I Never Looked so Foolish in My Whole Entire Life (Outback)
Quick recap of last week's first part of the leg - Gary & Mallory were the first to the faux Pit Stop mat and they won the Express Pass.
-Kris & Amanda floundered right out of the gate and will face a U-Turn when they get to the first Detour.
-Cowboys Jet & Cord are in last place - can they get back in the saddle? (Oh, hardy-har.)
-At the faux Pit Stop the 10 teams that have gotten there so far received a clue telling them to go "To Sail To Stop" and sign up for one of two flights heading to the outback. There are 6 spaces on the first flight and 5 on the second. (To Sail To Stop refers to a large anchor/statue out in front of town hall in Sidney.) Whew, the Cowboys will have a chance as long as they don't miss that second flight.
-Gary & Mallory's cab driver has no idea what To Sail To Stop means - just driving aimlessly.
-Amanda & Kris also have no idea where to go and are not happy they have essentially U-Turned themselves right out the gate.
-The first 3 teams have taken cabs from the Pit Stop back to Sydney, the rest have taken the ferry back since they took a ferry there.
-On the ferry the Redheads say they are so happy to be running the Race with Margie & Luke again - Luke says they are his Race Girlfriends (yeah, dream on buddy.)
-Ron & Christina look to be operating pretty much the same as they did before - he doesn't listen to her, talks down to her like a child - they know how to push each other's buttons as only family can (ah, yeah, we all know how that goes.)
-The Cowboys finally get the password phrase figured out and get the clue to join the crew of the skiff to retrieve their next clue. They haul a** to the sailboat.
-Gary & Mallory and Amanda & Kris are stymied by the "To Sail To Stop" clue.
-Sisters Lakisha & Jen get taken to a Maritime Museum and ask to use the computer to research the phrase - Zev & Justin catch up with them there and they find out the phrase refers to the anchor at town hall - they all take off on foot as it's a block or so away.
-Mel & Mike are in 9th place - Mel doesn't know if he can physically keep going - his legs are cramping up (he's obviously dehydrated) - Mike is crying on the ferry as Mel collapses into a seat - he's worried and says he doesn't want to kill him for some joyride. Mel says - I'll be responsible for my decision. (Aw... I love these two - they truly care about each other - Ron, take note.)
-Cowboys are not good sailors - they keep falling off the boat and get dragged through the water like shark bait (luckily their harnesses keep them attached) - Not very much sailing in Oklahoma either I'm guessing.
Cord - Son of a buck.
-Margie & Luke found a woman with a computer on the ferry so they find out they have to go to the anchor at town hall and share with the Redheads.
-Lakisha & Jen are the first to the sign up sheets - Zev & Justin are right there with them - high 5's all round.
-Ferry docks - Margie/Luke and Redheads take off - Mel & Mike are taking it slow, Mel's legs are cramping up - they ask a local on the street who tells them the phrase refers to the anchor and gives them directions. Goths and Globetrotters find computers to use at the ferry terminal (I guess) and find out where they need to go.
-Margie/Luke and the Redheads are 3rd & 4th to sign up for the first flight.
-Gary/Mallory run into Ron/Christina and Kris/Amanda - all are wandering the streets aimlessly still looking for the 'To Sail To Stop' - finally ask someone who knows what it is and get direction to town hall.
-Mel & Mike are the 5th team on the first flight and the Goths (with black mascara running) are the last team on the first flight.
-Cowboys finally get to Phil at the faux Pit Stop and dramatically tells them he's sorry to tell them they're the last team to arrive - but here's the next clue - get out of here you crazy kids! Hee-Haw! And off they go - so relieved to still be in it.
-The rest of the teams finally get to the anchor and sign up for the 2nd flight - Globetrotters, Ron/Christina, Mallory/Gary and Amanda/Kris, who will still be facing the U-Turn when they get to the Detour.
-The Cowboys are walking around asking everyone what 'To Sail To Stop' is and no one has any idea - they look so exhausted - it's getting dark and they're out of ideas. (Do they not have the Internet in Oklahoma either?) Cord busts out an 'Oh my gravy!' (I second that.)
-Everyone is at the airport, it's full dark and no one has seen the cowboys for hours. Back out on the streets somewhere the Cowboys finally decide to catch a cab and ask the driver what the phrase means - he knows - It's city town hall, mate. (Finally!) Luckily the flights don't leave until the next morning, Phew!
-Next day the first flight heads out for Broken Hill. Mel is feeling much better. Once they land they all head for the marked cars and get the clue to make their way into the Living Desert and look for the next clue.
-Kisha & Jen know where they're going - Mel & Mike are following and the old guy is complaining that Kisha drives too slow (hahaha... that's hilarious, she really must be slow if the 70 yr old is complaining.)
-Redheads, Margie & Luke and the Goths all stop at a gas station and ask directions.
-2nd flight arrives and they all take off - Ron, not to perpetuate any stereotypes but, he nearly drives right into the path of a semi-trailer - Oh Jeez - (They also drive on the wrong side downunder so that's had to get used to - but really, look BOTH ways before you pull out.)
-Zev & Justin, Kisha & Jen, Mel & Mike are the first teams to the clue box - DETOUR - they must choose between two aboriginal customs that have survived throughout the ages - Spirit World or Natural World
-In Spirit World - they must us traditional materials provided to create an aboriginal ground mosaic which meatches the example provided. Once properly completed they must do a dance on the mosaic to raise the spirits - once done correctly they'll get their next clue.
-In Natural World - teams must create aboriginal territory makers using natural paints made of clay and water - they must put the paint in their mouths and spray it on the stencil to make the markers - if they create the markers correctly they'll get their next clue.
-Zev & Justin choose Spirit World - Justin says Zev is very artistic - he chimes in, "and Autistic." (LOL, with a sense of humour about it as well.)
-Everyone else also decides to do Spirit World... and I mean everyone.
-Mel & Mike say it was bedlam - hard to do the task with 10 other teams there - all of them run all over to retrieve the materials to fill in the thing. Mel's legs start cramping up again. (Uh oh.)
-LaKisha & Jen get their's checked but it's not right. Kent & Vyxsin get theirs checked and it's right, then for the dance he goes and grabs some of the kids that were demonstrating the dance - yelling at Vyxsin to "Please get me some children" - they have them all dancing around the mosaid but that's wrong... (the clue says to dance ON it... read your clue.)
-Zev & Justin finish their mosaic correctly and the clue says dance on top of your mosaic so they dance - Margie & Luke also dance on theirs - Goths continue to circle.
-Zev & Justin get the clue and head out - they have to find the Home of the Magpies to get their next clue. They ask a local where the home of the Magpies is and he tells them it's the local football club and to go to the stadium - they are off with directions.
-Margie & Luke and Mel & Mike finish - the Goths finally figure out they have to dance on top of the mosaic and finish.
-Ron is berating Christina for not directing him - she's supposed to be assembling and telling him what to bring her - (Ahhh! Because he can't figure it out on his own??? He would drive me CRAZY!) He's then telling her what to do and she tells him to speak Chinese so no one will understand what he's saying - Ah, that could be quite an advantage for them. SMRT.
-Amanda & Kris start dancing around their mosaic - Jet tells Cord to get ON IT! and they finish. Gary/Mallory finish and the Globetrotters - Ron/Christina have the mosaic wrong... he screwed up - and admitted it, is that progress? Kris/Amanda finally get on top of theirs and finish but have to head over and do the other task.
-Ron & Christina are last at the Spirit World. They finally finish the mosaic correctly but he doesn't want to dance on it and ruin it (Ha, that was my thought too.) But he does it and they get the next clue - then have to gather all Ron's crap he's scattered all over the ground (sheesh.)
-Amanda and Kris are now spitting paint on their hands to make the marker - she can't quite get the spray right and keeps spitting a stream - Kris' got it though and they finish the task pretty quickly. (That one was way easier- too bad none of the other teams chose that one.)
-Zev & Justin first to the Stadium and get the clue - Time for a Rude Awakening - OMG! They have to dress in kangaroo costumes - complete with springy shoes - and using only the periodic table with two elements highlighted figure out they need to go to the intersection of Mercury and Bismuth st to get the next clue - (That is Hi-Larious! They look so ridiculous, I bet the AR people were howling when they thought up this task.)
-Margie & Luke get there next and go to suit up.
-Zev thinks he's found this years Halloween costume - brown body suit with all the fur parts strapped on the outside - springy feet, big head and huge tail - priceless.
-Goths and Mel & Mike show up and head down to suit up.
-Margie is having trouble with the springy shoes, they kind of tilt forward and she can't find the balance right away and falls down. - They team up with Zev & Justin and all head off together as the Redheads get there and see them in the suits - Really, we have to dress as kangaroos? (Oh yeah sweety - hahaha.)
-The Cowboys find the home of the magpies and the Globetrotters are right behind them. Cord says Jet will have to figure out the Periodic Table cause he watches way more Discovery channel. Flight Time says Big Easy is gonna lose his mind - Periodic Table man. Yikes - that could prove problematic for them - of course everyone is bunched up so they'll probably just follow along.
-Zev & Justin and Margie & luke get a local to look up the periodic table on her iPhone and they figure out the elements - she tells them they're streets and gives them directions.
-Jen & Kisha run into the locker room and can't find their costumes - Mike tells them - This is the Men's locker room. Oh, my bad. - Mike - They're always trying to get a peak in the men's locker room. (Ah yeah.)
-Back out on the street it's tough going - it's hot and running in the costumes is hard - Justin's just glad he doesn't have to carry Zev in his pouch yet - (That'd be cute - but impossible.)
-In the Ladies locker room - Jaime says this isn't the type of animal she's used to dressing up as - long way from her Playboy bunny suit (Okay, we get it, you're a Playboy Playmate - good for you.)
-Gary & Mallory finally get to the stadium - they're now in 9th place.
-Redheads team up with the Goths - Kent knows the elements - says that A in chemistry is finally coming in handy. Jaime says he's got looks and brains (too bad you don't - oh, that was mean ;)
-Mel & Mike are liking the bouncer shoes - they'd like to have them through the rest of the race. (Huh, must make it less stressful on the joints and the spring action gets you farther faster - I'd like to try them too.)
-Kisha says she's never looked so foolish in her entire life - well, look to your left - Big Easy has you beat - he looks ridiculous! Giant the Kangaroo.
-Jet & Cord want to make up some time and take off running to distance themselves from the pack.
-Ron & Christina finally arrive at the stadium in 10th spot - Amanda & Kris get there last.
-Margie stumbles again and loses one of her foot coverings - Zev & Justin notice but don't say anything - the music tells me this could be important later... oh, then Margie notices and insists they go back to look for it much to Luke's dismay.
-Zev & Justin get to Mercury & Bismuth and get the clue for the Pit Stop - they have to continue on in the kangaroo costumes - (Oh, the producers are having fun with this one) - but they are allowed to change the shoes so they can drive - they have to drive themselves to Junction Mine - the last team to arrive WILL be eliminated. Zev slams his tail in the door - Ouch! (such a comedian.)
-Other teams find Margie's foot cover - Redheads notice but run by - Mel picks it up and when Margie/Luke get back to them he gives it back to her and gets a big hug and kiss from Luke (whoa big guy) - Margie tells them they have to go to Mercury St.
-Globetrotters stumble upon the clue box - Big Easy is lumbering along and looks over - Oh hey, look at that. (haha, so lucky.) Kisha & Jen also get the clue and they all try to drive away in the suits - Big Easy has to take the head off to get in the car - he is a very big man.
-Gary & Mallory want to team up with Ron & Christina - he's just being a crotchety old fart - whining about everything - he's trying to get hydrated, doesn't want to move to fast - Mallory is being, well, Mallory - It's this way guys come on. Ron whines, why are we following her, we should figure out where we're going on our own... (Arrgh, he's so annoying.)
-Kris & Amanda are on their own - get directions to Mercury st.
-Father/daughter X2 are looking for Mercury St, too.
Ron - What is Pb?
Christina - No, it's Bi.
Ron - Bitronium?
Christina - Errghh! Bismuth (she just made the noise I do whenever Ron speaks... haha - and she knows her elements - just listen to her for once.)
-Christina figures out they've been going the wrong way and gets them turned in the right direction.
-Mallory finds the clue box - they get the Pit Stop clue and she yells that they know exactly where to go - while running for the cars.
-Ron doesn't want to follow them - he thinks Mallory is too impulsive - they cut the cord and don't follow.
-Amanda & Kris have the clue now and take off the the Pit Stop as well.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Zev & Justin - Win a trip for two to Cancun, Mexico... and they still have their passports! Zev just wants to take a nap.
2) Globetrotters - Big Easy is the biggest female kangaroo ever.
3) Jet & Cord - they ran past the sisters from the parking lot to capture 3rd place.
4) LaKisha & Jen - they high 5 the cowboys so hopefully no hard feelings.
5) Margie & Luke - good mid-pack finish
6) Mel & Mike - Mike is really proud of his Dad, such a trooper to soldier through - he's my hero.(Aw)
7) Kent & Vyxsin - Kent still hopping even without the shoes.
8) Jaime & Cara - Phil says they are the best looking kangaroos to hop into this town (Don't encourage them.)
9) Gary & Mallory - she's just SO EXCITED to be there!
10) Ron & Christina - Ron call Phil 'Bill'... Did you just call me Bill? (Maybe he doesn't respect anyone - that could be it - too important to even remember the hosts name.) Christina says they still have some things to work out - they are just very different people, but they love each other.
11) Amanda & Kris - **ELIMINATED** Kris is so bummed - unlike the last time though this U-Turn was their own fault. He said this is the opportunity of a lifetime and getting to do it twice was like winning the lottery (without the money I guess) - he'd do it again in a heartbeat.
SO - with the team no one remembered leaving already - I have $10 to return to Sue & Hannelore, Janine S, Bob L, Robert L and Nenad M.
Next week - they are steeped in Japanese tradition - Kimonos - chanting under a waterfall - mud wrestling? And Jaime & Cara suffer a gaime changing set back - did she hit someone with the car? We'll have to tune in next week to find out.
Have a great week everyone.
Quick recap of last week's first part of the leg - Gary & Mallory were the first to the faux Pit Stop mat and they won the Express Pass.
-Kris & Amanda floundered right out of the gate and will face a U-Turn when they get to the first Detour.
-Cowboys Jet & Cord are in last place - can they get back in the saddle? (Oh, hardy-har.)
-At the faux Pit Stop the 10 teams that have gotten there so far received a clue telling them to go "To Sail To Stop" and sign up for one of two flights heading to the outback. There are 6 spaces on the first flight and 5 on the second. (To Sail To Stop refers to a large anchor/statue out in front of town hall in Sidney.) Whew, the Cowboys will have a chance as long as they don't miss that second flight.
-Gary & Mallory's cab driver has no idea what To Sail To Stop means - just driving aimlessly.
-Amanda & Kris also have no idea where to go and are not happy they have essentially U-Turned themselves right out the gate.
-The first 3 teams have taken cabs from the Pit Stop back to Sydney, the rest have taken the ferry back since they took a ferry there.
-On the ferry the Redheads say they are so happy to be running the Race with Margie & Luke again - Luke says they are his Race Girlfriends (yeah, dream on buddy.)
-Ron & Christina look to be operating pretty much the same as they did before - he doesn't listen to her, talks down to her like a child - they know how to push each other's buttons as only family can (ah, yeah, we all know how that goes.)
-The Cowboys finally get the password phrase figured out and get the clue to join the crew of the skiff to retrieve their next clue. They haul a** to the sailboat.
-Gary & Mallory and Amanda & Kris are stymied by the "To Sail To Stop" clue.
-Sisters Lakisha & Jen get taken to a Maritime Museum and ask to use the computer to research the phrase - Zev & Justin catch up with them there and they find out the phrase refers to the anchor at town hall - they all take off on foot as it's a block or so away.
-Mel & Mike are in 9th place - Mel doesn't know if he can physically keep going - his legs are cramping up (he's obviously dehydrated) - Mike is crying on the ferry as Mel collapses into a seat - he's worried and says he doesn't want to kill him for some joyride. Mel says - I'll be responsible for my decision. (Aw... I love these two - they truly care about each other - Ron, take note.)
-Cowboys are not good sailors - they keep falling off the boat and get dragged through the water like shark bait (luckily their harnesses keep them attached) - Not very much sailing in Oklahoma either I'm guessing.
Cord - Son of a buck.
-Margie & Luke found a woman with a computer on the ferry so they find out they have to go to the anchor at town hall and share with the Redheads.
-Lakisha & Jen are the first to the sign up sheets - Zev & Justin are right there with them - high 5's all round.
-Ferry docks - Margie/Luke and Redheads take off - Mel & Mike are taking it slow, Mel's legs are cramping up - they ask a local on the street who tells them the phrase refers to the anchor and gives them directions. Goths and Globetrotters find computers to use at the ferry terminal (I guess) and find out where they need to go.
-Margie/Luke and the Redheads are 3rd & 4th to sign up for the first flight.
-Gary/Mallory run into Ron/Christina and Kris/Amanda - all are wandering the streets aimlessly still looking for the 'To Sail To Stop' - finally ask someone who knows what it is and get direction to town hall.
-Mel & Mike are the 5th team on the first flight and the Goths (with black mascara running) are the last team on the first flight.
-Cowboys finally get to Phil at the faux Pit Stop and dramatically tells them he's sorry to tell them they're the last team to arrive - but here's the next clue - get out of here you crazy kids! Hee-Haw! And off they go - so relieved to still be in it.
-The rest of the teams finally get to the anchor and sign up for the 2nd flight - Globetrotters, Ron/Christina, Mallory/Gary and Amanda/Kris, who will still be facing the U-Turn when they get to the Detour.
-The Cowboys are walking around asking everyone what 'To Sail To Stop' is and no one has any idea - they look so exhausted - it's getting dark and they're out of ideas. (Do they not have the Internet in Oklahoma either?) Cord busts out an 'Oh my gravy!' (I second that.)
-Everyone is at the airport, it's full dark and no one has seen the cowboys for hours. Back out on the streets somewhere the Cowboys finally decide to catch a cab and ask the driver what the phrase means - he knows - It's city town hall, mate. (Finally!) Luckily the flights don't leave until the next morning, Phew!
-Next day the first flight heads out for Broken Hill. Mel is feeling much better. Once they land they all head for the marked cars and get the clue to make their way into the Living Desert and look for the next clue.
-Kisha & Jen know where they're going - Mel & Mike are following and the old guy is complaining that Kisha drives too slow (hahaha... that's hilarious, she really must be slow if the 70 yr old is complaining.)
-Redheads, Margie & Luke and the Goths all stop at a gas station and ask directions.
-2nd flight arrives and they all take off - Ron, not to perpetuate any stereotypes but, he nearly drives right into the path of a semi-trailer - Oh Jeez - (They also drive on the wrong side downunder so that's had to get used to - but really, look BOTH ways before you pull out.)
-Zev & Justin, Kisha & Jen, Mel & Mike are the first teams to the clue box - DETOUR - they must choose between two aboriginal customs that have survived throughout the ages - Spirit World or Natural World
-In Spirit World - they must us traditional materials provided to create an aboriginal ground mosaic which meatches the example provided. Once properly completed they must do a dance on the mosaic to raise the spirits - once done correctly they'll get their next clue.
-In Natural World - teams must create aboriginal territory makers using natural paints made of clay and water - they must put the paint in their mouths and spray it on the stencil to make the markers - if they create the markers correctly they'll get their next clue.
-Zev & Justin choose Spirit World - Justin says Zev is very artistic - he chimes in, "and Autistic." (LOL, with a sense of humour about it as well.)
-Everyone else also decides to do Spirit World... and I mean everyone.
-Mel & Mike say it was bedlam - hard to do the task with 10 other teams there - all of them run all over to retrieve the materials to fill in the thing. Mel's legs start cramping up again. (Uh oh.)
-LaKisha & Jen get their's checked but it's not right. Kent & Vyxsin get theirs checked and it's right, then for the dance he goes and grabs some of the kids that were demonstrating the dance - yelling at Vyxsin to "Please get me some children" - they have them all dancing around the mosaid but that's wrong... (the clue says to dance ON it... read your clue.)
-Zev & Justin finish their mosaic correctly and the clue says dance on top of your mosaic so they dance - Margie & Luke also dance on theirs - Goths continue to circle.
-Zev & Justin get the clue and head out - they have to find the Home of the Magpies to get their next clue. They ask a local where the home of the Magpies is and he tells them it's the local football club and to go to the stadium - they are off with directions.
-Margie & Luke and Mel & Mike finish - the Goths finally figure out they have to dance on top of the mosaic and finish.
-Ron is berating Christina for not directing him - she's supposed to be assembling and telling him what to bring her - (Ahhh! Because he can't figure it out on his own??? He would drive me CRAZY!) He's then telling her what to do and she tells him to speak Chinese so no one will understand what he's saying - Ah, that could be quite an advantage for them. SMRT.
-Amanda & Kris start dancing around their mosaic - Jet tells Cord to get ON IT! and they finish. Gary/Mallory finish and the Globetrotters - Ron/Christina have the mosaic wrong... he screwed up - and admitted it, is that progress? Kris/Amanda finally get on top of theirs and finish but have to head over and do the other task.
-Ron & Christina are last at the Spirit World. They finally finish the mosaic correctly but he doesn't want to dance on it and ruin it (Ha, that was my thought too.) But he does it and they get the next clue - then have to gather all Ron's crap he's scattered all over the ground (sheesh.)
-Amanda and Kris are now spitting paint on their hands to make the marker - she can't quite get the spray right and keeps spitting a stream - Kris' got it though and they finish the task pretty quickly. (That one was way easier- too bad none of the other teams chose that one.)
-Zev & Justin first to the Stadium and get the clue - Time for a Rude Awakening - OMG! They have to dress in kangaroo costumes - complete with springy shoes - and using only the periodic table with two elements highlighted figure out they need to go to the intersection of Mercury and Bismuth st to get the next clue - (That is Hi-Larious! They look so ridiculous, I bet the AR people were howling when they thought up this task.)
-Margie & Luke get there next and go to suit up.
-Zev thinks he's found this years Halloween costume - brown body suit with all the fur parts strapped on the outside - springy feet, big head and huge tail - priceless.
-Goths and Mel & Mike show up and head down to suit up.
-Margie is having trouble with the springy shoes, they kind of tilt forward and she can't find the balance right away and falls down. - They team up with Zev & Justin and all head off together as the Redheads get there and see them in the suits - Really, we have to dress as kangaroos? (Oh yeah sweety - hahaha.)
-The Cowboys find the home of the magpies and the Globetrotters are right behind them. Cord says Jet will have to figure out the Periodic Table cause he watches way more Discovery channel. Flight Time says Big Easy is gonna lose his mind - Periodic Table man. Yikes - that could prove problematic for them - of course everyone is bunched up so they'll probably just follow along.
-Zev & Justin and Margie & luke get a local to look up the periodic table on her iPhone and they figure out the elements - she tells them they're streets and gives them directions.
-Jen & Kisha run into the locker room and can't find their costumes - Mike tells them - This is the Men's locker room. Oh, my bad. - Mike - They're always trying to get a peak in the men's locker room. (Ah yeah.)
-Back out on the street it's tough going - it's hot and running in the costumes is hard - Justin's just glad he doesn't have to carry Zev in his pouch yet - (That'd be cute - but impossible.)
-In the Ladies locker room - Jaime says this isn't the type of animal she's used to dressing up as - long way from her Playboy bunny suit (Okay, we get it, you're a Playboy Playmate - good for you.)
-Gary & Mallory finally get to the stadium - they're now in 9th place.
-Redheads team up with the Goths - Kent knows the elements - says that A in chemistry is finally coming in handy. Jaime says he's got looks and brains (too bad you don't - oh, that was mean ;)
-Mel & Mike are liking the bouncer shoes - they'd like to have them through the rest of the race. (Huh, must make it less stressful on the joints and the spring action gets you farther faster - I'd like to try them too.)
-Kisha says she's never looked so foolish in her entire life - well, look to your left - Big Easy has you beat - he looks ridiculous! Giant the Kangaroo.
-Jet & Cord want to make up some time and take off running to distance themselves from the pack.
-Ron & Christina finally arrive at the stadium in 10th spot - Amanda & Kris get there last.
-Margie stumbles again and loses one of her foot coverings - Zev & Justin notice but don't say anything - the music tells me this could be important later... oh, then Margie notices and insists they go back to look for it much to Luke's dismay.
-Zev & Justin get to Mercury & Bismuth and get the clue for the Pit Stop - they have to continue on in the kangaroo costumes - (Oh, the producers are having fun with this one) - but they are allowed to change the shoes so they can drive - they have to drive themselves to Junction Mine - the last team to arrive WILL be eliminated. Zev slams his tail in the door - Ouch! (such a comedian.)
-Other teams find Margie's foot cover - Redheads notice but run by - Mel picks it up and when Margie/Luke get back to them he gives it back to her and gets a big hug and kiss from Luke (whoa big guy) - Margie tells them they have to go to Mercury St.
-Globetrotters stumble upon the clue box - Big Easy is lumbering along and looks over - Oh hey, look at that. (haha, so lucky.) Kisha & Jen also get the clue and they all try to drive away in the suits - Big Easy has to take the head off to get in the car - he is a very big man.
-Gary & Mallory want to team up with Ron & Christina - he's just being a crotchety old fart - whining about everything - he's trying to get hydrated, doesn't want to move to fast - Mallory is being, well, Mallory - It's this way guys come on. Ron whines, why are we following her, we should figure out where we're going on our own... (Arrgh, he's so annoying.)
-Kris & Amanda are on their own - get directions to Mercury st.
-Father/daughter X2 are looking for Mercury St, too.
Ron - What is Pb?
Christina - No, it's Bi.
Ron - Bitronium?
Christina - Errghh! Bismuth (she just made the noise I do whenever Ron speaks... haha - and she knows her elements - just listen to her for once.)
-Christina figures out they've been going the wrong way and gets them turned in the right direction.
-Mallory finds the clue box - they get the Pit Stop clue and she yells that they know exactly where to go - while running for the cars.
-Ron doesn't want to follow them - he thinks Mallory is too impulsive - they cut the cord and don't follow.
-Amanda & Kris have the clue now and take off the the Pit Stop as well.
Here's How They Finished:
1) Zev & Justin - Win a trip for two to Cancun, Mexico... and they still have their passports! Zev just wants to take a nap.
2) Globetrotters - Big Easy is the biggest female kangaroo ever.
3) Jet & Cord - they ran past the sisters from the parking lot to capture 3rd place.
4) LaKisha & Jen - they high 5 the cowboys so hopefully no hard feelings.
5) Margie & Luke - good mid-pack finish
6) Mel & Mike - Mike is really proud of his Dad, such a trooper to soldier through - he's my hero.(Aw)
7) Kent & Vyxsin - Kent still hopping even without the shoes.
8) Jaime & Cara - Phil says they are the best looking kangaroos to hop into this town (Don't encourage them.)
9) Gary & Mallory - she's just SO EXCITED to be there!
10) Ron & Christina - Ron call Phil 'Bill'... Did you just call me Bill? (Maybe he doesn't respect anyone - that could be it - too important to even remember the hosts name.) Christina says they still have some things to work out - they are just very different people, but they love each other.
11) Amanda & Kris - **ELIMINATED** Kris is so bummed - unlike the last time though this U-Turn was their own fault. He said this is the opportunity of a lifetime and getting to do it twice was like winning the lottery (without the money I guess) - he'd do it again in a heartbeat.
SO - with the team no one remembered leaving already - I have $10 to return to Sue & Hannelore, Janine S, Bob L, Robert L and Nenad M.
Next week - they are steeped in Japanese tradition - Kimonos - chanting under a waterfall - mud wrestling? And Jaime & Cara suffer a gaime changing set back - did she hit someone with the car? We'll have to tune in next week to find out.
Have a great week everyone.
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