Thursday, December 7, 2017

Survivor HvHvH - Dec 6/17 Episode Recap

Not Going to Roll Over and Die

Last week they treated us to two episodes as a new core four alliance emerged of Ben, Lauren, Devon and Ashley.  First they banded together to take out JP with Ben pretending he wasn't in on it, and then they took out Joe which blew Ben's double-agent cover...

Solewa - Night 30
Mike, Ryan and Chrissy were totally blindsided by the outcome of that last vote - Ryan even burned his idol which he didn't need to do.  Chrissy reverts to form and demands answers of Ben and then takes it totally personal that he won't tell her every detail of what happened.  She calls him a jerk, he tells her this is Survivor and she tells the camera his response to her was inhuman (wow, that's quite the exaggeration.)
-Chrissy is not going to roll over and die, and if she gets the chance to get back at Ben, she's going to take it... (yes, that was foreshadowing.)

This turns out to be the loved-one visit and it devolves into tears, tears, tears...
Ashley's Dad Jim - aww - he's the best man she's ever known.
Ryan's Dad Steve - he's got some meat on his bones, I was curious if Ryan came from a family of Chihuahua people.  He said best moment of his life, sharing this moment with his dad.
Mike's wife Berry? - she's a cutey and she must be tiny cause he's a head taller than her.
Lauren's sister Sunny - she b-lines to Jeff and gives him a hug (ha!) then grabs Lauren's belly and says she's lost some rolls (k, Sunny is sassy).  Lauren and Sunny have the same Dad but grew up in different households - this was actually Sunny's dream to come on Survivor, she dragged Lauren to the open casting call with her and Lauren made it (oh boy) and Sunny didn't.  She's hoping this will bring them closer together (and I'm thinking she's sharing the money if she wins.)
Chrissy's husband Keith - He's her everything and she's feeling kind of broken out there, this means so much.
Devon's Mom Sonja - oh she's so cute, and she just giggled and hugged him and giggled.
Ben's wife Kelly - He tells her she smells so good and asks how the kids are - crying that she saved his life coming back as a veteran, she's the reason he's still on this earth.

Okay, so the challenge is just to pull rocks and if they match, they move on to the next round. Rock's don't match, you're out, that's it. (oof.)

Lauren - Out
Mike - Out
Ryan - Out
Ben - Match - he and Kelly move on.
Chrissy - Match - she and Keith move on.
Ashley - Out
Devon - Out

Of course it's the two that are feuding.  Ben and Kelly do not match this time - Chrissy and Keith DO match and Chrissy wins her loved one coming back to camp for a meal and afternoon.
Chrissy gets to choose people to join her, she chooses Ryan & his Dad, Dr. Mike and his wife and Ashley and her dad.  The strategy is to try and turn Ashley over this meal.

Ben, Lauren and Devon do not get to spend time with their loved ones - Ben picked the wrong time to cross Chrissy and she found her way to make him pay.

Solewa - Day 31
Chrissy is telling her husband what's going on in the game and how her strategy is to try and turn Ashley over this sharing of the reward.
-Ashley listens and she's not so much interested in flipping as possibly using the three underdogs - she sees the logic in taking Ben out sooner rather than later and having a big move to put on her resume. 

Back at Camp
-Ben is busy making a fake immunity necklace which actually looks pretty similar to the one he found.  He hopes to plant it for Chrissy to find while he finds the actual immunity idol.
-Ben shows Devon and Lauren - Devon thinks it's pretty crafty but Lauren thinks it's just petty and pretty farfetched just hoping that he can humiliate Chrissy with it.  Lauren's problem with Ben is that he's taking everything to a personal level - she's there to get the job done, no emotion involved.
-Just so happens that Lauren finds the immunity idol, the real one - sees a symbol on a log, hidden underneath it is a clue and a piece of cord which says it is one half of the hidden idol, she'll have to collect the other half at the immunity challenge where there will be a shell by her station which is the other half of the idol.  She didn't keep any of this secret, she yelled when she found it and read out the clue with both Ben & Devon right there (oh lady.)

-They will be standing with their arms stretched out with their fingertips on two discs which they have to keep pressure on so they don't slip and fall.  Of course the pressure is impossible to sustain and the discs will fall, which takes them out of the running - Last person standing wins immunity.
-Lauren is just staring at the inconspicuous clam shell in front of her platform.
-Ben is first out and they start dropping like flies - Chrissy out, Ryan drops... Lauren decides she's just going to stop, she didn't even make it look real... she was focused on picking up that shell.
-Down to Devon, Ashley and Mike... then Mike drops and Ashley promises Devon a shoulder massage if he quits, which works because he trusts her and his alliance - ASHLEY wins immunity again.

-Lauren has the second half of the hidden idol and figures this is a case closed vote and either Chrissy, Ryan or Mike is going home tonight.

Solewa - Day 33
-Ashley wants to start building her resume and she takes Lauren and Devon off to get water and discuss possibly voting out Ben tonight.  As they discuss if it should be Chrissy or Ben, Ben has crept up on them and is eavesdropping. He hears his name and knows something's going on.  He pops out and asks if everything's okay and they are acting all shifty like they got caught... yup, something is definitely rotten in Denmark.  They tell him it's Chrissy tonight but he's no dummy.
-Ben goes and talks to Mike to see if he'd be willing to make a move with him - of course Mike says he's in.  Ben tells him that Lauren found a hidden immunity idol, tells him about the two pieces that make up the idol and plants the seed that Lauren is too powerful in the game with all these advantages and they should take her out.  Mike thought he was out but now he feels like he's on top again.
-Ben then talks to Ryan who is on board with voting out Lauren, as along as it's not him... but in order for that to work, they have to get Chrissy to agree to vote with Ben and there's the rub.
-Ryan and Ben go to find Chrissy who is trying to make her move on Devon... who quickly skedaddles when he's sees Ben show up.  Ben asks Chrissy what Devon was saying (Devon wasn't the one talking) and she rips into him, what makes you think I would tell you anything... Oh boy, this doesn't look promising.  Woman scorned and all that.
-Ben really just wants to say screw it, he has a hidden idol, he'll be okay, but then he gives it another go, taking Chrissy aside he apologizes and tells her he still wants to work with her.  He lays out that Lauren has the extra vote and a hidden immunity idol, they need to make a move on her tonight.  This does shut Chrissy up, she is a tactician and will weigh this new info - if it will keep her safe, she has to consider it.  But she still does not trust Ben.
-Mike also talks to Chrissy trying to sway her towards voting Lauren but she just won't commit, she still wants to vote Ben - so Dr. Mike moves to Plan B and goes and tells Ashley & Devon that Ben told him everything and is trying to take Lauren out tonight.  They are shocked!  (Mike! What did you do??? Ben is my guy in the pool, so I'm rooting for the cowboy.)
-Devon tells Lauren that Ben has turned on her and she decides she's got to try and get numbers back on her side so she casually gives Dr. Mike the shell part of her hidden immunity idol - no fanfare or conditions, just here you go (what the what?)  Mike goes, huh, thanks - then tells the camera this will go down as one of the stupidest moves in Survivor history.  Will the Survivor gods make her pay for it?

Jeff starts us off with talking about the blatant show of camaraderie between Ashley and Devon at the immunity challenge.  Devon said he was just showing his trust in his alliance and would have done the same for Lauren or Ashley.
-Ben pipes up that he thought he was part of that and they turn this all on him - where was his show of trust in his alliance when he told everyone about Lauren's idol.  He said that became part of his game when they snuck off and where whispering at the well.
-They all deny that they were talking about voting him off and say he was being paranoid - betraying Lauren got him nowhere today. (The gall to act like the injured party when they were talking about doing the same thing to him.)
-Ben makes no bones about it - he tells her straight out that he was gunning for her today.  She hopes he has a lot of ammunition.
-Chrissy suggests that Lauren forfeit the advantage of the extra vote and that would take the target off her.  Lauren says the advantage has been ripped up, but then she backtracks and says it's at camp and she can't use it if it's not with her - So Chrissy says then we can vote 4 to 3 and vote you out.  Lauren says to do what they need to do.
-Jeff says he wants to clarify the idol situation and Mike pulls out the shell, "this is part of it." Lauren admits she gave part of it to Mike but then she shoots back at Ben telling them about the fake idol he made to give to Chrissy.
-Ben pulls out the fake idol and says to Jeff that he took it out of play because he didn't want it to be a personal attack on Chrissy - looks pretty good though doesn't it?
-Not to be out-done, Mike stands up and says, "well this is the real idol and I've always wanted to do this..." AND HE THROWS IT IN THE FIRE!  (What the??? Lauren face-palmed HARD! Yup, Dr. Loose-cannon over there just tanked her, big time.)
-They start talking about idols and advantages being both a blessing and a curse - Ben even says, you don't tell anyone that you have an idol... but they're not listening.
-Lauren is scrambling - the advantage is not being played - do you want it? She offers it to Chrissy (really? Now you just look desperate.) Mike says he'll take it.
-Ben says why not leave it to Lauren and send her home?  Devon pipes up that Lauren with an extra vote is not as dangerous a Ben telling everybody everything.  Bicker bicker bicker - there's tons of talking happening but they show us that Ryan and Mike are whispering back and forth Mike says they have to keep the vote Lauren - arguing continues and Devon gets up to go whisper to Mike - he says they need him to vote for Ben and they'll take him out.  Chrissy gets up and whispers to Ryan that she wants to keep the vote Lauren.  Mike gets up and says they should vote Ben but Chrissy says no, let's turn the game.
-Jeff asks what Ben thinks is happening here - he says that they are deciding if they are going to write Ben or Lauren's name down - he comes right out and says he's writing Lauren's name down.

Finally it's time to vote:
They don't show how anybody voted.

Tallying the Votes:
Anybody have a hidden immunity idol and want to play it... they leave us hanging to the last minute when Ben finally steps up and tells Jeff he made a fake one for his wife but her letter led him to this one - and he pulled out the actual hidden immunity idol (phew! For a minute there I thought he wasn't going to play it.)  No votes cast for Ben will count.

Ben - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Does not count.
Lauren - 1 and that's enough to send LAUREN to the jury.  Joe whispers an 'I told you so' "kept Ben around and look what happens" to the jury box. 
And with Lauren leaving, that takes Kim K., Mike L., and Brittany & Sarah R. out of the pool.

Jeff was very wise, "In a tribal council where everything was out in the open, the one thing that had the most power was the only secret."

Next week, the penultimate episode: Ben's big move breeds fear among the remaining survivors but his nemesis Chrissy may turn the tide.

Lauren's final thoughts were basically - it was a classic blindside - the only reason she is there was because her dumb-dumb-self gave Mike a piece of her hidden immunity idol and she thinks it cursed her, she got it.  Took responsibility for her own demise.

So, we're coming to the end, can't wait to see who wins.



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