Don't You Work For Me?
After a quick recap of last week when Zapatera did what no tribe had done before - voted out Russell - the episode opened at:
Redemption Island - Night 8
Russell arrives and he and Matt play get to know ya a little. Russell is pissed off that his tribe lied to him about everything - Francesca being there and how they were voting. He says Matt may be harder to beat but he's a rookie, he'll take him out - then he'll be there to meet every one of his tribe mates and he'll make them suffer - they'll have to sleep in the mud. (Nice, way to put positive thoughts out to the universe.)
-Meanwhile Matt's building up his own legend in his mind - blindsided by Rob, now having to duel Russell - he's a star!
Ometepe - Day 9
-Phillip is quickly wearing out his welcome - while everyone is trying to sleep, he's up at the crack of dawn sweeping the camp (really?)
-Rob says - who comes on Survivor with saggy bottom tighty-whiteys with everything hanging out? It's not just disturbing, it's disgusting (blond #2 makes gaggy faces as they blur out Phillip's bottoms). He's like the gross dad walking around in his gonch - you don't want to have your friends over - no one wants to see that.
-Phillip is spear hunting crabs again - and they're all laughing at him. Phillip says no one understands him so he's frustrated. He knows it's a social game and thinks he'll have to find another side to himself to be accepted by the tribe (Sybil, better trot out another personality - that scares me.)
Zapatera - Day 9
-Russell's girls are not having any fun (oh, wah) but are sure Russell is going to kill it at Redemption Island and make them all pay (I just don't understand the level of crazy loyalty to Russell - the evil force is strong in that one apparently.
-Krista (Blond #3) says she knows she and Danielle are in trouble, that's why they need to find the hidden immunity idol. They get right to work... on their tans.
-Ralph said he thought he was going to keep the hidden immunity idol to himself but when he saw the two girls go off by themselves he decided to hook that fish good and proper - and shared the fact that he has the hidden immunity idol with his alliance. Sarita is ecstatic - Ralph says he told them he had it under control.
-Mike (GI Joe) is apparently still afraid of Russell coming back and says with them having the idol it will keep Russell from going deep in the game (uh, it can't save all 6 of you... and I guess Russell is the boogie man :)
Ometepe - Day 10
-Phillip gets the tree mail about them picking two people to go to Redemption Island and witness the duel - this leaves it up to them how they want to choose and Phillip volunteers himself and Kristina - no one objects (of course not, you two are on the outs anyway - I'm sure they just want you gone for a little while)
Phillip says because of his background as a special agent he is looking for some intel on how to win the game (since it's already a foregone conclusion in his mind that he's going to Redemption Island - I don't think he's wrong there.)
Zapatera - Day 10
-Ralph and Sarita nominate themselves to go - Russell's girls don't look too happy about it but no one says anything - Sarita says if she's able to see Russell walk off and go home - that is almost her million dollars.
Redemption Island - Day 10
Russell acknowledges that this duel is good vs evil - in the real world he'd be rooting for Matt but it's Survivor and he's going to win.
Matt is a warrior for God and because he wants it so deeply and truly he's sure he'll come out on top.
They have to stack a series of blocks on zig zag platforms (like dominoes) avoiding trip wires which could cause the blocks to fall down before they're done. The goal is to line the blocks up so that they will fall like dominoes and release a ball that will smash a tile - first one to smash the tile lives to compete another day - loser is out - for good.
-And off they go - they are neck and neck - Matt thinks he has it but the line only falls half way - he has to reset. Russell thinks he's got it but his also falls short - he has to re-stack as well.
-Matt goes again and successfully WINS THE DUEL!- Matt stays alive and Russell starts crying like a little b*tch - (I will not feel sorry for him.) Matt tries to comfort him (he's just too nice.)
Of course Jeff doesn't just leave it at that - he asks Russell if he's crying because he's sad at finally losing or is it embarrassment?
-Russell says he respects this game too much to go out this way - it's tough to be the star quarterback when you have pee wee's on your team that throw a challenge just to get rid of "Russell" (he's using the soapbox Jeff gave him to get in Phillip & Kristina's heads - little does he know that they're not the brain trust of the other tribe.
-Ralph rises to Russell's bait and says within 15 seconds he did what Russell couldn't [and found the idol] - Russell does what Rob did at the first Tribal Council and tells him to prove it - Ralph starts rummaging in his bag to get it and Sarita stops him - don't do that... Ralph, "ah, I faked ya." (No one buys it)
-Phillip pipes up - It was not a lie - I made my living discerning whether or not someone was telling the truth and you have an idol. I'll make sure you have the opportunity to use it if I have anything to do about it... (Wow, testosterone and crazy is flying every which way out there.)
-Russell tells them Sarita is in charge and Mike and Steve as well.
-Phillip - I'm glad I came.
-Russell says he just made sure that he would live on in the game through these two -(Who? Phillip and Kristina? Hahaha... poor Russell - surrounded by idiots.)
Russell's final words - it's terrible to play with people that didn't come to play the game, they came for fame or just for the money...(just because they didn't play Your game doesn't mean they aren't playing the game - his ego is astounding to the end) - He gives me hope in saying this is the last time he's ever going to play the game - he has nothing else to prove to himself or his family and he gives Matt props - hope he goes all the way. So with Russell leaving the game: Coleen T, Lee G, and Kim A are out of the pool... and I'm with Sarita - seeing Russell defeated so early was totally worth the price of admission :)
-Phillip says he's going to use the info he learned from Russell to get himself farther in the game - (I wish I could believe Phillip had the ability to do that - but I just don't.)
Ometepe - Day 10
-Rob comes up with the idea of the rest of the tribe celebrating the fact that Phillip and Kristina are gone and having a beach day... meanwhile he just wants to get everyone out of camp so he can look for the hidden idol. He lures them all out to the beach, tells them he's having constipation issues and then books it back to look for the idol (what a sneaky little... what he said he was having trouble with.)
-He's looking in, at, under every tree and knows he's been gone a long time and should get back - they're starting to wonder where he is and he's about to give up when he looks up and sees the idol sitting up in a tree - So, Rob found the hidden Immunity idol... and it seems they bought the constipation story and are none the wiser.
Zapatera - Day 10
-Sarita and Ralph come back and share the fact that Russell is out of the game.
-Julie is so stoked that he's not going to come back to get her.
-Sarita tells them it was hard to see him crying his eyes out but he rallied and threw the covers off everything in the tribe.
-Steve is glorying in the little punk leaving which prompts Danielle to say he's going to far. David says he can understand how the rest of them dancing on Russell's grave could be hard for those two who are still firmly team Russell.
-Mike is later talking to them and Danielle throws out the dig about stupidly throwing a challenge when they need numbers - he counters that synergy was much more important and worth throwing a challenge to get rid of the plague... I think' little miss attitude' Danielle will be the next to go.
Ometepe - Day 10
-Phillip tells Kristina that they'll share the break down that Russell told them but not to say who has the hidden immunity idol - this is good enough intel to keep Kristina from being the next to go home to being 4th.
-Kristina says she defers to Phillip's experience in these covert matters - meanwhile she tells the camera that it's Phillips idea to blackmail Rob into keeping them there with the intel. The Specialist thinks he's running the show when The Specialist is just one big windbag - she's going to sit back and let him hang himself.
-In camp Phillip puts on a bit of a show - says Russell went home and he was crying - someone asks if he said anything about idols or anything and Phillip says no, that was it - it was weird (The Specialist is not a good liar.)
-Next, Phillip is walking with Rob and Grant out on the beach (and can I just say, I'm enjoying the man candy Grant provides from the neck down - that hair though, has to go... but I digress). Phillip says he's going to tell them what really happened. Phillip says Russell told them who had an idol and the alliances - if I share this information with you will you keep Kristina?
-Rob is impatient with this - aren't you in my alliance? Shouldn't you be working for me? Rob doesn't get why he's lobbying for Kristina - big mistake Phillip.
-Rob says absolutely to Phillip and he says Sarita is running things (uh, not quite) and that Ralph has the idol... (I thought he was keeping that to himself.)
-Grant later says to Rob they can't trust that guy - they've got to get rid of him (Ya think?)
Zapatera - Day 11
Tree mail - says something about building and trust - Ralph grabs the tool belt - we got this.
Julie is a believer in Karma - she hopes throwing the last challenge doesn't come back to bite them.
Today's immunity challenge brought to you by Craftsman tools. They have to cross a balance beam and use a crowbar to open a crate and retrieve a shovel, they will use the shovel to dig up an axe, they will use the axe to cut through a log releasing a rope that has two saws suspended in the air (uh, that's not safe) - they will use the saws to saw through a wall creating planks and they will use the planks to complete a ramp that will get the whole tribe to the top of the platform where they will use a hammer to hammer in 3 nails and break 3 tiles - first tribe to get the Craftsman tool kit on top of that table wins Immunity and Reward - BBQ set including food, steak, sausage, bread and vegetables.
Zapatera sits Blond #3 (Krista)
-Ralph and Rob start - Ralph opens the crate first. Julie comes out to dig and Grant makes up some time on the digging - Ralph and Rob come back out to chop the log - Ralph makes short work of it and releases the saws for Mike and Steve to get started on the wall - Rob is still working on the log - which he gets through and Grant and Phillip come out to saw. Steve and Mike are getting through the wall quite well - Grant and Phillip are slow.... Zapatera has the planks done and Stephanie and Sarita are out to put them in place - it's a bit of a puzzle so when Rob and Kristina come out to do the planks he starts making up time... Zapatera are the first up on the platform - Stephanie is working on untying the hammer when Ometepe gets up on the platform - they start on the hammer - but Ralph knock in the nails and they slam the toolbox down - ZAPATERA wins immunity and reward. Ralph gives a victory crow - cock-a-doodle-doo!
Zapatera - Day 11
Barbecue time! Mike has never been this hungry in his life - he hasn't thought about sex in 2 weeks, all he thinks about is food. (Uh, I'm going to leave that alone.)
-Ralph says he ate everything right down to licking his dirty fingers and offered to lick everyone else's too - gross.
Ometepe - Day 11
-Phillip calls a brief tribal meeting really quickly - we lost and are down but I think we all put forth a good effort - anyone have anything? Crickets.
-Rob says Phillip is never one to shy away from his moment in the sun - but there is such a feeling of malice towards him right now - it's palpable.
-Ashley cannot stand him - he treats the girls like they are complete idiots - tries to tell them how to fill the canteens and when they say they're fine he says, 'I got to see this'... (Really Phillip? - I would have yelled at him to get the hell away from me - what an ass.)
-They are all fed up with Phillip - Kristina is lobbying for him to go- says the last thing she wants to do coming back from a loss is listen to Phillip's yammering - everyone is in agreement. She knows she's on the wrong side of the numbers so she hopes they'll take out Phillip first.
-Then Kristina says to the young dark haired girl (Nicole?) that there was probably a clue in the reward - she bets someone has the hidden immunity idol again.
-Nicole goes running to the rest of her alliance and tells them Kristina was talking about someone having the hidden idol - Rob plays dumb - so she's trying to find out if we have it- or she has it...
-Meanwhile he's thinking she is way too dangerous to keep around - Phillip may annoy the ever living crap out of everyone but he's no threat - Kristina is too smart for her own good. Rob tells them lets split the vote - 2 for Phillip, 3 for Kristina and if everyone does what they're told, Kristina will go tonight.
-Grant talks to Rob and says he doesn't trust Phillip and would rather they get rid of him - Rob says Kristina's no slouch - he wants them to keep in line - this will prove if he is in charge of the tribe.
-Phillip asks who the vote's for tonight and Rob tells him everyone is voting Kristina - this tells Phillip that Rob is not a man of his word and he is ready to pull out all the stops at tribal council to make the moves he needs to survive (oh, will it be a crazy tour de force?)
Tribal Council
Kristina, both times you've been at tribal council you've been on the hot seat, feeling that tonight.
- Sure, absolutely.
What's happening that's always got you in trouble?
- I feel like I started out on the wrong side of the numbers but I'm a fighter and I don't give up and I'm determined - I want to stay.
Natalie (that's her name! Not Nicole) - how do you feel about second chances?
- I think they're great - Kristina's a really nice person, we just have to see.
Grant, can people change in this game?
- Of course - everyone is pretty easy to get along with I think you can get a second chance.
Rob pipes up - But to be fair - I think Kristina just joined this tribe - for the first 8 days I don't feel like she was a part of us. The real question is, is it too late or should we give her a shot.
Kristina, what do you think they should do tonight? (Keep me? How do you expect her to answer that?)
- I think they should vote out who they consider the weakest link. She defines weak in this case as disruptiveness. Then calls out Phillip as disruptive and assertive which makes everyone uncomfortable.
Phillip have you faced being disruptive before?
- No, I wouldn't call it that. I'm a do-er. But if you show up just at meal time and expect to eat then yes, I'll be disruptive.
Kristina says she's done as much around camp as he has.
Phillip - the last 3 days you have sure.
Kristina - eye roll.
So, obviously Kristina thinks it should be Phillip and Phillip thinks it should be Kristina.
Phillip - I have a history with the tribe - You're a do-er - I call it the Shepherd STAMP - it comes from being one of twelve and having my mother pass at a very early age (I can hear the violins) and having to work my way through high school and joining the army - getting an honourable discharge and the highest honour in peace time for doing field sanitation (I said pardon?)- not a glamourous job. But that's what I do around camp and I think out of the two of us, I've earned the respect of my tribe. (Yeah, that's why they are all snickering or rolling their eyes at you - poor, deluded Phillip.)
And Jeff gives Kristina a chance to make one last argument to stay as well.
-I'm smart and I can be a trusted member of this tribe - if given the opportunity I can prove that to them.
(Huh, anti-climactic... I'm ashamed to say I was hoping for Phillip to bring the crazy.)
They vote:
Phillip votes Cristina - time has run out.
Kristina votes Phil - you're a pain in the neck and I really hope it's you, not me.
Tallying the votes:
Phillip 1
Kristina 1
Phillip 2
Kristina 2
Phillip 3
Kristina 3... 4 - KRISTINA is the 4th person voted out and to Redemption Island. She gets to leave in an impressive thunder and lightening display. Says she's just had her ass raked over the coals at Tribal and now has to face Matt, snivel.
Jeff says this tribe is running out of time - they better start winning.
Next week: Phillip is bugging everyone so Rob thinks maybe he should stay - and Russell's girls are ready to create havoc and it tests the bonds in the tribe.
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
After a quick recap of last week when Zapatera did what no tribe had done before - voted out Russell - the episode opened at:
Redemption Island - Night 8
Russell arrives and he and Matt play get to know ya a little. Russell is pissed off that his tribe lied to him about everything - Francesca being there and how they were voting. He says Matt may be harder to beat but he's a rookie, he'll take him out - then he'll be there to meet every one of his tribe mates and he'll make them suffer - they'll have to sleep in the mud. (Nice, way to put positive thoughts out to the universe.)
-Meanwhile Matt's building up his own legend in his mind - blindsided by Rob, now having to duel Russell - he's a star!
Ometepe - Day 9
-Phillip is quickly wearing out his welcome - while everyone is trying to sleep, he's up at the crack of dawn sweeping the camp (really?)
-Rob says - who comes on Survivor with saggy bottom tighty-whiteys with everything hanging out? It's not just disturbing, it's disgusting (blond #2 makes gaggy faces as they blur out Phillip's bottoms). He's like the gross dad walking around in his gonch - you don't want to have your friends over - no one wants to see that.
-Phillip is spear hunting crabs again - and they're all laughing at him. Phillip says no one understands him so he's frustrated. He knows it's a social game and thinks he'll have to find another side to himself to be accepted by the tribe (Sybil, better trot out another personality - that scares me.)
Zapatera - Day 9
-Russell's girls are not having any fun (oh, wah) but are sure Russell is going to kill it at Redemption Island and make them all pay (I just don't understand the level of crazy loyalty to Russell - the evil force is strong in that one apparently.
-Krista (Blond #3) says she knows she and Danielle are in trouble, that's why they need to find the hidden immunity idol. They get right to work... on their tans.
-Ralph said he thought he was going to keep the hidden immunity idol to himself but when he saw the two girls go off by themselves he decided to hook that fish good and proper - and shared the fact that he has the hidden immunity idol with his alliance. Sarita is ecstatic - Ralph says he told them he had it under control.
-Mike (GI Joe) is apparently still afraid of Russell coming back and says with them having the idol it will keep Russell from going deep in the game (uh, it can't save all 6 of you... and I guess Russell is the boogie man :)
Ometepe - Day 10
-Phillip gets the tree mail about them picking two people to go to Redemption Island and witness the duel - this leaves it up to them how they want to choose and Phillip volunteers himself and Kristina - no one objects (of course not, you two are on the outs anyway - I'm sure they just want you gone for a little while)
Phillip says because of his background as a special agent he is looking for some intel on how to win the game (since it's already a foregone conclusion in his mind that he's going to Redemption Island - I don't think he's wrong there.)
Zapatera - Day 10
-Ralph and Sarita nominate themselves to go - Russell's girls don't look too happy about it but no one says anything - Sarita says if she's able to see Russell walk off and go home - that is almost her million dollars.
Redemption Island - Day 10
Russell acknowledges that this duel is good vs evil - in the real world he'd be rooting for Matt but it's Survivor and he's going to win.
Matt is a warrior for God and because he wants it so deeply and truly he's sure he'll come out on top.
They have to stack a series of blocks on zig zag platforms (like dominoes) avoiding trip wires which could cause the blocks to fall down before they're done. The goal is to line the blocks up so that they will fall like dominoes and release a ball that will smash a tile - first one to smash the tile lives to compete another day - loser is out - for good.
-And off they go - they are neck and neck - Matt thinks he has it but the line only falls half way - he has to reset. Russell thinks he's got it but his also falls short - he has to re-stack as well.
-Matt goes again and successfully WINS THE DUEL!- Matt stays alive and Russell starts crying like a little b*tch - (I will not feel sorry for him.) Matt tries to comfort him (he's just too nice.)
Of course Jeff doesn't just leave it at that - he asks Russell if he's crying because he's sad at finally losing or is it embarrassment?
-Russell says he respects this game too much to go out this way - it's tough to be the star quarterback when you have pee wee's on your team that throw a challenge just to get rid of "Russell" (he's using the soapbox Jeff gave him to get in Phillip & Kristina's heads - little does he know that they're not the brain trust of the other tribe.
-Ralph rises to Russell's bait and says within 15 seconds he did what Russell couldn't [and found the idol] - Russell does what Rob did at the first Tribal Council and tells him to prove it - Ralph starts rummaging in his bag to get it and Sarita stops him - don't do that... Ralph, "ah, I faked ya." (No one buys it)
-Phillip pipes up - It was not a lie - I made my living discerning whether or not someone was telling the truth and you have an idol. I'll make sure you have the opportunity to use it if I have anything to do about it... (Wow, testosterone and crazy is flying every which way out there.)
-Russell tells them Sarita is in charge and Mike and Steve as well.
-Phillip - I'm glad I came.
-Russell says he just made sure that he would live on in the game through these two -(Who? Phillip and Kristina? Hahaha... poor Russell - surrounded by idiots.)
Russell's final words - it's terrible to play with people that didn't come to play the game, they came for fame or just for the money...(just because they didn't play Your game doesn't mean they aren't playing the game - his ego is astounding to the end) - He gives me hope in saying this is the last time he's ever going to play the game - he has nothing else to prove to himself or his family and he gives Matt props - hope he goes all the way. So with Russell leaving the game: Coleen T, Lee G, and Kim A are out of the pool... and I'm with Sarita - seeing Russell defeated so early was totally worth the price of admission :)
-Phillip says he's going to use the info he learned from Russell to get himself farther in the game - (I wish I could believe Phillip had the ability to do that - but I just don't.)
Ometepe - Day 10
-Rob comes up with the idea of the rest of the tribe celebrating the fact that Phillip and Kristina are gone and having a beach day... meanwhile he just wants to get everyone out of camp so he can look for the hidden idol. He lures them all out to the beach, tells them he's having constipation issues and then books it back to look for the idol (what a sneaky little... what he said he was having trouble with.)
-He's looking in, at, under every tree and knows he's been gone a long time and should get back - they're starting to wonder where he is and he's about to give up when he looks up and sees the idol sitting up in a tree - So, Rob found the hidden Immunity idol... and it seems they bought the constipation story and are none the wiser.
Zapatera - Day 10
-Sarita and Ralph come back and share the fact that Russell is out of the game.
-Julie is so stoked that he's not going to come back to get her.
-Sarita tells them it was hard to see him crying his eyes out but he rallied and threw the covers off everything in the tribe.
-Steve is glorying in the little punk leaving which prompts Danielle to say he's going to far. David says he can understand how the rest of them dancing on Russell's grave could be hard for those two who are still firmly team Russell.
-Mike is later talking to them and Danielle throws out the dig about stupidly throwing a challenge when they need numbers - he counters that synergy was much more important and worth throwing a challenge to get rid of the plague... I think' little miss attitude' Danielle will be the next to go.
Ometepe - Day 10
-Phillip tells Kristina that they'll share the break down that Russell told them but not to say who has the hidden immunity idol - this is good enough intel to keep Kristina from being the next to go home to being 4th.
-Kristina says she defers to Phillip's experience in these covert matters - meanwhile she tells the camera that it's Phillips idea to blackmail Rob into keeping them there with the intel. The Specialist thinks he's running the show when The Specialist is just one big windbag - she's going to sit back and let him hang himself.
-In camp Phillip puts on a bit of a show - says Russell went home and he was crying - someone asks if he said anything about idols or anything and Phillip says no, that was it - it was weird (The Specialist is not a good liar.)
-Next, Phillip is walking with Rob and Grant out on the beach (and can I just say, I'm enjoying the man candy Grant provides from the neck down - that hair though, has to go... but I digress). Phillip says he's going to tell them what really happened. Phillip says Russell told them who had an idol and the alliances - if I share this information with you will you keep Kristina?
-Rob is impatient with this - aren't you in my alliance? Shouldn't you be working for me? Rob doesn't get why he's lobbying for Kristina - big mistake Phillip.
-Rob says absolutely to Phillip and he says Sarita is running things (uh, not quite) and that Ralph has the idol... (I thought he was keeping that to himself.)
-Grant later says to Rob they can't trust that guy - they've got to get rid of him (Ya think?)
Zapatera - Day 11
Tree mail - says something about building and trust - Ralph grabs the tool belt - we got this.
Julie is a believer in Karma - she hopes throwing the last challenge doesn't come back to bite them.
Today's immunity challenge brought to you by Craftsman tools. They have to cross a balance beam and use a crowbar to open a crate and retrieve a shovel, they will use the shovel to dig up an axe, they will use the axe to cut through a log releasing a rope that has two saws suspended in the air (uh, that's not safe) - they will use the saws to saw through a wall creating planks and they will use the planks to complete a ramp that will get the whole tribe to the top of the platform where they will use a hammer to hammer in 3 nails and break 3 tiles - first tribe to get the Craftsman tool kit on top of that table wins Immunity and Reward - BBQ set including food, steak, sausage, bread and vegetables.
Zapatera sits Blond #3 (Krista)
-Ralph and Rob start - Ralph opens the crate first. Julie comes out to dig and Grant makes up some time on the digging - Ralph and Rob come back out to chop the log - Ralph makes short work of it and releases the saws for Mike and Steve to get started on the wall - Rob is still working on the log - which he gets through and Grant and Phillip come out to saw. Steve and Mike are getting through the wall quite well - Grant and Phillip are slow.... Zapatera has the planks done and Stephanie and Sarita are out to put them in place - it's a bit of a puzzle so when Rob and Kristina come out to do the planks he starts making up time... Zapatera are the first up on the platform - Stephanie is working on untying the hammer when Ometepe gets up on the platform - they start on the hammer - but Ralph knock in the nails and they slam the toolbox down - ZAPATERA wins immunity and reward. Ralph gives a victory crow - cock-a-doodle-doo!
Zapatera - Day 11
Barbecue time! Mike has never been this hungry in his life - he hasn't thought about sex in 2 weeks, all he thinks about is food. (Uh, I'm going to leave that alone.)
-Ralph says he ate everything right down to licking his dirty fingers and offered to lick everyone else's too - gross.
Ometepe - Day 11
-Phillip calls a brief tribal meeting really quickly - we lost and are down but I think we all put forth a good effort - anyone have anything? Crickets.
-Rob says Phillip is never one to shy away from his moment in the sun - but there is such a feeling of malice towards him right now - it's palpable.
-Ashley cannot stand him - he treats the girls like they are complete idiots - tries to tell them how to fill the canteens and when they say they're fine he says, 'I got to see this'... (Really Phillip? - I would have yelled at him to get the hell away from me - what an ass.)
-They are all fed up with Phillip - Kristina is lobbying for him to go- says the last thing she wants to do coming back from a loss is listen to Phillip's yammering - everyone is in agreement. She knows she's on the wrong side of the numbers so she hopes they'll take out Phillip first.
-Then Kristina says to the young dark haired girl (Nicole?) that there was probably a clue in the reward - she bets someone has the hidden immunity idol again.
-Nicole goes running to the rest of her alliance and tells them Kristina was talking about someone having the hidden idol - Rob plays dumb - so she's trying to find out if we have it- or she has it...
-Meanwhile he's thinking she is way too dangerous to keep around - Phillip may annoy the ever living crap out of everyone but he's no threat - Kristina is too smart for her own good. Rob tells them lets split the vote - 2 for Phillip, 3 for Kristina and if everyone does what they're told, Kristina will go tonight.
-Grant talks to Rob and says he doesn't trust Phillip and would rather they get rid of him - Rob says Kristina's no slouch - he wants them to keep in line - this will prove if he is in charge of the tribe.
-Phillip asks who the vote's for tonight and Rob tells him everyone is voting Kristina - this tells Phillip that Rob is not a man of his word and he is ready to pull out all the stops at tribal council to make the moves he needs to survive (oh, will it be a crazy tour de force?)
Tribal Council
Kristina, both times you've been at tribal council you've been on the hot seat, feeling that tonight.
- Sure, absolutely.
What's happening that's always got you in trouble?
- I feel like I started out on the wrong side of the numbers but I'm a fighter and I don't give up and I'm determined - I want to stay.
Natalie (that's her name! Not Nicole) - how do you feel about second chances?
- I think they're great - Kristina's a really nice person, we just have to see.
Grant, can people change in this game?
- Of course - everyone is pretty easy to get along with I think you can get a second chance.
Rob pipes up - But to be fair - I think Kristina just joined this tribe - for the first 8 days I don't feel like she was a part of us. The real question is, is it too late or should we give her a shot.
Kristina, what do you think they should do tonight? (Keep me? How do you expect her to answer that?)
- I think they should vote out who they consider the weakest link. She defines weak in this case as disruptiveness. Then calls out Phillip as disruptive and assertive which makes everyone uncomfortable.
Phillip have you faced being disruptive before?
- No, I wouldn't call it that. I'm a do-er. But if you show up just at meal time and expect to eat then yes, I'll be disruptive.
Kristina says she's done as much around camp as he has.
Phillip - the last 3 days you have sure.
Kristina - eye roll.
So, obviously Kristina thinks it should be Phillip and Phillip thinks it should be Kristina.
Phillip - I have a history with the tribe - You're a do-er - I call it the Shepherd STAMP - it comes from being one of twelve and having my mother pass at a very early age (I can hear the violins) and having to work my way through high school and joining the army - getting an honourable discharge and the highest honour in peace time for doing field sanitation (I said pardon?)- not a glamourous job. But that's what I do around camp and I think out of the two of us, I've earned the respect of my tribe. (Yeah, that's why they are all snickering or rolling their eyes at you - poor, deluded Phillip.)
And Jeff gives Kristina a chance to make one last argument to stay as well.
-I'm smart and I can be a trusted member of this tribe - if given the opportunity I can prove that to them.
(Huh, anti-climactic... I'm ashamed to say I was hoping for Phillip to bring the crazy.)
They vote:
Phillip votes Cristina - time has run out.
Kristina votes Phil - you're a pain in the neck and I really hope it's you, not me.
Tallying the votes:
Phillip 1
Kristina 1
Phillip 2
Kristina 2
Phillip 3
Kristina 3... 4 - KRISTINA is the 4th person voted out and to Redemption Island. She gets to leave in an impressive thunder and lightening display. Says she's just had her ass raked over the coals at Tribal and now has to face Matt, snivel.
Jeff says this tribe is running out of time - they better start winning.
Next week: Phillip is bugging everyone so Rob thinks maybe he should stay - and Russell's girls are ready to create havoc and it tests the bonds in the tribe.
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
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