Too Close for Comfort
Last week Ometepe was out of Zapatera to sacrifice and they had to turn on one of their own - they made the easiest choice and blindsided Andrea who was on shaky ground ever since she cozied up with Matt at the beginning.
Murlonio - Night 32
-Ashley is crowing that she and Natalie are the last women standing. She says Tribal Council was kinda fun - she likes blindsiding people, seeing their reaction is the best - (and she has sealed her Survivor karmic fate right there.)
-Ashley does pull Natalie aside and says they have to have each other's backs - tell each other if there is talk of either one of them going. Natalie feels like she's in a bad position, she wants to stick with Rob.
-Rob asks Natalie what Ashley said to her and she tells him that Ashley thinks she and her are in it together - Rob coaches her to keep that going - but he doesn't trust Ashley. Rob's got the end of game paranoia coming on, he tells the camera he's thought Ashley was sneaky from the beginning (sure you have) and she may have to be the next to go.
Redemption Island - Night 32
-Andrea comes into camp and gets a chilly reception from Matt. He is obviously not happy to see her.
-Andrea tries to over-compensate, she hugs Mike and Ralph who are lying in the shelter and starts talking really fast - nervous talk - that she knows Matt hates her because he gives her dirty looks and she didn't have a choice after he was so wishy-washy and threw her under the bus in his confession of their plans to Rob.
-Matt is having none of it - "Sorry I ruined your Survivor game by throwing you under the bus." Wow, he is definitely not turning the other cheek - he obviously blames her and feels the most betrayed by her. I'm torn between understanding and wanting him to stop being such a pouty baby.
-Then Andrea asks if there is room in the shelter for another one and Ralph freezes her out - nope. She can sleep on the floor - this is payback. (Jeez, no love for Andrea at Redemption Island.)
Duel Arena - Day 33
-Matt, Mike, Ralph and a hang-dog looking Andrea line up in front of Jeff. She's looking rough and Jeff notices she looks upset. (Pretty, blond girl is not used to being treated like a pariah, especially by men - I bet it's been hard on her.)
-Andrea like, tells us how, like, she really trusted everyone and, like, they all, like, looked her in the eye and, like, lied to her. She gets all teary and you can tell it does bother the Ometepe watching (but I'm sure not that much.)
-They each have a long puzzle/maze table with a handle in it. They have to maneuver the handle down the table, through the maze to the end then take the handle and smash a tile revealing a bag of puzzle pieces. Then they must solve the puzzle (the pieces look like a smashed tile they have to put back together and it reads One Step Closer to Redemption) - first three people to complete the puzzle stay in the game - last person is out for good.
-Off they go - Ralph is the first one through - Andrea is trying too hard and getting kind of frantic and it hurts her - the three guys are the first through the maze but she is not far behind Matt - on they go to the puzzle. Ralph is not a puzzle guy - he's struggling. Mike is the first one done. Matt is next and Andrea also completes the puzzle. Man-Sweater is instructed to toss his buff in the urn and we'll see him at tribal council as a member of the jury.
So, with Ralph leaving that means - Chiquita, Tori K and Cara L are out of the pool.
-Rob wants Redemption Island to be over and done with so it's not a factor anymore -(this twist is not part of his plan. Don't they know that Rob is the king?)
Murlonio - Day 34
-Everyone's exhausted and starving - Grant and Rob want to eat but Ashley says if they eat 3 times a day the rice will only last to day 36. Phillip tries to inject reason, that not all of them are going to be there that long so they can have a cup - this just confuses her.
-The girls and Phillip go lie in the shelter and Grant says to Rob that the next immunity challenge they should get Ashley out - then Natalie will never turn (turn where? It's only you guys there). Rob agrees, he's already been thinking Ashley but he lets Grant think it's his idea (smart.)
-In the shelter Phillip tells the girls Grant's hungry because he's a big guy and if they want him to dominate they should let him eat (what? Why would they want him to dominate - it's individual immunity now - I think they're all loopy from lack of food. Oh, it's to beat whoever comes back from Redemption Island - I get it.) - Natalie and Ashley don't take too kindly to Phillip basically suggesting they should give up their food to the men - Natalie tells him to get lost and not talk to them in that tone (good for her - he is condescending and has always treated the girls as inferior - it would make me furious.)
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is crazy - not the N-word crazy - really crazy. Rob feels the girls are too close and they should be driving them apart but what does Phillip do, he picks on both of them and drives them together. Phillip, stop making so much work for me. (If we are to believe Phillip this is all an act, maybe Rob should have let him in on the plan and he could have been an ass to Ashley only... yeah, I don't believe it either.)
-Rob finds Natalie in the trees and asks if she's okay. She's scared and they want to get Phillip out. Ashley's worried they'll go for her. Rob says well we are going for her - Grant wants to get Ashley out but we'll see. Natalie doesn't like the idea but she doesn't object.
-Ashley sees them talking and she feels that Natalie relies on Rob too much - they all do. Ashley thinks Rob will vote one of the girls out in a heartbeat and knows she's going to have to make a power play.
-That night Ashley, talking to Rob and Natalie, broaches the idea of sending Grant to Redemption Island now so that he can take out Mike and then they won't have to worry about getting rid of both of them later. Rob says he'll think about it - but then he tells the camera that he's run the numbers weeks ago and it doesn't make sense - all it will do is buy Ashley more time and he doesn't want that.
-Rob goes and tells Grant Ashley's plan - and solidifies Grant's impression that Ashley is a snake. Grant is totally set on sending Ashley on her way now.
Day 35
-Ashley says she thinks Rob liked her idea about getting Grant out but if Grant wins immunity she thinks she could be the next to go. She totally trusts Natalie though and she'd tell her.
-Natalie tells Rob this is going to be really hard for her - Rob reassures her that he has her back to the end. Then he tells Natalie he doesn't like what Ashley is doing to her (oh, sneaky, planting the seeds of discontent) Rob tells the camera that Natalie is sweet and innocent and Ashley is corrupting her with her 'wisdom' (I think he has a romanticized view of our little Natalie.)
Immunity Challenge
They will use large fish hooks (like grappling hooks) to retrieve bags of puzzle pieces. Then they will use the puzzle pieces to construct a fish skeleton (the wooden pieces are like fish bones and there is a large fish head, spine and tail hanging up for each of them.) To make it more interesting - they will have to do the whole thing with one hand tied behind their back. First person to correctly construct the skeleton wins Immunity and reward - Survivor version of room service - a three course meal will be delivered to him/her at camp.
-Off they go - Grant is off to the early lead - the boys are doing better at this one. Natalie can't get it together. Ashley pores it on and ASHLEY wins immunity and reward. (Ha! Not that I like her - at all - but it does kind of tickle me when a wrench is thrown into the puppet master's plan.)
-Reward portion - Ashley is allowed to invite one person to join her for food - and she makes the obvious choice of Natalie. (Come on! Don't you want to eat with Phillip? Or try to get Grant to vote for Rob... I know, no one would do that but it could be fun to watch her try.)
Murlonio - Day 35
Rob - Days like today make me wish I'd stayed home. The one thing I didn't want to happen and all of a sudden, Ashley's a fricken genius. Talking to the camera Rob addresses Grant - tells him he never wanted it to play out this way - I consider you a friend but I didn't come out her to make friends (Oh, Reality Show staple line #2 this episode - I didn't come here to make friends. Love it.) Even though it breaks my heart bud, I have to vote your ass out tonight.
-Rob says as usual, when there's dirty work to be done he's the only one smart enough to do it. He confirms with Ashley and Natalie at the shelter, it's Grant - Done. Then he has to go to Phillip and spell it out - we're voting for Grant but I have to put on a show for him and make him think it's you - it's not you. Then he has to go back to the girls and confirm again it's Grant - then he has to go to Grant and say Natalie or Phillip and pretend to go with him - It's exhausting (being the king.)
-Grant thinks they're voting out Natalie - He looked Rob in the eye and believes he's with him. Then he celebrates the coming blindside (and seals his Survivor karmic fate.)
-Ashley and Natalie are making rice for the boys when their waiters show up - See ya boys - the girls go sit by themselves under the trees and feast on pizza, pasta, nachos... and chocolate cake... yum. They eat themselves sick though.
-Rob is worried that the girls are too close, like he and Amber or Andrea and Matt were at the beginning - a couple is a powerful force in the game and he wants to split them up.
-Ashley hopes the person from Redemption Island comes back in the game tomorrow and they can try to align with them.
-Natalie tells the camera she kinda wished Ashley hadn't picked her - she feels like she's in a sucky position - she goes and tells Rob that Ashley's really confident now and she's totally counting on me... but at the end of the day it's you and me (Natalie & Rob).
-Rob's thinking now that maybe he should listen to Grant and vote out Natalie while he has the chance and not run the risk that the girls will align with whoever comes back from Redemption Island. Rob knows it's his choice - One man should not have this much power in the game. (Uh, yeah.) "Luckily, I'm not an ordinary man."
Tribal Council
Ashley, 35 days in, it must feel good to have immunity around your neck.
-Honestly, I felt like if there was one day I needed to win, it was today. I feel good.
Grant, how badly did you need to win today?
-I think it was crucial. I am a threat in challenges and I'm a target.
Rob, you're vulnerable tonight.
-Yeah, I think the only thing I have going for me is that maybe Grant's a bigger threat than me. I hope.
Ashley, you win today and pick Natalie, the only other girl, to join you on the reward. Did you feel a reaction at camp when you were eating.
-I don't think it's a shock that Natalie and I are close...
Just you admitting that has bombs going off in Grant, Rob and Phillip's ears (I don't think she gets it.) Phillip do you believe that it means nothing that Ashley picked Natalie.
-None of us thought we'd be picked - we knew she'd pick Natalie - is it strategic - yeah, sure.
So Natalie, they may assume that you guys will vote together too.
-Yeah, they may look at me as the target to try to split us up - they may feel we're dangerous in the game.
Grant, only 5 of you left, 2 people have votes, it's huge.
-Yeah, but you come here with a solid group of people or maybe just 2 or 3 and you have to put faith that their word is their bond.
Rob, how much of tonight's vote goes in the category of person we vote off goes to Redemption.
-At this point you can't speculate anymore - we thought Redemption would be over already but it's still going.
Rob, few more days left in this game, what gets you through this?
-He stands up and shows the picture of his wife & daughter on his shirt - he loves Amber more than anything and she's sacrificed so much for him to keep coming out there trying to win - you get so close but there are still so many scenarios, it's still so far. At any moment you make one mistake and poof it's all gone. (Wow, that was a long speech for Rob at TC - keep it together man.)
Grant, how bout you?
-I think about my soon-to-be wife at home and I get choked up (oh, big man crying gets the ladies going) just knowing he has that beautiful spirit waiting for him back at home gets him through.
Rob, how big a vote tonight?
It's the biggest vote we've had so far. At this point everybody's on edge - I'm on edge.
Time to Vote:
Grant votes Natalie
Ashley votes Grant
Tallying the votes:
Natalie 1
Grant 1, 2, 3... that's enough - GRANT is voted out. He said he liked a blindside.... but I don't think he liked this one.
Redemption Island - Grant is very zen about it - obviously someone betrayed him, either Rob or Phillip but it is what it is - he's happy with how he played the game.
The boys are surprised to see Grant and Andrea is happy to finally see a friendly face (maybe.)
THE SEASON FINALE IS THIS SUNDAY - MAY 15TH - and there are still 8 people in the game - now is that going to work.? Can't wait to see how Redemption Island plays out.
Last week Ometepe was out of Zapatera to sacrifice and they had to turn on one of their own - they made the easiest choice and blindsided Andrea who was on shaky ground ever since she cozied up with Matt at the beginning.
Murlonio - Night 32
-Ashley is crowing that she and Natalie are the last women standing. She says Tribal Council was kinda fun - she likes blindsiding people, seeing their reaction is the best - (and she has sealed her Survivor karmic fate right there.)
-Ashley does pull Natalie aside and says they have to have each other's backs - tell each other if there is talk of either one of them going. Natalie feels like she's in a bad position, she wants to stick with Rob.
-Rob asks Natalie what Ashley said to her and she tells him that Ashley thinks she and her are in it together - Rob coaches her to keep that going - but he doesn't trust Ashley. Rob's got the end of game paranoia coming on, he tells the camera he's thought Ashley was sneaky from the beginning (sure you have) and she may have to be the next to go.
Redemption Island - Night 32
-Andrea comes into camp and gets a chilly reception from Matt. He is obviously not happy to see her.
-Andrea tries to over-compensate, she hugs Mike and Ralph who are lying in the shelter and starts talking really fast - nervous talk - that she knows Matt hates her because he gives her dirty looks and she didn't have a choice after he was so wishy-washy and threw her under the bus in his confession of their plans to Rob.
-Matt is having none of it - "Sorry I ruined your Survivor game by throwing you under the bus." Wow, he is definitely not turning the other cheek - he obviously blames her and feels the most betrayed by her. I'm torn between understanding and wanting him to stop being such a pouty baby.
-Then Andrea asks if there is room in the shelter for another one and Ralph freezes her out - nope. She can sleep on the floor - this is payback. (Jeez, no love for Andrea at Redemption Island.)
Duel Arena - Day 33
-Matt, Mike, Ralph and a hang-dog looking Andrea line up in front of Jeff. She's looking rough and Jeff notices she looks upset. (Pretty, blond girl is not used to being treated like a pariah, especially by men - I bet it's been hard on her.)
-Andrea like, tells us how, like, she really trusted everyone and, like, they all, like, looked her in the eye and, like, lied to her. She gets all teary and you can tell it does bother the Ometepe watching (but I'm sure not that much.)
-They each have a long puzzle/maze table with a handle in it. They have to maneuver the handle down the table, through the maze to the end then take the handle and smash a tile revealing a bag of puzzle pieces. Then they must solve the puzzle (the pieces look like a smashed tile they have to put back together and it reads One Step Closer to Redemption) - first three people to complete the puzzle stay in the game - last person is out for good.
-Off they go - Ralph is the first one through - Andrea is trying too hard and getting kind of frantic and it hurts her - the three guys are the first through the maze but she is not far behind Matt - on they go to the puzzle. Ralph is not a puzzle guy - he's struggling. Mike is the first one done. Matt is next and Andrea also completes the puzzle. Man-Sweater is instructed to toss his buff in the urn and we'll see him at tribal council as a member of the jury.
So, with Ralph leaving that means - Chiquita, Tori K and Cara L are out of the pool.
-Rob wants Redemption Island to be over and done with so it's not a factor anymore -(this twist is not part of his plan. Don't they know that Rob is the king?)
Murlonio - Day 34
-Everyone's exhausted and starving - Grant and Rob want to eat but Ashley says if they eat 3 times a day the rice will only last to day 36. Phillip tries to inject reason, that not all of them are going to be there that long so they can have a cup - this just confuses her.
-The girls and Phillip go lie in the shelter and Grant says to Rob that the next immunity challenge they should get Ashley out - then Natalie will never turn (turn where? It's only you guys there). Rob agrees, he's already been thinking Ashley but he lets Grant think it's his idea (smart.)
-In the shelter Phillip tells the girls Grant's hungry because he's a big guy and if they want him to dominate they should let him eat (what? Why would they want him to dominate - it's individual immunity now - I think they're all loopy from lack of food. Oh, it's to beat whoever comes back from Redemption Island - I get it.) - Natalie and Ashley don't take too kindly to Phillip basically suggesting they should give up their food to the men - Natalie tells him to get lost and not talk to them in that tone (good for her - he is condescending and has always treated the girls as inferior - it would make me furious.)
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is crazy - not the N-word crazy - really crazy. Rob feels the girls are too close and they should be driving them apart but what does Phillip do, he picks on both of them and drives them together. Phillip, stop making so much work for me. (If we are to believe Phillip this is all an act, maybe Rob should have let him in on the plan and he could have been an ass to Ashley only... yeah, I don't believe it either.)
-Rob finds Natalie in the trees and asks if she's okay. She's scared and they want to get Phillip out. Ashley's worried they'll go for her. Rob says well we are going for her - Grant wants to get Ashley out but we'll see. Natalie doesn't like the idea but she doesn't object.
-Ashley sees them talking and she feels that Natalie relies on Rob too much - they all do. Ashley thinks Rob will vote one of the girls out in a heartbeat and knows she's going to have to make a power play.
-That night Ashley, talking to Rob and Natalie, broaches the idea of sending Grant to Redemption Island now so that he can take out Mike and then they won't have to worry about getting rid of both of them later. Rob says he'll think about it - but then he tells the camera that he's run the numbers weeks ago and it doesn't make sense - all it will do is buy Ashley more time and he doesn't want that.
-Rob goes and tells Grant Ashley's plan - and solidifies Grant's impression that Ashley is a snake. Grant is totally set on sending Ashley on her way now.
Day 35
-Ashley says she thinks Rob liked her idea about getting Grant out but if Grant wins immunity she thinks she could be the next to go. She totally trusts Natalie though and she'd tell her.
-Natalie tells Rob this is going to be really hard for her - Rob reassures her that he has her back to the end. Then he tells Natalie he doesn't like what Ashley is doing to her (oh, sneaky, planting the seeds of discontent) Rob tells the camera that Natalie is sweet and innocent and Ashley is corrupting her with her 'wisdom' (I think he has a romanticized view of our little Natalie.)
Immunity Challenge
They will use large fish hooks (like grappling hooks) to retrieve bags of puzzle pieces. Then they will use the puzzle pieces to construct a fish skeleton (the wooden pieces are like fish bones and there is a large fish head, spine and tail hanging up for each of them.) To make it more interesting - they will have to do the whole thing with one hand tied behind their back. First person to correctly construct the skeleton wins Immunity and reward - Survivor version of room service - a three course meal will be delivered to him/her at camp.
-Off they go - Grant is off to the early lead - the boys are doing better at this one. Natalie can't get it together. Ashley pores it on and ASHLEY wins immunity and reward. (Ha! Not that I like her - at all - but it does kind of tickle me when a wrench is thrown into the puppet master's plan.)
-Reward portion - Ashley is allowed to invite one person to join her for food - and she makes the obvious choice of Natalie. (Come on! Don't you want to eat with Phillip? Or try to get Grant to vote for Rob... I know, no one would do that but it could be fun to watch her try.)
Murlonio - Day 35
Rob - Days like today make me wish I'd stayed home. The one thing I didn't want to happen and all of a sudden, Ashley's a fricken genius. Talking to the camera Rob addresses Grant - tells him he never wanted it to play out this way - I consider you a friend but I didn't come out her to make friends (Oh, Reality Show staple line #2 this episode - I didn't come here to make friends. Love it.) Even though it breaks my heart bud, I have to vote your ass out tonight.
-Rob says as usual, when there's dirty work to be done he's the only one smart enough to do it. He confirms with Ashley and Natalie at the shelter, it's Grant - Done. Then he has to go to Phillip and spell it out - we're voting for Grant but I have to put on a show for him and make him think it's you - it's not you. Then he has to go back to the girls and confirm again it's Grant - then he has to go to Grant and say Natalie or Phillip and pretend to go with him - It's exhausting (being the king.)
-Grant thinks they're voting out Natalie - He looked Rob in the eye and believes he's with him. Then he celebrates the coming blindside (and seals his Survivor karmic fate.)
-Ashley and Natalie are making rice for the boys when their waiters show up - See ya boys - the girls go sit by themselves under the trees and feast on pizza, pasta, nachos... and chocolate cake... yum. They eat themselves sick though.
-Rob is worried that the girls are too close, like he and Amber or Andrea and Matt were at the beginning - a couple is a powerful force in the game and he wants to split them up.
-Ashley hopes the person from Redemption Island comes back in the game tomorrow and they can try to align with them.
-Natalie tells the camera she kinda wished Ashley hadn't picked her - she feels like she's in a sucky position - she goes and tells Rob that Ashley's really confident now and she's totally counting on me... but at the end of the day it's you and me (Natalie & Rob).
-Rob's thinking now that maybe he should listen to Grant and vote out Natalie while he has the chance and not run the risk that the girls will align with whoever comes back from Redemption Island. Rob knows it's his choice - One man should not have this much power in the game. (Uh, yeah.) "Luckily, I'm not an ordinary man."
Tribal Council
Ashley, 35 days in, it must feel good to have immunity around your neck.
-Honestly, I felt like if there was one day I needed to win, it was today. I feel good.
Grant, how badly did you need to win today?
-I think it was crucial. I am a threat in challenges and I'm a target.
Rob, you're vulnerable tonight.
-Yeah, I think the only thing I have going for me is that maybe Grant's a bigger threat than me. I hope.
Ashley, you win today and pick Natalie, the only other girl, to join you on the reward. Did you feel a reaction at camp when you were eating.
-I don't think it's a shock that Natalie and I are close...
Just you admitting that has bombs going off in Grant, Rob and Phillip's ears (I don't think she gets it.) Phillip do you believe that it means nothing that Ashley picked Natalie.
-None of us thought we'd be picked - we knew she'd pick Natalie - is it strategic - yeah, sure.
So Natalie, they may assume that you guys will vote together too.
-Yeah, they may look at me as the target to try to split us up - they may feel we're dangerous in the game.
Grant, only 5 of you left, 2 people have votes, it's huge.
-Yeah, but you come here with a solid group of people or maybe just 2 or 3 and you have to put faith that their word is their bond.
Rob, how much of tonight's vote goes in the category of person we vote off goes to Redemption.
-At this point you can't speculate anymore - we thought Redemption would be over already but it's still going.
Rob, few more days left in this game, what gets you through this?
-He stands up and shows the picture of his wife & daughter on his shirt - he loves Amber more than anything and she's sacrificed so much for him to keep coming out there trying to win - you get so close but there are still so many scenarios, it's still so far. At any moment you make one mistake and poof it's all gone. (Wow, that was a long speech for Rob at TC - keep it together man.)
Grant, how bout you?
-I think about my soon-to-be wife at home and I get choked up (oh, big man crying gets the ladies going) just knowing he has that beautiful spirit waiting for him back at home gets him through.
Rob, how big a vote tonight?
It's the biggest vote we've had so far. At this point everybody's on edge - I'm on edge.
Time to Vote:
Grant votes Natalie
Ashley votes Grant
Tallying the votes:
Natalie 1
Grant 1, 2, 3... that's enough - GRANT is voted out. He said he liked a blindside.... but I don't think he liked this one.
Redemption Island - Grant is very zen about it - obviously someone betrayed him, either Rob or Phillip but it is what it is - he's happy with how he played the game.
The boys are surprised to see Grant and Andrea is happy to finally see a friendly face (maybe.)
THE SEASON FINALE IS THIS SUNDAY - MAY 15TH - and there are still 8 people in the game - now is that going to work.? Can't wait to see how Redemption Island plays out.
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