You Own My Vote
After a quick recap of the awesome craziness that Phillip brought to the first Tribal Council which resulted in "Franchesqua" going to Redemption Island... the episode opens at:
Redemption Island - Night 3
-Francesca is all alone and reads the rules by lantern - she'll have basic supplies (which did include flint) and they'll supply her with a ration of rice every day and plenty of drinking water. At a certain point the remaining person on Redemption Island will re-enter the game - Good Luck (AH - so it doesn't say they'll have the chance to come back - someone will definitely come back in... interesting.)
-Francesca has an optimistic outlook, she feels this could be the best thing for her game - she was on good terms with everyone in the tribe (um, the tribe that voted you out?) but she wasn't in the core alliance - if she can make it back, she could still win this game.
Ometepe - Night 3
-As they return from Tribal Council(TC) Rob says that was one of the wildest TC's he's ever been a part of (and that's saying something.)
-Kristina says TC didn't go so well - wishes she hadn't told Phillip anything (d'ya think?) but she still has the idol and she's so grateful she didn't play that thing.
-Phillips asks if he could speak to Rob for a second and pulls him off by themselves (this should be good).
-Rob tells the camera it doesn't take a genius FBI man to know Phillip and Kristina were lying, their mouths were moving.
-Phillip says he was almost duped today but he wants to tell Rob something from his heart - Until I go to Redemption (he says it like he's dying and going to heaven) You Own My Vote. When I come back I'm a competitor like I said.
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is a piece of work - he believes he has a good heart but he just not quite all there. "Let it be a lesson to you - Government jobs - Stressful." (HAhahaha, Love it - Rob is pure gold.)
-Rob says except for the twist of Phillip outting Francesca at TC, things went pretty much according to plan - this group can follow directions. Phillip did himself in, he's an idiot.
Ometepe - Day 4
-Phillip is hunting crabs, in his underwear, with a spear... (What?) He feels like he's being tested to his primal core out there (on day 4?... too soon to bust that one out buddy.)
-The rest of the tribe is spying on his hunting through the trees and Fabio II(Matt) is doing a Wild Kingdom voice over - The fine specimen is creeping up on his prey... in his pink shorts. (Priceless! If nothing else, Phillips earnest sincerity is providing comic relief to everyone at camp.)
-Phillip is talking to the camera again and gets all choked up talking about how Francesca maligned his character and hurt him. He loves his country and told everyone he was an agent to prove his trustworthiness (Swell of dramatic music) she tried to take some of his pride - he was angry but he gained the renewed love of Phillip Shepherd (yeah, that's himself) he's a good guy and that's okay. (And goshdarnit - people like me.) He succeeded in killing a crab that's too small to eat - Congratulations big game hunter.
Zapatera - Day 4
-Ralph is crowing like a rooster - Russell thinks his team is not too bright - and poor ole Ralph - he may be the dumbest person on the face of the Earth besides being the dumbest player to play Survivor.
-Russell's happy with his alliance with Stephanie and he wants to bring in Blond #3 (Krista) - 3 worked for him before and it may again. He's talking to Krista and tells her they have to find the hidden idol - we'll probably get a clue if we win again - we should start looking for it now.
-Russell is out looking for the idol and the rest of the team is watching him, they know exactly what he's doing.
-Ralph is out collecting rocks and, oh hello, what's this in the hole in this root/log? A hidden immunity idol. Hot Doggie. Ralph tells the camera that Russell thinks he's the king of finding idols but it was as easy as wiping his hiney with toilet paper. So Russell - eat your heart out.
Ometepe - Day 5
-Fabio II(Matt) is talking God to Blond #2 (Andrea)... they are flirting and getting close and this makes Rob nervous - he's played that game before with Amber and he knows how strong a couple can be - he's got to split them up.
-Rob approaches Natalie - he thinks she'll be a good partner to bring in but he's not sure if he wants to have to carry someone on his back all the way in the hopes they still vote for him at the end. He tells Natalie that next they'll either have to vote Phillip or Andrea to keep the tribe strong... We don't have to tell Matt.
-Natalie wants to make strong moves in the game and thinks making moves with Rob is smart. (Um, ye-ah.)
Ralph gives the idol back to Jeff saying they'll be winning it back. Jeff asks Phillip if that fires him up to win - Phillip proclaims that he will outlast Any MAN OVER There. And the women? That's another day, we'll see. (Whatever, he gets more eye rolling from Stephanie on Zapatera.)
The challenge - 5 tribe members (one at a time) will swim out to a platform, climb up, jump off and break a tile releasing a key (on a float) into the water, retrieve the key and swim back so the next person can go. When all 5 keys are retrieved, one more tribemate with use the keys to unlock 3 locks and open a box which contains a ball - the remaining 2 tribe members will then use the ball to break 5 tiles - first tribe to break all 5 tiles will win Immunity and Reward in the form of fishing gear - fins, mask, line, hooks and spear.
-Grant starts Ometepe off with a good lead and they keep a one key lead through the key retrieval but when they move to opening the locks - Natalie falls behind and Stephanie catches Zapatera up - Ralph is the first one with the ball and starts breaking tiles - Phillip gets the ball and breaks one tile but Ralph is on fire until the last tile and he can't quite get #5 - Phillip catches back up and they are tied at 4 tiles until... Ralph breaks the last tile and ZAPATERA wins immunity & reward - Again.
-As they are celebrating - Fabio II(Matt) goes over to Zapatera and shakes their hands, good game. This really pisses Rob off - what are you thinking - we just got beat 2 challenges in a row - I'm no giving the other team hugs & kisses. (Matt just gave Rob the ammunition he needed to get rid of the young lion in his tribe.)
Zapatera - Day 5
Returning from the challenge, Russell was the one that grabbed the basket of fishing gear and he sees the clue to the hidden idol peeking out of the fins - he palms the clue without anyone being the wiser - then scampers off and congratulates himself on being so smart (It's already gone buddy, you go ahead and look for it though - you deserve it.)
-Ralph sees Russell with the rolled up clue as he clumsily tries to slip it into his waistband, so Ralph goes to the rest of the tribe and tells them Russell took the clue from the basket and kept it for himself - he gets them all riled up against Russell. Ralph tells the camera, this is MY Game. (You go, Man-Sweater.)
-Russell goes off with his two girls and they're totally ripping on Sarita's performance at the challenge (Who? I know) but they're just mean girls - getting cocky already.
-Meanwhile the fact that he took the clue is spreading like wildfire at camp. Former Marine, Mike, is disgusted with Russell mouthing off about honesty then being such a weasel - he takes off for the waterhole where Russell & his minions have just read the clue. Russell's re-hidden it just as Mike gets there - and starts with some small talk, then Ralph shows up with Dave right behind him and Ralph gets right to the point:
Ralph/Man-Sweater (MS) - Was there a clue to the hidden immunity idol in the basket?
Russell/Devil (RD) - Maybe there was.
MS - I'm just asking cause we all won it, not just you.
RD - That's how this game is played.
MS - So you do have it?
RD - No, I don't, and I don't like how you're coming at me. (oh, he's trying to turn it...)
MS - Oh you don't? I'm just asking a question. (good, he's staying cool.)
RD - You trying to tell ME how this game is played? I KNOW how it's played.
MS - This ole boy does too... [and he walks away] (Awesome!)
Ralph didn't need the clue, he already has the idol, he just wanted to stir them up against Russell and he succeeded. (Way to do nothing Mike & Dave... not even a 'yeah' from those two.) I'm loving Man-Sweater.
-Russell's on notice now but he blusters on to the camera - he's shocked - how dare he come at me... doesn't he know who I am? (That's the trouble this time Russell - they ALL know who you are.)
Redemption Island - Day 5
-Francesca gets her luxury item today - a journal - so she can be even more alone with her thoughts? She has no idea when the next person will be coming or what the duel will entail... she hopes they don't have to co-exist there together for any length of time- especially if the next person is Phillip.
Ometepe - Day 5
-Returning from the challenge and Phillip wants to address the tribe (Rob says again they have to endure the pre-tribal TC) - Phillip takes centre stage and says everyone performed galantry-ly, you should be proud, I wish I could have performed as well - I'm not going to run around, you voter how you see fit. Anyone want to say anything feel free... They all just look at him with dead eyes - and Phillip starts to slink away, crestfallen - Rob sees his expression and says to him - hey Phillip, you did good - it was a team effort - it sucks we have to do what we have to do but it's part of the game. (Rob is a genius in giving people what they need so he can get what he needs from them later.)
-Rob tells the camera that Matt's congratulating the other team was worse - he's trying to play the good Christian game, social game, end game... on Day freakin' 5 - wake up brother.
-Kristina puts on her hidden immunity idol - asks Phillip if he's worried - he says no, because he's a MAN and he likes the sound of Redemption.
-Kristina says she's got to play the idol tonight, they won't let her slip by twice (but they will... you're not even on the radar anymore.) She's sad to lose the idol.
-Rob is talking to Dreadlock Grant and Blond Girl #1 - they think Andrea was good in the challenge but Matt's congratulating the other team sucked so they're going to let those two think they're splitting the votes and 4 of them are going to vote for Matt.
-Now all 6 of the younger alliance are solidifying their voting strategy - they agree the 3 girls will vote Kristina and the 3 guys will vote Phillip - then Kristina will play her immunity idol and Phillip will go home.
-Rob confirms to the camera that none of that is actually going to happen - Ashley (ah, that's blond #1's name), Natalie, Grant & Rob are all voting Matt and if Kristina plays her hidden idol and it's a home run.
(Just don't tell Phillip anything!)
-Speak of the devil - Phillip approaches Rob & Matt and asks who they're voting for - Rob tells him he doesn't know yet. Phillip walks away and Rob & Matt briefly confer - Phillip has no move - but he's looking to Rob to tell him what to do...
- Rob follows Phillip and Matt says he's in awe of Rob - he sees what every person needs and fulfills that (he's so right - Rob is successful at manipulating people because he gives them what they need to feel good about helping him - Russell uses fear and gets his way but no one likes him for it.)
-So Rob takes Phillip off on his own and tells him he's going to be alright tonight but he's got to keep his mouth shut at TC. Rob doesn't trust him at all so instead of telling him who to vote for, he tells him he's going to put his hand on the right shoulder of the person he wants him to vote for right before it's time to vote. SMRT. Rob says to the camera, this will be a good test - if Phillip does what he says he'll do he could earn his way back into the rotation - but if he runs his mouth and tells everything he told him, he'll be sent packing.
Kristina - a lot of attention was on you last time with the idol
- Well, I had a feeling I shouldn't play it - but tonight, a bit of a feeling I should.
Phillip - I asked before the challenge if this brings out the animal in you
- He shows the tattoo on his left arm - a gorilla - a powerful animal that won't attack unless provoked. Then he shows the right arm where he has a tattoo of a lion - even animals starving to death won't approach it. For me, that's how I feel about my family and my country... blah blah blah.
How do those animals react when they screw up?
- Lions don't screw up but gorillas are subject to survivor of the fittest (he is so Coach sometimes) - I have to suffer the consequences of that loss.
Boston Rob - what do you say to Phillip when he's saying it was all me and there is a group here?
- Phillip's a competitor, he takes it very personal and very hard and I understand that - I said we win as a team and we lose as a team - but I internalize it, I feel it was my fault too.
Matt - so you have someone here who says I screwed up, vote me out but he happens to be one of your biggest guys.
- He's a huge asset even around camp - it's tough voting someone out on a single mistake but in this game it can happen like that.
Phillip - It can't be easy to be on the verge of walking out of here.
- I know when I get to Redemption Island that I'm going to meet my nemesis (wow, he's certainly built that up in his mind.) Ain't nothing like a little payback. I would have loved to stay but there is an upside.
Matt - are people spending much time talking about Redemption Island?
- There are 2 main questions - How many people come back and at what time. If we knew that it would be a huge advantage.
Yes, it would, wouldn't it.
(Rob subtly pokes Phillip to get his attention, then casually pats Kristina's shoulder - Phillip nods slightly.) HA!
Time to vote:
Matt votes for Phillip
Phillip votes Kristina - for being a manipulator and lying with Fransesska (you'd think he'd know how to pronounce his nemesis' name.)
Kristina plays her hidden immunity idol - votes against her won't count.
Tallying the votes:
Kristina - 1, 2 - don't count
Phillip - 1, 2
Matt - 1, 2, 3 ... 4 - Matt (Fabio II) is the second person voted out of Survivor Redemption Island.
Matt & Andrea are SHOCKED! He says, "Good work guys, my goodness."
Next week: Ometepe must deal with an Andrea scorned - Rob says she will cut his throat. And Zapatera learns what happens when you cross Russell - Stephanie is gleefully crowing about the Biggest Blindside Ever!
Matt's final words as he gets to Redemption Island - he's been on an emotional roller coaster - one minute he wants to go home, the next he thinks Rob has set him up to have the biggest comeback in Survivor history (they use a lot of superlatives on this show.) Francesca is shocked to see Fabio II join her - bring on the duel next week!
So with Matt hitting Redemption Island this week - Nancy C, Bernice R, and Ritch G are also up for elimination at the Duel.
Until next week,
After a quick recap of the awesome craziness that Phillip brought to the first Tribal Council which resulted in "Franchesqua" going to Redemption Island... the episode opens at:
Redemption Island - Night 3
-Francesca is all alone and reads the rules by lantern - she'll have basic supplies (which did include flint) and they'll supply her with a ration of rice every day and plenty of drinking water. At a certain point the remaining person on Redemption Island will re-enter the game - Good Luck (AH - so it doesn't say they'll have the chance to come back - someone will definitely come back in... interesting.)
-Francesca has an optimistic outlook, she feels this could be the best thing for her game - she was on good terms with everyone in the tribe (um, the tribe that voted you out?) but she wasn't in the core alliance - if she can make it back, she could still win this game.
Ometepe - Night 3
-As they return from Tribal Council(TC) Rob says that was one of the wildest TC's he's ever been a part of (and that's saying something.)
-Kristina says TC didn't go so well - wishes she hadn't told Phillip anything (d'ya think?) but she still has the idol and she's so grateful she didn't play that thing.
-Phillips asks if he could speak to Rob for a second and pulls him off by themselves (this should be good).
-Rob tells the camera it doesn't take a genius FBI man to know Phillip and Kristina were lying, their mouths were moving.
-Phillip says he was almost duped today but he wants to tell Rob something from his heart - Until I go to Redemption (he says it like he's dying and going to heaven) You Own My Vote. When I come back I'm a competitor like I said.
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is a piece of work - he believes he has a good heart but he just not quite all there. "Let it be a lesson to you - Government jobs - Stressful." (HAhahaha, Love it - Rob is pure gold.)
-Rob says except for the twist of Phillip outting Francesca at TC, things went pretty much according to plan - this group can follow directions. Phillip did himself in, he's an idiot.
Ometepe - Day 4
-Phillip is hunting crabs, in his underwear, with a spear... (What?) He feels like he's being tested to his primal core out there (on day 4?... too soon to bust that one out buddy.)
-The rest of the tribe is spying on his hunting through the trees and Fabio II(Matt) is doing a Wild Kingdom voice over - The fine specimen is creeping up on his prey... in his pink shorts. (Priceless! If nothing else, Phillips earnest sincerity is providing comic relief to everyone at camp.)
-Phillip is talking to the camera again and gets all choked up talking about how Francesca maligned his character and hurt him. He loves his country and told everyone he was an agent to prove his trustworthiness (Swell of dramatic music) she tried to take some of his pride - he was angry but he gained the renewed love of Phillip Shepherd (yeah, that's himself) he's a good guy and that's okay. (And goshdarnit - people like me.) He succeeded in killing a crab that's too small to eat - Congratulations big game hunter.
Zapatera - Day 4
-Ralph is crowing like a rooster - Russell thinks his team is not too bright - and poor ole Ralph - he may be the dumbest person on the face of the Earth besides being the dumbest player to play Survivor.
-Russell's happy with his alliance with Stephanie and he wants to bring in Blond #3 (Krista) - 3 worked for him before and it may again. He's talking to Krista and tells her they have to find the hidden idol - we'll probably get a clue if we win again - we should start looking for it now.
-Russell is out looking for the idol and the rest of the team is watching him, they know exactly what he's doing.
-Ralph is out collecting rocks and, oh hello, what's this in the hole in this root/log? A hidden immunity idol. Hot Doggie. Ralph tells the camera that Russell thinks he's the king of finding idols but it was as easy as wiping his hiney with toilet paper. So Russell - eat your heart out.
Ometepe - Day 5
-Fabio II(Matt) is talking God to Blond #2 (Andrea)... they are flirting and getting close and this makes Rob nervous - he's played that game before with Amber and he knows how strong a couple can be - he's got to split them up.
-Rob approaches Natalie - he thinks she'll be a good partner to bring in but he's not sure if he wants to have to carry someone on his back all the way in the hopes they still vote for him at the end. He tells Natalie that next they'll either have to vote Phillip or Andrea to keep the tribe strong... We don't have to tell Matt.
-Natalie wants to make strong moves in the game and thinks making moves with Rob is smart. (Um, ye-ah.)
Ralph gives the idol back to Jeff saying they'll be winning it back. Jeff asks Phillip if that fires him up to win - Phillip proclaims that he will outlast Any MAN OVER There. And the women? That's another day, we'll see. (Whatever, he gets more eye rolling from Stephanie on Zapatera.)
The challenge - 5 tribe members (one at a time) will swim out to a platform, climb up, jump off and break a tile releasing a key (on a float) into the water, retrieve the key and swim back so the next person can go. When all 5 keys are retrieved, one more tribemate with use the keys to unlock 3 locks and open a box which contains a ball - the remaining 2 tribe members will then use the ball to break 5 tiles - first tribe to break all 5 tiles will win Immunity and Reward in the form of fishing gear - fins, mask, line, hooks and spear.
-Grant starts Ometepe off with a good lead and they keep a one key lead through the key retrieval but when they move to opening the locks - Natalie falls behind and Stephanie catches Zapatera up - Ralph is the first one with the ball and starts breaking tiles - Phillip gets the ball and breaks one tile but Ralph is on fire until the last tile and he can't quite get #5 - Phillip catches back up and they are tied at 4 tiles until... Ralph breaks the last tile and ZAPATERA wins immunity & reward - Again.
-As they are celebrating - Fabio II(Matt) goes over to Zapatera and shakes their hands, good game. This really pisses Rob off - what are you thinking - we just got beat 2 challenges in a row - I'm no giving the other team hugs & kisses. (Matt just gave Rob the ammunition he needed to get rid of the young lion in his tribe.)
Zapatera - Day 5
Returning from the challenge, Russell was the one that grabbed the basket of fishing gear and he sees the clue to the hidden idol peeking out of the fins - he palms the clue without anyone being the wiser - then scampers off and congratulates himself on being so smart (It's already gone buddy, you go ahead and look for it though - you deserve it.)
-Ralph sees Russell with the rolled up clue as he clumsily tries to slip it into his waistband, so Ralph goes to the rest of the tribe and tells them Russell took the clue from the basket and kept it for himself - he gets them all riled up against Russell. Ralph tells the camera, this is MY Game. (You go, Man-Sweater.)
-Russell goes off with his two girls and they're totally ripping on Sarita's performance at the challenge (Who? I know) but they're just mean girls - getting cocky already.
-Meanwhile the fact that he took the clue is spreading like wildfire at camp. Former Marine, Mike, is disgusted with Russell mouthing off about honesty then being such a weasel - he takes off for the waterhole where Russell & his minions have just read the clue. Russell's re-hidden it just as Mike gets there - and starts with some small talk, then Ralph shows up with Dave right behind him and Ralph gets right to the point:
Ralph/Man-Sweater (MS) - Was there a clue to the hidden immunity idol in the basket?
Russell/Devil (RD) - Maybe there was.
MS - I'm just asking cause we all won it, not just you.
RD - That's how this game is played.
MS - So you do have it?
RD - No, I don't, and I don't like how you're coming at me. (oh, he's trying to turn it...)
MS - Oh you don't? I'm just asking a question. (good, he's staying cool.)
RD - You trying to tell ME how this game is played? I KNOW how it's played.
MS - This ole boy does too... [and he walks away] (Awesome!)
Ralph didn't need the clue, he already has the idol, he just wanted to stir them up against Russell and he succeeded. (Way to do nothing Mike & Dave... not even a 'yeah' from those two.) I'm loving Man-Sweater.
-Russell's on notice now but he blusters on to the camera - he's shocked - how dare he come at me... doesn't he know who I am? (That's the trouble this time Russell - they ALL know who you are.)
Redemption Island - Day 5
-Francesca gets her luxury item today - a journal - so she can be even more alone with her thoughts? She has no idea when the next person will be coming or what the duel will entail... she hopes they don't have to co-exist there together for any length of time- especially if the next person is Phillip.
Ometepe - Day 5
-Returning from the challenge and Phillip wants to address the tribe (Rob says again they have to endure the pre-tribal TC) - Phillip takes centre stage and says everyone performed galantry-ly, you should be proud, I wish I could have performed as well - I'm not going to run around, you voter how you see fit. Anyone want to say anything feel free... They all just look at him with dead eyes - and Phillip starts to slink away, crestfallen - Rob sees his expression and says to him - hey Phillip, you did good - it was a team effort - it sucks we have to do what we have to do but it's part of the game. (Rob is a genius in giving people what they need so he can get what he needs from them later.)
-Rob tells the camera that Matt's congratulating the other team was worse - he's trying to play the good Christian game, social game, end game... on Day freakin' 5 - wake up brother.
-Kristina puts on her hidden immunity idol - asks Phillip if he's worried - he says no, because he's a MAN and he likes the sound of Redemption.
-Kristina says she's got to play the idol tonight, they won't let her slip by twice (but they will... you're not even on the radar anymore.) She's sad to lose the idol.
-Rob is talking to Dreadlock Grant and Blond Girl #1 - they think Andrea was good in the challenge but Matt's congratulating the other team sucked so they're going to let those two think they're splitting the votes and 4 of them are going to vote for Matt.
-Now all 6 of the younger alliance are solidifying their voting strategy - they agree the 3 girls will vote Kristina and the 3 guys will vote Phillip - then Kristina will play her immunity idol and Phillip will go home.
-Rob confirms to the camera that none of that is actually going to happen - Ashley (ah, that's blond #1's name), Natalie, Grant & Rob are all voting Matt and if Kristina plays her hidden idol and it's a home run.
(Just don't tell Phillip anything!)
-Speak of the devil - Phillip approaches Rob & Matt and asks who they're voting for - Rob tells him he doesn't know yet. Phillip walks away and Rob & Matt briefly confer - Phillip has no move - but he's looking to Rob to tell him what to do...
- Rob follows Phillip and Matt says he's in awe of Rob - he sees what every person needs and fulfills that (he's so right - Rob is successful at manipulating people because he gives them what they need to feel good about helping him - Russell uses fear and gets his way but no one likes him for it.)
-So Rob takes Phillip off on his own and tells him he's going to be alright tonight but he's got to keep his mouth shut at TC. Rob doesn't trust him at all so instead of telling him who to vote for, he tells him he's going to put his hand on the right shoulder of the person he wants him to vote for right before it's time to vote. SMRT. Rob says to the camera, this will be a good test - if Phillip does what he says he'll do he could earn his way back into the rotation - but if he runs his mouth and tells everything he told him, he'll be sent packing.
Kristina - a lot of attention was on you last time with the idol
- Well, I had a feeling I shouldn't play it - but tonight, a bit of a feeling I should.
Phillip - I asked before the challenge if this brings out the animal in you
- He shows the tattoo on his left arm - a gorilla - a powerful animal that won't attack unless provoked. Then he shows the right arm where he has a tattoo of a lion - even animals starving to death won't approach it. For me, that's how I feel about my family and my country... blah blah blah.
How do those animals react when they screw up?
- Lions don't screw up but gorillas are subject to survivor of the fittest (he is so Coach sometimes) - I have to suffer the consequences of that loss.
Boston Rob - what do you say to Phillip when he's saying it was all me and there is a group here?
- Phillip's a competitor, he takes it very personal and very hard and I understand that - I said we win as a team and we lose as a team - but I internalize it, I feel it was my fault too.
Matt - so you have someone here who says I screwed up, vote me out but he happens to be one of your biggest guys.
- He's a huge asset even around camp - it's tough voting someone out on a single mistake but in this game it can happen like that.
Phillip - It can't be easy to be on the verge of walking out of here.
- I know when I get to Redemption Island that I'm going to meet my nemesis (wow, he's certainly built that up in his mind.) Ain't nothing like a little payback. I would have loved to stay but there is an upside.
Matt - are people spending much time talking about Redemption Island?
- There are 2 main questions - How many people come back and at what time. If we knew that it would be a huge advantage.
Yes, it would, wouldn't it.
(Rob subtly pokes Phillip to get his attention, then casually pats Kristina's shoulder - Phillip nods slightly.) HA!
Time to vote:
Matt votes for Phillip
Phillip votes Kristina - for being a manipulator and lying with Fransesska (you'd think he'd know how to pronounce his nemesis' name.)
Kristina plays her hidden immunity idol - votes against her won't count.
Tallying the votes:
Kristina - 1, 2 - don't count
Phillip - 1, 2
Matt - 1, 2, 3 ... 4 - Matt (Fabio II) is the second person voted out of Survivor Redemption Island.
Matt & Andrea are SHOCKED! He says, "Good work guys, my goodness."
Next week: Ometepe must deal with an Andrea scorned - Rob says she will cut his throat. And Zapatera learns what happens when you cross Russell - Stephanie is gleefully crowing about the Biggest Blindside Ever!
Matt's final words as he gets to Redemption Island - he's been on an emotional roller coaster - one minute he wants to go home, the next he thinks Rob has set him up to have the biggest comeback in Survivor history (they use a lot of superlatives on this show.) Francesca is shocked to see Fabio II join her - bring on the duel next week!
So with Matt hitting Redemption Island this week - Nancy C, Bernice R, and Ritch G are also up for elimination at the Duel.
Until next week,
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