Monday, February 28, 2011

Amazing Race - Feb 27, 2011 Episode Recap

I Never Looked so Foolish in My Whole Entire Life (Outback)

Quick recap of last week's first part of the leg - Gary & Mallory were the first to the faux Pit Stop mat and they won the Express Pass.
-Kris & Amanda floundered right out of the gate and will face a U-Turn when they get to the first Detour.
-Cowboys Jet & Cord are in last place - can they get back in the saddle? (Oh, hardy-har.)

-At the faux Pit Stop the 10 teams that have gotten there so far received a clue telling them to go "To Sail To Stop" and sign up for one of two flights heading to the outback.  There are 6 spaces on the first flight and 5 on the second. (To Sail To Stop refers to a large anchor/statue out in front of town hall in Sidney.)  Whew, the Cowboys will have a chance as long as they don't miss that second flight.

-Gary & Mallory's cab driver has no idea what To Sail To Stop means - just driving aimlessly.
-Amanda & Kris also have no idea where to go and are not happy they have essentially U-Turned themselves right out the gate.
-The first 3 teams have taken cabs from the Pit Stop back to Sydney, the rest have taken the ferry back since they took a ferry there.
-On the ferry the Redheads say they are so happy to be running the Race with Margie & Luke again - Luke says they are his Race Girlfriends (yeah, dream on buddy.)
-Ron & Christina look to be operating pretty much the same as they did before - he doesn't listen to her, talks down to her like a child - they know how to push each other's buttons as only family can (ah, yeah, we all know how that goes.)

-The Cowboys finally get the password phrase figured out and get the clue to join the crew of the skiff to retrieve their next clue.  They haul a** to the sailboat.

-Gary & Mallory and Amanda & Kris are stymied by the "To Sail To Stop" clue.
-Sisters Lakisha & Jen get taken to a Maritime Museum and ask to use the computer to research the phrase - Zev & Justin catch up with them there and they find out the phrase refers to the anchor at town hall - they all take off on foot as it's a block or so away.

-Mel & Mike are in 9th place - Mel doesn't know if he can physically keep going - his legs are cramping up (he's obviously dehydrated) - Mike is crying on the ferry as Mel collapses into a seat - he's worried and says he doesn't want to kill him for some joyride.  Mel says - I'll be responsible for my decision. (Aw... I love these two - they truly care about each other - Ron, take note.)

-Cowboys are not good sailors - they keep falling off the boat and get dragged through the water like shark bait (luckily their harnesses keep them attached) - Not very much sailing in Oklahoma either I'm guessing.
Cord - Son of a buck. 

-Margie & Luke found a woman with a computer on the ferry so they find out they have to go to the anchor at town hall and share with the Redheads.

-Lakisha & Jen are the first to the sign up sheets - Zev & Justin are right there with them - high 5's all round.

-Ferry docks - Margie/Luke and Redheads take off - Mel & Mike are taking it slow, Mel's legs are cramping up - they ask a local on the street who tells them the phrase refers to the anchor and gives them directions.  Goths and Globetrotters find computers to use at the ferry terminal (I guess) and find out where they need to go.

-Margie/Luke and the Redheads are 3rd & 4th to sign up for the first flight.

-Gary/Mallory run into Ron/Christina and Kris/Amanda - all are wandering the streets aimlessly still looking for the 'To Sail To Stop' - finally ask someone who knows what it is and get direction to town hall.

-Mel & Mike are the 5th team on the first flight and the Goths (with black mascara running) are the last team on the first flight.

-Cowboys finally get to Phil at the faux Pit Stop and dramatically tells them he's sorry to tell them they're the last team to arrive - but here's the next clue - get out of here you crazy kids!  Hee-Haw!  And off they go - so relieved to still be in it.

-The rest of the teams finally get to the anchor and sign up for the 2nd flight - Globetrotters, Ron/Christina, Mallory/Gary and Amanda/Kris, who will still be facing the U-Turn when they get to the Detour.

-The Cowboys are walking around asking everyone what 'To Sail To Stop' is and no one has any idea - they look so exhausted - it's getting dark and they're out of ideas. (Do they not have the Internet in Oklahoma either?)  Cord busts out an 'Oh my gravy!' (I second that.)

-Everyone is at the airport, it's full dark and no one has seen the cowboys for hours.  Back out on the streets somewhere the Cowboys finally decide to catch a cab and ask the driver what the phrase means - he knows - It's city town hall, mate. (Finally!)  Luckily the flights don't leave until the next morning, Phew!

-Next day the first flight heads out for Broken Hill.  Mel is feeling much better.  Once they land they all head for the marked cars and get the clue to make their way into the Living Desert and look for the next clue.
-Kisha & Jen know where they're going - Mel & Mike are following and the old guy is complaining that Kisha drives too slow (hahaha... that's hilarious, she really must be slow if the 70 yr old is complaining.)
-Redheads, Margie & Luke and the Goths all stop at a gas station and ask directions.

-2nd flight arrives and they all take off - Ron, not to perpetuate any stereotypes but, he nearly drives right into the path of a semi-trailer - Oh Jeez - (They also drive on the wrong side downunder so that's had to get used to - but really, look BOTH ways before you pull out.)

-Zev & Justin, Kisha & Jen, Mel & Mike are the first teams to the clue box - DETOUR - they must choose between two aboriginal customs that have survived throughout the ages - Spirit World or Natural World
-In Spirit World - they must us traditional materials provided to create an aboriginal ground mosaic which meatches the example provided.  Once properly completed they must do a dance on the mosaic to raise the spirits - once done correctly they'll get their next clue.
-In Natural World - teams must create aboriginal territory makers using natural paints made of clay and water - they must put the paint in their mouths and spray it on the stencil to make the markers - if they create the markers correctly they'll get their next clue.

-Zev & Justin choose Spirit World - Justin says Zev is very artistic - he chimes in, "and Autistic." (LOL, with a sense of humour about it as well.)
-Everyone else also decides to do Spirit World... and I mean everyone.
-Mel & Mike say it was bedlam - hard to do the task with 10 other teams there - all of them run all over to retrieve the materials to fill in the thing.  Mel's legs start cramping up again. (Uh oh.)

-LaKisha & Jen get their's checked but it's not right.  Kent & Vyxsin get theirs checked and it's right, then for the dance he goes and grabs some of the kids that were demonstrating the dance - yelling at Vyxsin to "Please get me some children" - they have them all dancing around the mosaid but that's wrong... (the clue says to dance ON it... read your clue.)
-Zev & Justin finish their mosaic correctly and the clue says dance on top of your mosaic so they dance - Margie & Luke also dance on theirs - Goths continue to circle.
-Zev & Justin get the clue and head out - they have to find the Home of the Magpies to get their next clue. They ask a local where the home of the Magpies is and he tells them it's the local football club and to go to the stadium - they are off with directions.
-Margie & Luke and Mel & Mike finish - the Goths finally figure out they have to dance on top of the mosaic and finish.
-Ron is berating Christina for not directing him - she's supposed to be assembling and telling him what to bring her - (Ahhh! Because he can't figure it out on his own??? He would drive me CRAZY!)  He's then telling her what to do and she tells him to speak Chinese so no one will understand what he's saying - Ah, that could be quite an advantage for them. SMRT.

-Amanda & Kris start dancing around their mosaic - Jet tells Cord to get ON IT! and they finish.  Gary/Mallory finish and the Globetrotters - Ron/Christina have the mosaic wrong... he screwed up - and admitted it, is that progress?  Kris/Amanda finally get on top of theirs and finish but have to head over and do the other task. 
-Ron & Christina are last at the Spirit World.  They finally finish the mosaic correctly but he doesn't want to dance on it and ruin it (Ha, that was my thought too.)  But he does it and they get the next clue - then have to gather all Ron's crap he's scattered all over the ground (sheesh.)

-Amanda and Kris are now spitting paint on their hands to make the marker - she can't quite get the spray right and keeps spitting a stream - Kris' got it though and they finish the task pretty quickly. (That one was way easier- too bad none of the other teams chose that one.)

-Zev & Justin first to the Stadium and get the clue - Time for a Rude Awakening - OMG! They have to dress in kangaroo costumes - complete with springy shoes - and using only the periodic table with two elements highlighted figure out they need to go to the intersection of Mercury and Bismuth st to get the next clue - (That is Hi-Larious!  They look so ridiculous, I bet the AR people were howling when they thought up this task.)

-Margie & Luke get there next and go to suit up. 
-Zev thinks he's found this years Halloween costume - brown body suit with all the fur parts strapped on the outside - springy feet, big head and huge tail - priceless.
-Goths and Mel & Mike show up and head down to suit up.
-Margie is having trouble with the springy shoes, they kind of tilt forward and she can't find the balance right away and falls down. - They team up with Zev & Justin and all head off together as the Redheads get there and see them in the suits - Really, we have to dress as kangaroos? (Oh yeah sweety - hahaha.)
-The Cowboys find the home of the magpies and the Globetrotters are right behind them.  Cord says Jet will have to figure out the Periodic Table cause he watches way more Discovery channel.  Flight Time says Big Easy is gonna lose his mind - Periodic Table man.  Yikes - that could prove problematic for them - of course everyone is bunched up so they'll probably just follow along.

-Zev & Justin and Margie & luke get a local to look up the periodic table on her iPhone and they figure out the elements - she tells them they're streets and gives them directions.

-Jen & Kisha run into the locker room and can't find their costumes - Mike tells them - This is the Men's locker room.  Oh, my bad.  - Mike - They're always trying to get a peak in the men's locker room. (Ah yeah.)

-Back out on the street it's tough going - it's hot and running in the costumes is hard - Justin's just glad he doesn't have to carry Zev in his pouch yet - (That'd be cute - but impossible.)

-In the Ladies locker room - Jaime says this isn't the type of animal she's used to dressing up as - long way from her Playboy bunny suit (Okay, we get it, you're a Playboy Playmate - good for you.)

-Gary & Mallory finally get to the stadium - they're now in 9th place.

-Redheads team up with the Goths - Kent knows the elements - says that A in chemistry is finally coming in handy.  Jaime says he's got looks and brains (too bad you don't - oh, that was mean ;)
-Mel & Mike are liking the bouncer shoes - they'd like to have them through the rest of the race. (Huh, must make it less stressful on the joints and the spring action gets you farther faster - I'd like to try them too.)
-Kisha says she's never looked so foolish in her entire life - well, look to your left - Big Easy has you beat - he looks ridiculous!  Giant the Kangaroo.
-Jet & Cord want to make up some time and take off running to distance themselves from the pack.

-Ron & Christina finally arrive at the stadium in 10th spot - Amanda & Kris get there last.

-Margie stumbles again and loses one of her foot coverings - Zev & Justin notice but don't say anything - the music tells me this could be important later... oh, then Margie notices and insists they go back to look for it much to Luke's dismay. 

-Zev & Justin get to Mercury & Bismuth and get the clue for the Pit Stop - they have to continue on in the kangaroo costumes - (Oh, the producers are having fun with this one) - but they are allowed to change the shoes so they can drive - they have to drive themselves to Junction Mine - the last team to arrive WILL be eliminated.  Zev slams his tail in the door - Ouch! (such a comedian.)

-Other teams find Margie's foot cover - Redheads notice but run by - Mel picks it up and when Margie/Luke get back to them he gives it back to her and gets a big hug and kiss from Luke (whoa big guy) - Margie tells them they have to go to Mercury St.

-Globetrotters stumble upon the clue box - Big Easy is lumbering along and looks over - Oh hey, look at that. (haha, so lucky.)  Kisha & Jen also get the clue and they all try to drive away in the suits - Big Easy has to take the head off to get in the car - he is a very big man. 

-Gary & Mallory want to team up with Ron & Christina - he's just being a crotchety old fart - whining about everything - he's trying to get hydrated, doesn't want to move to fast - Mallory is being, well, Mallory - It's this way guys come on.  Ron whines, why are we following her, we should figure out where we're going on our own... (Arrgh, he's so annoying.)
-Kris & Amanda are on their own - get directions to Mercury st.
-Father/daughter X2 are looking for Mercury St, too. 
Ron - What is Pb?
Christina - No, it's Bi.
Ron - Bitronium?
Christina - Errghh! Bismuth (she just made the noise I do whenever Ron speaks... haha - and she knows her elements - just listen to her for once.)
-Christina figures out they've been going the wrong way and gets them turned in the right direction.

-Mallory finds the clue box - they get the Pit Stop clue and she yells that they know exactly where to go - while running for the cars.
-Ron doesn't want to follow them - he thinks Mallory is too impulsive - they cut the cord and don't follow.
-Amanda & Kris have the clue now and take off the the Pit Stop as well.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Zev & Justin - Win a trip for two to Cancun, Mexico... and they still have their passports!  Zev just wants to take a nap.
2) Globetrotters - Big Easy is the biggest female kangaroo ever.
3) Jet & Cord - they ran past the sisters from the parking lot to capture 3rd place.
4) LaKisha & Jen - they high 5 the cowboys so hopefully no hard feelings.
5) Margie & Luke - good mid-pack finish
6) Mel & Mike - Mike is really proud of his Dad, such a trooper to soldier through - he's my hero.(Aw)
7) Kent & Vyxsin - Kent still hopping even without the shoes.
8) Jaime & Cara - Phil says they are the best looking kangaroos to hop into this town (Don't encourage them.)
9) Gary & Mallory - she's just SO EXCITED to be there!
10) Ron & Christina - Ron call Phil 'Bill'... Did you just call me Bill? (Maybe he doesn't respect anyone - that could be it - too important to even remember the hosts name.)  Christina says they still have some things to work out - they are just very different people, but they love each other. 
11) Amanda & Kris - **ELIMINATED**  Kris is so bummed - unlike the last time though this U-Turn was their own fault.  He said this is the opportunity of a lifetime and getting to do it twice was like winning the lottery (without the money I guess) - he'd do it again in a heartbeat.

SO - with the team no one remembered leaving already - I have $10 to return to Sue & Hannelore, Janine S, Bob L, Robert L and Nenad M.

Next week - they are steeped in Japanese tradition - Kimonos - chanting under a waterfall - mud wrestling?  And Jaime & Cara suffer a gaime changing set back - did she hit someone with the car?  We'll have to tune in next week to find out.

Have a great week everyone.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - February 23, 2011 Recap

You Own My Vote

After a quick recap of the awesome craziness that Phillip brought to the first Tribal Council which resulted in "Franchesqua" going to Redemption Island... the episode opens at:

Redemption Island - Night 3
-Francesca is all alone and reads the rules by lantern - she'll have basic supplies (which did include flint) and they'll supply her with a ration of rice every day and plenty of drinking water.  At a certain point the remaining person on Redemption Island will re-enter the game - Good Luck (AH - so it doesn't say they'll have the chance to come back - someone will definitely come back in... interesting.)
-Francesca has an optimistic outlook, she feels this could be the best thing for her game - she was on good terms with everyone in the tribe (um, the tribe that voted you out?) but she wasn't in the core alliance - if she can make it back, she could still win this game.

Ometepe - Night 3
-As they return from Tribal Council(TC) Rob says that was one of the wildest TC's he's ever been a part of (and that's saying something.)
-Kristina says TC didn't go so well - wishes she hadn't told Phillip anything (d'ya think?) but she still has the idol and she's so grateful she didn't play that thing.
-Phillips asks if he could speak to Rob for a second and pulls him off by themselves (this should be good).
-Rob tells the camera it doesn't take a genius FBI man to know Phillip and Kristina were lying, their mouths were moving.
-Phillip says he was almost duped today but he wants to tell Rob something from his heart - Until I go to Redemption (he says it like he's dying and going to heaven) You Own My Vote.  When I come back I'm a competitor like I said. 
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is a piece of work - he believes he has a good heart but he just not quite all there. "Let it be a lesson to you - Government jobs - Stressful."  (HAhahaha, Love it - Rob is pure gold.)
-Rob says except for the twist of Phillip outting Francesca at TC, things went pretty much according to plan - this group can follow directions.  Phillip did himself in, he's an idiot.

Ometepe - Day 4
-Phillip is hunting crabs, in his underwear, with a spear... (What?) He feels like he's being tested to his primal core out there (on day 4?... too soon to bust that one out buddy.)
-The rest of the tribe is spying on his hunting through the trees and Fabio II(Matt) is doing a Wild Kingdom voice over - The fine specimen is creeping up on his prey... in his pink shorts. (Priceless! If nothing else, Phillips earnest sincerity is providing comic relief to everyone at camp.)
-Phillip is talking to the camera again and gets all choked up talking about how Francesca maligned his character and hurt him.  He loves his country and told everyone he was an agent to prove his trustworthiness (Swell of dramatic music) she tried to take some of his pride - he was angry but he gained the renewed love of Phillip Shepherd (yeah, that's himself) he's a good guy and that's okay. (And goshdarnit - people like me.)  He succeeded in killing a crab that's too small to eat - Congratulations big game hunter.

Zapatera - Day 4
-Ralph is crowing like a rooster - Russell thinks his team is not too bright - and poor ole Ralph - he may be the dumbest person on the face of the Earth besides being the dumbest player to play Survivor.
-Russell's happy with his alliance with Stephanie and he wants to bring in Blond #3 (Krista) - 3 worked for him before and it may again.  He's talking to Krista and tells her they have to find the hidden idol - we'll probably get a clue if we win again - we should start looking for it now.
-Russell is out looking for the idol and the rest of the team is watching him, they know exactly what he's doing.
-Ralph is out collecting rocks and, oh hello, what's this in the hole in this root/log?  A hidden immunity idol.  Hot Doggie.  Ralph tells the camera that Russell thinks he's the king of finding idols but it was as easy as wiping his hiney with toilet paper.  So Russell - eat your heart out.

Ometepe - Day 5
-Fabio II(Matt) is talking God to Blond #2 (Andrea)... they are flirting and getting close and this makes Rob nervous - he's played that game before with Amber and he knows how strong a couple can be - he's got to split them up.
-Rob approaches Natalie - he thinks she'll be a good partner to bring in but he's not sure if he wants to have to carry someone on his back all the way in the hopes they still vote for him at the end.  He tells Natalie that next they'll either have to vote Phillip or Andrea to keep the tribe strong... We don't have to tell Matt. 
-Natalie wants to make strong moves in the game and thinks making moves with Rob is smart. (Um, ye-ah.)

Ralph gives the idol back to Jeff saying they'll be winning it back.  Jeff asks Phillip if that fires him up to win - Phillip proclaims that he will outlast Any MAN OVER There.  And the women? That's another day, we'll see. (Whatever, he gets more eye rolling from Stephanie on Zapatera.)

The challenge - 5 tribe members (one at a time) will swim out to a platform, climb up, jump off and break a tile releasing a key (on a float) into the water, retrieve the key and swim back so the next person can go.  When all 5 keys are retrieved, one more tribemate with use the keys to unlock 3 locks and open a box which contains a ball - the remaining 2 tribe members will then use the ball to break 5 tiles - first tribe to break all 5 tiles will win Immunity and Reward in the form of fishing gear - fins, mask, line, hooks and spear.

-Grant starts Ometepe off with a good lead and they keep a one key lead through the key retrieval but when they move to opening the locks - Natalie falls behind and Stephanie catches Zapatera up - Ralph is the first one with the ball and starts breaking tiles - Phillip gets the ball and breaks one tile but Ralph is on fire until the last tile and he can't quite get #5 - Phillip catches back up and they are tied at 4 tiles until... Ralph breaks the last tile and ZAPATERA wins immunity & reward - Again.
-As they are celebrating - Fabio II(Matt) goes over to Zapatera and shakes their hands, good game.  This really pisses Rob off - what are you thinking - we just got beat 2 challenges in a row - I'm no giving the other team hugs & kisses. (Matt just gave Rob the ammunition he needed to get rid of the young lion in his tribe.)

Zapatera - Day 5
Returning from the challenge, Russell was the one that grabbed the basket of fishing gear and he sees the clue to the hidden idol peeking out of the fins - he palms the clue without anyone being the wiser - then scampers off and congratulates himself on being so smart (It's already gone buddy, you go ahead and look for it though - you deserve it.)
-Ralph sees Russell with the rolled up clue as he clumsily tries to slip it into his waistband, so Ralph goes to the rest of the tribe and tells them Russell took the clue from the basket and kept it for himself - he gets them all riled up against Russell.  Ralph tells the camera, this is MY Game. (You go, Man-Sweater.)

-Russell goes off with his two girls and they're totally ripping on Sarita's performance at the challenge (Who? I know) but they're just mean girls - getting cocky already.
-Meanwhile the fact that he took the clue is spreading like wildfire at camp.  Former Marine, Mike, is disgusted with Russell mouthing off about honesty then being such a weasel - he takes off for the waterhole where Russell & his minions have just read the clue.  Russell's re-hidden it just as Mike gets there - and starts with some small talk, then Ralph shows up with Dave right behind him and Ralph gets right to the point:
Ralph/Man-Sweater (MS) - Was there a clue to the hidden immunity idol in the basket?
Russell/Devil (RD) - Maybe there was.
MS - I'm just asking cause we all won it, not just you.
RD - That's how this game is played.
MS - So you do have it?
RD - No, I don't, and I don't like how you're coming at me. (oh, he's trying to turn it...)
MS - Oh you don't? I'm just asking a question. (good, he's staying cool.)
RD - You trying to tell ME how this game is played?  I KNOW how it's played.
MS - This ole boy does too... [and he walks away] (Awesome!) 
Ralph didn't need the clue, he already has the idol, he just wanted to stir them up against Russell and he succeeded. (Way to do nothing Mike & Dave... not even a 'yeah' from those two.) I'm loving Man-Sweater.
-Russell's on notice now but he blusters on to the camera - he's shocked - how dare he come at me... doesn't he know who I am? (That's the trouble this time Russell - they ALL know who you are.)

Redemption Island - Day 5
-Francesca gets her luxury item today - a journal - so she can be even more alone with her thoughts?  She has no idea when the next person will be coming or what the duel will entail... she hopes they don't have to co-exist there together for any length of time- especially if the next person is Phillip.

Ometepe - Day 5
-Returning from the challenge and Phillip wants to address the tribe (Rob says again they have to endure the pre-tribal TC) - Phillip takes centre stage and says everyone performed galantry-ly, you should be proud, I wish I could have performed as well - I'm not going to run around, you voter how you see fit.  Anyone want to say anything feel free... They all just look at him with dead eyes - and Phillip starts to slink away, crestfallen - Rob sees his expression and says to him - hey Phillip, you did good - it was a team effort - it sucks we have to do what we have to do but it's part of the game. (Rob is a genius in giving people what they need so he can get what he needs from them later.)
-Rob tells the camera that Matt's congratulating the other team was worse - he's trying to play the good Christian game, social game, end game... on Day freakin' 5 - wake up brother.

-Kristina puts on her hidden immunity idol - asks Phillip if he's worried - he says no, because he's a MAN and he likes the sound of Redemption.
-Kristina says she's got to play the idol tonight, they won't let her slip by twice (but they will... you're not even on the radar anymore.)  She's sad to lose the idol.
-Rob is talking to Dreadlock Grant and Blond Girl #1 - they think Andrea was good in the challenge but Matt's congratulating the other team sucked so they're going to let those two think they're splitting the votes and 4 of them are going to vote for Matt.

-Now all 6 of the younger alliance are solidifying their voting strategy - they agree the 3 girls will vote Kristina and the 3 guys will vote Phillip - then Kristina will play her immunity idol and Phillip will go home.
-Rob confirms to the camera that none of that is actually going to happen - Ashley (ah, that's blond #1's name), Natalie, Grant & Rob are all voting Matt and if Kristina plays her hidden idol and it's a home run.
(Just don't tell Phillip anything!)
-Speak of the devil - Phillip approaches Rob & Matt and asks who they're voting for - Rob tells him he doesn't know yet.  Phillip walks away and Rob & Matt briefly confer - Phillip has no move - but he's looking to Rob to tell him what to do...
- Rob follows Phillip and Matt says he's in awe of Rob - he sees what every person needs and fulfills that (he's so right - Rob is successful at manipulating people because he gives them what they need to feel good about helping him - Russell uses fear and gets his way but no one likes him for it.)
-So Rob takes Phillip off on his own and tells him he's going to be alright tonight but he's got to keep his mouth shut at TC.  Rob doesn't trust him at all so instead of telling him who to vote for, he tells him he's going to put his hand on the right shoulder of the person he wants him to vote for right before it's time to vote.  SMRT.  Rob says to the camera, this will be a good test - if Phillip does what he says he'll do he could earn his way back into the rotation - but if he runs his mouth and tells everything he told him, he'll be sent packing.

Kristina - a lot of attention was on you last time with the idol
 - Well, I had a feeling I shouldn't play it - but tonight, a bit of a feeling I should.
Phillip - I asked before the challenge if this brings out the animal in you
 - He shows the tattoo on his left arm - a gorilla - a powerful animal that won't attack unless provoked. Then he shows the right arm where he has a tattoo of a lion - even animals starving to death won't approach it.  For me, that's how I feel about my family and my country... blah blah blah. 
How do those animals react when they screw up?
 - Lions don't screw up but gorillas are subject to survivor of the fittest (he is so Coach sometimes) - I have to suffer the consequences of that loss.
Boston Rob - what do you say to Phillip when he's saying it was all me and there is a group here?
 - Phillip's a competitor, he takes it very personal and very hard and I understand that - I said we win as a team and we lose as a team - but I internalize it, I feel it was my fault too.
Matt - so you have someone here who says I screwed up, vote me out but he happens to be one of your biggest guys.
- He's a huge asset even around camp - it's tough voting someone out on a single mistake but in this game it can happen like that. 
Phillip - It can't be easy to be on the verge of walking out of here.
- I know when I get to Redemption Island that I'm going to meet my nemesis (wow, he's certainly built that up in his mind.)  Ain't nothing like a little payback.  I would have loved to stay but there is an upside.
Matt - are people spending much time talking about Redemption Island?
 - There are 2 main questions - How many people come back and at what time.  If we knew that it would be a huge advantage.
Yes, it would, wouldn't it.
(Rob subtly pokes Phillip to get his attention, then casually pats Kristina's shoulder - Phillip nods slightly.) HA!

Time to vote:
Matt votes for Phillip
Phillip votes Kristina - for being a manipulator and lying with Fransesska (you'd think he'd know how to pronounce his nemesis' name.)

Kristina plays her hidden immunity idol - votes against her won't count.

Tallying the votes:
Kristina - 1, 2  - don't count
Phillip - 1, 2
Matt - 1, 2, 3 ... 4 - Matt (Fabio II) is the second person voted out of Survivor Redemption Island.
Matt & Andrea are SHOCKED! He says,  "Good work guys, my goodness."

Next week:  Ometepe must deal with an Andrea scorned - Rob says she will cut his throat.  And Zapatera learns what happens when you cross Russell - Stephanie is gleefully crowing about the Biggest Blindside Ever!

Matt's final words as he gets to Redemption Island - he's been on an emotional roller coaster - one minute he wants to go home, the next he thinks Rob has set him up to have the biggest comeback in Survivor history (they use a lot of superlatives on this show.)  Francesca is shocked to see Fabio II join her - bring on the duel next week!

So with Matt hitting Redemption Island this week - Nancy C, Bernice R, and Ritch G are also up for elimination at the Duel.

Until next week,



Monday, February 21, 2011

The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business - Premiere Episode Recap - Feb 20, 2011

Head Down & Hold On (Australia)

The returning 11 teams of favourites embarked on their second chance to win the Amazing Race from a wind farm in Palm Springs, Ca.  The teams are:
-Jet & Cord - Brothers who were cut in front of by the eventual winners at the Shanghai airport - Jet says, I don't think we should have to cheat to win the race and I don't think nice guys should always finish last. (I love these two - and I'm not just saying that because I have them in the pool ;)
-Margie & Luke - mother and deaf son - they were on the brink of winning it all only to be tripped up on the last task.  Luke felt so bad for letting his mom down - he wants to make up for his past mistakes. (As I recall, he got frustrated and gave up.)
-Amanda & Kris - recently engaged - U-Turned by Margie & Luke in Siberia (still only a vague recollection of these two.)
-Flight Time & Big Easy - Flight Time says, Last time we were on the race, Big Easy got us eliminated. (Ha! true dat.) As Harlem Globetrotters they're used to winning and are ready to carry on the winning tradition... and Big Easy says, We're easy on the eyes too, I'd watch me for an hour. (Humble too, I see.)
-Mel & Mike - Father & son - broke off from the pack in Thailand and that was their undoing.  Mel is 70 now so watch out - he's coming on strong (Let's hope he doesn't break a hip.)
-Kent & Vyxsin - dating goth couple who self-destructed in Italy - they are looking forward to redemption - The Pink & Black Attack is Back! (I like these two, I'm glad to see them back again.)
-Gary & Mallory - father and daughter - lost their way last season in Oman.  Mallory said she's almost more excited about running the race again than she was about Miss America. (But she's SO EXCITED about everything.)
-Kisha & Jen - Sisters - took an untimely potty break steps from the Pit Stop in Beijing and were eliminated. Jen learned not to drink 4 bottles of water ont he way to the Pit Stop. (I hope they learned to be better sports as well.)
-Zev & Justin - Best friends - conquered by their own carelessness in Cambodia when they lost one of their passports - No way is Justin losing his passport again! (I liked these two, too - hopefully they can keep it together this time.)
- Ron & Christina - Father & daughter - were eliminated in Alaska when Christina got stuck on a task - they still have the goal to be the first parent/child team to win - (We'll see if he blames everything on her again.)
- Jaime & Cara - Former NFL Cheerleaders - Jaime says, you either hated us or you loved us (I hated them) but they made it to the final 3 last time around. (I read that Jaime, the one with the super brassy red hair this time, is now a Playboy Playmate - somehow I doubt that will improve her horrible attitude.)

Phil welcomed them all back and let them know there would be some changes this time around - first - the winner of the first leg of the race will win an Express Pass - which will allow that team to skip any task they don't want to complete.  Second, there is no clue waiting on their bags for them - Phil has the clue.  They will have to search through a field of paper planes on stakes to find what he needs.  The first 8 teams to bring him what he needs will be on the first flight out, the remaining teams will be on the 2nd flight which lands 90 minutes later - Also, the last team to complete this first challenge will receive an automatic U-Turn - they will have to complete both tasks in the first Detour.  Obviously, 2nd chances don't come free.
-Phil tells them what he needs: Queensland & Northern Territories Aerial Services (and I think they're told it starts with Q and ends with S) - It's Quantas.
-They all run out to the search field and it seems like a lot of them have no idea what they're looking for - you'd think Gary would know, he's a pilot isn't he? - Kris & Amanda and Ron & Christina grab the first flags planes they find and run back - but they're both wrong.
-Mel & Mike, Zev & Justin, Jet & Cord are the first 3 back with the correct answer - Quantas - they get the clue to fly to Sydney, Australia.
-There are a couple more wrong guesses but Kent & Vyxsin, Ron & Christina, Flight Time & Big Easy, Margie & Luke and Jaime & Cara are the next 5 that make it on the first flight.
-Kisha & Jen are the first team on the 2nd flight - Kris & Amanda and Gary & Mallory still seem like they have no idea what they're looking for... Finally they all figure it out - grab the Quantas planes and run for Phil - Gary & Mallory get there first which means Amanda & Kris are the last team and they are U-Turned again! (That's what eliminated them last time.) 

The first flight heads out - and the first 8 teams are all saying how glad they are they'll have a lead - when there is a medical emergency on the flight and they have to divert and land in Honolulu.  Justin & Zev think it sucks, now instead of racing for first they're trying not to be last - Big Easy has his heart in the right place - the most important thing is the man's okay.

Once the teams arrive in Sydney, they'll make their way by train to Sydney Harbour where they'll catch the ferry to Oceanworld to get the next clue.
-The second flight arrives at 10:20am - all three teams get on the train and Mallory tells them that the stewardess guy told her the other flight had to land again - that makes them the top 3 - Aren't you excited? (She squeals at Jen) who says, No, I think you're a liar (she jokes back.)  Mallory is shocked at first - then says, You've been to Kentucky before, you know we don't lie there.
-The frist 3 teams get on the ferry for Oceanworld.

-The first flight lands at 10:47am - the 8 teams race for the trains and 5 make the first train - leaving Ron & Christina, Mel & Mike and Jet & Cord how the bottom 3 teams. (Oh come on, cowboys, put some pick up in your giddyup!)

-The first 3 teams get to Oceanworld and get the clue - Who's Ready to get Tanked?
-Roadblock - one team member will scuba dive in a million and a half gallon tank of sharks and sting rays looking for a compass at the bottom.  Once they get the compass (which is quite large, almost hubcab sized), they have to get out of the tank and find a string of nautical flags outside and use the compass to decifer a message spelled out in the flags (they correspond to letters & numbers on the compass.)  The message is really long - tells them where to go, who to see and a phrase to say to him (I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea.) I predict this is going to mess some people up.  (So far, it seems like they are stepping up the difficulty this season - should be interesting.) 
-Mallory's going into the tank. 
-Kisha says she's going to do it - and they recap the sister's poor showing in water before - Jen says - Not to fulfill any stereo-types because we're African American, but, no, we can't swim. (Still? I would have thought they'd take some lessons before coming back on the race.)
-Oh yeah, and Amanda & Kris are there - already forgetting about them.  She is going in the tank.
-The non-diving team members get to walk through a glass tunnel and can see them in the tank - it looks so cool.  Kisha is not enjoying the diving but she does okay.

-The next 5 teams are on the ferry heading to Manly - Vyxsin says Kent will fit right in. (Hahaha - yeah, manly is the last way I'd describe Kent.)

-Mallory is the first to find a compass, Amanda is right behind her.

-Mel & Mike and Ron & Christina get to the ferry terminal but the Cowboys head off in a totally different direction (what the...?) The cowboys end up missing the ferry so they are now all alone, in last place. (I bet everyone who was hoping got this team in the pool is glad they didn't get them right about now.)

-Mallory is now outside deciphering the flags, Amanda joins her.

-The next 5 teams from the ferry get there and they start choosing who's going in the tank - Margie, Flight Time, Vyxsin, Cara & Justin.  Kent says it was a visual delight seeing vyxsin in the tank - she's like a pink little mermaid in there (but she's starting to struggle with the diving.)

-The next 2 teams get there - Christina and Mel are going to do the diving.

-Mallory finishes deciphering the message and they head out - Amanda is still there and Kisha comes out and starts working on it too.  (I just gotta say, the first flag was a red diamond on a white background and they all called it a triangle - it has 4 sides - not a TRI-angle...)

-Justin, Margie, Flight Time, Cara - all get a compass.

-Cowboys finally show up and Jet's heading in.  He says he's from Oklahoma, he doesn't do water - doesn't even take baths. (but he does well.)

-Mallory & Gary get to the sailing club and get the next clue - to join the crew of a 16ft skiff and help sail across the water of Manly Bay.  They have to find a buoy with clues attached and grab one while harnessed to, but leaning off, the side of the boat. (That looks awesome!)

-Other teams are finished in the tank and Kisha & Amanda are still there.  Cara & Margie are teaming up again(?) (I don't remember them being friendly before but apparently they have a bond from the last time they were on the race and Jaime tells us she really does care about them - Uh huh, we'll see if that lasts.)

-Big Easy can't find the flags (luckily he's not the one that has to do this word puzzle task) and they are right behind you.

-Gary & Mallory are the first to the clue buoy and he hangs out and grabs one.  They both get to ride on the outside on the way back - Whooo!
-Kisha & Jen and Amanda & Kris get the clue from the sailor guy to join the crew - the clue says you may not swim to the clue and Jen says Hallelujah! (Oh, you know they're going to make her swim at some point.)
-Amanda & Kris get the clue and she says the race is so much better than last time. (I think she's liking the amped up location and tasks so far - we'll see if she's still feeling that way after the first leg.)

-Everyone has now got a compass in the tank - but Vyxsin is the last one in there - she's terrified and having problems breathing properly with the scuba tank.  She said she had to make herself think of family - Kent's father recently passed away and thinking of doing it for him allowed her to focus enough to get out of the tank. (Methinks Kent will be doing any future diving tasks.)

-Gary & Mallory open the clue to the Pit Stop - Shelly Beach - one of the hottest surfing spots in Sydney.  Phil is wearing a spiffy outback hat... Nice.

-Gary & Mallory and Kris & Amanda are running for the beach but Gary & Mallory are the first team - they win the Express Pass... BUT... Phil tells them they are not done yet - they are still racing and he hands them their next clue.  WHAT??  They rip it open and find out they are headed for the Outback.
-Amanda & Kris are second - here is your next clue and remember you are still U-Turned (I don't think they've forgotten that Phil.)

-The other teams are getting to the sailing club - Margie & Cara got the phrase wrong - They say "I am the devil and the deep blue sea." (Huh, how do you miss a word as long as between? I guess they don't know that expression either.)  But instead of taking off back to the flags they hang around to try and overhear the next team (and cheat - that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.)
-Flight Time didn't finish deciphering the message but they didn't want to be left behind so they took off after the other teams. (Huh?)  They get to the sail club and see Zev & Justin suiting up to go on the boat - Big Easy yells over to them asking what the phrase is and Justin tells him -(Really?)  Justin says they're the Globetrotters, they're my boys.. and now they owe us. (I don't think I would have done that - I'm too competitive and why should they get to proceed without doing the work.)

-Margie & Cara are lurking but Flight Time whispers the phrase to the guy to get the clue - they can't hear it so they decide they better go back to the flags.  (I'm a little disgusted with all of them right now.)
-As they head back Margie and the Redheads try to get Justin & Zev to tell them the phrase too - Justin says no, I've already helped one team.  Justin tells us he doesn't know those teams from a hole in the wall, pretty easy to say no to them.

-Zev sails every Thursday morning at 8am so he's got no problems on the boat.
-Big Easy on the other hand is a very big man - 16ft is not a big enough skiff for him - luckily the Globetrotters found their balance and they didn't 'need a bigger boat.' ;)

-Back at the flags, Ron & Christina and Mel & Mike head off with the phrase and run into Margie & Luke coming back - Margie's trying to get the phrase from them - Mel is not giving it up but Christina says, you show us where it is and we'll all say it together. (I still think they should have to find it themselves but I guess they're kind of bartering for it.)

-Vyxsin & Jet are the last 2 working on the puzzle - Kent is telling her to hurry up so they just go (again, what?)  Jet doesn't finish it either, gets the first line telling them where to go so they take off (Really? The pressure of being at the back of the pack is scrambling all their brains I think.)

-The Cowboys get to the right place but have no phrase to tell the guy so he won't give them the clue.  They head back to the flags.

-Kent & Vyxsin see Margie & Luke getting ready to get on the boat and they ask her the phrase and she tells them - She says she's willing to help teams they think they can beat at the finish line.


-Cara & Jaime's boat flips over - Oh, the first example of Race Karma maybe? - Jaime is her usual sweet self and starts demanding they make up time - then when she gets the clue one of the crew sits on her foot and she yells at him - off my foot - off my foot.  (She needs to learn you catch  more flies with honey than vinegar... but then she's a playboy playmate - I don't think catching flies is a problem.)

-Everyone gets the clue from the buoy on the first pass and they're all heading for the Pit Stop.

-Kent & Vyxsin get the clue to join the crew.
-Jet & Cord are back at the flags and he's still trying to figure out the whole message.

Zev & Justin are team #4 - but keep racing - Justin says, Phil, you dirty dog.
Flight Time & Big Easy #5 - but you're still racing - Big Easy - Oh Lord.
Jaime & Cara #6 -
Margie & Luke #7
Ron & Christine #8
Mel & Mike #9
(They are all exhausted and can't quite believe they don't get to rest yet...)

-Kent & Vyxsin get the clue off the buoy.

-Jet & Cord head back to the sailing club but he still doesn't have the phrase to tell the guy (ARGHH!)

Kent & Vyxsin are #10 - and you're still racing - get going....

-Jet still has no idea what he's going - I don't get it.  (I am so Screwed!) TO BE CONTINUED...

Next week: As 10 teams keep racing, will the Cowboys crack the code?  Ron revisits old habits (barking at Christina to stop nagging him) and Mel starts physically breaking down (Already? Oh no, Mike is crying about his dad - that doesn't bode well.)

So, no one is gone yet - but Fred & Gary Moderow, Jeff Thomson, Shane Boutillier, Esther Bennett and yours truly are all in last place with the Cowboys.  - Say it together now: "Oh My Gravy!"


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - Premiere Episode - February 16, 2011

The premiere episode opened with the 16 new contestants flying in on a Nicaraguan Air Force chopper.  Jeff tells us they will all start off with only the clothes on their backs (oh buddy, a suit? Really?)
-We hear from Phillip, a CEO of an electronics company and a former federal agent - Special Agent Shepherd was his first and last name for years. (He seems very intense.)
-The Fabio look alike - says his faith is everything in his life, he prays everyday to be more like his Saviour (is it wrong my reaction to that was, Oh Jebus?)
-Farmer Ralph says he's a redneck, a dumb, stupid, bastard (his words, not mine) says they've never had a dumbass win, could be his time. (Haha! I'm kinda liking him.)
EEK - Jeff is sitting with his legs hanging out of the chopper - shouldn't he be strapped in or something?

They land and everyone gets out on the beach and heads to the preassigned tribe mats - The former marine/Iraq vet is really pretty - and cocky right out of the gate, says he's been trained to win something like this... hmm, we'll see if he's smart enough to keep that toned down with the tribe.

-Jeff welcomes them all and then says they have 2 more players joining them... and another chopper comes in and deposits... Boston Rob - everyone starts clapping and seems happy to see him - then Russell gets out of the chopper - Iraq vet says it best for all, "Oh No."  They are not so happy to see Russell (D'ya think?)
-Stephanie, young waitress - says she's going to stare down Russell so he'll know she has a little evil inside of her - she knows if she's not the one person he keeps to the end, she's going to be out. (See, she knows his game.)
-Jeff is recapping Rob & Russell's previous experience playing the game and talking up how they will be a great resource and can help them all out in challenges and camp life...
-Francesca pipes up and says, "They're sizing us up like we're prey.  I don't think they're here just to help us out." (Okay, Francesca's awesome but, honey, never show everyone you're smarter than them right off the bat.)
-Jeff gets Rob & Russell to choose buffs and Rob chooses Ometepe (orange) and Russell joins Zapatera (purple) and they all do a passable job of pretending to be welcoming.
-Jeff then goes on to explain that there is another twist this season - when people are voted out, they will not be going home - instead they will go to REDEMPTION ISLAND, where they will live alone, build their own fire, gather their own food, tend camp all alone and miss out making group connections, until the next person voted out joins them and they will duel for a chance to stay on Redemption Island, the loser is out of the game for good.  At some point in the future, the person at Redemption Island will also get a chance to come back into the game.  So - being voted out is not necessarily the end - and it could also come back to haunt the voters.
-Russell says Redemption Island doesn't scare him one bit - it'd be a vacation - vote me on the Island, cause I'll win and when I come back I'll take some heads off (Ugh, he just gets more repugnant - He has a new tattoo on his shoulder of a cross - I'm surprised it didn't just burn right off the Devil's skin.)
-Jeff throws both tribes a map to their camps and they head out.
-Francesca says the twist of Redemption Island makes having Rob & Russell there even more complicated because they could come back in the game - of course if she got voted out she could also come back but the possibility of getting voted out didn't enter her mind so all she saw was the fact that voting people out could come back to haunt you.

Zapatera - Day 1
-Russell says he was so glad to be back to claim his title of sole survivor.  The first two times he was a schoolboy but now he's ready to become the leader of the camp.  He gathers them all together and tells them he's not there to sabotage anyone, that would be foolish, he's there to win. (No one's falling for it... I hope.)
- David says for anyone to not think Russell is dangerous, would be foolish.  He's never won though because he plays too aggressive and he wants the blood on his hands.

They get to shelter building and they have a Craftsman wooden box full of nails, rope, shovel, crowbar, wire, a machete... wow, they are stocked this time.
-Farmer Ralph is excited by the tools, he says if they will listen to him, they can build a good shack.
-Former Marine(Mike) nicknames Ralph "Steel Wool" - then Ralph takes off his shirt and we know why... ahhh! That is not a sweater he's wearing ladies...Ralph is a hairy man.  Mike tells him it's one of the most impressive man-sweaters he's ever seen.
-Mike is happy, seems like they are the tribe of worker bees - hopes it translates into challenges.

Ometepe - Day 1
-Rob and the boys are busy getting the shelter put together.  Fabio II (Matt) asks if Rob is from Boston (shaking my head) - Matt feels like they are team harmony right now...
-Natalie (the professional 'dancer') starts flirting with Rob - she tells the camera she is so glad to have Rob on the team, she feels such a sense of comfort - thinks Russell would have had them all on edge.
-Then Phillip happens.  He starts giving orders, takes the shovel from Francesca because she's doing it wrong.  Tells Andrea (Britney Spears, is that you?) how to properly hatchet a log (granted it did look like she was going to hack her foot off...but still) his manner is so off-putting, he's not making any friends.

A little later, Phillip has all the girls together (it seems like there are way more girls on Ometepe - I wonder how they picked the tribes?... but I digress) Phillip tells them he wants to share something with them, and he struggled with whether or not to tell people this...(so now is the time? On day 1?)  I'm a former federal agent, I worked for 3 different agencies, so if I tell you something and give you my word, it's going to be my word. (Oh, no, is Phillip a new Coach?) and I'm an expert in analyzing people so that's what I'm going to do when we get to the merge and I'm gonna tell you, that's a friend, that's not (yup, and he's lost them there... ) then he says he's got 7 sisters and he loves women... and he kisses them all (Ahhh, step away from the crazy!)
-Francesca says the best thing about Russell is the comic relief he provides - like the fact he thinks he used to be a federal agent is this big bombshell... Who Cares? (She's hilarious.)

-Kristina the older law student withthe big fake boobs starts looking through all the stuff/tool box etc trying to find a hidden idol or clue.  Rob notices and comes over to shoo her away.  He tells her he knows what she's up to and she should try to keep them away.

-Rob talks to Phillip about the fact there are 5 girls and 4 guys on Ometepe - the guys should stick together.  Phillip of course thinks, Rob must be intimidated by me - we're like two male lions checking each other out...  he throws in some strange animal noises for good measure (is this guy for real?  Don't they have to pass some psychological testing before they can go on the show?)

-Phillip approaches Kristina and tells her Rob has already approached him saying we have to watch out for the girls, he's going to try and divide and conquer and play me for a fool and I'm going to stick to the girls.
-Kristina plays along, says she thinks he has integrity and hesitantly says she's on board with him...(Noooo, don't do it - he's mental in his head!)

Zapatera - Day 1
-Russell and Stephanie head into the bush 'looking for tree mail' - then he gives her the pitch.  Reminds her that he picks a girl to align with (remember the dumbass girl alliances?) - she's in.  He says he's not going to talk to her much until they merge - doesn't want to let them all know she's that girl.  She agrees he shouldn't - and is just glad he chose her, of course she said yes (even if you didn't want to align with him, you say yes.) 

But back in camp the others see them return and comment that Russell is getting to the girls - God, don't let that happen.  David (geeky attorney/suit guy) tells Mike (marine/iraq vet) that Russell has his hooks in Stephanie already, they can't let him play his usual game, to make the girl the villainess.
-They want to get Russell gone as soon as possible.

Ometepe - Day 3
-Kristina (pig pen - she's always dirty - why is there sand on your face while your cleaning your teeth, just brush it off!) thinks they need to get rid of Rob first - he's playing up to the young girls - he's a threat.  She is going to look for a hidden immunity idol - if anyone can do it, it's her.
-Next scene - she's walking the island like Kane from Kung Fu with a shovel - she says her hidden idol antenna has been on the whole time, she looks for landmarks... and finds it!  (Kristina pulls a Russell!)
She thinks she's going to tell someone about it but she's not sure who.  An Idol is power and she thinks she could make a big splash and get Rob out tonight if she wanted.

-Kristina is talking to Francesca and Phillip and they agree that Rob is the first one on the chopping block right now - Kristina says, "just don't say a word." and that sets Phillip off - "You're playing your game and I appreciate that, but if I feel the need to tell somebody something, I'll do it."  (Wha wha wha... if that is not sounding warning sirens to them right now...hello.)  They just laugh, could be because Phillip is standing there is his red briefs and nothing else - he's just tragic.
-He tells the camera about how analytical he is and if you tell him something you're going to do, he'll break it down to see how you got there - it's called corroboration.
-Back talking to the girls he demands to know who the votes are, there are only three of them.
-Kristina tells him to calm down and Francesca backs her up that he's treating them like children... then he tells them, "You have to pipe that."  (I said pardon.  That would be it for me.  He is such an as*.) 
-Kristina says we agreed not to discuss this until we lost and everyone's coming now.  And Phillip announces, "We're done now."  Like it was his idea!
-Francesca, "How did I get stuck in the alliance with the annoying middle-aged man in the droopy fuchsia briefs? That's awesome."

The tribes have to push 4 blocks along tracks to build the base of a temple (think: like the slaves building the pyramids in Egypt, these are big blocks) they will form a staircase - which they will run up.  Then one person with use an axe to cut a series of ropes which will allow another staircase to drop/unfold - which they will run up to the top where they will have to put together a block puzzle to complete their temple.
The winning team will get immunity and fire in the form of flint.
-Zapatera starts with a lead right out of the gate and they keep it.  The blocks are really heavy and are not sliding easily.  Zapatera finishes a block ahead of Ometepe - they cut the ropes and start on the puzzle when Ometepe finally finishes and heads up work on the puzzle.  Rob is great at puzzles and he gets them right back in it but it's Zapatera (with Russell) that wins Immunity.

Ometepe - Day 3
-One of the blonde girls, Ashley, feels like they let Rob down.
-Kristina decides to tell Francesca that she has a hidden immunity idol - Who questions her at first but then just goes with it - It's Kristina's plan to lure the other 3 younger girls into voting for her (since she has the idol to keep herself safe), then Francesca, Kristina and big mouth (Phillip) vote for Rob and their 3 votes can get him out.
-Francesca amazed that Kristina has the idol, but she doesn't think it's a good idea to get rid of Rob at this point - they don't have numbers right now and it'll probably piss everyone off.  Francesca thinks they should vote Natalie tonight (generic young girl at this point.)
-Kristina approaches Rob and asks who they're thinking of voting tonight and he won't talk to her about it.  She wants him gone so bad!

-Rob tells the camera he was initially thinking of voting Francesca because the first day she stood on the mat and made it known that she thought he was sneaky and knew his game - he doesn't want someone like that on his tribe.  But then he saw Kristina looking for the clue for the hidden immunity idol and he realized that she was the type who knows you need to work for it and she's more dangerous.
-Rob gathers all the youngin's and tells them he thinks Kristina has the hidden immunity idol and they need to split their votes 3 for Kristina and 3 for Francesca - Does everyone understand? I got so screwed last season because someone (Tyson!) didn't understand... They get it.

-Phillip is running his mouth about a hyper state of arousal, blah, blah, blah... I realize I still haven't gotten the answer to my question of who the other votes are.  Kristina has had enough.  Come on Phil, I have something to show you... NO!!! Don't do it - in the name of all that is holy, woman!  But she does it, she takes him to her hiding place and shows him the hidden immunity idol.  We don't need the votes, this means our votes will decide who is going home. Do you understand?
-She says she didn't want to tell him but she didn't trust him and she needed to give him some reassurance. She hopes he can handle it and not be a spaz about it... because he's a spaz about everything.  You can tell she's regretting already having told him.
-Phillip then tells the camera it may not be in the tribe's best interest but he's (all by your lonesome huh?) getting rid of Rob and you're looking at the new leader of this tribe. (Cheesy Sears catalog pose.)

Jeff's questions are in blue: Rob, you get to camp, what happens?
-Right to work - Phillip set the tone and we got a pretty good shelter built the first night.
So, Phillip, did you just naturally assume the leadership role?
-Not necessarily the leadership role but if I see work that needs to be done, I'll suggest it. (Francesca rolls her eyes and Fabio II/Matt also makes a face.)
So, Matt, is Phillip the leader, for now, around camp?
-If you're doing something that is counter-productive he'll call you out on it, but it's not something that is well received on the very first day. (Well said - he may be a little brainier than the last one.)
Francesca - what are some of the different reasons you may vote someone out tonight?
-We need to keep the tribe as physically strong as we can so that implies a woman may go (Phillip's head whips around), but we'll have to see what happens.
Kristina - how you feeling tonight?
-I have my stuff right here - good chance I could go.
Rob, sounds like the guys have a free pass, I would put an asterisk by your name.
-Of course, it could be me walking away and there's nothing I can do about it... But that's a game (Good non-answer - you guys should be taking notes on how to handle tribal council here.)
Francesca - lets talk about Redemption island and how voting someone out could come back to help or haunt you.
-Definitely adds another level of complexity to the game.  Like if Boston Rob gets voted out tonight, which he's not going to (Why would you say that??), but if he did, he'd probably be fine (Phillip is agitated...) and we'd all feel like he could come back in the game at some point.
- And Phillip pipes up - I have an issue with what she just said - because Kristina and Francesca asked me to cast my vote for Rob (WHAT THE H*LL ARE YOU DOING?)
-Francesca says that is not true - asks for Kristina's corroboration, which she gives and Phillip is saying "Excuse me, excuse me..." (He doesn't like being interrupted.)  Francesca says, "You are a crazy person." (Amen to that - I'd be sleeping with one eye open with him around.)
-Phillip - "Jeff, I'm a former special agent..." (That gets Rob laughing and Francesca epically rolls her eyes.  Kristina mouths, "Phillip" and Francesca nods...) meanwhile he's still prattling on about going down with the sinking ship unless he hears something different and he heard something different.  So his vote will be for Franches-qua. (He's sweating and agitated, I'd be worried.)
Jeff looks like a kid on Christmas morning - and he just got the bike he's always wanted - Priceless.
-Kristina says she doesn't want Phillip to jump down her throat now - but this freak out may make people think there is some instability there.
-Then Special Agent Crazy-Pants drops the big one - Excuse me, you and Franchesqua approached me to go along with them becase she has an immunity idol. (OMG! This guy must be off his meds - what is he thinking???)
-Everyone now is in total disbelief and amazed joy that this trainwreck is happening right before their eyes.  I don't think I've ever seen Jeff's eyes sparkle so much - Loving Every Minute.
So, Kristina, you do have an idol?  I do have an idol.
Who is that news to?   Everyone.
So then Rob gets in on it, says this was the plan, you two vote me out - they deny deny deny.   
Rob demands to see Kristina's idol and she shows it to him.  Then he tells her if she gives him the idol he'll make sure she stays. (Don't do it!) but she says she can't do that (smart girl.) It's her idol and she holds on to it... but we all know her goose is cooked now.
-Rob says he's going to do what said he was going to do with who he was going to do it with.  That's it.

And they vote:
Rob votes for Francesca - says it's so much fun playing with these amateurs, they give away so much - you have to learn to keep your mouth shut.
Francesca votes for Phillip - your crazy outburst has spared Natalie - I hope to never see you again.

Jeff asks if anyone has the hidden idol and wants to play it, now's the time.  But Kristina does not play it - she's got some cojones that one.

Tallying the votes:
Kristina 1, 2
Francesca 1, 2,
Phillip 1, 2
Kristina 3
Francesca 3,
...and the first person to Redemption Island is Francesqua... Wow.  That sucked.

She says, "Bye guys. Don't trust Phillip."

Next week - Russell and Farmer Ralph square off - and Phillip defeats a two inch crab... in the saggy drawers, ugh.

Francesca's thoughts - I should have trusted my instincts that Phillip was not someone to be trusted.  I don't know what's going to happen now - what the duel will entail - Ahhh, oh God. 

So that was a crazy, fun episode.  I have a good feeling about this season so far, how bout you guys?
