Loose Lips Sink Ships
Yin Yang - Night 33
-Straggling back into camp after Danielle was voted off Parvati goes to Sandra and says she thought Rupert was going home.
-Rupert - It was a wonderful Tribal Council for ME - everyday my chances get better to win this thing. (Really? Rupert thinks he can win this thing?)
-Parvati talking to Jerri finds out Jerri voted for Danielle because Russell threatened her. Parvati thinks he was jealous and he wanted to make sure it was just Parvati and him. She totally distrusts him after the move he made (getting rid of Danielle) - Russell is the biggest Villain this game has ever seen (don't tell him that - he'll be so proud.)
-Parvati says she still has to be nice to Russell cause she has to get Rupert and Colby out - then she can deal with Russell after that. Russell slithers up to her and starts spinning his lies - that Danielle was trying to get Parvati out.
-Russell thinks getting rid of Danielle saved his butt. As soon as Danielle said she and Parvati were closer than he thought - it clicked and he knew he had to get rid of Danielle.
-Parvati, talking to Russell & Jerri - is looking for reassurances that the 4 Villains are staying strong now - Parvati - You're not going after me or Sandra next. Tonight was crazy.
Russell - It wasn't crazy, especially after what was said at Tribal.
-Russell says to the camera that he doesn't believe Parvati anymore - all of a sudden she's worried she's next, that tells him she feels he just got rid of her main alliance. (Oh, come on, you just turned on your own - how's she supposed to feel?
Yin Yang - Day 34
Tree mail - Sprint box says Open Now - inside is a Palm Pre - they have to go through a bunch of aps to finally get to videos of loved ones telling them they are there on the Island. Colby's brother (Colby's the pretty one), Parvati's dad, Sandra's uncle, Russell's wife, Jerri's sister and Rupert's wife (Oh no, are we going to have to watch him maul her again?.. And wow, Rupert is really skinny right now.)
Reward Challenge
-Part of the Reard in today's challenge is spending time with their loved ones. Hugging - Crying... Russell's wife is kinda hot. (Hey, I just realized they never did loved ones in Samoa.) Oh man - they made me cry.
-So the challenge - Survivors have to scoop water from the ocean then throw the water from their pail to the loved ones pail, then the loved ones must dump their water down a chute to fill their bucket and raise their flag - first team done wins Reward. They will fly to neighbouring island where they'll see the 'blow holes' (I said pardon), eat burgers, soft drinks and take with them the Palm Pre by Sprint.
-They get going - Russell & Jerri are neck and neck - the funniest was Colby getting so frustrated and yelling at his big brother, "tell me what you want me to do" (I recognize that sibling dynamic - oh, and Colby still sucking at this challenge too.)
-In the end JERRI and her sister Jennifer won Reward!
-Jeff tells her she can choose someone to go with her - Russell expects it will be him - she chooses Parvati. Then Jerri asks Jeff if she can take one more and he says okay so she chooses... Sandra! OH BURN! (Russell is going to make her pay for that.)
-Boys heading back to camp and Russell ranting that Jerri made a terrible strategic move - all 3 girls - good thing I got rid of Danielle last night. Rupert - Damn Straight.
Reward - The Blow Holes
- They're holes in the volcanic rock where the ocean shoots up like geysers - they were throwing coconuts in the holes and having them shoot out in the air - Fun! Then they ate and played with the product placement.
-Jerri is worried that Russell is going to target her now - she knows he's really really mad. Parvati assures her they have her back and Sandra says Russell's only way to the end is to get rid of those guys. What's he going to do? Have Rupert & Colby vote against you? (Ah... Yeah.)
Back at camp
- Russell is still ranting - What was she thinkin? Would have made more sense to take a guy, strategically.
- To the camera Russell says he was fully expecting her to take him - He's been protecting her this whole time (Buddy, really? No one likes you - you threatened her yesterday, why would she want to spend time with you? He just doesn't understand wanting to take a break from the game.)
- Russell - Rant rant rant, "Hope that burger tastes like a million dollars, cause it was a million dollar decision." - and Rupert's like his little lap dog, just lapping it up. Russell says he wants to cement something with the guys - they all shake hands - Final 3 (Yeah, right.)
-Rupert says to the camera that he wants to trust Russell but he is a Villain - but he's the best Villain I got. If I can take a Villain to the final, I think that guarantees me the million.
-Colby asks Russell if he thinks he can get Parvati or Jerri to vote with them - he thinks Jerri and they can send Parvati home.
Although he's mad at Jerri, he knows he can control her the most - he knows Parvati's his biggest threat for the million (Hey, he must have learned from last time.) He's got to think about winning this game.
(Hey, I just noticed they're almost out of bananas - why isn't Rupert freaking out?)
Yin Yang - Night 35
-Ladies come back to camp and Rupert's the only one up - Jerri wanted to talk to Russell but he was sleeping so she tried to sleep... Tried being the operative word.
-Rupert decides its a good time to saw wood, throw logs around to break other logs and chuck things on the fire - basically being loud and keeping everyone up.
-Jerri says he's an ass - he's loud, obnoxious, selfish and totally inconsiderate. She doesn't know if it's cockiness or complete stupidity (I think it was Colby who said he was totally clueless) She's leaning more towards stupidity. She wants him gone so badly. (I want to know why no one said anything to him, I would have. You don't mess with my sleep, ask my husband.)
-So, because no one could sleep, Jerri got up to talk to Russell. She said she was really worried that he was going to be mad at her - he says he wasn't mad (Uh huh) he just wanted to see his wife. Then he starts the snow job - he just wants to make sure it's him and her in the final 2 - she says she's all for it (I bet.)
-Russell tells the camera that he now feels he's all powerful and he controls it cause he controls her.
-Jerri says to Russell, he can trust her no matter what - he says he was worried Parvati was trying to sway her from him and she says no way.
-Russell tells us he's not going to say anything about voting Parvati out - he hopes one of the guys wins immunity then he'll deal with Jerri's vote on the way to Tribal Council.
Immunity Challenge
With their arms outstretched they will use the tops of their hands to hold two poles against an overhead board - if they lower their hands even slightly, the poles will drop and they'll be out of the challenge. (Ouch, that's a hard one.)
-And they begin - 15 seconds in, Shadow of Colby is out (WTH?), less than a minute in, Sandra is out... little later, Russell is out... Jeff Just Keeps Talking... Jerri hasn't moved a muscle, and she's out. SHUT UP. It's down to Rupert and Parvati - they're both hanging on by a thread but Rupert drops a pole and PARVATI wins Immunity! Russell makes a disgusted sound - I hope that was at yourself buddy, cause you didn't win it either.
-Rupert says Parvati literally saved herself - hopefully it will be Plan B tonight and Sandra will go home.
Yin Yang - Day 36
Russell - Parvati wins immunity so that makes his decision very easy. He says to Parvati - it's Rupert for sure. She's on board - Fully. The way he sees it - he can't get rid of Parvati so he's going to have to flip on these guys.
-Sandra goes to Rupert and says she wants to get rid of Russell so bad but the girls won't do it - he's so bad everyone thinks they'll win against him.
-Rupert went running straight to Russell and tells him the girls are pushing for him to go, especially Sandra.
-Sandra & Parvati are lying down in the shelter and Parvati sees Rupert talking to Russell (Russell shushes him and tries to sidle away...) Parvati asks if Sandra said anything to Rupert.
-Rupert tells us he's trying to keep Russell on edge and believing the guys are his solid way to the final 3.
-Russell goes and confronts Sandra - "Are you with me or against me?"
Sandra - I'm against you, Russell.
Russell - You're against me, you're the next going home.
S - You're not going anywhere.
R - I know, I'm comfortable.
S - I'm comfortable too.
-Russell walks the 8ft back to the fire and Sandra yells over to Rupert - "Rupert, loose lips sink ships."
Rupert - Yes they do.
S - And yes, they just did. (Ooh, so cryptic.)
-Parvati yells over to Russell - Who invited Boston Rob back to the party? 'Are you with me or are you against me?' [Giggling with Sandra] (Parvati's one of those girls that needs minions for her power.)
-Russell - What are you on over there, cause you're being stupid. (He mutters to Jerri & Rupert that they're making his decision very easy.)
-Jerri to the camera - I don't know what's going on - the camp has turned into a crazy town. She says she was up all night listening to Rupert make loud noises and piss everyone off then Sandra and Parvati decide to start pushing Russell's buttons? Are you kidding me?
-Russell says he wouldn't mind getting rid of Sandra - Rupert jumps on that. Russell says to the camera - you aggravate me and I'll be gunning for ya... he might need to wait to get rid of Rupert.
-Sandra says Parvati assured her that she and Jerri would not vote for her so it doesn't matter if Russell is mad. It's day 36 and her last chance to use her hidden immunity idol - she says she'll take it to Tribal but she's confident and not sure if she's going to use it. Meanwhile she gives Russell a sly finger. (Seriously? Anyway you slice it that was a stupid move.)
Tribal Council
Sandra, at the last Tribal Council a Villain went home, what was the fall out?
- The fact that Russell & Danielle fought made a light bulb go off in Rupert's head that maybe if Russell and I fought he'd be saved again.
So Rupert tried to stir something up between you?
- Rupert and I exchanged some words so he went running to Russell who then came running to me "Are you with me or against me?" and I was upset. (Rupert looks confused.)
So Russell, tell me about your argument with Sandra.
- Rupert told me Sandra was trying to throw me under the bus and I would really like to know if that was true or if Rupert was trying to stir up trouble. So I went to my alliance, Sandra, to find out.
Did you go up to her and say, hey, I heard something and I'd just like to know... (Parvati laughs.)
Sandra - No - He said Are you with me or are you against me cause you can go home next like Danielle - that's what he said.
Russell - she has written my name down twice, so should I really trust her all the way? So I asked if she was with me or against me.
I assume she said she was with you.
Russell - No, she said she was against me.
Sandra - That's what I said?
Parvati - Tries to lighten the mood - She said "I'm against you Russell" (sinister and joking.)
Russell - So she's against me.
Sandra just shrugs, (what can she say, she is against him.)
Is it still Heroes vs Villains, Parvati?
- Obviously not, with Danielle going home. She was a solid Villain from day one for me. So there is definitely room for switching it up. I don't see a benefit in voting out another Villain. When it gets down to the final 3, I think it has to be all Villains. If a Hero squeezes in there they have more friends on the jury. So I want to keep my Villains here. (Russell is hearing her and Rupert's not happy about it.)
Rupert, what would be the reason to get rid of a Villain tonight?
- Strategically - in the final 3 you want to be the top Villain or the top Hero or whatever - that you had the game play to get you there and you even turned on your own to get you there. That's the game.
[Parvati turns and looks at Russell] She says she felt Rupert was talking to Russell there, she doesn't think she's the top Villains (Oh, you so do.)
Russell says he doesn't know who Rupert was talking to.
Rupert says he was talking to any of the Villains who want to show they're the top (Uh huh.)
Time to Vote:
Sandra votes Rupert and Rupert votes Sandra... (Oh, she better play that idol!)
Jeff says if anyone has the hidd... And Sandra stands up (that's my girl) - "Should I let you finish? I wasn't going to play the idol but I got mixed feelings at Tribal so I'd hate to go home with the idol in my bra. (Rupert is SHOCKED! But the Jury is loving it, well Courtney & Candice anyway.)
-Russell asks Parvati - You didn't know? No. She's bad.
Jeff reads the Votes:
Rupert - 1, Sandra - 1 (doesn't count), Rupert - 2, Sandra - 2 (doesn't count), Rupert - 3 - that's enough - RUPERT is voted out. So that means Brittany & Sarah R. and Roxanne S. are also out of the pool. (So close.)
Rupert's final thoughts - Maybe I'm not destined to win Survivor. I thought I had this one but I'm proud of how I played. I walk out of the game knowing I may not be as tough as I was 6 years ago but I'm still pretty darn tough... I don't need to win Survivor to know that I'm a winner.
(All the Villains voted for Rupert, it was only Colby & Rupert who voted Sandra.)
Preview of the Finale - Parvati telling Russell she's been his girl the whole time - He says she's lying. The war between the Heroes and the Villains will finally come to an end - Jerri says she's the one in control - Colby asks - sending me home? Russell - that's the idea.
Who's still in it:
Colby - Lindsay J & Jodi S.
Russell - Steve H, Jacqueline D.
Jerri - Lee G., Carol-Anne D.
Sandra - Andrew W, Jeff T.
Parvati - Cheryl J., Susan N.
Good luck everyone,
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