Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - March 30th Episode Recap

It Don't Take a Smart One

Jeff's voice over recap blames Zapatera's turn for the worse on them throwing that challenge to oust Russell... (I still say it was so worth it and would like to shake all their hands.) Reminder they voted out Stephanie last week and the tribes are now even at six players each.

Zapatera - Night 16

-Skinny Richard (Steve) tries to clear the air with the obvious tension now between David and Sarita, he says they hope they can still come together.

-David says he doesn't trust Sarita but she hasn't done anything directly to him so he'll be fine. She says she welcomes constructive criticism and will try to suck it up... I don't believe either one of them - they keep mouthing the platitudes: we'll do what's in our collective best interest... blah blah blah... but Sarita talks a good game and tries to come off sweet (I think she's a big phony) and David's dropped all pretense of tolerating her at this point - but he needs to watch the attitude - being the arrogant, abrasive, whiner will get him kicked out in a heartbeat (this could get interesting.)

Redemption Island - Day 17

-Stephanie is just talking about food - every kind of junk food she's going to eat when she gets home...

-Matt just finds her annoying (I bet, he's planning on being there for the long haul - shut up about the food already... or is she really that smart - trying to throw him off his game through his stomach?) Oh, he says God's going to keep him out there as long as he's supposed to be there... (hmm, maybe Stephanie is just one of the trials God is making him face in his holy Survivor quest... I bet he wishes God wasn't so mean sometimes :)

Ometepe - Day 17

-They get the note to choose 2 people to go to observe the duel - Phillip says he's going to go, it's his turn and Rob also announces he's going.

-Phillip says he doesn't trust Rob anymore because of him trying to hide the clue to the hidden idol from him and as Miyamoto Musashi wrote in the Book of 5 Rings, and what is so difficult to do, is let your enemy move first - and that is where Rob's weakness is - he is extemely controlling, but he doesn't control me.

-Rob says he's got to go because Phillip can't go without a chaperone, "So I got to babysit his ass. He's dangerous because of his stupidity. He's probably the most unaware person I've ever met in my life." (wow, and he was on the same tribe with Coach on Heroes vs Villains so that is saying something.)

Redemption Island

David and Man-Sweater (Ralph) are there for Zapatera.

Today's duel will test their memory - Scattered in the arena are matching pairs of symbols (tiles on individual frames) each round they have to flip over two symbols trying to find the pairs - each pair is a point and first person to 5 points wins.
Stephanie wins the coin toss and elects to have Matt go first - and God guides him to find a match straight off - that's what she gets for aligning with the Devil... oh, spoke too soon - she gets a match on her first go too.
They are tied 1-1. And it starts to get harder but Matt stays in the lead - he's up 4 to 3 and misses a match - she has the chance to tie it up but she messes up and he takes it, finds the 5th pair and remains the Duel King!

-Jeff gives her the opportunity to speak, she has a little cry to be giving up her dream to be there ‘til the end then she reverts to form and addresses Ralph directly - you got to get rid of Sarita, she's your weakest link - I know you think David is because he voted with me but he's the only one that can do puzzles - do you want to take on that responsibility? Ralph says he'll do what he has to (didn't you learn anything last time? Don't interact with the departed.)

-Jeff goads her on to talk to Rob and Phillip - She tells Rob to look out because they'll try to take him out like they did Russell and he should try to win Matt back but good luck, he's been here a long time (God's helping him in his quest for vengeance on Rob...I don't see them buddying up again.)

-With that the pushy little thing throws her buff in the fire and walks off into the jungle. And with Stephanie leaving that means: Jodi S, Jeremy N and Brittany & Sarah R are out of the pools.

-Jeff asks Phillip what he thinks of Matt and he starts quoting the Bushutu code (I think he meant Bushido – I looked it up - This code is said to have emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, obedience ) - tells him he is definitely a Samurai Warrior - Matt laughs, "Thank you Phillip." And as he's walking out Matt pointedly says to Rob, "I won another one."

-Phillip, by not keeping his big mouth shut, has shown Rob that he's ready to make a big move at the merge and that move is to get Rob out... (Bye-bye Phillip.)

Ometepe - Day 17

-On the way back to camp Phillip asks Rob if he wants him to withhold any information - Rob tells him he doesn't want to play that way, they need to stay one cohesive unit. Rob tells us that he was hoping Phillip would say something like that so he could use it as ammunition and (one of my favourite reality show staples) throw him further under the bus with it.

-Rob tells the tribe that Stephanie lost and she warned him that Zapatera would be coming for him.
-Phillip walks away and Rob right away tells them that Phillip didn't want to tell them anything and he knows that Phillip will flip at the first opportunity so if they lose, Phillip is the next to go to Redemption Island.
-Rob is content to hide behind Phillip - let everyone hate on him so Rob is free to do whatever he wants. He says there will be no blindside with Phillip, if he asks who they're voting for, he'll front-side him.

Zapatera - Day 17

-Steve asks if Stephanie was nasty after she lost and Ralph says she told them to beat us - David defends her and says it was nothing egregious though, nothing unexpected - then he walks away.

-Ralph tells them Matt is definitely still with Ometepe (okay, that tells me how observant Ralph is) then says that their David would definitely flip, given half the chance. To the camera Ralph says, “But he's a law-yer, you expect that from them - they think they're better than everyone.”

-David tries to tell them they should go fishing - everyone else knows better and is fed up with his know-it-all ways. He's bugging everyone, not savvy at the social game, the women want to smack the arrogant smirk off his face.

-Ralph - you don't have to be smart to win this game, you just have to be able to maneuver ... (then I couldn't decipher the accent anymore and didn't feel like rewinding again.)

Ometepe - Day 18

-They're all standing around eating rice (except Rob) and the girls are saving the crispy stuck on stuff for Rob. The more they talk about it the more you can smell Phillip thinking - then he strides over and says he wants some of the crispy - the girls close ranks and won't let him near it and he has a little tantrum - "We are all entitled to the same portion of food, I saw you had some of the crispy, I don't see why it's a big deal if I have some of the crispy" (it was ridiculous) "All I ever hear is Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob" (and all I heard was: Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.)

-He just goes on and on (he's so jealous it's crazy) - the girls pay deference to Rob on everything, sleep in his underwear every night (ew, I don't want to know that) sleep in his bed and save the food he likes to eat - everyone likes the brown crispy rice but Rob gets it all (the ego is taking a beating – The lion and gorilla can’t handle not being top banana.)

-Rob comes into camp and the girls are all fawning all over him (not a proud moment for my sex I must say) and Natalie tells him all about Phillip's rant. Rob says, Oh well.

-Phillip has a head of steam now - he says he's getting rid of Rob first chance he gets (I don't see that chance coming) and he continues to rail that he is the senior member of this tribe at 52 years of age and if anyone, he should be entitled to the crispy rice just in deference to his age - instead he gets the red-headed step-child treatment. He gives 110%, he gets no respect and he's sick of it. (And they're sick of you.)


We have an obstacle course - we've seen this one before. They have to work together to get through all the obstacles and collect 3 bags of balls - then they have to throw all 6 balls into a basket - first team to get all their balls in the net win Immunity and [Ralph, "Whater we playin' fer?] Reward - helicopter ride to a picnic with food and booze (except for Natalie, who's under age.)

Off they go and jump into the hay - unwind the balls from the spring Rob gets it down quickly and Sarita takes a lot of time. Under the rope crawl - through the rope webs (Phillip gets stuck) - to the next spring and David takes over for Sarita, he uses Rob's technique and gets the ball much quicker than Rob this time - Zapatera takes the lead - Into the net crawl - Phillip is really slow going and Rob is helping push him along - both teams working on the last bag of balls - Zapatera still ahead - breaks through the brick walls and they are trying to untie the knots - Sarita keeps asking someone to help her. They are all now trying to put the balls in the basket - but they are softball sized balls - and the hoop is really small and high - Ometepe gets a lead but Zapatera ties it up - they are both struggling to get the last ball in the basket... and Grant sinks the last ball - OMETEPE wins Immunity and Reward - Again.

Helicopter comes in to get them and Phillip gets camera time for his speech: "Some tribes advance boldly. Weak tribes will agitate it. But superior tribes, like ours, we Find... A Way... TO WIN! And we did."


They are taken to the rim of a volcano - steaming crater in the earth - and Rob said it was one of the coolest experiences he's ever had (which is saying something having played Survivor 4 times and the Amazing Race twice). Then they EAT! Everyone is feeling the joy of victory and is glad to be sharing this day together - even Phillip said he was feeling tribal in his thinking.

-Rob, of course, is playing the game - he knows there's a clue there somewhere - sees the jar of rolled up cookies, fishes a couple out, passes them around and slips the clue that was in the middle into his back pocket. At the edge of the volcano he says, "Doesn't matter what it says, I already have the idol." Toss. That's right, he tossed it right into the volcano - with a grin from ear to ear (Super cocky doesn't usually play well in Survivor - I have a feeling Rob may be heading for some Survivor karma someday soon.)

Zapatera - Day 18

Mike says, "That sucked." and knows they are not in a good situation - they're now down in numbers with a looming merge.

-Steve, Mike, Julie and Sarita are discussing what to do and I at first I thought Sarita wanted to go home - She's still holding her face like the tooth hurts and when they say they're thinking David she asks if they're sure they want to lose the puzzle maker because she wants this tribe to win. But she’s just sussing them out – using reverse psychology.

-They think Mike can do whatever Dave can do and then Sarita says she would put herself up if she though Dave was better than her but she just doesn't think he's good.

-Sarita goes and finds Man-Sweater to make sure he's on the same page and Ralph says he thought David did awesome today (he did do well in the challenge) Sarita says that's beside the point, she doesn't trust him (and like Ralph, himself said earlier this episode) she thinks David will flip at the first opportunity... oh yeah, he remembers that now.

-David says he's feeling nervous tonight - he doesn't think the tribe has seen light in terms of keeping strength on the tribe and he could be going home.

-Mike and Steve think they should keep David - he was strong in the challenge and Sarita was not, she panicked a couple times - They go to work on Ralph - pointing out that Sarita is definitely the weakest So their choice is loyal or strong... it's still up in the air as they go to:


Ralph, what's happened to Zapatera? What happened at the challenge?
- We were ahead until we got to the balls...

David, finish this sentence, "Excuses are for ____."
- Losers.

Ralph - Well, I'm a loser then. (And he just lost Ralph's support.)

Julie, there is one looming stat: since you threw the challenge to get rid of Russell you have lost all 4 challenges. (I thought they won the next one after - didn't they?)
- That's right, it was bad karma (or is it the Devil's Curse?) At that time we thought we were a way stronger tribe than the other tribe and could afford it - we still think we're stronger.

David, maybe it's not that the other tribe is stronger, just that they're more cohesive. (Yeah, go ask the red-headed stepchild about that.)
- That's exactly what it is - it's a lack of unity - when we were banded together against Russell we had a common goal. The other tribe looks like they're all friends.

Ralph, is that what it is, you have to be more cohesive? Ralph doesn't understand the word so Jeff states it more simply - you have a group of guys, would you rather have the strong guys that don't get along or the weaker guys that work together well.
-Ralph - I'd rather have the ones that don't get along - they work harder - the other guys just yak yak yak (Haha, well that blew up in Jeff's face - and Ralph's probably right in the real world.)

-Steve respectfully disagrees - he'd rather have a group that gets along - and he thinks they are working together.

Krista and Stephanie would disagree and from what I've seen of David and Sarita, David would also disagree.
- Steve - that's why Krista & Stephanie are gone - they were the dissenters.

- David says he's worried that his voting with Stephanie last tribal will be looked upon as his dissenting but he says he gave Stephanie his word he'd do that and he wasn't going to go back on his word. (Ha, nice try, I don't think they'll find that loyal when you sided against them.)

Sarita, so David's making the argument that by keeping his word he was demonstrating loyalty.
- Yeah, that doesn't fly with me - I trusted in the six.
David - I trusted in the six but I don't have individual trust in you though (and why is that? Oh, because you're trying to save your ass.)
Sarita - I was surprised when he voted for me. He yelled at me a couple times but we were still aligned within the six.
David - So we had no alliance but you were still willing to work with me within the six.
Sarita - we had the agreement within the six and you broke that last time by voting against us.
David - I did what I thought was best for the tribe.
But it's different tonight because there is no Stephanie and there is no Krista...
Sarita - and he wrote my name down.
So you're gunning for David tonight.
- Um... (Just say YES - sheesh.)
David - Of course she is, it's obvious. If she thinks I betrayed the alliance of course she's gunning for me. Everyone has their mind made up whether it's me or her, so be it.

They Vote:

Sarita for David - I was always honest with you and you betrayed me. It's unfortunate because I think you have a lot of great qualities.

David for Sarita - I hope you love Redemption Island as much as I love writing your name down.

Tallying the Votes:

Sarita - 1

David - 1, 2

Sarita - 2, 3, 4 - She's blindsided and right away whines to Julie, "I wish I'd brought my stuff." David proves the jerk he is and gloats, "Don't get too confident."

Sarita’s thoughts: David won out by saying he was stronger but what they didn't take into consideration is at this point you don't necessarily want someone who can win individual immunity - they just wanted the most robust football team and God love them for it.

Next week:

Matt cut his foot pretty badly and it jeopardizes his chances in the duel - the winner of which will be going back into the game. Then they hear the words they've been anticipating - You Are Merged. Phillip thinks it's a whole new game and Rob is paranoid - I know they're coming for me. (Oh yes, they are... should be a gooder.)

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amazing Race Unfinished Business - March 27th Episode Recap

I Feel Like a Monkey in a Circus Parade (Kolkata, India)

Quick recap from last week - Gary & Mallory used the express pass but still came in second to the Cowboys (because they're magic) and Kent & Vyxsin survived by U-turning the Redheads, who thankfully went home.

The Cowboys are the first to depart from Kunming, China at 2:14pm - the clue tells them it's tea time - they have to make their way to a tea shop and take part in a traditional tea tasting - what they don't know is that the mango and papaya infused tea will appear in another challenge later in this leg of the race - once they complete the tasting they'll get a brick of tea and their next clue.
-Jet says their wives are making as big a sacrifice as they are while they're there - staying home and taking care of their child and the ranch - it's added incentive that makes them really not want to go home empty handed (happy wife, happy life - 'strue.)
-Gary & Mallory are 2 minutes behind them and she's not excited to be staying in China.
-Margie & Luke -2:48pm - he's also upset to be staying in China - Damn it.

-The Cowboys are taken to the street but don't see the tea shop, nothing's in English - Gary & Mallory are the first team to make it to the correct place and they start the tasting - she says, mmm Peach.  The Cowboys get there as they are leaving, she tells them the tea is good, peach.
-Gary & Mallory's clue tells them they are heading to India. When they arrive in Kolkata, India they must make their way to town hall where they'll find their next clue.

-The rest of the teams are heading out and no one is happy to be staying in China (Poor China, it's gonna get a complex.)  Zev & Justin are the last team to head out and Zev is wearing silver pajamas - a pick me up for this leg of the race.
-They all drink the tea and say it's good but no one asks what it is except Christina, who speaks the language.  They find out it is mango/papaya tea.  Zev even comments when they finish, "That was pointless."... oh just you wait.

-All the teams are on the same flight to Calcutta/Kolkata (I had to look it up and apparently: "In 2001, the city's name was officially changed from Calcutta to Kolkata." they are one in the same) - it is a foot race out of the airport where they are met by a teaming mass of humanity - Oh my gosh.  Mallory already loves India, Ron couldn't believe there were that many people for a midnight flight (their cab driver laughs.)
-Flight Time & Big Easy are the first team on the road - they tell their driver to go fast - he says, "You wait for your friends?" NO!
-The Cowboys cab passes Gary & Mallory and is coming up on the Globetrotters - everyone is screaming through the streets - the cabs are running red lights, Luke thinks theirs is running on the train tracks, near misses with a bus and Ron & Christina were nearly T-boned by a huge truck (I think they'll need a change of undies after that one.  Well, no one can say they got screwed by getting a wimpy cab driver - they're all crazy.)
-Teams start arriving at Town Hall in one piece and see the gates don't open until 10am - half the teams are waiting at the gates when the rest get there and Big Easy starts yelling at them to "Run, run and sign in" - it's bedlam as the teams run from their cabs like chickens with their heads cut off - Big Easy laughs! (He's evil... but that was funny.)  They realize that he's just kidding and everyone has a laugh about it - Mallory gives them a smack... "My God, we're like dogs."

-10:00am the gates open and everyone races inside - the clue is a ROADBLOCK - Who's ready to drink in the scenery?  Kolkata has always been where Chinese tea came to India and Indian tea left for China - here they will face a Roadblock that will push their powers of perception to the extreme.  Team members will take part in the ancient custom of tea tasting - the teams must bring a mango and a papaya along with their brick of tea to the auctioneer - once the auctioneer infuses the flavours they must find the same tea they tasted in China among hundreds of cups of tea laid out on the table.  When they find the right tea they will receive a bottle of iced tea from the auctioneer with a clue under the cap. (Are you kidding me?  I hope they have sophisticated palates.)
-Kisha, Justin, Jet, Kent, Flight Time, Luke, Mallory, Ron, Zev - they are all tasting tea - Ron is the only one who really knows what he's looking for and he was smelling as well as tasting - the mango came through and he is the first one done.  He gets the bottle of iced tea... how do I get the clue?  He opens the bottle and luckily sees the writing in the cap - they now have to make their way to a tea stall to get their next clue.
-Everyone else is just taking random cups, going by colour since none have figured out the significance of the fruit at the beginning - Jet finally decides to go by smell and he finds one that smells like it - He's right - the Cowboys are the next one's out.
-Kisha lucks into finding one - Luke says he's full - Mallory looks like she's ready to puke. 
-Kent finally finds one and now can't figure out the clue from the bottle - Vyxsin finds it under the cap though.
-Mallory finally finds one by smelling it - that is the key - smell it first. 
-Still have Flight Time, Luke and Zev not able to find the right tea - Zev just drops the last cup he gets wrong smash - Justin says he's not going to be any fun after this.
-Zev is the next one to luck into it - he's not able to show his joy - Justin hugs him anyway and tells him he can wet himself in the cab.

-Ron is being the old fart he is in the cab - grousing about the cab driver - they decide to change cabs.
-Kisha & Jen are just asking people if they know where Snapple is made - their cab driver said he knew and I thought was taking them to the right place but then he says he doesn't know and they get out of the cab and ask more people if they know where it's made (OPEN the bottle!)

-Kent & Vyxsin are the first team to the tea stand and they get the next clue. DETOUR - Hindu Art or Bengali Literature.
-In Hindu Art, teams make their way to a statuary shop where they must paint, dress and adorn a statue of the Hindu god, Ganesha.  Once theirs matches the intricate design of the example, they will get their next clue.
-In Bengali Literature - they must make their way to a book store then take 8 stacks of children's book with them into a rickshaw school bus (yellow caged wagon) then direct the rickshaw through the congested streets of Kolkata to a school where they must deliver the books to receive their next clue (why would anyone do this challenge I ask you? - Maybe it's a hint of claustrophobia or my latent artistic streak but the statue seems like a no-brainer to me.)
-The Goths are doing the statue - Vyxsin says she's crafty. 
-Gary & Mallory get to the tea stall and she says we can do the delivery one if you want. (Really?)

-Kisha & Jen are still asking where the tea is made and a guy wants to open the bottle - Jen says 'no way' - then Kisha thinks, huh, maybe it is in the top and opens the bottle - Jen freaks - Shut the bleep bleep! (What were you thinking not opening the bottle?  I don't get it.)  At least now they know where to head.

-Christina & Ron finally find the tea stall and decide on Hindu Art.  The sisters get to the stall and also go with Hindu Art.

-Back in tea tasting hell - Flight Time and Luke are still striking out.

-Gary & Mallory get to the book store and get their bundles of books - they take them out to the rickshaw school buses and find someone who speaks English to give them directions.  As Gary wedges himself through the small door into the cage he says he feels like a monkey in the circus parade. LOL

-The Cowboys finally find the tea stall and decide to do the Literature. Huh.
-Justin and Zev also are going to do the book delivery.

-The artistic teams make it to the statuary - when Kent saw they had to paint the statue 'Pretty in Pink' just like them he knew they chose wisely. 
-Ron, on the other hand, is instantly complaining about the noise level since there are people there playing instruments really loudly right at them - he puts in ear plugs but it's still giving him a headache (grumpy old codger) Christina gives him heck for not concentrating - the music is doing it's job and distracting him from the task at hand. Good Grief.

-Back at the tea table - Flight Time is remembering the last time on the Race when they couldn't complete a task and took the penalty which ultimately eliminated them - he said they made a pact this time around and they were not doing that again - finally, he finds the right tea.  They jump in a cab and Big Easy opens the tea- this is where we need to go - FAST!
-Luke is the last one there and he breaks down - crying "It's too hard." Margie gives him a hug and tells him he can finish it - but she's not sure he can. (Huh, good thing there's no nuance in sign language.)  He feels like he let her down but she's so proud of him.

-Gary & Mallory get to the school and deliver the books - they get the clue to go to the Pit Stop - the Fountain of Joy.... Okay, maybe I was wrong, seems like the books were the way to go.

-Kent is enjoying painting on the eyebrows and accessorizing their statue - it's like them getting ready in the morning.
-Ron just hears music. (Turn down that racket!)

-The Cowboys can't find the bookstore/publisher - kept getting directions to go up and down the street.
-Zev & Justin find the bookstore and head off in the school bus - Zev is hanging his head out the back because he's feeling claustrophobic - but it's for a good cause.
-The Cowboys finally find the right bookstore and get their books - they take off in the cage... this is quite the school bus.

-Watching Luke break down is heart breaking - Margie tells him to just think how he'll feel if he doesn't finish - the turbaned tea guys start clapping for him to bolster him - he's going through the last cups and finally finds the correct one. YAY!  The turbaned tea guys pick him up like the conquering hero and Margie runs to hug him.  She says she's so proud of him in the cab - but they're both still upset.

-The artists all finish their statues - Kent & Vyxsin, then Kisha & Jen, then Ron & Christina get the Pit Stop clue and head out.

-Zev & Justin make their delivery to the school, get the clue and jump in a cab.
-The Cowboys also make the book delivery and read the clue with all the children - aw, so cute.

-Flight Time & Big Easy are painting the statue - that should be fun.

-Everyone is stuck, very stuck in traffic - Ron has a splitting headache because of the music and now they're not moving (grump, grouse, complain... that's all he does.)  Goths, Zev & Justin, Kisha & Jen, the Cowboys - all are sitting in traffic (must be rush hour.)

-Margie & Luke get to the statuary and see the Globetrotters are still there - this gives them hope.  Big Easy is like a bull in a china shop and kicks a bucket of paint splashing brown all over the bottom of the statue - they have to fix that before they can move on - he's not too happy.

-The Globetrotters do the necessary touch ups and complete the statue-  Flight Time - with some jaunty spots of pink on his head - stops and hugs Margie & Luke before they take off - he said he knows how tough it was with the tea and just wanted to show respect that they hadn't given up.  Margie appreciated it.

-Globetrotters are having trouble finding a taxi  - Margie & Luke finish the statue...

Here's How they finished:1) Gary & Mallory - And we find out this whole episode has been a Snapple commercial - Snapple has created two new flavours based on this leg and they will be the first to taste them - plus they will get a wonderful meal, Bollywood entertainment and one million rupees (about $20K US). 
2) Jet & Cord
3) Ron & Christina
4) Zev & Justin - Teams 2, 3 and 4 all arrive at the mat together - group hug! And cheers with Amazing Race Snapple tea. (Have I mentioned I hate the product driven episodes, makes me mad.)
5) Kent & Vyxsin - Cord tells them they're team #4 - No, 5!
6) Kisha & Jen - we'll take it.
7) Flight Time & Big Easy - fought like crazy to get there today - they just hope their 2nd chance isn't over... and it's not.
8) Margie & Luke - **ELIMINATED** And there is more crying... by me (damn it - crying deaf guy gets me) It's been an emotional afternoon for them both - Luke said it was a big dream of his to be on the Amazing Race and he had a good time racing with his Mom.  She tells him she's very proud of him (and I need a tissue.)
So with the tearful farewell of Margie & Luke, we also see Shelly P, Alex H, Chiquita D, Lee G and Ian G. exiting the pools.  Bye guys.

In Two Weeks - the crap they'll so for a million dollars (Kisha & Jen look to be making goat dung patties an slapping them on a wall) and Zev can't believe his ears - the overwhelming noise makes him not like that place.

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - March 23rd Episode Recap

Their Red-Headed Stepchild

Quick recap from last week - Zapatera was too cocky and lost the challenge - they voted blond #3 - Krista... and the episode opened at:

Redemption Island - Night 13

The new pretty blond people tribe - Krista was looking forward to meeting Matt since she saw him in the duel, he appeared to have more substance than the people she's spent the past 14 days with (bow chicka bow wow).  And they start talking about God... really? and playfully talking smack - calling each other Blondie... how precious.

Zapatera - Day 14

Steve is bothered that the girls both voted for him at Tribal Council and he asked Stephanie why - she wants to gather everyone but he's not giving her that platform - she tells him she thinks he's a weak player.
-They are being so polite and proper, dancing around this conversation - she's trying not to widen the rift in the tribe and Steve is too vain and proud to accept the fact that he's no spring chicken.  He thanks her for explaining but tells her he thinks the vote was another stupid move on their part. (Argh! Get over yourself.)

Ometepe - Day 14

Ashley & Natalie (chicky 1 & 2) decide to have another beach/spa day - and they're clipping their armpit hairs with scissors (yeah, they are getting very familiar out there) - meanwhile, Phillip is collecting wood and tending the fire, Rob is chopping wood to make a daybed, Andrea is helping him with that task... and lazy lumps are making sure their eyebrows are groomed... Ashley says she's worked hard all her life (she's all of what 24?) she's played basketball and been in pageants, it's not like she's lazy... (okay, I'm done with you - time to drop the dead weight.)
-Everyone has moved on to hair braiding and sitting around and Phillip comes over and asks the girls if it would be possible for them to just check on the fire every 1/2 hour or so, the wood is wet and he wants it to keep going.  Andrea's the only one that acknowledges him - and she wasn't really the one he was talking to.
-Phillip is fed up with chicky 1 & 2 - they're treating him like their red-headed stepchild... he's going to be really pissed if he goes to Redemption Island before those two - who do nothing.  (Sorry to tell you Phillip-  they are easily controlled votes for Rob - they'll be staying.)

Redemption Island - Day 14

Blond tribe got Krista's luxury item and it's a BIBLE... oh no... Matt says Krista's not like the other people out there, they have both been struggling with not having a faith community out there - people to talk to about their beliefs (Oh man, they're like a Survivor Adam & Eve... maybe they'll run off together into the jungle never to be heard of again.) He says connecting with her is definitely going to make it harder to compete with her... and maybe she is a better strategian than I gave her credit for.

Andrea & Natalie and Julie & Mike are the spectators for the duel. 

The combatants will use a grappling hook to fish in 3 bags each containing a ball.  When they have all 3 bags they will use one ball to complete a table maze - first person to complete it will remain - loser is gone for good.

-Off they go - They have to stay on a small square platform as they toss the hook - Matt misses with his first throw - she gets all of hers on three throws and she starts on the table maze first - Matt is trying to catch up and drops the ball - he starts again and catches up - they are neck and neck... and Krista drops the ball... MATT wins the duel! (Of course, God wanted him to.)
-Krista makes a show of gifting Matt her bible - they had agreed whatever happened today it was God's will.  Jeff, of course, makes sure to ask if this was something they shared (as if to say: what else have they been sharing out there) and Matt was so grateful for the bible - "that book breathes life."

-Andrea, on the other hand, was bitten by the green-eyed monster and is seeing Matt in a totally different way - she thought they had a strong bond and wanted him to stay in as long as possible but obviously he also bonded with Krista (really quickly) ... Now she's seeing him as dangerous (she scares me a little bit, hopefully she doesn't have a lock of his hair to make a voodoo doll... but then God would protect him anyway.)

*With Krista leaving - that takes Kevin T, our first time player - thanks for coming out, Kim B, it's been a tough week for Kim and Bob L, ooh tough season for the Lowe family... out of the game.  (Sorry guys, maybe some praying would have helped :)

Zapatera - Day 15

-Sarita has a toothache- she thinks she got some bacteria in her gum 'brushing' her teeth with a stick.
-Julie just thinks she's a drama queen princess. (Suck it up buttercup.)
-Ralph thinks cleaning her teeth with a dirty stick and getting an infection is a stupid way to take yourself out of the game.
-Julie talking to Mike says Sarita is really starting to wear on her. (There is trouble in paradise.)

-Lawyer David is talking to Stephanie and says she has to find a way to unseat Sarita in the tribe because if it's just him and the 5 of them he'll shoot himself. (Uh... and this is her problem how?)  He's telling her to start talking to everyone - he wants her to become a member of the tribe so he can try and get Sarita out.
-Stephanie has to lie there and think ... how to suck up to people she hates... (Think, this crow I'm eating tastes like a million dollars :)

Ometepe - Day 15

-Phillip is again gathering wood and everyone else is just sitting around.  He warns them that the storm clouds are coming in they should be stock piling wood.  No one moves a muscle or says anything.
-As he walks away Ashley complains that he didn't ask them nicely, he was dictating, sorry. (I want to smack her.)
-Phillip says they are reaping the fruits of his labour and he's fed up he's not getting any credit (I was with him until he said he wanted credit - he wants them to fawn all over him more than he wants their help.  I'd be telling them they don't get food if they don't help build the fire and cook it - he just wants adoration.)
-Rob & Grant are gathering wood and know those girls aren't going to do it - they also know better than to try and tell them to do it.  Phillip, not so much.
-He finally confronts Ashley and Natalie and tells them he's sick of them sitting around doing nothing
-She says she's sick of him picking on them and not the boys. 
P - The boys and Andraya are pulling their weight - you won't do anything unless someone tells you to.
A - It's Andrea.
She tries to walk away and he says fine, I'll follow you...
A - OMG! (doesn't he know when he's been dismissed?) You're not my dad, Phillip.  She thinks he's mental and (eye roll) "I'm just done with him. Done."

-Rob says ideally they want to keep winning and not get rid of anyone, he sees this rift could really fracture his tribe so he pulls Phillip aside to try and squash this thing.  He says to Phillip that he totally gets it, but at this point the most important thing has to be team unity.  And he must really be mad cause he doesn't say anything - just goes off on his own.
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is right, the girls weren't doing anything but he wants it that way - he doesn't want them working hard so at the end people will vote for them to win the million dollars - he wants them to be as annoying as possible, that makes him happy.

Zapatera - Day 15

-Stephanie starts on the plan of action and approaches Steve - and apologizes for voting for him - she said she knew it kind of hurt his feelings but that's not what she meant.
-He's not sure if she decided to start playing the game better or if she really was sincere but he's willing to keep that door open with Stephanie.
- He accepts her apology and she moves in for the kill... Do you know who I really wanted to vote for?  Sarita.  (She is playing him like a fiddle.)  But because of her position in the tribe she doesn't feel like she can say anything.  He totally agrees with her, they've all been saying that Stephanie is stronger in the challenges. So Stephanie sees she has to kill it in the challenge - anything to drag Sarita down and herself up. (For someone who said she wasn't good at sucking up to people she hates - she just proved that she is actually pretty good at it, as long as she learns not to go too far too fast... a little finesse is still called for.)


Jeff tries to stir the pot a bit - gets them talking about animosity - Phillip is using both the gorilla and the lion - and Steve gives a gesture I'm not sure is polite - I think he meant he going to use a football forearm block. (Just get to the challenge Jeff.)

Two members of each tribe will be launching balls out into the playing field where all the other players will be waiting with large netted sticks to catch them.  Doesn't matter what colour ball they catch - it counts.  First team to 5 wins immunity and reward of a mountaintop picnic lunch.
-Sarita volunteers to sit out with no consultation (she looks like she's in pain and I have to say, tooth pain is the worst, but you can't let them see you weak like that - these people do not have your back lady.)

-Stephanie and David are launching for Zapatera and Phillip and Natalie for Ometepe
-They have to catch the balls out of the air - once they hit the ground they're dead.
-Grant proves to be the superstar and gets Ometepe up 3 to zip.  Mike rips Grant's shirt off - (thank you)
-Rob picks up another one - Ometepe 4 - Nothing.  And Grant catches the winning ball - OMETEPE wins immunity again.
(Stephanie was not able to be the big saviour of the tribe like she wanted... Steve says it's going to be a tough decision now between Sarita and Stephanie.)


-FOOD! They are eating at the foot of a huge statue of Jesus (are they trying to tell us something - seems to be a running religious theme this episode)... and Rob sees the clue to the hidden immunity idol under the bowl of lobster tails.  He doesn't think he can grab it without someone noticing so he leaves it for one of them to get it and Grant does the ol' snatcheroo.
-Immediately, Rob says, let's go look at the view (Man, you're still eating, try to be a little less obvious) They go hide behind Jesus and read the note but Phillip follows and tells them he saw it - what does it say...  They show it to him and now Phillip is back baby!  He says their alliance is Stealth-R-Us; he's the specialist, Rob is the mentalist and Grant is the assassin.  (Okay, I get the brain and brawn part but what does the specialist do?)
-Phillip says he knows they tried to hide the clue from him but "hell hath no fury like a lion or a gorilla when he thinks he's been provoked." [growl] (I love the sound effect - LOL.  And Phillip, that's not really how that saying goes.)  He says if you're going to make an alliance with him you better adhere to it because he's all about integrity and if you try to trash on that me and the United States will have something to say about that, my baby. (Oh, he's on a roll) He's not going to dwell in a place of negativity, he's going to smile and when the time comes [kick] I'm going to kick a little ass around here. (You go, Phillip.)

Zapatera - Day 16

They return defeated and Dave says it's going to be interesting he's going to lobby for Sarita to go - he whispers to Steve and Julie that they have to keep the strongest six to the end - think about that.
-Sarita knows what's going on - she sees Dave and Stephanie are trying to get her voted out and she says she's not going to start campaigning - she is the most loyal person her tribe will see and they all know that. (Oh, I don't know... playing it too cool can get you voted out.)
-Stephanie is working Julie - it's six and six and they can't sit anyone anymore - Sarita is the weakest link.  And speak of the devil she walks up on them and Stephanie says she can't be anyone other than who she is... (She knows you were talking about her!)  Stephanie says if they get rid of her they will lose every single challenge (yeah, cause you made such a difference today) and  they should know they can't keep carrying Sarita.
-David is working the boys and Julie comes out to them - she says Stephanie is stronger but she trusts Sarita more - she gives them both a 1 out of 10.  Dave fundamentally disagrees - he says all he cares about is winning (and to him that means keeping Stephanie. I guess.)
-Mike thinks Sarita has been cruising and Stephanie has more fight in her - if Stephanie can prove she can be trusted he's not adverse to keeping her around.


David - take me back to throwing that challenge to get rid of Russell - how big a regret is that?
- Obviously we're paying the price for giving them that breath of fresh air - if we had kept our foot on the throttle things may have been totally different in terms of momentum. (Stephanie nodding.)
Ralph, today's challenge - you got destroyed
- We had open men and balls didn't come our way, I think had I been shooting, things would have been different (Stephanie didn't like that.)
Sarita, why sit you out?
- I would have liked to have been out there...
And Stephanie cuts her off: "I think she was shaking in her boots when she found out it was a contact sport.  But I'm okay with her sitting out because I don't think she's that great at challenges." (Wow, don't sugar coat it - tells us how you really feel.  And from Sarita, just a tight look, no rebuttal?)
So when you say she was quaking in her boots...
- She was worried she'd have to mix it up and I was like, I don't care - let's go.
Sarita - well, I didn't want to say definitely I can do it and then not come through.
So you'd rather sit out than be the goat?
- Well, no...
David cuts her off- That's exactly what she said. (No, I think she meant that Stephanie claims she's hot stuff in the challenges but she hasn't really proven that - at all.)  He continues that she knew she was the worst so she didn't put up a fight at the challenge so she couldn't be held responsible for the failure.
-Sarita:  I'm not saying I'm not good - I would have been fine to be out there.
-Stephanie - Bullsh*t. (Oh, Steve and Julie don't seem impressed with the potty talk... tread lightly big mouth.)
-Sarita - I'm a big active member of this tribe and I was horrible to watch that loss - I was really upset, it's sad to lose someone.
You buy that Stephanie?
- Absolutely not.  I haven't heard anyone complain as much as she does so my impression is she doesn't want to be here...
And finally Sarita interrupts - That's not true.
Stephanie - I'm here, I see you and you don't act like you want to be here.
Sarita - well you're welcome to your opinion but you are way off base.
Steve, is there any part of you that wonders maybe Stephanie's spunk alone is worth keeping her around.
-He says Stephanie is a warrior and she works hard at camp - Sarita is a trustworthy confidant but he'd like to see her do more at camp - she's kind of an uptown girl and hasn't gotten her footing out there yet and he'd like to see her pick it up more in the challenges. (Sounds like a warning to Sarita - I think Stephanie is still going.)
-David jumps in - Some of those positives are actually negatives - I think this tribe is too stuck on trust when that's not the issue.  Right now we have to focus on putting the best six on the field to win. (Winning, duh!)
Ralph, what do you make of that strategic layout?
-Sounds pretty good.

Time to Vote:  and here comes the thunder and lighting and RAIN again.
Sarita votes Stephanie - if you thought more about your actions maybe you'd still be here.
Stephanie votes Sarita - Not leaving now, I'll see you at Redemption Island and kick your ass then.
David votes Sarita - says he made the best arguments he could for Stephanie - we'll see if it worked.

Tallying the Votes:
Sarita - 1
Stephanie - 1
Sarita - 2
Stephanie - 2, 3, 4... And we'll see if Matt can convert this one or if he's only got a thing for blondes.

Next Week:
Mental fatigue is getting to everyone - David is wearing on people and Phillip is crazy as ever "Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob" - they're all losing their minds.

At Redemption Island, Stephanie is filling Matt in on Zapatera - they are horrible people and you don't want to align with them.  She says when she gets back in the game she's not going back to them (keeping the dream alive... but I don't really see that happening.)

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


Monday, March 21, 2011

Amazing Race - March 20, 2011 Episode Recap

Don't Ruin the Basketball Game

So we're still racing through China from last week and Kent & Vyxsin are screwed... they've left their fanny pack on the gondola and are begging their bus driver to turn around and take them back.

Zev & Justin arrive 8th to the Pit Stop and Phil tells them they are still racing, the clue tells them they have to travel 400mi by train to the city of Kunming once there, they have to find Dounan Flower Market for their next clue.  WARNING - there will be a Double U-Turn somewhere ahead. (Seriously? I think they really are trying to kill these teams - that'll teach them to come back for a second shot at it.)  A U-Turn is when a team is forced to complete both tasks in the Detour.

-The Goths get back to the gondola and their fanny pack is waiting for them at the top... maybe their luck is finally turning around (I know, I am knocking on wood, even though this was filmed months ago ;)

-Margie & Luke are the first team to the train station at 12:01pm and find out the next train doesn't leave until 7:05pm.  That gives Kent & Vyxsin 7 hours to catch up... can they do it?
-The Goths get their Chinese signs right and decide to do the Hammer detour task - Vyxsin doesn't want to try to navigate through town with the Horn - probably a good call.  They get the candy hammered and are the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop - they look as sad as they can with their eyebrows painted on so high (Is it just me or are her eyebrows painted in halfway to her hairline?)
-Phil lays it on them that they are still racing and hands them the clue - to which they are very excited - then he says because they CHOSE (yeah, chose) to take an alternate flight than the one specified from Japan they will incur a 30 minute penalty which they will have to sit out before he can check them in at the NEXT Pit Stop... so they better make it there 30 minutes before another team. (Hmm, seems like they got off easy.)
-Kent says they are going to keep the penalty to themselves because they will definitely be a target for the U-Turn if the other teams found out.

-At the train station the rest of the teams are waiting the 7 (or so) hours until their train leaves.  One of the Cowboys noticed a basketball goal (yes, he called it a goal) and knew the Globetrotters had a basketball so they played a little 3 on 3 - Jet, Flight Time and Kisha vs Cord, Big Easy and Jen - with the Redheads cheerleading (of course) and Luke as referee.  Jet - Who would have thought, here we are, 2 cowboys, playing basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters in China - it was like playing with trees. (ha ha, yeah, they were a little outmatched - but everyone was having a great time.)
-Zev & Justin show up and tell everyone that Kent & Vyxsin were on their way, having shown up at the Roadblock about 10 minutes before they finished.  Someone shouts out - Don't ruin the basketball game.  (LOL - that's hilarious - just goes to show how precious that break from the Race was to them all.)

-Kent & Vyxsin show up finally and everyone is in the train station now waiting for the train - Right away the sharks are circling - What happened - What's your penalty? - Kent sticks with the car broke down in Japan story causing them to miss their flight and he just says they're not sure what they're going to do yet in terms of a penalty.  No one quite buys that story but what can they do?  The Goths are there now and everyone is on the same train - even steven again.  (Yeah, enough about that – Who won the basketball game?  They don’t tell us.)

-They get on the train and find out the sleeper cars are 3 bunks high - yikes - Zev & Justin are on the top which they think provides less chance of murder (and harder to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.)  But then, who else could they stick up there?  Big Easy?  That would be murder by bunk of the two people sleeping below him when it came crashing down.

-The train arrives in Kunming at 5:30am and they all hit the streets running.  Kisha & Jen's cab driver seems to know where they want to go.  Ron & Christina jump in a cab and speaking the language are able to tell him where to go - Zev & Justin, the Redheads and the Goths are following (seems like a sound plan to me.)  The double U-Turn is hanging heavy over all of them today - and Vyxsin doesn't have her eyebrows on... she looks better with no eyebrows.

-Kisha & Jen are the first to the clue box at the flower market and the clue tells them to make their way to 'The Golden Arches' - no, not McDonalds - memorial arches to get the next clue.  They take off.
-Zev & Justin are the next to the clue box just ahead of Ron & Christina which seems to piss her off - Justin asks if we can come with you guys and she sarcastically says yeah (but I think she meant "fat chance.")
-Everyone is getting there fast and furious and telling their cab drivers to wait for them.  Everyone is finding the cluebox and heading back out - but the Globetrotters get a little lost and end up last to the clue box - the Cowboys get back out to the street and don't see their cab... so they take they only one still there - the Globetrotter's... Now the Globetrotters are stranded at the flower market. (Uh oh - Bad Cowboys.)
-They do find another cab and it didn't look like it took too long but now they're playing catch up.

-Ron & Christina and Zev & Justin are the first two teams to the arches (Huh, I guess she did mean yes.)
DETOUR - Honor the Past or Embrace the Future.
-In Honor the Past the teams must watch a traditional Tibetan performance and without taking any notes must then go behind a curtain and place 15 dolls, dressed like the performers, in the same order in which they appeared on stage. When the dolls stand correctly, teams will receive their next clue.
-In Embrace the Future, teams must off-load a complete solar water heating system from a truck, carry it to the roof of a building and correctly install all the tubes to receive their next clue.
-Ron & Christina decide to do Honor the Past and their shadows Zev & Justin are right behind them.

-Margie & Luke get to the clue box and decide to do Embrace the Future - Margie thinks installing the tubes will be an easier task - Really?
- Kisha & Jen are doing the memory one.

-The Goths, Cowboys, Redheads and Gary & Mallory - have been taken to McDonalds by their cab drivers... Ha ha ha - that is too funny - well I guess not for them but you can't blame the drivers for thinking a bunch of Americans asking to go to the Golden Arches wanted a cheeseburger...

-Which means the Globetrotters are the next team to the clue box and they want to Embrace the Future - but when they ask their cab driver if she knows the place - silence... and I must say that their lady driver looks like the bus driver on South Park - all she needs is a bird in her hair and it's her.

-Ron & Christina and Zev & Justin arrive at the Honor theatre and Christina tells Justin to say "Duoih'ouh" to the cab driver to make him wait - Say what? 
-They head inside and have to put on costumes themselves - with hats that look like yellow tassled lamshades (I swear the producers have outdone themselves so far this race with making them dress up for everything.)  The pairs are splitting the memorizing into the first 7 and last 8... we'll see how that goes.

-Margie & Luke get to the solar water tube task and put on their hard hats (that's right, safety first.) They each grab a whole box of the tubes and try to haul them up the stairs on their backs but they're really heavy, I don't think Margie's going to be able to do it herself.

-Meanwhile the Redheads have found the clue box - it was across the street and the Goths see them go.
-Redheads and Goths decide to embrace the future.
-Gary & Mallory and the Cowboys finally ask someone where the Arches are and find the clue box - making the Cowboys currently in last place (Karma getting them already for stealing that cab.)

-Kisha & Jen get to the theatre and suit up - Zev & Justin get their line up checked but they are wrong - Ron is being Ron - I never played with dolls... (it's not about the dolls - sheesh.)  Kisha & Jen start on the dolls - Don't talk.  Ron & Christina also get it wrong and have to head back out to check the order. 
-Zev & Justin get it right and get the next clue... will they wait?  Caution Double U-Turn ahead... oh, probably not.  The clue is a picture of a building where they need to go.
-Kisha & Jen get the order right first try and get the clue.  Both teams are out on the street asking people if they know the place - trying to get someone to take them...
-When Ron & Christina get the order right and come out with the clue - they now have 2 team shadows as Christina could read the writing on the building and knows where to go.  Everyone jumps in their cabs.

-Luke & Margie now have all their tubes on the roof and the real fun begins - trying to assemble the thing.

-South Park driver couldn't find the Embrace the future place so the Globetrotters had to stop for directions.
-Redheads have arrived at the solar tube task and they are schlepping the heavy box up the stairs.
-Margie & Luke finish and get the clue - they head down as Kent & Vyxsin are bickering their way up the stairs with the heavy tubes - yes, she was doing all the heavy lifting.
-The Cowboys also arrive to start on Embracing the Future (I'm kind of surprised how many of them went for the more physically challenging task over the simple memory task - I guess it's harder to think than to just do when you're in those circumstances. Tired/Hungry/Stressed)

-Gary & Mallory have opted for Honor the past and arrive at the theatre.  Mallory has a good memory for this type of thing - I think they'll do well.

-The Globetrotters have stumbled upon the task finally and they start hoofing the boxes up the stairs - Kent & Vyxsin are still bickering about it - he's delicate.
-The Redheads are done and head out - they say they will U-Turn someone.  The Cowboys are done and they head out.

-Ron & Christina and their posse get to the cultural centre... As they are all running to the place Justin is saying no need to be dirty, we're in the front (talking about the U-Turn) but it's the wrong place - the cab driver took them to the wrong place - so even speaking the language doesn't mean you're home free in China.  They all jump back in their cabs.

-Margie & Luke are the first team to the U-Turn and they decide not to U-Turn anyone. (Nice) They now have to make their way outside of the city to the Stone Forest to get their next clue.  She says they're in first place, there was no need to U-Turn anyone.

-The Goths finish the solar tubes and get the clue - leaving the Globetrotters as the last team at that task.

-Gary & Mallory get their doll order correct and they get their clue too.

-The Cowboys are the next team to the U-Turn and they decide not to U-Turn anyone and take off with their clue.  The Goths and Redheads are both looking for the U-Turn and the Cowboys tell them where it is - foot race and Kent & Vyxsin reach the box first with Jaime & Cara right on top of them telling them to U-Turn the Globetrotters - Kent sorts through the pictures and U-Turns... The REDHEADS! (Hahaha - Kent's got bigger cojones than I gave him credit for.)  He says, "Sorry, it's the only way we'll survive." (And I want to kiss his lily white face.)  Jaime, "Unbelievable."  (Can a U-Turned team still U-Turn another team?)

-After the commercial Kent reminds us that on their first time on the Race one of their fatal mistakes was U-Turning a team that was already ahead of them - so he looked at the Readheads and knew 100% that team was behind them... he had to put a bullet in a Playboy bunny to stay in the race. (and it was Awesome!)

-Oh and the Redheads were still able to U-Turn the Globetrotters so both the U-Turns have been set and only half the teams have gotten there so far.
-Next Zev/Justin, Gary/Mallory, Kisha/Jen and Ron/Christina get to the U-Turn and are relieved that they've all been spared.  Kisha & Jen's driver says he knows where to go and they all head out following that car except Ron & Christina who can direct their driver themselves.
-The Redheads arrive at the theatre to Honor the Past...  The Globetrotters get to the U-Turn last and see they've been U-Turned by the Redheads... not happy.

-Kisha tells their driver to lose the other two teams following them (oh, evil) he makes a sharp right and Justin is kicking himself for leaving Ron & Christina.

-The Redheads get the order correct and get the clue which takes them back to the U-Turn where they get the clue to the stone forest...
-The Globetrotters get to the theatre and they get the order right away - get the clue -go back and get the other clue...

-The Redhead's cab has to stop for gas - which sets Jaime off - this happened to them on the race before and she was just as gracious to that driver.  We're in a race!

-Kisha & Jen arrive at the Stone Forest -  ROADBLOCK - Who's ready for a task 65 million years in the making?  In this Roadblock one person will have to assemble a life size model of a dinosaur skeleton.  They'll choose a 'dig' site, collect the bones and using a diagram for reference have to put together a 20ft dilaposaurus.  If they do it correctly, they'll get their next clue.
-Kisha is doing it for them.
-Ron & Christina arrive and Margie & Luke - and the girls are doing the assembly.
-Kent & Vyxsin get there and he's up for this one - I love dinosaurs.

-Vyxsin goes and waits with the other racers and Jen asks her why they U-Turned and Vyxsin spills it - we have a 30 minute penalty and we didn't mean to lie but we kind of fudged around the truth... (Why, why do you tell?  She is definitely the brawn of the operation.)  Ron thinks they are just big ol' liars now - they are Kabuki dancers hiding behind their masks very well (grudgingly, I will admit that was very insightful of him.)

-Back on the road the Globetrotter's taxi passes the Redheads - see ya!

-Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory are still lost since the sister's ditched them - Justin successfully (hopefully) communicates stone (by picking up a rock) and forest (by hitting a tree) and they head out again.

-The Cowboys arrive at the Stone Forest and Jet is doing the assembling.
-The Globetrotters get there and Big Easy is doing it - says they passed those dirty redheads.
-The Redheads get there and Jaime is doing the assembling.

-Kisha & Christina have both had to restart - unsafe... they have to make sure all the joins are locked in correctly or they could get crushed under an unsteady dinosaur.

-Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory are the last teams to arrive - Justin is doing the assembling for them and Gary & Mallory survey the scene - see they are dead last and this is a toughie - decide to use their Express Pass they won on the very first day - they get the clue to the Pit Stop: Green Lake Park.

-Jet is the first one finished the dinosaur - and if Jaime's look could kill he'd be six feet under right now - Off they go.

-So Flight Time asks Cara, what was up with U-Turning us, she says it started with them, pointing to Vyxsin who spills again that they have a 30 minute penalty - then my recording cut out a bit but Flight Time said he thinks the Redheads were just being mean. (Still admitting to these people that you totally lied to their faces is not a smart strategy... I don't think Vyxsin gets that - and I'm sure Kent is not going to be happy with her.)

-The Cowboys pass Gary & Mallory in the parking lot - they get the first cab and take off which makes Mallory livid (well, as livid as she gets I think, she's just a little short with the driver.)

-Justin has to fix a join but they're wedged in there and he can't get it apart.  Margie is the next one to complete her dinosaur which she said she was doing for her 4 year old grandson who loves dinosaurs and she misses terribly (sniffle) (aw, now suck it up grandma!)

-Kent keeps getting them to check his dinosaur but he's wrong and can't figure out how to fix it - looks like he's got some long bones in the wrong places... Vyxsin is worried - if they don't get to the Pit Stop a full 30 minutes before another team they are done.  His step stool folds and he falls.

-Kent figures out what he did wrong finally and he has to pull it apart and start over - but he knows what to do now.  Jaime is starting to lose it, she's also fallen off the ladder and starts shedding clothing (much to the paleontologists delight) but she's having trouble breathing (is she asthmatic?)

-Kisha finishes the dinosaur and they're out.  Then Kent finishes finally and they could still have a shot...
-Big Easy finishes quickly (probably because he didn't need to use the stepstool at all) and they shout "Double U-Turn" right in the Redheads faces... Double U-Turn that!
-And then there were 3 - Christina, Justin and Jaime working on the dinosaurs.
-Christina is the next to finish and she almost cries - that took her a long time.
-Justin finally gets the clue and Jaime realizes one of the first pelvic boards needs to be flipped - she doesn't think she can physically rip it apart and put it back together again... pure, miserable torture.

Here's How they finished:
1) Jet & Cord - they won $5K cash each.
2) Gary & Mallory - still all smiles but kinda disappointed.
3) Margie & Luke - yay
> Kent & Vyxsin... but they have to wait out their 30 minute penalty...
4) Kisha & Jen - good show
5) Kent & Vyxsin - #5 is Alive!
6) Flight Time & Big Easy - Double U-Turn that baby.
7) Ron & Christina
8) Zev & Justin
9) Jaime & Cara - Cara, again talks for Phil (which I hate) "You are the last team to arrive" and this time they are ELIMINATED from the Race. (B-bye.)  Phil says things just didn't go your way - Jaime, "They never go our way." (And if you keep being a Negative Nelly they never will.)  They wish they could have won but not everyone can win - they think it was worth it to come back. (Whatever.)
So, with the Redheads elimination that means Ryan H, Kim B, Roxanne S, Carol-Anne D and Tommy D are out of the pool.

Next week they're in Calcutta, India and a massive tea tasting brings Luke to his breaking point - oh no, there is ugly crying...

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - March 16, 2011 Episode Recap

We Hate Our Tribe

After a quick recap of the last episode where we got to see Russell cry again when he got eliminated at Redemption Island (RI) and were reminded that Rob's tribe... uh, Ometepe... voted Kristina out to meet Matt at RI this week... The episode finally opened at:

Ometepe - Night 11

They return to camp from having voted out Kristina - Phillip says he wasn't surprised the vote was 3 for him and 4 for Kristina but he thinks his tribe better wake up and realize he's an asset they should keep around.
-Then he cuddles up with Rob to keep out of the rain.
Rob: You got your underwear on?
Phillip: Yeah, but that's never stopped me. (Whoa, what?  I'd be making sure I had every piece of clothing I owned on after that comment... ghah!)
-Next day Rob's complaining to Grant that Phillip stuck his knee in his back all night (I hope that's what it was) and he got no sleep.  Rob tells the camera that Phillip is aggravating everyone, strutting around in his pink panties, he's totally off his rocker and in a way he should stay to keep the focus off me.

Zapatera - Day 12

The boys are out fishing... oh and Julie.  They caught fish in the net.  Steve wants to reach out to the two Russell girls and try to keep all of them a tight family into the merge. (He strikes me as a guy who would never even consider a woman would refuse him... yeah, I don't see that flying with Stephanie.)
-They get the tree mail to send two people to watch the duel and end up picking numbered tiles - 1 and 4 get to go and that happens to end up as Stephanie and Krista (the Russell girls.)
-Julie says now that Russell is gone, Stephanie and Krista are not a threat, they're just pawns in this game and we don't care what they do at this point. They can't hurt us.
-Stephanie tells the camera that they want to get across to the other tribe that they're Russell's girls and they hate their tribe.  Let them know they have two girls ready to flip so we can create chaos and craziness at the merge. (Again, all this merge talk - you have to make it there first honey.)

Redemption Island - DUEL

-Rob & Grant are the reps from Ometepe... just the people Stephanie should want to see.

Duel: Race to collect puzzle pieces, (they are big pieces too, bigger than a breadbox as they say.)  They have to move the pieces from a pile to a platform where they have to assemble them into a cube.  First person to get them together correctly remains in the game - loser leaves for good.
-Off they go - neither one gets it right off - they both rip it apart and start over.
-Matt starts talking to Rob - voted me out for no reason, I still don't know why.
-Rob is silent.  So Jeff asks, Rob, why'd you vote him out?
-Rob -"Jeff, it takes more than one person to vote someone out - you know that."  (Yup, like getting blood from a stone with that guy.  He's not going to tell you anything, you think he's stupid?)
-Kristina is getting frustrated, kicks one of the pieces.  Apparently they're heavy and it's hot and Jeff keeps blathering... I don't blame her.
-Out of nowhere Matt finally gets it together and Matt wins his 3rd duel in a row.
-Of course, not one to just get on with things, Jeff gives Matt the floor to plead his case to Rob & Grant again.
-Matt says he wanted to go to the end with those guys, he's Ometepe through and through.
-Stephanie pipes up that they wished they had that feeling about their tribe.  Lays it out that she and Krista are on the outs and think yellow would look good on them.
-Rob says it's good to know if it's true.
-Stephanie - oh it's the truth - [Flashes the smile.]

-And finally Jeff gets back to the matter at hand - Kristina - get the hell out.  Oh, and throw your buff in the fire on your way by. (It just seems so cold - I think Redemption Island just adds insult to injury for the person leaving... you didn't feel bad enough when your tribe voted you out - we're going to make sure you really feel like dirt when we finally, really kick you out.)
-And Stephanie is happy she was able to plant a 'big ol' Sequoia tree in Rob's brain'. He tells them to hang in there as they leave.

Ometepe - Day 12

-Back at camp Phillip is left with the girls (Blond 1 & 2 and Brunette 1 = generic young things... is it bad I still don't care enough to remember their names?) - and he's frustrated that he can't make an impression on them (maybe because you condescend to them and walk around in saggy pink gonch)  he says they remind him of the crabs out there (which he is still hunting with a spear - really?) when he tries to approach, they scuttle away (and I think he genuinely doesn't know why - that's sad.)
-He says Andrea (Ah, blond #1's name)  is the most approachable but she's cautious because she doesn't want Rob to know she's talking to him, even though they voted out her SBF (Survivor boy friend) Matt.
- Ashley (blond #2) says Rob & Grant are like their big brothers out there and with them going to the duel she and Natalie (brunette 1) have to pretend to make Phillip part of the group and we have to pretend to keep Andrea comfortable - but she always has a snotty look an her face and is totally disingenuous - I don't think she's really fooling anyone.
-Andrea is frustrated because the other two girls don't really do much (correction - make that don't do anything) - she'd like to get things done but they expect her to hang out with them and sunbathe and talk about their hair.  She says she'd rather see Ashley and Natalie go before Phillip but she can't really bring that up without putting herself on the chopping block.

-Phillip is talking her up - telling her she is the best female worker out there (but as we already established, that's not too hard to accomplish.)  She asks him if he's ever tried to throw her under the bus at there and he gets way too Phillip intense "Never, Never... NEVER."  She's like, whoa there, I wasn't accusing you, just curious.  He whines that he's never had anyone to talk strategy with out there and he thinks if Matt makes it back the three of them could be in an alliance (She kinda plays along but her eyes said, Oh HELL no.)
-Now Phillip is happy with the synergy he established with Andraya today (he does like to pronounce people's names wrong - what's up with that?)
-Rob & Grant return and joke that Kristina won - but fessed up to kidding and confirm Matt won.
-Phillip says he sees Rob as the dictator and himself as a lord - he's just waiting to replace the King... (Wait, is the dictator also the king?  Nice muddled analogy there bud.)

Zapatera - Day 12

-Stephanie and Krista whine that they don't want to go back - then discuss (needlessly if you ask me) that they're not going to say anything about offering their votes to Rob (gee, do you really think you should keep that to yourself? duh).  Stephanie is so excited, Rob heard them loud and clear and knows that whatever his numbers are he can add two if they keep winning. (I don't know why she annoys me so much but her joy makes me hope Ometepe votes out Rob just to thwart her.)

Zapatera - Day 13

-Krista says since Russell was voted out there has been no strategy talk around camp - it's all patting themselves on the back - it's like no one is playing the game and when the game makes them play it, they're going to be very disappointed.
-Steve (who is looking a bit like a skinnier Richard Hatch - eek, I know - Have you been watching Celebrity Apprentice? I still hate that guy - and he's had to go back to jail AGAIN because he still hasn't paid his taxes... oh, sorry, went off on a tangent there.) Right, Steve is saying he's always been successful in any team situation he's been in...blah blah...
-Stephanie and Krista are sick of hearing their blabber and remove themselves more from the tribe to cook the meal.
-GI Joe (Mike) says they're not worried about the Russell girls having any impact on the game (Oh, that is smelling like some Survivor karma coming your way.)
-Julie feels like they're overconfident - she's a little superstitious and actually says they shouldn't be so cocky - it's bad Karma... (Okay, Julie can stay :).)


One person on each tribe will be the caller and the rest of the tribe will be blindfolded.  The callers must guide their tribe mates through a maze to retrieve bags of puzzle pieces, once they've retrieved all 4 bags, the caller must use the puzzle pieces to solve a word phrase "The Sweet Taste of Victory".  First tribe to get it right wins immunity and reward of coffee and donuts... (Hmm, Donut.)
Zapatera sits out Steve and Julie - then Sarita decides that Stephanie will be the caller because she's bossy and a linguist (sound reasonable) but David is pouting that he'd be a much better choice - (Really? Have we heard 2 words from you lately?)
Ometepe, well Rob, decides he's going to be the caller/puzzle man - surprise.

Off they go:  they start out all of them holding on to each other but soon break apart and it's a little bit of pandemonium - Rob seems to be directing his team pretty well and so is Stephanie except for Ralph... (oh Man-sweater) - he keeps yelling at her to use him and she's telling him to shut up and wait for her to address him... Finally it's his turn and he goes the wrong way... sigh. 
-Ometepe is the first back with all the puzzle pieces and Rob springs into action - the bags are full of coffee beans with the letter tiles mixed in - as Rob is sweeping away some of the coffee he loses a letter on the ground (GASP!)  Stephanie is now working on their puzzle too... and she starts making up time - then Rob realizes he's missing a letter (Whew) - Rob, I'm sure doesn't even hear his team calling encouragement - Stephanie is just annoyed by her team and mutters for them to shut up.
-On the sidelines Steve is whispering to Julie that he wished David had been the caller - he doesn't think Stephanie is smart enough for this. (Wow, I didn't think it possible but Skinny-Richard calling Stephanie stupid made me mad - I'm starting to agree with her that Zapatera sucks.)
-ROB completes the puzzle and Ometepe Wins Immunity! 
-And all the Zapatera guys tell Sarita, "See that's why we needed David to do it." (Sore losers all - look on the bright side, now you can get rid of Stephanie - now who's stupid?) 

Ometepe - Day 13

DONUTS! I've never seen such joy out there they were all making their 'o' faces.  Phillip is feeling frisky and tries to hug all the girls and trade donuts for massages (uh, so skeezy, and he wonders why they all shy away from him.)
-Grant picks up the coffee jar and starts swirling it around - and finds a clue - he's not very subtle and Rob's on him like a shark scenting blood in the water - they think they're being all sly Rob tries to pants the jar but it's too big, Grant uses his (Sigh) big body to block their view and they both bolt from camp - Ashley sees it go down (Rob's congratulating himself but really, it wasn't that smooth - they were all still on a sugar high though and they mostly get away with it.)  Grant fishes out the clue and Rob demands he give it to him... (he's really starting to pick me.)  So Grant casually strolls back into camp smelling the coffee, getting everyone else to smell the coffee, and Rob's off "getting water." 
-Rob meanwhile reads the clue then says he's going to give Grant the clue he already had and keep the new one for himself.  So he takes off running, digs up the idol and clue he already found then returns to show Grant the old clue.  He plays Grant like a fiddle.
-Rob says this is all for nothing because he already has the idol but he's got to entertain himself out there somehow.  "You don't make money unless you hustle."  (Then he smiles and I can't help but be charmed - he really is the scariest kind of manipulator - the kind that makes you like him as he steals you blind.  Damn, and I didn't think I was that easy.)

Zapatera - Day 13

-Trouble in 6-part-alliance paradise - they are fighting now about Stephanie being put in the puzzle solver role because everyone knows David is the puzzle guy.  (Then why didn't he say anything - out loud, to the tribe - at the time?)  Sarita tries to defend her decision by saying David's not good under pressure - of course he's an attorney so his whole life is under pressure (phff - lawyers) he puts his foot down and decrees that he's the only one to do puzzles from now on. Period.
-Skinny Richard (Steve) says he's more disappointed with other members of the tribe that didn't speak up than with Stephanie - he thinks she tried her best.
-Mike (GI Joe) says as far as he's concerned Stephanie and Krista have made their bed right alongside Russell and with her performance today he'd put Stephanie's head on the block first.
-Julie's out talking to Sarita and they both agree that Stephanie can't be trusted.  Julie says she just doesn't like Krista  and would rather see her go first - she thinks they could still reel Stephanie in.  Sarita also puts David up there as #3 - she'd like him to go too (he's a lawyer and he yelled at her - I don't blame her.)

-Stephanie and Krista know there is no scrambling to be done with these dumb-ass people.  Krista is just consoling herself with the fact that she doesn't think any of them will make it to the end.  She's just sorry she won't be around to see them go down.

Tribal Council

Krista, at the last TC Russell was voted out and you and Stephanie were very vocal about being in two separate alliances.  Has anything changed?
- No, and since Russell was voted out there really hasn't been any game play - it seems like the Brady Bunch has gone camping and they've invited the neglected step-children along.
Sarita, what do you think Krista means when she says you're not playing the game?
- I think it's funny because we've been playing so fast and furious that we unseated one of the best players in Survivor history - and we want to stick and take it all the way. (Stephanie looks like she smells a fart.)
-Krista pipes up that you don't play this game with 6 the whole time - then she does a countdown to one and says, then you have to play... (uh, when it's down to one you win the game - that didn't make any sense but I know what she was trying to say - still they don't have to worry about that yet because they still have two to spare).  She breaks out that she's not there to make friends (my reality show favourite line, along with throwing you under the bus and you haven't seen the last of me.) 
-Mike then pipes up that she hasn't been making any strategic plays either, she hasn't had conversations with anyone or developed trust, she has just sat around and been abrasive the whole time.
-Krista - What am I supposed to say - I have a great idea, let's vote off Stephanie (that's the best you got?  Oh, blond #3, it's time for you to go.)
-Mike - you go talk to someone and you develop a bond - that's strategy. 
-To which she just rolls her eyes (I mean come on Mike, don't you know she's a hot blond and she doesn't approach others, they try to talk to her, and she shuns them.)
Jeff clarifies that Krista was trying to say that once they get rid of the two outsiders it is the six of them - are you implying there are no sub-alliances within this group.
- She lays it out: how she sees it that they seem to be in pairs- Mike and Steve, Julie and Steve, Sarita and Ralph - so I don't know where that leaves Dave.(Oh, that got him thinking.)  If I were one of those pairs I'd been jumping on us to make it 4.
So Mike, the trouble with making it obvious who you want to vote out is they come to tribal with both barrels loaded.
- What she doesn't know is there has been lots of talk of strategy among our six but she's been the odd man out so she hasn't seen any of it.
Steven, so you've narrowed it down to two - how do you decide who to keep to help you win the next challenge?
-Well, I would have been happier with David doing the calling today.
So Stephanie, is it fair of them to say we gave you the money spot today and you didn't deliver so you should go home.  (Of course that's fair but let's see what she said)
-I just have to rely on my record with them - hopefully they realize I've done my best in every other challenge. (Hmm, I was waiting for some throwing under the bus... disappointed.)
-Krista and Stephanie stick together to the end and say they knew it would be one or the other of them tonight but they still have Redemption Island and they have to hold together because they have nothing else to hold on to. (Oh, gag me, I'm not buying the wounded bird routine.)

They vote:
And show us nothing - but it's raining like crazy again.

Tallying the votes:
Steve 1, 2
Krista 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... And Blond #3 - Krista is voted out to Redemption Island.  (She and Matt would make beautiful babies.)  Stephanie tells her to hang in there and the rest of the tribe looks like they're going to have Stephanie for dinner when they get back...

Next week:  Matt struggles in the duel and a girls spa day causes a Phillip melt down - "Get off your butts and do something!"  He's the redheaded step-child! (Ha, he is bringing some life to the party, got to say that for him.)

Have a great St Paddy's Day everyone,
