Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amazing Race Unfinished Business - March 27th Episode Recap

I Feel Like a Monkey in a Circus Parade (Kolkata, India)

Quick recap from last week - Gary & Mallory used the express pass but still came in second to the Cowboys (because they're magic) and Kent & Vyxsin survived by U-turning the Redheads, who thankfully went home.

The Cowboys are the first to depart from Kunming, China at 2:14pm - the clue tells them it's tea time - they have to make their way to a tea shop and take part in a traditional tea tasting - what they don't know is that the mango and papaya infused tea will appear in another challenge later in this leg of the race - once they complete the tasting they'll get a brick of tea and their next clue.
-Jet says their wives are making as big a sacrifice as they are while they're there - staying home and taking care of their child and the ranch - it's added incentive that makes them really not want to go home empty handed (happy wife, happy life - 'strue.)
-Gary & Mallory are 2 minutes behind them and she's not excited to be staying in China.
-Margie & Luke -2:48pm - he's also upset to be staying in China - Damn it.

-The Cowboys are taken to the street but don't see the tea shop, nothing's in English - Gary & Mallory are the first team to make it to the correct place and they start the tasting - she says, mmm Peach.  The Cowboys get there as they are leaving, she tells them the tea is good, peach.
-Gary & Mallory's clue tells them they are heading to India. When they arrive in Kolkata, India they must make their way to town hall where they'll find their next clue.

-The rest of the teams are heading out and no one is happy to be staying in China (Poor China, it's gonna get a complex.)  Zev & Justin are the last team to head out and Zev is wearing silver pajamas - a pick me up for this leg of the race.
-They all drink the tea and say it's good but no one asks what it is except Christina, who speaks the language.  They find out it is mango/papaya tea.  Zev even comments when they finish, "That was pointless."... oh just you wait.

-All the teams are on the same flight to Calcutta/Kolkata (I had to look it up and apparently: "In 2001, the city's name was officially changed from Calcutta to Kolkata." they are one in the same) - it is a foot race out of the airport where they are met by a teaming mass of humanity - Oh my gosh.  Mallory already loves India, Ron couldn't believe there were that many people for a midnight flight (their cab driver laughs.)
-Flight Time & Big Easy are the first team on the road - they tell their driver to go fast - he says, "You wait for your friends?" NO!
-The Cowboys cab passes Gary & Mallory and is coming up on the Globetrotters - everyone is screaming through the streets - the cabs are running red lights, Luke thinks theirs is running on the train tracks, near misses with a bus and Ron & Christina were nearly T-boned by a huge truck (I think they'll need a change of undies after that one.  Well, no one can say they got screwed by getting a wimpy cab driver - they're all crazy.)
-Teams start arriving at Town Hall in one piece and see the gates don't open until 10am - half the teams are waiting at the gates when the rest get there and Big Easy starts yelling at them to "Run, run and sign in" - it's bedlam as the teams run from their cabs like chickens with their heads cut off - Big Easy laughs! (He's evil... but that was funny.)  They realize that he's just kidding and everyone has a laugh about it - Mallory gives them a smack... "My God, we're like dogs."

-10:00am the gates open and everyone races inside - the clue is a ROADBLOCK - Who's ready to drink in the scenery?  Kolkata has always been where Chinese tea came to India and Indian tea left for China - here they will face a Roadblock that will push their powers of perception to the extreme.  Team members will take part in the ancient custom of tea tasting - the teams must bring a mango and a papaya along with their brick of tea to the auctioneer - once the auctioneer infuses the flavours they must find the same tea they tasted in China among hundreds of cups of tea laid out on the table.  When they find the right tea they will receive a bottle of iced tea from the auctioneer with a clue under the cap. (Are you kidding me?  I hope they have sophisticated palates.)
-Kisha, Justin, Jet, Kent, Flight Time, Luke, Mallory, Ron, Zev - they are all tasting tea - Ron is the only one who really knows what he's looking for and he was smelling as well as tasting - the mango came through and he is the first one done.  He gets the bottle of iced tea... how do I get the clue?  He opens the bottle and luckily sees the writing in the cap - they now have to make their way to a tea stall to get their next clue.
-Everyone else is just taking random cups, going by colour since none have figured out the significance of the fruit at the beginning - Jet finally decides to go by smell and he finds one that smells like it - He's right - the Cowboys are the next one's out.
-Kisha lucks into finding one - Luke says he's full - Mallory looks like she's ready to puke. 
-Kent finally finds one and now can't figure out the clue from the bottle - Vyxsin finds it under the cap though.
-Mallory finally finds one by smelling it - that is the key - smell it first. 
-Still have Flight Time, Luke and Zev not able to find the right tea - Zev just drops the last cup he gets wrong smash - Justin says he's not going to be any fun after this.
-Zev is the next one to luck into it - he's not able to show his joy - Justin hugs him anyway and tells him he can wet himself in the cab.

-Ron is being the old fart he is in the cab - grousing about the cab driver - they decide to change cabs.
-Kisha & Jen are just asking people if they know where Snapple is made - their cab driver said he knew and I thought was taking them to the right place but then he says he doesn't know and they get out of the cab and ask more people if they know where it's made (OPEN the bottle!)

-Kent & Vyxsin are the first team to the tea stand and they get the next clue. DETOUR - Hindu Art or Bengali Literature.
-In Hindu Art, teams make their way to a statuary shop where they must paint, dress and adorn a statue of the Hindu god, Ganesha.  Once theirs matches the intricate design of the example, they will get their next clue.
-In Bengali Literature - they must make their way to a book store then take 8 stacks of children's book with them into a rickshaw school bus (yellow caged wagon) then direct the rickshaw through the congested streets of Kolkata to a school where they must deliver the books to receive their next clue (why would anyone do this challenge I ask you? - Maybe it's a hint of claustrophobia or my latent artistic streak but the statue seems like a no-brainer to me.)
-The Goths are doing the statue - Vyxsin says she's crafty. 
-Gary & Mallory get to the tea stall and she says we can do the delivery one if you want. (Really?)

-Kisha & Jen are still asking where the tea is made and a guy wants to open the bottle - Jen says 'no way' - then Kisha thinks, huh, maybe it is in the top and opens the bottle - Jen freaks - Shut the bleep bleep! (What were you thinking not opening the bottle?  I don't get it.)  At least now they know where to head.

-Christina & Ron finally find the tea stall and decide on Hindu Art.  The sisters get to the stall and also go with Hindu Art.

-Back in tea tasting hell - Flight Time and Luke are still striking out.

-Gary & Mallory get to the book store and get their bundles of books - they take them out to the rickshaw school buses and find someone who speaks English to give them directions.  As Gary wedges himself through the small door into the cage he says he feels like a monkey in the circus parade. LOL

-The Cowboys finally find the tea stall and decide to do the Literature. Huh.
-Justin and Zev also are going to do the book delivery.

-The artistic teams make it to the statuary - when Kent saw they had to paint the statue 'Pretty in Pink' just like them he knew they chose wisely. 
-Ron, on the other hand, is instantly complaining about the noise level since there are people there playing instruments really loudly right at them - he puts in ear plugs but it's still giving him a headache (grumpy old codger) Christina gives him heck for not concentrating - the music is doing it's job and distracting him from the task at hand. Good Grief.

-Back at the tea table - Flight Time is remembering the last time on the Race when they couldn't complete a task and took the penalty which ultimately eliminated them - he said they made a pact this time around and they were not doing that again - finally, he finds the right tea.  They jump in a cab and Big Easy opens the tea- this is where we need to go - FAST!
-Luke is the last one there and he breaks down - crying "It's too hard." Margie gives him a hug and tells him he can finish it - but she's not sure he can. (Huh, good thing there's no nuance in sign language.)  He feels like he let her down but she's so proud of him.

-Gary & Mallory get to the school and deliver the books - they get the clue to go to the Pit Stop - the Fountain of Joy.... Okay, maybe I was wrong, seems like the books were the way to go.

-Kent is enjoying painting on the eyebrows and accessorizing their statue - it's like them getting ready in the morning.
-Ron just hears music. (Turn down that racket!)

-The Cowboys can't find the bookstore/publisher - kept getting directions to go up and down the street.
-Zev & Justin find the bookstore and head off in the school bus - Zev is hanging his head out the back because he's feeling claustrophobic - but it's for a good cause.
-The Cowboys finally find the right bookstore and get their books - they take off in the cage... this is quite the school bus.

-Watching Luke break down is heart breaking - Margie tells him to just think how he'll feel if he doesn't finish - the turbaned tea guys start clapping for him to bolster him - he's going through the last cups and finally finds the correct one. YAY!  The turbaned tea guys pick him up like the conquering hero and Margie runs to hug him.  She says she's so proud of him in the cab - but they're both still upset.

-The artists all finish their statues - Kent & Vyxsin, then Kisha & Jen, then Ron & Christina get the Pit Stop clue and head out.

-Zev & Justin make their delivery to the school, get the clue and jump in a cab.
-The Cowboys also make the book delivery and read the clue with all the children - aw, so cute.

-Flight Time & Big Easy are painting the statue - that should be fun.

-Everyone is stuck, very stuck in traffic - Ron has a splitting headache because of the music and now they're not moving (grump, grouse, complain... that's all he does.)  Goths, Zev & Justin, Kisha & Jen, the Cowboys - all are sitting in traffic (must be rush hour.)

-Margie & Luke get to the statuary and see the Globetrotters are still there - this gives them hope.  Big Easy is like a bull in a china shop and kicks a bucket of paint splashing brown all over the bottom of the statue - they have to fix that before they can move on - he's not too happy.

-The Globetrotters do the necessary touch ups and complete the statue-  Flight Time - with some jaunty spots of pink on his head - stops and hugs Margie & Luke before they take off - he said he knows how tough it was with the tea and just wanted to show respect that they hadn't given up.  Margie appreciated it.

-Globetrotters are having trouble finding a taxi  - Margie & Luke finish the statue...

Here's How they finished:1) Gary & Mallory - And we find out this whole episode has been a Snapple commercial - Snapple has created two new flavours based on this leg and they will be the first to taste them - plus they will get a wonderful meal, Bollywood entertainment and one million rupees (about $20K US). 
2) Jet & Cord
3) Ron & Christina
4) Zev & Justin - Teams 2, 3 and 4 all arrive at the mat together - group hug! And cheers with Amazing Race Snapple tea. (Have I mentioned I hate the product driven episodes, makes me mad.)
5) Kent & Vyxsin - Cord tells them they're team #4 - No, 5!
6) Kisha & Jen - we'll take it.
7) Flight Time & Big Easy - fought like crazy to get there today - they just hope their 2nd chance isn't over... and it's not.
8) Margie & Luke - **ELIMINATED** And there is more crying... by me (damn it - crying deaf guy gets me) It's been an emotional afternoon for them both - Luke said it was a big dream of his to be on the Amazing Race and he had a good time racing with his Mom.  She tells him she's very proud of him (and I need a tissue.)
So with the tearful farewell of Margie & Luke, we also see Shelly P, Alex H, Chiquita D, Lee G and Ian G. exiting the pools.  Bye guys.

In Two Weeks - the crap they'll so for a million dollars (Kisha & Jen look to be making goat dung patties an slapping them on a wall) and Zev can't believe his ears - the overwhelming noise makes him not like that place.

Have a great week everyone,


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