It Don't Take a Smart One
Jeff's voice over recap blames Zapatera's turn for the worse on them throwing that challenge to oust Russell... (I still say it was so worth it and would like to shake all their hands.) Reminder they voted out Stephanie last week and the tribes are now even at six players each.
Zapatera - Night 16
-Skinny Richard (Steve) tries to clear the air with the obvious tension now between David and Sarita, he says they hope they can still come together.
-David says he doesn't trust Sarita but she hasn't done anything directly to him so he'll be fine. She says she welcomes constructive criticism and will try to suck it up... I don't believe either one of them - they keep mouthing the platitudes: we'll do what's in our collective best interest... blah blah blah... but Sarita talks a good game and tries to come off sweet (I think she's a big phony) and David's dropped all pretense of tolerating her at this point - but he needs to watch the attitude - being the arrogant, abrasive, whiner will get him kicked out in a heartbeat (this could get interesting.)
Redemption Island - Day 17
-Stephanie is just talking about food - every kind of junk food she's going to eat when she gets home...
-Matt just finds her annoying (I bet, he's planning on being there for the long haul - shut up about the food already... or is she really that smart - trying to throw him off his game through his stomach?) Oh, he says God's going to keep him out there as long as he's supposed to be there... (hmm, maybe Stephanie is just one of the trials God is making him face in his holy Survivor quest... I bet he wishes God wasn't so mean sometimes :)
Ometepe - Day 17
-They get the note to choose 2 people to go to observe the duel - Phillip says he's going to go, it's his turn and Rob also announces he's going.
-Phillip says he doesn't trust Rob anymore because of him trying to hide the clue to the hidden idol from him and as Miyamoto Musashi wrote in the Book of 5 Rings, and what is so difficult to do, is let your enemy move first - and that is where Rob's weakness is - he is extemely controlling, but he doesn't control me.
-Rob says he's got to go because Phillip can't go without a chaperone, "So I got to babysit his ass. He's dangerous because of his stupidity. He's probably the most unaware person I've ever met in my life." (wow, and he was on the same tribe with Coach on Heroes vs Villains so that is saying something.)
Redemption Island
David and Man-Sweater (Ralph) are there for Zapatera.
Today's duel will test their memory - Scattered in the arena are matching pairs of symbols (tiles on individual frames) each round they have to flip over two symbols trying to find the pairs - each pair is a point and first person to 5 points wins.
Stephanie wins the coin toss and elects to have Matt go first - and God guides him to find a match straight off - that's what she gets for aligning with the Devil... oh, spoke too soon - she gets a match on her first go too.
They are tied 1-1. And it starts to get harder but Matt stays in the lead - he's up 4 to 3 and misses a match - she has the chance to tie it up but she messes up and he takes it, finds the 5th pair and remains the Duel King!
-Jeff gives her the opportunity to speak, she has a little cry to be giving up her dream to be there ‘til the end then she reverts to form and addresses Ralph directly - you got to get rid of Sarita, she's your weakest link - I know you think David is because he voted with me but he's the only one that can do puzzles - do you want to take on that responsibility? Ralph says he'll do what he has to (didn't you learn anything last time? Don't interact with the departed.)
-Jeff goads her on to talk to Rob and Phillip - She tells Rob to look out because they'll try to take him out like they did Russell and he should try to win Matt back but good luck, he's been here a long time (God's helping him in his quest for vengeance on Rob...I don't see them buddying up again.)
-With that the pushy little thing throws her buff in the fire and walks off into the jungle. And with Stephanie leaving that means: Jodi S, Jeremy N and Brittany & Sarah R are out of the pools.
-Jeff asks Phillip what he thinks of Matt and he starts quoting the Bushutu code (I think he meant Bushido – I looked it up - This code is said to have emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, obedience ) - tells him he is definitely a Samurai Warrior - Matt laughs, "Thank you Phillip." And as he's walking out Matt pointedly says to Rob, "I won another one."
-Phillip, by not keeping his big mouth shut, has shown Rob that he's ready to make a big move at the merge and that move is to get Rob out... (Bye-bye Phillip.)
Ometepe - Day 17
-On the way back to camp Phillip asks Rob if he wants him to withhold any information - Rob tells him he doesn't want to play that way, they need to stay one cohesive unit. Rob tells us that he was hoping Phillip would say something like that so he could use it as ammunition and (one of my favourite reality show staples) throw him further under the bus with it.
-Rob tells the tribe that Stephanie lost and she warned him that Zapatera would be coming for him.
-Phillip walks away and Rob right away tells them that Phillip didn't want to tell them anything and he knows that Phillip will flip at the first opportunity so if they lose, Phillip is the next to go to Redemption Island.
-Rob is content to hide behind Phillip - let everyone hate on him so Rob is free to do whatever he wants. He says there will be no blindside with Phillip, if he asks who they're voting for, he'll front-side him.
Zapatera - Day 17
-Steve asks if Stephanie was nasty after she lost and Ralph says she told them to beat us - David defends her and says it was nothing egregious though, nothing unexpected - then he walks away.
-Ralph tells them Matt is definitely still with Ometepe (okay, that tells me how observant Ralph is) then says that their David would definitely flip, given half the chance. To the camera Ralph says, “But he's a law-yer, you expect that from them - they think they're better than everyone.”
-David tries to tell them they should go fishing - everyone else knows better and is fed up with his know-it-all ways. He's bugging everyone, not savvy at the social game, the women want to smack the arrogant smirk off his face.
-Ralph - you don't have to be smart to win this game, you just have to be able to maneuver ... (then I couldn't decipher the accent anymore and didn't feel like rewinding again.)
Ometepe - Day 18
-They're all standing around eating rice (except Rob) and the girls are saving the crispy stuck on stuff for Rob. The more they talk about it the more you can smell Phillip thinking - then he strides over and says he wants some of the crispy - the girls close ranks and won't let him near it and he has a little tantrum - "We are all entitled to the same portion of food, I saw you had some of the crispy, I don't see why it's a big deal if I have some of the crispy" (it was ridiculous) "All I ever hear is Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob" (and all I heard was: Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.)
-He just goes on and on (he's so jealous it's crazy) - the girls pay deference to Rob on everything, sleep in his underwear every night (ew, I don't want to know that) sleep in his bed and save the food he likes to eat - everyone likes the brown crispy rice but Rob gets it all (the ego is taking a beating – The lion and gorilla can’t handle not being top banana.)
-Rob comes into camp and the girls are all fawning all over him (not a proud moment for my sex I must say) and Natalie tells him all about Phillip's rant. Rob says, Oh well.
-Phillip has a head of steam now - he says he's getting rid of Rob first chance he gets (I don't see that chance coming) and he continues to rail that he is the senior member of this tribe at 52 years of age and if anyone, he should be entitled to the crispy rice just in deference to his age - instead he gets the red-headed step-child treatment. He gives 110%, he gets no respect and he's sick of it. (And they're sick of you.)
We have an obstacle course - we've seen this one before. They have to work together to get through all the obstacles and collect 3 bags of balls - then they have to throw all 6 balls into a basket - first team to get all their balls in the net win Immunity and [Ralph, "Whater we playin' fer?] Reward - helicopter ride to a picnic with food and booze (except for Natalie, who's under age.)
Off they go and jump into the hay - unwind the balls from the spring Rob gets it down quickly and Sarita takes a lot of time. Under the rope crawl - through the rope webs (Phillip gets stuck) - to the next spring and David takes over for Sarita, he uses Rob's technique and gets the ball much quicker than Rob this time - Zapatera takes the lead - Into the net crawl - Phillip is really slow going and Rob is helping push him along - both teams working on the last bag of balls - Zapatera still ahead - breaks through the brick walls and they are trying to untie the knots - Sarita keeps asking someone to help her. They are all now trying to put the balls in the basket - but they are softball sized balls - and the hoop is really small and high - Ometepe gets a lead but Zapatera ties it up - they are both struggling to get the last ball in the basket... and Grant sinks the last ball - OMETEPE wins Immunity and Reward - Again.
Helicopter comes in to get them and Phillip gets camera time for his speech: "Some tribes advance boldly. Weak tribes will agitate it. But superior tribes, like ours, we Find... A Way... TO WIN! And we did."
They are taken to the rim of a volcano - steaming crater in the earth - and Rob said it was one of the coolest experiences he's ever had (which is saying something having played Survivor 4 times and the Amazing Race twice). Then they EAT! Everyone is feeling the joy of victory and is glad to be sharing this day together - even Phillip said he was feeling tribal in his thinking.
-Rob, of course, is playing the game - he knows there's a clue there somewhere - sees the jar of rolled up cookies, fishes a couple out, passes them around and slips the clue that was in the middle into his back pocket. At the edge of the volcano he says, "Doesn't matter what it says, I already have the idol." Toss. That's right, he tossed it right into the volcano - with a grin from ear to ear (Super cocky doesn't usually play well in Survivor - I have a feeling Rob may be heading for some Survivor karma someday soon.)
Zapatera - Day 18
Mike says, "That sucked." and knows they are not in a good situation - they're now down in numbers with a looming merge.
-Steve, Mike, Julie and Sarita are discussing what to do and I at first I thought Sarita wanted to go home - She's still holding her face like the tooth hurts and when they say they're thinking David she asks if they're sure they want to lose the puzzle maker because she wants this tribe to win. But she’s just sussing them out – using reverse psychology.
-They think Mike can do whatever Dave can do and then Sarita says she would put herself up if she though Dave was better than her but she just doesn't think he's good.
-Sarita goes and finds Man-Sweater to make sure he's on the same page and Ralph says he thought David did awesome today (he did do well in the challenge) Sarita says that's beside the point, she doesn't trust him (and like Ralph, himself said earlier this episode) she thinks David will flip at the first opportunity... oh yeah, he remembers that now.
-David says he's feeling nervous tonight - he doesn't think the tribe has seen light in terms of keeping strength on the tribe and he could be going home.
-Mike and Steve think they should keep David - he was strong in the challenge and Sarita was not, she panicked a couple times - They go to work on Ralph - pointing out that Sarita is definitely the weakest So their choice is loyal or strong... it's still up in the air as they go to:
Ralph, what's happened to Zapatera? What happened at the challenge?
- We were ahead until we got to the balls...
David, finish this sentence, "Excuses are for ____."
- Losers.
Ralph - Well, I'm a loser then. (And he just lost Ralph's support.)
Julie, there is one looming stat: since you threw the challenge to get rid of Russell you have lost all 4 challenges. (I thought they won the next one after - didn't they?)
- That's right, it was bad karma (or is it the Devil's Curse?) At that time we thought we were a way stronger tribe than the other tribe and could afford it - we still think we're stronger.
David, maybe it's not that the other tribe is stronger, just that they're more cohesive. (Yeah, go ask the red-headed stepchild about that.)
- That's exactly what it is - it's a lack of unity - when we were banded together against Russell we had a common goal. The other tribe looks like they're all friends.
Ralph, is that what it is, you have to be more cohesive? Ralph doesn't understand the word so Jeff states it more simply - you have a group of guys, would you rather have the strong guys that don't get along or the weaker guys that work together well.
-Ralph - I'd rather have the ones that don't get along - they work harder - the other guys just yak yak yak (Haha, well that blew up in Jeff's face - and Ralph's probably right in the real world.)
-Steve respectfully disagrees - he'd rather have a group that gets along - and he thinks they are working together.
Krista and Stephanie would disagree and from what I've seen of David and Sarita, David would also disagree.
- Steve - that's why Krista & Stephanie are gone - they were the dissenters.
- David says he's worried that his voting with Stephanie last tribal will be looked upon as his dissenting but he says he gave Stephanie his word he'd do that and he wasn't going to go back on his word. (Ha, nice try, I don't think they'll find that loyal when you sided against them.)
Sarita, so David's making the argument that by keeping his word he was demonstrating loyalty.
- Yeah, that doesn't fly with me - I trusted in the six.
David - I trusted in the six but I don't have individual trust in you though (and why is that? Oh, because you're trying to save your ass.)
Sarita - I was surprised when he voted for me. He yelled at me a couple times but we were still aligned within the six.
David - So we had no alliance but you were still willing to work with me within the six.
Sarita - we had the agreement within the six and you broke that last time by voting against us.
David - I did what I thought was best for the tribe.
But it's different tonight because there is no Stephanie and there is no Krista...
Sarita - and he wrote my name down.
So you're gunning for David tonight.
- Um... (Just say YES - sheesh.)
David - Of course she is, it's obvious. If she thinks I betrayed the alliance of course she's gunning for me. Everyone has their mind made up whether it's me or her, so be it.
They Vote:
Sarita for David - I was always honest with you and you betrayed me. It's unfortunate because I think you have a lot of great qualities.
David for Sarita - I hope you love Redemption Island as much as I love writing your name down.
Tallying the Votes:
Sarita - 1
David - 1, 2
Sarita - 2, 3, 4 - She's blindsided and right away whines to Julie, "I wish I'd brought my stuff." David proves the jerk he is and gloats, "Don't get too confident."
Sarita’s thoughts: David won out by saying he was stronger but what they didn't take into consideration is at this point you don't necessarily want someone who can win individual immunity - they just wanted the most robust football team and God love them for it.
Next week:
Matt cut his foot pretty badly and it jeopardizes his chances in the duel - the winner of which will be going back into the game. Then they hear the words they've been anticipating - You Are Merged. Phillip thinks it's a whole new game and Rob is paranoid - I know they're coming for me. (Oh yes, they are... should be a gooder.)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
Jeff's voice over recap blames Zapatera's turn for the worse on them throwing that challenge to oust Russell... (I still say it was so worth it and would like to shake all their hands.) Reminder they voted out Stephanie last week and the tribes are now even at six players each.
Zapatera - Night 16
-Skinny Richard (Steve) tries to clear the air with the obvious tension now between David and Sarita, he says they hope they can still come together.
-David says he doesn't trust Sarita but she hasn't done anything directly to him so he'll be fine. She says she welcomes constructive criticism and will try to suck it up... I don't believe either one of them - they keep mouthing the platitudes: we'll do what's in our collective best interest... blah blah blah... but Sarita talks a good game and tries to come off sweet (I think she's a big phony) and David's dropped all pretense of tolerating her at this point - but he needs to watch the attitude - being the arrogant, abrasive, whiner will get him kicked out in a heartbeat (this could get interesting.)
Redemption Island - Day 17
-Stephanie is just talking about food - every kind of junk food she's going to eat when she gets home...
-Matt just finds her annoying (I bet, he's planning on being there for the long haul - shut up about the food already... or is she really that smart - trying to throw him off his game through his stomach?) Oh, he says God's going to keep him out there as long as he's supposed to be there... (hmm, maybe Stephanie is just one of the trials God is making him face in his holy Survivor quest... I bet he wishes God wasn't so mean sometimes :)
Ometepe - Day 17
-They get the note to choose 2 people to go to observe the duel - Phillip says he's going to go, it's his turn and Rob also announces he's going.
-Phillip says he doesn't trust Rob anymore because of him trying to hide the clue to the hidden idol from him and as Miyamoto Musashi wrote in the Book of 5 Rings, and what is so difficult to do, is let your enemy move first - and that is where Rob's weakness is - he is extemely controlling, but he doesn't control me.
-Rob says he's got to go because Phillip can't go without a chaperone, "So I got to babysit his ass. He's dangerous because of his stupidity. He's probably the most unaware person I've ever met in my life." (wow, and he was on the same tribe with Coach on Heroes vs Villains so that is saying something.)
Redemption Island
David and Man-Sweater (Ralph) are there for Zapatera.
Today's duel will test their memory - Scattered in the arena are matching pairs of symbols (tiles on individual frames) each round they have to flip over two symbols trying to find the pairs - each pair is a point and first person to 5 points wins.
Stephanie wins the coin toss and elects to have Matt go first - and God guides him to find a match straight off - that's what she gets for aligning with the Devil... oh, spoke too soon - she gets a match on her first go too.
They are tied 1-1. And it starts to get harder but Matt stays in the lead - he's up 4 to 3 and misses a match - she has the chance to tie it up but she messes up and he takes it, finds the 5th pair and remains the Duel King!
-Jeff gives her the opportunity to speak, she has a little cry to be giving up her dream to be there ‘til the end then she reverts to form and addresses Ralph directly - you got to get rid of Sarita, she's your weakest link - I know you think David is because he voted with me but he's the only one that can do puzzles - do you want to take on that responsibility? Ralph says he'll do what he has to (didn't you learn anything last time? Don't interact with the departed.)
-Jeff goads her on to talk to Rob and Phillip - She tells Rob to look out because they'll try to take him out like they did Russell and he should try to win Matt back but good luck, he's been here a long time (God's helping him in his quest for vengeance on Rob...I don't see them buddying up again.)
-With that the pushy little thing throws her buff in the fire and walks off into the jungle. And with Stephanie leaving that means: Jodi S, Jeremy N and Brittany & Sarah R are out of the pools.
-Jeff asks Phillip what he thinks of Matt and he starts quoting the Bushutu code (I think he meant Bushido – I looked it up - This code is said to have emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, obedience ) - tells him he is definitely a Samurai Warrior - Matt laughs, "Thank you Phillip." And as he's walking out Matt pointedly says to Rob, "I won another one."
-Phillip, by not keeping his big mouth shut, has shown Rob that he's ready to make a big move at the merge and that move is to get Rob out... (Bye-bye Phillip.)
Ometepe - Day 17
-On the way back to camp Phillip asks Rob if he wants him to withhold any information - Rob tells him he doesn't want to play that way, they need to stay one cohesive unit. Rob tells us that he was hoping Phillip would say something like that so he could use it as ammunition and (one of my favourite reality show staples) throw him further under the bus with it.
-Rob tells the tribe that Stephanie lost and she warned him that Zapatera would be coming for him.
-Phillip walks away and Rob right away tells them that Phillip didn't want to tell them anything and he knows that Phillip will flip at the first opportunity so if they lose, Phillip is the next to go to Redemption Island.
-Rob is content to hide behind Phillip - let everyone hate on him so Rob is free to do whatever he wants. He says there will be no blindside with Phillip, if he asks who they're voting for, he'll front-side him.
Zapatera - Day 17
-Steve asks if Stephanie was nasty after she lost and Ralph says she told them to beat us - David defends her and says it was nothing egregious though, nothing unexpected - then he walks away.
-Ralph tells them Matt is definitely still with Ometepe (okay, that tells me how observant Ralph is) then says that their David would definitely flip, given half the chance. To the camera Ralph says, “But he's a law-yer, you expect that from them - they think they're better than everyone.”
-David tries to tell them they should go fishing - everyone else knows better and is fed up with his know-it-all ways. He's bugging everyone, not savvy at the social game, the women want to smack the arrogant smirk off his face.
-Ralph - you don't have to be smart to win this game, you just have to be able to maneuver ... (then I couldn't decipher the accent anymore and didn't feel like rewinding again.)
Ometepe - Day 18
-They're all standing around eating rice (except Rob) and the girls are saving the crispy stuck on stuff for Rob. The more they talk about it the more you can smell Phillip thinking - then he strides over and says he wants some of the crispy - the girls close ranks and won't let him near it and he has a little tantrum - "We are all entitled to the same portion of food, I saw you had some of the crispy, I don't see why it's a big deal if I have some of the crispy" (it was ridiculous) "All I ever hear is Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob" (and all I heard was: Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.)
-He just goes on and on (he's so jealous it's crazy) - the girls pay deference to Rob on everything, sleep in his underwear every night (ew, I don't want to know that) sleep in his bed and save the food he likes to eat - everyone likes the brown crispy rice but Rob gets it all (the ego is taking a beating – The lion and gorilla can’t handle not being top banana.)
-Rob comes into camp and the girls are all fawning all over him (not a proud moment for my sex I must say) and Natalie tells him all about Phillip's rant. Rob says, Oh well.
-Phillip has a head of steam now - he says he's getting rid of Rob first chance he gets (I don't see that chance coming) and he continues to rail that he is the senior member of this tribe at 52 years of age and if anyone, he should be entitled to the crispy rice just in deference to his age - instead he gets the red-headed step-child treatment. He gives 110%, he gets no respect and he's sick of it. (And they're sick of you.)
We have an obstacle course - we've seen this one before. They have to work together to get through all the obstacles and collect 3 bags of balls - then they have to throw all 6 balls into a basket - first team to get all their balls in the net win Immunity and [Ralph, "Whater we playin' fer?] Reward - helicopter ride to a picnic with food and booze (except for Natalie, who's under age.)
Off they go and jump into the hay - unwind the balls from the spring Rob gets it down quickly and Sarita takes a lot of time. Under the rope crawl - through the rope webs (Phillip gets stuck) - to the next spring and David takes over for Sarita, he uses Rob's technique and gets the ball much quicker than Rob this time - Zapatera takes the lead - Into the net crawl - Phillip is really slow going and Rob is helping push him along - both teams working on the last bag of balls - Zapatera still ahead - breaks through the brick walls and they are trying to untie the knots - Sarita keeps asking someone to help her. They are all now trying to put the balls in the basket - but they are softball sized balls - and the hoop is really small and high - Ometepe gets a lead but Zapatera ties it up - they are both struggling to get the last ball in the basket... and Grant sinks the last ball - OMETEPE wins Immunity and Reward - Again.
Helicopter comes in to get them and Phillip gets camera time for his speech: "Some tribes advance boldly. Weak tribes will agitate it. But superior tribes, like ours, we Find... A Way... TO WIN! And we did."
They are taken to the rim of a volcano - steaming crater in the earth - and Rob said it was one of the coolest experiences he's ever had (which is saying something having played Survivor 4 times and the Amazing Race twice). Then they EAT! Everyone is feeling the joy of victory and is glad to be sharing this day together - even Phillip said he was feeling tribal in his thinking.
-Rob, of course, is playing the game - he knows there's a clue there somewhere - sees the jar of rolled up cookies, fishes a couple out, passes them around and slips the clue that was in the middle into his back pocket. At the edge of the volcano he says, "Doesn't matter what it says, I already have the idol." Toss. That's right, he tossed it right into the volcano - with a grin from ear to ear (Super cocky doesn't usually play well in Survivor - I have a feeling Rob may be heading for some Survivor karma someday soon.)
Zapatera - Day 18
Mike says, "That sucked." and knows they are not in a good situation - they're now down in numbers with a looming merge.
-Steve, Mike, Julie and Sarita are discussing what to do and I at first I thought Sarita wanted to go home - She's still holding her face like the tooth hurts and when they say they're thinking David she asks if they're sure they want to lose the puzzle maker because she wants this tribe to win. But she’s just sussing them out – using reverse psychology.
-They think Mike can do whatever Dave can do and then Sarita says she would put herself up if she though Dave was better than her but she just doesn't think he's good.
-Sarita goes and finds Man-Sweater to make sure he's on the same page and Ralph says he thought David did awesome today (he did do well in the challenge) Sarita says that's beside the point, she doesn't trust him (and like Ralph, himself said earlier this episode) she thinks David will flip at the first opportunity... oh yeah, he remembers that now.
-David says he's feeling nervous tonight - he doesn't think the tribe has seen light in terms of keeping strength on the tribe and he could be going home.
-Mike and Steve think they should keep David - he was strong in the challenge and Sarita was not, she panicked a couple times - They go to work on Ralph - pointing out that Sarita is definitely the weakest So their choice is loyal or strong... it's still up in the air as they go to:
Ralph, what's happened to Zapatera? What happened at the challenge?
- We were ahead until we got to the balls...
David, finish this sentence, "Excuses are for ____."
- Losers.
Ralph - Well, I'm a loser then. (And he just lost Ralph's support.)
Julie, there is one looming stat: since you threw the challenge to get rid of Russell you have lost all 4 challenges. (I thought they won the next one after - didn't they?)
- That's right, it was bad karma (or is it the Devil's Curse?) At that time we thought we were a way stronger tribe than the other tribe and could afford it - we still think we're stronger.
David, maybe it's not that the other tribe is stronger, just that they're more cohesive. (Yeah, go ask the red-headed stepchild about that.)
- That's exactly what it is - it's a lack of unity - when we were banded together against Russell we had a common goal. The other tribe looks like they're all friends.
Ralph, is that what it is, you have to be more cohesive? Ralph doesn't understand the word so Jeff states it more simply - you have a group of guys, would you rather have the strong guys that don't get along or the weaker guys that work together well.
-Ralph - I'd rather have the ones that don't get along - they work harder - the other guys just yak yak yak (Haha, well that blew up in Jeff's face - and Ralph's probably right in the real world.)
-Steve respectfully disagrees - he'd rather have a group that gets along - and he thinks they are working together.
Krista and Stephanie would disagree and from what I've seen of David and Sarita, David would also disagree.
- Steve - that's why Krista & Stephanie are gone - they were the dissenters.
- David says he's worried that his voting with Stephanie last tribal will be looked upon as his dissenting but he says he gave Stephanie his word he'd do that and he wasn't going to go back on his word. (Ha, nice try, I don't think they'll find that loyal when you sided against them.)
Sarita, so David's making the argument that by keeping his word he was demonstrating loyalty.
- Yeah, that doesn't fly with me - I trusted in the six.
David - I trusted in the six but I don't have individual trust in you though (and why is that? Oh, because you're trying to save your ass.)
Sarita - I was surprised when he voted for me. He yelled at me a couple times but we were still aligned within the six.
David - So we had no alliance but you were still willing to work with me within the six.
Sarita - we had the agreement within the six and you broke that last time by voting against us.
David - I did what I thought was best for the tribe.
But it's different tonight because there is no Stephanie and there is no Krista...
Sarita - and he wrote my name down.
So you're gunning for David tonight.
- Um... (Just say YES - sheesh.)
David - Of course she is, it's obvious. If she thinks I betrayed the alliance of course she's gunning for me. Everyone has their mind made up whether it's me or her, so be it.
They Vote:
Sarita for David - I was always honest with you and you betrayed me. It's unfortunate because I think you have a lot of great qualities.
David for Sarita - I hope you love Redemption Island as much as I love writing your name down.
Tallying the Votes:
Sarita - 1
David - 1, 2
Sarita - 2, 3, 4 - She's blindsided and right away whines to Julie, "I wish I'd brought my stuff." David proves the jerk he is and gloats, "Don't get too confident."
Sarita’s thoughts: David won out by saying he was stronger but what they didn't take into consideration is at this point you don't necessarily want someone who can win individual immunity - they just wanted the most robust football team and God love them for it.
Next week:
Matt cut his foot pretty badly and it jeopardizes his chances in the duel - the winner of which will be going back into the game. Then they hear the words they've been anticipating - You Are Merged. Phillip thinks it's a whole new game and Rob is paranoid - I know they're coming for me. (Oh yes, they are... should be a gooder.)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,