and integrity (uh huh.)  And of course they pray.
-Coach says the real game begins tonight - now the loyalty is gone and the alliances within the alliance will come out...  Albert and Sophie are speculating what will happen when/if Ozzy comes back and as Sophie walks away, Albert says to the camera, "She has no idea she's next." (Seriously?  They are going to take the silent guy and the loose cannon to the end aren't they... that blows.)

Te Tuna - Day 33
Albert thinks he's the shit.  He had planned on going to the end with Coach and Sophie but she's too intelligent, well spoken and has won immunity twice - so now he's thinking he's better off going to the end with Rick (even though he doesn't particularly like him) he's done nothing.  Albert sees himself as the rogue in the middle of the cult leader and the blind follower and he thinks he's done the most to garner jury votes and win the million dollars.

Redemption Island - DUEL
Ozzy & Edna will race to complete a slide puzzle to release a hatchet - take the hatchet and cut a rope releasing a suspended bag of puzzle cubes - then they must stack the puzzle cubes so there are no duplicate colours on any one side - first person to complete the puzzle correctly stays alive - loser is out and the 6th member of the jury.
-Off they go and Ozzy is the first one to get the hatchet out - he releases his cubes and gets started on the next puzzle and Edna still hasn't gotten the hatchet out - Albert starts to help her from the sidelines and she gets the hatchet.  Ozzy has been working on the puzzle for a while in silence - once Edna starts working the puzzle Sophie and Albert are helping her... does Edna have it... no way... oh, 2 reds. No.
-Ozzy does complete the puzzle first and he stays alive - again!
-And with Edna leaving - Nancy C, Mike L, and Roxanne S are officially out of the pool as well.
-He still goes back to Redemption Island though and Jeff tells him to await his next duel... hmm, when does he come back?

Te Tuna - Day 33
-Albert says he doesn't really care a thing about honour & integrity in this game.  Brandon is talking to him and is convinced that they are the final three with Coach.  Albert has fostered that to keep Brandon in line.  Albert tells Brandon it's his intention to vote Sophie out next.
-Sophie talking to Coach and she is going on about Ozzy coming back and he being the last contact with each jury member - in the Ozzy pleasure dome (I don't know what she thinks is happening at Redemption Island) and she wants to vote Brandon to Redemption next so the two most dangerous players have to face off (since when has Brandon been considered dangerous?  Physically? I guess.)
-Sophie thinks since the merge Brandon has turned over a new leaf and he's been the most loyal, godly man out there and she thinks he'll get votes.  They pull Rick over and ask if he's okay with Brandon next - of course he is, the guy will do whatever you ask or tell him to...
-Now Albert goes to Coach and pleads his case that Sophie is a bigger threat than Brandon and Coach is disheartened with the scrambling.  He knows that Albert wants to get rid of Sophie because she is smarter than him and that's threatening to him (of course it is - I'm just impressed that Coach doesn't seem to be fazed by it) Coach is the clearest he's ever been out there and he tries to explain to Albert that Brandon would win with the Jury when Brandon walks over and they have to cover that they were just talking about how the jury works.
-Brandon says he's a little nervous with their conversation and Coach takes offense sees this as Brandon trying to bully them after his shot of Hantz from daddy and Coach is having none of it - tells him not to be like Russell (he totally over-reacted.)
-Brandon says that really hurt his feelings.
-Coach says sorry but any flashes of Russell freak him out.
-Brandon wants to hug it out so Coach lumbers out of the hammock and they hug (Albert is trying to look invisible) but Coach tells the camera that the apple never falls far from the tree and his experience with Brandon's Dad last week basically sealed Brandon's fate.

-They must climb a massive wall which is on an inclined angle using a rope to pull themselves up - along the way they must collect 5 bags of puzzle pieces tied on the rope - after collecting each bag they must come down, drop it off and go back up - once they have all 5 bags they must match up the puzzle tiles in matching pairs - 3 tiles will have no match - on the back of those pieces are numbers of a combination to the box at the top of the wall - once they have the combination, they must climb back up the wall, open the box and release their flag  - first person to do that, wins immunity.  (Whew, get that?) - In addition, the winner also wins reward of pizza, soda and garlic bread, delivered to the winner at camp (to lord it over everyone - nice.)
-It's Brandon and Rick leading on the wall - Coach isn't far behind them, then it's Sophie and Albert is out of this thing - he's struggling like crazy on the wall. 
-Rick is not doing well on the matching - Brandon and Coach are making matches pretty quickly - Brandon is the first with the numbers heading back up the wall - Coach gets the numbers but as he's climbing the wall - Brandon opens his box and Wins Immunity! "Thank you Jesus!"
-Brandon is allowed to choose one person to share in his reward and only one person.  He says his dad told him to play with his heart and if he was being strategic he'd pick someone else but the heart wants the Cowboy (I don't know how to quit you) and we see the biggest reaction from Rick ever in the game when he hoots and throws his hat in the air.
-Angry Coach whispering to the camera, "I believe in divine intervention and Brandon saved himself today.  I'm at peace with that (he doesn't look it) I'm pissed (yeah, that's the look) but I'm at peace with it."

Te Tuna - Day 35
-Pizza Delivery on a Jet Ski! I bet Jeff is jealous it's not him delivering it.
-Sophie says the worst case scenario played out with Brandon winning immunity and she and Coach are thinking Albert goes tonight.  He's been getting on their nerves.  He's been sneaky and he thinks he's the most strategic player ever - more and more she's thinking he needs to go home tonight.
-Albert comes and joins Coach and Sophie and she says she's going to go smell the pizza - this is a big red flag to Albert - he's sure she's planning a coup and coming after him.
-She does exactly what he thinks she's going to do - she tells Rick and Brandon that she's planning to vote for Albert.  Rick tells them that Albert reaffirmed, "It's me and you to the end" with him yesterday.  This flabbergasts Brandon, "Whaa?"  Rick doesn't believe a word Albert says and Sophie agrees he's the sneakiest one out there.
-Brandon is telling the camera he doesn't know if he can believe Albert anymore (really?) he's got to go talk to Albert.  So of course he does, tells him what Rick said...and Albert tells Brandon he's never turned his back on him, he's never promised final 3 to anyone else.
-Brandon quotes scripture about sins being shouted from the rooftops and wanting to get to the bottom of things brings Rick and Sophie over - then Albert backpedals that he never said anything to Rick and the quiet one goes off - BullShbeep!  And Albert starts to tap dance.  He's calling Rick a liar but Rick calls him on it - you threw me under the bus (gotta love the staples) with Dawn & Whitney trying to get me out... Brandon, Are you calling him a liar?  Sputter, sputter- no wait, let me explain...
-Sophie is sitting back and just watching the wheels come off Albert's game and she's loovvviinngg it!  Now instead of a nice little blindside, he'll go out looking even more pathetic than he's looked this whole game.
-And it continued for quite a while, the three of them bombarding him and Albert tapping for all he was worth.
-To the camera, Albert still believes, if he can draw Brandon back over with him, he'll be right back where he needs to be (but I detected a thickening in the voice like he knows he's in trouble - or could just be dry throat from all the arguing.)
-Damage control begins - Albert is working on Brandon, Do you think I liked hearing Rick calls me a princess, why would I want to take that to the end with me?  Brandon's chiseling wood (why, I don't know) and not really engaging Albert so he takes another tack... "Just don't close your heart to me man." (Oh, he chooses his words wisely - Dad said to play with his heart...) Brandon says he loves Albert, he's my friend and who am I not to forgive him. (O M G so easily manipulated...) and Albert is relentless, he just keeps following Brandon and yapping his ear off until Brandon says, I'm not voting you - I just made up my mind.  And they pray.  (Are you kidding me!?)
-Brandon says he sees inside of Albert and strongly believes he deserves to be here.  He tells him if he has to, he'll give him his immunity necklace (well, then hopefully Brandon will be out.)
-But, of course, Brandon has to go talk to Coach first.  He tells him by now you know God talks to me (I'm frightened) and I hope you accept this... I would never do anything that would hurt you or me in this game and I hope we make it to the end, with Albert here.  I'll give him my immunity necklace if I have to (then he piles on the guilt/bully) but I know you would never vote against me or do anything for vote anyway if you knew I was going home (and they have heavy music playing... oh man) Coach is not looking happy - then Brandon pulls out, "This is the pinnacle of why we're out here - forgiveness - if we can't forgive our brother, God cannot forgive us. (Well, Coach could vote him out then and Brandon would forgive him... go with that, Coach.)
-Coach wanted everything to be simple and it was with Albert imploding but now Brandon's brought in forgiveness and the immunity necklace - Coach tells Brandon he understands Brandon believes voting for Sophie is what God wants him to do but Coach says he's got to pray about it and will do what God wants Coach to do (You know, I don't think God really cares one way or the other - why don't you stop hiding behind the big man and take responsibility for your own decisions here... I know, I'm preaching to the choir :)
-Coach prayed and a name came to him over and over again, and the best quote ever, "My soul has never breathed as it does in this moment."  (The scary thing is, he is deadly serious, the true believer is the most dangerous thing.)

So, the long awaited tribal with only the 5 left and look at you Brandon, you have immunity, very powerful spot for you.
-I want to give my immunity necklace up. (Dawn's eyes bout popped right out of her head - Rick and Coach both close their eyes pained and Jeff is surprised but game...)
-Brandon ceremonially takes off the necklace and puts it around Albert's neck - they hug. (Gag me.)
(The jury is surprised and confused [Dawn] but Cochran looks excited and no one else seems to care too much)
-Brandon says he's stated at tribal in the past that he would honour his commitments and give up his place for them - he's started something and he's going to finish it.
So, I'm assuming you made an alliance with Albert and said if it came down to it you'd lay on the sword for him.
Brandon-  Yes, sir.
Coach is shaking his head - He says to set the record straight, Brandon was going to vote for Albert but he prayed on it and believes God told him to give Albert the necklace (no, Albert manipulated him and got him to think that)
(The jury seems to have the same feeling as I do - enough with the God wants me to do this crap.)
Brandon, you look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.
-Brandon gets choked up and says he's prayed with Albert and knew if he didn't give him the necklace he'd be going to Redemption.  It's hard to explain because... then he tells us about his gang past and everyone thought he was crazy because he would literally step in front of a bullet for his 'friends' but then they would leave him hanging. (And you didn't learn from that?)
Do you think that could be happening tonight?
I don't think so - I consider [Coach and Albert] to be my best friends. We have a very strong connection because of Christ inside of them. I was drawn to them.  (Whitney looks like she feels sorry for him - Like my husband said - I don't think the little Hantz is a smarty)
Albert, what's your take on this?
Then Albert spins some shit about there being a bigger reason why he was there.  He felt a deeper connection when he bonded with Brandon and Coach than the superficial bonds with a Rick or a Sophie.  (Sophie rolls her eyes to the jury - like are you really buying this?)
So Albert, would you do the same thing that Brandon just did for you?  Take the necklace off and put it around his neck? (Are you kidding me - no way.)
- If I really believed he was in trouble, I would. (I'm calling bullsh*t)
Sophie, do you believe Albert?
-She hesitates (just say no!) then says, "I don't know what to believe from Albert anymore." (He rolls his eyes now) - she's says he's been sneaky so she's not relying on blind faith with Albert anymore.  She has connections of her own with people out there.
Rick, so you were eating pizza, having a good time...
-It was a good life until the bomb hit, then it was like a pack of wolves turning on each other.  Lays it out that it's between the three without immunity because Coach has the hidden idol (no shocker there) "So, I was really curious to see if Albert would give back the necklace when he knew Brandon was in trouble." (Albert does not like that coming up again because it will prove he is not the great guy he's trying to pretend to be.)
So Brandon, I'm sensing you're not as secure as you thought. (Albert is really not happy with how this is going now...)
-Yes, sir.  I believe that tonight might be my night.
Is there any part of you that would expect Albert to give that back now?
-Shaking his head, "It's up to him." (I think he knows his goose is cooked!)
How's that feel Albert?  That's a lot of pressure. (Oh Jeff, you just have to turn the screws)
-It is a lot of pressure but I hope Brandon is comfortable with me, Coach and him and knows he can make a move like this and go untouched. (Wow, he certainly is a piece of work this guy.) Honestly, I don't think he's going home tonight so I'm not going to give him the necklace back. (And now he's shifted the blame to Coach if Brandon goes - slippery little devil.)
(Rick nods his head, Albert just proved his duplicitousness to him at least.)
Coach, somehow you got involved in this.
-I did, but I don't mind the responsibility - I got down on my knees in the sand and I prayed that God give me an answer on what I should do tonight.  Everything is as it was meant to be and I am at complete peace. (Sophie heavy sighed - I know, all this false piety is wearing on me too.)
Brandon, are you at peace?
No, sir.  Coach is going to do what God wants him to do and if God wants him to vote me out, I believe he would. (So now the blame is on God and they all win... I guess?)

Time to Vote:
Rick votes Brandon - Dumb move.
Brandon votes Sophie
Albert votes Soyfie(?)
Sophie votes Brandon
And it's down to Coach (and God)...

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays the hidden immunity idol.
Brandon -1
Sophie - 1
Brandon - 2
Sophie - 2
And the person voted out is BRANDON! Coach whispers in his ear, "It's God's will, go win redemption."  (I'm so over the God talk - but I'm loving that Albert looks like an idiot.)

Jeff tells us that the winner of the next duel between Ozzy and Brandon will re-enter the game then the 5 of them will duke it out to the end... Which airs on Sunday.

Next time: Ozzy's end game is clear: Plan A - win, Plan B - win.
Everyone elses is a little murky: Coach is not happy with Albert and there's no redemption left for him.

Brandon says there will be a lot of criticism for what he did but he doesn't care, you weren't out there for 35 days with these people (essentially - you don't know you weren't there!)  He tells Ozzy he gave up immunity to Albert, "This game wasn't made for me, bro."

Have a great weekend everyone - don't forget the epic finale is this SUNDAY, Dec 18th.


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