Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen (Switzerland)
6:54am - Zev & Justin are the first out and read the clue that they are heading into the unknown - Zev - well that's comforting. They have to go to the Air Rescue headquarters and sign up for one of the helicopters - they run through the snow (so it must be close-by) and they are the first team - first flight set to leave at 9:15am.
7:01am -Kisha & Jen are next out, they laugh about the $1 they have for this leg - they are really enjoying the Race more this time around, taking more time to actually experience it. Jen is excited about the helicopter ride, says maybe they'll be rescuing someone in the Alps. Kisha - ready to leave their asses there. They will be on the 9:15 flight.
8:00am - Kent & Vyxsin - say they are starting the legs happier now - she put on extra glitter today to match the snow (but I really don't care. I wish these two were gone - which probably means they'll win.)
They try to stop a little electric taxi but he won't stop for them.
8:18am - Gary & Mallory head out and get one of the taxi's - hoping they'll jump Kent & Vyxsin, looks like they did. They're taxi goes right by the Goths which frustrates Kent (ha ha - so sorry)
8:43am - The Globetrotters hope they can step it up and... I don't know, Big Easy used some basketball analogy... they want to win in the 4th quarter. They head out and grab a taxi no problem.
-Meanwhile Kent and Vyxsin are still waiting for their cab and he's stirring himself into a state - he just wants to punch someone - he's offended and she's sick and tired of him being so over reactionary - they finally get a cab. They do make it to the sign up before the Globetrotters - but they are after Gary & Mallory.
-Everyone is suited up and anxiously awaiting their helicopter adventure. Zev & Justin, as the first team signed up (everyone else will be staggered 5 minutes), get the clue to the DETOUR - Search or Rescue.
-In Search - teams will use an avalache beacon finder to locate a dummy buried somewhere in the glacier, then dig it up to receive their next clue (it's high altitude, cold and really windy.)
-In Rescue - using a specialized winch/pulley system one team member will rappel into a cravasse where they must attach the rescue line to the stranded dummy and the second team member will use the pulley system to bring their team member up, then they'll work together to rescue the dummy.
-Zev & Justin decide on Search and head out into the majestic wonder of the Alps - Zev finds it mindboggling that the Matterhorn was named after the Disneyland ride (Gaha.)
-Kisha & Jen are going to do Rescue - thinking Search could take hours - in the chopper Kisha's eyes look like they're about to pop out of her head - she is not enjoying this.
-Zev & Justin start searching with their beacon finder - it's beeping... let's dig here - oh, I feel something (are you kidding me? It can't be that easy.)
-Gary & Mallory get the clue - she tells him to choose and he says, Let's do the first one - so they will be searching too.
-Kisha & Jen get to the cravasse and Jen is going to be the one going in - since Kisha is afraid of heights - seems like a good choice. Jen thinks it's so cool being inside the glacier - she sees the guy not too far down... Kisha - Is he cute? (Oh, I guess they have to save actual people.)
-Kent & Vixsin are going to do Rescue and it's their first helicopter ride as well - whoop-di-do.
-The Globetrotters are also going to do Rescue - is it me or did they have a bigger helicopter?
-Zev & Justin are having trouble with the digging - they don't seem to be making much progress when Gary & Mallory's copter comes in and drops them off. Gary & Mallory also seems to find the location of their "body" rather quickly - we'll see how they do. The wind is really kicking up out there.
-Kent & Vyxsin get to their cravasse and Kent is complaining (surprise) about the cold - feels like his hands are going to drop off. The lowering down seems to be going okay as she lowers Kent into the crevasse - and we get a close up of his horrible blue contacts.
-The Globetrotters show up on the glacier and they are awed by the moutains all around them as far as the eye can see - being from humble beginnings in cities - this was just amazing. Big Easy gets to lowering Flight Time into the crevasse.
-Kent is yelling to Vyxsin that he needs more rope to keep lowering him and then it's like she stopped listening because she just keeps going - he's yelling stop! As it keeps getting darker and and he's going deeper...(Oh, sweet jebus, are they going to have to save Kent too?) Ugh, he's just being overly dramatic again - he's clamped on the guy and he's ready to come back up.
-Kisha is struggling to bring Jen back up - she's heavier than she looks (apparently).
-Kent is coming up easily - but he's probably 90lbs.
-Back at the search - Zev & Justin are still no closer to finding their dude - Gary & Mallory have found their dummy and when Gary tries to wrench the dummy out by the exposed top half - his bottom half stays in the snow - d'oh!
-Kisha & Jen are now working together to bring up their guy - once he's out of the crevasse he hands them their next clue. Route info - they have to take the helicopter down to a ski resort then hop the train back to Zermatt - where they'll get their next clue.
-Vyxsin is doing all the work as usual and she gets their guy out of the glacier - she has to tell him to help the guy and the guy has to tell him to get out of the way - sheesh. They get the clue.
-Big Easy has the brute strength to haul up 200lbs more easily than Flight Time would have been able to manage bringing up his 275lbs (he is a large man) - they get their guy up and get the clue (so it seems Rescue was the way to go.)
-Gary is still trying to yard the legs of their dummy out of the snow but it's wedged in their good. Mallory is proud of her dad - he may be the oldest racer but it's not holding him back.
-Zev & Justin have only found and elbow so far, they can grab it but there is no way to get the dummy out without uncovering it all (it seems) and the digging is arduous in those conditions.
-Gary & Mallory are finally able to get the bottom half of their guy out of the snow - and shout "He's alive!" Uh, I don't think so.
-Back at the ski resort - the sisters find the train and find out the next one doesn't leave until 11:08am which leaves time for everyone but Zev & Justin to make it on the same train.
-Zev & Justin, meanwhile, are not making any progress on the dummy extraction - Justin is losing his strength and doesn't know what to do - at this rate, they'll be there forever. They finally realize they have to dig outward along the body and they end up freeing the legs - now for the torso.
-Now in Zermatt - the teams are looking for the clue box and the Goths are the first to get the ROADBLOCK clue - Who wants to make a new friend? (OH, IT'S CHOCOLATE!)
-They will have to make a Travelocity Roaming Gnome out of chocolate - using the Swiss exact standards, including cooling with snow. Once their gnome is completed, if they meet the approval of the Swiss Chocolatier, they can switch their chocolate gnome for a real Travelocity Gnome, and their next clue.
-Vyxsin, Flight Time, Mallory and Jen are set to make their new friends. They head into the kitchen and find out it's pretty much painting the figure in the mold. Their team mates get to snack on chocolate while the others are working - Gary says it sure beats being on the glacier...
-Speaking of which, Zev & Justin are still struggling to get the dummy out - they finally do it though. Justin hopes at least one team switched tasks... or they could be dead last (yup.)
-Back in the kitchen Kent is constantly yapping at Vyxsin, telling her not to be so meticulous, everyone else has one half in the oven... she calmly tells him it'd be the freezer - he just keeps at her - yap yap yap...
-Zev & Justin get the clue for the Roadblock and Zev has to be the one to make the new friend - Justin had already done 5 tasks and Zev just 3... hopefully this will be his forte. He says he can handle painting with food.
-And then Gnome-gate happens. Vyxsin puts her first mold in the freezer on the very bottom - she is still working with her other one. Flight Time goes to switch out his molds and can't find his, says someone has taken his other half - and they blame Vyxsin. Everyone else says, oh no, I have mine - it must be her... really? Big Easy is saying Vyxsin took their mold and Kent tries to defend her but he completely ineffectual - (Now I don't want to lay blame but if I were a betting woman, I'd say it was Jen, she was too quiet.) Vyxsin was very hurt and upset by this turn of events (don't cry, you'll run your glitter.)
-It seems to blow over for everyone but Kent as Big Easy is teasing Kisha on her horrible laugh - Flight Time is the first one done with his painting and then they start to fill his mold with chocolate - he's got to rotate it to cover it evenly - he's using more hip action than is necessary. Once filled he's got to take it outside and bury it in the snow to cool it down.
-Everyone else is right behind him - Jen, Mallory, Vyxsin all filled and buring it in the snow. Zev is bringing up the rear.
-Kent is a big man talking to the camera - he says the Globetrotters, when things don't go their way just start yelling, Big Easy was being a big bully - (Kent is dancing, making faces behind his back - ooh, big man) He says they kicked their a$$ in the last leg and they're going to do it again today (whatever.)
-They all start digging their gnomes out leaving Zev waiting his 1/2 hour alone.
-Back in the kitchen, very slowly they have to release the mold from the gnomes - then they have to touch up the seams with the coloured chocolate - Kent is telling Vyxsin she has one pretty gnome and Big Easy starts being the Big Bully again - Yeah, it's Pretty, Flight - It's Pretty. (They are all assholes.)
-Vyxsin is the first one finished and they get their actual Roaming Gnome and the clue to the Pit Stop - a 300yr old cabin within walking distance. Off they go... looking for a taxi - huh?
-Flight Time is the next done, then Jen and Mallory... Zev is still out in the snow (Justin is not happy.)
-The taxi's are ignoring the Goths (apparently they are not accepting of pink hair there) and the Globetrotters read the clue that says to make their way on foot - they don't share that info.
-Jen & Kisha ask a cab directions - but Jen knows they have to make their way on foot.
-Gary & Mallory see Kent & Vyxsin get into a cab, they also know they have to make their way on foot - she gleefully says they're going to get a bad penalty.
-So all the teams are running up the mountain and Kent & Vyxsin go by in their cab - she doesn't feel good about this but he dismisses her concerns (um, not tweeking anything that no one else is in a cab? Nothing?)
-Zev finishes his gnome and they get the clue for the Pit Stop - out on the street Justin gets directions and they head off.
Here's How They Finished:
1) The Globetrotters - Worst to First, baby. They win a trip for 2 to the Cook Islands.
2) Kisha & Jen - Big St Bernard dog tries to bowl them over - he did the same thing to Flight Time - they could use the Dog Whisperer up there.
3) Kent & Vyxsin... however - they took a taxi - they have a 30 minute penalty... I can't believe we missed that. She asks how did we miss that and he says, "I don't know, you read it first"...(Really, you're blaming her? Ugh, he's such a... ugh.)
3) Gary & Mallory - That dog nearly takes Mallory out too - they are #3
Kent & Vyxsin - bicker, bicker, bicker
4) Zev & Justin - I'm sorry to tell you, you are the last team to arrive... however, because Kent & Vyxsin incurred a penalty - you are team #4!
5) Kent & Vyxsin - ELIMINATED - he says every team has their fatal moment and this happened to be ours. Vyxsin says at the end of the day they are still best friends and she feels sorry for the rest of the teams because she's taking the best partner with her (I don't believe you.)
So, with the Goths leaving that means Alexis G, Pat T, Shelley A, Cheryl B and Rachel R are out of the pool. (Sorry, I'm not really sad to see them go.)
Next week - is the 2 hour season finale as the Race rips through Brazil... Oh My Gravy - they area all getting waxed - chests, armpits, legs - then there is dancing in costumes - (I like it when they make them dress up) - and finally the finish in the Florida Keys. So next week, we will know the winners of the Amazing Race.
6:54am - Zev & Justin are the first out and read the clue that they are heading into the unknown - Zev - well that's comforting. They have to go to the Air Rescue headquarters and sign up for one of the helicopters - they run through the snow (so it must be close-by) and they are the first team - first flight set to leave at 9:15am.
7:01am -Kisha & Jen are next out, they laugh about the $1 they have for this leg - they are really enjoying the Race more this time around, taking more time to actually experience it. Jen is excited about the helicopter ride, says maybe they'll be rescuing someone in the Alps. Kisha - ready to leave their asses there. They will be on the 9:15 flight.
8:00am - Kent & Vyxsin - say they are starting the legs happier now - she put on extra glitter today to match the snow (but I really don't care. I wish these two were gone - which probably means they'll win.)
They try to stop a little electric taxi but he won't stop for them.
8:18am - Gary & Mallory head out and get one of the taxi's - hoping they'll jump Kent & Vyxsin, looks like they did. They're taxi goes right by the Goths which frustrates Kent (ha ha - so sorry)
8:43am - The Globetrotters hope they can step it up and... I don't know, Big Easy used some basketball analogy... they want to win in the 4th quarter. They head out and grab a taxi no problem.
-Meanwhile Kent and Vyxsin are still waiting for their cab and he's stirring himself into a state - he just wants to punch someone - he's offended and she's sick and tired of him being so over reactionary - they finally get a cab. They do make it to the sign up before the Globetrotters - but they are after Gary & Mallory.
-Everyone is suited up and anxiously awaiting their helicopter adventure. Zev & Justin, as the first team signed up (everyone else will be staggered 5 minutes), get the clue to the DETOUR - Search or Rescue.
-In Search - teams will use an avalache beacon finder to locate a dummy buried somewhere in the glacier, then dig it up to receive their next clue (it's high altitude, cold and really windy.)
-In Rescue - using a specialized winch/pulley system one team member will rappel into a cravasse where they must attach the rescue line to the stranded dummy and the second team member will use the pulley system to bring their team member up, then they'll work together to rescue the dummy.
-Zev & Justin decide on Search and head out into the majestic wonder of the Alps - Zev finds it mindboggling that the Matterhorn was named after the Disneyland ride (Gaha.)
-Kisha & Jen are going to do Rescue - thinking Search could take hours - in the chopper Kisha's eyes look like they're about to pop out of her head - she is not enjoying this.
-Zev & Justin start searching with their beacon finder - it's beeping... let's dig here - oh, I feel something (are you kidding me? It can't be that easy.)
-Gary & Mallory get the clue - she tells him to choose and he says, Let's do the first one - so they will be searching too.
-Kisha & Jen get to the cravasse and Jen is going to be the one going in - since Kisha is afraid of heights - seems like a good choice. Jen thinks it's so cool being inside the glacier - she sees the guy not too far down... Kisha - Is he cute? (Oh, I guess they have to save actual people.)
-Kent & Vixsin are going to do Rescue and it's their first helicopter ride as well - whoop-di-do.
-The Globetrotters are also going to do Rescue - is it me or did they have a bigger helicopter?
-Zev & Justin are having trouble with the digging - they don't seem to be making much progress when Gary & Mallory's copter comes in and drops them off. Gary & Mallory also seems to find the location of their "body" rather quickly - we'll see how they do. The wind is really kicking up out there.
-Kent & Vyxsin get to their cravasse and Kent is complaining (surprise) about the cold - feels like his hands are going to drop off. The lowering down seems to be going okay as she lowers Kent into the crevasse - and we get a close up of his horrible blue contacts.
-The Globetrotters show up on the glacier and they are awed by the moutains all around them as far as the eye can see - being from humble beginnings in cities - this was just amazing. Big Easy gets to lowering Flight Time into the crevasse.
-Kent is yelling to Vyxsin that he needs more rope to keep lowering him and then it's like she stopped listening because she just keeps going - he's yelling stop! As it keeps getting darker and and he's going deeper...(Oh, sweet jebus, are they going to have to save Kent too?) Ugh, he's just being overly dramatic again - he's clamped on the guy and he's ready to come back up.
-Kisha is struggling to bring Jen back up - she's heavier than she looks (apparently).
-Kent is coming up easily - but he's probably 90lbs.
-Back at the search - Zev & Justin are still no closer to finding their dude - Gary & Mallory have found their dummy and when Gary tries to wrench the dummy out by the exposed top half - his bottom half stays in the snow - d'oh!
-Kisha & Jen are now working together to bring up their guy - once he's out of the crevasse he hands them their next clue. Route info - they have to take the helicopter down to a ski resort then hop the train back to Zermatt - where they'll get their next clue.
-Vyxsin is doing all the work as usual and she gets their guy out of the glacier - she has to tell him to help the guy and the guy has to tell him to get out of the way - sheesh. They get the clue.
-Big Easy has the brute strength to haul up 200lbs more easily than Flight Time would have been able to manage bringing up his 275lbs (he is a large man) - they get their guy up and get the clue (so it seems Rescue was the way to go.)
-Gary is still trying to yard the legs of their dummy out of the snow but it's wedged in their good. Mallory is proud of her dad - he may be the oldest racer but it's not holding him back.
-Zev & Justin have only found and elbow so far, they can grab it but there is no way to get the dummy out without uncovering it all (it seems) and the digging is arduous in those conditions.
-Gary & Mallory are finally able to get the bottom half of their guy out of the snow - and shout "He's alive!" Uh, I don't think so.
-Back at the ski resort - the sisters find the train and find out the next one doesn't leave until 11:08am which leaves time for everyone but Zev & Justin to make it on the same train.
-Zev & Justin, meanwhile, are not making any progress on the dummy extraction - Justin is losing his strength and doesn't know what to do - at this rate, they'll be there forever. They finally realize they have to dig outward along the body and they end up freeing the legs - now for the torso.
-Now in Zermatt - the teams are looking for the clue box and the Goths are the first to get the ROADBLOCK clue - Who wants to make a new friend? (OH, IT'S CHOCOLATE!)
-They will have to make a Travelocity Roaming Gnome out of chocolate - using the Swiss exact standards, including cooling with snow. Once their gnome is completed, if they meet the approval of the Swiss Chocolatier, they can switch their chocolate gnome for a real Travelocity Gnome, and their next clue.
-Vyxsin, Flight Time, Mallory and Jen are set to make their new friends. They head into the kitchen and find out it's pretty much painting the figure in the mold. Their team mates get to snack on chocolate while the others are working - Gary says it sure beats being on the glacier...
-Speaking of which, Zev & Justin are still struggling to get the dummy out - they finally do it though. Justin hopes at least one team switched tasks... or they could be dead last (yup.)
-Back in the kitchen Kent is constantly yapping at Vyxsin, telling her not to be so meticulous, everyone else has one half in the oven... she calmly tells him it'd be the freezer - he just keeps at her - yap yap yap...
-Zev & Justin get the clue for the Roadblock and Zev has to be the one to make the new friend - Justin had already done 5 tasks and Zev just 3... hopefully this will be his forte. He says he can handle painting with food.
-And then Gnome-gate happens. Vyxsin puts her first mold in the freezer on the very bottom - she is still working with her other one. Flight Time goes to switch out his molds and can't find his, says someone has taken his other half - and they blame Vyxsin. Everyone else says, oh no, I have mine - it must be her... really? Big Easy is saying Vyxsin took their mold and Kent tries to defend her but he completely ineffectual - (Now I don't want to lay blame but if I were a betting woman, I'd say it was Jen, she was too quiet.) Vyxsin was very hurt and upset by this turn of events (don't cry, you'll run your glitter.)
-It seems to blow over for everyone but Kent as Big Easy is teasing Kisha on her horrible laugh - Flight Time is the first one done with his painting and then they start to fill his mold with chocolate - he's got to rotate it to cover it evenly - he's using more hip action than is necessary. Once filled he's got to take it outside and bury it in the snow to cool it down.
-Everyone else is right behind him - Jen, Mallory, Vyxsin all filled and buring it in the snow. Zev is bringing up the rear.
-Kent is a big man talking to the camera - he says the Globetrotters, when things don't go their way just start yelling, Big Easy was being a big bully - (Kent is dancing, making faces behind his back - ooh, big man) He says they kicked their a$$ in the last leg and they're going to do it again today (whatever.)
-They all start digging their gnomes out leaving Zev waiting his 1/2 hour alone.
-Back in the kitchen, very slowly they have to release the mold from the gnomes - then they have to touch up the seams with the coloured chocolate - Kent is telling Vyxsin she has one pretty gnome and Big Easy starts being the Big Bully again - Yeah, it's Pretty, Flight - It's Pretty. (They are all assholes.)
-Vyxsin is the first one finished and they get their actual Roaming Gnome and the clue to the Pit Stop - a 300yr old cabin within walking distance. Off they go... looking for a taxi - huh?
-Flight Time is the next done, then Jen and Mallory... Zev is still out in the snow (Justin is not happy.)
-The taxi's are ignoring the Goths (apparently they are not accepting of pink hair there) and the Globetrotters read the clue that says to make their way on foot - they don't share that info.
-Jen & Kisha ask a cab directions - but Jen knows they have to make their way on foot.
-Gary & Mallory see Kent & Vyxsin get into a cab, they also know they have to make their way on foot - she gleefully says they're going to get a bad penalty.
-So all the teams are running up the mountain and Kent & Vyxsin go by in their cab - she doesn't feel good about this but he dismisses her concerns (um, not tweeking anything that no one else is in a cab? Nothing?)
-Zev finishes his gnome and they get the clue for the Pit Stop - out on the street Justin gets directions and they head off.
Here's How They Finished:
1) The Globetrotters - Worst to First, baby. They win a trip for 2 to the Cook Islands.
2) Kisha & Jen - Big St Bernard dog tries to bowl them over - he did the same thing to Flight Time - they could use the Dog Whisperer up there.
3) Kent & Vyxsin... however - they took a taxi - they have a 30 minute penalty... I can't believe we missed that. She asks how did we miss that and he says, "I don't know, you read it first"...(Really, you're blaming her? Ugh, he's such a... ugh.)
3) Gary & Mallory - That dog nearly takes Mallory out too - they are #3
Kent & Vyxsin - bicker, bicker, bicker
4) Zev & Justin - I'm sorry to tell you, you are the last team to arrive... however, because Kent & Vyxsin incurred a penalty - you are team #4!
5) Kent & Vyxsin - ELIMINATED - he says every team has their fatal moment and this happened to be ours. Vyxsin says at the end of the day they are still best friends and she feels sorry for the rest of the teams because she's taking the best partner with her (I don't believe you.)
So, with the Goths leaving that means Alexis G, Pat T, Shelley A, Cheryl B and Rachel R are out of the pool. (Sorry, I'm not really sad to see them go.)
Next week - is the 2 hour season finale as the Race rips through Brazil... Oh My Gravy - they area all getting waxed - chests, armpits, legs - then there is dancing in costumes - (I like it when they make them dress up) - and finally the finish in the Florida Keys. So next week, we will know the winners of the Amazing Race.
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