Monday, December 19, 2011

Survivor South Pacific Finale - Dec 18, 2011

Loyalties Will Be Broken

After a good 5 minutes of filler, the final episode finally opened at Redemption Island - Night 35
-Brandon slinks in with his tail between his legs having just sacrificed himself for Albert of all people.
-He tells Ozzy he was blindsided by Sophie, Coach and Rick but then proceeds to tell him that he won immunity and gave it to Albert.
Ozzy - Whhaaat?  (exactly)  He tells the camera, "he wasn't blindsided.  You give up the immunity necklace and your ass is going home."  (Yup.)  He's playing a blind faith game, he's playing like he's playing with God but he's not, he's playing with greedy human being who want that money.

Te Tuna - Night 35
-Sophie says Tribal was crazy but it was also great.  Not only did Brandon make one of the stupidest moves ever by giving up immunity and Albert's not giving it back to him looked very cowardly.
-She says to Albert that if he gave it back she was going to throttle him... and Albert says, "I didn't know he was going home."  Which prompts Coach to lecture him on little lies, leading to big lies and he just wants him to own up to his actions... Then, Coach tells the camera he's sick of people coming out there with 'Holier than Thou' attitudes (um, hello? Who are you talking to? Pot, it's the kettle calling) he won't stand for this bullsh*t, he's been made a fool of too much in his life, in this game - blah - blah- blah (he went off a little there.)
-Albert feels like he's in a lot of trouble if he can't repair the damage he's made with his alliance.

Redemption Island - Day 36
-Ozzy & Brandon get tree mail and it tells them to "hang on", there's only a few days left.  Ozzy says he's been preparing himself for this one duel - to get back in the game and nothing's going to stop him - then they show a shot of Ozzy, standing on top of a post, for no reason.... well, I guess practicing in case it's a balancing on a post challenge - he is the king of Redemption Island (in his mind) and off they go to the duel.

Duel: This is the final duel - winner is back in the game and loser is off to the jury.
-They will have to hold on to a pole for as long as they can.  So, not balancing on top - they actually are not allowed to hold on to the top of the pole,  they hug it and have about a 1/4in of a groove to hold on with their monkey toes.  20 minutes in - they are both still looking okay.  40 minutes in, Ozzy is doing a lot of adjusting, one foot slips ... Brandon looked solid but made one adjustment and his legs start sliding.  They are both adjusting a lot and Brandon starts sliding down - he's still holding on but it's not looking good.  He's getting encouragement from his former tribemates but it doesn't help - he hits the sand and OZZY wins the final duel and gets back in the game.

So, with Brandon, Shelly P, Carol-Anne D and Kevin C are out of the money. 
-Brandon said he initially came out there for the money but 7 days in he had a heart to heart with God - he doesn't hold any bitterness towards anybody and he's going to hold his head up proud.  He may have lost the game of Survivor but he has won. (Amen, thank you Jebus.)

The 5 of them now have to go back to camp and await their next challenge.  Coach, Sophie, Albert, Rick and Ozzy.  Sophie says even with Brandon being a maniac, Ozzy was still able to beat him and if Ozzy keeps winning immunity, there is only so much she can do.

Te Tuna - Day 36
They get back to camp and it's a little awkward - Coach takes Ozzy off on his own and says he believes he deserves to be there and if he wins immunity he still has a hidden immunity idol... Ozzy isn't buying it - who in their right mind would want to take me to the end with them (well, it is Coach we're talking about.)  They say they are in it together to the end but you can tell it's all a bunch of crap - this is Coach playing with honour and integrity?  I don't think so.  Coach says a part of him wants to play the game with Ozzy but he knows he's in too good a spot with his original alliance to mess with it now. (Come on!)
-Albert, Sophie, Coach - they feel if they can just win the next challenge they'll be good.  Coach thinks it's his game to lose now - in his mind every single one of them wants to take him to the end with them (that just means they all think they can beat you.)

-Impossible Challenge - with one hand they will steady a balancing board (holding a suspended rope handle) meanwhile, with the other hand they will have to build a house of cards with wooden tiles on the balanced board... (I said pardon?)  The first person to build a stack high enough to reach the finish mark (which was pretty high) wins immunity.
-Off they go, Jeff asks if anybody does this for fun - Sophie says she does, she has a book on how to make them.  Ozzy, Coach and Sophie are the three in the challenge - Sophie runs out of tiles, she's built the structure too solid and it flusters her.  She has to rip it down and start over.  Coach then loses his - it topples.  Ozzy is in the lead but he runs out of tiles too so he has to take it apart and rebuild.  Sophie is leading and some of hers fall - she orders Albert to drop his d*mn stack and come pick up her pieces.  He doesn't want to, he's finally got something going - and Jeff intervenes, says this is an individual challenge and they cannot help each other. (Good for Albert because she was going full dragon lady on him.)  Jeff, "You want Ozzy out of this game - beat him."
-It goes back and forth a bit more but in the end it's down to Ozzy and Coach and OZZY wins Immunity - Again. (and no one is happy - except Ozzy.)

Te Tuna - Day 37
-Ozzy loooves this - he's been waiting for so long for these people to have to turn on each other and now he gets to be the facilitator in that - he's looking for ways to pit them against each other and he's going to end up looking like the good guy.
-Coach talking to Albert and they're thinking Rick - Coach says Rick is in the best spot to win (huh?), he's a hard worker, everyone likes his stories... (there have been stories?  The guy is silent, we didn't get any stories.)
-Ozzy talking to Albert, he says he thinks it should be Sophie - reminds him of her bossy pants ways at the challenge, yelling at him to help her - Ozzy thinks she's pretentious and a threat at challenges.
Albert sees his point, Sophie is smart and will be articulate in front of the jury, she may be tougher to be than a Rick.
-Rick is trying to talk Coach and Coach is trying to get away from him - when asked what he's going to do, probably throw a vote someone else's way. What's Sophie going to do, "I think she's turned on you man." (Wow, way to throw her under the bus, not cool bro.)  Rick thinks Sophie has thrown him under the bus (lots of bus throwing here... love it) so Rick wants to vote her - Coach says he'd vote Sophie - trust me man.  Coach is not a good liar - but Rick has his number - he says he's pretty good at skirting the truth, like a lawyer (ha! Burn.)
-Albert goes and tries to sell Ozzy on Rick ... Noo, Ozzy tells him now is the time to vote out Sophie.  "Coach gave me his word as a Christian man that he wants to take me to the final 3, so you know he's going to vote for you next." This gets Albert's head spinning - it is plausible given Coach's past play that he would want to take the 'best' player to the end (meaning Ozzy).
-Albert goes and tells Coach he needs to talk to him about the stuff Ozzy said Coach denies it - says he can't wait to vote him out. Albert doesn't know what to believe.

Ozzy had to win or he would be gone.  Yup.
Coach wore the hidden immunity idol around his neck - it is the last night he can play it - he says he'd be foolish not to play it.
Albert - why keep you? - He thinks he's more likely to be able to beat Ozzy for immunity.
Sophie - by that standard, do you think you could beat Ozzy? - Yes, I've won more immunity challenges than Rick, Albert and Coach ('struth.)
Rick - why keep you? - 90% chance Ozzy will win immunity again tomorrow and it's not likely I'd be able to beat him - so he argues for Ozzy to keep him so Ozzy will win. "That's all I got."
Sophie, how do you counter Rick's argument to Ozzy?
- The goal right now is to get rid of Ozzy and if Rick's not the man to do it, there's no point having him around next time (ouch, don't sugar coat it for him - Ha! love it.)
Coach, why is it you don't want Ozzy to move on instead of one of the others?
-Goes back to the beginning where we made a bond with each other (Brandon thinks that's rich) at the end of the day we're still a family and I think that's very special (Whatever.)
Ozzy pipes up - We talked, if you want to air it out - you said you'd take me to the end.
Coach - go ahead air it out
Ozzy - you said we'd go to the end...
Sophie - pipes in - I don't think it matters anymore who's loyal to whom - I want Ozzy out because he's shown no respect for me from day one... (huh? Why prevaricate now - just say, he'd win if he made it to the end... not, I don't like him because he never flirted with me.)
Ozzy - I think you act like a spoiled brat out here.
Sophie - Yeah, how?
Ozzy - all my information is coming from people filtering through Redemption Island and they say all you do all day is sleep and hang out, you don't do anything else.  I did like you at the beginning but then I hear you saying I'm such an arrogant bleep.  You don't know me either.
Sophie - whatever.
But you know Jeff won't just let it go - Sophie, why are you so frustrated with Ozzy saying things behind your back when you've done the same thing?
Sophie - I guess it's because it was such a personal attack from Ozzy ... it was hurtful.
Jeff  Barbara Walter's her - keeps pushing about no one ever calling her character into question in the real world and she breaks down (Oh no - don't be a girl ... yup, she's crying.  Look, sometimes you can't help it, I'm a girl, I get it.  But really, when you're the last girl standing on Survivor, the waterworks definitely works against you.)
Do you think this could be an opportunity to thicken your skin?
Coming out there she thought she was tough but if anything she thinks she's losing skin not toughening it.
Jeff says part of what's happening is it's 37 days in to a game that is tough on the psyche and people may be saying things just to get under your skin. (Oh, Jeff is trying to make her feel better.)
Sophie says the fact that it wasn't just coming from Ozzy and thinking that she was coming off as a selfish, spoiled b*tch makes her regret coming.  (And there, she succeeded in turning it around and making everyone feel bad for her - Dawn is crying, Brandon wants to hug her... brava, she made it work for her.)  Jeff even gives her a chance to shake it off and make another statement to not read too much into it but she still haltingly says she's good, let's vote...

Time to Vote:
Rick votes for Sophie - says she's the only shot he has.
Ozzy votes Sofie - I didn't mean to make you cry but I still think it.

Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol - nope - Coach doesn't play it (of course not.)
-Rick - 1
-Sophie - 1
-Rick - 2
-Sophie - 2
-RICK is the next person voted out and when Coach stands up to hug him or shake his hand or whatever false show of compassion he wanted to make - Rick was having none of it - "Sit back down."
-Rick says all Coach's talk of honesty and integrity - Oh, don't be that way - Sit back down, don't spit on my back and tell me it's raining.  I wish I had made a bigger move but I was just blinded thinking Coach would play it true to his word.  Ozzy's got my vote.
-And with Rick joining the jury - Kim/Gail, Ritch Gallager and Tobi Matilda are out of the money.

Te Tuna - Day 38
-Ozzy is so close - he can taste it - Plan A - win, Plan B - Win.  He's getting himself coconuts and there is no sharing.  Sophie is just annoyed that he's even there.
-Coach takes Ozzy aside and says he feels betrayed by Ozzy because when he told him he wanted to go to the end with Ozzy he also told him not to tell anyone (OMG, this is how you are justifying this to yourself - just shaking my head.) He says he feels like he showed Ozzy respect and in return he was stabbed in the back.
-Ozzy says he's been screwed so many times in this game that he doesn't trust anyone - goes on about caring for someone and then being stabbed in the back and this time he has been so guarded, he didn't feel like he could trust Coach.
-When Coach heard how Ozzy had been hurt by the game, by the people he'd played the game with his heart broke for him (I feel you, man - they hurt me too...)
-They bonded over their past hurts and say they'd will still like to go to the end together (but I don't think either one really means it).  Coach asks him who he wants gone tomorrow, "Sophie right?"  and Ozzy says he'd actually like to see Albert and Sophie make fire  (so have them tie and have to compete to stay) Coach says he really likes that idea and they man hug.
-This is it the final challenge and Ozzy says he's going to give it everything he has for a million $.

They have to race through a giant flower shaped obstacle course to retrieve 5 bags of puzzle pieces.  Once they have all the pieces they have to fit the flower shaped puzzle pieces on their board in the correct places - First one to complete the puzzle - wins immunity.
-Off they go and it's a toughie... net, tunnel, rope bridge, swings... Ozzy is doing better than the rest on the obstacle course but they're all working hard.  Ozzy is working on the puzzle by the time Coach and Sophie come back with their last bags... Albert is the last one back.  They are all working on the puzzle now and Sophie is the first one to fit a piece of the puzzle - Jeff announcing that seems to make Ozzy panic, he starts looking over at her and she's up to three pieces placed before he finds his first... Ozzy is up to three but Sophie just starts knocking it out and SOPHIE! Wins final immunity.
-Ozzy knows that's it - "So close, yet so far away."  He seems pretty zen about it, sad but not broken.

Te Tuna - Day 38
Ozzy - teary eyed - stupid puzzle.  I'm not going to give up, Coach gave me his word but...
We hear whooping from the other three and Coach says he relinquishes the title of Dragon Slayer - to Sophie... "From moment one, Ozzy was the dragon and you fricken slayed him..." (give her the jacket too, that would be awesome - she should start doing her hair like him too.)
-Sophie says there could very well be a tie tonight, she know she and Albert are voting for Ozzy but Coach and Ozzy's relationship has been behind closed doors - she's hopes he votes Ozzy because she doesn't think she'd have a chance with the jury against Ozzy.
-Coach and Ozzy talk and Ozzy says he's at peace - but appealing to his sense of the dramatic he asks that Coach let him build fire against Albert.  Coach says he's battling against his word but feels Ozzy betrayed him.  Ozzy says didn't your good friend Albert betray you? Which is worse him or me... Coach says to the camera that he considers Ozzy a warrior and he's always wanted a warrior battle to the end.  Ozzy is arguing that this would be a warrior battle (Pitting Ozzy against Prince Albert? I don't think so.)  Coach is struggling with another anguishing decision, why can't it be easy (oh come on, it is easy - he is the enemy - destroy him!)

Sophie feels amazing that she was able to pull out immunity today.
Ozzy - it was a million dollar puzzle - it didn't work out and I gotta let it go.  But it's going to nag at me for the rest of my life, I guarantee you that.
Coach says it's heartbreaking to see Ozzy's position, and to know how it feels.
Ozzy says it's no secret that Coach and he talked about it being an epic battle between the two returning survivors and if Coach is a man of his word there is an easy way to figure out who is deserving.
Coach, what's he talking about?
-Tying up the vote so there is a fire making challenge.
Blah, blah, blah - honour, playing with the strongest... but Albert and Sophie are also very strong, what makes Ozzy different is he came back (twice) - that's the dilemma.
Albert, how do you feel about building fire against Ozzy?
-It's like, I can drive but will I win an auto race against Jeff Gordon?  I don't think I fair very well (wow, honesty from Albert, how refreshing.)  Albert says he's keeping his faith in Coach and doesn't think he'll turn his back on him at this point.... but I could be wrong. (They are playing this up so much but really, you'd have to be a fricken idiot to want to keep Ozzy in it to the end, come on!)

Time to Vote:
Albert votes Ozzy
Ozzy votes Albert
Sophie votes Ozzy and says "With this, I am the new Dragon Slayer." (bah.)

Tallying the votes:
Ozzy - 1
Alberto - 1
Ozzy - 2, 3  - And Ozzy is the final member of the jury.  He gets a smattering of applause from the jury - Good bye Survivor. 
-Ozzy loved the applause - he played the best social game he could with some mis-steps that sent him to Redemption but it is what it is, que cera, cera.  (So deep).  And with Ozzy out, Brittany/Sarah, Laura Heroux and Krista Huppert are out of the money.

Te Tuna - Day 39
They get food!  They eat - Sophie and Coach think Albert is lucky to be there - she hopes to make Albert look squirrely at tribal and they say they have nothing bad to say about each other. Sophie says after her break down at tribal, she wants to keep her composure and stay focused in front of the jury.  Albert asks Sophie if there is anything specific they should say about Coach - she says she doesn't want to throw anyone under the bus (that one's getting a lot of play this looong episode) but if Coach starts coming off the king of kings, might as well give it a try. 
-Albert to the camera - he truly thinks he played the best game so that will give him the confidence to stay sharp and not be back on his heels - (he really is delusional).
-Coach is doing Tai Chi - blah blah - first time he dubbed himself the dragon slayer, second time he became the dragon and left too early - this time he is the phoenix rising from the ashes. He wants to have a happy ending - rise from the ashes and become the true victor in this game.
Then they set the camp on fire but they don't do the walk of remembrance - Thank you sweet baby Jebus!

Ozzy has his hair in two braids... He looks like a little girl with a moustache!  Hahaha.
Opening statements:
Albert: Honored, privileged and humbled to be in this position.  What I love about this adventure is it's a social experiment and the best part was the people I was able to meet and I think a higher power brought us all together.  So thank you guys for playing and I look forward to all your questions... blah blah blah - Politician Albert wasn't winning favour with the jury there.

Sophie: Cut to the chase - it's about out wit, out last, out play - Out playing, I held my own in challenges and I won individual immunity 3 times - when it came to outwitting: Strategic part I did well - I made a 5 person alliance from the very beginning and my strategy revolved around that. Second part was the social game and it became apparent I wasn't always good at that - but I'm not a used car salesman - I came out here and I was myself, I tried to be as honest as possible so I think I fulfilled the requirements.

Coach: Wow, I can't believe I'm here.  Redemption Island was built for someone like Ozzy and Coach is kind of a character.  I had an uphill battle coming into this game - the first time I played it was with arrogance and self-righteousness but I tried to do something different his game I tried to lead with compassion, love, appreciation and respect and I don't think you get that from other leaders (painted himself the leader there).  Instead of fitting you into my journey, I looked at everyone around me - when you open yourself to others, you receive it tenfold (that sounds dirty) I feel blessed to have gotten a piece of each and every one of you (oh, I'm going to leave that one alone. Haha)

First one up from the jury is...

Ozzy: He teases us with an, "Are you ready for this?" (Susan Hawk award?)
I have good news and bad news for you guys - the good news, this game isn't decided - bad news - no one wants to vote for you.  Sophie, I still think you're a pretentious brat, in my opinion, but luckily you can change.  Albert, you just happened to be in the right place at the right time and you didn't do anything amazing in my opinion. So Coach, I have to give you credit as the veteran for getting to the end but we all know your talk of honour was a load of crap or it would be you and I sitting up there so, did you play like you said or did you not?
-Yeah, I tried to play this game with honour but I came to all these cross roads in this game where I had to compromise my word and I know I hurt people but I kept saying like you, this is my third and final time and I want to get to the end - so I played this game honourably but there were definitely times I was dishonourable. (Everyone's patting Brandon through this speech - whatever, Lil Hantz can take it.)
And Ozzy's done - no Susan Hawk - little boring.

Jim: Albert, why should the two people beside not win- and seriously, if you start with a compliment, that will lose my vote.
-Albert laughs and says, "I love this question, I love your approach to the game." (He really can't help himself... oh Albert.) Ozzy full on laughs in his face.
-Albert continues anyway - he says Coach wasn't the leader from the beginning, he was carried to this point by Albert and Sophie, he had a target on his back and they brought him deeper in the game.
Sophie - she didn't play a social game, Albert made truer connections with the people there than Sophie did or Coach did. (Really?)

Dawn: Her question is for Sophie: Why did you make the alliance with Coach and Albert specifically early on?
-Coming into this game she wished she was a man because guys seemed to be able to get two young girls follow them to the end and that's not something she could do but she saw Coach, trying to redeem himself in the game as the equivalent of a young girl (that was a jolt to him) - he said your loyalty is worth more than a million dollars, I want to come out of this game restoring who I am and that is not someone who is going to write my name down.  And with Albert, he was really into strategy and I liked the idea of aligning myself with someone who could talk strategy but as the game went on our relationship disintegrated to the point where I was going to vote him out for sure and Coach and I became more on the same page.  The reason he's still here is he gave me a better chance of staying in the game than keeping in Rick.

Rick: Here we go: Coach, you said you tried to play with honour and dignity then you looked me right in the eye and said we're men of honour - You have anything to say to me at all?
-Yeah, I apologize. (What? No rambling - huh, maybe he means it.) Rick, "You stuck me right in the back."
Albert - the night you took that immunity necklace from Brandon and you used the God-thing on him, that was a bunch of bull.  Sophie....
Albert, "Can I comment on that?"
Rick, "No."
Albert, "But..can I..."
Rick, "NO."
Albert, "okay."
Rick - Sophie, you lied the whole way, what's your name worth - is it worth lying and cheating.
Sophie: No, my name's worth a lot and I did try to only lie when I felt it was justified to get to the end - the one person she felt the most bad about lying to was Rick. That's the only thing she feels ashamed of in this game. 
Rick: You lived with me for 37 days, you know how I feel about liars.  I have nothing else to say to them guys.

Brandon: Mr Coach - you said as a man of God you would never vote me out of this game. Anything to say to me?
-I want to thank you for raising the bar, you raised all of our standard higher in the name of Jesus Christ (Rick is rubbing his eyes - enough Jebus already) it was an honour to play with you.  I honestly think you should be here (but you went and gave your immunity necklace to Albert, dumbass) I know that you feel hurt and I want to make it up to you. (Dawn didn't buy that.)
Brandon says he forgives him.
Albert - how do you feel about using God to get to the final 3?  I never once used God in this game - I would do anything BUT compromise my personal relationship with God - this game brought him closer to his walk with God...
Brandon cuts him off - quick question: Did you know I was going home?
Albert: Meh - ah - oo
Brandon: Yes or No
Albert: Well...
Brandon: Yes or NO? Anymore and you'll screw yourself.
Albert: I didn't know you were going home.
Brandon: That's it.

Whitney: Albert, you are sleazy - little sleazy. (He's not liking the turn this has taken for him) I feel you butter people up and I don't feel like you ever had any intention of making the big move against your alliance.
Coach - I feel like you used Christianity to manipulate your whole tribe and put fear into them really.
Sophie - the reason I feel it hard to write your name down for a million dollars is that you are the most condescending person I've ever met and you took zero time trying to get to know anyone really.
Sophie: That's just part of who I am, I am just really hard to get to know - I've very blunt and I'm intimidating but I think it's just part of how I come off and after hearing all this feed back it's not as good a call as I thought it was - it's a weakness.

Edna: We're all here to play Survivor, everyone knows that.  And an inherent ingredient is manipulation.  We're all going to be manipulated and are going to be doing some manipulating.  What is the most used type of manipulation, religion.  So we shouldn't all be sitting here feeling duped, we all willingly came here to be duped and we shouldn't hold any hard feeling from these people duping us cause, we signed up for this.  (Way to go Edna, I like her way more now.)  These people did it successfully. Congratulations.

Keith: (He's probably thinking, oh great, anything I say now is going to sound like sour grapes.)
Of course I say Congratulations - my question is to Coach - about the individual immunity idol, you didn't play it at all.  Were you going to use it individually or for the team?
-I did think it was a tribe idol and the one time I would have played it was at the tribe merge when it was 6-6 - we did discuss that - if Cochran hasn't turned who would we have voted out...
Sophie says, "Can I just clear something up about the idol?" (Please do) - The idol was not found like you thought it was found - Albert found the clue then we distracted the tribe while Coach found the idol - we originally thought we'd keep it between the three of us at this point Brandon was hunting for an idol that wasn't there anymore (and the kid is shocked again) and so we staged a discovery of the idol.

Cochran: Such a fan of Coach, you stroked my ego and called me Hercules - you tricked me, you got me - I loved that - what I don't appreciate is the talk of honour - you use it so much it has no meaning anymore so I was wondering if you'd share your strategy but don't talk about honour.
-I came into this game wanting to do all the right things and when you try to please everybody you do all the wrong things.  I tried and I fell short and I stabbed a lot of you in the back and I'm sorry that I did what I did (Oh no! You never apologize - you made it to the end, they didn't - there's no, "I'm sorry" in Survivor).  I knew it was my third and final time and it became a convoluted mess - now everybody hates me and it's a complete mess (what are you doing?) I'm a terrible strategist, I'm just not that kind of person - In my real life, I'm not devious...
Sophie, "Blame me, I was the strategist." Albert tries to grab some of that..."Well, Sophie & I, we were.." (And Coach shot himself in the foot, in both feet... while they were in his mouth.  That takes talent.)

Okay - that's it - they now have to vote for who they want to win:  And I'm just going to cut to the chase - it's been a really long night and I just want to go to bed:

Cochran votes for Coach - he tells him he played a great game and he has nothing to apologize for.
Dawn votes for Sophie

Tallying the votes back in the studio where everyone is fat and wearing lots of make up:
Coach - 1
Sophie - 1
Coach - 2
Sophie - 2
Coach - 3
Sophie - 3, 4, 5 - HOLY COW!  SOPHIE wins Survivor South Pacific.  I would never have picked her to win - Congratulations: Annemette J, Tori K and Gillian H - you are the winners of the Pool!
I will contact you guys separately to get you your winnings :)
-Ozzy won the fan favourite and made some long rambling speech about how he is a role model for the children to not be afraid of nature and the children, the children (yeah, it was a little weird.)
-Brandon's family is not happy about how he played the game and of course they had Russell in the audience to basically say Brandon did everything wrong and why would he want to undo any of the great things Russell did in the game... Jeff floated the idea that the next season should be Russell v/s Brandon to which I said, "NOOOO!"  Please do not ever bring Russell back.

Next season will be Survivor One World.  There will be two tribes but they will be living together on the same island, some place... that could be interesting.  So, next season starts in February - I'll let you know ;)

This was a pretty good season - I hope you all enjoyed it and Have a great Holiday Season.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Survivor South Pacific - Dec 14th Episode Recap

Then There Were Five

So, last week they voted out Edna leaving the original Upolu alliance of five as the final five... now what?

Te Tuna - Night 32
Returning from Tribal Council there is celebration - they did what they said they'd do - and Coach says they proved you can go at it with honour, loyalty and integrity (uh huh.)  And of course they pray.
-Coach says the real game begins tonight - now the loyalty is gone and the alliances within the alliance will come out...  Albert and Sophie are speculating what will happen when/if Ozzy comes back and as Sophie walks away, Albert says to the camera, "She has no idea she's next." (Seriously?  They are going to take the silent guy and the loose cannon to the end aren't they... that blows.)

Te Tuna - Day 33
Albert thinks he's the shit.  He had planned on going to the end with Coach and Sophie but she's too intelligent, well spoken and has won immunity twice - so now he's thinking he's better off going to the end with Rick (even though he doesn't particularly like him) he's done nothing.  Albert sees himself as the rogue in the middle of the cult leader and the blind follower and he thinks he's done the most to garner jury votes and win the million dollars.

Redemption Island - DUEL
Ozzy & Edna will race to complete a slide puzzle to release a hatchet - take the hatchet and cut a rope releasing a suspended bag of puzzle cubes - then they must stack the puzzle cubes so there are no duplicate colours on any one side - first person to complete the puzzle correctly stays alive - loser is out and the 6th member of the jury.
-Off they go and Ozzy is the first one to get the hatchet out - he releases his cubes and gets started on the next puzzle and Edna still hasn't gotten the hatchet out - Albert starts to help her from the sidelines and she gets the hatchet.  Ozzy has been working on the puzzle for a while in silence - once Edna starts working the puzzle Sophie and Albert are helping her... does Edna have it... no way... oh, 2 reds. No.
-Ozzy does complete the puzzle first and he stays alive - again!
-And with Edna leaving - Nancy C, Mike L, and Roxanne S are officially out of the pool as well.
-He still goes back to Redemption Island though and Jeff tells him to await his next duel... hmm, when does he come back?

Te Tuna - Day 33
-Albert says he doesn't really care a thing about honour & integrity in this game.  Brandon is talking to him and is convinced that they are the final three with Coach.  Albert has fostered that to keep Brandon in line.  Albert tells Brandon it's his intention to vote Sophie out next.
-Sophie talking to Coach and she is going on about Ozzy coming back and he being the last contact with each jury member - in the Ozzy pleasure dome (I don't know what she thinks is happening at Redemption Island) and she wants to vote Brandon to Redemption next so the two most dangerous players have to face off (since when has Brandon been considered dangerous?  Physically? I guess.)
-Sophie thinks since the merge Brandon has turned over a new leaf and he's been the most loyal, godly man out there and she thinks he'll get votes.  They pull Rick over and ask if he's okay with Brandon next - of course he is, the guy will do whatever you ask or tell him to...
-Now Albert goes to Coach and pleads his case that Sophie is a bigger threat than Brandon and Coach is disheartened with the scrambling.  He knows that Albert wants to get rid of Sophie because she is smarter than him and that's threatening to him (of course it is - I'm just impressed that Coach doesn't seem to be fazed by it) Coach is the clearest he's ever been out there and he tries to explain to Albert that Brandon would win with the Jury when Brandon walks over and they have to cover that they were just talking about how the jury works.
-Brandon says he's a little nervous with their conversation and Coach takes offense sees this as Brandon trying to bully them after his shot of Hantz from daddy and Coach is having none of it - tells him not to be like Russell (he totally over-reacted.)
-Brandon says that really hurt his feelings.
-Coach says sorry but any flashes of Russell freak him out.
-Brandon wants to hug it out so Coach lumbers out of the hammock and they hug (Albert is trying to look invisible) but Coach tells the camera that the apple never falls far from the tree and his experience with Brandon's Dad last week basically sealed Brandon's fate.

-They must climb a massive wall which is on an inclined angle using a rope to pull themselves up - along the way they must collect 5 bags of puzzle pieces tied on the rope - after collecting each bag they must come down, drop it off and go back up - once they have all 5 bags they must match up the puzzle tiles in matching pairs - 3 tiles will have no match - on the back of those pieces are numbers of a combination to the box at the top of the wall - once they have the combination, they must climb back up the wall, open the box and release their flag  - first person to do that, wins immunity.  (Whew, get that?) - In addition, the winner also wins reward of pizza, soda and garlic bread, delivered to the winner at camp (to lord it over everyone - nice.)
-It's Brandon and Rick leading on the wall - Coach isn't far behind them, then it's Sophie and Albert is out of this thing - he's struggling like crazy on the wall. 
-Rick is not doing well on the matching - Brandon and Coach are making matches pretty quickly - Brandon is the first with the numbers heading back up the wall - Coach gets the numbers but as he's climbing the wall - Brandon opens his box and Wins Immunity! "Thank you Jesus!"
-Brandon is allowed to choose one person to share in his reward and only one person.  He says his dad told him to play with his heart and if he was being strategic he'd pick someone else but the heart wants the Cowboy (I don't know how to quit you) and we see the biggest reaction from Rick ever in the game when he hoots and throws his hat in the air.
-Angry Coach whispering to the camera, "I believe in divine intervention and Brandon saved himself today.  I'm at peace with that (he doesn't look it) I'm pissed (yeah, that's the look) but I'm at peace with it."

Te Tuna - Day 35
-Pizza Delivery on a Jet Ski! I bet Jeff is jealous it's not him delivering it.
-Sophie says the worst case scenario played out with Brandon winning immunity and she and Coach are thinking Albert goes tonight.  He's been getting on their nerves.  He's been sneaky and he thinks he's the most strategic player ever - more and more she's thinking he needs to go home tonight.
-Albert comes and joins Coach and Sophie and she says she's going to go smell the pizza - this is a big red flag to Albert - he's sure she's planning a coup and coming after him.
-She does exactly what he thinks she's going to do - she tells Rick and Brandon that she's planning to vote for Albert.  Rick tells them that Albert reaffirmed, "It's me and you to the end" with him yesterday.  This flabbergasts Brandon, "Whaa?"  Rick doesn't believe a word Albert says and Sophie agrees he's the sneakiest one out there.
-Brandon is telling the camera he doesn't know if he can believe Albert anymore (really?) he's got to go talk to Albert.  So of course he does, tells him what Rick said...and Albert tells Brandon he's never turned his back on him, he's never promised final 3 to anyone else.
-Brandon quotes scripture about sins being shouted from the rooftops and wanting to get to the bottom of things brings Rick and Sophie over - then Albert backpedals that he never said anything to Rick and the quiet one goes off - BullShbeep!  And Albert starts to tap dance.  He's calling Rick a liar but Rick calls him on it - you threw me under the bus (gotta love the staples) with Dawn & Whitney trying to get me out... Brandon, Are you calling him a liar?  Sputter, sputter- no wait, let me explain...
-Sophie is sitting back and just watching the wheels come off Albert's game and she's loovvviinngg it!  Now instead of a nice little blindside, he'll go out looking even more pathetic than he's looked this whole game.
-And it continued for quite a while, the three of them bombarding him and Albert tapping for all he was worth.
-To the camera, Albert still believes, if he can draw Brandon back over with him, he'll be right back where he needs to be (but I detected a thickening in the voice like he knows he's in trouble - or could just be dry throat from all the arguing.)
-Damage control begins - Albert is working on Brandon, Do you think I liked hearing Rick calls me a princess, why would I want to take that to the end with me?  Brandon's chiseling wood (why, I don't know) and not really engaging Albert so he takes another tack... "Just don't close your heart to me man." (Oh, he chooses his words wisely - Dad said to play with his heart...) Brandon says he loves Albert, he's my friend and who am I not to forgive him. (O M G so easily manipulated...) and Albert is relentless, he just keeps following Brandon and yapping his ear off until Brandon says, I'm not voting you - I just made up my mind.  And they pray.  (Are you kidding me!?)
-Brandon says he sees inside of Albert and strongly believes he deserves to be here.  He tells him if he has to, he'll give him his immunity necklace (well, then hopefully Brandon will be out.)
-But, of course, Brandon has to go talk to Coach first.  He tells him by now you know God talks to me (I'm frightened) and I hope you accept this... I would never do anything that would hurt you or me in this game and I hope we make it to the end, with Albert here.  I'll give him my immunity necklace if I have to (then he piles on the guilt/bully) but I know you would never vote against me or do anything for vote anyway if you knew I was going home (and they have heavy music playing... oh man) Coach is not looking happy - then Brandon pulls out, "This is the pinnacle of why we're out here - forgiveness - if we can't forgive our brother, God cannot forgive us. (Well, Coach could vote him out then and Brandon would forgive him... go with that, Coach.)
-Coach wanted everything to be simple and it was with Albert imploding but now Brandon's brought in forgiveness and the immunity necklace - Coach tells Brandon he understands Brandon believes voting for Sophie is what God wants him to do but Coach says he's got to pray about it and will do what God wants Coach to do (You know, I don't think God really cares one way or the other - why don't you stop hiding behind the big man and take responsibility for your own decisions here... I know, I'm preaching to the choir :)
-Coach prayed and a name came to him over and over again, and the best quote ever, "My soul has never breathed as it does in this moment."  (The scary thing is, he is deadly serious, the true believer is the most dangerous thing.)

So, the long awaited tribal with only the 5 left and look at you Brandon, you have immunity, very powerful spot for you.
-I want to give my immunity necklace up. (Dawn's eyes bout popped right out of her head - Rick and Coach both close their eyes pained and Jeff is surprised but game...)
-Brandon ceremonially takes off the necklace and puts it around Albert's neck - they hug. (Gag me.)
(The jury is surprised and confused [Dawn] but Cochran looks excited and no one else seems to care too much)
-Brandon says he's stated at tribal in the past that he would honour his commitments and give up his place for them - he's started something and he's going to finish it.
So, I'm assuming you made an alliance with Albert and said if it came down to it you'd lay on the sword for him.
Brandon-  Yes, sir.
Coach is shaking his head - He says to set the record straight, Brandon was going to vote for Albert but he prayed on it and believes God told him to give Albert the necklace (no, Albert manipulated him and got him to think that)
(The jury seems to have the same feeling as I do - enough with the God wants me to do this crap.)
Brandon, you look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.
-Brandon gets choked up and says he's prayed with Albert and knew if he didn't give him the necklace he'd be going to Redemption.  It's hard to explain because... then he tells us about his gang past and everyone thought he was crazy because he would literally step in front of a bullet for his 'friends' but then they would leave him hanging. (And you didn't learn from that?)
Do you think that could be happening tonight?
I don't think so - I consider [Coach and Albert] to be my best friends. We have a very strong connection because of Christ inside of them. I was drawn to them.  (Whitney looks like she feels sorry for him - Like my husband said - I don't think the little Hantz is a smarty)
Albert, what's your take on this?
Then Albert spins some shit about there being a bigger reason why he was there.  He felt a deeper connection when he bonded with Brandon and Coach than the superficial bonds with a Rick or a Sophie.  (Sophie rolls her eyes to the jury - like are you really buying this?)
So Albert, would you do the same thing that Brandon just did for you?  Take the necklace off and put it around his neck? (Are you kidding me - no way.)
- If I really believed he was in trouble, I would. (I'm calling bullsh*t)
Sophie, do you believe Albert?
-She hesitates (just say no!) then says, "I don't know what to believe from Albert anymore." (He rolls his eyes now) - she's says he's been sneaky so she's not relying on blind faith with Albert anymore.  She has connections of her own with people out there.
Rick, so you were eating pizza, having a good time...
-It was a good life until the bomb hit, then it was like a pack of wolves turning on each other.  Lays it out that it's between the three without immunity because Coach has the hidden idol (no shocker there) "So, I was really curious to see if Albert would give back the necklace when he knew Brandon was in trouble." (Albert does not like that coming up again because it will prove he is not the great guy he's trying to pretend to be.)
So Brandon, I'm sensing you're not as secure as you thought. (Albert is really not happy with how this is going now...)
-Yes, sir.  I believe that tonight might be my night.
Is there any part of you that would expect Albert to give that back now?
-Shaking his head, "It's up to him." (I think he knows his goose is cooked!)
How's that feel Albert?  That's a lot of pressure. (Oh Jeff, you just have to turn the screws)
-It is a lot of pressure but I hope Brandon is comfortable with me, Coach and him and knows he can make a move like this and go untouched. (Wow, he certainly is a piece of work this guy.) Honestly, I don't think he's going home tonight so I'm not going to give him the necklace back. (And now he's shifted the blame to Coach if Brandon goes - slippery little devil.)
(Rick nods his head, Albert just proved his duplicitousness to him at least.)
Coach, somehow you got involved in this.
-I did, but I don't mind the responsibility - I got down on my knees in the sand and I prayed that God give me an answer on what I should do tonight.  Everything is as it was meant to be and I am at complete peace. (Sophie heavy sighed - I know, all this false piety is wearing on me too.)
Brandon, are you at peace?
No, sir.  Coach is going to do what God wants him to do and if God wants him to vote me out, I believe he would. (So now the blame is on God and they all win... I guess?)

Time to Vote:
Rick votes Brandon - Dumb move.
Brandon votes Sophie
Albert votes Soyfie(?)
Sophie votes Brandon
And it's down to Coach (and God)...

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays the hidden immunity idol.
Brandon -1
Sophie - 1
Brandon - 2
Sophie - 2
And the person voted out is BRANDON! Coach whispers in his ear, "It's God's will, go win redemption."  (I'm so over the God talk - but I'm loving that Albert looks like an idiot.)

Jeff tells us that the winner of the next duel between Ozzy and Brandon will re-enter the game then the 5 of them will duke it out to the end... Which airs on Sunday.

Next time: Ozzy's end game is clear: Plan A - win, Plan B - win.
Everyone elses is a little murky: Coach is not happy with Albert and there's no redemption left for him.

Brandon says there will be a lot of criticism for what he did but he doesn't care, you weren't out there for 35 days with these people (essentially - you don't know you weren't there!)  He tells Ozzy he gave up immunity to Albert, "This game wasn't made for me, bro."

Have a great weekend everyone - don't forget the epic finale is this SUNDAY, Dec 18th.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Amazing Race Finale Recap - Dec 11/11

Go Out and Get It Done (Atlanta, Ga)

Our final 3 teams are: Jeremy & Sandy (the dating and bickering couple), Cindy & Ernie (the control freak and her minion) and Marcus & Amani (the comeback kids, throwing a Hail Mary pass on the 4th down at the Super Bowl ;)

12:04am - Jeremy & Sandy are the first team to get the clue to fly to Atlanta, Ga - Sandy says "Oh no, this sucks."  Once they touch down they must make their way to FlightSafety International to get their next clue.  (I still don't know why Atlanta sucks.)  Oh, Marcus & Amani live in Atlanta, Cindy & Ernie have experience there and Jeremy & Sandy have never been - I get it now.

12:05am - Cindy & Ernie are the next to leave and Cindy is also disheartened that Marcus & Amani are going to have such an advantage since they're heading to their hometown.  They've seen the race as the best pre-marital counseling (and they've done pretty well I think.)

12:06am - Amani & Marcus are squealing happy to be heading to Atlanta!  Amani, "So excited. We've made a lot of comebacks to be here."  Marcus, "Now it's on to the Super Bowl... with home field advantage." (hahaha, now I just laugh at every football reference - if it was a drinking game we'd all be sloshed every Sunday night.)

They are all on the same flight, leaving at 8:30am.  Game is on!

Once they land it is a sprint to the taxis - Jeremy & Sandy are the first team to get a taxi that will take them without the address - he has GPS.  He gets on his phone and Sandy tells him not to tell the other drivers (yeah, especially after last leg, that killed my beloved snowboarders... but I'm not bitter.)
-Amani & Marcus asked a guy in the airport who looked up the address for them and they hop in a cab.
-Ernie & Cindy get a driver to let them in the cab and she asks to borrow his phone so she can look up where to go.

-They all arrive at FlightSafety one after the other.  Route Info - they will take to the skies in a Learjet flight simulator, having to land successfully from a simulated 2500ft - once they've completed the task to the instructors satisfaction, they'll receive their next clue.
-Jeremy & Sandy are the first team heading into the simulator and, true to form, Sandy starts complaining that she's going to get motion sick, blah, blah, blah - (Really? Could you start off positive just once?)  Jeremy is excited to be the pilot.  Sandy, "I'm going to throw up."
-Marcus & Amani are getting in their simulator right after them - How real does this look? Marcus is not very excited, he's never liked flying.  Amani is also wishing she took a motion sickness pill.
-Ernie & Cindy are the last team to arrive and head in.  Ernie is flying and Cindy tells him to get it right the first time. (He's been told.)

They are all "flying" - and the co-pilot's job is to maintain air speed - Cindy was so focused on making sure Ernie was doing everything right, she let them slow down to the point they fell out of the sky - FAIL!  And it was her fault (ha!)
-Marcus & Amani come in for their landing, it's a little hard and then he veered off the runway (I was yelling - Whoooaaa!  Where are you going?)
-Jeremy & Sandy nailed it on the first try. (Huh, and she didn't throw up - go figure.)  They get the next clue - Find the former residence known as The Dump - apparently the former residence of Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone With the Wind.

-Jeremy & Sandy get back to their cab and realize they were the first one's out and they're pumped.  Their driver doesn't know what "the Dump" is so they are going to go to a main street and ask somebody (mobile shout out - for you Cash Cab watchers.)

-Meanwhile back in the simulators - Marcus has asked for taxi instructions before they have landed - which is wrong - so they failed their second attempt.  Marcus, "Third times the charm." 
-Ernie successfully lands their 2nd attempt and they get the clue to head for "The Dump."  In the cab Cindy asks to use the cabbie's phone.

-Marcus' third attempt to land and when he hits the ground they go veering off again... (This is why I can never play driving games, I'm forever driving off course... but I've never played for a million dollars before.)  4th attempt and there is no-nonsense happening now - but the same result. Fail.

-Jeremy & Sandy are told 'the Dump' is the old Home Depot store...(Uh, no.)
-Cindy finds out from someone she calls that it's Margaret Mitchell's house and their driver knows it - they are off in the right direction.
-The teams in the cabs are going on about how nerve wracking this is.  Sandy is going to have to go on Prilosec when she gets home (that's a heartburn drug - and she could have a future as a pharmaceutical rep)
-Cindy & Ernie say losing to either of the other two teams would be like being an A student and losing to a C+ student (yeah, that was Cindy.)  He says it would have been one thing losing to the boys but this would be like losing to your brother... ??

-Back in the simulator - we are again veering off the runway.

-Jeremy & Sandy get to the former Home Depot... it is now a huge store called The Dump.  They walk inside and Jeremy is going, "former residence known as the dump... former RESIDENCE?"  They ask a guy working there if it's the former residence and he says it still is the Dump.  So they start running through the place looking for a clue box.  Sandy, "Are we idiots and in the wrong spot." (YES)  Jeremy, "I don't know." (I do.)

-Ernie & Cindy arrive at Margaret Mitchell's house & museum - a woman in period costume is sitting right outside and hand them the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Who gives a damn?
-Working with an old fashioned typewriter in the same room where Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone With the Wind - teams must type out their next clue.  They will soon discover there is no key for the number one and will have to use the lowercase L in it's place.  When Colonel Sanders (he said the Southern Gentleman, but come on, the tie.. it's the Colonel) believes it is typed to perfection, they'll receive their next clue.
-They have to decide who's going to do the task before they open it so Ernie says he gives a damn - and they find out it's typing and are pissed!  She's a way faster typist (did you expect a physical challenge at the old time-y author's house?)  He's not very fast.

-Marcus is still in the grass - and nearly punches a hole through the roof of the simulator.
-Jeremy & Sandy finally decide to ask someone else what the former residence known as the dump is and borrow a customer's smart phone.
-Cindy is still lamenting her decision not to step up and do the task and Ernie is looking for white out... not a good sign.

-Jeremy finds out they need to go to Margaret Mitchell's house - they take off.
-Ernie has gotten to the part where he needs to type a '1' - and he's stumped.  He tries the 'i' - not good.  He decides to look at the typeface on the actual striking arms of the typewriting looking for something that looks like a '1' and it was the lower case 'L'.  He completes the task and can leave with the clue he just typed - but the clue is just numbers: 44-715-74.
They have to figure out this is Hank Aaron's number - his record of 715 home runs in 1974 - is commemorated on the outside of Turner Field, this is where they'll find their next clue.
-Cindy gets on the cab driver's phone again and calls information? maybe - they can't figure out what the numbers are - they head to the nearest hotel.

-Jeremy & Sandy have arrived at Margaret Mitchell's house and Jeremy volunteers Sandy to give a damn... he's at least aware enough that this would be a thinking challenge - it's all her.  She's getting paper in the typewriter but she's Sandy about using the thing (this is so old, I don't know... I just want to smack her.)

-Ernie & Cindy get to a hotel and the guy at the front desk let's them come around and use Google on his computer "Just this one time."  (Dude, it's going to be on TV, hopefully your boss isn't watching.)

-Sandy has gotten to the "1" and doesn't know what to do.

-Marcus has finally landed them successfully.  He said once he stopped thinking about the rest of the race and took a deep breath - he knocked it out.  That was a pass in the end zone that he dropped. (Drink!)  They don't know what the former residence known as the Dump is.
In the cab he's beating himself up - he got to the Super bowl and he couldn't complete it - she says, "If you were in the end zone you'd still have been my target." (Oh no, now it's both of them - I'sh trying not to slur my typing. ;)

-Ernie & Cindy find out it's Hank Aaron's number and home run record - they ask the desk guy if there is a statue or memorial to him and they find out it's Turner Field.

-Sandy is staring at the typewriter willing a 1 to appear... but she figures it out and gets the Colonel's approval.  Back out in their cab, they want to Google the numbers.

-Ernie & Cindy get to Turner Field and find the clue box - Route Info: Huge map challenge.  One team member must get hooked up to ropes and suspended from the huge billboard of a map of the world.  The other team member will yell out directions and without using any notes, they must successfully map their Race around the world on the billboard/map. (Yikes.)
-Cindy is the one going up in the harness. "Holy Bananas."  They have to plot their course with red ropes hooked through caribeeners.  She's doing well

-Marcus & Amani get to Margaret Mitchell's house and Amani says he gives a damn - so Marcus' is typing and not happy about it.  Where's the one?

-Jeremy & Sandy ask at a hotel what the numbers are and are told to head to Turner Field.

-Cindy is flying through the mapping - it helps to have a grasp of geography - she has to pull the rope a couple times to make sure she has enough slack to make it home to the USA ... but really, this was no challenge for her - they get the final clue - to make their way to Swan House - Go Go GO!
-Jeremy & Sandy arrive at Turner Field and Jeremy is heading up onto the flag.  She's doing a lot of directing and they've missed Indonesia...

-Ernie & Cindy are really happy their cab driver has GPS... and then he misses a turn and they're in GPS hell - re-calculating...

-Jeremy & Sandy get a thumbs down and realize they missed Indonesia... he puts it in and they are given the clue to the finish line.  Go Go GO!

Both these teams are driving to the finish... and they cut it so we don't know until...

CINDY & ERNIE run through the gates - They are the winners of the Amazing Race!
-They want to start an organization to multiply the million and help out those in need and stimulate the global economy (that was very vague and sweeping... good luck with that.)
-Ernie says his family is probably passed out and Cindy says her parents would say, "I knew you'd win."  Her parents have an expectation that she be the best and hopefully they've proven that they are the best together. (Tiger parents drama.)  The Race was the best pre-marital counseling imaginable - they are very happy to have each other. (Awww.)

So, with Cindy & Ernie winning the Amazing Race, we have Miranne D, Andria S, Kelvin H and Fred/Gary Moderow taking home the grand prize from out pools as well.  Congratulations everyone.

-Jeremy & Sandy came in second - this race has done a lot for them as a couple - they have learned how to communicate with each other much better than some couples ever will learn to - it's created a bond they'll have forever.

-Marcus & Amani were third - Phil asks Marcus to promise to never become a pilot.  He says there is no chance of him ever getting in the cockpit of a plane again.  Amani said she had to be patient for both of them during that challenge.  She's never seen him punch anything like that before, he doesn't have a temper like that - and she warns her 4 children that if she ever sees them punching any doors like that - it's on! (I felt that, "Yes, mom.")  Their message to their kids is: Don't quit.  As long as you don't quit, you always win. (That's nice.)  And the final word from Marcus, "Amani is the best team mate to have, she's tougher than any quarterback I've ever had." And with that I drink to you all!

Have a great week and for those of you I won't see before hand - A very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Survivor South Pacific - Dec 7th Episode Recap

Ticking Time Bomb

Brief recap reminds us of Brandon's spilling their obvious plans to vote Cochran then Edna and emphasizes that his alliance was none too happy with him.

Redemption Island - Night 30
-Cochran joins Ozzy in the shelter and Ozzy asks him if he learned his lesson.  Cochran says he's humiliated that he drank the Kool Aid and the other tribe just payed him lip service.  Ozzy says he can get back at them by voting for Ozzy at the end and this insults Cochran even more, he's assuming Cochran's going to be out after their duel (Duh!).  He also won't commit to voting for Ozzy or Coach (Ozzy's showing his usual finesse when dealing with people I see.)   Ozzy says he'll vote for Cochran if he makes it to the end.
-Cochran - Do you think I have a chance of beating you in a duel?
-Ozzy - There's... a... chance...
-Ozzy [to the camera] - He really doesn't stand a chance. (Hahaha, that was brilliant editing.)

Te Tuna - Day 31
-They all look dirty and beat - Brandon wants to gather the tribe for a morning prayer and Edna says, "I'm going to go since I'm not part of this tribe." And she goes and cries off by herself.
-Coach is pissed and Brandon prays, "Father God, we thank you for Edna, please soften her heart, Father God." (And it reminded me of Talledega Nights - Will Ferrill's Ricky Bobby always praying to Little Baby Jesus - for Brandon it's Father God.)
-Edna is melting down to Coach that she's being treated like a second class citizen and a 19 yr old high school drop out is dictating her fate out there - Coach just says it's not true - their tribe was six and now that they are down to six... (exactly, someone's got to go - and really lady, you've known for quite some time you were sixth, don't try the waterworks now.)

-Brandon comes yelling into camp that they got Sprint tree mail - and now it's time for everyone to cry as they watch their videos from home. (Damn crying episode.)
-At least they didn't pretend their loved ones aren't there this time - we see Rick's wife first and she says, "I'm here on this South Pacific Island... Let's hurry home." (Are they going to have to eat something gross? - I hate that.)
-Edna's sister - blah, blah, blah... and Edna's tears seem fake now - I think she's cried out.
-Sophie's Dad - he didn't think she'd make it this far (gee, thanks Dad.)
-Albert's Mom - I'm here on the island - you're a winner to me. (aw)
-Coach's Brother - OMG! He actually had a family member come this time - wasn't it his "assistant Coach" last time?  And they look and sound alike - Coach with short hair, looks waay better.
-Brandon's Dad - Loves him and misses him and "no one can ever take your place" (What?) And Brandon comes undone... (ho boy, methinks there is some family drama there.)  Tells him to just follow his heart (oh he's been doing that alright.)

Redemption Island - DUEL
-First Jeff retrieves the Sprint phone from Edna and then tells them there is a twist to the duel, but he'll tell them about it afterward (does the winner get a message from home?)

-The Duel: use grappling hooks to retrieve 3 bags containing balls.  Once they retrieve all 3 bags they will use one ball to solve a table maze (labyrinth/tilting maze) - first one to get it right stays - the loser is OUT FOR GOOD.
-And it's all Ozzy, he gets all bags and Cochran can't get more than one without help.  Ozzy is onto the table maze.  Cochran gets all the balls as Ozzy is almost done the maze - Cochran takes off quickly in the maze and makes up time - then Ozzy drops his ball right at the end.  They go back and forth, both dropping the balls a couple times - the both come down to the last inch and Cochran almost makes it... but it is OZZY winning the duel again. 
-Cochran makes a gushy - I Love Survivor, this was the best thing I've ever done in my life... sniffle - Jeff latches onto the tears and then gives him a life pep talk - that he made one of the boldest moves ever and he is a different man now (they are all encouraging of him now - but he's so eager, it would be like kicking a puppy to just throw him out on his ear I guess.)
And with Cochran leaving; Janine S, Lindsay J and Andria S are out of the pool.

Jeff tells Ozzy he now has a decision to make that will impact the six people sitting there but before he tells him what it is, let's see what's at stake - and he parades out the loved ones (Sophie's Dad's name is Thurston... and he's on a desert island... Come on, call her 'Lovey') and we see the most personality out of Rick we've ever seen when he grabs his wife's butt (haha) - Brandon's Dad is Russell's brother (I can't help but wonder if Russell is disgusted by the amount of crying his relatives are doing on TV.)
-So now, Jeff tells Ozzy, he gets to decide which person gets to spend time with their loved one (oh, man!  That's evil.)  To curry favour with the 'leaders' Ozzy chooses first Albert, then he gets to choose another and he chooses Coach and one final person - Brandon.  So Rick, Sophie and Edna are SOL.  That really sucks - I'm sure Ozzy's "Sorry guys" won't be buying him their votes.
-The loved ones visit is all going to happen on Redemption Island - so Ozzy has to play host to these chuckle heads as well... I feel sorry for Albert's Mom.

Redemption Island - Day 31
-Product placement - they are all taking pictures with the phone.
-Coach, is playing the game and wants to take this opportunity to talk to Ozzy (not his brother) - Coach gives him his word as a Christian man, that the final 3 will be Coach, Ozzy and one other person (yeah...) Coach tells the camera that giving his word as a Christian Man is an irrevocable promise (oh sweet Jebus) He sees them as two noble warriors duking it out.  Ozzy is in (of course.)

-Brandon is talking to his Dad and his Dad does not like what he's hearing.  Brandon says spit on the million dollars I'm an example for God... Dad wants his to bring home the dough!  He says he's got to play to win, that's the Hantz way - get yourself into the final 3 and then leave it up to God.
-Dad starts to try to play for Brandon, he goes and talks to Coach - says he's glad he came cause Brandon doesn't look to be holding it together very well - "At this point, who are you going to take to the final 3?"  Coach vacillates, it's the 5 right now... Dad says, "I'm going to tell him to do whatever you tell him to do, period. (Sound familiar?) "So it's in your hands."
-Coach tells the camera, Brandon's Dad comes out here and tries to bully me into a final 3 with Brandon - he smiles and goes along but Brandon is a ticking time bomb - where the ticking is the clock counting down his time in the game. (Yep, Dad did more harm than good right there.)

-They are on a huge puzzle board shaped and painted like a pineapple.  They will have to move around the board, one piece at a time, flipping over the pieces as they go.  Once a piece has been flipped, they can never step back onto it - once you're out of moves, you're out of the challenge.  Last person left standing, wins Immunity.
-Off they go - Albert is the first one out - Brandon follows him and Jeff overhears him talking to Albert about his strategy to make sure a 'certain person' doesn't win immunity.  Edna says you can use my name like you do - and she's teary again - Oh yeah, she's working it, trying to make them all feel like heels for treating her this way (ha!)
-Rick is the next out and it looks like Coach is poised to win this one - he's got the most open real estate - Sophie and then Edna (who makes another comment about them having to realize it's not a team game anymore) is taken out - and Coach wins Immunity.   Edna whispers to Coach to help a sister out.
-Brandon says his in his truthfulness he's stuck his big stinky foot in his mouth but let her paint him as the bad guy - as long as his alliance stays strong he's not worried. (Ah, but your mouth and you're Dad's 'visit' may have damaged it more than you know... or that's what the producers want us to think anyway.)

Te Tuna - Day 32
-Returning from the challenge - Sophie was put off by Brandon's bullying attitude to Edna.
-Rick was also not happy with him kicking her like a trusting dog.  That's not right.
-Brandon makes an apology to Edna but he really doesn't see what he did wrong - he thinks it was fine because he didn't want to use her name.  She tells him using her name would have been more respectful but he did hurt her by unnecessarily pointing out he was trying to get her out (again.)
-She very politely doesn't accept his apology (I'd tell him to f right off, but then I'd be gone by now anyway :) she says it was very insincere - like beating your wife and buying her a necklace to make it all better.
-Sophie also notices that Brandon seems to think an apology absolves him of all his sins but this isn't Church.  Survivor is not as forgiving as the big JC is.
-Edna pleads her case to Coach, Albert & Sophie but yammering on like an annoying yapping dog - we preach honour, integrity, honour, integrity - juxtapose his behaviour in the last 32 days with mine (yip, yip, yip... sometimes, less is more.)  But she did make an impression on Coach.  He thinks her argument to stay was served up to them like a perfect slow pitch strike and all they need to do is hit it out of the park.
-Edna then sits down with Coach one on one - He doesn't want to send Brandon to Redemption Island with the possibility of him coming back in the game.  She says she has to ask - "would you play your idol for me?"  Coach says pretty much - NO WAY!  He says if he gives her the hidden immunity idol, he blows the trust the rest of the tribe has for him and he will be the next one voted out.  He won't commit but tells her to go to Albert and Sophie, tell them Coach said everything is cool and see how they vote. (Really?  That's it?  Yup, he's totally hung her out to dry.)
-Edna does try, reeking of desperation she asks Albert & Sophie if they would even consider voting for Brandon with her - and she guarantees Coach is 100% with her - She'll eat a piece of his stool, that's how sure she is (gross... and you went too far.  I'm saying b-bye to Edna.)

Edna, based on the challenge today, it's obvious you're the person in the hot seat tonight.  Who did you target to go home instead of you?
-I've tried to target Brandon.  Our Upolu mantra has been... what is it again Coach?
Coach -Uh... honour, loyalty, integrity (that made the jury all look disgusted and confused)
Edna: And his actions deviate farthest from our mantra.  She throws out his early lie to Christine and Stacey trying to get Mikayla out and his singling her out today as trying to keep her from winning.
Brandon, how does this make you feel hearing this?
-It's alright, I don't really have anything negative to say about Edna, she's misconstrued a bunch of things...
I remember the first tribal, and the lie - you admitted it.
-And everyone here knows that, including the jury.  I feel like she's just taking shots at me and I don't mind being her punching bag today but I don't think she should take shots at my character, I've been pretty open with everything. (Cochran seems to agree)
So, would it hurt your feelings if you were voted out tonight?
-Absolutely, I've never had a negative thing to say about Edna even though she's been running around, planting seeds about me.
Edna - first of all, I wasn't planting seeds, I didn't make anything up, all those things did happen.
Sophie, take me through the difficulties of this, now that you're down to a group of people you've been with for 32 days.
-We've said we're a family, there's all this loyalty but as Savaii keeps reminding us it's got to end soon and today looks to be the day.
(Edna is playing to the jury - eye rolling, blah blah blahing - you're not coming off sympathetic here lady.)
Albert, where do you sit on this?
-Well, it gets difficult when you get to this point because a lot of people contributed to get us to this point (Cochran rolls his eyes) but we're making a decision between how this game's played out and promises that were made early on.  (Edna looks shaken now and desperately looks at Coach, who will not meet her eyes - oh yeah - bye annoying little fly.)

Time to Vote:
Brandon votes for Edna
Edna votes for Brandon - says he's not doing a very good job cleansing his family name.

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays the hidden immunity idol
Edna - 1
Brandon - 1
Edna - 2, 3, 4 - Coach hugs her... whatever.  Off she goes to Redemption Island, sniveling.

Next week: The alliance of five looks to be at each others throats and Edna may defeat Ozzy in a brain puzzle duel (No Way!  That would be awesome.)

Edna's final thought: she’s disappointed in Coach writing her name down – his constant fear of looking like he’s betrayed the tribe has made her feel betrayed by him.
Edna gets to Redemption Island and scares Ozzy awake - she sits with him and says, so, what do you want to know? (Spill it!)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
I've tried to look up when the Finale will air but it hasn't been announced yet - it's usually before Christmas but I don't know - only leaves a couple shows...


Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Amazing Race - Dec 4th Episode Recap

We Are Charlie Chaplin (Panama City, Panama)

Last week we saw the elimination of the nicest couple ever on the Race (in my opinion) with Bill & Cathi coming in last at the Atomium in Brussels, Belgium.  While the other teams got to bed down in round balls inside the Atomium, the Snowboarders, Tommy & Andy, got to go on-line and customize their prizes - two brand new Ford Mustangs.  They were also the first team to start out this leg at 3:46am... Andy has the clue and Tommy has a big box - the clue tells them to put on the costumes in the box and dress as famous comic strip characters - it's Tintin (new movie coming out soon) wow, major product/endorsement placement and we're only 5 minutes in... one of the downsides of PVR, advertisements are now just integrated into the shows (I get it, but I don't like it.)  I've never read Tintin, apparently it's Belgian.  They dress as detectives (who do look like Charlie Chaplin) known by specific names - they have to figure out what their names are, then find the mural in the picture given and tell Tin Tin (there is actually a guy dressed like Tintin) who they are, to get their next clue.
-So, 4am in the streets of Brussels and the Snowboarders are not having any luck figuring out who they are - lots of young people, not recognizing them.  One guy says they look like Charlie Chaplin and they run with that... uh oh.

-4:20am - Jeremy & Sandy are the next out - she's surprised they've made it that far after some of the horrible legs they've run - but now they want to make it to top 3.  In the costume she asks him if he likes her as a man and he says she's a damn hot man... uh, that sounded weird (yeah, it did.)

-Tommy & Andy have found an Internet cafe and are searching Charlie Chaplin (noooo!) They find Tin Tin but Tommy's stuck on the Chaplin thing.

-4:35am Ernie & Cindy have set out now - she's hung up on the fact that they often lead the whole leg but screw up and lose the lead at the end.
-They show Jeremy & Sandy get the correct info from some guys at a sidewalk cafe - they tell them they're from Tintin, where the mural is and that they are detectives named Jonson & Johnson.
-Ernie & Cindy have similar luck from a guy on the street - he at least tells them they're from Tintin and another guy says they are Dupond & Dupont.
-Andy & Tommy know where they're going, looking for Tintin but Andy is not being the brains, he's letting Tommy go with the Chaplin thing... (OH COME ON!)

-4:40am - Marcus & Amani head out - football metaphor - they are going to the Super Bowl!  They find the same guys at the sidewalk cafe and find out who they are.

-Sandy & Jeremy are the first team to Tintin - they tell him they are detectives named Jonson & Johnson and they get the next clue to fly to Panama City, Panama.  They must take the train to Amsterdam then fly 4Kmi across the Atlantic to Panama - once they land they must take a boat up the river to Parara Puru to receive their next clue.
-Cindy & Ernie are the next team to Tintin - they tell him they are detectives named Dupont & Dupond and they get the clue as well.  Tommy & Andy get there at the same time and are denied because they are stupid. (Not to put to fine a point on it.) They take off to check the Internet again to find out who they are.
-Marcus & Amani make it to Tintin and they know they are Johnson & Jonson and get the clue.
-Back at the Internet cafe - Snowboarders find out they are Thompson & Thomson and head back to Tintin - and get the clue.

-Everyone is on the same train - still dressed like the detectives - and heading to Amsterdam.  They all know that they can't make any mistakes but Marcus sees the boys screw up with the characters as a hopeful sign that they are not infallible and can be beaten (when you are on the third down and... ha, I'm just kidding - but I am surprised he didn't use a football analogy there.)

-They arrive in Panama and it's a race out of the airport.  The Snowboarders are the first team to the taxis and they get a very enthusiastic driver - Whee! Panama! Pa-na-ma!
-Sandy & Jeremy are next and there is not humour with these two - all business - Rapido!
-Ernie & Cindy are 3rd - also all business but more polite.
-Marcus & Amani are 4th and he shows her a magic rock that a guy in the airport gave him to give to Tommy & Andy for bad luck... but he forgot to give it to them... So he can't hold on to it anymore - out the window with the bad luck charm.

-Andy & Tommy are the first to arrive at the boat area but Sandy & Jeremy were right behind them and were able to get in a boat first so these two are neck and neck - riding up the river in the dark.  Luckily the boats are piloted by locals.
-Ernie & Cindy and Marcus & Amani get to the boats and they head out on the river as well.  They can't see anything in the dark and hope the captain can... then we see Jeremy & Sandy are stuck on a sandbar - and the Snowboarders pass them.  Jeremy, "Are you kidding me right now?"  He gets out to try and help get them afloat again.

-Andy & Tommy are the first team to arrive at the village of Parara Puru and the first team to sign up for a TATTOO! the next morning at 7:00am (What?  Oh, all the villagers have black line tattoos all over them, this should be fun!)  They are excited, this is so rad!
-Jeremy & Sandy are 2nd at 7:20am, Marcus & Amani 7:40am and Ernie & Cindy at 7:40am.
-They all get to sleep in hammocks under mosquito netting in the village that night.

-7:00am - Tattoo time!  Andy & Tommy weren't sure if they were going to be real or not but they were up for it anyway.  The ladies start painting... the next clue on their forearms - sending them to the San Francisco Bay towers in Panama City.   So back in the boat down the river they go.
-It's almost like the other three teams against Tommy & Andy at this point - Marcus is pep talking them all - we know what we're doing, we've got this. (Win this one for the Gipper!)

-Back in taxis they are heading for the San Francisco Bay towers.  Andy & Tommy are the first there and they get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - One team member must get up the nerve to walk a tightrope 35 storeys up from one tower to another - collect a clue then walk to tightrope back to carry on (NOT IT!)
-Andy gets to do this one.. yes, he is pumped!
-Sandy on the other hand, has to do it for them - she's scared of heights - that should be fun.
-They get geared up on a chain harness - there is no chance they are falling with that thing - and Andy basically runs across - "It's mellow" (dude)
-Sandy is having babies just watching and Andy starts messing with her as she's crossing - "Look at the view"  She makes it across no problem - but I don't think Andy won them any points with that team.

-The Snowboarders read the clue and it's a bit of a riddle - they have to figure out that they need to go to a statue of Ferdinand De Lesseps to find their next clue.  Their cab driver says he knows it.

-Cindy & Ernie get to the Roadblock and she has to do it - same goes for Marcus & Amani - both the guys have done the maximum 6 Roadblocks so Cindy & Amani have to do this one.  Neither seems enthused.

-Jeremy & Sandy read the clue on the street and ask a local if he knows where they need to go - he says he does and tells their cab driver who confers with the other team's cab drivers as well - so Ernie & Cindy and Marcus & Amani's drivers will know where to go when they get done. (Sandy was not happy about that turn of events but what can you do?)

-Cindy starts across the tightrope and she's shaking like a leaf... (Huh, and I thought Sandy was the one afraid of heights... oh wait, no Sandy just likes to complain and be the center of attention, that's it.)

-Tommy & Andy get to the statue and get the clue to the DETOUR - Filet or Sole.
-In Filet - teams must go to the largest fish market in Panama and deliver specific amounts of assorted seafoods to different stalls throughout the market - once they've completed all their deliveries correctly, the fishmonger will give them their next clue. (Sounds really smelly)
-In Sole - they must make a pair of sandals working with a single piece of leather for the sole and straps - once the cobbler feels they have made the right fit, they will get the next clue. (Shoes, hello)
-Tommy & Andy are feeling Sole and head off to make some sandals.

-Meanwhile, 35 storeys up - Cindy has completed the walk and Amani completes it behind her - they both did NOT enjoy that task.
-Sandy & Jeremy get to the statue and want to make shoes but their cab driver doesn't know where they need to go.
-Cindy & Ernie also get the clue at the statue and head off for the shoe making place, passing Jeremy & Sandy (cab drivers play such a huge part in this Race, it's amazing.)
-Marcus & Amani are the only team to choose Filet and they head off to stink-town... but their driver takes them to the shoe maker - so all the teams are there and making sandals - Marcus & Amani say, no, we're not making shoes - take off (I would just do it instead of wasting time going to the fish market.  They think it will be too hard and stick with their instincts.  The cab driver coalition hurt them there.)

-Cindy has ripped the lace through one of the holes - has to start her sandal over.
-At the fish market - Amani gets an armload of fish and finally realizes, "We going to smell fishy." So they take an armload each and deliver to the first stand - I don't see why they didn't just grab the crate... I guess it would be too heavy.  This doesn't seem like the most efficient delivery method to me.

-Tommy & Andy finish their sandals and they are okay - the clue tells them to go to the Cathedral Square and check out some dancers to get the destination for the Pit Stop.  They have to figure out that the name of the place in in the pattern on one of the dancers dresses "Panama Viejo" - and it is depicted on their necklaces as well.  Off they go.

-Marcus & Amani are now running around with handfuls of squid (I gagged a little).
-Sandy is finding the sandal making really hard.  Ernie's is all messed up (and his guy has the ugliest feet - dude, what the hell?  Have you ever seen a third toe longer than the first two?  Now I have.)  There is some re-lacing going on with both these teams.
-Marcus thinks they had an advantage going to the fish market because no other teams were there - they could take whatever they had and go to where ever it was needed with no competition.

-Ernie & Cindy are done their sandals but first the guy gives Cindy's eager puppy praddling a 'talk to the hand' and then he rejects them.  One of the laces is all twisted up - Ernie adjusts.
-Jeremy & Sandy get theirs looked at and the guy just looks disgusted - No. (Hahaha, I like the cobbler guy.)
-Marcus & Amani are finishing off with huge handfuls of runny shrimp and they get the clue to head to the Cathedral Square - now in 2nd place.  (But I would want them to shower before getting in my cab... gah!)

-Andy & Tommy get to the dancing girls and are looking at their medallions - think they need to go to Balboa (which is their local money?) - they hop in a cab (which had like 20 pine tree air fresheners hanging from the rear view - were Marcus & Amani there already?  HA.) and they take off for Balboa... (Nooo, that's not it.)

-Ernie & Cindy and Sandy & Jeremy have all fixed their sandals and finally get the clue to head to the dancing girls.  Cindy tells their cab driver not to talk to the other one and they jockey back and forth through the streets.  Chill out guys.

-Marcus & Amani are at the dancing ladies and they don't know what to look for - Amani sees the Balboa on the necklace but she's not sure if that's right.  Marcus dabs the sweat on one of the dancers faces with his hat...( and now she's going to smell of fish all day - way to go.)

-Andy & Tommy's cab driver has taken them to the Panama Canal - yeah, this is where you want (stupid Americans - I bet he was thinking.)  They ask a guy working there if there is something to do with Balboa and he tells them there is a statue - so they jump in another cab to take them to the statue.

-Ernie & Cindy and Jeremy & Sandy sprint into the square and see Marcus & Amani just standing there - oh, I guess we didn't need to run.  None of them can figure out where they need to go.  No one has spotted the words in the Red ladies dress.

-Meanwhile Andy & Tommy have arrived at the statue... and the Pit Stop it isn't.  They are going back to the dancers and hoping everyone else missed it too.

-Ernie & Cindy look over the medallions and everything says Balboa - they figure that must be it and take off. 
-Jeremy sketched the picture of the building that was etched into one of the belts (that is it) and their cab driver knows where it is - they are the first team to be heading the right way.
-Marcus & Amani are still stumped.
-Ernie & Cindy's cab driver goes to tell Jeremy & Sandy's where they're going and they stop him - too bad, they could have found out the correct place.
-Marcus & Amani figure they can't hang out there all day, they have to make a decision and head out for the statue of Balboa.
-In the cabs, all the drivers are talking to each other on their cell phones - Jeremy & Sandy's driver is the only one with the right destination and he has shared it with the others... great.

-Andy & Tommy have arrived back at the dancers and they now notice the writing on the one girls skirt - they head off the Panama Viejo.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Jeremy & Sandy - won a trip to Turks & Caicos
2) Ernie & Cindy - they are so happy they secured a place in the finals
3) Marcus & Amani - total celebration that they all beat the boys! Marcus said it was like David & Goliath, they were all Davids to the Snowboarders Goliath. (Whatever. I'm starting to feel like a jinx with this pool - yeah, guess who had the snowboarders. Me.)
4) Andy & Tommy - **ELIMINATED** They take it well.  They had a great time travelling God's great earth together. (Even Phil said he thought for sure they'd be in the final 3 - ME TOO!)
So, along with myself; Charlotte W, Hannelore/Sue and Bernice R are out of the pools. (Dang It!)

Next week is the finale - they will be racing to the final pit stop in Atlanta, Georgia - there is typing and wall climbing - and lots of stressed out people riding in cabs ;)

Here's the people in the running for the Win:
Jeremy & Sandy: Shelly P, Lynne B, Steve H, Roxanne S
Ernie & Cindy: Miranne D, Andria S, Kelvin H, Fred/Gary M
Marcus & Amani: Susan N, Jeff T, Cara L, Shane B

Have a great week everyone.

(I am off to jury duty so I have missed people off the disty list - please forward if you know anyone missing the recap.  Thanks.)
