I will preface this recap by saying the finale was a three hour extravaganza so instead of my usual 'replay', I've tried to make it more of an actual recap so we don't spend all day here people.
Anything Can Happen
Yin Yang - Night 36
We opened with the tribe returning to camp after Rupert was voted off and Sandra played her truly hidden, hidden immunity idol.
-Parvati says to Russell he has to admit it was a good play.
-He says it was a terrible play - it shows that she lied, she was safe today.
-Parvati said he played and idol when he didn't have to - and he says it was a terrible play for him.
-He says to Sandra she straight up lied to him and she says - what, if I find an idol I'm supposed to hurry up and tell you? Everytime you had an idol I found out after the fact. (Yeah, they don't all bow to you buddy.)
-He says he doesn't want to talk about it anymore, what's done is done.
-Parvati - it doesn't seem like what's done is done.
-Russell - cause you lied to me Parvati - I don't believe you didn't know.
-Parvati - I did not know about it.
-Russell - You're lying to me. (Back and forth a bit)
-Russell then runs around and talks to Jerri & Colby saying that Parvati is lying through her teeth. And he thinks she needs to go next.
-Colby loves the disfunctional family of Villains fighting - takes the attention off him.
Yin Yang - Day 37
They get tree mail about steady hands and shattering dishes.
Russell says if Colby doesn't win individual immunity he'll have to go home - if he does win Russell will have to make a tough decision. Says idealy for him it would be, him, Sandra & Jerri in the top - Sandra didn't play the game at all (Oh yes she did, just behind your back) and Jerri didn't play the game at all. The jury doesn't even have a decision, they almost have to vote for me. (Wow, the ego on this guy is truly amazing.) Best thing to do is probably get rid of Parvati.
Immunity Challenge #1
They will stack dishes on the end of a long, wobbly, balancing arm - when the dishes fall, you're out. We made a little side bet that Colby would be out first, as that was his form all game... but Sandra was the first out - also not very surprising. Then they started falling - Jerri, Russell and finally Colby loses his dishes and Parvati wins Immunity!
Back at camp:
-Colby gives his, "I know I'm going home, I'm not going to hustle, Let's enjoy the day" speech (Hmm, that sounded very familiar, he gave that speech once before this season and didn't go home.) He tells the camera he's not actually giving up, he hasn't quit anything in his life (then he gets all choked up - manly cowboy choked up) then he says he is going to make one more attempt.
-Parvati goes off in the trees, Colby sees Russell at the fire and Sandra out in the water (Go talk to Sandra!) but no, he talks to Russell. Makes his pitch, if they get rid of Sandra tonight, then the three of them have a better shot of getting rid of Parvati tomorrow.
-Russell thinking about it - he doesn't trust Sandra but if Colby goes to the top three his game is over.
Tribal Council #1
Jeff pretty much calls out Colby for sucking this whole season. Colby agrees, he needed to win immunity and he didn't- but he proceeds to tell Parvati if she hadn't won immunity they'd try to get rid of her because no one wants to sit next to her in the final, then he taps Sandra and tells her that everyone wants to sit next to her.
Sandra - this is Survivor - you can't trust nobody.
Parvati - listening to Colby say if I didn't have this necklace I'd be going home tonight is news to me. I"ve been promised the moon - I don't trust anyone.
Russell -You just have to trust your alliances but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.
Colby - the Villains run through these implosions and that's what you want.
They all vote Colby out anyway. He did Outlast all the other Heroes though.
Colby's final thought - I know if I had won that challenge today I would have had a shot at the million dollars. It's disheartening when the challenges used to be something I was good at. I guess I just wasn't destined to win this game. (Hmm, that's what Rupert said.)
Yin Yang - Day 38
Russell talking to Jerri - saying they have to win Immunity today because if they don't Parvati's going to win.
WALK OF REMEMBERANCE - weirdly, it's like they're all dead... I guess they are dead in this game.
Blah, Blah, Blah - get to see James oiled up one more time, thank you - light a big burning man at the end - Whatever.
Final Immunity Challenge
-They will have to navigate a Survivor Maze - Blindfolded! Series of guideposts where they'll have to use their fingers to feel the symbols - they have to make their way to 4 stations and pick up necklaces then make their way to the end and get the final Immunity Necklace!
-They all do pretty well - as usual Sandra is bringing up the rear the whole challenge. Russell & Parvati get the 4th necklace and are blindly racing for the end when Jerri catches up (GO JERRI!) and it is a three way - blind mice - stumble to the final post and... RUSSELL wins Final Immunity! (It was so close - I think that was one of the most exciting finishes to a final challenge ever!)
Yin Yang - Day 38
Back at camp - Jerri says Parvati is going home tonight. She's not going to cry about it.
-Russell & Sandra talking in the bushes, he tells her she's in a really good spot - she tells him she doesn't expect to win, she'll be happy with the $100K. He says no matter what he's keeping Sandra, she'll get Courtney's vote that's it - she can't beat him.
-She's feeling wonderful because Russell says he's keeping her around because she'll only get a single vote - "But I don't know about that." (I love Sandra, she seems like the more grounded one out there.)
-Jerri asking Russell who Parvati thinks they're voting for and he tells her she thinks it's her (Jerri)- really?
-Russell talking to Parvati says he wants Sandra with them - she tells him Sandra's got Amanda, Candice and Courtney's vote. He says he wants to get rid of Jerri because he's sure he's got her vote.
-Russell tells us Parvati doesn't think she can beat Sandra and she certainly can't beat me so her best bet for second is to get rid of Sandra. His best strategic move is to take Jerri & Sandra to the final. He's sure he'll get Jerri's vote but if he sends Parvati home he's not sure if he'll get hers. This tribal council will be an extremely hard decision.
Tribal Council #2
Jeff asks Jerri what she did differently this time after the challenge. She says she usually goes and chills out by herself but today she didn't leave camp.
-Sandra says she went to the person who had immunity and told him she was the person to keep - I'm not going to win - he knows that, he keeps telling me that.
(Parvati looks like she's ready to cry...)
-Jerri - Parvati's a huge threat - she's been kicking butt and has lots of friends on the jury.
-Parvati says something about Russell wanting to redeem himself, as far as Villains go (Oh, he doesn't care about that) she and Russell have been protecting each other this whole game. (Oh he didn't like that.)
-He says he protected her... She says, we protected each other.
They vote - and JERRI is voted out (Wow, I thought he'd get rid of Parvati - is that a shred of decency? Nah.)
Jerri's final thoughts - Crap! One more night. I was so sure I had it. I'm leaning towards voting for Russell. He's played an amazing game, for the most part he makes decisions that make sense - except tonight. (You know, when Jerri first played this game - I HATED her with a passion but she seems to have mellowed and matured - this was a good showing for her, fer sher.)
Yin Yang - Day 39
Sandra says she's trying to stay focussed on the game but her husband is in Afghanistan and she's wondering if he made it through today or what her kids or doing or her dog. It's not easy but to her it's worth it. This is how I hustle, this is where I make my money. This is what I'm good at, I come here, make my money, go home.
-They get their final feast. Russell almost feels like tearing up, he's made it to the end - again. It's a lot harder than you really think. Russell feels good, says this time he's bringing two people that no one really likes.
-Russell asks Parvati if she would have voted for him, she says no, she'd have voted for Sandra. He says he'd have voted for her. It's every man for himself now.
-Parvati says she's embraced her Villain side this time around and she's put her heart and soul in this game and she's there to win.
-Russell walks away up the beach and Sandra makes the best play of the game so far - She throws Russell's hat on the fire! "That's how much game I got." Russell is obnoxious, I took his hat and threw it on the fire - I don't care. Screw it, that's payback for all he's done to me in this game.
-Russell comes back and is looking for his hat - have you seen my hat? Both of them are playing the innocent, 'no, I haven't seen it.' He says he's not leaving there without it. (but they do have to leave and Parvati burns down the shelter.)
- Sandra - it's not about the money tonight, it's about the title of Sole Survivor, that's all Russell wants, that's what I have to make sure Russell does not get. There was not a day that went by when she didn't think about what was the best way to get rid of Russell - those Heroes, they were all responsible for their own destruction. I had to hustle and take care of myself. I want the title of sole survivor.
Opening Statements:
Sandra - Sole Surviving since her alliance was wiped out. She tried to get rid of Russell three different times - had to work her way around things at camp and tried to take precationary measures so when she came here (Tribal Council) with her torch lit, she left with it lit - and she did that by herself.
Russell - Everybody says this game is a game of luck - in some cases I believe it is, but in my case, I don't believe it is. I played as hard as I possibly could play and for some reason, when I come here, people look at me like I did something wrong. You know - I tried to play hard and if I offended anybody I apologize but I played the game - that's all I can say.
Parvati - Came into this game knowing I was going to play with 20 of the best Survivors ever (good, playing to their egos) - what I didn't know was the threat I was going to be to everyone so immediately I had to put a line of defense together and that's where Russell came in - He was the dragon (Coach shaking his head at that - don't you know HE is the Dragon, sheesh.) Instead of slaying him, she kept him as her pet. And he displayed his loyalty to me in the end, and only to me. I think I played the ultimate social game, strategic game and physical game.
Jury Addresses the Finalists:
Colby - Russell, did you just say there was no luck in you getting here? You're delusional.
- Parvati - what strategic play did you make beyond the challenges?
-She says she was a target from day one and she's there against God's plan - she feels she had to fight harder and thinks the strongest play she made was the day she had 2 idols and chose not to save herself but to give them to Sandra & Jerri to ensure their loyalty to her.
Coach - Final 3 Villains - Parvati - charmer and manipulator, Russell - schemer and liar, Sandra - coat-tail rider (huh? who's coat-tail has she been riding?)
Starts with Russell - You can be a very little man in stature and also in word and the example you've set here should have been 'Only the Penitant shall pass'(very LOTR of him) - If you came to this Tribal and said you'd crossed the line, you could have been one of the strongest men in the game.
Sandra - It's known that I'd take the strongest to the end and unfortunately you were fairly useless in challenges. I play with strength, honour and integrity and I wish I could be there in your stead (But you're not - and when did this become about you? Oh, yeah, it's Coach.)
Parvati - Dead wrong about you, that you'd be weak in challenges - you were a warrior in challenges and I respect that - Ironic twist of fate is the day I finally trusted you was the day you turned on me.
-As a Christian man, he gives his word he has no preconceived notion of who he's voting for but he's watching and listening and taking it very seriously voting for the million in this game that he loves. (Oh, man, just sit down you poser.)
Amanda - Sandra how was your strategy better than Russell & Parvati's?
- She pretty much points out it wasn't but makes sure the Heroes know that she tried to help them and get Russell voted out repeatedly but they would keep running back to Russell. It was so frustrating [that they were so stupid]. (I think that won her the Heroes' votes right there.)
Courtney - Congratulates the girls - Parvati you're athletic as hell. Sandra you're as loyal as hell. Sandra makes some speech about when I say I have your back I will totally have your back (huh, I guess that applied to Courtney but not so much to Jerri - remember last week when you said you had her back?)
JT - Russell - A good strategy is getting to the end of the game and then winning the game. You did well getting to the end but do you think you did well perserving the votes of the Jury to win?
- I believe everyone is going to respect my game play. Especially this group of people that have played the game before and knows how hard it is - I may not get anybody's vote but I have to stick to what gets me here and then hopefully they will respect the way I played the game.
Parvati - How'd you think you did?
-I love Sandra, but I was a huge threat. She gave 50-60% in challenges, no one thought about voting Sandra off. I had to do good in challenges - everyone was tryong to vote me off.
Sandra - Did you only give 50-60% in challenges?
-No, I gave 110% but I'm not a physical person. BUT - I wish I knew you were going to throw that thing in Russell's bag cause I would have intercepted it and thrown it right back and told you you didn't know what you were doing. (Parvati - Me too.)
JT says he's not sore about how he went out of the game- he made his bed and he can lay in it - he's not out for vengence.
-Russell - I know and everyone looks at me like I'm the Devil (because you are the Devil, Russell)
JT tells him to lay in his bed like he (JT's) laying in his. Cuts Russell off and goes sits down.
Danielle - says it's clear Russell has a lack of Jury Management skill - judging by how it's going so far would you change how you played the game? He says no. She baldly tells him - No one respects how you played the game Russell, no one will vote for you. He still maintains he has no regrets and wouldn't change a thing. (Like talking to a rock.)
Jerri - After the last immunity challenge the plan was to vote Parvati - when did that change?
Russell said he thought about it all day and realized it was a bad strategic move to keep Jerri cause she didn't do anything to anyone on the Jury so they would vote for her.
Parvati asks if she can tell her what he said - tells Jerri Russell told her he wanted to vote her out because he was 100% sure Jerri would vote for him. (ORLY?) Jerri - You know what they say about assuming.
Then Jerri called out Sandra on the whole having your back thing - you didn't do that for me.
Appreciates the insight and is done.
Candice - Russell - have to tell lies in this game but you went too far, you told dirty lies, ones that hurt people (Really? What did he tell her?)
Parvati - Played under Russell's thumb like a spouse in a bad abusive relationship and you never got out of it - I wanted you to get out, wanted it so bad for you. (Okay, what's she talking about? She has no clue.) I like you but I can't support that.
-As tough as this game is, it comes down to how you treat people, it's not just what you stand for but what you fall for too. (That was weird, it was like she was talking to herself there.)
Rupert - Russell - to be honest in this game is a very hard thing - to be a manipulative, deceiving, lying person is very easy - you took the easy way out and if you think you should be proud of how you got here - you are sadly mistaken.
Sandra - sitting here listening to your answers makes me feel even worse about my game play. I wish you and I had talked more but I had been swayed by, what I consider, a disgusting human being. You opened the door up for us and we kept slamming it in your face. (Russell almost rolled his eyes, there was a sigh.)
I want to say thank you from the Heroes, whether they give you their vote or not - you deserve a thank you.
Sandra says 'you're welcome' then gets a little choked up.
Parvati - very, very strong player - you may have aligned yourself with terrible... - she said she had no choice - no one else would align with her- whole tribe wanted her out.
He continued - she (Parvati) (and Sandra) deserve the vote because she worked to get there - she fought to be sitting there and she deserves to be in the final 3.
And they VOTE:
Jerri votes Parvati - She's perplexed
Candice voted Sandra - line blurred between Heroes & Villains, Sandra puts family first - true Hero
Danille voted Parvati - Surprise
Courtney voted Sandra - fist bump
Coach voted Parvati - wrong about you, you are a warrior. "King Arthur's journey is offically ended" (OMG, he's so cracked - and they threw in an eagle call there - come on! Don't encourage him... I think they're trying to make him the loveable loser - but he's just a loser. Harsh, but true.)
Rupert voted Sandra - Honoured to write your name down again and give you a million dollars - love you.
(I don't think Russell got any votes - Again. Ha, ha, ha!)
Jeff gathers the votes - tells them, "We couldn't have asked for a better group of people to play in the 20th season of Survivor - thank you all." Then he walks off into the trees and emerges on a sound stage in New York City...
Reading the Votes:
Parvati - 1, Sandra- 1, Parvati - 2, Sandra - 2, Parvati - 3, Sandra - 3, 4, 5! SANDRA is the winner of HEROES vs VILLAINS! She is the first two time winner. Good for her!
And with Sandra winning that means: Jeff T. and Andrew W. are the Winners of our POOL as well! Congrats guys.
REUNION - in brief
-Russell contends that they should let the American people vote for the winner of Survivor. Jeff says that is not this game - this game is specifically, a group of people voting each other out and then they decide at the end who wins. (Yeah!)
-Russell gives Sandra credit for burning his hat - he was flustered by that and it rattled him for final tribal (I just thought it was funny.)
-There was a vote for the stupidest move in Survivor history (so far) among Erik giving up immunity and getting voted out - James going home with two idols in his pockets, Colby taking Tina to the final with him, Tyson switching his vote to Parvati and going home and JT giving a hidden idol to Russell - and the winner was JT! (Surprise.) He just got a tiki with a plaque, must be so proud.
-And the Sprint player of the game as voted by the American people - between Rupert and Russell - was Russell - seeming to solidify his contention that he would win if the people voted (Just shows me that the people are stupid.)
- We get to see the first Survivor baby - Boston Rob & Amber have a baby girl Lucia Rose (Aww.)
And in the fall, Survivor will be heading to Nicaragua - with all new contestants.
So, thank you all for participating in the pool! I'm on my Summer recap vacation. See you in September.
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